Cultural Resources Study
CULTURAL RESOURCES STUDY CARMEL RIVER BANK STABILIZATION AT RANCHO SAN CARLOS ROAD CARMEL, MONTEREY COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Confidential - Not for Public Distribution This report contains confidential cultural resources location information; report distribution should be restricted to those with a need to know. Cultural resources are nonrenewable and their scientific, cultural, and aesthetic values can be significantly impaired by disturbance. To deter vandalism, artifact hunting, and other activities that can damage cultural resources, the locations of cultural resources should be kept confidential. The legal authority to restrict cultural resources information is in Section 304 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, and California Government Section Code 6254.10 exempts archaeological sites from the California Public Records Act requiring that public records be open to public inspection. June 2018 CULTURAL RESOURCES STUDY CARMEL RIVER BANK STABILIZATION AT RANCHO SAN CARLOS ROAD CARMEL, MONTEREY COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Submitted to: Larry Hampson, District Engineer Monterey Peninsula Water District P.O. Box 85 Monterey, California 93942 Prepared by: Lora Holland, M.A., RPA 989173 E. Timothy Jones, M.A., RPA 15531 LSA 157 Park Place Point Richmond, California 94801 510.236.6810 LSA Project No. MPW1701 June 2018 C ULTURAL R ESOURCES S TUDY C ARMEL R IVER B ANK S TABILIZATION AT R ANCHO S AN C ARLOS R OAD J UNE 2018 C ARMEL, M ONTEREY C OUNTY, C ALIFORNIA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY LSA conducted this cultural resources study for the proposed Carmel River Bank Stabilization at Rancho San Carlos Road Project (project) in Carmel, Monterey County, California. Because the Monterey Peninsula Water District (Water District) is applying for a Nationwide Permit with the U.S.
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