SERVING THE TOWNS OF BARRE, HARDWICK, HUBBARDSTON, NEW BRAINTREE, NORTH BROOKFIELD, OAKHAM, PETERSHAM & RUTLAND SINCE 1834 ServingServing the towns the of towns Barre, of Hardwick, Barre, Hardwick, Hubbardston, Hubbardston, New Braintree, New Braintree, North Brookfield, North Brookfield, Oakham, Oakham, Petersham Petersham & Rutland & Rutland since 1834 since 1834 Serving the towns of Barre, Hardwick, Hubbardston, New Braintree, North Brookfield, Oakham, Petersham & Rutland since 1834

FEBRUARYBARRE20, 2014 GAZETTE VOL. 179, NO. 40 $1.00 FEBRUARYBARRE20,EBRUARY 2014 GAZETTE F BARRE20, 2014 GAZETTE USPS 044560 VOL. 179, NVOOL. 40. 179, NO. 40 $1.00 $1.00 USPS 044560USPSUSPS 044560 044560 A TURLEY PUBLICATION ❙ Singing the night away May 13, 2021 ❙ Vol. 187, No. 4 ❙ $1.00 Senate SingingSinging the night the nightaway away visits selectmen MikeSenate ValanzolaSenateeconomy, candidateeducation and candidatecommu- nity. Of all theFinCom candidates for the reviews town visiting district towns senate seat, he is the only one that was a selectmen. He stated that local aid and Chapter 70 money By Ellenor Downer visitsvisits wereselectmen a priority. administrator’s Heselectmen said that now budget Staff Writer they were the first areas cut, not the first funded. economy,He mentioned educationeconomy, and education commu- and commu- OAKHAM- Despite a By Ellenor Downer contracts. She based the amount of Mike ValanzolaMike Valanzolathat the legislature is more inter- Tuesday snowstorm, Oakham nity. Of allStaff thenity. Writercandidates Of all the for candidates the forstate the aid to cities and towns on the ested in funding new programs, open every Saturday morningselectmen still held their meeting. senate seat, hesenate is the seat, only he one is the that only onehouse that budget. The senate has not Barre Farmers’ Market but that new programs take money Republicanvisiting candidate visitingdistrict for state townsdistrict towns away from existing programs. Senate, Mike Valanzola, intro- BARREwas a selectmen. –was The a Heselectmen.Barre stated Finance that He stated presented that its budget so that figure He also said that the duced himself to the two select- Committeelocal aid wentandlocal Chapter over aid andtown 70 Chaptermoney admin -70 moneymost likely would change. Vice- Department of Elementary and men present, EliotBy StarbardEllenor and DownerBy Ellenor Downer Secondary Educationistratorwere (DESE) aJessica priority. was were Sizer’sHe a priority.said thatproposed He now said thatchair now Ted Twarog said the commit- Matthew Broderick. James Erhard Staff Writera Stafffar too Writer powerful bureaucracy. of Sturbridge is also a running as a FY22they budget were the atthey itsfirst wereMay areas the6 meeting.cut, first not areas cut,tee not did not have a clear idea of rev- DESE adopted common core state Republican for the senate seat. The town administrator said enue the town would get. standards initiativethe without first a vote funded.the first He funded.mentioned He mentioned Valanzola saidOAKHAM- he hoped to visitOAKHAM- the Despite aDespite a of the legislatureshe that orestimated input the fromlegislature new growthis more conserinter- - The finance committee met to selectmen in all 28 towns in the that the legislature is more inter- Tuesday snowstorm,Tuesday schoolsnowstorm, Oakham districts.vatively Oakham Selectman at $50,000. New growth work on presenting a balanced fig- Senate district. He stated that he ested in fundingested newin funding programs, new programs, Starbard said that he did not agree served selectmentwo terms on still selectmenthe heldWales their still meeting. held theirincluded meeting. new construction, addi- ure of expenses and revenues to with the income basedbut thatnet school new butprograms that new take programs money take money Board ofRepublican Selectmen and isRepublican candidate currently forcandidate state for state spending formulations, that determinesswimming pools, etc. The voters at town meeting. The next chairman of the Tantasqua Regional away from existingaway from programs. existing programs. Senate, MikeSenate, Valanzola, Mikehow much Valanzola,intro- a towntown’s must intro- spendmaximum on levy limit under meeting will be held Thursday, School Committee, a committee of He also said that the education. Starbard said the town He also said that the 18 membersduced that serveshimself fiveduced thehimself two select-to theproposition two select- 2 ½ was $9,201,953. May 13. The meetings are broad- has no way to collectDepartment any of the Department of Elementary of Elementary and and He menexplained present, to themen selectmen Eliot present, Starbard Eliot and StarbardClaire and Adomaitis, finance com- cast on the local cable access chan- Secondary EducationSecondary (DESE) Education was (DESE) was that his Matthewfocus if elected Broderick.Matthew would be James Broderick.See Erhard SELECTMEN, Jamesmittee Erhard chair, page 7 said she pushed out nel and available on YouTube. a far too powerfula far too bureaucracy. powerful bureaucracy. Turley Publications Photo by Amber King, an intern from Quabbin Regional High School. of Sturbridgeof is Sturbridgealso a running is also as aathe running date as of a the committee’s public The finance committee approved DESE adoptedDESE common adopted core common state core state The band Crawdad E Creek held their sixth annual bonfire and food drive on Saturday, Feb. 8 at American Legion Post 2. RepublicanRepublican for the senate for seat.the hearingsenate seat. from Thursday, May 27 to a $2,000 budget request from the standards initiativestandards without initiative a vote without a vote Valanzola saidValanzola he hoped said to visithe hoped theThursday, to visit the June 3 to allow the com- Felton Field Commissioners and of the legislatureof the orlegislature input from or input from Stateselectmen funds inselectmen all 28 towns in allused in 28 the townsmittee into more the time to present a bal- called the field a “community school districts.Selectman Selectman Senate