University of Szeged – Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy

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University of Szeged – Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy UNIVERSITY OF SZEGED Medicine Dentistry Pharmacy UNIVERSITY OF SZEGED Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Pharmacy Foreign Students’ Secretariat Phone: +36 (70) 439-2124 +36 (62) 545-031 Fax: +36 (62) 545-028 Education. Our E-mail: [email protected] YOUR MISSION. Website: ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROGRAMS Admission and Academic Bulletin 2016/ 2017 WWW.SZEGEDMED.HU 1 Contents Why Szeged? 2 University of Szeged 2 International Programs 3 Medical Program 3 Dental Medicine Program 3 Pharmacy Program 4 Foundation Year Program 4 Entry Requirements 5 Application Procedure 6 Application Documents for the Degree Programs 6 Application Documents for Transfer Students 7 Application Documents for the Foundation Year Program 8 Entrance Examinations 9 Examinations in Szeged, Hungary 9 Evaluation Examinations in Szeged, Hungary 9 Examinations in Budapest, Hungary and Abroad 9 After Acceptance 10 Letter of Admission 10 Welcome Package 10 Documents to be Submitted after Admission 10 Passport, Visa and Residence Permit 11 Support for Students 12 Foreign Students’ Secretariat 12 International Student Union of Szeged 12 Szeged University Medical Alumni Association 12 Life on Campus 13 Fees, Additional Costs 13 Deadlines for Payment 13 Accommodation 14 CostofLiving 14 Health Insurance 14 Library Services 14 Open Days 14 Structure of Studies 15 Academic Calendar, Academic Policies, Curricula 15 Grading System 15 Types of Evaluation 15 Suggested Study Plans at the Faculty of Medicine 16 Suggested Study Plans at the Faculty of Dentistry 21 Suggested Study Plans at the Faculty of Pharmacy 25 Essential Information 28 University Contacts 28 Other Information 28 Official Representatives 28 2 WWW.SZEGEDMED.HU Why Szeged? Szeged is situated near the circumstances after the first WW, Today, the University compris- Southern border of Hungary, on the University found a new home es 12 faculties with 2,300 faculty the banks of the River Tisza. It is a in Szeged in 1921. members, 7,000 employees and city with deep historical and cul- In the year 2000, all universi- 23,000 students. It has 600 under- tural roots, inhabited since Roman ties and colleges were integrated graduate training programs and times. Szeged was rebuilt after the into one educational institution, more than 100 Ph.D. programs in great flood in 1879 when most of the University of Szeged. 19 Ph.D. schools. the city was destroyed by the River Tisza. By Hungarian stan- dards Szeged is a large city with its population of 160,000. Szeged is a thriving university town and the cultural and eco- 10 reasons to study at the University nomic centre of South-Eastern Hungary. The salami and paprika of Szeged business has brought fame and credit to the city. Szeged has a 1. Excellent education at a distinguished institution – museum of history, art galleries, “University of National Excellence” theaters, movies, large parks, fa- mous botanic garden. The Na- 2. Be part of the faculties where outstanding discoveries tional Theater of Szeged, its Con- are made temporary Ballet Company and 3. Valuable degrees Symphony Orchestra provide a full season of entertainment. The city 4. Prestigious place in University rankings is also famous for its open-air 5. University Campus situated in the heart of the city theater and the city centre is 6. Szeged – “the City of Sunshine” as an ideal place to marked by the twin spires of the Roman Catholic Cathedral (Dóm). live and study Szeged is often called the “City 7. Multicultural environment of Sunshine” as it enjoys an aver- 8. Rich Social and Cultural Life age of 2000 hours of sunshine annually. 9. Reasonable costs 10. Green University University of Szeged The University of Szeged is one of the largest, top universities in Hungary. Its institutional and intellectual history goes back to 1581 when the Academia was found in Cluj, contemporary Ro- mania. Due to the political WWW.SZEGEDMED.HU 3 International Programs The University has been training English Language Dental Medicine Program doctors in English language for Programs The five-year program (10 se- many years. The English language mesters) is designed to unify the Program offered for foreign stu- Medical Program basic and clinical sciences. In the dents at the Faculty of Medicine The Medical Program covers three years the students are and the Faculty of Pharmacy start- six years, that is, 12 semesters. taught basic sciences – medical ed in the academic year 1985/86 The first two years serve as the and dental courses – which are and 1986/87 respectively. In foundation of basic medical the foundation of clinical den- 1990, English language Founda- knowledge. From the third year tistry. From the third year on tion Year Program was introduced. theoretical training is extended more emphasis is placed on the In the academic year 2004/05 the English language Dental Medicine Program was launched. Statement of Non-Discrimination The University also offers the German language Medical Pro- The University does not discriminate on the