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Abd el-Kader, 17 Belgium, 161, 162 Ackerman, Bruce, 71, 85, 86 Benoît, Jean-Louis, 4–5, 113 Algeria, 3, 14–15, 16–26 Berlin, Isaiah, 152 America bicameralism, 8, 153, 168 federal government, 157, 158, 160, Boesche, Roger, 75, 81 161, 165 Bossuet, Jacques, 91, 104, 106 Gauchet’s reading of Tocqueville, 56 Boudon, Raymond, 54 influence of mores, 94–6 Bouglé, Célestin, 76–7, 87 liberty and democracy, 104, 105–6 bourgeois gentilhomme, Le (Molière), mass democracy, 99 101–2 political community, 13 bourgeoisie, 100–2, 106 political system, 148 Britain, 23–4, 33, 149, 150, 162 public opinion, 99 Bugeaud, General (Thomas), 15, 21, readings of Tocqueville, 5, 60–6, 22 71–2, 79–87 bureaucracy, weight of (‘bureaucratic religion, 57–8, 118–19, 120–1, tyranny’) 122–6, 139 European Union (EU), 7–8, 146, similarities with French readings, 149–50, 155–6, 159–62 78–9 France, 19, 145 slavery, 38–42 and liberty, 60 Ancien Régime et la Révolution, L’, 15, Burke, Edmund, 113–14 53, 59, 101 Antilles Canada, 71–2, 161 see French West Indies Caractères (La Bruyère), 98 Antoine, Agnès, 6, 7 Caribbean, 42–6 Arendt, Hannah, 57, 78 caste system, 97–8 aristocracy, 27, 90–1, 92, 99, 101–2, centralization 105, 136 decentralization, 161–2 armies, 55, 163 and democracy, 145, 146 Aron, Raymond, 1, 4, 52–5, 66, 72, and economic considerations, 46 75 European Union (EU), 7, 8, 9, assimilation of peoples, 17, 22, 36, 148–9, 153 38–9, 42–3, 44–6 in federal structures, 161–2 associationism, 80–1, 82, 83–4 France, 19, 87 associations, 62, 64, 138–9 and free mores, 147 see also civic participation and liberty, 60 Audier, Serge, 4–5, 66 Charbonneau, Bernard, 73 Augustine, 133, 135 Chateaubriand, René, Vicomte de, 115, 122, 123 Barber, Benjamin, 5, 71, 83–4 Christianity Bartolini, Stefano, 164 and democracy, 91, 96–8, 106, 139, Beaumont, Gustave de, 9, 17, 32, 38, 141 39, 41, 48 and equality, 117–19

185 186 Index

Christianity – continued and civil society, 83–4 and the law, 120–1 classicism, role of, 104–6 and morality, 115–16 deliberative democracy, 85–6 role of, 24, 115 European Union (EU), 146–9, 163, and slavery, 33–6, 45 164–6, 169–70 Tocqueville’s beliefs, 112–13, 116 Gauchet’s reading of Tocqueville, see also religion 55–7 Cipolla, Costanzo, 78 individualism in, 135–7 citizenship, 63, 64, 138–9, 163 Lefort’s reading of Tocqueville, civic participation, 71–2, 78, 81–2, 75–6 138–9, 167 and liberty, 91–2, 104–6, 134 see also associations mass democracy, 98–100 civil religion, 123–7 and mores (moeurs), 41, 93–4, civil society, 83–4 136–7 Civil Society Argument, The (Walzer), providential nature of, 90 64 and religion, 91, 96–8, 106, civism 117–19, 139–41 see civic participation; civil society and slavery, 31–2, 46–7, 75 classicism, 102–6 Democracy in Europe (Siedentop), 149, Cliteur, Paul, 6–7 150 Cold War, 53 Democracy’s Discontent (Sandel), 80 colonization, 12–15, 16–24, 25–6 democratic social revolution, 145 Comme disait Monsieur de Tocqueville