district.Senate He district.stated that He hestatedanced that budget he at town meeting. asset.” In the past, the Felton Field Starbard saidStarbard that he didsaid not that agree he did not agree QRSD to hold promoteserved two servedterms regional ontwo the terms Wales on theThe Wales town administrator’s bud- Commission used interest from State approves Pathfinder roof project with the incomewith basedthe income net school based net school Board of SelectmenBoard of and Selectmen is currently andget is currentlyexpenses were about $11.8 a trust fund to maintain the field. public budget about 62 percent of the project cost acceptance of the cost, site, type, spending formulaspending that formula determines that determines Construction chairman of thechairman Tantasqua of the Regional Tantasquamillion Regional and she expected a little The balance was under $10,000. or $2,003,781 of $3,273,620, with scope and timeline for the pro- partnerships underhow $11.6much a how milliontown much must ina spend townrevenue. muston spendWith on low interest rates, the fund hearing the remaining $1,269,839 borne by posed project,” wrote John School Committee,School aCommittee, committee aof committee of expected to begin munities that benefitThe education.from town the 37 administratorpro- Starbard said saidthe town some was not going to grow the way it Pathfinder’s member towns, based McCarthy, executive director of Technology,18 members health that serves five towns. education. Starbard said the town BARRE - The Quabbin late summer on enrollment. the MSBA in a Jan. 29 letter to Dr. 18 membersjects that slated serves to receiveof five the fundingtowns. numbers from were estimates and did in the past. Felton Field on Old the $4 million Communityhas noInnovation way hasto collectno way any to collectof the any of the Regional School District (QRSD) Pathfinder’s member towns Gerald Paist, superintendent-direc- networksHe advanced explainedHe to explainedthe selectmen to thelater selectmen in the month she would have Coldbrook Road is town owned School Committee will meet on By Douglas Farmer include Palmer, tor of the Pathfinder regional dis- that his focusthat if hiselected focusChallenge would if elected (CIC) be grant would program.See be SELECTMEN,See SELECTMEN, page 7 page 7 Thursday, Feb. 27 at 6:30 p.m. at the Staff Writer Blog about it in Ware, Belchertown, trict. “Upon receipt of the certified By Emily Thurlow “The CICmore program actual is a major figures. The town was Quabbin Regional School District our reader forum Staff Writer component of the Patrick Turley PublicationsTurley Photo Publications by AmberGranby, PhotoKing, Hardwick, anby internAmber from King,votes Quabbin an interndemonstrating Regional from Quabbin High School. Regionallocal High School. in the process of negotiating four See BARRE, page 5 Educational Support Center, 872 PALMER – After receiving Monson, New approval, the MSBA and the dis- Administration's commitment to pro- South St. At the conclusion of school formal approval for funding of the Braintree, Oakham trict will execute a project funding Through a program that is vide cities and towns with the tools to The band CrawdadThe band E Crawdad Creekcommittee held E Creek theirbusiness, sixthheld a public theirannual budget sixth bonfireproject annual andfrom bonfire foodthe Massachusetts drive and foodon Saturday, drive on Feb.andSaturday, Warren. 8 at American Feb. 8agreement at LegionAmerican which Post will Legion set2. forth thePost 2.intended to support regionalization effectively manage resources and pro- www.gazetteforum. and other cost-saving initiatives that vide services to their residents,” said hearing on the Quabbin Regional School Building Authority “Pursuant to the terms and conditions pursuant to School District FY15 budget will be (MSBA), a new roof will be placed terms of the MSBA’s which the district will receive its will change the way local govern- Secretary of AdministrationSelect and board okays sign for held. The public is invited to attend. over the heads of staff and students Accelerated Repair Program, the grant from the MSBA.” ments doState business to maintainState service fundsFinance Glen funds Shor. “This usedprogram used to to A copy of the FY2015 budget will at Pathfinder Regional Vocational district has 90 days to acquire and Within days of the receipt of delivery and stretch every taxpayer provides an opportunity for neigh- be available for review at the Central Technical High School in Palmer certify local approval for an appro- the letter, a preliminary meeting dollar as far as possible, the towns of boring communities to build part- Office, 872 South St. after 12 p.m. by the end of the year. priation and all other necessary Palmer, Monson, Brimfield, Holland Vietnam Memorial QRSDQRSD to hold to(noon) hold on Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2014. MSBA is expected to cover local votes or approvals showing See ROOF PROJECT, page 8 and Wales will be among those com- See CIC GRANT, page 8 StateState approves approves Pathfinder Pathfinder roof roofproject projectTurley Publicationspromote Submittedpromote Photo regional Byregional Ellenor Downer for the grant. He said the commit- Lynn Hartman of Hartman’s Herb Farm in Barre is shown with flowers, vegetables and herbs she grew to sell at the Barre Staff Writer tee needed about $30,000 for a publicpublic Farmersbudget Marketbudget onConstruction Saturday mornings on the aboutcommon. 