Chief Executive’s Directorate Legal and Democratic Services  The Lonsdale Building  The Courts  Carlisle   CA3 8NA  Tel 01228 606060  Email [email protected]

To: The Members of the Holehird Trust Joint Committee



A meeting of the Holehird Trust Joint Committee will be held as follows:

Date: Wednesday 3 June 2015 Time: 2.00 pm Place: Meeting Room at Holehird Trust Estate

Dawn Roberts Assistant Director – Corporate Governance


Enquiries and requests for supporting papers to: Lorraine Graham Direct Line: 01228 226366 Email: [email protected]

This agenda is available on request in alternative formats

Serving the People of Cumbria


Appointed by Eden Local Committee

Ms L Bateman Mr M Stephenson Mr G Strong

Appointment by South Lakeland Local Committee

Ms B Gray Ms H Halliday Mr C Jones


Agenda and Reports

Copies of the agenda and Part I reports are available for members of the public to inspect prior to the meeting. Copies will also be available at the meeting.

The agenda and Part I reports are also available on the County Council’s website –

Background Papers

Requests for the background papers to the Part I reports, excluding those papers that contain exempt information, can be made to the Legal and Democratic Services Unit at the address overleaf between the hours of 9.00 am and 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday. A G E N D A




To elect a Chair for the ensuing year.


To receive any apologies for absence.


Members are invited to disclose any disclosable pecuniary interest they have in any item on the agenda which comprises

1 Details of any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain.

2 Details of any payment or provision of any other financial benefit (other than from the authority) made or provided within the relevant period in respect of any expenses incurred by you in carrying out duties as a member, or towards your election expenses. (This includes any payment or financial benefit from a trade union within the meaning of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992.

3 Details of any contract which is made between you (or a body in which you have a beneficial interest) and the authority

(a) Under which goods or services are to be provided or works are to be executed; and

(b) Which has not been fully discharged.

4 Details of any beneficial interest in land which is within the area of the authority.

5 Details of any licence (alone or jointly with others) to occupy land in the area of the authority for a month or longer.

6 Details of any tenancy where (to your knowledge) (a) The landlord is the authority; and

(b) The tenant is a body in which you have a beneficial interest.

7 Details of any beneficial interest in securities of a body where

(a) That body (to your knowledge) has a place of business or land in the area of the authority; and

(b) Either –

(i) The total nominal value of the securities exceeds £25,000 or one hundredth of the total issued share capital of that body; or

(ii) If that share capital of that body is of more than one class, the total nominal value of the shares of any one class in which the relevant person has a beneficial interest exceeds one hundredth of the total issued share capital of that class. In addition, you must also disclose other non-pecuniary interests set out in the Code of Conduct where these have not already been registered.


A “disclosable pecuniary interest” is an interest of a councillor or their partner (which means spouse or civil partner, a person with whom they are living as husband or wife, or a person with whom they are living as if they are civil partners).


To consider whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during consideration of any item on the agenda.


To receive the minutes of the previous meeting held on 9 March 2015 (copy enclosed). (Pages 7 - 12)


To consider a report from the Chief Executive (copy enclosed). (Pages 13 - 24)


To consider grant applications received by Cumbria Community Foundation (copy enclosed). (Pages 25 - 42) 8 DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING

The next meeting will be held on 16 September 2015 at County Offices, Kendal at 2.00 pm.



To consider a report from the Land Agent (copy enclosed). (Pages 43 - 44) This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 5


Minutes of a Meeting of the Holehird Trust Joint Committee held on Monday, 9 March 2015 at 2.00 pm at Committee Room 2, County Offices, Kendal


Mr M Stephenson (Chair)

Mrs BC Gray (Vice-Chair) Mr C Jones Mrs O Bateman

Officers in Attendance:-

Mr D Rawle - Land Agent Mr D Routledge - Senior Accounting Technician Miss L Graham - Democratic Services Administrator Mr C Baker - Smiths Gore



Apologies for absence were received from Mr G Strong, Ms H Halliday and Ms E Clements.


There were no disclosures of interest.


RESOLVED, that the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of Item No 8 – Property Matters as it contains exempt information by virtue of paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.


RESOLVED, that the minutes of the last meeting held on 12 December 2014 be agreed as a true and accurate record.


Members considered a report from the Chief Executive which identified the amounts available for distribution on grants and fees for the remainder of the 2014-15 financial year.

Following grants made at the December meeting of the trust it was noted that the amount that remained for distribution out of the £40,000 made available was £4,638.

In order to make good the overdrawn cash balance and finance the on-going capital expenditure it was recognised that it would be necessary to sell some of its investments in the Charities Official Investment Fund (COIF). Following a discussion on the amount necessary, it was


(1) the amounts available for distribution on grants and fees for the remainder of the 2014-15 financial year be noted; (2) £220,000 be released by selling COIF investments for the on-going capital expenditure and make good the overdrawn cash balance.


Members considered a report detailing the grant applications received by Cumbria Community Foundation, which included a list of applications and their eligibility criteria. All projects had been assessed on the Community Foundations standard procedure.

14995 Kendal Community Theatre - this request for funding was for a Stage Manager post for the Easter 2015 production of “A Passion for Kendal”

Amount Requested £750 Amount Allocated £750

15013 Staveley Village Assocation – this application was made to provide a pavilion washroom

Amount Requested £5000 Amount Allocated £2000

Page 8 15015 Sandgate Hydrotherapy Trust – this request for a grant was to purchase an UV filtration system for the hydrotherapy pool and it was agreed, that as long as they provided the necessary information requested by the Cumbria Community Foundation the following be allocated.

