Honidlown IQIHIINICA flll>H Nl'. IwnitK* Putting you In touch Sunday with your world July 25,1999 Serving the Westland Community for 33 years •ft VOLUME 35 NUMBER 15 iW!$tiAND» MIQHIGAN • 76 PAGES • http://observereccentrlc.eom O 1S*9 HomeTown Commun|c«li6ii» Network, Inc. THE WEEK Citizens continues to question the city coun your vote count?' I said, resigned early from his-four-year term. -AHEA STm • • Bra flHID mm cil regarding David Cox appointment to a 'No, 1 guess hot.'" Pickering chose to step down after vacancy left by resigning member Chuck . Zu cc a ro's s t ate men ts deciding not to seek re-election this came during a Westv year. Pickering. Cox was chosen over nine other land City Council A divided council voted 4-2 to place applicants for the six month position. meeting and echoed Cox in Pickering's seat, giving him appointee has angered residents like criticism that resident incumbent status as he campaigns for BY DARRELL CLEM Joseph Zuccaro, who lashed out Mon Jim Davis fired at election this year. STAFF WRITER day at council members who chose Cox council members earli Councilman Charles "Trav" Griffin
[email protected] . over nine other candidates. er in July. on Monday defended his support of. Zuccaro noted that voters in 1995 Davis repeatedly described himself Cox, calling him "a stellar candidate" David Cox's appointment to a West- ousted Cox from office after he served a as "angry" over the appointment, and among a group of 10 appealing appli land City Council vacancy continues to two-year council term, and Zuccaro he loudly criticized the council for cants.