Coupling Between An Optical and the Kondo Effect

K.S. Burch,1, ∗ Elbert E.M. Chia,1 D. Talbayev,1 B.C. Sales,2 D. Mandrus,2 A.J. Taylor,1 and R.D. Averitt1, † 1Los Alamos National Laboratory, MS K771, MPA-CINT, Los Alamos, NM 87545 2Condensed Matter Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831

We explore the ultra-fast optical response of Yb14MnSb11, providing further evidence that this Zintl compound is the first ferromagnetic, under-screened Kondo lattice. These experiments also provide the first demonstration of coupling between an optical phonon mode and the Kondo effect.

For over forty years, there has been significant interest 100 fs) coupled to a superconducting magnet, which was in the screening of local moments by conduction elec- used to investigate the effects of magnetic field and flu- µJ trons, termed the Kondo effect. Since its discovery,[1] ence. The pump-pulse was kept at a fluence of ≈ 50 cm2 . the Kondo effect has produced a number of surprising In the left panel of Fig. 1 we plot the photo-induced results, including heavy Fermion (HF) compounds where ∆R(t) change in the reflectivity ( R ) as function of time the carriers are extremely massive.[2] Kondo later pro- with the sample at 310 K. After the pump pulse arrives posed that the conduction electrons could also screen the ∆R(t) an increase in R indicates a rise in the temperature motion of atoms,[3] an effect that could also result in ex- of the Fermi surface[13] as electron-electron interactions otic behavior.[4, 5, 6, 7] Despite extensive work on HF bring the optically excited carriers into equilibrium.[15] materials, there have been no observations of coupling We then observe an exponential decay and two exponen- between the Kondo effect and an optical phonon mode. tially damped oscillatory signals. The exponential decay The lattice plays an important role in the 14-1-11 HF can be attributed to the carrier and phonon baths coming compounds, where numerous properties can be altered into thermal equilibrium.[15] through iso-electronic substitutions. The 14-1-11 com- To quantitatively evaluate our results we have fit the pounds exhibit numerous ground-states, including mag- data at all temperatures to the formula: netic order, metallic or semiconducting transport,[10, 11] ∆R(t) and HF behavior[12, 13]. Of particular interest is −t/τ1 X −t/τi = A1e + Aie sin(ωit+φi)+A0 (1) Yb14MnSb11, which is metallic and exhibits ferromag- R i=2,3 netic order of the Mn d4 local moment below a Curie tem- perature (T ) of 53 K. A study of its optical conductivity C The resulting A1 and τ1 are shown in the right panels of suggested that the Mn d-shell has a fifth electron that is Fig. 1. For T > TC , A1 and τ1 follow our expectations screened by the Kondo effect. It was argued that the co- for a normal metal. Specifically τ1 is mostly temperature existence of and HF behavior occurs via independent, while the smaller relative change in T af- a distortion of the MnSb tetrahedron;[13] motivating us 4 ter photo-excitation results in a reduction of A1 as the to search for Kondo-lattice coupling in Yb14MnSb11. temperature is raised.[15] However, the decay time and We demonstrate Kondo-phonon coupling in amplitude increase significantly below TC . Similar en- Yb14MnSb11 by simultaneously monitoring the elec- hancements in the τ and A at low temperatures have tronic structure and phonon dynamics via ultra-fast been observed in superconductors[16, 17, 18] and HF optical experiments.[8, 9] Specifically, the relaxation compounds.[8] This low T increase is believed to indicate time and amplitude of the photo-induced response the opening of a gap (∆) in the . Specif- strongly increase at low temperatures (T), indicating ically, due to the presence of a gap, the carriers can only the presence of a hybridization gap in Yb14MnSb11. relax via emission of high frequency with energy Furthermore, a softening of a phonon at low T, is ~ωphonon ≥ ∆. Since the probability for optical phonons correlated with the development of this HF state. to decay into two phonons of lower energy is fairly small The Yb14MnSb11 single crystals were grown as (as opposed to acoustic modes that are much more sus-

