BOX,167S Nice ST. .ilUQtfSTISE FM April 13 - 16, 1966 Hi Lo' Rain Wednesday 80 70 0 Sunday Thursday 80 62 0 Friday 79 62 Trace Edition Saturday Noon 78 59 0 BOCA RATON NEWS Vol. 11 No. 43 3 Sections Boca Raton, April 17, 1966 40 Pages Price Beach, Sewer Plans At Stake in Atlanta Coynty Planner Will Present Program to HUD Boca Raton's application for federal funds for both the sew- age system and the beach ac- quisition may well depend on County Planner Donald Morgan, He'll go to the Department of Housing and Urban Development in Atlanta Tuesday to try and convince the federal agency that Palm Beach County has an ex- cellent start on a master plan. That same federal agency — HUD — turned down the city's application for federal funds for the ocean outfall sewage system last Wednesday, when a person- al appeal by Mayor Pat Hon- chell, City Manager L. Mo Mc- Connell, Planning Director Walter Young and Consulting Engineer Dr. Fred Eidsness failed because of the lack of such a plan. "We have passed a resolution stating that we have approved the making of such a master plan as required by HUD, and much of the information such a study would need was assem- bled in 1965 under a very com- prehensive transportation re- City, • county., 'State, -university and a few other groups were port," George Warren, chair- man of the Board of County "Detour"" the sign says, but the warning ishard- cut blocking this driveway on Palmetto Park road represented in City Hall for a discussion of road plans affecting where new dual-Sane pavement is being installed. routes-to Boca Raton Community Hospital, 'Florida Atlantic Uni- Commissioners, told citycoun- !•>•> 'esriarv. Anything with less than tank-type cilmen at a special meeting Fri- tr*tUb would have difficulty negotiating the steep And, by the way, how does the car get in and out? versity, and Boca Raton High School. day morning. "We hope that Morgan's explanation to the fed- eral officials will be satisfac- Nearby Residents Object Meadows, Glades Road Plans tory so that the county's muni- cipalities can get matching funds for their projects." Warren said that the county Are Aired at Joint Meeting was not aware of the need for Civic Zoning Blasted countywide master plans until (Related Editorial, Page 4A) the present route there. It the city of West Palm Beach would then be straightened and had been refused federal funds Plans for new "civiccenter as a transition into, single-fa- detail in the ordinances and not mily residential areas. subject to interpretation by Officials of the Boca Raton cross El Rio Canal in approxi- last month. zoning in the area surrounding mately the same location, but Though he joined the other Memorial Park have come un- Most of the objections stem- either the planning and zoSing Community Hospital were as- med from the creation of the board or the city council. sured that they would have with three bridges. four county commissioners in der a hail of fire from residents Two of the bridges would voting for the origination of of the area. multi-family zones. Residents Young's plan, however, drew "some kind of decent road" of single-family areas which praise from Dr. John DeGrove, before patients were accepted. carry a four-lane route west- such plan, he said he thought the Objectors to the plan jammed erly along Glades road to pro- "federal rule smacked of the city council chambers for would be changed to multi-fam- (Continued on page 3A) But a "pie in the sky" an- ily zones protested that the re- swer to the entire streets and posed Interstate 95 and the metro-type government." last week's planning and zoning Sunshine State Parkway, The Mayor Honchell told the other board meeting to register pro- sult would be "downgrading" of roads program for that end of their property. the city will take longer, City other would feed directly down members of the council that he tests to the plan developed by Meadows Road to the hospital. thought his trip with other city City Planner Walter Young and John Foster of heulah