Amount Requested £1000 Amount Allocated £850

15018b The Heron Theatre – funding was requested to replace seven sets of external doors and shutters in Grade 2 listed building

Amount Requested £1000 Amount Allocated £1000

15026 Kendal Windows on Art (KWoA) – this request for funding was made to assist funding of “Making Your Mar” intergenerational project

Amount Requested £1250 Amount Allocated £0

RESOLVED, that the following funding be approved:-

Grant No Applicant Awarded

14995 Kendal Community Theatre £750 15013 Staveley Village Association £2000 15015 Sandgate Hydrotherapy Trust £850 15018b Heron Theatre £1000


The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 3 June at 2.00 pm in the meeting room at the Holehird Trust Estate. It was AGREED, that members meet at Holehird Estate at 1.00 pm for a site visit first.



The Land Agent and a representative from Smiths Gore presented a report which updated the Trust on the current property matters for the estate.

 Leonard Cheshire Disability – Holehird House

A positive meeting had been held in January and the outcome was that Leonard Cheshire Disability (LCD) wished to continue in occupation at Holehird. Negotiations were now taking place with LCD on the new lease arrangements that would be put in place following the expiration of the current lease in 2020.

Page 9  Lakeland Horticultural Society

Negotiations were taking place with the Lakeland Horticultural Society over the consolidated lease.

 Far Orrest Farm

Negotiations had taken place with the tenant regarding the above property and the Trustees approved the revised rent.

 Highfold

A representative from Hyde Harrington attended the meeting for this item. He explained the work that needed to be done to this property to bring it up to standard. Tenders for the necessary remedial works had been put out and were expected by the end of March 2015. It was estimated that the work would take 8 weeks to complete and it was hoped that the property would be ready for re- letting at the end of June.

The sale of the garden land was currently with solicitors awaiting completion.

 Low Borrans West

Expressions of interest had been received for this property and it was hoped that it would be re-let soon.

 Holehird Farmhouse

It was reported that contractors were on site and the refurbishment works were well underway and hopefully the work would be completed by the end of March with a view to launching the property for re-letting in April.

 South Lodge

Smiths Gore had inspected this property with a local contractor to address the significant damp problems. A quotation for the works required had been received and it was estimated that it would be in the region of £80,000. The Trustees questioned the necessity of the removal of two redundant chimney stacks and the officer AGREED to email them to clarify this.

 Development Opportunities

With all the remedial works that needed to be undertaken, the Trustees decided to consider any development opportunities at a later date.

Page 10  Health and Safety and Risk Management

The high priority remedial work identified in the recent tree survey had been completed and the lower priority works had been put out to tender.

The meeting ended at 4.20 pm

Page 11 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 6


Meeting date: 3 June 2015

From: Chief Executive



1.1 This report wishes to identify the unallocated amounts available for distribution on grants and fees for the 2014-15 financial year.


2.1 There are no strategic planning or equality implications.


3.1 Members are asked to note the amounts available for but not distributed on grants and fees in the 2014-15 financial year and to increase the amount available for the 2015-16 financial year by this unallocated amount.


4.1 At its meeting held on 12th March 2014 the amount made available for distribution on grants for each of the 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17 financial years was £ 40,000 per year. 4.2 For the 2014-15 financial year an amount of £ 39,962 was distributed on grants leaving an small amount of £ 38 unallocated.


5.1 To increase the amount available for distribution on grants for the 2015-16 financial year, previously set at £ 40,000, by the 2014-15 unallocated amount of £ 38 leaving £ 40,038 available for distribution in 2015-16.

5.2 To transfer the 2014-15 unallocated amount back to reserves leaving the original £ 40,000 as the amount available for distribution on grants for the 2015-16 financial year.


6.1 These are set out in the report.


7.1 There are no direct legal implications to this report at this stage.


8.1 To note the amounts to be made available for distribution on grants and fees for the remainder of the 2014-15 financial year.

Diane Wood Chief Executive

21 March 2015


Financial statements and a schedule of grants awarded for the year ended 31.03.15


Electoral Division(s): All within the former County of Westmorland

Executive Decision Yes

Key Decision No

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been N/A undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? No


Holehird Trust Joint Committee, 12th March 2014, Minute No. 55


Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny.


Finance Unit files containing details of grants, allocations and correspondence with Cumbria Community Foundation re the agreement.

Contact: David Routledge Tel: 01228 226854 E-Mail : [email protected]

Page 15 This page is intentionally left blank THE HOLEHIRD TRUST

Charity Reg No. 235345

Income & Expenditure Account for the year ended 31.03.15

Note 31.03.15 31.03.14

Incoming Resources

Sale of Investments 80,000 0 Rents 144,893 142,194 Investment Interest 0 316

Total incoming Resources 224,893 142,510

Resources Expended

Capital Expenditure 3 126,010 103,492 Building & Ground Maintenance 76,764 55,068 Other Premises Costs 17,949 15,161 Other 26,204 59,920 Grants 39,962 36,658 Fees 3,996 3,666

Total Resources Expended 290,885 273,965

Net Incoming / Outgoing( - ) Resources -65,992 -131,455

Other Recognised Gains and Losses

Unrealised Gains / ( - Losses) on Investments 2 35,859 54,754

Transfer from / ( - to) Estate Management Reserve 6 6,443 13,557

Transfer from / ( - to) Capital Reserve 6 -73,990 103,492

Net Movement in Funds -97,680 40,348

Balance B/F 900,337 859,989

Balances C/F 802,657 900,337

Page 17 This page is intentionally left blank THE HOLEHIRD TRUST

Charity Reg No. 235345

Balance Sheet as at 31.03.15

Note 31.03.15 31.03.14

Fixed Assets

Tangible Fixed Assets 3 3,180,189 3,054,179 Investments 2 931,165 895,306

4,111,354 3,949,485

Current Assets

Debtors 4 7,526 23,517 Cash -66,851 -15,394

-59,325 8,123

Liabilities: due within one year 5 0 1,456

Net Current Assets -59,325 6,667

Net Assets 4,052,029 3,956,152

Represented By:

Funds and Reserves 6

Unrestricted Funds 802,657 900,337 Estate Management Reserve 0 6,443 Capital Reserve 112,811 38,821 Revaluation Reserve 3,136,561 3,010,551

4,052,029 3,956,152

Page 19 This page is intentionally left blank THE HOLEHIRD TRUST

Charity Reg No. 235345

Notes to the accounts for the year ended 31.03.15

1 Accounting Policies

These accounts have been prepared using the accruals convention and in accordance with applicable accounting standards and the Statement of Recommended Practice on Accounting by Charities.

