“La Trasformazione Digitale delle Aziende” Gli smart products e la “servizaon” IBM oggi nel mondo

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Presente in 175 Paesi

380.000 dipendenti

Ricavi 2014

92.8$B Sede centrale ad Armonk, NY www..com

In oltre 100 anni di vita, IBM ha contribuito al progresso e all’innovazione di imprese, istituzioni pubbliche e cittadini. Ricerca e Sviluppo

Centri di Ricerca IBM 5.4 B$ in R&D (6% del fatturato) Dublin

Almaden Zurich Beijing/Shanghai Haifa Tokyo Austin 13 centri di Ricerca in 5 Delhi/Bengaluru continenti, Nairobi fra cui quello di Zurigo São Paulo/ Johannesburg Melbourne Rio de Janeiro guidato dall’italiano Alessandro Curioni

Per 22 anni consecuvi l’impresa leader nei breve 5 premi Nobel

breve U.S. nel 2014 7.534

8.500 IBM inventori in 43 paesi

Concentra in aree strategiche: Cloud Compung, Analycs, Mobile, Social, Security e Cognive Compung. Una tradizione di ricerca di altissimo livello

1944: 1948: 1956: 1957: 1964: 1966: 1967: 1970: 1971: Mark 1 SSEC RAMAC System/360 One-Device Fractals Relaonal Database Speech Recognion Memory

Nobel Prizes: 1973: 1979: 1980: 1986: 1987: 1990: 1994: 1993: RS/6000 SP Winchester Disk Thin Film Recording RISC Scanning Tunneling High Temperature Superconducvity Chemically SIGe 1996,97: Deep Blue Heads Microscope Amplified Photoresists

1997: 1998: 1998: 2004: 2006: 2008: CopperInterconnectWiring Silicon-on-Insulator Microdrive 2002: Blue Genethe fastest 5-stage Carbon Nanotube Ring World’s First Petaflop Supercomputer Millipede supercomputerin the world Oscillator IBM inaugura l’era del Cognitive Computing

IBM Watson è il primo sistema che: 1 Capisce il linguaggio naturale e umano

2 Genera e valuta l'ipotesi migliore per oenere la risposta giusta

3 Impara basandosi sulle selezioni e sulle risposte 'utente 14 febbraio 2011: IBM Watson partecipa alla trasmissione televisiva statunitense Jeopardy! battendo due concorrenti campioni delle passate edizioni del programma rispondendo a domande fatte con linguaggio naturale con velocità e precisione. Watson: dalla ricerca alla creazione di un nuovo mercato

2015 2012 2014 08/11 02/11 2006

IBM Watson Health IBM Watson Group 2.000 professionisti, Cloud Una piattaforma Watson è pronto nuovi servizi e per diversi settori applicazioni erogati via aperta e sicura a disposizione di cloud, $1B di di industria medici, ricercatori, Watson per la sanità investimento Le prime soluzioni in Nuove soluzioni assicurazioni e ambito sanitario sono business analytics aziende che si Il test di Watson disponibili sul mercato Watson presto occupano di soluzioni Ricerca e Sviluppo Partecipa e vince alla disponibili per i per la salute e il Progetto di Ricerca trasmissione televisiva clienti benessere. Jeopardy! IBM e i suoi clienti a livello globale

+90 tra le 100 banche più 9 delle 10 più importanti IBM lavora con 9 delle 10 80% dei 50 rivenditori più importanti del mondo compagnie petrolifere e del più importanti aziende importanti del mondo utilizzano le soluzioni IBM gas nel mondo sono clienti elettroniche del mondo gestiscono il loro business per gestire le proprie attività IBM su sistemi informatici IBM

92 delle 100 più importanti 22 delle 25 più importanti IBM lavora con 9 delle 10 Più di 225 governi e enti locali organizzazioni sanitarie al aziende di largo consumo più importanti aziende di in tutto il mondo si affidano a un mondo lavorano con IBM utilizzano soluzioni IBM per telecomunicazione nel mainframe IBM per supportare le gestire il proprio sistema mondo Polizia, i Vigili del Fuoco, utility, informatico servizi igienico-sanitari, parchi e ospedali Innovation and Product Development, what’s the trend?

1980 2015 Trend?

Promo Renault anni 80 Promo Ford auale Promo Car2Go auale hps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5naJtm0Eys hps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKelrreOMfE hps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0AdDDv_lAE

Product and Consumer (Client, Customer or User, perhaps Citizen)?

