FM 27 5 US Army and Navy Manual of Military Government and Civil
Army“and Nuvy E- Manud of MILITARY GOVERNMENT AND CIVIL AFFAIRS ,’ 22 December, 1943 i”’ I 22 December 1943. This manual, War Department Field Manual 27-5 and Navy Department OpNav 50E-3, supersedes War Depart ment Field Manual 27-5, 30 July 1940. G. C. MARSHALL, E. J. KING, Chief of Stafl, U. S. Army. Commander in Chief, U. S. Fleet, and Chief of Naval Ofierations. OFFICIAL: J. A. ULIO, By: W. S. FARBER, Major General, Rear Admiral, Th,i” ‘b*rdent Gelaeral. Sub Chief of Naval Operations. Table of Contents XCCiiO,~ Pa?Y7Qw$lk PtrYc I. GENERAL. 1: Definitions: Military Government, Occupied Territory, and Civil Affairs ___- -_- __-____ --_ 1 2. Military Contra1 by Agreement or Convention- 2 3. Occasion for Military Govcrnmcnt as a Right or Obligation in Enemy, Allied, Neutral, and Domestic Territories ___-__ - _____ - _________ 4. Object of Control of Civilian Populations---,, 5. Degree of Control- ---- ---------- _-_-_____ 6. Period of Control ____________ - _.__--_ --__- 7. Authority for Control _____________________ 8. Exercise of Control a Command Responsibility, 9. General Principles and Policies in Conduct of Civil Affairs-- -_____ - _______-____________ a. Military Necessity...---,-------__.--- b. Supremacy of Commanding Of&r---,* c. Civil ht%nirs Jurisdiction _____.__ --___ d. Economy of Personnel _--___ -__- _____ e. Plcxibility _____ --ll_-_l__._-l._---l__ f. Continuity of Policy------ ____._. I_.-__ g. Trcntrnent of Population l____l_____l ( 1) Must bc just and rcasonnblc- (2) Will vary with conditions---, (a) Hostile or nonhostile populations -_ll-_l-___ (b) Hostngcs and reprisals to bc avoided _--_ - ___-_-_ (c) USC of farce against crime, violators cnti tlcd to trial ____-_I_-__._.__..._ h.
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