
Norquin Beret Kate Gagnon Osborn Originally published in Knits Weekend, 2011 Carmel Zucker

Copyright Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved.

Norquin Beret originally published in Knits Weekend, 2011. ©Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. publishers of Interweave Knits magazine…join the online knitting community at Visit for more great patterns! page 1 Roositud Inlay

Roositud is an Estonian inlay technique in which groups of stitches are wrapped with a contrasting color yarn, following a charted pattern. The groups of stitches are wrapped from right to left in a series of two-round sequences. For the beret, use the inlay yarn held doubled for better coverage.

Rnd 1: Work to group of sts to be wrapped (illustra- Norquin Beret tion shows 3 sts being wrapped). Lay contrast- Kate Gagnon Osborn ing inlay yarn from back to front between needles. Knit group of sts with main yarn, leav- ing inlay yarn hanging at front of work. Pass Finished Size 171/2" brim circumference, 25" at widest inlay yarn between needles to back, wrapping point, 81/2" high. sts, then cont working with main color to next Yarn The Fibre Company Canopy Fingering (50% merino, inlay group—1 inlay completed. Adjust tension 30% alpaca, 20% viscose from bamboo; 200 yd [183 m]/13/4 of inlay yarn by gently tugging on yarn from oz [50 g]): river dolphin (gray) (MC), quetzal (blue-green) back of work. (CC1), orchid (off-white) (CC2), chiclet tree (green) (CC3), 1 skein each. Yarn distributed by Kelbourne Woolens. Rnd 2: Needles Ribbing—size 1 (2.25 mm): 16" circular (cir); Note: For each group of sts on this rnd, yarn —size 3 (3.25 mm): 16" cir and set of double-pointed must first be moved to right side of group (dpn). Adjust needle sizes if necessary to obtain the before sts can be wrapped. Work to group of correct gauge. sts to be wrapped (illustrations show 2 sts be- Notions Markers (m); tapestry needle. ing wrapped). Lift inlay yarn from back to front Gauge 28 sts and 32 rnds = 4" in St st on larger needle. over of left needle, then from front to back between needles, leaving a loose loop of inlay Notes yarn at front of work. • The inlay colors are held doubled throughout for bet- ter coverage on the fabric. Knit group of sts with main yarn, bring loop of yarn between needles to back and cont knitting Hat with main yarn to next inlay—1 inlay completed. Ribbing: With MC and smaller needle, CO 140 sts. Adjust tension of inlay yarn. Place marker (pm) and join in the rnd. Work in k1, p1 rib Rep Rnds 1 and 2 for patt. for 1". Inc rnd: *K3, k1f&b; rep from * to end—175 sts. Change to larger cir needle. Next rnd: K16 MC, work 41 Adapted from Vintage Modern Knits by sts of Norquin Roositud chart using inlay technique (see ­Courtney Kelley and Kate Gagnon Osborn, Sidebar), knit to end with MC. Work through chart Rnd Interweave, 2011. 22. With MC, knit 7 rnds. Next rnd: [K25, pm] 6 times, k25. Shape : Dec rnd: [Knit to 2 sts before m, k2tog, sl m] 7 times—7 sts dec’d. Next rnd: Knit. Rep last 2 rnds 6 more times—126 sts rem. Rep Dec rnd every rnd 17 times—7 sts rem. Break yarn, thread onto tapestry needle, draw yarn through live sts and pull snugly to close. RISK-FREE Finishing Weave in ends. Soak in warm water and wash and TRIAL OFFER lay flat to dry. Interweave Knits IS A MUST HAVE FOR THOSE WHO LOVE TO KNIT! Kate Gagnon Osborn is coauthor of the new book, Vintage Modern Knits (Interweave, 2011). She lives in ­Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and is part owner of Kelbourne Woolens, the distributors of The Fibre Company yarns. You can see more of her work at

Norquin Beret originally published in Knits Weekend, 2011. ©Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. publishers of Interweave Knits magazine…join the online knitting community at Visit for more great patterns! page 2 Abbreviations

knit with MC Roositud inlay with CC2 beg beginning; begin; begins bet between Roositud inlay with CC1 Roositud inlay with CC3 BO bind off CC contrasting color cm centimeter(s) cn cable needle CO cast on Norquin Roositud cont continue(s); continuing dec(s) decrease(s); decreasing 21 dpn double-pointed needle(s) 19 foll following; follows g gram(s) 17 inc increase(s); increasing k knit 15 k1f&b knit into front and back of same st 13 k2tog knit two stitches together 11 kwise knitwise LC left cross 9 m(s) marker(s) 7 MC main color mm millimeter(s) 5 M1 make one (increase) M1R (L) make one right (left) 3 p purl 1 p1f&b purl into front and back of same st 41 sts p2tog purl two stitches together patt(s) pattern(s) pm place marker psso pass slipped stitch over p2sso pass two slipped stitches over pwise purlwise RC right cross rem remain(s); remaining rep repeat; repeating rev St st reverse stockinette stitch rib ribbing rnd(s) round(s) RS right side rev sc reverse single crochet sc single crochet sk skip sl sl st slip stitch (sl 1 st pwise unless otherwise indicated) ssk slip 1 kwise, slip 1 kwise, k2 sl sts tog tbl (decrease) ssp slip 1 kwise, slip 1 kwise, p2 sl sts tog tbl (decrease) st(s) stitch(es) St st stockinette stitch tbl through back loop tog together WS wrong side wyb with yarn in back wyf with yarn in front yo yarn over * repeat starting point (i.e., repeat from *) * * repeat all instructions ­between asterisks ( ) alternate measurements and/or instructions [ ] instructions that are to be worked as a group a specified number of times

Norquin Beret originally published in Knits Weekend, 2011. ©Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. publishers of Interweave Knits magazine…join the online knitting community at Visit for more great patterns! page 3