Seventh International Latin American Conference on Powder Technology, November 08-10, Atibaia, SP, Brazil Use of high energy ball milling on the sintering optimization of alumina ceramics Helio R. Simoni1,a, Eduardo Saito1,b, Claudinei dos Santos1,2,c, Felipe Antunes Santos1,d, Alfeu Saraiva Ramos3,e, Olivério Moreira M.Silva4,f 1 USP-EEL - Universidade de São Paulo, Escola de Engenharia de Lorena, Polo Urbo Industrial, Gleba AI6, s/n, Mondesir, Lorena-SP, Brazil, CEP12600-000 2UNIFOA - Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda, Av. Paulo Erlei Alves Abrantes, 1325, Volta Redonda-RJ, Brazil, CEP 27240-560 3 UNESP-FEG - Unersidade Estadual Paulista, Faculdade de Engenharia de Guaratinguetá, Av. Dr. Ariberto Pereirada Cunha, 333, Guaratinguetá-SP, Brazil, CEP 12516-410 4 CTA-IAE/AMR - Centro Técnico Aeroespacial, Praça Marechal do Ar Eduardo Gomes, 50, S.J. Campos-SP, Brazil, CEP 12228-904
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[email protected] Keywords: Al2O3, Al2O3-Y2O3, high-energy ball milling, sintering, characterization Abstract: In this work, the effect of the milling time on the densification of the alumina ceramics with or without 5wt.%Y2O3, is evaluated, using high-energy ball milling. The milling was performed with different times of 0, 2, 5 or 10 hours. All powders, milled at different times, were characterized by X-Ray Diffraction presenting a reduction of the crystalline degree and crystallite size as function of the milling time increasing. The powders were compacted by cold uniaxial pressing and sintered at 1550°C-60min. Green density of the compacts presented an increasing as function of the milling time and sintered samples presented evolution on the densification as function of the reduction of the crystallite size of the milled powders.