basis of age, gram for the first two years since race, color, national origin, ethnicity, religion, creed, sex, 1999 as well as the German lan- guage Foundation Year Program sexual orientation, political affiliation, marital status or from the academic year 2004/05. physical disability. Our national and internation- al reputation for academic excel- lence, combined with our world- with regular clinical practice, study of dental diseases and their class facilities, attracts interna- where students intensively take treatment. The last two years tional students from around the part in the work of the clinical serve the intensive clinical study world. The faculties host ap- departments and the teaching of each of the various disciplines proximately 1,400 international hospitals. The Faculty’s excellent of dentistry with emphasis on students studying in our inter- scientific laboratories offer the the assessment and management national programs. students a wide range of oppor- of patients. Furthermore, Our teaching system is very tunities to join high standard throughout their training stu- traditional. We place great em- scientific research activities. In dents participate in elective pro- phasis on the theoretical subjects the last two semesters – the grams, clinical conferences and in order to provide a solid basis for clerkship year – students perform hospital-based practices. After the clinical training. The programs clinical rotations of 40 weeks. the successful completion of the are designed to unify the basic Our medical training center is to program (State Board Examina- and clinical sciences, as it is be- aid medical students by enabling tion), students are awarded the lieved that scientific and profes- them to practice the methods of title Doctor Medicinae Dentaire sional development cannot be various procedures on dummies (dentist; D.M.D.). Teaching is sharply separated but should pro- throughout their academic stud- performed at the departments of ceed concurrently throughout the ies. At the conclusion of the the Medical and Dental Faculties. programs. Special Ph.D. programs program (State Board Examina- The Dental Faculty, which is the are arranged, along with individu- tion) the title Doctor of Medicine regional center for dental care in al postgraduate training for Hun- (medical doctor; Dr. Med.) is the south-eastern region of Hun- garian and foreign colleagues. granted for those who have met gary, has approximately 30 grad- In short, our main mission is to all the requirements of the uates each year in the English train well-educated professionals. training. language program. 4 WWW.SZEGEDMED.HU Pharmacy Program Foundation Year Program Students who participate in our The Academic program offered (Preparatory Course) Foundation Year Program have a by the Faculty of Pharmacy ex- This program is organized for good chance to be admitted to tends over a period of five years students who feel unprepared for the first year Medical, Dental (10 semesters) and leads to the the regular degree programs or Medicine and Pharmacy Program degree Doctor of Pharmacy. It who need help in reviewing basic of the University of Szeged in the begins with an introduction to the sciences in English language to forthcoming academic year. How- basic sciences providing a basis for prepare for the final examination ever, in order to be admitted to further pharmaceutical studies. In at the end of the course. one of our degree programs you the second part of the program, Subjects taught are Biology, need to pass the final examination students take part in general and Chemistry including Chemical with good results. special pharmaceutical education Calculations, Physics, Mathemat- The duration of the course at the university departments, ics, Medical English, Medical Latin is eight months, starting in Oc- teaching pharmacies, institutes, and Hungarian language. tober. hospitals and clinical pharmacies, laboratories and pharmaceutical works. The faculty seeks to edu- cate its undergraduates by pro- German Language Programs moting their intellectual develop- ment and their progressive accu- We offer the first two years of the six year Medical mulation of competence in all program in German language, furthermore the fields of modern pharmacy. After the successful completion of the Foundation Year Program (Preparatory Course) is also program the title of Doctor Phar- available in German language. maciae is awarded (pharmacist, For more information regarding the German Language Dr. Pharm.). The quality of the training is outstanding compared Programs, please contact the German Admissions Office: to similar Hungarian and European Tel.: +36 62 546-865 pharmacist training centers. The E-mail: [email protected] Faculty takes part in international research activities too. The train- Website: ing material is continuously updat- ed in light of the most recent research results. The lecturers are internationally respected profes- sionals and active researchers. WWW.SZEGEDMED.HU 5 Entry Requirements Applicants are required to be over According to the decision of Transfer from other the age of 18 in the year of appli- the Admission Committee of the Universities cation.
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