62 percentabout The of 62 themarket percent project of costopened the projectacceptance for cost the ofacceptance seasonthe cost, ofsite,the the type, firstcost, Saturdaysite, type, in May and memorial similar to those already will be openKaren through OctoberAndersonConstruction from 9 ofa.m. Orange to 12:30or $2,003,781 p.m. announces rainor of$2,003,781 or$3,273,620, shine. of her$3,273,620,with scope with and timelinescope and for timeline theChocolates pro- for thepartnerships andpro- so manypartnerships to pick HUBBARDSTON – At its on the common. Select board chair hearinghearing expectedexpected to begin to beginthe remainingthe $1,269,839 remaining borne$1,269,839 by posed borne byproject,”posed wroteproject,” John wrote John April 26 meeting, the select board Daniel Galante said the Vietnam candidacy for state representativePathfinder’s Pathfinder’smember towns, member based towns,McCarthy, based executiveMcCarthy, director executive of directorTechnology, of Technology, health healthapprovedmunities athat temporary munitiesbenefit from that sign thebenefit 37to pro- markfrom the 37Veterans pro- Memorial Committee BARRE -BARRE The Quabbin- TheORANGE Quabbinlate - Karen Anderson,summerlate a squeezed summer between increasingon enrollment. prices tionson enrollment.that unreasonably hinderthe MSBA inthe a Jan.MSBA 29 letter in a Jan. to Dr. 29 letter to Dr. thejects spot slated where tojects receivea proposed slated funding to receive Vietnam from funding should from consider a warrant article Regional SchoolRegional District School (QRSD) Republican,District (QRSD) announced her candi- of the necessities, food, clothing them.” Veteransthe $4 million Memorialthe Community $4 millionwill be Innovation Community located. Innovationfor some funding this year. dacy for the 2nd Franklin District and shelter, on the one handPathfinder’s and “WePathfinder’s havemember a serious towns problem:memberGerald towns Paist,Gerald superintendent-direc- Paist, superintendent-direc-networksnetworks advanced advanced School district presents budget at joint meeting ChallengeBill Shea (CIC)Challenge ofgrant theprogram. (CIC) Vietnam grant program. Municipal mosquito spraying School CommitteeSchool Committeewill meetState on will Representative meet onBy seat. Douglas She more ByFarmer Douglasand more taxesFarmer on the other. too includeoften the people includePalmer, in office nowtorPalmer, of the Pathfindertor of the regional Pathfinder dis- regional dis- Veterans Memorial Committee The select board held a public Thursday, Feb.Thursday, 27 at 6:30 Feb. p.m. 27 atdeclared, the6:30 p.m.“For too at longthe the needsStaff of WriterWhen StaffI am the Writer RepresentativeBlog about for it in haveWare,Blog been about only itBelchertown, in interestedWare, in Belchertown, play-trict. “Upon trict.receipt “Upon of the receipt certified of the certified By Emily ThurlowBy Emily Thurlow “The CIC program“The CIC is aprogram major is a major By Paula Ouimetteour district getthe forpeople fiscal of this 2022.districtour readerIHardwick’s will foruming ourpolitical reader forum games“building for their own a budget for an many years, but never makes it said the sign would say “Future Quabbin RegionalQuabbin School Regional District School District Granby, Hardwick,Granby, Hardwick,votes demonstratingvotes demonstrating local local Staff Writer Staff Writer component componentof the Patrickof the Patrickhearing regarding municipal mos- Staff Writer have been assessmentwork to reduce is our$2,594,615.08. taxes to the benefit insteadunknown of standing upschool for year.” She said through the budget process,” she Location of Our Vietnam Veterans quito spraying. Legislation signed EducationalEducational Support Center, Support 872 Center, 872PALMERignored by the –PALMER Afterminimum receiving level – After essential receiving for good the Monson,people they are supposedNew to rep-approval, the MSBA and the dis- Administration'sAdministration's commitment commitmentto pro- to pro- Muir said grants helped cover theyMonson, are doing theirNew bestapproval, to plan the said.MSBA and the dis- Memorial” and would fall within by the Governor in July 2020 South St. At theSouth conclusion St. At the of conclusion school of formalschoolpeople approval formalwho forgovernment. approvalfunding offorI will the funding fight to protectof the resent,”Braintree, Anderson charged.Oakham “I won'ttrict will execute a project funding Through a Throughprogram athat program is vide that cities is andvide towns cities with and the towns tools withto the tools to HARDWICK – The Hardwickare supposed a ourlot elderly of their and those unexpected on fixed be costs just one of forthe good Braintree,a somewhat old boys on Oakham uncertaintrict future. will execute Muira project said funding some of the new the size limit of the town’s sign requires the Executive Office of committee business, a public budget project fromproject the Massachusetts from the Massachusetts intended to supportintended regionalization to support regionalizationeffectively manageeffectively resources manage and resourcespro- and pro- committeeBoard business, of Selectmen a public budget heldto be repre-a associatedincomes from thewith spiraling the costs pandemic, of Beaconand Hill. Warren. IMuir knowand that said Warren.state gov-sheagreement imagines whichagreement school will set which positionsforth will the set include forth the two technology bylaw. He said the sign would be Energy and Environmental Affairs hearing on thehearing Quabbin on the Regional Quabbin RegionalSchoolsenting Building usSchool on food, medicineBuildingAuthority and housing.”Authoritywww.gazetteforum. ernmentwww.gazetteforum. can be made to work better and other cost-savingand other initiatives cost-saving that initiativesvide services that videto their services residents,” to their said residents,” said joint meeting with the Finance including to“Pursuant will be to“Pursuant closerthe terms to to “normal,”theand conditionsterms butand pursuantconditionscoaches. to pursuant Right now, to the district is in place until the end of May 2022, to develop a process for the State School District FY15 budget will be (MSBA),Beacon a new Hill. roof will“There be areplaced many non-govern- and I will work to see that it does.” will change willthe waychange local the govern- way localSecretary govern- ofSecretary Administration of Administration and and SchoolCommittee District FY15 on Monday,budget will May beWe 10,(MSBA),need makement a agenciesnewremote roof that willand do bewonderful hybrid placed learntermsAnderson,- ofthe herthe