Arbiter, February 9 Associated Students of Boise State University
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Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 2-9-1976 Arbiter, February 9 Associated Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. ••••.••••• "''''''.\0.1: II. & &- •••• " ', t \ ~." .. ~t~~"I'~. ","'~t. ~ ,,#, •• ~, & .' ,••••••• , ••• • .••••• , •• · t, , "'" \ ',!. I •• , .••. ,., I You'r, undor arr"l An a"nalysis of Senate' Bill 1 by AI1au Rablnowftz ment of the silties was illegal. up to fifteen years. or possibly that trial were ultimately ac- Another provision of the bill the death sentence. (CPS)-Imagine. for a moment. and that thousands of students quitted because the government punishes by a one-year jail term that the entire anti·war move- were given pnson sentences of If Senate Bill I. the failed to prove that they had the obstruction of any"official controversial crimina! code re- crossed a state line with the proceeding" through noise. form bill now sitting in the "intention" of inciting a riot. violence, "or any other means." Senate JUdiciary Committee. But under 58-I. the What "other means?" Passing ;.":7 had been enacted ten years ago, government could have ignored r, .. out leaflets? 0.; that is exactly what would have that detail. The government . \ r: Under SB·1, Daniel ~lIsberg happened, ; r I' would only have to prove that could have been charged for I The: sanctioned laid down by the defendants had used the treason for leaking the Pentagon SB·I. <:i put together under the mail or an interstate phone call Papers, and been executed. I Nixon law-and-order adminis- to plan the event that later had The New York TImes editors tration. so much. in erncompass become .a riot. The seven who received those classified wording that is so vague, that Chicago defendants could have documents could have gotten virtually any political act or been convicted and given seven-year sentences. statement aimed against the three-year jail sentences. Under SB-I. the 20.000 government could be construed Furthermore, a "riot" is demonstrators arrested en as being in violation of some defined in the bill as any masse in the 1971 May Day provision of that code. "public disturbance" involving protest in Washington. DC From the S\JIrt. the new ten or more people that, "by could all have been convicted of criminal code was clearly violent or tumultous conduct. obstructing government func- constructed largely in response creates a grave danger of injury tions and given sentences or to the anti-war movement. by or damage to persons or three years. Nixon Attorney General Klein- property." But what is Under SB·I, a member of an deinst and Mitchell. Bv "tumultous conduct" and what organization "which incites examing this bill in the context constitutes danger to property? others to engage in conduct that of the anti-war movement of thc Shouting chants while trampling then or at some other time si:xties. it become> c1e;r just the grass in a park? would facilitate the forcible how far the influence of this bill Draft board demonstrations. overthrow of the government" would penetrate American life the destruction of draft records, could go to jail for seven years. and stymie an)' attempt at major the encouragement of draft The language is so vague that social change. resistance-vall of which took practically anyone connected For example. the new criminal place during the anti.w~r ....-ith a leftist organization on code would expand the 1968 years-scan constitute "impair- campus could be arrested. This incitement to riot statute which ing the military effectiveness of could have included every formed the basis of the the United States,' bringing a I dunno, I. It "sloll.'nt llJld tumultoWl conduct" or Jult "public member of the SDS. the Student celebrated Chicago Conspiracy sentence of three to thirty years dlshubance'" [COD't. on page 21 trial. The seven defendants in ne. up front ARBITER I February 9, .1976 State Board OK's Bookstore tightens secu rity dormatory rate hike by Dave .'rWnaer and can have the charges times. The duties 01 a Your Campus Store has taken removed from their record if floor-walker are to hang around. by Barb Bridwell tuition at Idaho's universities. new security measures to they stay out of trouble during behave like a customer, and The State Board of Education A Senate Joint Resolution states protect the store from rip offs. their six month probationary watch people. approved