démocratie en Amérique, De la (Rédier), 73 Aron’s readings of, 53, 55 communitarianism, 79–81, 83 civic associations, 81 comparative sociology, 54 equality without God, 134 complementarity, system of, 77 federalism, 156–7 confederation, 156, 159 France, relevance to, 72 Constant, Benjamin, 26, 33, 73, 74, influence in America, 66 115, 152 media, 85 constitutionalism, 150–3 model of democracy building, 65 constitutional sense (EU), 166–70 mores, protection of, 152 constitution (EU), 146, 150–3, 156, new political science, 12 170–1 prophetic nature of, 1–2 consumerism, 144–5, 162–4 providential nature of democracy, consumer society, 60–2, 144–5 90 Coquerel, Charles, 34 public opinion, 99 Corcelle, Francisque de, 14, 17, 20, religion, 96, 114, 116–17, 120, 21, 133 122–3, 125, 132 Coriolanus, 98 slavery, 43 Crain, Caleb, 1 Tocqueville’s analytical style, 155 crowd, power of the, 98–100 ‘derive des continents, La’ (Gauchet), 56 decentralization, 161–2 despotism, 61–2, 73 see also centralization Dewey, John, 83 De Dijn, Annelien, 112 Discours sur les sciences et les arts deliberative democracy, 85–6 (Rousseau), 135 democracy divine command morality, 120 and centralization, 145, 146 Doctrinaires, 146 Index 187

Drescher, Seymour, 3 France Dumont, Louis, 76–7, 79, 87 centralization, 19, 87 Dupont-White, Charles, 87 empire, 13, 16 EU influence, 148 economic considerations, 44–5, 47, mass democracy, 100 60–2, 144–5, 149–50, 162–4 political community, 13 economism, 149–50 readings of Tocqueville, 5, 52–9, egalitarianism, 60, 77, 98–9, 117, 65–6, 71–7, 86–7 133–4, 135–6 religion, 139 see also equality similarities with American Eichthal, Eugène d’, 73 readings, 78–9 Ellul, Jacques, 73 threats to liberty, 104–5 emancipation free moeurs see slavery see moeurs empire, 12–15, 16–24, 25–6 French Revolution Enlightenment (Age of), 93, 112, 113, and democracy, 56–7, 106 122, 123 effect on Tocqueville, 2, 20, 25, 33, equality, 12–13, 25–6, 36–8, 98, 147 117–19, 134–7 and religion, 59, 122 see also egalitarianism French West Indies, 42–6 ère du vide, L’ (Lipovetsky), 77 Fromm, Erich, 78 étapes de la pensée sociologique, Les Furet, François, 2, 53, 60, 71, (Aron), 52, 54 76, 85 European Union (EU) centralization, 7, 8, 9, 148–9, 153 Gauchet, Marcel, 4, 53, 55–9, 66, 71, constitutional sense, 166–70, 172–3 76, 85 contemporary relevance of Geenens, Raf, 112 Tocqueville, 7–8 genocidal threats, in Algeria, 20 deliberative democracy, 86 Germany, 149, 150 democracy, 146–9, 163, 164–6, Gobineau, Arthur de, 114–16, 127 169–70 Goldhammer, Arthur, 39 economic basis of integration, Great Britain 144–5 see Britain exit, right of, 152, 168, 172 Guénon, René, 77, 79 federalism, 147–50, 156–8, 159–62 Guizot, François, 2, 9, 33, 87, 146 governance, 158 mores (moeurs), 151–3, 155, habitation de Saint Domingue ou 166–70, 172–3 l’insurrection, L’ (Rémusat), 33–6 Fall of Public Man, The (Sennett), 78 Hatherton, Lord, 24 February Revolution, 93–4, 100, 106 Herberg, Will, 124 federal government, 156–9, 160, 