husband, termsneedsMSBA’s of Robertof the thewhich MSBA’s students the districtwhich will willthebe districtreceiveusing will itsoutside receive consultants its to man- the goal for the placement of the Reclamation and Mosquito Control ments do business to maintain service Finance Glen Shor. “This program held. The publicheld. atis The invited6:30 public p.m. to attend. is viainvited Zoom. to attend.over The thesomeone meet headsover -who of ingthestaffwork headspossible. and meeting studentsof thestaff “Weneeds and ofAcceleratedpurchased students the peo- and Accelerated aRepair their lot five Program, unknown.sons Repairand a daughterthe Program,Theygrant are fromthe proposing thegrant MSBA.” from to theage MSBA.” technological needs.ments They do businessare to maintainmemorial service on theFinance town Glen common. Shor. “This programBoard to permit municipalities A copy of theing AFY2015 copy was of budgetto the further FY2015 will reviewbudgetat Pathfinderwill thewill prebe moreat- Regional Pathfinderofple technology,” of Vocationalour Regional communities Vocationalshedistrict and said. help has live“Each 90district indays Orange. hastoeliminate acquire She90 daysis the and tosomefourth acquire positionsWithin and days andWithin ofadd the daysreceiptalso of looking ofthe receiptdelivery to addof andan delivery stretchadditional every and stretch taxpayer everyprovidesShea taxpayer said an opportunityprovidesthere was an foropportunityan neigh-unprec -for neigh-to opt out of mosquito spraying Karen Anderson responsive to people in ways that are both more generation of her family to live in dollar as far as possible, the towns of boring communities to build part- be available forbe availablereviewliminary at forthe budget reviewCentral forat the fiscal CentralTechnical 2022.the district's HighTechnical Schoolmembereffective High in and townPalmer School more was efficient incertify generousPalmer than localOrange certifyapprovalwith and local has somefor deep approvalan affectionappro-new for ones.for thean appro- letter,The districta thepreliminary letter, is a preliminaryBoardmeeting Certified meeting Behaviordollar Analyst as far as possible,edented the towns number of boring of applicationscommunities tofor build including part- aerial or other. Office, 872 SouthOffice, St. 872 afterQRSD South 12 needs.p.m.St. assessment after I will 12tirelesslyby p.m. the endwork oftoby pro-the the sharingyear. similarend of government thetheir year. CARES programs.priation As Act a and thefundpriation areaall and-other its hopingand people. necessary all toother add necessary an intervention pro- and behaviorPalmer, assistants. Monson,Palmer, The Brimfield, Monson,dis- Holland Brimfield,the VeteransHolland Heritage grant pro- Kate Saab of the Board of (noon) on Tuesday,(noon) Feb. onQuabbin Tuesday, 25, 2014. Feb.tect Regional our 25, children. 2014. I willMSBASchool work to is cre- expectedMSBAing,”state Representativeshe isto expected said,cover toI will localhelpto work cover votes secureto orlocal The theapprovals Anderson votesgram or familyshowing approvalsin isthe active middle showingSee ROOF school, PROJECT,See like ROOF trict page PROJECT, also 8 wants pageand Wales 8to hirewilland bea Wales amongsocial will those be amongcom-gram those andcom-See the CIC committee GRANT,See CIC page did GRANT, 8not pageHealth 8 said the board would like ate an economic environment that neededhave our technology.state government encour- in a number ofthe local one organizations on the elementary level. District Superintendentwelcomes job creation Dr. Sheila in our dis- age these NGO's and I will work to receive a grant. The committee Muir presentedtrict. Toothe many school of us budare being- eliminateMuir anysaid unnecessary they regula- are again,See ANDERSON,“It has been page 9 much needed for See HARDWICK, page 6 planned to apply again next year See HUBBARDSTON, page 6

KarenKaren Anderson Anderson of Orange ofChamber Orange announces eyes volunteerannounces standoutsher her ChocolatesChocolates and so andTurleymany Publications so to Photomany bypick Genevieve to Fraser pick Green Energy Tips Kay Berry writes out a minimum bid for items in the chocolate auction held on Sunday, Feb. 9 SchoolBarre EnergyRegionalization Committee Awards to be presented of the Year, of anyone from the at the First Congregational Parish, Unitarian in Petersham. Proceeds from the chocolate auc- Chamber towns of Belchertown, tion will benefit the church building maintenanceBarre fund. bandstand gets new look candidacycandidacy forBeautiful state for icicles and staterepresentative prob- at representativeApril 26 dinner Brimfield, Brookfield, East lematic ice dams? If you have ORANGE - Karen Anderson, a squeezed between increasing prices tions that unreasonablyBrookfield, Hardwick, hinder Holland, CommitteeORANGE - Karenicicles Anderson, hanging ora icesqueezed dam presents betweenBy increasingDouglas Farmer prices studytionsMonson, that New unreasonably Braintree, results North hinder Republican, Republican,announced herannounced candi-issues, heritof is acandi-the sure necessities, sign youof theare necessities,food, clothing Stafffood, Writer them.”clothing them.”Brookfield, Palmer, Spencer, wasting money to melt the Petersham annual town Barre to hold PALMER — For every active Wales, Ware, Warren and West dacy for thedacy 2nd forFranklin theBy 2nd District Paula Franklinsnow Ouimetteonand your District roofshelter, by heatand on loss. theshelter, oneRichard onhand the Lindand one handand “We memberand have aof“We serious the have problem:and a serious worked problem: with The Management group or organization in town, Brookfield. StaffThe Writerpayback for insulation is Regionalization Study Committee Solution consultants.election “They worked is set for March 3 rabies clinic State RepresentativeState Representative seat. She seat.more Sheand moremore taxes and onmorethere the are taxes other. a number on thetooof key other.often volun- thetoo people oftenLast inyear’sthe office people winner now in