a 6 per cent rate hike that "The regents shall impose One way mirrors, electronic period. The bookstore boasts a All bookstore employees for residence halls at it's rates of tuition and fees on .n devices and store walkcrs have lOOper cent record in conviction underwent a short training meeting at Boise State last students enrolled in the univer- contributed to a tripling of of those arrested. session durinll semester break. week. but not before questions sity as lluthorized by law." If arrests. Described n low-key, There are two locations in the They viewed a Small Business conce-rning 5100,000 surpluses both the Senate and House the security system h on a much bookstore where observers have Adminislration film on shoplift- within the housing department. approve the resolution. it would smaller sole than at stores like an overview of large areas of the ing techniques, which included Dave Frisinger. a Boise State go before the voters for K·Mart and Grand Central. store. One is insidl' a piller a woman who hid steaks under student questioned the need for approval. a 6 per cent increase while tht: Store manager Betty Druck about 3S feet from the front her dres , and packed them out The presidents of the three housing department makes said the tightened security entrance, and the other is between her legs. Also on hand universities and the president of 5100.000 in surplus. measures were taken to reduce located in the southwest corner was a police officer who .told Lewis-Clark State College C1I- Ron Turner. budget director, the 2 per cent theft rate. lin of thc store. Mirrors located cmplo)'ees to "watch everyone dorsed the resolution. but said said that in past years the 1I1110unt tl'uned "C"lcesds'c1y just bc-low the ceiling level are who (,(lIIK'S into the store. They that the State Board should have housing departmcnt has had a high" hy (lne business pwf('s· thl' give·away. 111e towers are may be a potcntial shoplifter." the power to set the tuition. not sor. Ilm..-k says thl' 520,000 lost equippl'd with phone lilies for Employ('es are instructed to surplus. However. he stated. the legislature. last year hy theft would have I'lt1Ilt'rath'c surveillance. The report all shoplifters to security, housing is not a profit making arnnunt('d to a 52 rehate to all lIl11llagn'\ oflil-e lind other For after hours protct"tion, the program. Turner said the The Board reje .."ted the students or a reduction in pholles ill the store lIlay hc store has movel11l'nt scnsors t'<.lmpany which handles the (lresident's endorsement for prkes. ll'lll'hed from the watrhtowers. installed near the f"lIlt en· l'apital improvement bonds on thIT(' reasons; the members oppose tuition in the first place; An'llHling to Urnd.• ahollt 20 In adtliti"n to tnwer t(3nrl'. Atiivated by II f!\lnt housing facilities requires the persons have h('en ,'aught I'l"fsollnel. Ihe storl' trlt's to do('r key. the devices will set off universily to take In 530,000 to any nllwt" to change the sh\lplirtlng sin\"(' the new system keep at leut line plaindllthes an IIlarlll if they detect any S40.000 II }Tar in surplus, 111e proposal might imply aCl"-pt- an ...... by the State Hoard llJld WIiS instalkd durinll Christmas floor· walker working at all movement inside their ranie. othcr surplus t'ame henlllse of hn':,k. Many of th(' p('lty an unexpected inrrease in slRh a m,we might make the tlll'in's wc-re nahbed for podtt· enrollment. prke of a l'ollegt" l'duration too hIll thinlls lik(" pen~. huhhle· Hoard memb<'r A.I .. Alfred high for student to afford. ':UI11. jl~wdry, IIrt suppli("s lind stated he didn't want the ll<.ard member J .I'. Munson of t'afHly hars, Tllt(,(, pc-r~"n\ has'(' housing department making a Sandpoint stated. "Let thc:m b(",'11 rharlled with "obtainlnll pmfit off of stlldents. and that (lC:j:(lslature) ('aery the monkey pwperty IIllller hlH' pr(·tenrt" he wanted to be assured the (In their back ""hen they uiS(' (changing prke tailS), hvusing del.artment woulll not the tuition so n10rh that All iIlSpt.' ..ts 1Ht.'heltluntil the make a p,,'fit. student's clln't afford aQ 1"<.IlIea- tion." B"lse polke- arrive tn Isslle a TIIC State 1Joan! also opposed l"IlIlIplalnt 5UIl111WIlS. The sumll1on, lire slmlkr tn a tramc Ikkel. TIle I\\,\'usl'd Is nlllered tn appear In t'tlur1 to cnter a inside ... plell. To dlltt.'. th(' fillUt.'st S('lItenn~ Imposed wu two days Uncle Ernie , . , , Page 3 In Jail and a 5150 flne. Some' of New feature-Headhunter.