County Mllllon+ Mater Del to.bury protesters. advances transit demand lnCIF solutions Li's ouster playoffs


THEORANGECP.AST 25 CENT WED E DAY, MAY 24, 1989 Officer charged in Christmas Day ·fatality

''om staff and wire reports about 9 a m when his patrol C'3r and Westminster Boulevard Valle) 1n,esugauon b } the C'ahfom1a H1gh­ Cook declined to comment on the crashed into another auto. k1ll1n1 It struck the auto OCC\Jp1ed b ) the She and Warren. also a La Quinta "a~ Patrol and 01 tnct -\Home\·, charges, c1 lmJ a peodm& cw1l lawsuit A. rookie Westminster Pohcc of­ dn\.cr Jessica Warren. t 9, of Stanton. two former h1&h school fnend , who . &raduate, v.ere on th~1r v.n) to om cc. filed b> the \ 1c11ms' famahc . ficer was charged Tuesday with two and Dawn Hammond, 20, of Costa had 1onen tO&Cthcr dunna a break Hammond's brother's house m Santa ··officer Richard "8 re ponding But attorney Piiul Mayer, who misdemeanor man Jau&hter counts Mesa. said Oninie County D1stnct from collcae Ana to open gifts v.hcn the accident to an cmcrgcnc} call at a high rate of represents the poli~ department, Jn connection with a Chmtmas .A-itornet '5- ~tiator ffcrrry Hammond. 'WhO"I p1mfto a car~r occurred. ~peed v.l\en fo: collided willl \1t ~act. - -\ Ohfti C>f "chit'ulJrlTIIn­ momin1-traffic 11t'C:rdenr--rffitt left a Graves IAf law enforcement, wa tud)1ng Richard, who turned 22 last month Warrens car" Grave said !>laughtcr apmst a pohcc officer Cost.a Mesa '40man and her fnend Witnesses said Richard's patrol car cnm1nal _Ju ttce al Golden West had been on the force about <.1\ Deput) ;01stnct Auome ~ C hark~ doing h1 s1ob puts into question every dead was going about 75 mile~ per hour College. fhe La QuinUt H1ah gradu­ months ~h~o t~ e accident OCl'urred. M1Jdlcton, "ho 1s handling the case. offiC'er in an emergcoc} situation. Officer Thomas Richard was re­ with h&hts and siren on when 1t went ate also was a popular waitress at department officials aid. could not be reached for comment " lt 1s ccnamly disappoint111& to sponding to an officer-needs-help c.all throu1.h a red light at Newland Street Silky Sullivan's Irish Pub 1n Fountain The charges followed 11 fivt"-month Westm1nstc-r Police Chief Jim 1i-1ease see °"'ICUI A2J County Ex-track coach endorses. gets 19 years in transit molestation case proposal lo the Judie Alan Rigby still R1aby maintained his innocence ly LESLIE fARNEST and'therc was not one episode of actual !iCAual molestation " He Of .... o..,, Not """ denies molesting blamed the accusations on tones A county half-«nt sales tax 1n· fabncatcd b) nch children. lb.cir ercase and 20-}ear transpona11on paf'Cflts and overzealous pohct 1mpro,ement plan moved one tep 19 young boys The ex-teacher \uer conU'ad1ctcd closer to the ballot box Tuesday when h1m~lf v.hen he adm11ted be had the Oranae Count> Board of upcr­ 9y JANET ZIMMERMAN \ lCC but sa•ll "1t v.111 never baPPt"ft v1sors unanimous!) appro\ed the Of - - Sc.-i 1n." prooosal D~ A fonner trad.: coach at an e'\­ Raab> said he pleaded 1u1lt) so the The endorsement did not come as a clu l\C ( orona dcl Mar prrp "h<><'I children ~ould not have to \C$t1fy at a surpmc to transponauon officials ""• sentenced Tucsda to 19 )el1'5 1n four-mol\th tnal and because hta since three of the board's fh e mem­ pnson for mole t1na IQ \. h1ldrcn. auome) 1d he doubted he couJd 'lllin bers also hold 5eat~ on the Oranac man' of v.hom belonsed to a 'ittrrt on cnouah count to k~ Riab) ovt Count) Transportation C'omm1ss1on. club v.11h a purporu-d ~\ual 1n 111a- of pnson which unanimous!) approved the 11on nit Pannts of the 15 bo) and four plan Ma>~ Alan fhoma R11b) 4 1 plcadcd airl . man) ofwhom cro~dcd intoihe The Orange ('ounl) 20-Ycar Ma - 1u1lt) 10 .l6 m ol~)tat1on i;ounb in Santa ~na courtroom. hean1I) ter Plan of Transportation Improve­ ·No' ember alier a upenor ( oun thanked 1he pro~--cutor after the ment calb for a half-cent sales tu Jud c 4rc1:d to ~men e him to no wnlencc handed down increase count>"1dc lo pa) for uch morc than .20 'ot'•n in pn!>On He The ltarbor Da) hool teacher far-rcachin,a 1mpro\ements as an could · h;J\ e faC't'd nc.irl' SO 'ea" lured I 0- throuah I 3-)car-olds into expanded frttV.'I) S)Stem, a H().m1le "'11hout the pica airrcn\cnt · h1~ confidcocc and lhen mtroduced netv.ork of "super streets" and c\· . £.X-~p1t c his pica. Rtib°I' did not them to pomoaraph). masturbation. pans1on of the commuter rail service Picketing nurses X-ratcd '1deos and ~llual tO)S. by accept rcspons1b1h t) and ~ho"ed h also requires each Cll) to adopt an Nun•• •nd their 1uppo"•rs picketed of their union the hospltal adminis­ ltule rcmof'it' for thc cnmc . v. h1 ch he prosecutors said 1nd1v 1dual manqement plan l'ount•ln Valley Re9tonal Hospttal on tration. The pickets wlll continue through catted harmless ...lodcr-room Im ol tudent~ lt" tificd at a two-month before 11 can use mone) generated b> Tuetday to protest th• lack of rec09nltlon Thursd•J· Story on AJ. mes • ln a prepared ~tatemcnt he read (ltte..,. lff lttG9Y / A2f the ta' hike. Supervisor Gadd1 Vasquez praised the plan for 1ts attcnt100 to local and rcl!onal needs and for 1ts transit prov1s1ons The proposal has "some­ th1na forcvet')onc," he said. Parental permission considered for sex education upcrv1sor Don Roth \aid hc upcccs Oranae Count) rcs1den1s v.111 injl thc11 1.h1ldrcn from obJCC'tronablc understand the need to fund the Sy AU X \lllWAMS ongr) about C\phc1t SCA-related infor­ an ~x educaunn l l.1sses a'I lhc nnh the 1mp.irt1 na of kno .... lc of '-ic~port Beach "Our main tion\ t1 f r~uircd classe uch as " It s seldom )OU ~ th1 much tar11oi ncAt )tar parent 1n thc b10IOJ\ _ homose\uaht) - no" tauaht in d1~J\C conu:rn I\ thal v.e "'Int our ch1ldrcn enthus1um and interest from all li"e e""p(m-M~ ln1 fied hoot 01\· thstnct h1ah ~hoot 'eral parent<. 3l lhc nwctmg ~uatcJ . but v.c'rt al co"'cmf'J lhc optlon of 'l>.ithold · f~ase se. SCHOOU/ Alt af\er each board member \poke bnefly an fa,orof the plan. The SJ. I b1ll1on plan must now be approve'1 b) a maJonty of the cttac\ that rcpre1tnt more than 50 percent oflhecounty's population T"'ocit1c) Special access - ev.-pOtt Beach and Brta - haJ approved the plan as of Tul'sda) considered for af\crnoon MADD seeks law on serving drunks Ahhou,h a 11m1lar propo111I ~ut . • unanimou~ly •PJ>l'O' cd b) Orana.c ob" t0u\ I~ drunk 1. u~tomer < h;u1 1.·~ Jet Ski riders Count) c1t1n in ~btr 19 7 new Court rules against civil penalties for saloons '4C'tc l11tcr Jroppt'd lx'\--ausc a mun tu· appro,al b) 1hc c1t1ct" not a urtd, P!JI ourt Jud rukJ \he Jda' ly IRIS YOKOt accorctin1 to Bob O\lnck. eucuthc fol\:cd sndu\tl) "''Jc chan t\ that (h~~ . then "'· "" c'cntuall \ rnn· lxt"\."C n. th<' 1u.-tdcnt and ~1nnc\ ·, Of_O..,.,....k.. d1 rtttot of the Orantt oun1y miaht h.avc drut1<:1ll > cut the 'llted of' c:h1l ulJr m:in lauahtc:r nJ arr~ t \ tulJtcd lhe blrtt'nckr· .. nahl1 0 4' cnm m1tt~ of kt k1 nd m11bt an· k. cll) \l•l~a l: hC'rn cl 1m,·d that d1 '' ina o lknd~I'\ do thrtr dnnlm1 at 1hc Ne"' port &'a h °' ~anfrottt for an b:ar. or n:\t~uranl\ , \1.