8 Innovation and Product Development, what’s the trend?

Ipotesi nel 2008 • Proporre e vendere auto come “floe geste” (fleet management) • Proporre Hardware/Computer come floe geste o “a consumo” (pay per use) • Proporre Soware/applicavi a consumo (“on demand”) • Proporre il prodoo “polizza di assicurazione” a consumo (payasyoudrive) • Proporre il prodoo per il supermercato (CPG) come “scaffale gesto dal fornitore” (eventualmente anche con echea personalizzata=private labeling) • Proporre un aereo civile (ma anche militare!) araverso “costo per ora di volo”(pay as you fly) • Proporre una macchina movimento terra (o macchina utensile?) a “ore di ulizzo” (pay as you work) • Proporre il servizio di manufacturing invece della fornitura di impian/macchine produve (pay as you need) • Proporre una centrale elerica come “KWH eroga” (in funz ione dell’uliz zo reale nel tempo) anziché una centrale più un contrao di manutenzione • Proporre il “servizio” di potersi creare il prodoo personalizzato(pro - sumership)...... • Vendere il prodoo come “esperienza”(fashion, luxury... HOW, AND WHY NOW? Data is transforming industries and professions.

© 2015 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION 10 CONSIDER: HEALTHCARE DATA GOVERNMENT & EDUCATION DATA Data flows from every device, 99% 88% 94% 84% replacing guessing and growth by 2017 unstructured growth by 2017 unstructured approximations with precise information. Yet 80% of this Healthcare data comes from sources Government & education data comes data is unstructured; therefore, such as: from sources such as: invisible to computers and of limited use to business.

Patient Electronic Test Results Vehicle Fleet Traffic Student Sensors Medical Sensors Sensors Evaluations Records By 2020, UTILITIES DATA MEDIA DATA

93% 84% 97% 82% 1.7 MB growth by 2017 unstructured growth by 2017 unstructured

of new information will Utilties data comes from sources such Media data comes from sources such be created every as: as: minute for every human being on the planet. Utility Employee Location Data Video Images Audio Sensors Sensors and Film

© 2015 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION 11 HOW, AND WHY NOW? The world is being reinvented in code.

© 2015 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION 12 CONSIDER: 100,000,000 The world is being rewritten in lines of code in a new car code, and cloud is the of B2B platform on which the new digital 5,000,000 collaboration lines of code in smart appliances will take place builders—from developers to 1,200,000 50% business professionals—are lines of code in a smartphone through web reimagining everything from APIs next year. banking to retail to healthcare. 80,000 lines of code in a pacemaker

Smart TVs represented 27% of all TV Sensors for industrial sales in 2012; by 2018, they will asset and represent 82%. management will grow from just over 15M units in 2014 to over 40M units in 2018

By 2020, there will be 925M smart meters installed Smart LED lighting will grow from 6M worldwide, more than double the 400M units in 2015 to 570M units in 2020, used Code Tools in 2014. for safety communication, health, pollution and personalized services. Analytics Data APIs

Revenues for smart grid sensors will grow ten-fold from 2014 to 2021. By 2017, there will be 1B connected Smart traffic sensors and other things in smart homes, including devices installed in smart cities will appliances, smoke detectors and grow from 237M units in 2015 to 371M cameras. in 2017.

© 2015 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION 13 Technology Trends have been applied to complex ecosystems management

§ Agire nel modo più opportuno a livello di nodo intermodale e O • Standard Operating Procedure Act individuale, del passeggero e C C • End User App Based Workflow degli operatori, anche in caso di p • Intercompany Workflow grandi eventi o emergenze e o o • API data exchange n • Operational Framework Prediction g m Analyse § Applicare strumenti di analisi e • Situation Awareness di previsione per comprendere n p • Analytics e prevedere l’evoluzione dei I I u • fenomeni a livello operativo e n • Operations Monitoring di pianificazione n t t • KPI and Cockpit Capture o i I • Event Management § Monitoraggio real time dei • Data Enrichment sistemi, delle flotte, dei flussi di v v n • Data Model traffico e della mobilità in a e g • Stream Compung generale • Cloud Enabled Internet of Things Connect t § Assicurare la connettività tra • Message Protocols (EAI) I dispositivi e sistemi o • Mobile and Internet of Things n

14 Actual Benefits Aircraft Engine Manufacturer - Analytics Case

An aircraft engine manufacturer uses to prevent costly engine events and operational disruption

