Officer Charged in Christmas Day ·Fatality
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County Mllllon+ Mater Del to.bury protesters. advances transit demand lnCIF solutions Li's ouster playoffs COA T/ A3 WORLD/ 4 PORT / Bl THEORANGECP.AST 25 CENT WED E DAY, MAY 24, 1989 Officer charged in Christmas Day ·fatality ''om staff and wire reports about 9 a m when his patrol C'3r and Westminster Boulevard Valle) 1n,esugauon b } the C'ahfom1a H1gh Cook declined to comment on the crashed into another auto. k1ll1n1 It struck the auto OCC\Jp1ed b ) the She and Warren. also a La Quinta "a~ Patrol and 01 tnct -\Home\·, charges, c1 lmJ a peodm& cw1l lawsuit A. rookie Westminster Pohcc of dn\.cr Jessica Warren. t 9, of Stanton. two former h1&h school fnend , who . &raduate, v.ere on th~1r v.n) to om cc. filed b> the \ 1c11ms' famahc . ficer was charged Tuesday with two and Dawn Hammond, 20, of Costa had 1onen tO&Cthcr dunna a break Hammond's brother's house m Santa ··officer Richard "8 re ponding But attorney Piiul Mayer, who misdemeanor man Jau&hter counts Mesa. said Oninie County D1stnct from collcae Ana to open gifts v.hcn the accident to an cmcrgcnc} call at a high rate of represents the poli~ department, Jn connection with a Chmtmas .A-itornet '5- ~tiator ffcrrry Hammond. 'WhO"I p1mfto a car~r occurred. ~peed v.l\en fo: collided willl \1t ~act. - -\ Ohfti C>f "chit'ulJrlTIIn momin1-traffic 11t'C:rdenr--rffitt left a Graves IAf law enforcement, wa tud)1ng Richard, who turned 22 last month Warrens car" Grave said !>laughtcr apmst a pohcc officer Cost.a Mesa '40man and her fnend Witnesses said Richard's patrol car cnm1nal _Ju ttce al Golden West had been on the force about <.1\ Deput) ;01stnct Auome ~ C hark~ doing h1 s1ob puts into question every dead was going about 75 mile~ per hour College. fhe La QuinUt H1ah gradu months ~h~o t~ e accident OCl'urred. M1Jdlcton, "ho 1s handling the case. offiC'er in an emergcoc} situation. Officer Thomas Richard was re with h&hts and siren on when 1t went ate also was a popular waitress at department officials aid. could not be reached for comment " lt 1s ccnamly disappoint111& to sponding to an officer-needs-help c.all throu1.h a red light at Newland Street Silky Sullivan's Irish Pub 1n Fountain The charges followed 11 fivt"-month Westm1nstc-r Police Chief Jim 1i-1ease see °"'ICUI A2J County Ex-track coach endorses. gets 19 years in transit molestation case proposal lo the Judie Alan Rigby still R1aby maintained his innocence ly LESLIE fARNEST and'therc was not one episode of actual !iCAual molestation " He Of .... o..,, Not """ denies molesting blamed the accusations on tones A county half-«nt sales tax 1n· fabncatcd b) nch children. lb.cir ercase and 20-}ear transpona11on paf'Cflts and overzealous pohct 1mpro,ement plan moved one tep 19 young boys The ex-teacher \uer conU'ad1ctcd closer to the ballot box Tuesday when h1m~lf v.hen he adm11ted be had the Oranae Count> Board of upcr 9y JANET ZIMMERMAN \ lCC but sa•ll "1t v.111 never baPPt"ft v1sors unanimous!) appro\ed the Of - - Sc.-i 1n." prooosal D~ A fonner trad.: coach at an e'\ Raab> said he pleaded 1u1lt) so the The endorsement did not come as a clu l\C ( orona dcl Mar prrp "h<><'I children ~ould not have to \C$t1fy at a surpmc to transponauon officials ""• sentenced Tucsda to 19 )el1'5 1n four-mol\th tnal and because hta since three of the board's fh e mem pnson for mole t1na IQ \. h1ldrcn. auome) 1d he doubted he couJd 'lllin bers also hold 5eat~ on the Oranac man' of v.hom belonsed to a 'ittrrt on cnouah count to k~ Riab) ovt Count) Transportation C'omm1ss1on. club v.11h a purporu-d ~\ual 1n 111a- of pnson which unanimous!) approved the 11on nit Pannts of the 15 bo) and four plan Ma>~ Alan fhoma R11b) 4 1 plcadcd airl . man) ofwhom cro~dcd intoihe The Orange ('ounl) 20-Ycar Ma - 1u1lt) 10 .l6 m ol~)tat1on i;ounb in Santa ~na courtroom. hean1I) ter Plan of Transportation Improve ·No' ember alier a upenor ( oun thanked 1he pro~--cutor after the ment calb for a half-cent sales tu Jud c 4rc1:d to ~men e him to no wnlencc handed down increase count>"1dc lo pa) for uch morc than .20 'ot'•n in pn!