2 Unrealised Gains on Investments

Valuation at 31.03.15 was 11,922.80 pence per COIF accumulation share. 7,809.95 shares were held at this date. £ Valuation of Holding at 31.03.14 895,306 Valuation of Holding at 31.03.15 931,165 Unrealised Gain / ( - Loss) 35,859

In order to raise funding for capital works 746.80 units were sold on 24.07.14 This realised a sum of £ 80,000

3 Tangible Fixed Assets £ Valuation at 31.03.14 3,054,179 Additions for year 126,010 Disposals for year 0 Net Book Value at 31.03.15 3,180,189

4 Debtors 2014/15 2013/14


Rent Income 7,484 15,224 Under allocation of grants and fees 42 8,293

5 Liabilites - due within one year 2014/15 2013/14


General Creditors 0 1,456

6 Reserves

Unrestricted Estate Management Capital Revaluation Funds Reserve Reserve Reserve

Balance at 31.03.14 900,337 6,443 38,821 3,010,551 Movement in Year -97,680 -6,443 73,990 126,010 Balance at 31.03.15 802,657 0 112,811 3,136,561

Page 21 Revaluation


Schedule of Grants paid 2014-15

Organisation Application No Awarded (£) Locality

Holme Bowling Club 14453 1,000 South Lakeland 4th Kendal Scouts Group 14461 1,000 South Lakeland South Lakes Action Group on Climate Change 14480 500 South Lakeland St. Anne's Hospital 14493 2,000 Eden Homle Drama Group 14511 500 South Lakeland Dufton Community First Responders 14540 500 Eden Eden Community Outdoors 14562 1,662 Eden Kendal Lads & Girls 13636 -1,000 South Lakeland Refund Childrens Club 14611 1,370 Eden Page 23 Page St.Thomas' Community Connection 14631 1,500 South Lakeland Kendal Impact Social Society 14652 500 South Lakeland East Cumbria Family Support Association 14661 1,000 Eden Eden Sight Suppoprt 14666 1,000 Eden Castle Street Community Centre 14687 2,000 South Lakeland Newbiggin on Lune Village Hall 14701 2,000 Eden Friends of Orton School 14741 1,000 Eden Another Space 14756 1,000 South Lakeland Newbiggin Recreation Committee 14780 1,500 Eden Dignity In Dementia 14870 1,000 South Lakeland South Lakeland Mind 14876b 5,000 South Lakeland University of Cumbria Students' Union 14855 953 South Lakeland Life Education Centres Cumbria Ltd 14893b 3,000 Eden Bendrigg Trust 14899 1,000 South Lakeland Springfield 14904 3,000 South Lakeland Growing Well Ltd 14912 2,377 South Lakeland Kendal Community Theatre 14995 750 South Lakeland Staveley Village Association 15013 2,000 South Lakeland Sandgate Hydrotherapy Trust 15015 850 South Lakeland Heron Theatre 15018b 1,000 South Lakeland

39,962 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 7

HOLEHIRD TRUST – 3rd June 2015

All of the applications are eligible geographically and have been selected on the Trust charitable objectives and priorities – Older People, Disabled People, Children and Youth. All projects have been assessed on the Community Foundation’s standard procedure.

15058b Sandylands Residents Association Sandylands Play Park Priority Children & Young People Charitable objectives – To provide the facilities for beneficaires

15073 Kirkby Thore Pre-school New computer and printer Priority Children & Young People Charitable objectives – To provide the facilities for beneficaires

15077 Kirkby Stephen Bowling Club Restoration of the Green Priority Older People Charitable objectives – To provide the facilities for beneficaires

15113 Friends Of Grayrigg School Outdoor Play Area Priority Children and young people Charitable objectives - To provide the services or facilities to the beneficiaries.

15117 Kendal United Junior Football Club Equipment Priority young people Charitable objectives Advance the education of beneficiaries as the Trustee's see fit

15123 Appleby Heritage and Training Centre Ltd Appleby Edibles expansion Priority Older people Charitable objects – to provide the facilities for beneficiaries.

15149 Storth Playing Field Committee Zip wire for phase 2 of playground improvements Priority Children & young people Charitable objectives Bodies who provide facilities to beneficiaries

Page 25 This page is intentionally left blank Grants Application Data Sheet

Organisation Sandylands Residents Association Fund Holehird Trust 15/16 Name Shirley Evans Application no 15058b Post Town KENDAL Application date 11/03/2015 Project cost £100,000.00 Amount requested £5,000.00 District South Lakeland Amount £2,000.00 recommended Sandylands Residents Association is a small voluntary community group , formed in 1999, whose aims include:

•To improve the quality of life in the Sandylands area in Kendal including providing and improving community facilities and representing the views of local people

•To provide a friendly and campaigning forum, involving residents in key issues that affect their community

• To improve active participation of tenants and residents in the provision of services Aims of the group •To encourage community cohesion and to foster understanding, acceptance and improve social health

•To pursue equal opportunities amongst all members of the local community

•To co-operate with local police, the local church community, local young people and other local voluntary bodies and to provide dedicated support for over 1000 homes