100% prediction success of aircraft-on- the-ground events for high-risk engines

97% accuracy in predicng engine events that lead to airline disrupon

USD150 million Business challenge: This US-based aircra engine manufacturer collects a vast amount of data about its engines through in extrapolated cost various databases and sensors, but it had no holisc way of integrang and analyzing the informaon to proacvely savings to airlines if address engine issues. predicon had been available in the The smarter soluon: An analycs plaorm creates predicve models that automacally alert the manufacturer to previous year different types of impending engine events. These alerts, and a 360-degree dashboard visualizaon of engine-fleet health and risk status, enable the company to take proacve measures such as ordering and arranging prevenve maintenance. These can help prevent a range of engine issues and potenally help the company’s customers avoid millions of dollars in costs associated with grounded planes. 15 Airbus: Servitization is enabled by Internet Of Things, Analytics and Cloud


16 Business Model

Airbus: what services to whom


17 „Connected Machinery“ Concept & Market

John Deere and AGCO, for example, are beginning to connect not only farm machinery but irrigaon systems and soil and nutrient sources with informaon on weather, crop prices, and commodity 5. Systems of Systems futures to opmize overall farm performance. Weather Maps Weather Forecast

Rain, Humidity, Weather Data Temperature Sensors Applicaon 3. Smart, 4. Product System Weather Connected Data Product System 2. Smart Planters Product Seed Performance 1.Product Database

+ Farm Seed Farm Combine Farm Seed Equipment Equipment Management Opmizaon Database + + System Harvester System System System Seed Opmizaon Applicaon


Irrigaon System Field Irrigaon Sensors Precise Fonte: Michael E. Porter - James E. Heppelmann Applicaon Agriculture Harward Business Review Irrigaon Nodes IoT - le nuove possibilità offerte dai prodotti connessi

I benefici per le aziende manufauriere 1. Nuovi Modelli di Business – “Servizaon” 2. Customer Inmacy 3. Sviluppo Prodoo 4. Leadership dell’ ecosistema

Fonte: Michael E. Porter - James E. Heppelmann Harward Business Review Trend di innovazione nei prodotti e servizi industriali

Worldwide IDC Manufacturing Insights' Product and Service Innovation 2015 Decision Imperatives

1. By 2017, 70% of global manufacturers will offer connected 3. By 2017, 40% of global manufacturers will make analycs a top PLM products, driving the need for systems engineering and a investment, driven by product complexity, systems engineering, and cross-enterprise product innovaon plaorm. muldisciplinary PLM. 2. By 2018, 40% of the top 100 discrete manufacturers and 20% 4. By 2016, 50% of new product life-cycle management (PLM) iniaves of the top 100 process manufacturers will provide product- will be cloud and subscripon models because of the need to as-a-service plaorms. collaborate globally and respond more quickly to customer demand. 5. By 2017, 60% of discrete manufacturers will leverage manufacturing process planning and MES data in PLM systems to ensure product and process quality. 6. By 2017, 75% of global manufacturers will use ideaon and social media tools in PLM systems to extend innovaon across the value chain to customers. 7. By 2016, only 20% of manufacturers will have an integrated approach to delivering service that allows them to directly measure its impact on customer loyalty and revenue. 8. By 2017, 75% of leading manufacturers will respond to a rise in customer centricity by increasing standards for customer service excellence and doubling investment in aersales, customer-facing technology. 9. By 2015, warranty service will rise to strategic importance as manufacturers use warranty and service touch points to boost profit margins by 5 percentage points. 10. By 2018, 65% of leading manufacturers will be leveraging informaon shared in the service clouds to improve service effecveness and resolve channel conflict. Connected Car


21 Ecosystem

Platform and ecosystem

22 Three Keywords: IoT, Analytics, Cloud

Daimpler Interview on Car2Go technologies hps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70HLQ-17WAg

Customers Dealers API API Developers API Service provider API Connected Managed Interfaces API Plaorm Owner Devices Cloud More Things

Real-Time Big Data Use Cases Analysis SecureSecure MobileMobile More than 2,000 HMI / Use Cases IPIP NetworkNetwork Data Services Integration standard interfaces

Platform as a Service (PaaS) Client Device Registration & Connectivity

Open Source IVI Stack & Kernel


23 23 Ecosystem

What PSA Says

Today, PSA Peugeot Citroën is seeking to bring telemacs units into widespread use, so that all its vehicles are able to communicate. To meet the expectaons of increasingly connected consumers, the Group is developing a new generaon of open-ended telemacs plaorms…. the new plaorms are designed to deliver real digital connuity with a smartphone or tablet. This technology will make it possible to quickly roll out new services along with an app ecosystem.

From 2017, PSA Peugeot Citroën will launch innovave soluons to posion Peugeot, Citroën and DS vehicles at the heart of the internet of things. For example, a technology such as Qeo could enable a dialogue with domesc appliances and remotely control, for example, the heang or television.