\00"' ('jilcr JUbt&ance the C~ that haH cluJc incrc:i J cmph.a,.1 on ~tttn· ( h;a had cnlereJ the bar J runk and (l('can \.Oflld r "'here t~ ~nc · bc(n SO~ Cll)' COUn<'ll't ml) inf CU\ IUmen before Xf'\ 1n1 1hcm a prt~C'CJ<-d to rina up-;a S~6 tab 1d dnHn natl l-an ~ nJden out to ~ YfOIT)' t tM ptan ml) conlln\K to drank, or incrl':astU cfTon\ 10 dc-ta1n rm~utot\ 1J dunn h ~ · , Tht prob\ m v.1th t"\•!>llna lav.' 1\ cha• a . they have approved u , drunk cu tome~ bcfort thr lea' c trial th;.at on the n11ht of thl' loll1 •t.ll't. that bCt\C drun~" tnc.:c The :"cVo port Jkkh Cat ) Couft('11 DuMktaid. the C\tabh hmtn1. ( \ Her sa1J the dcfc:nd nt tell oil hi\ Nt \tool, o ma\lmum pcn<1h) or ~1 \ month\ 1n Ji~b.:J l\\ ,,an to form the commn­ The f'ac1 that on Mondly the traffic On M onda\, 1hc <:ourt rdu~J to anJ\'\C:O\\\ ~11'41C from two other n:a n11ht' t,, enuuah 10 fort'C a top-do"' n. chin of ~ • .. ,.,, • ~llll'llW'WkNll)Wlnl.._, rcponnil) laitnc'\J &he appnl r1t'!itd M1cf:'.a hcrn ~tJ at thc trial. n:~.uurant ind bar pt)h ). atcr ~1J . lha\ from tht \h~hnt to 1.000 fl Ct OUl lo a '"311Dlld...... L.,., ...... n6 federal C'On\l1tut1onal •mte. In ddnwn,. in" uptor' de· '"' l h( Ml)' V.l\ trTt pon,1bk bat ' plan is "°' t\rm yet, Mid. The attidcnt ocC\MT'Cd when a t rm1n1.'\1 Cha · ~ blood akohol k~cl 0'4ncr\v.1Jh: ~ from put11n1mon \ The ord1nam~. ttl far ft~u .. Y.. llilmn .•W•~ Hurnu11ton Btatb man. dn'•nt hi\ chit n11ht co be 0 .l pcrt"tnt, thrtt ht Ott ~bh~ tafl t "-.hen the rt t1on on JwM I~ illO ...... bt Mid. After ~ ptekup truck h6tM from Wood)·, hmc the lc\CI al "h1 ha m,ltuml 1\ lo\tf'ta'fllbr · monc 1n a rt'il la~\u1t proh1b11 &ai.nctuns fnMit hli ... a-. * c:o1n•itliCMI \\'Mrf1n 'c•port Bnch. '1f\Kk and prnumcd too drunk tq dmc. 1)\ ~ en mnnth\ later. Roben ~id 8' l: a.-ta to bt•llllllf W • ....,...... oe ..._f1We9t• rimam· Ho~ . · K1nnt'} . a bln,·nJcr It Wotid\ ·, rt'lOluuon,... __ OCMll/_ 11r-... Dllilel Mid; F0tan11in Valin rnidmt tr,cn .wharf, "'°' chars d "1th trrv 1na in ff'I•- ... a.tlltlNG/ Alf GOOD MOR I G

Comkl...... 88 CrOll'WOrd . .. 14 0... ftlilke.•...• I. •• • • • •• • •• I) . .. °'M.11 CoMt DAILY PILOT/ Wedneeday, May 2.. , 1tll l Fives states comp ting to e~tr dlte county fugltlv

8y RANDA CMDWIU. FBI aa.cnts Saturday in Raptd City, appomted attorney, and the manctof etCape charan and hes bttn charstS store robberies UI Colorido and 1014-1, ,&ate whe~ he fatts lc~r chaflt'. °'¥ ...... S.D. as he allcacdly tried to sell stolen whtther he will fiaht extradition was w1tt\ )t1dnapp1na and robban1 an So far. Taylor has indicated he will could pou1bly iman he would diamonds at a pawn shop. continued until Thursday, Estes said. Orat-at County man lhe day he ncd. fiatu utrldation, wtucb puts the nve bC ~nt to another state first, Es&n A deputy district attorney said "We're in a panic mode to &et our Autbontcs have linked Ta)'lor to Est~ said. S\a\e$1telUna him ma race to aet their Mid. Tuesday he is hurriedly preparina aovernor's wamnt (to South Dakota several violent crimes from Cah­ The most serious charaes Taylor casn to the South Dakota aovcmor' Arrested alona with Tatlor was h1 documents to extradite an Onnse officials)," said Deputy Distnct At· fomia to New York since his t'SCape face outs1de of Oranae County dcU first, [itCS Mid. common-law wife , l1&1 Marie County fuaitivc arrested last week in tome)' Burl Estes. "You bave a whole on Nov. 20. involved the al~ .rape and at· ~County officials v.-erc hop. Prmdcs, 25. of

report tatC) RIGBY A starth ol R1gb) 's home after his f rom Al r arrest turned up the peach plasuc Irvine to figh~t , ibrator used in 1he acts. a well as preliminary heonng that they photos of n ud~ bo)S and a ran: belonaed to.A.secret club called the undcrgrounS«utor (;Qtled Rigby s la k suspension from . The mo t serious charges involved of ~morsc "an anront to tht peace . two boys who were by and di1nity of tht.• people of this Riaby in astoraac shed durlna a track • community." d M ~ meet at UCLA. Superior ('oun Ju 1sc yron highway funding But Rigby and his anornc:r depul)' Brown ~1d R1&b> wo~ ~dvanta~ ol public defender Wilham Kelley, con- children wh1k in a po\1t 106--Qf tlu t ly EMILY ADAMS out of Irvine each year for their tinued to cut doubt on boys' stones. had a pattern () f ' 1u.lcnt conduct and OftN~l'l!Msurr transponation fund - and they The boys didn't act any differently shQwed ;. l\lgh ~ . \al emotion Irvine Citv Council voted Tuesda} to can't poliucall) do that:• Agran ~ warned. if they were molested. they said less near the bad.. of the ~o urtroom fight the city's suspension from a " I cannot honestl)' sa) that I Her husband ~1d has b1~c~' rcirct an county arterial highway financing Counc1lmembers unanimous! ) believe that many of these things 1hc ca~ was the abon1on he had program _ even if that means voted to seek an appeal to the testified to actually Occurred." Kelley since his arrest Tht'Y hpve tv.o sons withdrawing support of the hal f-cent supervisor's decision. In the same said. The 5entcncing on the 21 fel on> ps sates tax endorsed b) count) motion. the)' decided 10 $ttk a Rigby said his mistake wa-.condon- and 15 m1~cmca'lor counts bnngs 10 supervisors. mcetine bet\\cen AJ.ran. Werner and mg tccn·IJC l>ranks. an tnd Orange OOl 'tOmethlOp. ca<.ah forgotten have Ulogled with county officials 1n maJOr streets running nonh-south in .. He 1s an 1ncreas1na thrcal Lo the " It d~sn'1 c\l'r re.ill~ en a defi n111 ve plan for those Of IM DMly !"I« Staff stand1ng s1gned b> the c1 11 csoflr,1 nc not ironed out dcin1h of fina l lO\t for mo'nnr JI~ some bizarre agenda of their own. anena l ~ . and fk'ac h to pn.'' cn1 C\· Ao operating agreement \\.1th ""' c"-"°rt the change order accord!ng 10 \ ir­ [)c\pltl' thl' dt"l:l)\ .. , lx•hC\«: tht• "When they come to lrvinelooking Plans to widen Ridge Route. how- p1ra11on of the monon11rs use permit. pon Manager (1corge Rebclla\ 11: ­ Mc Donnel Douglas Reali ~ ( o for a unport.tnll' or lhl· munnra1I prc>Jct 1 for us to support their half-cent sales C'-Cr. ""ere omitted due to a simple Ho\\e,cr. the postponement of the port to the upen •SON proposed monorail bet\\<.'Cn John Jt( tall'\ lurthl·r pam·ncr of the counh tax - which takes millions of dollar" oversight on the part of Cit) staff. change order approval mean\ 1s~ued ah<'r Any chanfe orders lO allo" MdX>nn<'ll Duugla'> Real i\ Wa) nC Airport and the In me Indus­ McOonocll Douglas. which propo..cs Tuesda> w1l ·be at a 1gn1 fican1h pi e>. \\:IS OCf Co to rc\ol' c m wnn·rns ... Rd'Clla trial (om put for t\\O to build and ~ > for the- $4 m1lhon tncreascd C'O\t, Rebella s:ud weeks T ue da) b~ count) ~upcr­ \\rote 111 h1\ recomp1cnda11on tha t the mononut. ""'" face 1ncrcast'd cos1s to Furthcrmon:. McDonnell l>ough1' appro' ab Ix• uintinucd. ·1-1sors. male changes to the parl.. mg structun: Prrndent Robtn You'1g ha\ he\1- The supcrv1 o~ also co.nttnucd to accommodatr the tmd. fou n- · tated to !