Parsons Ad 莫扎特+: 單簧管五重奏 Mozart+: Clarinet Quintet

夏定忠 指揮/小提琴 莫扎特 F大調嬉遊曲,K138 快板 史安祖 巴塞單簧管 行板 許致雨 小提琴 急板 凌顯祐 中提琴 帕特 第四交響曲「洛杉磯」 1. 高貴的 鮑力卓 大提琴 2. 焦慮的- 3. = 76 ca  John Harding conductor/violin 中場休息 Andrew Simon basset clarinet

Anders Hui violin 莫扎特 A大調單簧管五重奏,K581 Andrew Ling viola 快板 小緩板 Richard Bamping cello 小步舞曲 小快板與變奏

節目約於10時結束 (上半場:12分鐘、40分鐘; 下半場:32分鐘)。 Concert ends approx. 10:00pm MOZART Divertimento in F, K138 (1st half: 12 mins, 40 mins; Allegro 2nd half: 32 mins). Andante Presto

PÄRT Symphony No. 4 Los Angeles 1. Con sublimità 2. Affannoso – 3. = 76 ca 


MOZART Clarinet Quintet in A, K581 Allegro Larghetto Menuetto Allegretto con variazioni

各位觀眾 欣賞美樂前,請關掉手提電話及其他響鬧裝置。場內不准飲食、攝影、錄音或錄影。我們歡迎 閣下保留場刊,若不欲保留,請於完場後將場刊交回場地入口,以作循環再用。祝大家有一個愉快的音樂 體驗。 Dear patrons For a wonderful concert experience, please kindly switch off your mobile phone and other beeping devices before the concert begins. Photography, recording, filming, eating or drinking are not allowed. We hope you enjoy reading this house programme and wish to retain it. If you don’t wish to take your programme home with you, please return it to the admission point after the performance for recycling. We wish you a very enjoyable evening. Salute 感謝伙伴 to Our Partners 香港管弦樂團衷心感謝以下機構的慷慨贊助和支持! The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the Partners below for their generous sponsorship and support!



CIC Investor Services Limited a subsidiary of Crédit Industriel et Commercial, France

如欲查詢有關贊助或捐款事宜,歡迎致電 (852) 2721 2030 或電郵至 [email protected] 與我們聯絡。 For sponsorship and donation enquiries, please call (852) 2721 2030 or email to [email protected]

以公司英文名稱序 In alphabetical order of company name Swire Ad Conductor

HKPO Ad Aug 2009 170x247 aw.indd 2 21/08/2009 3:11 PM PHOTO Keith Hiro 香港管弦樂團 (港樂) 是亞洲區內最具領導地位的樂團之一,豐富香港文化生命逾一世紀,並已發展成一個集華人與海外 音樂精英的傑出樂團,吸引世界級藝術家同台獻藝。港樂每年透過超過150場精彩演出,觸動逾200,000樂迷的心靈。 在藝術總監兼總指揮艾度.迪華特領導下,港樂的藝術水平屢創高峰。港樂近年演出馬勒交響曲系列、歌劇音樂會、傳統 古典樂曲以外的嶄新曲目,均為樂迷所熱切期待,更成為樂團藝術發展的里程碑。

2010/11樂季,港樂邀得多位樂壇巨星助陣:郎朗、曹秀美、宓多里、列賓、林昭亮、王健等。利茲、湯.庫普曼、丹尼夫擔任 客席指揮的音樂會亦不容錯過。馬其頓鋼琴家狄里柏斯基將以第二鋼琴協奏曲繼續其拉赫曼尼諾夫巡禮,樂季壓軸演出, 將是迪華特與港樂一連三周的柴可夫斯基節。