•To organise community events eg annual summer fete, table top sales etc

•To secure and sustain improvements to leisure facilities for all young residents Grants Officer Ellen Clements Main Aim children and young people Index of Multiple 64 Deprivation

Project Details Project title Sandylands Play Park Project detail To re-develop, improve and enhance our children’s playpark on Sandylands Road and to make it accessible to all. •We would like to use the grant to purchase some equipment for the playpark. Listed under Section 4 Capital Costs, is a wish list of equipment that, if successful, the grant would be used to purchase •To expand the site and reconfigure it to make it more wheelchair and pushchair friendly. •To supply and install challenging and fun play equipment for children, incorporating several pieces of equipment which will be directly accessible for disabled children from Sandgate school. •To supply and install outdoor exercise equipment for young adults. •To replace the benches and picnic tables with newer seating arrangements. •To replace broken safety matting. •To make all access points are suitable for double buggies and wheelchairs •To construct a fence around the perimeter of the play area and to provide a designated area for the youngest users. Need At a Sandylands Residents Association (SRA) meeting on May 23rd, local residents directly asked if the 20+yr old playpark on Sandylands estate could be renewed. •A letter was read out from the local Guide unit, outlining the issues around the park. •Consultation has taken place directly with children at the playpark, mums from the local Totters playgroup, dads from the ‘Who Let the Dads Out’ group, residents who Page 27 attended last summer’s fete, children at Castle Park school, staff at Sandgate School, the local church and police. The outcomes from the consultations were in favour of raising funds to replace the existing playpark with a more child friendly area. •Between Nov 2014-Jan 2015, there have been 37 incidents of primarily ASB (source on the estate. The project will have a positive impact on ASB by relieving boredom •Officers from South Lakeland District Council visited the park & agreed that the equipment should be replaced Disadvantage •There are over 1000 homes in the Sandylands area, with an additional 194 new homes being built. Apart from this park, there is nowhere for young families, who are without transport, to go. •The nearest area for children is at Kendal Castle which to walk there, would take approx 17 mins (Google Maps) and it would involve crossing busy roads •The playpark serves families from Kendal Far Cross ward and Kendal Castle ward. 58% of approx 1000 families are classed as ‘hard-pressed’, with many families on low incomes or benefits (ACORN). Without this free facility, families with children would have nowhere to go, play and socialise. Increased numbers at the Food Bank evidence pockets of deprivation •Families with children in wheelchairs find it difficult to access the park as the surface in the park is not suitable for wheelchairs. The equipment itself is not all inclusive. •Apart from the adjacent MUGA, there is nowhere that physically challenges the young adults in our area Benefits To address the local demand for a safe play space for the children from Sandylands area. •Environmentally, families will be able to walk down to the park, so making fewer car journeys. •Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) will be reduced •Children will have a safe area where they can get the exercise, stimulation and motivation they need to combat obesity and be healthy. •Quality family time together is increasingly important in our busy times, so to provide somewhere where families can play together addresses this need. •Residents are offering to organise activities eg a table top sale in February, a sponsored toddle in the Summer and the local PCSO is arranging a sponsored ‘spin’ •residents will come together to take ownership of the new area, promoting a sense of community pride and responsibility •By making the park accessible for all, whether in a wheelchair or able bodied, children will be able to mix with their peers •Two schools will be able to use the park Measure Designated members of the SRA will, periodically, carry out an anonymous census to monitor usage in terms of numbers, age groups, ethnicity and diversity. This will be reported back to the SRA at their next meeting •An evaluation in the form of a verbal questionnaire to service users, will be carried out every 6 months, with the reports being taken to the next SRA meeting. Any issues flagged up by the questionnaires will be discussed and actioned by the SRA. Reports will be forwarded onto funders •The two local schools will be asked if they have used the facility, in what capacitythey have used it and if it came up to their expectations •The local police will be asked if they have noticed any reduction in anti social behaviour since the equipment was installed •The local Post Office, which is directly opposite the play area, will be asked if they have had a financial increase in income since the equipment was installed After funding •Although this project is a one-off project, which we hope will give a lot of pleasure to ends a lot of people for many years to come, there is the capacity for the community to expand the park's leisure facilities as there is a large green open space adjacent to the playpark •We hope that as the project is community inspired and led, residents will take ownership of it and look after it No of 1100 No of volunteers 12 Page 28 beneficiaries

Expenditure Capital costs: £5,000.00 Proludic Pod Swing incl i= £4600 Proludic Drawbridge Unit = £2973 Proludic Talk Tubes = £1490 Proludic Hip Hop = £3570 Proludic Roll Up = £1775 This is a wish list of equipment. Prices include installation & VAT

Income Grant applied £5,000.00 Quotes True for Received Additional £93,000.00 New Homes Bonus secured £20K; SLDC Capital secured £5K; income details Kendal Town Council secured £5K; Anon local secured £7500; CCC secured £1500; Russell Armer pledged £25K; Local fundraising £1K secured; Lupton Tower Trust applied £5K; Sita Trust applied £6500; etc

Assessment Assessor’s The residents group was established in 1999 to raise funds for the local community, comments which is in a fairly deprived part of Kendal.