wasoffice now fairly short, considering the declared, “Fordeclared, too long “For the tooneeds long of theWhen needs Iof am Whenthe Representative I amsaidteers the behind NorthRepresentative forit, from Brookfield havechurch beengroupsfor onlyhave BobbiePublic interested been McAvoy only withofin interestedWare, play- us for to her ingather play- thePETERSHAM information - The position once again. Ellen Anderson BARRE - The town of Barre high cost of energy. It has been NORTH BROOKFIELD – Schoolslike the United is oneChurch of of Warethe smallestwork in holding we collections needed, for and ultimatelyPetersham Annual they Town pro Election- of 20 Dana Road has taken out will hold a rabies and microchip our districtbelowour freezing thedistrict people for quite theaof while thispeople district of this I will districting I political will ing games political for theirgames own for their own and the First Church of Monson to troops overseas. At the time, she will be held on March 3. The papers to challenge for the seat. clinic on Saturday, March 29 from Over 50 peopleresulting attended in very a little meeting melting districts in the state. He said the duced a final report,” Lind said. He have beenhavework been to reducework our to reducetaxescivic organizations to our the taxes likebenefit theto Palmerthe insteadbenefitsaid of that standing instead she was ofthrilledup standingfor to be up forBoard of Selectmen seat currently Other positions on the bal- 9 to 11 a.m. at the Barre DPW from the suns warmth. Compare both in-person and via Zoom last discussionLions Club and of the regionalizingBelchertown nominated, with but didn’tsaid believe The sheManagementheld by Tim Solution Clark, who hasis sub- lot, which are all three year terms Building, 441 Wheelwright Road. ignored by thetheignored snowminimum on by the the roof level ofminimum your essential level for essential good thefor peoplegood theythe arepeople supposed they are to rep-supposed to rep- Wednesday, May 5 regarding the anotherFair Committee, school said district Quaboag haswas comeas deserving a of local the award company as mitted that his recently resignation ascon of March- and signed by the incumbents are Second Chance Animal Shelter will people whoheatedpeople housegovernment. whoto an unheatedgovernment. I will fight toI will protect fight toresent,” protect Andersonresent,” charged. Anderson “I won'tcharged. “I won't Hills Chamber of Commerce others in the community. 3, will have a contest. Nancy Allen Moderator – Bart Wendell, Board be providing rabies vaccines for dogs results of the garage,study this conducted will tell you howby up several times in the past. Lind ducted a similar study in Ware. The are supposedare supposedour elderlyour and elderly those(QHCC) onand fixed Presidentthose onLennybe justfixed Weake. one ofbe the justAnd good one that oldof is the justboys goodthe on quality old boys onof 17 Common Street has taken of Selectmen – Frederik Marsh, and cats for only $12. Microchipping the school Regionalizationenergy efficient your houseStudy is or said this process has been the most report covered five major areas These are the people that – for the that Weake said the committee that out papers to fill the term. Dana Treasurer – Dana Robinson, Board will also be available for $20 includ- to be repre-is tonot. beincomes repre- fromincomes the spiraling from the costs spiraling of Beacon costs of Hill.Beacon I know Hill.that stateI know gov- that state gov- Committee to determine if North formalmost part look– stay inat the regionalizationbackground judges Citizen to of ofthe Yearconcern: nomina- academics,Kennan of 404 quality North Main of Street of Health – Kaye Cousens, ing registration. Dogs must be on Brookfieldsenting Publicus onsenting Schoolsfood, us medicine on shouldfood, and medicine housing.”date.when andThroughthe mediahousing.” shows ernmentthe upuse at canan of ernmentbe tionsa madegrant, is looking canto work be for.programs made better to work and better services,has notified the technolo Town Clerk, -Diana Petersham School Committee – leash and cats must be in carriers. If a join Beaconan established Hill.Beacon regional Hill.“There school are many“There the non-govern-event are district but many are a vitalnon-govern-wasand part able Iof will bring- to work andfund to I“These willseethis thatwork people itgy, todoes.” are seephysical the that ones it does.”plantCooley, and of fiscal his intention issues. to run as a Russell Fontaine, Planning Board – pet is eligible for a three year vaccine, We needWe mentneed agenciesment that agencies doing wonderful community that do activities wonderful toAnderson, life. that her Anderson,don’t husband, do it for her theRobert recognitionhusband, Robertwrite-in for the position. John Lawson and Planning Board people bring prior vaccine paperwork district. At a meeting held on April study.And The it is grant,recognition in ofthe that amountbut without of whoseCommittee diligence the membersThe Board broke of Assessors into will – Fraser Sinclair. The position of with them. Vaccines will be provided 28, thesomeone committee whosomeone chosework who tomeeting considerwork the meetingneeds$32,890,fact of thethatthe needsthepeo- covered QHCC ofand the is theirseekingapeo- consultant fiveand sons their andto five a subcommitteesdaughtersons and a daughteralso during have a contest. the Fredrik pro “Rick”- Trustees of Public Library, current- by the licensed veterinarians of Quaboagwill beRegional morewill pleSchoolbe moreof our District communitiesple of ourfacilitatenominations communities and help thefor the work,liveand 2014 helpinCitizen Orange.a consultantlive inShe SeeOrange. is CHAMBER, thecess. fourthShe “Thepage is the 10 people fourthMarsh who has signedare onto serve this in the ly held by Annette Ermini, is open. Second Chance Animal Shelter, Inc. responsive to people in ways that are both more generation of her family to live in Karen AndersonKarenfor regionalization. Anderson responsive to people into ways provide that