2006年4月起,太古集團慈善信託基金成為樂團的首席贊助,此為港樂史上最大的企業贊助,令樂團得以在藝術上有 更大的發展,向世界舞台邁進的同時,將高水準的演出帶給廣大市民,讓更多人接觸到古典音樂。港樂和香港的城市 脈搏深深緊扣,積極推廣管弦樂至社會各階層,將精彩的音樂會體驗帶到各家各戶,當中不少重要演出更透過電台及 電視轉播給全港市民欣賞,包括於跑馬地馬場遊樂場舉行的全年最大型交響演奏 — 太古「港樂.星夜.交響曲」。為了 提高全港中、小、特殊學生對古典音樂的興趣,港樂舉辦音樂教育計劃「豐保險創意音符」,提供免費音樂會及各項 教育活動。香港藝術發展局於2008年2月頒發「藝術推廣獎」予香港管弦樂團,以表揚港樂近年來成功擴展觀眾層面和 獲取公眾支持。

港樂的海外巡迴演出,讓樂團在港外建立聲譽及進一步提升藝術水平。樂團曾參與上海之春國際音樂節及北京國際 音樂節,2009年1月,樂團在迪華特的領導下到廣州、北京及上海作中國巡演。2010年9月,迪華特與港樂參與上海 世博,於上海東方藝術中心演出貝多芬第九交響曲及特別委約香港作曲家林丰創作的《融》,作為2010中國巡演的首站, 隨後分別到西安音樂廳及北京國家大劇院演出馬勒第七交響曲。

The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra (HKPO) is one of Asia’s leading orchestras. Enriching Hong Kong’s cultural life for over a century, the Orchestra has grown into a formidable ensemble of Chinese and international talents, attracting world-class artists to collaborate on its stage. HKPO annually touches the lives of over 200,000 music lovers through more than 150 performances. Under the leadership of Artistic Director and Chief Conductor , HKPO continues to scale new heights in musical excellence. The continuing cycle of Mahler symphonies and challenging programming outside the traditional repertoire have become highly anticipated events as well as musical milestones for the Orchestra.

Celebrated artists continue to grace our halls in the 2010/11 season: Lang Lang, Sumi Jo, Midori, Vadim Repin, Cho-Liang Lin, Wang Jian, just to name a few. Our roster of guest conductors includes Maestro Carlo Rizzi, Ton Koopman and Stéphane Denève. Simon Trpčeski, who headlines the Rachmaninov cycle, will return with another brilliant interpretation of the composer’s famous Second Piano Concerto; while Maestro de Waart and the HKPO will bring to you a 3-week Tchaikovsky Festival as the season finale.

From April 2006, The Swire Group Charitable Trust became the Hong Kong Philharmonic’s Principal Patron. Swire’s sponsorship of the Hong Kong Philharmonic, the largest in the Orchestra’s history, supports artistic growth and development as the Orchestra takes its place on the world stage, and brings performances of musical excellence to the widest possible public. HKPO stays in tune with our city by presenting the orchestra in unexpected venues and bringing the excitement of the concert experience to every home through radio and television broadcasts including the largest symphonic event of the year, Swire Symphony under the Stars, at Happy Valley. The Orchestra runs a comprehensive schools education programme, HSBC Insurance Creative Notes, bringing the joy of classical music to primary, secondary and special school kids. In February 2008, the Hong Kong Arts Development Council honoured the HKPO with the Arts Promotion Award, in recognition of its success in expanding its audience base and gaining public support in recent years.

The Orchestra also builds its reputation and raises its artistic standards by touring. Apart from participating in the Shanghai Spring International Music Festival and the Beijing Music Festival, the Orchestra undertook a China tour of Guangzhou, Beijing and Shanghai under the leadership of Maestro de Waart in January 2009. In September 2010, de Waart and the HKPO appeared at the Expo 2010 Shanghai, performing Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony and the newly commissioned work Rong written by Hong Kong composer Fung Lam in the Shanghai Oriental Art Center, as the first stop of the 2010 China tour. It was followed by performances of Mahler’s Seventh Symphony in the Xi’an Concert Hall and Beijing’s National Centre for the Performing Arts.