161, Hinduism, 97–8 165 see also religion federalism, 147–50, 156–7, 159–62 Hix, Simon, 169–70, 171 Fénélon, François, 106 honour, 63 Ferry, Jean-Marc, 62 Hugo, Victor, 103, 104 Fishkin, James S., 5, 71, 85 human equality Follesdal, Andreas, 169–70, 171 see equality fragmentation of society, 62 human rights, 163 188 Index idées égalitaires, Les (Bouglé), 77 Mancini, Matthew, 4 India, 21, 23–4, 96–8 Marie: or, Slavery in the United States individualism (Beaumont), 38, 40, 41 definition, 13, 101 Marxism, 53–4, 72 in democracy, 135–7 mass democracy, 98–100 Dumont’s reading of Tocqueville, materialism, 135, 136, 144–5 76–7 Mayer, Jacob Peter, 4, 53, 73, 78 and equality, 37 media, 5–6, 73, 78, 81–2, 85–6, 99 European integration, 145 Mélonio, Françoise, 4 in French and American readings, Mexico, 165 78–9, 87 Michelet, Jules, 75 inner-directed individuals, 78–9 Michel, Henry, 76–7, 87 Islam, 121 military action, 14, 163 see also religion Mill, John Stuart, 17, 79, 84, 115–16, Italy, 81–2, 162 117, 119, 126, 127 mission civilisatrice, 14, 24 James, William, 113 mobility, social, 63–4 Jihad vs McWorld (Barber), 84 modernity, 73–4, 76–7 July Monarchy, 31, 36 moeurs America, 94–6 Kergorlay, Louis de, 16 and centralization, 147 Kessler, Sanford, 124 and democracy, 41, 93–4, 136–7 Lacroix, Justine, 62 European Union (EU), 151–3, 155, Lamberti, Jean-Claude, 86 166–70, 172–3 Lamoricière, Louis Juchault de, 19, 21 meaning of, 93 land confiscation, 20 and slavery, 36, 47 law, 81, 120–1, 148, 158, 163 Molière, 101–2, 106 Lefebvre, Georges, 53 monarchy, 75–6 Lefort, Claude, 9, 53, 66, 71, 74–6, 86 money, 61 legitimacy (EU), 146–7, 167, 169 Montesquieu, 54, 62, 106, 133 Lettres sur l’Algérie, 16 morality, 15, 35–8, 115–16, 119–22, liberalism, 54, 73–4, 75, 79–81, 149–50 137–8 Liberalism and the Limits of Justice mores (Sandel), 79 see moeurs liberty Multi-Level Governance, 162 and democracy, 91–2, 104–6, 134 multireligious society, 121–2 and equality, 98 meaning of, 132–3 Napoleon, 102 and romanticism, 103–4 narcissism, 135–6, 137 and slavery, 36–8 national identity, 93 and virtue, 100–2 natural morality, 137–8 Walzer’s reading of Tocqueville, 64 Nef, John, 124 Lipovetsky, Gilles, 76, 77 ‘neo-conservative’ sociology, 79 Lonely Crowd, The (Riesman), 78 neo-Tocquevillian individualism, 76 neo-Tocquevillianism, 81–2, 85 Maistre, Joseph de, 115, 122 new political science, 12, 137–9, Making Democracy Work (Putnam), 155–6 81–2 nobility, 49 Index 189 open method of coordination public role of, 113–14 (OMC), 159 role of Puritanism, 94–6 opium des intellectuels, L’ (Aron), 53 and slavery, 33–6, 45 Origins of Totalitarian Democracy, The see also Christianity; Hinduism; (Talmon), 76, 86 Islam Ossewaarde, Ringo, 6 Rémusat, Charles de, 33–6 other-directed individuals, 78–9 republicanism, 79–81 republican principle, 123–4 Paix et guerre entre les nations (Aron), republican ‘virtue’, 71–2 55 Revue Tocqueville, La, 53 Pascal, Blaise, 57, 90, 94, 104, 106, Riesman, David, 5, 78 133, 135 Riker, William H., 