are a bothdemographic more generation study of committeeher family to deservelive in a tremendous Regionalizationthe district'sthe district's effectivestudy grant andeffective more includingefficient and more than efficientenrollmentOrange than andprojections, Orangehas deep and affection hasamount deep for affection of kudos for from everyone needs. I willneeds. tirelessly SchoolI will work tirelessly to pro-Superintendent worksimilar to pro- governmentsimilar governmentprograms.postage/supplies/travel, As programs. a the area As aand legal theits people. areacoun and- itsin people. the community. Donating the tect our children.tect our I will children. work to I willcre- workstate to Representativecre- state Representative Isel will and work recording Ito will work secretary.The to Anderson The family Anderson amountis active family of is time, active and the amount ate an economicate an environment economic environment that have ourthat statehave government our stateThe governmentencour- 18-memberin encour- a number committeein of a localnumber organizations ofof local energy organizations they put into this,” Lind began in February 2020, and spent said. Turley Publications Photo by Ellenor Downer welcomes jobwelcomes creation job in ourcreation dis- inage our these dis- NGO'sage these and INGO's will work and toI will work to The Harding Allen Bandstand located on Barre Common is getting the railings repaired, the past 15 months gatheringSee ANDERSON, inforSee- ANDERSON, page 9 page 9 trict. Too manytrict. ofToo us many are being of us areeliminate being anyeliminate unnecessary any unnecessary regula- regula- stripped and ready for painting. The bandstand restoration is the final piece of the Barre mation. They held 16 meetings See NORTH BROOKFIELD, page 6 Common project. ChamberChamber eyes volunteer eyes volunteer standouts standouts Turley PublicationsTurley Photo Publications by Genevieve Photo Fraser by Genevieve Fraser Green EnergyGreen TipsEnergy Tips Kay Berry Kaywrites Berry out writesa minimum out a bid minimum for items bid in for the items chocolate in the auctionchocolate held auction on Sunday, held on Feb. Sunday, 9 Feb. 9 Barre EnergyBarre Committee Energy CommitteeAwards toAwards be presented to be presentedof the Year,of of the anyone Year, fromof anyone the fromat thethe Firstat Congregational the First Congregational Parish, Unitarian Parish, in Unitarian Petersham. in Petersham. Proceeds from Proceeds the chocolate from the auc-chocolate auc- Unique JoinChamber Our townsChamber of Belchertown, towns Downtown of Belchertown,tion will benefittion will the benefit church the building church maintenance building Ware maintenance fund. fund. Spring Beautiful iciclesBeautiful and prob-icicles and atprob- April 26at April dinner 26 dinnerBrimfield, Brimfield,Brookfield, Brookfield, East East New Shops, lematic ice dams?lematic If ice you dams? have If you have Brookfield, Brookfield,Hardwick, Holland,Hardwick, Holland, icicles hangingicicles or hanging ice dam or ice dam By Douglas ByFarmer Douglas FarmerMonson, NewMonson, Braintree, New NorthBraintree, North issues, it is aissues, sure signit is youa sure are sign you are Staff Writer Staff Writer Brookfield,Brookfield, Palmer, Spencer, Palmer, Spencer, Treats, wasting moneywasting to meltmoney the to melt the PetershamPetersham annual annual town town BarreBarre to hold to hold PALMER —PALMER For every — active For everyWales, active Ware,Wales, Warren Ware, and Warren West and West snow on yoursnow roof on by your heat roofloss. by heat loss. group or organizationgroup or organization in town,SIDEWALK town, Brookfield. SALE Gift Certificates, The paybackThe for payback insulation for is insulation is electionelection is set isfor set March for March 3 3 rabiesrabies clinic clinic there are a numberthere are of a keynumber volun- of key volun-Last year’sLast winner year’s was winner was fairly short,fairly considering short, considering the the teers behind teersit, from behind church it, fromgroups churchBobbie groups McAvoyBobbie of McAvoyWare, for of her Ware, for herPETERSHAMPETERSHAM - The position- The once positionagain. Ellen once Anderson again. 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Road. the snow onthe the snow roof onof theyour roof of your Fair Committee,Fair Committee, said Quaboag said Quaboagwas as deservingwas as of deserving the award of as the awardmitted as his resignationmitted his as resignation of March as andof March signed byand the signed incumbents by the areincumbentsSecond are ChanceSecond Animal Chance Shelter Animal will Shelter will heated househeated to an house unheated to an unheated Hills ChamberHills ofChamber Commerce of Commerceothers in the otherscommunity. in the community. 3, will have a3, contest. will have Nancy a contest. Allen NancyModerator Allen – ModeratorBart Wendell, – Bart Board Wendell,be Board providing berabies providing vaccines rabies for dogsvaccines for dogs garage, thisgarage, will tell this you will how tell you how (QHCC) President(QHCC) Lenny President Weake. Lenny Weake.And that isAnd just thatthe qualityis just the qualityof 17 Commonof 17 Street Common has taken Street hasof Selectmen taken of – Selectmen Frederik Marsh,– Frederik andMarsh, cats for onlyand cats$12. forMicrochipping only $12. Microchipping energy efficientenergy your efficient house is your or house is or These are theThese people are that the –people for the thatthat – for Weake the saidthat theWeake committee said the that committeeout that papers toout fill papers the term. to fill Dana the term.Treasurer Dana – DanaTreasurer Robinson, – Dana Board Robinson,will Board also be availablewill also forbe available$20 includ- for $20 includ- is not. is not. most part – staymost in part the –background stay in the backgroundjudges Citizenjudges of the Citizen Year nomina- of the Year nomina-Kennan of 404Kennan North of Main 404 StreetNorth Mainof StreetHealth of– KayeHealth Cousens, – Kaye Cousens,ing registration. Dogs must beDogs on must be on when