香港管弦樂團由香港特別行政區政府資助 The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港管弦樂團首席贊助:太古集團 SWIRE is the Principal Patron of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra 香港管弦樂團為香港文化中心場地伙伴 The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra is the Venue Partner of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre 夏定忠 指揮/小提琴 John Harding conductor/violin

師隨比格拿的夏定忠,無論是作為一位獨奏家、教師、樂團團長、室樂演奏家、指揮或是為唱片錄音的藝術家,均出類拔萃, 音樂事業遍及世界各國。1972年,他應指揮家冼文邀請到美國學習指揮,與此同時,隨蕭華斯坦進修小提琴,並於1975年 於鄧肯活特贏得史波汀大獎的最傑出演奏家,其後擔任紐約大都會歌劇院的第一小提琴一職。

1985年,他的鋼琴三重奏被邀到香港演出,他更成為了當時新成立的香港演藝學院裡的首席小提琴導師。兩年後,他到 了歐洲,並成為享負盛名的奧蘭度四重奏的領奏,他與四重奏合演超過700場音樂會及灌錄多套重要的室樂曲目,如為 BIS品牌錄製全套莫扎特五重奏、為Philips錄製得獎錄影帶《四重奏》、及與多位藝術家如柏拉亞、斯坦赫特、法利格、 今井信子及布賴恩寧等合作。

他於海牙皇家音樂學院任教小提琴及室樂演奏達十年之久。其間,指揮史雲蘭洛夫挑選他擔任海牙市立管弦樂團的 團長,於該團工作的五年間,他同時擔任過倫敦交響樂團的客席團長。

夏定忠受指揮艾度.迪華特邀請,於1996年重返澳洲擔任悉尼交響樂團的聯合團長及副指揮至2001年。1998年5月,他獲 紐卡素大學頒授榮譽博士榮銜,以表揚他對澳洲音樂發展的傑出貢獻。2004年,他擔任澳洲國家音樂學院的藝術總監 一職。

他又經常指揮澳洲多個樂團,及分別為BIS、Clavigram、ABC Classics及Tall Poppies等唱片品牌錄製超過30張專輯。 夏定忠由2006年9月起擔任香港管弦樂團的團長。

A student of Robert Pikler, John Harding has had an extremely successful international career as soloist, teacher, concertmaster, chamber musician, conductor and recording artist which has taken him all over the world. In 1972 he was invited to the United States by to study conducting, at the same time continuing his violin studies with Joseph Silverstein, winning the Albert Spalding Prize for the most outstanding instrumentalist at Tanglewood in 1975 and later a position as first violin with the Orchestra.

In 1985 his Piano Trio was invited to Hong Kong where he became principal teacher of violin at the newly formed Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Two years later, he moved to Europe to become leader of the highly acclaimed Orlando Quartet. With that ensemble he performed over 700 concerts, recorded many major chamber works, including the complete Mozart String Quintets for BIS, performed at all the major festivals of Europe, made the award-winning Philips video, Quartet, and collaborated with such artists as , Arnold Steinhardt, Malcolm Frager, and Norbert Brainin.

At that time he was also appointed Professor at the Royal Conservatorium in the Hague, where he taught violin and chamber music for ten years, Yevgeni Svetlanov chose him as leader of the where he remained for a further five years and for a time, he was guest leader of the London Symphony Orchestra.

In 1996 he returned to Australia at the invitation of Edo de Waart and the Sydney Symphony to become Co-concertmaster and Associate Conductor from 1996 to 2001. In May 1998, he received an Honorary Doctorate from Newcastle University in recognition of his outstanding contribution to Australian music. In 2004 John Harding became Artistic Director of the Australian National Academy of Music.