arXiv:0707.4177v1 [cond-mat.str-el] 27 Jul 2007 described elsewhere.[10, 11] This compound has ceptible to anharmonic effects), it is highly likely that the been well characterized by X-ray diffraction, mag- optical phonon will excite a new electron-hole pair across netic susceptibility,[10] electrical resistivity, optical the gap. This phonon bottleneck significantly reduces the conductivity[13] specific-heat [11] and X-Ray Magneto transmission of heat from the Fermi surface to the lattice, Circular Dichroism[14]. The sample in this study pro- resulting in an increase in τ and A when kBT < ∆. vided mirror like surfaces and therefore time-domain The model of Rothwarf and Taylor (RT) has been very measurements were performed on the as-grown sample. successful in describing the dynamics of superconductors The ultra-fast experiments were conducted with a cavity and HF compounds.[19] In the RT approach the quasi- dumped laser producing 50 fs pulse centered at 800 nm particle and phonon dynamics are described via a set of with a 2 MHz repetition rate. Comparable results were coupled nonlinear differential equations. The RT equa- obtained with a 250 KHz regenerative amplifier (800 nm, tions account for the creation and destruction of electron 2

ΔR/R 310K A 800 A 1 1

-t/τ (Arb. Units) A e 1 + A 700 1 o RT Fit 2 -t/τ A e 2sin( t+ ) + A 600 2 ω2 φ2 o -t/τ 500 3

) A e sin( t+ ) + A 3 ω3 φ3 o -4 400 Total Fit 300 0.80 τ 1 1 R/R (x10 τ Δ RT Fit 0.75 1

T (ps) C 0.70

0.65 0 1 10 100 50 100 150 200 250 300 t (ps) Temperature (K)

FIG. 1: Left: Pump induced change in reflectivity versus time. Data (black line) are fit with three terms, one exponential (red dashed line) and two exponentially damped sinusoidal signals (orange and dashed blue lines). Right: Amplitude (top) and relaxation time (bottom) of the exponential term versus temperature. Dramatic increases in A and τ at low temperatures are −1 described via a gap (∆ = 32 cm ) in the density of states for kB T < ∆ by the Rothwarf-Taylor model (Navy dashed line).

∆R(t) hole pairs via emission of high frequency phonons and bi- effect R at either 10 K or TC , providing further evi- particle scattering as well as a reduction in the number of dence that the gap is unrelated to the ferromagnetism. high frequency phonons via diffusion and anharmonic de- cay. Recently the RT model has been solved in a variety So far we have focused on the relaxation dynamics of of cases leading to the solution:[20] the electronic system. However the data displayed in

A0 Fig. 1 also contains information about an optical phonon A(T ) = (2) mode. Specifically, the oscillations in the data result from nT (T ) + 1 the coherent generation of phonons. While there are a variety of proposed mechanisms, it is generally agreed τ(T ) = τ (δ(n (T ) + 1)−1 + 2n (T ))−1 (3) 0 T T believed that such oscillations are initiated via a Ra- where nT (T ) is the population of the thermally excited man process upon pump-pulse excitation. The optical quasi-particles. The results of simultaneously fitting mode is then observed via a Raman shift of the probe A1(T ) and τ1(T ) with eqs. 2 & 3 are displayed in the pulse.[9] The oscillatory signal exponentially decays due right panels of Fig. 1. In performing these fits we used to the de-phasing of the optical modes. As shown in Fig. a standard form for the thermally excited quasi-particle 2, as the temperature is lowered, the optical mode fre- p 1 density: nT (T ) = (∆T ) exp(∆/kBT ), where 0 < p < 1 quency (ω2) increases while its decay rate ( ) decreases. πτ2 depends on the shape of the density of states. Similar Whereas for T < TC , the phonon softens and broadens. to what has been observed in many HF compounds[8], As discussed later, this low temperature behavior is quite we found p = 0.49 and a temperature independent gap anomalous. Therefore, to confirm that this behavior is of ∆ = 32 cm−1. Interestingly, previous studies of the intrinsic to the sample and not an artifact of our fitting optical conductivity have found ∆ ≈ 50 cm−1.[13] How- routine, we subtracted the first term of eq. 1 from the ever optical conducitivty probes the direct hybridization data and then performed a fast-Fourier transform (FFT). gap (ie: no change in momentum), whereas the present The FFT spectra in the top panel of Fig. 3 reveal the results are governed by the indirect gap, which should be same trends shown in Fig. 2. The center frequency and smaller.[21, 22, 23] Lastly, the application of a 6 T mag- broadening determined from fits of the FFT data with netic field, saturating the magnetization (M(T)), did not Lorentzian line-shapes are in superb agreement with the 3

4.65 Temperature (K) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 4.60 4.8 FFT ω2

(Thz) 4.55 2 ω Fit ω 2

4.7 ω Anharmonicity 2

4.50 (Thz) 0.26 4.6 0.24 0.22 4.5 Γ FFT

(Thz) 0.20 2 2

Γ 1/(π*τ ) Fit 0.18 2 T 4.4 0.16 C 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 FFT Amplitude Temperature (K) 0 0.4 0.6 1