160 Pascal’s wager, 58, 113 Roman Empire, 43 Pitts, Jennnifer, 3 romanticism, 102–4 Pluralisme et démocratie (Walzer), 63 Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 34, 80, 84, political philosophy, 54 100, 133, 135, 138–9, 152 political science, 137–9 Russian Revolution, 54, 93–4, 100, politicization of the EU, 166–70, 172 106 politics, 13, 16–17, 54, 87, 99 poly-centric polity, 162, 171 Sandel, Michael, 5, 71, 79–81 proletariat, 106 Schleifer, James, 47 Prophet of the Mass Age (Mayer), 73 Schmitter, Philippe, 171 public opinion, 85–6, 99 self-government, 144–5, 147 Puritanism, 94–6 self-interest, 137–8 Putnam, Robert, 1, 64, 81–2 Sennett, Richard, 5, 78–9 Sepoy rebellion, 23–4 racism, 20, 39–40 sheer utilitarianism, 162–4 Rapport …, relative aux esclaves des Siedentop, Larry, 2, 7–8, 155, 156, colonies, 44 160, 162, 164, 166, 172 Rédier, Antoine, 4, 73, 75 Skach, Cindy, 170 Reeve, Henry, 23–4 slavery reincarnation, 97 abolition, 25, 33, 35, 38, 40–1 religion in America, 38–42 America, 57–8, 118–19, 120–1, and democracy, 31–2, 46–7, 75 122–6, 139 and federal government, 160 and associationism, 82 in French West Indies, 25, 42–6 civil religion, 123–7 and political community, 14, 63 complementarity, system of, 77 and religion, 33–6, 45 contemporary relevance, 6–7 repatriation, 40 and democracy, 91, 96–8, 106, Tocqueville’s view, 3, 36–47 117–19, 139–41 Walzer’s reading of Tocqueville, 63 and equality, 117–19 Soboul, Albert, 53 France, 139 social capital, 82 Gauchet’s reading of Tocqueville, social mobility, 63–4 57–9 Société de la morale chrétienne, 32–3 and the law, 120–1 Société française pour l’abolition de and morality, 115–16 l’esclavage, 33, 34 multireligious society, 121–2 sociology, 15, 54, 72, 79, 81–2 and politics, 87 Souvenirs, 93, 100, 106 190 Index sovereignty, 147–8 Tocqueville et les Français (Mélonio), 4 Spain, 161, 162 ‘Tocqueville l’Amérique et nous’ Spheres of Justice (Walzer), 62 (Gauchet), 55–9 state role in emancipation, ‘Tocqueville retrouvé’ (Aron), 72 44–6, 47 Tocqueville retrouvé (Audier), 4 Staum, Martin, 37 Tocqueville Review, The, 53 Stoffels, Eugene, 132–3 totalitarianism, 2, 55–6, 57, 58–9, Strange Liberalism of Alexis de 74–6 Tocqueville, The (Boesche), 75 tradition-directed individuals, 78–9 ‘strong democracy’, 83–4 Travail sur l’Algérie, 22 subsidiarity, 152, 153, 168–9 truth, and liberty, 100 Swenden, Wilfried, 7, 8 Switzerland, 160–1 United Kingdom (UK) see Britain Taylor, Charles, 5, 60–2, 65, 71, 79 United States (US) Tocqueville, Alexis de see America analytical style, 155 utilitarianism, 162–4 classical values, 102–4 contemporary relevance, 6–9 violence, 20–1, 24, 25–6 contradictions in work, 3, 9, 15 virtue, 14, 100–2, 137–8 as historical actor, 2–3 Voltaire, 34, 103, 113 interpretation of, 3–5 politician, 12, 16–17, 23 Wach, Joachim, 112–13, 116 prophetic image of, 1–2, 5, 61, 73, Walzer, Michael, 62–5, 79 74, 76, 112 war, 55, 163 religious beliefs, 112–13 Welch, Cheryl, 3 revival of interest in, 1 West Indies, 42–6