The Avifauna of the Pond Inlet Region, N.W.T

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The Avifauna of the Pond Inlet Region, N.W.T DISTRIBUTION The avifauna of the Pond Inlet region, N.W.T. A spectacularmountain wilderness with a diversearctic avifauna WayneE. Renaud,W. GavinJohnston and KerwinJ. Finley ABSTRACTThe status of 53species ofbirds recorded inthe Pond Inlet area in 1978-79,and seven additional species reported inprevious years by otherobservers, issummarized. Thirty-six species provably or probablybreed in the area, and an additional six species have been recorded ascer- tainlyor probably breeding inadjacent areas. The breeding species include most high arctic and pan-arctic species, and a smallerproportion oflow arctic forms. Old World winteringforms that are local breedersor migrantsinclude Brant, RingedPlover, Ruddy Turns•one,Red Knot and Wheatear.The avifaunamay be the mostdiverse in the Canadianarctic archipelago north of 70ø N Lat. ONDINLET IS ONE of threemarine channelsdividing the 2300-kin-long mountain chain that rims the Canadian eastern arctic from northern Ellesmere Island to southern Baffin Island. Adja- cent lands on Bylot Island to the north and Baffin Island to the south of the in- let are mostly high, rocky and barren, and in many areas are covered by gla- ciers and snow caps. However, some coastal and interior lowlands provide small areasof a variety of terrestrialand t J,Y /, aquatic habitats. Although located 1400 km north of the tree line, the Pond Inlet area has a diversity of high and low arc- tic speciesincluding several speciesof seabirds. Previous accounts of the birds of the Pond Inlet area have been confined to brief observations (M'Clintock 1859, Low 1906, Lloyd 1922, Soper 1928, Shortt and Peters 1942, Baird 1940, Bray 1943, Duvall and Handley 1946, Ellis 1956, Tuck and Lemieux 1959, Van Tyne and Drury 1959). Horring (1937), and Kempf et al. (1978), reported more fully on the status of breeding birds; however, until 1978, when studies were undertaken in connection with proposed offshore drilling in northwest Baffin Bay, no long-term studiesof bird distri- bution and status had been done. This paper describesthe seasonalchanges in status and distribution of all species known to have been recorded in the Pond Inlet area (Fig. I; Table I). Except for studiesconducted on Bylot Island {Tuck and Lemieux 1959, Van Tyne and Drury 1959, Kempf et al. 1978),the nearestavifaunal accountsare from Arctic Bay, Baffin Island, 220 km to the west (Renaud et al. 1979), Eglin- ton Fiord, Baffin Island, 270 km to the Village of Pond Inlet. Photo/Wayne Renaud Volume35, Number2 119 75000 ' 78ø 30' 77Ooo ' _•-_¾. SEABIRD• COLONY: ..: BAFFIN SERMIlIK•' :r;-"-•;.::•' GLACIER : BAY C•PE GRAHAM MOORE ITTON PT POND .'MID JULY : BELOEIL I I N . M,D "• EARLYMAY TO MID JULY 1978 PSE EARLY•1 EARLY MAYTO LATE JUNE 1979 .e'MIDJULY JULY•o • soU 14 O MT ß -;.. ': 1979 1979• ø% POND INLET ß .:¾...-....{-i. 7:•- ?d. MID JULY TO MID AUG EARLY TO BA F FIN I: MID JULY 1979 UTUK L. MACCU LLOCH • ELL-VEGETATEDAREAS .::• PERMANENTAND GLACIERSSNOWCAPS EASTERN EDGE OF SEASONAL 'øøø'''' LAND-FAST ICE (FLOE-EDGE) 0 10 20 30 0 5 10 15 '"'--( PEAK ELEVATIONS IN M. 75o00 ' 78 ø 30' 77000 ' southeast(Wynne-Edwards 1952), True- eastern Pond Inlet in 1978 and 1979, and Most snow disappearsfrom low-lying love Lowland, Devon Island, 350 km to were the subject of a more intensive areas in June, and ice in Pond Inlet the northwest (Husseli and Holroyd study there in June-July 1979. Informa- breaks up in July and early August. July 1974, Pattie 1977), and the Melville tion on offshore seabird distribution was and August are the warmest months al- Peninsula,400 km to the south-south- also obtained during shipboard studies though even then snow showers may oc- west (Bray 1943). of seabirdecology in July-Septemberin casionally occur at sea level. Tempera- Bylot Island was establishedas a 1978 and 1979. All observations of ter- tures during these months rarely rise federalbird sanctuaryin 1954in orderto restrial birds and terrestrial breeding of above 12ø C (max.: 20 ø C), in coastal protectthe major nestingarea of the marine birds were made incidental to areas; however, inland areas that are less Gremer Snow Goose and two seabird these marine studies,mostly near Pond influenced by cool breezesoff the sea ice colonies.Byiot Island,Eclipse Sound, Inlet settlement and at Button Point. or water may become considerably warmer. METHODS CLIMATE AND WEATHER The tundra vegetation begins to turn URING1978 AND 1979, ateam of biol- color during the third week of August ogists(including the authors)from ABLE2 GIVES MEAN daily tempera- when evening temperaturesdrop below LGL Ltd., studied various aspectsof tures and total precipitation for the freezing. Ponds and lakes usually freeze marine ecologyin the northwestBaffin April to