John frequently conducts all of the Australian orchestras, and has made over 30 recordings for various labels including BIS, Clavigram, ABC Classics and Tall Poppies. He joined the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra as Concertmaster in September 2006. 史安祖 巴塞單簧管 Andrew Simon basset clarinet

香港管弦樂團首席單簧管史安祖的精湛音樂造詣備受各方好評,《演奏廳雜誌》形容其技巧非凡、著名指揮狄遜湯馬士評道: 「出類拔萃的技巧、觸角敏銳、造詣高深」、而《紐約時報》的科茲因則以著名單簧管演奏家高特曼與其相比。榮獲國際單簧管 協會大賽第一名及國家藝術會比賽第一名,畢業於茱利亞音樂學院的史安祖於國際青年音樂家大賽中贏得單簧管大獎 後,1988年於卡奈基音樂廳 (獨奏廳) 舉行首次獨奏會,其後開始其國際事業,分別曾於美國、英國、中國、日本、加拿大、 台灣、澳洲、紐西蘭、印尼、新加坡、斯里蘭卡及菲律賓以獨奏家身份演出及主持大師班。

他近期的協奏曲演出包括:和港樂分別與指揮艾度.迪華特、黃大德、呂嘉及德克.布斯合作,演繹伯恩斯坦、史達拉 汶斯基、費茲、莫扎特、德克.布斯的作品。其他音樂會包括:與上海廣播交響樂團及柏斯西澳交響樂團合演柯普蘭的單簧管 協奏曲、與港樂首演曾葉發創作的《龍形》、於葡萄牙舉行獨奏會、與新加坡交響樂團首次合作 (2002),以巴塞單簧管演繹 莫扎特單簧管協奏曲原版。由1989至2005年間,他獲Buffet-Crampon贊助,先後六次到日本,分別在17個城巿演出共23 場音樂會。1992年的演出,讓他成為首位到訪北韓演奏的美籍藝術家。

史安祖以獨奏身份與港樂的演出超過60次,曾演奏的曲目包括:由得獎作曲家柯里紀安奴親自指點的單簧管協奏曲,以及 由艾德敦指揮的巴亞曼慢板,是專為互聯網 (GMN) 錄製的現場單簧管錄音。

他的獨奏專輯《HOT》(Musicians Showcase),被《號曲雜誌》形容為「世界一流的單簧管演奏,史安祖的演繹非常專業」; 以及史達拉汶斯基的三首為單簧管而寫的獨奏曲 (GMN),《美國唱片指南》評道:「史安祖沉實豐厚的音樂和無瑕的技巧 為單簧管曲目創造奇蹟。」

Principal Clarinet of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Andrew Simon has won acclaim on four continents for his brilliant musicianship and “almost god-like technique” (Auditorium magazine). Michael Tilson Thomas has noted his “formidable technique, flair, and musicianship” while Allan Kozinn of The New York Times compared him favorably to Benny Goodman. First Prize Winner of the International Clarinet Society Competition and the National Arts Club Competition, the Juilliard School graduate made his début in the Carnegie Hall Recital Hall in l988, after winning the Artists International Young Musicians Auditions Clarinet Award. He subsequently embarked on an international career, appearing as soloist and teaching master classes in the USA, Great Britain, China, Japan, Canada, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines.

Recent concerto performances include works by Bernstein, Stravinsky, Finzi, Mozart, Brossé with Maestri Edo de Waart, Samuel Wong, Lü Jia and Dirk Brossé and the Hong Kong Philharmonic. Other concerts have included Copland’s Clarinet Concerto with the Shanghai Broadcasting Symphony and West Australian Symphony Orchestra (Perth), the première of Richard Tsang’s Dragon Signs with the Hong Kong Philharmonic, recitals in Portugal, and his Singapore Symphony début (2002), playing the original version of Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto on basset clarinet. From 1989 to 2005, he made six tours of Japan, for a total of 23 concerts in l7 cities, under the sponsorship of Buffet- Crampon, and, in l992, became the first American-born artist ever to perform in North Korea.

Andrew Simon has given more than sixty solo performances with the HKPO, performing such works as John Corigliano’s Clarinet Concerto, which he studied with the Academy Award winning composer, and Baermann’s Adagio conducted by David Atherton which was recorded for the internet on GMN.