They secured £20,000 to kick-start a major fundraising drive to improve facilities for young people on the estate by providing a state of the art play park. Quotes provided. They have completed some bag packing in ASDA at Christmas towards the project They have secured £74k towards the £100k project. They have applied to other funders for further grant aid but are awaiting decisions. The land is owned by South Lakeland District Council and was gifted to them some years ago but must only be used for recreational purposes. SLDC will maintain and insure the play area. Recommend contribution Priority Children & Young People Charitable objectives – To provide the facilities for beneficaires Score 15/20 Grants Panel decision

Page 29 This page is intentionally left blank Grants Application Data Sheet

Organisation Kirkby Thore Pre-school Fund Holehird Trust 15/16 Name Caroline Meldrum Application no 15073 Post Town PENRITH Application date 10/03/2015 Project cost £0.00 Amount requested £972.85 District Eden Amount 0.00 recommended The aims of the pre school are to enhance the development and education of children primarily under statutory school age by encouraging parents to understand and Aims of the provide for the needs of their children through communtiy involvement and provision group of sessional daycare. We aim to become shared carers, monitoring and meeting the needs of all children individually and encouraging the participation of parents/carers, creating a comfortable and happy atmosphere for all. Grants Officer Ellen Clements Main Aim children and young people Index of Multiple 78 Deprivation

A224080, 23/03/2012, £500, Fully Paid, Cumbria Endowment Grassroots Grants:11/12 Staff costs

A223143, 08/07/2011, £950, Fully Paid, Holehird Trust:11/12 Outdoor and all weather learning area Application A219029, 17/09/2009, £2,000, Fully Paid, Holehird Trust:09/10 history Secure the long-term future of the nursery

A217087, 27/07/2007, £1,000, Fully Paid, Holehird Trust:07/08 Continued provision of extended opening times

Project Details Project title New computer and printer Project detail We would very much like to update our old and tired computer and printer. The computer we have has done us well over the years but is now on a go slow and quite often won't work! With ICT being a big part of the Early Years Foundation Stage we have been updating our ICT equipment by having fundraising events and this is the last large item that needs updating. With having a new computer/tablets the children will be able to use up to date technology and play/learn through using the exciting games, activites and apps there are. Need Disadvantage Benefits In replacing the computer we hope to be able to provide the children with lots of new learning experiences using the many educational games and activities there are to be accessed and a computer/tablet. Technology is a big part of the community now and the children are surrounded by it at home and out and about in their community etc. in providing the new equipment we will be able to give the children a good understanding and be able to confidently use the computer/tablet. We will be able to do small group work woth the children using the many number or alphabet games there are, the children could use them independently (under adult supervision) and learn through play. No of 16 No of volunteers 0 beneficiaries

Page 31 Expenditure

Other costs: £972.85 2 x Apple iPad mini 3 £319 each £638 2 x IPad protectors £40 each £80 1 x Brother MFC-J6520DW A3 Colour Inkjet Wireless multifunction all-in-one printer £254.85

Total £972.85

Income Grant applied £972.85 Quotes True for Received Additional £0.00 income details

Assessment Assessor’s Registered charity 1138081 comments Application for mini ipads and a printer for children aged 2 to 4. The nursery school has 15 children attending at different times. They have nearly 2 years expenditure in their account and have purchased a number of items recently such as programmable floor robots, walkie talkies and toys. They have 3 part time members of staff and are open term time in the mornings for 3 hours. As the organisation could afford to pay for them themselves. Recommend reject Score 11/20 Grants Panel decision

Page 32 Grants Application Data Sheet

Organisation Kirkby Stephen Bowling Club Fund Holehird Trust 15/16 Name Michael Botterill Application no 15077 Post Town KIRKBY STEPHEN Application date 11/03/2015 Project cost £0.00 Amount requested £500.00 District Eden Amount £0.00 recommended Crown Green bowling club which has an open access policy for all. It attracts residents of Kirkby Stephen and surrounding villages. It is a tourist attraction, accessibly located in a natural beauty spot alongside River Eden. Members and non-members enjoy the sport of bowls and the social interaction that results from the sport. The green is used by other community groups such as WI. Aims of the Silver Band, Rotary. Tuition and equipment is available to all newcomers. group We wish to enjoy and encourage the sport in Kirkby Stephen as the nearest similar crown green bowling club is 14 miles away which is virtually inaccessible except by private transport. We aim to foster friendships and strengthen community links especially for people who live on their own. Our organisation is such that players are allotted to teams by ballot at each sessions enabling anyone to take part. Grants Officer Ellen Clements Main Aim Rural community regeneration Index of Multiple 80 Deprivation Application A217165, 11/10/2007, £1,000, Fully Paid, Holehird Trust:07/08 history Refurbishment and re-roofing of clubhouse

Project Details Project title Restoration of the Green Project detail Restoration of the Green to prime condition so that it can be easily maintained by volunteers as a legacy benefit to the community of Kirkby Stephen and surrounding area.

Due to lack of funds the maintenance of the green over the past few years has been less than adequate. The overgrown side areas are preventing sunlight getting to some of the green and harbouring rabbits. This means that one portion of the green is permanently wet and one corner frequently burrowed. The side guttering has collapsed so that the wood and the lining needs replacing. At present bowls could easily be damaged when they roll into these gutters. The mower needs replacement parts and the green needs extensive treatment feeding, fertilising and reseeding in parts. Much of this work will be done by volunteers but we do not have the resources to fund the necessary outlay. A grant to cover cost of the gutter replacement would be a great boost a significant step towards the whole project. Benefits The benefits would be an improved green which not only looks good but is a joy to play on. The maintenance needed week by week ( roughly 4 hours in the season of April to October) will be easier and the green will be preserved in prime condition. We seek to promote bowling as an activity for all as it has great health and social benefits. It is weight bearing and but is low impact which makes it suitable for many people. It improves co-ordination and concentration and as an outdoor activity it gives a great feeling of well being. We hold an open day each year to promote membership and have had workshops in the local Grammar School. To aid fund raising and recruitment we will be holding a coffee morning and table top sale in May. All the activities of the club - competitions with other clubs, our annual club competitions culminating in finals day, availability to visitors and other groups - will be enhanced by an improved "up to the mark" green Page 33 Measure After funding ends No of 70 No of volunteers 10 beneficiaries


Other costs: £500.00 Sharpening of Mower £84.00 Labour on mower (in kind) £120.00 (Includes research, service, fitting belt) Weed killer and fertiliser £118.32 Seed £82.35 Carriage £25.95 Labour for green treatment £200.00 (In kind) Side clearance and labour £624.oo Gutter lining, rubber £450,23 (includes VAT and Carriage) Wooden battens plus DPC £42.85 Labour for gutter work £200.00 TOTAL £1947.70 All labour in kind will be done by volunteers.