>1gn the operating agrtcmcnt rhl ... rpo1t \\111 rroal·d \\llh "or~ Motorist killed in Irvine until June 6 approval of a change dat1ons. w11h the count) The agrt"cmrnl 11n thl l'.t'>I p.ark1ng 'tructuf( dnorJ 1n& to .urporl 'fl"kl'\\•mman Kathll' lanci. of MacAnhur onto M1chtlson order that "oulc.J allow construc11on The change ordfl' for thr monorail require McDonndl Dougla\ to pa' A man was killed instantI) Tucsda} of the monorail track· found11 1wn'> lounda11on) had 10 be: approved h> the count) n I 0 pcrc:cn1 opcnitmg kl' Rutherford when the van he \\3\ dnv1ng o'er­ "hen 1he 'an entered the inter­ concurrcntl) "1th the building of the supcn 1sor 1 u<'sda} 1n order 10 mt.'t't from llS p rofi t ~ \ oung lcll on an l)Ut-ol·to" n trap turned on MacAnhur Boulevar at the )<)me 11mt: ap­ Ho"' ever. Ml Donntll Duug,la\ .rnJ The dn' er uffetcd ma Sl\'e head Reach m1gh1 put up ..t kpl lhalknl't"· monunuh I\ prcxnJmj on \C'h~·duk Ford van at about 10:30 p m \\hen pro"ed a ncga1 1\c dt•dara11on for the Mct an h} C:on \ruc·t1on Co. wh1t:h 1s Ne" part Beach cat~ offiu.11-. h.1 H' und "'c arc ttu 1lkd ~ '"' the driver alle$edl) ran a red light al 1n1unes and was killed instantlj. Michelson Drive. In 1ne police gt The male pa senger in thr van wa'I Mike Ogden said. transponcd 10 Western Medical A couple in an Oldsmobile four­ Center tn Santa Ana . door sedan ~ere turning lcO on a Tile coupJc to the sedan " ere not Clerk arrested In SS,000 ball set for green arrow from the southbound tnJuree. Man's body found in sur-f credit card scam accused wife-beater \ Mun1uf,..,I ( ourtJudge on ion· An I. Ma.grHn &. Co. sale lerk "'a '> near Scotchman's Cove .OFFICER Child dies after arrested Tuesday for allcardl> using d.-i~ \Ct bail at S.S.((10 for Costa M t•\:1 man ~ho pleaded innuu·nt too wilt.. FromA1 customers' credit card numbe" to ly The Daffy Piiot inche to 6 lttt tall .and "r1gh1ng mnrl find misdemeanor manslaughter being by car order S 1.200 in merchandise she sent lhan 200 p0und "caung charar charges against a police officer \\ho to fnends and rclauve • police said The body of a m1ddlc-a&t'd mao.­ 1ha 1~ the st'contl 11me 1n two A 3-year-old Sanla Ana boy died wa dlSC()\ trcd IO the surf b<'l'4Ct0 He had hon &ra >l\h-black h:ur month\ thlll Jcrr) .\tlrn HoltanJ. 2-i was doing his 1ob ... Mayer added. Tuesday as a result of 1nJuncs Chnsnna Jenkins was fired from and a moustache. and wa \\t":mna " We beheve when the facfs come out. Crystal Cove and ~otchma n's \ovc 1fc suffered when he wa run over by a the upscale Souttl Coast Plan stol'l' JC n~ . a colored f-5b1rt and lenn1 hai been ''"' u~ of bca11n1 h1~ it will pro'e OffiCt'r Rictlard \\:JS earl) fucsday.. ttnd> l.Afc lai't mmuh \ht I0\1 tl·J car. police iaid. after an in-house sccurity auard ~w sttoc'I He poned a " l 'C) MC"' uutoo thll attempted murder Ch11J4•' acting appropnatclv." her give a family about $500 wonh of A JoUCr sp0ttcd the un1dent1ficd on h11 upix-r let\ oltm and tamed no The child. Juan Arr6cla. had a.a; in.. t hrr hu hand be droppcJ ancr dashed across a roadway to &Ct to hts ch1ldrcn'sclothe forS75. Co ta Me\3 man's body JUSt before 6 a m .. s1ud Costa Mesa resident Christy 1dcnttficat1on . hC' alk cJ I> ~ .. hcd her out of thc:u home in the 800 block of Louise Police Dctccti\.e tevc Labtntt said Orange Count} hcnfrs LI Bob Wilson. a close fnend of both Warren h WI the second ttmt' 1n 10 dn> p1c .. up tNck and ran U'ftf her thrtt Street when the accident occurred Riva . and Hammond, said famil y and tore officials later dt!>COvercd 'he thu a body has been found 1n the a1~a tim1:. friends of the two popular women are about 7:•5 o.m. Monday. wrote ue phone orders using a The v1cum was float1n1 in a rocl..y nc~r C"r)stal Cove tatc Parl.. He tn tead plead d au•h> to a I~ 1 pleased charges were fiJed . The driver. 24-ycar·old En c area atona the coastline north of customers crcd11 card number bu1 On Ma) 14. pa sersb fou nd the 'harg of a "uh uh a d~dh "The families arc ha pp¥ someahmg Morpn of Santa Ana. was not another address. u uaJly that of ~auna ~ach . 14-eapon and w s nten<:cd 10 thrt't' is beina done." Wilson said. " It's real charaed. someone to whom she owed money, Rivas said invcsuptors found no . bod) of a )OUf'\I "'Oman along the )tll'l problt1on. aood news. I feel sorry for the officer. The child was taken to UC1 roadside. Labbiu said. obvious '"ns of trauma.. l\n autoP'Y publtc dtf~nder "'" appomtrd but no one wants 1\ to happen again ... Medical Center. where he underwent 1 lated toda}. An autopsy showed he h•d bttn No arraignment date has been set. surgery for massive head and internal Jenluns, 21l alle&edl> hipped the for Holl.tnJ on l~ l.Jtf\t charae and aoods by t!J1ni td Par«I Service and The vimm wa!!t dt)Cribe:d u white. killed Her ldcnttfi uon al~ re· he 11.'1 ordhtd to retum to coun Jllnt Grave said. iruunes. some went as far as Lout tana. betwttn 4.S-.S.S ycan old. S feet I 0 matn' unknown . 2 for a prttr11l hcanng.

tn both classrooms and households. SCHOOLS Often , he said. studtnts haranaue · ,romA1 other students who do not ancnd JVlan held in attack on escort service employee · sexual education classes. Sex ~\ICI · mtssion. tion also introductS the threat of Fint, parents would take a more J:t1I rucsday on be1t' active rote in the c1.1rriculum. 111low­ division between P.lrcnts and ch1I· ~ NllSYOKOf SS0.000 count of several houn. Dieckm:snn n<"11}\ti0t heard the poundmaa n~ in1 them to protest objectionable drcn, because ch1ldn-n milht be Of.,.o._NMtt.lft Diet: kmann. who listed his occupe· alle&edly ~~u•ll> abus<'d her, com· other no1.c\, 1ndud1na .c.~m , and clemen&s by wuholdina their children tauaht values that differ tfom parents' t1on as an untmpk>)cd staman. mined numcrou' kwd act' on her called poh (', When officcn amHd values.. Elkermann saad. A Ne•port 8Hch man is to be from arrataned toda)' on charat\ he r.exuat­ allcacdly called an csoon k"f"'tee to bod) whale she was ucd up, beat her the) found the man an tht ,,-r 1na repca&edly and cut her hair. l('C()rdtn& In addition, required pemms1on " A lot of parents are shocked when ly 1buwd I 28-}Car-<>ld ncort !tf\ ICC have a ftmak compuuon for the Jot with Deluca and aftc.'r 11llun1-1•h to lhc repon to pqlicc. her, 01eintment it his •PIJ'lment Mon­ McmonaJ Ha&p.\11, y,.hfre J,hc "Al\ appropnateneu in stJt cduca,ion. When the woman amved at hi$ 1tODPtd by lM a.-nnttnt. Oakk:> woWd have complete suppon from day. apa"ment 1round t :lO p .m .• eum1ntd. 0.kky ••d daeir tiudents. Loofbourrow Mtd. Amo"' the crnma are the nftd for .aa:whnt no OM answered tht door. cducauonat matenal'1 curttnt IOC'aal l>Mdmann · ~)' ··~ re>-" Dieckmann has i'«utfd to LI But Oary Eikmnann. a Newpon William Arthur Otttk.mann. 42, wnh her." laid.