Recordings include his solo CD HOT (Musicians Showcase), “a strong and consistent display of first-class clarinet playing, Simon’s interpretations are professional in the best sense of the word” (Fanfare magazine), and Stravinsky’s Three Pieces for Clarinet Solo (GMN), “Andrew Simon’s dark rich sound and flawless technique do wonders for the clarinet works” American( Record Guide). 許致雨 小提琴 生 於 香 港 的 小 提 琴 手 許 致 雨 在加拿大長大,17歲時於加拿大贏得第一個重要 Anders Hui 獎項─加拿大音樂大獎,其後前往美國印第安納大學修讀音樂,並完成學士及 violin 碩士學位,師承富克斯和舒高爾蓮高娃。在學期間,他曾贏得布拉姆斯小提琴 協奏曲大賽及被委任為印第安納大學的小提琴導師。

他曾跟隨林昭亮、卻爾、羅撒德、丹森科和卡普蘭進修琴藝,又跟史特卡、 堤剛、裴益煥、卻爾、哥特利寶維契、韋爾德、金寶爾、練木繁夫、華特斯和 哥諾特學習室樂。

在美國,他曾擔任特勒荷特交響樂團的助理團長及臨時團長,為期兩年。他又曾經擔任迦密爾交響樂團的客席團長和哥倫比亞印第 安納愛樂的小提琴手。

去年,他獲指揮艾森巴赫的邀請擔任石勒蘇益格-荷爾斯泰因音樂節交響樂團的助理團長,隨團與獨奏家朗郎巡迴北美 演出為期一個月共23場音樂會。他於2007年獲艾森巴赫選為助理團長,翌年獲選為團長,並與樂團巡迴匈牙利、丹麥、巴西和德國 多個城巿。在團期間,他亦有機會與其他著名指揮家如:布隆斯泰德、柏列夫、賀格活特和費殊等合作。


Violinist with the HKPO, Anders Hui was born in Hong Kong and raised in Canada. He won his first major competition in Canada – the Canadian Music Competition – when he was 17, and then went to the USA where he received his Masters and Bachelor degrees from Indiana University Jacob School of Music studying with Mauricio Fuks and Nelli Shkolnikova. Whilst at Indiana he won the Brahms Violin Concerto Competition and was appointed as Violin Associate Instructors at Indiana University. He has broadened his music education by studying with Cho-Liang Lin, Alex Kerr, Aaron Rosand, Victor Danchenko, and Lewis Kaplan, as well as learning Chamber Music with Janös Starker, Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi, Ik-Hwan Bae, Alex Kerr, Yuval Gotlibovich, Alan de Veritch, James Campbell, Shigeo Neriki, André Watts and Cliff Colnot. In America he was Assistant Concertmaster and interim Concertmaster for Terre Haute Symphony Orchestra for two years, as well as guest Concertmaster in Carmel (IN) Symphony Orchestra. He was also Tutti Violin of the Columbus Indiana Philharmonic. Last year he was invited by Christoph Eschenbach to be Assistant Concertmaster for the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival Orchestra, performing with soloist Lang Lang in a month-long 23-concert tour across North America. He was first chosen by Eschenbach as Assistant Concertmaster in 2007, and the following year as the Concertmaster, which involves tours around Hungary, Denmark, Brazil and extensively in Germany. With this orchestra he also had an opportunity to work with other world-renowned conductors including Herbert Blomstedt, Mikhail Pletnev, Christopher Hogwood and Iván Fischer. Before returning to Hong Kong and joining the HKPO, he undertook further studies in Germany with Kolja Blacher and Michael Vogler, professors from Hanns Eisler School of Music in Berlin.