Income Grant applied £500.00 Quotes True for Received Additional £650.00 Hadfield Trust applied £500; coffee morning £150 income details

Assessment Assessor’s Volunteer led organisation, it is the only crown green in a 12 mile radius. comments Project costs without the in kind contribution would be £1,627.00. the group have applied for funding from other organisations for £1,650.00 so if awarded they will not need this extra £500 requested from us. They have over 2 years income already in their account. Recommend refuse Score 12/20 Grants Panel decision

Page 34 Grants Application Data Sheet

Organisation Friends Of Grayrigg School Fund Holehird Trust 15/16 Name Vanessa Eaves-Butterworth Application no 15113 Post Town Kendal Application date 15/03/2015 Project cost £24,474.00 Amount requested £5,000.00 District South Lakeland Amount £1,500.00 recommended TO ADVANCE THE EDUCATION OF PUPILS OF THE SCHOOL BY PROVIDING OR ASSISTING IN THE PROVISION OF FACILITIES FOR EDUCATION AT THE SCHOOL (NOT NORMALLY PROVIDED BY THE LOCAL EDUCATION AUTHORITY AND TO Aims of the FURTHER THIS THE ASSOCIATION MAY: group (1) FOSTER MORE EXTENDED RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN STAFF, PARENTS AND OTHERS ASSOCIATED WITH THE SCHOOL; (2) ENGAGE IN ACTIVITIES WHICH SUPPORT THE SCHOOL AND ADVANCE THE EDUCATION OF THE PUPILS ATTENDING IT Grants Officer Ellen Clements Main Aim children and young people Index of Multiple 114 Deprivation Application history

Project Details Project title Outdoor Play Area Project detail We are seeking funds to build an outdoor play area on the school grounds adjacent to the school. The plans will utilise mainly natural & local materials to create a number of interesting and engaging play areas which will sit well in the natural setting and provide an all year round school and community facility enhancing our rurally isolated school's status as a social leisure focal point. The area will include a large raised sand pit with backboard storage and raised planter surround. Storage & workshop for den making and construction. A water area with gutters, water butt & hand pumps. A texture kitchen area with table, reclaimed Belfast sink, worktops, storage, oven and hob. To include a rope and pulley kit and bucket. A bespoke climbing structure made from log sleepers, climbing holds and rustic climbing nets, incl planting & artificial grass surface with shock pad base. Raised planter perimeter, trellis backing, climbing plants & mixed grasses & a picket gate for access. Need The parish of Grayrigg consists of the townships of Grayrigg, Whinfell, Lambrigg, Docker and Dillicar with a total adult population of 330. The small village of Grayrigg, bisected by the busy A685 Kendal-Kirkby Stephen Road, is the only centre of population and the remainder of the parish consists of mainly scattered farmsteads and other dwellings. PTA members, staff and governors of Grayrigg School have met and consulted with other stakeholders such as the The Grayrigg C of E Educational Trust, Grayrigg Coronation Hall Management Committee, Grayrigg Parent & Toddler Group, local Parish Councils, pupils and parents in planning our project and all groups are united in their concerns that there is currently no play or recreation area available to children in the area and all are fully supportive of the need for the project to tackle the issues of social and rural isolation within our community. Disadvantage FOGS, in consultation with other stakeholders, has identified a particular need to tackle social exclusion due to our rural isolation, by giving children a designated safe play space & learning opportunities outside of the classroom. There is no designated play area within a 5 mile radius of Grayrigg and the project will provide exciting opportunities for children to develop their independence, co-operation with one another, creativity & self-esteem. By providing an exciting play space that is open to all, we hope to develop family learning, provide innovative ways to access play opportunities & bring the community further together to tackle the very real issue of social & rural isolation. FOGS has always worked closely with the local community & Page 35 the project will provide another platform to strengthen existing relationships & foster new relationships both within the local community & beyond. Benefits The Acorns to Oaks project will enable year round access to open ended play & learning activities, whilst complimenting & enhancing our rural environment. The project will strengthen & extend existing links between the school & the community, re-affirming the school's position as the main focal point of our scattered rural community. The school PTA has always worked closely with the local community & this will provide a platform for us to foster new relationships, in a broader learning community. Children will work collaboratively and also act as the facilitators of others' learning. By providing a free access, open ended play resource, we would hope to encourage the whole community, both young and old, to become more active and enjoy shared experiences based around our beautiful rural landscape. Measure Use of the Acorns to Oaks play area will be monitored and recorded throughout the year and reported to both PTA and school governor meetings. The school is keen to actively encourage use of the play area by other groups such as the local parent and toddler group, childcare providers and nurseries situated outside the immediate area by arranging opportunities and invitations to visit during the school day, as well as providing free access outside of school hours. Promotion of the project would be carried out through our existing links and partnerships and also through the school website, twitter, local press and monthly community news magazine. After funding The project is a stand alone project, however, we would be keen to make further ends enhancements to the outdoor space in future years to develop skills through play and learning activities. No of 100 No of volunteers 0 beneficiaries


Capital costs: £5,000.00 Install workshop and storage for den making and construction £5,760

Income Grant applied £5,000.00 Quotes False for Received Additional £1,800.00 Awards for All applied £10,000; Hadfield Trust applied £2000; income details own fundraising secured £1,800