Ortinge Coat OAll.Y PILOT/WednMdey, Mey 24, *18

I I ll 1 0 I l I \ I 11 I Phif Tozer ignores County collects ideas to. improve.. .tr ' • Thr ehm1nation of lty The ~H ftrHI traffic. . plates of moiors 1 who run ted lights car~ The Oranac ounty Transportation • Double-deck fret...,ayi opcntn aJI lanes to 111 rraffir. pain to serve Onnse Count) collected '4.000 ideas f'or Comm1s ion took him scnou J) nd • H)drof01I commuuna alona the ra­ ' nae \\1nnm1 u~1ion wtrc boWid an 1mprov1na traffic and now plans to bury tarted sohc111oi ideas sax month' aao c1fic a ~he: k.. I 6·P~SC book let and wall be buried Four thousand· rccommendation'i ..... ert" the top JOO. • freeway shoulde~ veqd1ng rack for an the centenna~l t1me CIP''!k· The w1nnina entne - ran11n from received from 1,037 peo ple aJove-<.ompartmcnl·SaZC maps Newport Beac~ .. lf"'e don' t follow thnc ~ hydrofoil commutf'S and frcc.,,.... y shouJdcr The top 100 v.etc un"c1lcd dunf'I& a • matler car su_,taoos. should be buried an· a nme caplUk." tnlr rad.S lO Colli'>IOD avotdanCC radar - commission mcctana Monda~ . Fort)-onc • A la"' that v.ould pro h1b11 unan~umi Newport Beach's favonte fisherman. history w1l be buned 10 a 11me capsule a part of the people who ubmittcd idea, v.ere drncrs from rc11stcnn.g their cars. omm 1~s1oncr Dana RC"ed id • b uffand host is out a mona them ap1n, another or after the county's ~ntenn 1aJ celebration also on hand to take a bow and po~ for • Colljsion·avo1dance rndar to ac\l\latc Ideas arcn'\ usmc leaders • flat tires for wrona·W8) draH'r\ on • A monor.ul system along frecv.a> Nelit year the paoc\ ·plan to ~ Euro~ . and sugestcd tlle count y celebrate b> freeway ramp . medians. $50,000 for a consultan.t to try Lo work. " I've never been to f raJlce - on the around, cqmina up with 100 wa)'s to 1mpro'e • H1gh·specd c-amcras to record hc:en~ • More car· pool lane . some of thc"1deas 1qto rca~ny . that as," Phil said theotbeTday. " I want to go 1hcrc to see irany of I.he hole I made are tall LIJerc.'' .. h was dunn' Wortd War ll that Phil flew with the U.S. Arm)' ir Corps (now the U.S. Air Force). with many rn1ss1ons over Euro~ snclodinj France. and at was 1n a plane crash that Phil suffered the CM's.. Sherlock. . . H·o1mes7~· damue lO bas b ck and spine crcaong constant pain and rn1scry": - . There are those who behevc Phil is bent over 'because he 1 forever rcach1n1 out to shake hands or 8106,dhound serg~ant . touch-som(one or dp somcthma nice for Newport . Beach. He kno-ws everybody He likel almost . everybody. He likes to smile. to reminisce about e.arly days, aod his humor belie~ any personal cited for contributions .· tragedies he may have endured for a man who has accomplished so much, 111s By IOI VAN EYi the) lall the Bloodhound Scr&eant " l'tn ho~ored hut it's o little trange for Beu>- -toured •na. "ere honored Tuesda) for their outst.mJ.. me to be up her 1001mg m> own horn .... he added let~f 'Tm \Cry pka~ m y. col· t.Jbng a nver boat 1ng conmbu11on' to the c 11 ~ ·s pohc-r through the country's dcp.lnment h:tsgues 1hough1e nough ot me to nominate • massive and hastonc nil' for th1' ·· Bruc·e Radomski. an e., t' tu h ~l.,.er v.a' n ted for his cotn~ttnt 1ntcnor, a rigorous n1l1an " hose skill at fingerprint .mah, •., tnp and Phil has the lc.ld~r<-h1p aod rco;pe<·t within the depaet· h3s "on h11n u1unt'" 1dl" pra1St.' n·1.i·1 \l'd m1.·n1 a '-'l'll a<> his e"ten 1H 'oluntcer and thousands of pictures the dcpanmcnf annual ( "1han o f 1h( to prove 11. training \\or'- · • Y<"ar'a~ard '\f\crpa ~ 1ng h1!.0\\ n wa} to a conference 1 The year before. they drove their Wnh Rado11n k1 at thl· hl'ad tahlc .11 th" on thl" u~ ot bloodhounds in pahcc "fOt'lt. motor coach ovcrthe )Car''> a'Aafd luod\e1in .tt the < ost11 f\.1l- "1 Walke• .irranged tt)r th<: depanment to somcmmcs question· H Ohda ~ Inn v.11\ "igt l>J \ td \.\ all.rt al quuT 11s fir 1 bloodhounds through itblc roads 1n laska. rcc1p1cn1 of thr Olli\. er ul the Vear award Jonauons lrom pr" ate organ1z.anons into lhe Ante C 1rcle. forh1 )('f\ llC'.100'<' and he'ond 1he ,all ol Pohlt' \\ Or~ ha' its rewards and 1t across barren tundra, . duty. ffu tnltaon'. \\ alkl·r said He recounted nn In making thl" llrt' 'll'n1Ut1 01r 10 anerdote 1ha1 1ll u,trated one the over steep f::des, or .and Phil cau t fish Radomsk 1 Polill· C h1t'I l>3' c "ino" den fru~tr1111 oll!.. "'"ha humorous 1\\-t'il. ' )OU won't hcve. quoted from .1 letter v.nttt"n O\ Orangl" T hl· inudent rnncemcd a I6-year-Otd You have to remember that Phil v.ould rather fish COUl'H 'Y Dl'llrtlt ~ttornC\ { Htdl\ "ho w:i<; rep('atcdh stopped for dnvrna than do almos1 anytb1ng else. . pra1 ang the tcthou.:al 1o~csugator's wm k whak anto\lr:ui•d The mtox1can1. Walker -(' The lcucr referred to a dtllkult Ill found. "·I!. g.i~lmc. wh1<:h tbe youth lt was has Jove of Gshin& thal brought Phil to vc t1p11on of·an alltgcd.cocame dealer an <1n1tlnJ to get high Newport ·Beach. He took the money he had a )1nKlc f,11nt f1naerpnn1 v.'a) u\Cd to · I \.Oun-.clcd h1n1 abOut the dl\naer:· accumulated with the Air Cor~ and bought some nab 3 \U'>l)('1. t I he SI 1dr1mticd \\ alkl·r '>.ltd " I told ham the lead 1n the land 1n Newport. He borrowed money on the Ian!,! to the h.trd to find 11n,erpr1nt """ psuhnc "'111 C:\c:n tuaJI~ de~oud>ra •n build hts house. and he borrowed money o n rhc Radorn.,k1 T kind ol dukh lll.'f·. cclli, \lM nu c;in '~ind up u "egttahk .. house to buy his first sportfish1ng boat. formanll' I\ )U\I hU\tne\S .... u .. uJI 101 T \\1)'\lll0 l'~' l;\tei. howcvcl't~)OUth wa He always brought 1n fnends or co-"'orkcrs to Rado m<;\\.1 H11.k' \c- . · '>IOp(X-J u.titt and again found to be share has busrncss profits. The tQwn 1s full of " \\- hen I gi.:1 J nlJtlh on IJll'nt hn c r 11llo\1\:,Hed on ea')Ohne fume\ · partner~ or former part{lers. and when Phil inade-ttle pnnts, m ore often ·that not Hn1n­ I a'ikt"d him didn't )OU hearanythan& 1 ~at gamble - buying the Balbo_a P1£..,1h on wit~ Radomsl..1 1~ th1.