港樂首席中提琴凌顯祐在香港土生土長,他於印第安納大學完成學士課程,師隨 科沃斯基,其後於同一大學師隨富克斯完成碩士學位。他現時是休斯頓懷斯大學 凌顯祐 教授林昭亮的學生。 中提琴 Andrew Ling 凌顯祐自六歲起隨已故北京中央音樂學院教授林耀基學習小提琴,他自小已經隨 viola 香港葉氏兒童合唱團以小提琴獨奏身份巡迴歐洲、北美和亞太區演出,他又經常 以獨奏身份與泛亞交響樂團演出。他曾與贏得國際指揮大獎的曾智斌合作演繹 華爾頓的中提琴協奏曲,並獲得高度評價。他又曾經與香港中樂團及中國廣播 愛樂合作,並分別在香港、美國及奧地利舉行獨奏會。

凌顯祐熱衷室樂及管弦樂,曾擔任多個樂團的團長,如印第安納樂團和特勒荷特交響樂團的團長,及印第安納愛樂樂團 的首席中提琴。他又曾經與小提琴家林昭亮、拉萊度、李垂誼和上海弦樂四重奏同台演出,並獲加拿大班夫音樂中心 邀請擔任駐校室樂客席藝術家。

凌顯祐曾入圍布烈頓國際小提琴大賽的半總決賽,並分別贏得印第安納大學2003年小提琴協奏曲大賽及2008年中提琴 協奏曲大賽,他與印第安納大學樂團的演出贏得觀眾和樂評人的一致好評。 A native of Hong Kong, Andrew Ling is currently Principal Violist of the HKPO. He attended Indiana University, where he completed his undergraduate studies with Henryk Kowalski and his graduate studies with Mauricio Fuks. He was also under the tutelage of Cho-Liang Lin at Rice University in Houston. Ling began studying the violin at the age of six with the late Professor Lin Yao-ji of the Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing. As a child he toured Europe, North America and the Asia-Pacific region performing extensively with the Hong Kong Yip’s Children’s Choir as its resident violin soloist, as well as appearing regularly as a soloist with the Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra. His performance of Walton’s Viola Concerto under the baton of international award-winning conductor, Jimmy Tsang, won critical acclaim. He has also collaborated with the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra and the China Film Philharmonic Orchestra, and has given recitals in Hong Kong, the United States and Austria. Ling is also an active chamber and orchestral musician, having assumed the role of concertmaster at various orchestras including the IU Concert Orchestra, the Terre Haute Symphony Orchestra, and has also served as Principal Violist of the IU Philharmonic Orchestra. He has performed with Cho-Liang Lin, Jaime Laredo, Trey Lee, the Shanghai String Quartet and has been invited as a guest artist at the Chamber Residency of Banff Centre in Canada. Ling is a semi-finalist of the Benjamin Britten International Violin Competition. He won the violin and viola concerto competitions of Indiana University in 2003 and 2008 respectively, and his performances with the Indiana University orchestra earned high praise both from audiences and critics.

鮑力卓 大提琴 鮑力卓自1993年起擔任香港管弦樂團的大提琴首席,曾多次以獨奏身份與 Richard 樂團同台演出,並大獲好評。鮑力卓接受過多方面的音樂訓練,師承韋爾遜、 Bamping 華費殊、波度雲奴、柯殊邦、托替利亞、蓋林格斯、柏利索、史達嘉、曉夫及 cello 依瑟利斯深造大提琴演奏技藝。他曾跟隨阿瑪迪斯室樂團、貝爾格、達爾美 四重奏、塔卡契四重奏、阿萊格里四重奏、竹野大、葛倫、賀維茲、庫塔格和 諾里斯研習室樂。

在倫敦時,他以自由樂手身份於英國、歐洲和美國等地參與不同室樂演出,曾與 多個知名管弦樂團同台獻藝,包括英國愛樂管弦樂團、英國皇家愛樂樂團及歐洲 室樂團等,並曾在倫敦獨奏家室樂團擔任大提琴首席達四年。1990年,鮑力卓獲指揮伯恩斯坦選中,在日本舉行的首屆 太平洋音樂節中擔任首席,並與狄遜.湯馬士及艾索普緊密合作。