Octoberperiod when most birds over during the secondor third week of Bay area as pan of the EasternArctic are presentin the area. The climate of September. The sea ice beginsto reform Marine Environmental Study (EAMES). Pond Inlet is Polar Continental and is in early October and is usually well- Aerial surveysof coastaland offshore typicalof otherhigh arctic communities. consolidated by the end of the month. areas were conducted almost weekly Winters are long with persistentcold; The first day of continuously above from earlyMay to mid-Octoberin 1978, for over three months the sun is con- freezing maximum temperatures occur- and from early May to mid-July 1979 tinuouslybelow the horizon. The coldest red on June 5, 1978 and June 7, 1979. and in September-October1979. Small month is February with a mean tempera- Streams and rivers began flowing by portionsof eachaerial survey were with- ture of -26øC. April and May are often June 20, 1978 and June 15, 1979. How- in the Pond Inlet study area. Birds were the most pleasant months, being char- ever, owing to sublimation, large areas also recorded incidental to studies of acterizedby abundantsunshine and few north of Utuk Lake were mostly snow- marine mammals at the floe-edge in snowy or windy days. free by late May. The first permanent 120 AmericanBirds, March 1981 Table 1 Summaryof b•rd recordsfor the Pond Inlet area (as defined •n F•g 1) [' +' = present,'B' = evidenceof breeding,'B '•' = possiblybreed- •ng, '?' = statusuncertmn.] Common Loon -- B? -- -- + -- + -- B Yellow-billed Loon ......... -- B? + Arcnc Loon ? + + -- B? -- B -- B -- + + Red-throated Loon -- + B + -- + B -- B B B B NorthernFulmar + + + + + + + + • -- -- + + Whistling Swan ? ........ Canada Goose .... + .... Brant -- -- -- ? + -- -- -- B B + + Barnacle Goose -- -- -- ? ..... SnowGoose B -- + + + -- B B2 B B B B Mallard ....... + 2 _ Oldsquaw + + B + -- + B -- B B B B? Common Eider B? B + + -- + B -- B B + B K•ngEider B? + -- + + + -- B2 B B B? B? Red-breastedMerganser .... + -- B -- -- -- + B Rough-leggedHawk .... ? .... -- + + Gyrfalcon + -- -- -- B -- B -- B B + + PeregrineFalcon -- -- -- + .... B ? -- B? Rock Ptarmigan + + + -- -- -- B -- B B B B? SandhillCrane -- + -- ? -- + B _3,4,5 B ? + B? WhoopingCrane ....... + 2 _ Ringed Plover + ? + + -- -- B -- B B + B? American Golden Plover .... + -- B -- B B B B Black-bellied Plover ...... B -- B B B B Ruddy Turnstone -- -- -- + -- -- B -- -- B + + Red Knol ......... -- + + Pectoral Sandpiper -- -- -- + ..... -- B? B Whlte-rumpedSandpiper -- -- + -- -- -- B -- B B? B B Balrd's Sandpiper -- -- -- B -- -- B -- B B B B Sanderling -- + + ...... B? -- + PurpleSandpiper + -- + -- -- + + -- B B + + Red Phalarope -- -- -- + -- + + -- -- -- B + PomarineJaeger .... + -- -- -- B -- + + ParasiticJaeger -- + .... B? -- B B + + Long-tailedJaeger -- + + + B -- B -- B B B B Skua ......... Glaucous Gull + + + + + + B? -- B B B B Iceland Gull ......... -- + + Great Black-backed Gull -- + -- -- + .... -- + + Thayer's Gull + -- + + -- -- ? -- B B B? B? Franklin's Gull ......... Ivory Gull -- -- -- + ..... -- + + Black-leggedKitliwake -- B + + B B + -- B B B B Ross' Gull ......... Sablne's Gull -- + ...... B -- + + Arctic Tern -- -- -- + + -- B -- -- B + + Thick-billedMurre B B + B B B + B4 B B B B Dovekie -- -- -- + + .... -- + + Black Guillemot -- + + + + -- + -- B B B? B? Common Puffin ...... + -- -- SnowyOwl B -- + + -- + B -- B B + + Horned Lark ? -- -- + -- -- B -- B B B B Common Raven + + + + + + + -- B B + B Wheatear ....... + 6 B B -- + Water Pipit -- -- + + -- -- B -- B B B? B? Yellow Warbler ......... HoaryRedpoll -- B ..... 93 B B + + Common Redpoll ........ B B? -- -- Lapland Longspur + B + B -- -- B -- B B B B Snow Bunting + + + + + + B -- B B B B? ILow1906, 2Lloyd 1922, 3Bray 1943, 4M'Clintock 1859, 5Baird 1940, 6 D. Spencer,fide R. Predy. Volume35, Number2 121 Black-leggedKittiwake. About 2000 pairs nest at the seabirdcolony north of CapeGraham Moore. Photo/ WayneRenaud. winter snowfall at the village occurred were years with below normal June characteristic of lowland areas supports September 17, 1978 and September 27, temperatures,many speciesof birds a complete ground cover of vascular 1979. In 1978, freeze-up of the sea began failed to breed in areas above 150 m plants, mossesand lichens. Dominants to occur in late September; in 1979 sea- above sea-level, although during mid- in these communities include prostrate ice did not form until mid-October. summerthese areas contained vegetation willows (primarily Salix arctica), several communitiesno lesswell-developed than graminoids,and mountain avens(Dryas TERRESTRIAL HABITATS correspondingsites near sea-level where integrifolia). These communities are in- densitiesof breedingbirds were high. habited by Long-tailed Jaeger, Ameri- EWAREAS INTHE Canadian
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