Assessment Assessor’s Registered charity who plan to build this play area in the summer of 2015. comments Total project costs are £24,474 and they have applied to other funders for £12,000 of the total costs. They say they have secured £1,800 from their own funds but bank statement only shows they have £1,807 in their account and they had expenses last year of £2,373.95 which made them run at a small loss of £253 I would normally suggest that they come back to us once they have secured more of the project costs but the next panel meeting is in September. The amount requested is too large for this fund so recommend a contribution which may help to draw down other funding. Priority Children and young people Charitable objectives - To provide the services or facilities to the beneficiaries. Score 16/20 Grants Panel decision

Page 36 Grants Application Data Sheet

Organisation Kendal United Junior Football Club Fund Holehird Trust 15/16 Name Vanessa Roberts Application no 15117 Post Town Kendal Application date 26/03/2015 Project cost £1,900.00 Amount requested £950.00 District South Lakeland Amount £950.00 recommended To promote loyalty, respect, team working, health and fitness in the young through football. To operate and grow a junior football club, which is open friendly and fair. Aims of the To ensure the development of football and foorball coaching skills and competencies group of each member, whether they are players or coaches regardless of natural ability. To develop and maintain the best possiblr facilities and safe environment in which to learn football. Grants Officer Ellen Clements Main Aim Index of Multiple Deprivation

A224409, 27/09/2012, £1,200, Fully Paid, Holehird Trust:12/13 Purchase new equipment

A223824, 15/12/2011, £500, Fully Paid, Cumberland Building Society Charitable Foundation:11/12 Purchase equipment

A223258, 08/07/2011, £455, Fully Paid, Holehird Trust:11/12 Application Purchase equipment history A216364, 04/04/2007, £500, Fully Paid, Holehird Trust:06/07 Rebuilding of changing rooms and community room

A216365, 04/04/2007, £1,000, Fully Paid, Sport Relief Fund:06/07 Rebuilding of changing rooms and community room.

A216366, 04/04/2007, £500, Fully Paid, Russell Armer:06/07 Rebuilding of changing rooms and community room.

Project Details Project title Equipment Project detail The grant will cover 50% of the cost of the mini soccer football goals. The mini soccer goals will be used by all ages from Under 6 through to under 10 including the girls and adult small sided matches. The new goals will replace the old goals which are becoming unsafe and having to be held together with duct tape. Need The football club is growing every year and we are gaining more members, this however increases the amount of times that the goals are being used. This has led to the goals becoming overused and unsafe, which is starting to become a health and safety issue. The club will lose members if the goals are not replaced as we will be unable to play matches using the goals. Disadvantage The community using our facility lack safe environments which are not overused or unaccessible. Kendal United football club is working to create opportunities for all every day of the week. This will allow as many people to use a safe environment with high quality facility. This is will enable the community to increase participation, reduce obesity and increase exercise and well being. The club also has a community room which is open on match days and will improve community cohesion. We also have been able to access a defibrillator which is based on the side of our facility for all of the community. Page 37 Benefits The grant will allow the club to keep growing and allowing as many people to access football using Kendal United Football club's facility. The club will also be able to offer extra sessions as the community will be able to use high quality equipment which is safe and appealing to the users. The current members will also benefit by being able to use better mini soccer goals which are not a health and safety issue. Measure The club will measure the success of the new mini soccer gaols by monitoring the retention of members as well as the acquisition of new members to the club and the feedback from the users. After funding One off project ends No of 500 No of volunteers 35 beneficiaries


Capital costs: £950.00 2 x Mini soccer goals

Income Grant applied £950.00 Quotes True for Received Additional £200.00 Cumberland Building Society £200 secured income details

Assessment Assessor’s Application for 2 x sets of mini goal posts comments Beneficiaries will be 222 players aged between 6 and 16. Quotes provided Good number of beneficiaries with a project that encourages healthy exercise. This fund paid for portable goal posts in 2012 for this group Recommend support Priority young people Charitable objectives Advance the education of beneficiaries as the Trustee's see fit Score 13/20 Grants Panel decision

Page 38 Grants Application Data Sheet

Appleby Heritage and Training Holehird Trust 15/16 Organisation Fund Centre Ltd Name Hayley Chapman Application no 15123 Post Town APPLEBY IN WESTMORLAND Application date 13/04/2015 Project cost £1,963.00 Amount requested £1,963.00 District Eden Amount £1,300.00 recommended Appleby Training and Heritage Centre Limited was set up in 1996 to convert a decaying goods shed, into a workshop for restoring heritage vehicles whilst providing local employment, training in traditional skills and providing a much needed workshop in East Cumbria. Aims of the We provide education and training courses for all ages and tastes, as well as a Young group Engineer Programme, developed by Appleby Grammar School, Kirkby Stephen Grammar School and ourselves. The course is aimed at young people (14-16 years) to get them started in the engineering industry. We offer training courses at; NVQs, GNVQs and AVCS,ECDL, CLAIT, digital photography, accounting, CAD (Computer Aided Design), Welding, Wood Occupations and others. Grants Officer Ellen Clements Main Aim Rural community regeneration Index of Multiple Deprivation

A225483, 30/09/2013, £2,150, Fully Paid, Community Health and Wellbeing Fund for Eden and East Allerdale:13/14 Community allotments

A213794, 27/09/2006, £750, Fully Paid, Holehird Trust:04/05 Application The music vision project. history A213354, 27/09/2006, £7,300, Fully Paid, Strengthening Rural Communities:04/05 The music vision project.

A213355, 27/09/2006, £2,700, Fully Paid, Key Fund:04/05 The music vision project.