the mediawhen showsthe media up at shows an tionsup at is an lookingtions for. is looking for. has notified thehas Town notified Clerk, the DianaTown Clerk,Petersham Diana SchoolPetersham Committee School –Committeeleash and– catsleash must and be incats carriers. must be If ina carriers. If a event but areevent a vital but part are ofa vitalbring- part of bring-“These people“These are peoplethe ones are the Cooley,ones of hisCooley, intention of histo run intention as a toRussell run as Fontaine, a Russell Planning Fontaine, Board Planning – Boardpet is eligible – pet for isa eligiblethree year for vaccine, a three year vaccine, ing communitying activitiescommunity to life.activities tothat life. don’t dothat it for don’t the dorecognition it for the recognitionwrite-in for thewrite-in position. for the position. John LawsonJohn and LawsonPlanning and Board Planningpeople Board bring peopleprior vaccine bring priorpaperwork vaccine paperwork And it is recognitionAnd it is recognitionof that but of without that butwhose without diligence whose the diligence theThe Board ofThe Assessors Board of will Assessors– Fraser will Sinclair.– Fraser The Sinclair. position The of positionwith them.of Vaccineswith them. will Vaccines be provided will be provided fact that thefact QHCC that theis seeking QHCC is seeking also have a contest.also have Fredrik a contest. “Rick” FredrikTrustees “Rick” of PublicTrustees Library, of Public current- Library, bycurrent- the licensedby the veterinarians licensed veterinarians of of nominationsnominations for the 2014 for Citizen the 2014 CitizenSee CHAMBER,See CHAMBER, page 10 pageMarsh 10 has signedMarsh to has serve signed in the to servely held in theby Annettely held Ermini, by Annette is open. Ermini, isSecond open. ChanceSecond Animal Chance Shelter, Animal Inc. Shelter, Inc. May 13,, 2021 • Barre Gazette • Page 7

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A TURLEY PUBLICATION ❙ SPORTSSEND US YOUR SPORTS SUBMISSIONS Spring begins for Panthers Valley Wheel action opens By Gregory A. Scibelli and Collin Wallace pitched will Arsenault completed the game scored a three-set win in the top [email protected] in the defeat. Quabbin managed with a pair of innings himself singles position, coming from just four hits in the game. with six strikeouts. Salvadore way behind in the first set, to BARRE – After a long layoff, Quabbin’s opening game went also scored five times, as did winning the second and third sets spring sports finally return to a lot better with the Panthers Kyle Nastasi and Collin Wallace. 6-2, and outlasting the third set Quabbin Regional High School completely getting the better of Gavin Price doubled twice and 7-5. over the past week. Here is a look rival Gardner 28-1. had four RBI. Sydney Bolger and Camden at some of the opening action: Jamison Howland had a four- Quabbin’s girls tennis team Dyer scored the sweep in sin- In a very tight game on hit day and the entire Panther got out to a 2-0 start during the gles competition for the Panthers Monday afternoon, Quabbin offense was rounding the passes first week of the season, includ- while second doubles competitors found itself on the tough end all afternoon in the win. ing a 4-1 win on Monday over Kathleen Haddad and Annabella SUFFIELD, Conn. – The of a close 2-0 shutout against Salvadore started and went the Gardner High School. Magill had a 6-0, 6-3 win to get Valley Wheel Over-28 Baseball Tyngsborough. Jacob Salvadore first two innings while Brandon In the win, Isabella Howard a win. League, like many other leagues in 2020, lost its season last year due to the pandemic. Players in the league participated in their first action in almost two years last Sunday, May 2. The league Pioneers return to action features six teams playing most of its games on Sunday afternoons. The league did have its tradition- By Tim Peterson al Saturday matinee for Mother’s Sports Correspondent Day weekend this past week Justin Morin makes a throw to first. LUDLOW — When Maxi Viera first joined the Western Mass. Pioneers back in 2012, he knew very little about the history of the club and about historic Lusitano Stadium. Viera, who’s originally from Montevideo, Uruguay, is one of the Pioneers veteran players on this year’s team. He likes to tell the younger players how special it is to wear a Pioneers uniform and what it means to play home matches at the only soccer specific stadium in New England. “Playing soccer matches at this stadium is very special because of the history,” Viera said. “It’s also very important for us to have a successful season every year Photos by David Henry Maxi Viera makes a dodge to keep the ball from being Chaney Nash Gibney gets because we’re representing both the ball ready to fly. the club and this community.” taken away. celed due to the pandemic. The Pioneers, who finished match held under the bright lights Molinari. “We do have a bunch of in first place in the Northeast “It was very strange not play- at Lusitano Stadium, last Friday returning players and a couple of ing any matches for the Pioneers Division standings with an 11-0- night. newcomers. We just want to be a 3 mark, qualified for the USL last year, especially following a “The good thing about tonight’s competitive team again this year.” very successful 2019 season,” League Two playoffs in 2019. Photos by David Henry match is that I had the opportuni- Because of the COVID-19 pro- Viera said. “We really want to per- Kevin Little, of Palmer, pitches They kicked off the 2021 cam- ty to watch 20 players play prior tocols, no spectators could attend paign by posting a 3-0 shutout win form well this season and make the in the opening game for the Twins pitcher Dan Benoit to our first regular season match,” last Friday’s friendly match. The Angels at Suffield High School. over Fall River FC in a friendly said Pioneer’s head coach Federico 2020 soccer season was also can- See PIONEERS, page 8 fires to the plate. Bryan Kruczek picks up Premier League training win at Star Speedway camp to be held at