Appendix A: Educational Resources in Astronomy
Appendix A: Educational Resources in Astronomy A.I Planetariums, Museums, and Exhibits A.I.I Planetariums and Museums in the United Kingdom England - AAC Planetarium, Amateur Astronomy Centre, Bacup Road, Clough Bank, Tod morden, Lancs. OLl4 7HW. Tel: 0706816964. - British Museum, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG; Tel: 071-323 8395 ext. 395. Astronomical clocks. - British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, South Kensington, London SW7 5BD; Tel: 071-938 9123. Extensive meteorite collection. - Caird Planetarium, Old Royal Observatory, Greenwich, London SE 10. - William Day Planetarium, Plymouth Polytechnic, School of Maritime Studies, Ply- mouth PL4 8AA. Tel: 0752 264666. - Electrosonic Ltd., 815 Woolwich Road, London SE7 8LT. - Greenwich Planetarium, South Building, Greenwich Park, Greenwich, London SE 10. Tel: 081-858 1167. - William Herschel House and Museum, 19 New King Street, Bath, BA1 2Bl. Con tact: Dr. A.V. Sims, 30 Meadow Park, Bathford, Bath; Tel: 0225 859529. Open Mar-Oct daily 2-5 pm, Nov-Feb Sundays only, 2-5 pm. - lodrell Bank Planetarium and Visitor Center, Lower Withington, Nr. Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9DL; Tel: 0477 71339. - Kings Observatory, Kew, Old Deer Park, Richmond, Surrey TW9 2AZ. - University of Leicester, The Planetarium, Department of Astronomy, University Road, Leicester LEI 7RH; Tel: 0533 522522. - Liverpool Museum Planetarium, William Brown Street, Liverpool, Merseyside L3 8EN. Tel: 051-2070001 ext. 225. - London Planetarium, Marylebone Road, London NW1 5LR; Tel: 071-486 1121 (9:30--5:30), 071-486 1121 (recording). - City of London Polytechnic, The Planetarium, 100 Minories, Tower Hill, London EC3N BY. 071-283 1030. - London Schools Planetarium, John Archer School Building, Wandsworth Rd., Sutherland Grove, London SW18; Tel: 081-788 4253.
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