>On He The ltarbor Da) hool teacher far-rcachin,a 1mpro\ements as an could · h;J\ e faC't'd nc.irl' SO 'ea" lured I 0- throuah I 3-)car-olds into expanded frttV.'I) S)Stem, a H().m1le "'11hout the pica airrcn\cnt · h1~ confidcocc and lhen mtroduced netv.ork of "super streets" and c\· . £.X-~p1t c his pica. Rtib°I' did not them to pomoaraph). masturbation. pans1on of the commuter rail service Picketing nurses X-ratcd '1deos and ~llual tO)S. by accept rcspons1b1h t) and ~ho"ed h also requires each Cll) to adopt an Nun•• •nd their 1uppo"•rs picketed of their union the hospltal adminis ltule rcmof'it' for thc cnmc . v. h1 ch he prosecutors said 1nd1v 1dual manqement plan l'ount•ln Valley Re9tonal Hospttal on tration. The pickets wlll continue through catted harmless ...lodcr-room Im ol tudent~ lt" tificd at a two-month before 11 can use mone) generated b> Tuetday to protest th• lack of rec09nltlon Thursd•J· Story on AJ. mes • ln a prepared ~tatemcnt he read (ltte..,. lff lttG9Y / A2f the ta' hike. Supervisor Gadd1 Vasquez praised the plan for 1ts attcnt100 to local and rcl!onal needs and for 1ts transit prov1s1ons The proposal has "some th1na forcvet')onc," he said. Parental permission considered for sex education upcrv1sor Don Roth \aid hc upcccs Oranae Count) rcs1den1s v.111 injl thc11 1.h1ldrcn from obJCC'tronablc understand the need to fund the Sy AU X \lllWAMS ongr) about C\phc1t SCA-related infor an ~x educaunn l l.1sses a'I lhc nnh the 1mp.irt1 na of kno .... lc<l~ and the cen:un mca m ol ;no1ding tcen agl' 1mp:\rtrna of.,,,aluc-. .. ..aid Ra} " ool cle-1. ta' e cla sc . or obJttt1onable por transf'Onauon pack.aac Of.,_ D~ l'80C SIM'f mation - regarding ahonion. ma - turbauon. contraception and prcgnnnC) and ,c,uall'o -transm11tt•d ~> of '-ic~port Beach "Our main tion\ t1 f r~uircd classe uch as " It s seldom )OU ~ th1 much tar11oi ncAt )tar parent 1n thc b10IOJ\ _ homose\uaht) - no" tauaht in d1~J\C conu:rn I\ thal v.e "'Int our ch1ldrcn enthus1um and interest from all li"e e""p(m-M~ ln1 fied hoot 01\· thstnct h1ah ~hoot 'eral parent<. 3l lhc nwctmg ~uatcJ . but v.c'rt al co"'cmf'J <h11dren v.ho opt out of obJ« tnct m1Jbl be required to return a The mo\e to require parental lobbied for the lht1 naic. "h1ch "'111 la"l' about the pcrwn "ho 1 cdu\.atina. uon•blc pon1ons or required da.ste"S pcrm1s ion ltttcr before their high v.ould not be puni hcd an their final llVIM m•ymaynot pcrm1s ion would folio\\ a d1 1nct fin I appro' al in tv.o ·~~s These and m1&ht be pa\''° on valuC1 \ Cf"\ school children arc allo\\Cd to enroll w1de rt\ 1cw of -.cit cducauon cur parcnl comphuncd that man)' tellov. d11Tc1en1 from those pa.,~ on at the" arade. the board said support gas tax hlk~. A2 1n cle(;tl\C \CX tducauoat cou~' un;i~arc home frunt ·· hool trustcc hen'}' Loofbourrow ~ nculum began 1n March parent., are of the C\pliot xhool board mc:mb(r Tue\JJ) The mo' c .al o would acrnmpan) a nature of cla\'ICS \ha\ 1l'll h ~pro 8 ) demand1nt ~~ntat perm a IOn ~1d the d1 tnct "ould serve two too._ prchm1n ry ilcps tov.ard t.Ate la"' to take cfTcct Jul" I The la\\ duction and fam1I ) planmna prior 10 enrollment. che d1 t net "~uld cause\ b) rcqwnl\& pan:ntal per of us:· said upcrv1!.0rThomas R1lc ~ mo"e th:at "'ould appease OJn:nt\ demand that &Mllnen e b\' \trt\scd " Tht•re 1\ J b111 d10creoce b(t"«n allov. parent!> lhc optlon of 'l>.ithold · f~ase se. SCHOOU/ Alt af\er each board member \poke bnefly an fa,orof the plan. The SJ. I b1ll1on plan must now be approve'1 b) a maJonty of the cttac\ that rcpre1tnt more than 50 percent oflhecounty's population T"'ocit1c) Special access - ev.-pOtt Beach and Brta - haJ approved the plan as of Tul'sda) considered for af\crnoon MADD seeks law on serving drunks Ahhou,h a 11m1lar propo111I ~ut . • unanimou~ly •PJ>l'O' cd b) Orana.c ob" t0u\ I~ drunk 1. u~tomer < h;u1 1.·~ Jet Ski riders Count) c1t1n in ~btr 19 7 new Court rules against civil penalties for saloons '4C'tc l11tcr Jroppt'd lx'\--ausc a mun tu· appro,al b) 1hc c1t1ct" not a urtd, P!JI ourt Jud rukJ \he Jda' ly IRIS YOKOt accorctin1 to Bob O\lnck. eucuthc fol\:cd sndu\tl) "''Jc chan t\ that (h~~ . then "'· "" c'cntuall \ rnn· lxt"\."C n. th<' 1u.-tdcnt and ~1nnc\ ·, Of_O..,.,....k.. d1 rtttot of the Orantt oun1y miaht h.avc drut1<:1ll > cut the 'llted of' c:h1l ulJr m:in lauahtc:r nJ arr~ t \ tulJtcd lhe blrtt'nckr· .