· one rc'irlon'i1hlr .. ll1l "' ' ~1d tu ~nu·•· lk -.aid. • urc I did. Thi 1 m oney borrov.ed aaam~t his Oeet or- 's Lo<'ker - hr brought 1n his Sno"'den aveed I 1ke R:tJom ,~1 . \\alker attnbuted ha buddies as partners aaaan. .. He's certaanl) lh( '\her Ind. Hulm('' c• I <;U~u "'' 1n p;m. tu the teamwork of hia A few years ago. the last note on the Pa\.1hori dcpanmcnt. · ~no"'den Yid ' Hr' u c:olkaguc'i . . o..., ...... ,_..., Nktt s...... the was paid off and Phil and Betty a p,any. •the \ , . . ~ . ma\ter of fingerp11nh " " fherr a~ .t lo\ of other Uul tbCft 1ov.n sllll lalks about The gallant old P&v1hon wa'i Sgt. Dav id Wall\•r]t•ftJ, Costa Meu Officer of the Ye ar, and Brue• t..nown a\ tl modc!it man ol t(-v. v. urd' 1ng of th" award." he ~1d .. h'$ a nc,cr happier. Herc v.erc Phil's fncnds dnnki~g Rad0m1kt. Clvllla n of th~ Ye•r, show off the ir a w a rds. Radonal1\ true to ht\ rqlu1a11on JI . <1hamr lhcre·s uni) one 1 ) Cal " Phil's booze and catang Phil's food and enJoyfn& Ptul's mu 1c and ht\ humor and his 1nsat1abk camaraderie. . . - Phil was on his feet the whok night Iona: moving from""d to c rov.d. table to table urgJRg everyone lo more pkasui"(. wh1k 1ns1dc his bad, .Nurses picket FV hospital iii low...;key prat~$t hun to beat hell, and his head ached hke }Ou ran·r . believe. . Phil's hfe has been close!) lied to the ba~ and , ice prc\1dent ut the union lon1I that hJ<, h'Hl'll' \ nd ''e dvn·1 "ant to be told 1h;11 af ~hr '-J 1d ROBERT BARKER boats and the cruel sea and he b(>fle,cs lirml) that ly nearl) 6()0 mcmh\.•r, ·Bua 1h"' 1<; \ m1. ri ·a \OU uon·t hle 11 lca \IC', .. !lhe 1d Al <> on the hnC' was I arry Lan ford. 04 tN DMly ,,_ \1Mt yoo must gJ\ e to the Cll) that has helped you 10 and maJorll\ rule'> f h1.· ~1anf 11 1 tfir1.·110" l unaon president <. h_n !\"· . -.ho had comr to''''' h1 mother Lill who succeed. About ~(J unhapp> nur~'i .ind their 1.,unfair" \\hov.ur\smthc pcd~m < v.ard , Q.1dther(" was 1n thl' inten'>tH' 1. al't' unit -.11h heart Phil's acnero\ll) 1s the quiet !>.and. He wall not upporter' J11 l kctcd f ountam Valle) ~ C· Hospt\al \cn 1nt11n1d:ucd b\ a 'hould be tr~tcd fatrh :· hr ..aid fisherman v. ho ma> be dov.n on his luck. or v. ho lost hosp11al adn11n1'ilr.lt1on rnurt bccau~· nml· J)('c1ple "hn hJdn't ho _PHJI b\l.trJ member .,.. ho o.\lltgl'dl\ ~•d J....ith\ J • cl man, prt,1dent of the talt a boat. or missed his catch. nd he'll contnbule bta T~ nu1'n "'ho cited :i ht.ln\ 1)1 ~ c.l for tht ho\f'll.11 1111 11H111th<, shl' J lo~ hC'r JOh 1f 'lhC \Ott'd IO fa\ Of o( L'nllCd '1.iUC"j(' SSOC:llttOn Of ( abforma. dollars to help thec1ty reconstruct the hastonc Rh1oc grac' an c in the peaceful and lo" · "-l') alh:gedl> "otc:d · the union 'lhe 5ald <1he hlc-d a ane,.ante w1d the d('monstration wa~ " 1nfor- wharf and fohing p1rr. and he'll hare 11 famous demonstrn11on, \aid th e~ 'II be back on lh<' Rooth said un1l•n \Upportcr' .11fo,,cd claiming hara<; menl and that the labc.1r mat 1on~I onl)" v.1th· no antcn11on or a sculptor to de.saan a mcmonal 10 the cre"'s or men p1dct lines ringing tht ~93·hro ho~p11al · '•nual 'ltransrr.,·· 111 'Oil' J nd .allrg t•dl~ Board had "'~ued a no\IC( tor the ho\pt\~ I tn._r \he 1d our~'> an non-union who have lost 1he1r laves after lea\'tn& e"'pon to

• _,_ 0rMge Cout DAIL V PILOTI Wednetday, May 24, 1989 Million-plus protesters demand ~l's o_u. ter BEIJ ING (AP) - One milhort Square on Ma> 13 dcmandina talk\ In utl)e1 1nd1ca11ons L1 nu} 1x Hong Kon& commerc:1al radio r('­ bchc\.cd to be ~hind the rnickdown people in 8C1Jina and tens of on democratic reforms. He was stud IO•tni ht p()W(.'f Slruggk With Zhao·s ported the pany Politburo d~1ded to " Dear tudcnt • )Our final goal 1~ thousand in other c1t1e ntarfhcd to ha'c offered his 1rsignat1on JUSt fac11on a m1hlaf) officer wa~ quo1ed strip L1 of both h1~ go\C·rnmenl and not far away," a ~tudent announcer Tuesda> to demand that Premier L1 before L1 ordered soldiers into the as sa)ina lroops ordered in10 Bc1Jing part) Posts and that Zhao would s:ud o'er a loud.,peakt>r to the 30.000 Peng re 1gn , and there Y.erc 1gn he Cit). ha' c betn told to '"•thdra"' He did re~ume his du11c The ~port could student~ ~till oceup)1n1 T1ananmen . might be losing a J>0''er struggl~wtth not sa) how far nol be confirmed and was one of SQuarc. liberals m the leadership. Wan L1 . head of the Ch1m'!.C many cootradtctOr) reports on The protc ters onamally sough\ n Proplc's C:ongn:-ss, cut a U '. "ls1t The official Xinhua Ne"' AgcnC') China· murk) poht1cal s11uat1on daalOl\le wath the go,emmcnt on 'Foreign Minister Qian Q1chen. in shon T uesda) af\er meetmg wtth press and othrr reforms but s1ntc ah.o rcponed puhhc demand for Li's H owcH~r. Lt's failure to enforce the first official rc,elat1on of thc President Bush and Amencan of­ ouster for the lir!.t time 10 its report on mantal la"' ha\e demanded Li's ~ince dL·rl~rcd mnnial law tourda)'<>af\crdeclanng It •-.; backst;igc conu:st L1 ficials st11d they expected him to pre-ss Tuesdn) 's march in Beijing. "The re5igna1ton. martial la" atu rda) in part!> of the for Li 's ouster. The C'ongre s 1s the in a har'>h speech b1 oadcas1 na­ Out-of-to""n student) con11nued to O\ er" helming maJOrih of the slogans uon" 1de seemed to indicate he lacked capital. said Communist Pan) ch1d national lcgrslature of the parade \.\Cre directed ag:un<.1t flock to Bc1Jin1 to J01n the protest Zhao Zt~ang rcma1ncd in otlil.. e ·adCQUfll.C :,uppon Wtlhtn the gO\Crn· c' en thuu~ man)- of the onainal Qllln·!I comment to European the ch1eflcader of the Statr Council." ment and pan) . ommun1t) ambassadors. reported 1nhua~1d , rcfcrnng 10 L1 but not b> BciJ1 ng s1rt 1'.er left the square 1n Zhao. a comparatt' e liberal. cxhau.,11un aficr a \.\Ceklong hunger fa\.orcd mccung \\Ith uni\ Cl \II~ SIU· bL d1plumat1c sources. was the first name The • 1ate Coun<.'11 1s China's Also uncertain 1s the !!ltalu\ of dents \\ho occup1('d Tin.nanmen official \\Ord on Zhao·s status. cabinet. senior leader Deng X1aop1ng 84 ~tnkc

