Third Annual World Congress on the Insulin Resistance Syndrome Atherothrombotic Disease
Reviews/Commentaries/Position Statements PERSPECTIVES ON THE NEWS Third Annual World Congress on the Insulin Resistance Syndrome Atherothrombotic disease ZACHARY T. BLOOMGARDEN, MD thalamic “clock,” which generates protein signals feeding back to create rhythmic behaviors and metabolic changes. Rhyth- his is the second of three articles re- structure, coagulation, and platelets in a mic mRNA expression of clock genes and viewing presentations at the 3rd An- prothrombotic direction (3). adipokines can also be demonstrated in T nual World Congress on the Insulin It is not apparent why insulin resis- mouse visceral adipose tissue, with adi- Resistance Syndrome, San Francisco, Cal- tance should be linked to atherosclerosis. ponectin and resistin responses both at- ifornia, 17–19 November 2005. The thrifty genotype hypothesis suggests tenuated in obese mice. Grant showed an that there is a survival advantage to insu- animal model in which pioglitazone im- proved hepatic rhythmicity. Thus, light, Diabetes and vascular disease lin resistance during periods of feast alter- as well as other stimuli such as ambient At a symposium cosponsored by the In- nating with famine (4), but that chronic ternational Society of Diabetes and Vascu- exposure to high nutrient intake converts temperature, acts via the suprachiasmatic lar Disease (, Peter the organism to the phenotype of insulin nucleus to send signals to adipocytes, the Grant (Leeds, U.K.) discussed the role of resistance sydrome and diabetes, with en- endothelium, liver, fibroblasts, cardiac insulin signaling pathways in acute coro- ergy preferentially stored in the liver and myocytes, and multiple other tissues, reg- nary syndrome (ACS), pointing out that in fat and with the clustering of risk mark- ulating reproductive, metabolic, and be- type 2 diabetes is characterized by fasting ers we have come to identify with insulin havioral aspects of life.
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