FIG. 2: (color online) The phonon mode frequency (top panel) and broadening/damping rate (bottom panel). Red 0.0 ( squares are results determined via eq. 1, and blue triangles ω 2

are the result of fitting the FFT in Fig 3 with a lorentzian line ) 2 shape. The mode hardens and sharpens as the temperature is 2 -(

β ω lowered to TC , which is described by anharmonic effects (eqs. -0.1 2 A

5 & 4). γN (T) ) Kondo 2 (THz T ∆R(t) C results of fitting (see Fig. 2). 2 2 -0.2

R 2

(ω )-(ω ) FFT ) The temperature dependence of the phonon above TC 2 A 2 2 is similar to anharmonic effects observed in numerous (ω )-(ω ) Fit other materials. Specifically, the optical phonon can de- 2 A -0.3 cay into acoustic modes of lower energy, resulting in a 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 re-normlization of its self-energy. Since the likelihood of T/T this decay depends on the occupancy of the phonon den- C sity of states, one expects a T dependence of the form: ∆R(t) −t/τ1 FIG. 3: (color online) Top panel: FFT of R − A1e , white dashed line indicates TC and black dots are the ω0. ω Bottom panel: The shift in the phonon frequency after an- Γ (T ) = Γ + a(1 + 2n ( 0 ,T )) + A 0 B 2 harmonic effects have been removed. The shift does not ap- ω ω pear to result from coupling to ferromagnetic state (grey), but b(1 + 3(n ( 0 ,T ) + n2 ( 0 ,T ))) (4) B 3 B 3 rather via a coupling to the Kondo effect (Black line). ω ω (T ) = ω + c(1 + 2n ( 0 ,T )) + A 0 B 2 ω ω d(1 + 3(n ( 0 ,T ) + n2 ( 0 ,T ))) (5) B 3 B 3 TABLE I: Left: Anharmonic fit results for the optical phonon. Right: Fit parameters from Rothwarf-Taylor model. where ω0 is the intrinsic frequency from harmonic 1 ω0 4.65 Thz A0 857 terms, nB(ω, T ) = is the Bose occupa- exp(~ω/kB T )−1 Γ0 .17 Thz τ0 0.006 Thz tion function and we have assumed the phonon decays a 2.78×10−3 δ 4.94 ω0 ω0 into two modes of frequency 2 or three of frequency b 3.85×10−5  0 ω0 ω0 .[24, 25, 26] As shown in Fig. 2, eqs. 4 and 5 describe −3 −1 3 c -3.49×10 ∆ 46 K (32 cm ) ω (T > T ) and Γ (T > T ) well. Furthermore the val- ω0 2 C 2 C d -2.49×10−4 p 0.49 ues of a , b , c , d are comparable to what has been ω0 ω0 ω0 ω0 ω0 observed in Si.[24, 25, 26] Nonetheless this does not ex- plain the T-dependence of the phonon mode below TC .

where U0 includes the anharmonic and harmonic terms We now explore the origin of the T < TC behavior 2 d U0 2 of the optical phonon, via the potential energy (U) for (ie: dx2 = ωa), EFM (x) is the energy gained from atomic displacements from equilibrium (x). The poten- the formation of the ferromagnetic state and 2 M(T ) tial energy should have a form: U = U0+EFM (x) , = M(0) . Solving for the T dependence of the phonon 4 frequency: optical modes.

d2U d2U d2E (x) This work was supported by the DOE and NSF. Oak ω2(T ) = = 0 + FM < M(T ) >2 (6) 2 dx2 dx2 dx2 Ridge National Laboratory is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the U.S. Dept. of Energy under contract DE- 2 d EFM (x) 2 Assuming dx2 is independent of x, we expect ω2 − AC05-00OR22725. We are grateful for discussions with 2 2 ωA = β .[27, 28, 29] However, in Fig. 3 we S. Dordevic, I. Martin, R. Merlin, S. Trugman, and Jian- observe that the phonon continues to soften down to the Xin Zhu. lowest T, whereas β 2 determined via zero-field cooled SQUID measurements, saturates close to TC . While we only considered the effect of ferromagnetic order on the phonon, the approach outlined above can ∗ be generalized to any interaction in the system whose Electronic address: [email protected] † Permanent address: Department of , Boston Uni- strength depends on x. 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