A-Governmental Coordination and Years’ Imprisonment Or a Fine Under This Law Are Not Cooperation in Vulnerable Southern Border Prov- Sufficiently Stringent
COUNTRY NARRATIVES 52 AFGHANISTAN AFGHANISTAN (Tier 2) Prosecution The Government of Afghanistan did not provide Afghanistan is a source, transit, and destination sufficient evidence of efforts to punish traffick- country for men, women, and children trafficked for ing over the reporting period. Afghanistan does the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation and not prohibit all forms of trafficking, but relies forced labor. Afghan children are trafficked within the on kidnapping and other statutes to charge country for commercial sexual exploitation, forced some trafficking offenses. These statutes do not marriage to settle debts or disputes, forced begging, specify prescribed penalties, so it is unclear whether debt bondage, service as child soldiers, and other penalties are sufficiently stringent and commen- forms of forced labor. Afghan women and girls are surate with those for other grave crimes, such as also trafficked internally and to Pakistan, Iran, Saudi rape. Despite the availability of some statutes, Arabia, Oman, and elsewhere in the Gulf for commer- Afghanistan did not provide adequate evidence of cial sexual exploitation. Afghan men are trafficked to arresting, prosecuting, or convicting traffickers. The Iran for forced labor. Afghanistan is also a destination government reported data indicating traffickers had for women and girls from China, Iran, and Tajikistan been prosecuted and convicted, but was unable to trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation. Tajik provide disaggregated data. There was no evidence women and children are also believed to be traf- that the government made any efforts to investigate, ficked through Afghanistan to Pakistan and Iran for arrest, or prosecute government officials facilitating commercial sexual exploitation. trafficking offenses despite reports of widespread complicity among border and highway police.
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