THE CHORAL MUSIC OF JOHN CAGE EMILY JOHN EEmilym i l y JJohno h n ddirectsi r e c t s ttheh e VVoxo x NNovao v a CChoirsh o i r s ((gradesg r a d e s 55-8)- 8 ) ooff ttheh e SSpecialp e c i a l MMusicu s i c SSchoolc h o o l aatt KKaufmana u f m a n CCenter,e n t e r, aandn d iiss aassistants s i s t a n t cconductoro n d u c t o r fforo r FFacea c e ttheh e MMusic,u s i c , ttheh e KKaufmana u f m a n CCenter'se n t e r ' s tteene e n nnewe w mmusicu s i c eensemble.n s e m b l e . SSheh e iiss aalsol s o aann aadjunctd j u n c t ffacultya c u l t y mmembere m b e r aatt QQueensu e e n s CCollege-CUNY,o l l e g e - C U N Y, AAarona r o n CCoplando p l a n d SSchoolc h o o l ooff MMusic,u s i c , aandn d a ffreelancer e e l a n c e hharpista r p i s t iinn ttheh e NNYCY C aarear e a <
[email protected]>. lthough most musicians know the name John Cage, few have Afully explored the musical output of Cage’s innovations. Most often acknowl- edged regarding his composition, 4’33”, Cage’s other works (including pieces for prepared piano, traditional piano, percus- sion ensemble, solo instruments, toy piano, gamelan, found objects, electronics and voices) and his lectures and philosophical writings deserve performance and a more thorough examination by all artists.