.,,, ( ' ·\ l,I t 'OH'\ I ·\ HHlt:t·s Arab.'League suri1rriit focuses o~ sharp By The Associated Press . . . Ang•l~ Vluer Anti-radar mlsslle launch successful CHlNA LAK E~<\ V \L \1. E.\PO-..:S <.. El\Tf:R - \ m1\'>tk dc~1gnl•d lo divisions .over Lebanon, Palestinians guide usclf in and radar post'> undef'H'nt . . ' destro~ enrm~ It~ ~,·~nd suc·ccs')f~I tc~I . the A'rr Force announced Tucsdo~ Thr ;\(1M-l )ti.\ nm~1k. code nam1:~ Mfts Holland CASA BLANC'I\. Morocco (-\Pl - reprcsent1ng his people. the people of entrance to the palace as the)' began Tatit Ra1nhow. Oc" :'via) 17 at tht\ high d_l.'\l'rt IC\I ba\l'. hu~ the test wai.n t .Kmg Hassan II on Tuesda) "el­ Arab Eg) pt "'ho ha\C fought and arriving separate!) at 6 p.m. an pre' 1ousl} re"calcd It wat' the ..\1r f orce \81d . corned Egypt back to the <\rab League struggled for a half-cc ntun ... 1n bullctprooflimou anes. Thl' king did The m1ssik"'aslaum.hcd frum :i B-5~ bomtlcr ant.I homc.-t.l 1n on 1tstarge1 . crowned~ ... .. af\er 10 ycan. of ostracism as he suppon of Arab rights." not embrace Gadhati, as he had the C\ en though the radnr 11 tract..s "as 'hut off tllKl' dunn~ 1hc 01ght. the \tr Foru · opened a summit conference focusing T" Arab leaders are at­ other leaders. said. IVilss Univ.erse ·· on sharp di\ 1s1ons o'er Lebanon and tending t'he two-da) summit, includ­ The leaders held a two-hour infor­ the Palestinians. ing Col. Moammar Gadhali of Libya. mal session and con.,.cned again · Egypt1;.rn President , ':'f osn1 who had threatened to bo)COtt the . CANCUN. Meitfco(AP)-Angela t>chind closed doors after speeches b) ~ental patient escapes Mubarak urged greater sohdaril) mceung 1n protest over Egypt's Hassan and Mubarak. Confen·nce V 1~ser of Holland was crowned M rss among lhe league's :!2 member na­ readm1ss1on. SAN BERNARDINO - .\ mcnrnl hosp11al pa11en1 pruppcd ·• blan>-l't tn sourcts said the main topic wa\ his bed. cut through a pair of fence\. d1mbnl nnotht·r apr>arentl) changt'd htc, Unl\·erse after being cho en on Tues­ tions and said the .\~ world hopes Onl) Lebanon. ruled b) n'al Lebanon. • da) \ught from a lield of 76 conu:~­ this confcrenCl' "111 mark a " ne" Chnsuan and Moslem go,crnments. Mubarak, reading from a prepared clothe<.. and OC'd frnm Pauon ~late I lo'>p11al .1uthont1c\ ~1J Tuesda) PolM tahfs from around the world. dawn." was not reprl!sented for the first time text, called the gathering "an histori­ put out an all p()tnt\·hulktin lor Trill' Wa,hin,111n. :!"+ Miss Visser. 2:!. a model am.I -... Hassan said he was happ) to see the si nce the Arab ~ague was formed . cal conference. con.,.cning in an Wa h1ngton "n' dc\Crtbrd a\ J' pJrano1d sch11ophrcnl{' wnh "1okn1 bCaooc:1an from Rotterdam. '"n!> t.g) puan leader "ht>re among us. Hassan greeted h1 ~ gu c-s t ~ at the atmosphere ol brotherhood." tendcncacs. He \\iJS d1argl·d v.11h Jlll'nlPtl·u murder or a peace offirer and SJ00.000 in pnles and a )~ar a-. as~ult ""ha de.idh "l'apon but \\J\ found mcntall) incompetent to ">land titleholder. trial Hts ')talus thanged \t nnda~ v.hi:n hl' ¥1,1, Judged mental!~ rnmpetcn1 tu Miss LJn"ersc 1988. Porntip stand trial. Nak.birunkanok of Bangkok. l'hal­ land, presented the cro\\ n to the LA's trike negotiators meet with legislators winner after swimsuit and c"enmg Insurer accused of holding big surplus s,owf!J. compet\tions and personal LOS ANGELES built up too big a \urpluc, tn premium o.1nd asks the rnun lo order lhl· First runner-up was Miss "eden. school d1\tnll tra\\~·d~ Lraml·n­ dent of 1hc I 0th D1stnct PTA . s~ud a\ ~nge lc mem~rs remained ou1 ol com pan' 10 return $6 9 h1ll1 on lo 1t<, tu,tomrr'> na11on"'1Jc Wilham hcrnoll Louise Drcrcnstam, 19: second run- to on T uc .. da' v. her<."\ the' met the s1nkc ""ent in to its 10th day in 11lc school. a former pre~1den1u l1he < altlorn1J T nJI UJ\\ 'l'rs ,\\soc1at1on.,.. ho frcquc.-n 1h . ner-up, 11ss l ' .. A .. Grt>tchen lrg1slaton and sought assurance 1h.11 na1ion's second largest school ·di!>­ The district satd 62!6 rnon: teacher'> appear!. 1n coun aga1n'>l 1n!>urcrs. fill·J the )3\\ .,uit· \.1 onda) in ~upenor \oun Polhemus. :!4. of Fort Worth. Te:\as. state m one~ v.ould help end the tnct. re~ncd lO cla~srooms Tucsda\ - He contend'> 1hat Bloomingwn. Ill -bac,ed ~tatc FJrm hold\ near!) SI 1n thud runner-up. Miss Poland. Joanna "alkout that has stalled edurauon in The stnke has cut deep anlo 3,-60 more than the first da) ot the surplus for C\ Cr\ premium dollar far 1n ('\Cl'\\ 11( "h,1t hl' l 3fl, the indUStf\ Gapinsak, :! I. and fourth runner-up. the nation's second-largest cit}. (.,, ancndancc for the more than half strike But 26.:!50 nomrnll} \liOuld he: standard of about SJ Ill surpl.-s for n l'r) s:: 1n pri:mtums. Miss Mexico, Ard1ana o\bascal, 18. :" It-just ha to ('Orne to an end soon m11liorrstudents of the Los Anllclcs in cl:rss .. . '\ \TIO'\AI.. BHIEt'S THANKS A MILLION LEARN TO Panel votes for FSX restrictions Sirhan bid I• • Ride !I(__ WA Hl:-.IC.,10' - lh<" Hou..c £ nrc1sn \llJlr\ ( 0111 m1lll"\. \t>led 22 12 The Costo Mesa Newport Harbor lions on Tue~a\ to modaatl' \l'n.ttl'·PJ'>\l'd lc.-g1\lo.111un 'ol.h ll h 1ndudc' tond1t1un' extend a very specia l thank you to the o n 1he tr.insfrr L ~ al'ro\p.icc.