Project Details Project title Appleby Edibles expansion Project detail Cumbria Community Foundation offered Appleby Heritage Centre a grant that allowed Appleby Edibles to be formed and take over a redundant polytunnel on the Appleby Heritage Centre site. The grant being sought is to allow further expansion of the site beyond the polytunnel, install a mains water supply, purchase a small secure tool shed and purchase miscellaneous tools. Need The group numbers are slowly increasing, Members meet twice a week as work parties and to allow socialisation Disadvantage Appleby is a remote rural community that is suffering from its rurality with respect to funding of projects and income generating capacity from visitors. The town's elderly population is increasing and we are looking to develop a meeting place for newly retirees who are generally below the threshold (and generally too fit and healthy) for care services. The district council sold off the town's allotments some years ago and we are looking to replace some of that provision. Benefits The benefits are development of the group, outdoor exercise (and indoor in the polytunnel in winter) and promotion of healthy eating. Measure We can demonstrate the benefits through increasing membership, articles in the Heart of Eden church newsletter and featuring on the Penrith PACT website (see link above) Page 39 After funding Expansion beyond the present site is not possible, we simply see the growing areas ends being well used. No of 20 No of volunteers 20 beneficiaries


Capital costs: £1,963.00 £880 Installation of mains water supply £440 Rabbit proof fencing to outside grow beds £165 Entrance gate £228 Tool shed £250 Miscellaneous tools

Income Grant applied £1,963.00 Quotes True for Received

Assessment Assessor’s The Heritage Centre is located outside Appleby Railway Station, it was set up to comments convert a goods shed into a workshop providing training in traditional skills with 120 students. This organisation rent the land from Council The application would have been better coming from the local group Applby Edibles who would be growing food on site. The volunteers have formed a group but are not constituted and they do have their own bank account. Suggest they contact CVS and get their own constitution and a lease for the land. The group have 14 volunteers who work on the site, they grow vegetables and are establishing an orchard. At the moment they only have a temporary water supply. They require a rabbit proof fence, a proper water supply and a garden shed to store tools. Recommend contribution towards the water supply and the fence

Priority Older people Charitable objects – to provide the facilities for beneficiaries. Score 11/20 Grants Panel decision

Page 40 Grants Application Data Sheet

Organisation Storth Playing Field Committee Fund Holehird Trust 15/16 Name Janet Evans Application no 15149 Post Town Mr Milnthorpe Application date 23/04/2015 Project cost £7,803.00 Amount requested £1,500.00 District South Lakeland Amount £1,500.00 recommended

The aim of the Storth playing field committee is to finance maintain and aid with the Aims of the running of the of the Heron hall and playing field.This allows a venue for village group groups and wider community to meet and also for the children to have a green space to play on,along with a playground equipment.

Grants Officer Ellen Clements Main Aim children and young people Index of Multiple Deprivation

Application A225216, 20/01/2014, £1,000, Fully Paid, Holehird Trust:13/14 history New play equipment

Project Details Project title Zip wire for phase 2 of playground improvements Project detail Over the last two years it became apparent that some of the playground equipement was in need of maintainance and upgrading along with improvements to the surfacing.Therefore phase one of the playground revamp included replacement treads on the toddler climbing frame,resurfacing of the playground along with installation of a spinning saucer,springy bike and toddler play house. The grant that we are now applying for is phase 2 to purchase and install a zip wire.It became apparent when we discussed the play area with the local childeren that much of the equipment that existed was catering for the smaller childeren and that older childeren were going to play parks further afield to play as the equipement was was more physically challenging.Therefor the decision was made to raise money towards a zip slide. Need When we went through the process of applying for a lottery grant we sent out a questionire to the junior classes at the local school asking which peace of play equipement the childeren would most like to see on the playing field.Eighty percent said a zip wire,with all of them also saying that they regularly went to other parks as there was a better/more varied play equipment,such as zip wires. Disadvantage Storth is a Small village population 978 (census 2011) therefore fundraising is a challenge and as the playing field is not council owned all the equipement/ maintenance has to be funded via the playing field committee.This is on top of fundraising to cover the cost of grass cutting and maintenance of the heron hall. Benefits To provide a play area which caters for all ages and helps to encourage the young people in the village to be physically active and to utilise the space that they have. To draw in childeren/ families from the wider community to the village to help to see the facilities as on a par with the local villages and therefore a desirable place to bring up a family. To prevent the need for the older childeren of the village to go to other playgrounds in order to access play equipment that challenges them physically. Measure Through the increase use of the playground by the older childeren / families from the village and surrounding area. By improving the facilities to the village making it more desirable family location to live and helping to raise the numbers at the village school. By reducing the need for childeren to travel to nearby playgrounds of Arnside, Silverdale to access challenging play equipement. After funding This is a one off project.OncePage the equipment 41 is installed it will be under garuntee fora ends number of years and any maintenance after this will be down to the playground committee. No of 75 No of volunteers 6 beneficiaries


Capital costs: £1,500.00 Timber zip slide materials runway mats,concrete,machinery

Income Grant applied £1,500.00 Quotes True for Received Additional £6,000.00 Freda Scott Trust £3500 secured; Hadfield Trust £2000 income details secured; SLDC grant £500 secured

Assessment Assessor’s The land belongs to Dallam Estates and Storth Playing Field Committee are comments responsible for the maintenance of the play area. They also run the village Hall which is used by local community groups such as toddlers, tennis club and football club. They have identified a number of fundraising activities to hold in the next year to help with costs. Quotes have been provided They have secured most of the project costs and require £1,800 to have the complete project costs. They do have the remaining £300 project costs in their account.

Recommend support

Priority Children & young people Charitable objectives Bodies who provide facilities to beneficiaries. Score 16/20 Grants Panel decision

Page 42 Agenda Item 9 By virtue of paragraph(s) 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.

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