Gillette FOXBOROUGH – The .com. Memorial Stadium on June 1. WALPOLE, N.H. -- Bryan Premier Lacrosse League “We look forward to host- More information on schedule Kruczek passed the entire field (PLL) powered by Ticketmaster ing the PLL’s Training Camp at and tickets for pre-season exhibi- -- at least twice -- en route to announced today it will be hold- for the first time tion games forthcoming. his first career Granite State ing their 2021 Training Camp at this spring, in addition to hosting The PLL season will begin Pro Stock Series win at Star Gillette Stadium from May 28 the league’s Opening Weekend,” at Gillette Stadium for the sec- Speedway on Saturday, May through June 3, 2021 leading said Kraft Group President- ond time, getting underway with 8. Kruczek, who was fastest up to their Week 1 matchups at International Dan Kraft, who a primetime matchup between in time trials and won his heat Gillette Stadium. was a collegiate lacrosse goalie Cannons LC and Redwoods LC race, started seventh -- but had “There’s not a venue as close- for Tufts University in the 1980s under the lights on Friday, June to go to the rear on at least two ly connected to lacrosse, with and served on the executive 4. Saturday’s slate includes a different occasions. The Bobby world-class facilities and ame- Board of the 2018 Federation of championship rematch between Webber Racing driver didn’t nities like Gillette Stadium International Lacrosse’s World Whipsnakes LC and Chaos LC, let that slow him down, as he and One Patriot Place,” says Championships Host Committee. followed by Archers LC taking took the Vynorius No. 19 into co-founder and CEO, Mike “Hosting training camp is anoth- on Atlas LC. On Sunday after- Victory Lane in the third GSPSS Rabil. “With our opening week- er important step in our strong noon, Cannons LC will return to race of the season, the Hedges end of games slated for June 4th, relationship with the PLL and the field against Waterdogs LC, Excavating 100. our athletes will receive the best we cannot wait to welcome the and the weekend will be capped “I’m out of breath,” Kruczek care while preparing for the start nation’s best lacrosse players, off with a matchup between said, climbing from the car. of the season on location.” including former Patriot Chris Chrome LC and Redwoods LC. “I had to pass a lot of cars out During this time, PLL play- Hogan, back to Gillette Stadium. The entire 2021 PLL season there. I can’t thank all of my ers will take part in official team While training camp will be will be viewable on the NBCU guys enough, my guys are sec- practices, scrimmages, presea- closed to the public, we are excit- family of networks, with all ond to none. Bobby Webber lets son workouts, film sessions, ed to welcome fans to Gillette games available to stream live me come out here and tells me and educational workshops with Stadium June 4 through June 6 to and on-demand on Peacock. The to hand him the steering wheel their coaches ahead of their reg- enjoy five riveting PLL matchups 2021 season will feature more or the trophy. We have some ular season debuts. Training all weekend long.” than half of its games on NBC awesome sponsors.” Submitted photos Camp will be closed to the pub- As part of PLL’s Training and NBCSN, with a full broad- Angelo Belsito and Joey Pole Bryan Kruczek was the winner in the Granite State Pro Stock lic, but tickets are still avail- Camp, pre-season exhibition cast schedule to be announced at started on the front row -- with race last weekend. able for Opening Weekend at games will be hosted at Veterans a later date. Belisto taking the early advan- tage looking for his second tact and a spin by Jacob Dore, late gave Pole on last chance. straight win, and former series which sent both to the rear, and Pole edged out for the lead champion Devin O’Connell contact and a spin with Evan on the restart, crossing the line mounting an early charge to the Beaulieu, which sent both to the out front at lap 94 -- but slight Photos wanted for Panthers sports lead with 33 laps complete. Pole rear. He pitted multiple times contact a few laps later sent him BARRE – With the upcom- in need of and is welcoming or submitting photos from took the lead on a restart with to the attention of his Bobby backwards, and eventually spin- ing season and a limited any and all photo submis- Quabbin games for use in the 58 laps to go, but couldn’t hold Webber Racing crew, but the car ning down the frontstretch, end- number of games and oppor- sions of Fall 2 sports begin- Barre Gazette, please contact back the charges of Kruczek in was right at the end. He passed ing his day early. Kruczek held tunities to feature current ning next week. If you are editor Gregory A. Scibelli at the late laps. Pole for the top spot with 24 athletes, the Barre Gazette is interested in either taking [email protected]. Kruczek’s day included con- laps to go -- however, a caution See RACING, page 9

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MARCHBARRE GAZETTE 3, 2016 VOL. 181, N It’s easier than ever to SUBSCRIBE to your hometown paper. USPS 044560O. 43 Selectmen grant Technical rescue team simulates Visit and click on SUBSCRIPTIONS! one-day liquor $1.00 license shaft Locally, t re BARRE – The Barre esc Fire is one of the host Library event to ue community that house a technical rescue trailer Sanders You can also browse our archives, submit your news and view our facebook feed all from the same page! include beer and wine for the Fire District 8 Technical Rescue Team. As part of being a com- and munity that has members By Ellenor Downer on the team, Barre Fire Staff Writer Department hosted a Trump OAKHAM – Fobes Memorial training scenario on Library director, Samantha Thursday, Feb. 25 and $33/Year | $38 Out-of-State Boudin, requested a one-day Sunday, Feb. 28 at the win in liquor license for the Friends of sewer pumping station by the Library Swinging Desserts Fire Station 2 on event. Wheelwright Road. primary She said that this y The training was the friends gro same on b th By Ell