- le< hnulug> to JJpan lor the rn-produt 11on ol thl' Begin Instruction for parole F5X JCt ligh ter. But Rcpuhltcan mcmbt-r'i s.11J the lcg1\la~ 1o n remain\ .. ,~·111 people who will be joining us June 2, 3 In Horse ridi_ng bait'' bcc'ausc Prc'l1d<.'nt Rul"\ an\ rcci;tnC"tmn\ on ht\ ah1ht) tn and 4 at the Fish Fry and Comivol. Your And Jumping. ncgo\latc the agreenH:nl .... 11h thl' Jaro.1n nc ~C•H rnmL·nt porticipotion allows us to support many denied by · l he Housr panel rdincd kg1'>la11u11 dral\l'J h, ~en Robert ( B~rd I> fine organizations and worthwhile causes \1. \a.. aner that boJ) narru\\ I~ dekJICU. s>.i ~ J fC.')UIUIJOO tu dt)JpprO\ e the WeServe Call Carrie At CO·OCH'lnpment dl.'Jl fht' lhrd all1l'0001l'nt \\llUld IOlfXl\C J proh1h1t 1Un • in ovr community. state board on the trdO\ll'I of u1t11.. o.1f l ~ rngtnl' tnhnolug) 10 Japan durrng lCI· 675-8965 produlliun Thl' lfuu'><' p.llld lhJngl·J that 111 ;tn C'\prt'\')1 11n ol u mgrns1onal 41en11mcnt thJI ~ul h tl·rhnoh•i) ">huuld not be tran">frriCkr \\3\ arrro'l'li l scrvin& ~ hf1: term tot J~~'"na11 ng Sen R o~rt r " l'nncd\ \\a\ dCnll'd parok 1 ue'> in flrl\on \\,1\ ' pk nt' nt n1mllt111n ha'> deteriorated to\\ hea· h1 I!> Jl·~mlcnl on lill ·,uppnn machine·' pun1\hmlnt anJ lhl pt0'>1X'll'> lor ht\ "1r' l'al .trt: \hm hi\ Jodor' c,.11d I uc\d:l) ' It' ii I hc st.ile H11.1nl ol Pn,on 1crn1' llllrJlkhl·\~Ur\l\elho lar Dr ( Jhtn \\ong \1ar(O' l Jrd1olog1!.l sn1d.ll 1on .ilkr nl•arh .in hour Ol'\.\Ht1nk1em~ Dollor\ \illll \.1atl11\' lift" lhrralt'ncd h\ .1 m,1<,\l\C ba\lcrt,tl ol dcl1bcr..a11 c1n\ 'a' tn11 \tth.m ''"" 1nfl'( 11 un k1dne ~ fa 1lurl' l•tr tltal ta1lurc pulmonaf) IJ1lurc .ind rncumcm1,1 unsu1tblc lur parull .rnd call111 ~ I k I\ un.1hk 111 hrl·,11hc on hi\ cl\\ n and 1' Ulllktt1 otng ulO\t,tnt l..1Jnt' ~ d1al "1' " enncd) ' murdn one ol the mml shcxk1n1u1mi:~1n L lmtorv. Dunng llw luur hour hc:ar1n1· Reputed mobsters convicted ~1rhJn told lhl· 1hrce-mrn1tx·r pand NC\\ Y<>R" - C1C'nt•( 101t1 rq1uted mohho.,.dnhn(i11111·, or11thc1 v.u' he "a~ .,l1rr' lot lullintt i... cnnl'd) and lun' ll leJ l uc\dtl} 111 ni.1nJe,ing a mul11m1lho11..JolWr harnn ring. hour\ al\t t v.1~hcd the lllfllt' had nncr hap pcncd u1ud~rdl\ll11\\cd 11 holdout)utm 'l'lrh11 ~1<.I he It lt'\l lor h1m"'t'lt and tw, fam1h ( 1oll1 <1nd co-dekndanl John C arnC'gha "ere min I( 1rJ on :ill lount\ ' "' .. I feel \.Cr) \- Hn c.irhl'I trial~ enlkt.I in 0\1'tr 1.1I\ fhl' Jdrndant\ \ho"cd no rmouon '" thr JUI \ remorseful J human h it' "'n' pronounced them 11u1h' ol rackttt'C'rtOi f\O\\('\"on "1th tntl'rtl to tJ1~tnhu w \akcn," Sirhan )3td " After 2.l )Car\ .... I ha.,.e tx·cornc quite t·on' meed hcw1n .rnd con'>r11ac) \\1th intent 111 d1,tnh11tc hcrom Hnth nwn fatr up tn '(' ~cars II\ pnc,on tha1 m) act "a~ \l'r) "'rong. rnorall~ and humanl). '°"'ard Rohen Ken - 1 ncd). and C\fX'Ctall) toward ht\ CELEBRATE fam1I) and ht'> lo.,.cd one~ and ht) Pardon denied for model fugitive supone~ .. I reah1e th<' mt'>l:tl.c ot 11 and I COLL 'iBI.\ \C - \\tateho.udrrfu · dluN:fa\toappro,earcq ut~I for 3 pardon from a con,·tctrd armed robber \I.ho \tarted a fom1I~ nd a c;.u c<"r TI-IE OPENING ""•~h from the bottom of m) hcan that 1h1) crime th1'> horrible cHnl. dunng her IQ )CM' on the run Tht' Department of Pro~.it1 on, rarok il m1 ncH·r ond hccame a ,ucte ful real C\tatc il'nt. fatal accident MOHl.D HHll .I·' WA HINGTON t ~P)- Tht Na­ OAS meets In Panama uonal 1 raMpona11on Safet~ Board said Tunday that loha 1rhn" had PAN .\~1 Cl I Y. Panama- Panama·, fort'lgn m1nt'>tcr said top olTi 1ah attclf to blame for last ye.aft accident he-Id a .. po ltl\.e, amicable" mecttna T ue\day ""tth a Latin mcncan m1 \Ion 111 over &be Pacific Ocean in which an ~Oncale &he m1htan ~."1 FAA bad erred by not orckn111 that 1t;air. In the occupted Wna Bink. tbt army damped CUrht oa fh t Wnt Ban~ ; 22toco'1onl,, $ccJ,,..fl ~ rivets 1lo111 joints 1n the 737'1 outtt '111....,0rckftdall men bet~ the ..of lS arid40outofthcir home and skin M rtplaced much cai'tier than m* a number Of arrests, ~reports IUd. \Mywttt. Arn;ona the* ~Weed weft five Palelt1ntan1 from I M_,..y1r. Stop bV orfol HOiiday S&xflodoy ft wu ~I 28. 1911. Kici

Orenge Coat DAILY PILOT/Wedneeday. May 24, tM9 M

Morning clouds to give way to su_nny afternoon • I .....,.,. (0 " ..,, I" .,. ,,,..,• ._ - CNIC~ eo •2 89 ~ H.Qn,,...,IO ,_.,,,.,.~ ,... ,~ SI °""""'0.1.....00 :: Ca lif. temps l';oOUC)on .. /llWf '""'ld.ty IOw1 "' """....,-10 ....., 11 S• Il l S• SOI ,.,,._. IO '"'"'90 "1' S• ' ,~ 19 1"'9 11 """-=D,.,..,. l""W ' , .....u... S7 14 •• E xte nded for c-a t '""-· u 1)~· l'OlH>l"" - M9 ""' 111 1_. arao VA&..Ln'I c-.-~ tt ~ 4 ~· 47 ...,.,,.,_ ,, u - l'M<"r ...... l!lw ODUOI -•· c-sc ~ '°' ... .. t&lfr/ ~ ..,,, . .. 10 ,.,.._ ..84 c-.w .., .. •4 huto... " .. co1::f~ ~ ...., ...... l!"P4d C>tt as SI lf'-.onc 114 49 u - 1010 n,..,. ... .,,. ~"- o..Avl" 4) l1jkM 6t 4J li'fht 1• fO el f# - ~ IOtWJ"C - aou. "°9"' - ll'IOl""'Q "°"It OllWI (I I' 101 S9 - ~ 8) '"""~ l0...1 "' t'V 505 H \flt w-S.IW ~ •t llW M"'~'MlOJl r-.nt 11 ,. •"'-'d'"'° •1 linoc> " so T>lutMW~ ...... ,. :;-.,_ ·-~ 1S 10 ez low\ S4 10 ., SS .__,., ,, .. Clof..i C."1 11 \ 4 IAM COAITM ITWW ANO ·~(~ ·' u • l ltOl"f,,,, "' so fut••• St 47 eMAND VALUYI - ,_ 1tvougn •OU#TAIN Aaa.AS - r• 1 llo """""f~ C0.tt1•hiilf'170 101S .:fd '~"air IU )8 0 lot~"'' 1S SB -~---e.I!' - ...... _,., -.u1c •• ~h19"17etolS ar>0 MH.-T Aft.AS - f..- INOU9f'l ,__ ,. u Salt l 4"1• C11 117 .. L A Aorp0<1 10 54 110Wt 4S 10 S2 ~ ...... 9UI')' ~- - fo IOUTHa •llll C A &. ,,O•NI A ~ """""' 0-.. V t "9'1 1S 10 f QI I W '1"" ,. lS 14 • Moncf'•> t.I SI ··- s,.., .11.W<\,. II .. Co.AITA&. //IMO M ID ""4S 10JS u~~ l!'J ,,. 14 lllffodlp' IOJ 74 ..,..---.An U.... c..- 60 s-.. ,, ., VALLSYS -r1t1t'1'< oc: \I N"""1>0fl ••«" t 4 • S~ ~ • l:f1"' t.410 10 1.~-. "~'°' ''°" ".. StStt~ .. • ,, urf re po~ t .. ., so 4} • ¥10 " ' S1 ..,,_,,, .... _.itff-- c. •• ,. ,..,,,. '° ea ,, ~.:> 84 \4 ' 11 a&ACH .IUtSA • SWt l"r& ""'-·Pi>)ll· !otw ... CIDucly II'"-~ -I'}' I.,,,.,Jn C!W Gt•Mioo<• N ( It 0 .. n l'....O•na ao u 1.D• ~ COUl'lty •' • 11 . temp ~. ,,, HM••V>lilQ ,. ~s .. •I l'lnO ' OCl'f'l ~ 4 1 91t~ ... '" '"'-" 10 lO 4 12 ~A ~,-... ""71lln---nd• .._.~. 11 ~1 S SI S ....WO_# V..-t1iH'°""'' .1 4 I ... .. IQW't J•«JOI' ... " 10 s ""' OWUff VAU.lrY - Al'o\I / M l"i>' J•Ji_.. ... 10 Spl~~- t'9f tl0 - ..M ~ 88 So II •"'""' 8• " Tide 100.1 _,,._.., - co n ,..,, ., •1 ~ \S le s,. ....,. n 41 !o.K•.a.,.,....,. o • ~ •••"*e<"tloft•W•n ••..,,...••ot. ro .... " Th...-....,, . Uttl• c_, _,, ,...,,,, ., l'- _, ., \I l.wl~ll'• l>t> S...'1n.t• ~8 \I °""..... - '°' "'~'°"~ c .....'" ' ....'" 11..-.uoi C•l)I IS M> 89 """10I A_,,.,t Ni ,. 4 4 Kno,.• ..­ 11 IM11>• '' l'tn~ fl() •t \M" tt't"ll•Oono II• Sl • .&5 SAlnA llMtMltA AND VaN• Al:ruqJ!t•• .,, )4 l..UC.~• ll9 ••7' T61POO 1 I U SM\>t>l"I 81 SI 32 T1Mt.AC~ COAITA&.~ - '\ M.con IJ ,, TOf>t•• ,, .a wn °""9-' 1 ~ sa I 21 ,._~"""" .. II SI Tuoon tOS ... ~ ,. ,.,..,,(0 b• so • S,.- - cli>uOJ If> I ----0 ~ • 40 T.-W 88 toS ~Joo# r' H ~ 8S mog re port '' ..,.,. °""' "' I"• '4llW" ~ I~ •oo• ., ~ , to> ton ,. M> M1...,.k.><" . •• wI"""° .. o 91 ~ ~ ~~ ;;--""'.. ;: :~ n.w..., 11 ~ \o. H"""'l ...t.ty "~-.0 "'YPP" ., t>J \Mtt• Crw 1111 SI ,.,.. low 7 4S. m ~ 5 1J S4 MoC.....a~\\I 106 /)8 W••"•noron o C' 15 IJ s..... l.,' 41 llW "'' ~·IY M.... ~nc DoW.CI Flrel lWoh 3•11p m '' IMl'I~ COACHIL&.A AND .,_,''"'~',... M+w-•• 71 41 Wl'llfffltt"'n .. °" ,, ,. " /7 w .. &I \.om• M~ •• b~ •1 ptf'Clotl.ADO •rva• VAL· a.Jt:'llO '6 S1 M pl\ St,..,, ., S1 ,,.t,. 81 •• Y .:in•o * 4 S• t ounly"""' • ,..-.,,,.." StM'CIMo l•oelt'• Ttw ""''"' l°"'"lf • 1 UP ... ntn LlrYI - M<>Wt to~ ·~ W• I lun"")1on\lt 1J 44 1J •l \#"I~ ~t to lS....,,. C • ..,.,., "'9"• .., ,,,,_ WIC"°'''""'w ... ._. H· \too·"" PO \1 :::~~~~:r,.;,ouncy-•1'1 1 Thun$yUill lSJ 11 H • t ~~, ..11 ,,...~ - •• 16 4 ) ,..,..., .. \A...... ¢'1.()l• "'ll \' \• ~ lit~ \1 • 100 ~ ...t,,1\11 101 19' vtrv 10011"' ""°"'~''' "">' "' 1111 •"' Wf'll 10 "°''"'"••I...,....,, I• 10 1S "flP'1 (!>Mic.II• N C. OHlho•n.t(t1; " 6b Ir======:; \\harl Alcohol V1rnm·., R C<'O\CI) .\cl ( h( OllOrnC) h Ol)e) a leg1\l:11or \\ 111 DRINKING .. rhr "eight can' t all rc">t on the \\-h1ch "ould tax h4uor ~le\ and p1ek up lhc bill soon and push the 11 FromA1 haricndcr:· Gm1rkin 'ltl1d. '" Thai"• funnel ta~ monc) into a fund. throJ.Jgh to lt1w. not It m1gh1 t.1ke JU'it onc rcxktall rcimbur 1ng IOJUrcd in akohol- Wood said the 1978 la" "a~ 1ra1ning for barlen<.krs 10 re,ogn11c fau tho~ to pul a pcl'\On O\Cr the hmtt •· related acC1dcnt'S originally passed bcca\1~ ta\ern;; aod M>mc11mc~>ub1lc \1gn'1 ol drunl..· ~uJ he la,orC'd a practice Wood ~1d the bill hung an hmbo rc\taurant could no longer line.I Men's Traditional Clothing cnness Furth\:rmore.. bartender' of wmc bars 1n nonda bare; until pending Monda)'· dec1s1on But in~u~n~ due 10 the oflawsun must be cncouraeed to tall.. 10 cu\­ Th~ Westcli(f Plau 1ns1all brc:ithal) 1eri. and 1al..c now that the pro1ect1 \C law hai. been Lawsu11s ag111ns1 drinking C\tabh,h· 1104 Irvine Avenue tomciri. before serving thc.:m.. ··reeling patron., car kc)'> when the) tntcr the been upheld. victims deserve on m ~I) were common before 191.8. he them out'" 10 sec 1f 1he) came for a Newport Beach, CA 92660 e (714) 645-0792 C'>labh<,hmcnt Patrom rclne' c 1hc1r altcrnall\C rout~ of compcn~uon said rclU!fl&.d.~in lr. or for J chance to ··~ct plai.t'crt-l:I lr.C)\Onl} ?ficrthC) pac;~ the blood· ,~--======~------=----:-~~~~~----1~======:::::======~ alcohol ICSI But banendcrs. \\h1k concerned But the lau..e of thl\ 1ng 1\ about the dangcr\ of dnnlong and per onal con,ump11 on no1 hartcnd· drn 1ng. arc skeptical of lcg1<1IJ11on 1ng lee Wood a11urne~ fur\\ ood> " forcina them to 8\sumc ult1mJ1c \\ harf argued · rcspons1b1l1t) . anording 10 Kr11h Rl'gardk\s \\ ood 1h1nL" th'e cur­ Gmirlr.1n, a bartender at 'ftlr Red rt:-n1 ">}stem " tlawed Tltu'i. tht' Omon. 10<.·at<.-d al.IJaccnt to Wc>rnc)' au1horl'll a bill talll'd the Auto pollution bill criticized by industry

\\ \5111 'luTOl\ ( \P' '"'7' • \ dean 1hc muwi Hh1dc mttnulauurcr\:· air b1ll lhal "ould toughen 'ltandJrd )h1.· \JIU " \\ c ncl..'d auwruob1ks that for moto1 'chu.: le cm1\~1on\ ",,, Jfl\l' U) \\hCh.' \\\.'\\-go \\llh(lul praised T ut.'Wa) ln \\ale offiual\ and Jr" 111g us to l'H\ 11unml' dc\lrul'· en' ironmcnta.h>t\ ...,.h1lc !ht' au10 t1on. '" 1ndu~tl) t:all~ 11 -·c\trcml Jnd fhc \lotor \ 1:h1dc \IJnufalturcf\ unrca>onahk.'" \'""-1a11on ul 1hc l n1tcd \tJll''> .\t a ltouw l11:ur1ng. '"'"l'"''' rl'pl1.'"4.'0l1ng lhi.: ·flig r l \ llUlll· '.>Cned nol1ll' that 1..h<,arn:cmcn1 1) ·''' sa1J 1lw bl'SI ''a' Ill n·duu· >trong <1) C\ l'r o" l'I 'l'h1cle cm"'"'"' Jl\lllu11on from motor \Chide\ t) h\ stanJ.rnh 1cop.irJ111na pa ... 1gc of "·"''"~ IM lhl' nurmJI phJ\t'·OUI of nc" dl•an kg1\l::l\1on 1h1 II I IJnn.1. pr1.·"~ mu t talr.l' \1..1m1.· l"hrcl c'Clult\l ullker ul 1hc a SO\..' t:I· arnon al .i trmc that 150 million 11\lll ....ird k\\ thah half till' ''-hid\'' \men<. an" arc II\ mg in .irca' 1hJt no\\ 1n u-.c "ere built th<.· IJlc\I '1ola1c tcderal air pollutum \Ian· i.: llll\\lon' '>land. rd( and lilanwd th'-' dJrJ\ uldt..'r 'd11dc;, t\1r n1:.irb 911 rcrl°\.'111 ol Rep t-knn .\ \\ a"n.rn. D < .1hl . th1. ll\JIU(..HOun Jilli l.ll~ln lllllll · FRAM OIL ftLTEaS 1.. of the lluu-.c Enrri' arHI 1J\Hl\..1..' llll\\1un' and nwH.' than -n • l•m•t 2 0 1 so'• p<><• • f '" dometh< ( ommcrcc hcahh \ut>lomm1ll\'l' :ind of lhl.' nllro)len o\ldc'> o"Cf "'°"',.,,~ ..h;ct .. ch1d \ponwr ol thc hill 'k~l;in:J 1h.11 I le prl·d11.11.·d that J lurthc1 11gh11.·n · ' "t' \\On't i11la1n the "'lndanh"' lor 1n1i ul .:m"'1on 1l·4uircmcnt\ " ould dc