過往三年,鮑力卓曾參與由作曲家譚盾親自指揮的中國及台灣巡演,擔任《地圖》協奏曲及《臥虎藏龍》協奏曲的獨奏, 贏得各方好評。


Richard Bamping has held the title of Principal Cellist of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra since 1993, where his many solo appearances have been greeted with critical acclaim. He has had a very broad musical education studying cello with Elizabeth Wilson, Raphael Wallfisch, Amedeo Baldovino, Ralph Kirschbaum, Paul Tortelier, David Geringas, Aldo Parisot, Janos Starker, Timothy Hugh and Steven Isserlis. In the field of chamber music, he has studied with the Amadeus, Alban Berg, Delme, Takacs and Allegri String Quartets, and with David Takeno, Eli Goren, Emmanuel Hurwitz, Gyorgy Kurtag, and Peter Norris. As a freelance cellist based in London, Richard Bamping played in many chamber music ensembles performing across the United Kingdom, Europe and the USA. He has also performed with many of the leading orchestras in Europe including the Philharmonia, the Royal Philharmonic and the European Community Chamber Orchestras, and served for four years as Principal Cellist with the London Soloists Chamber Orchestra. In 1990, Leonard Bernstein chose Richard Bamping to play Principal Cello for the first Pacific Music Festival in Japan, where he also worked closely with Michael Tilson Thomas and Marin Alsop. Over the past three years, Richard has completed several tours of China, and Taiwan under the baton of the composer Tan Dun performing his Map Concerto and the Crouching Tiger Concerto to great critical acclaim. Richard’s cello, dated 1674, was made in Cremona by Andrea Guarneri and is one of only 8 surviving examples of his work. 莫扎特 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1 7 5 6 - 1 7 9 1

F大調嬉遊曲,K138 1772年3月中,柯羅雷多伯爵 (全名「海歐納莫斯.約瑟夫.弗朗茨.馮.保拉」) 快板 獲選為薩爾茨堡王侯大主教。當時莫扎特在薩爾茨堡宮廷樂團擔任團長, 行板 但一直沒有酬勞;他覺得應趁大主教履新的大好時機爭取表現,使自己能 急板 爭取可觀薪酬。因此在4月29日 (大主教就職日) 至8月21日 (柯羅雷多伯爵終於

Divertimento in F, K138 頒令讓莫扎特獲得150古登幣的年薪) 期間,莫扎特新作源源不絕 ─ 包括 Allegro 歌劇兩齣、聖樂曲五首 (在薩爾茨堡大教堂演出)、弦樂四重奏六首、交響曲 Andante Presto 21首 (他一生才寫了41首交響曲)、歌曲七首和一組器樂作品 (共三首,在與 大主教就職相關的非正式慶祝活動演出)。







這幾首樂曲 ─ 好讓他寫作歌劇《盧喬.西拉》期間,即使有人要求他寫作







四重奏 (每個聲部由一件樂器奏出) 較乾淨俐落的聲音,但也突顯了莫扎特 編 制 : 五支第一小提琴、四支第二 小提琴、四支中提琴、三支大提琴和 大部分嬉遊曲不拘小節、輕鬆愉快的一面。 低音大提琴。港樂於1984年首次演出 此曲。今晚,港樂團長夏定忠、中提琴 首席凌顯祐、大提琴首席鮑力卓和 大提琴手陳屹洲,將聯同多位「何鴻毅 家族基金 ─ 香港管弦樂團駐團學員 培訓」計劃的應屆學員及畢業生演出。 In the middle of March 1772 Hieronymus Joseph Franz von Paula, Count of Colloredo, was elected Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg. Mozart, who up to that time had been serving as Concertmaster to the Salzburg court orchestra without receiving any payment, saw in the appointment of a new Archbishop the opportunity to impress sufficiently to be able to procure a respectable salary. Thus it was that between 29th April, the date of the Archbishop’s enthronement, and 21st August, the day on which Colloredo eventually decreed that Mozart be paid an annual salary of 150 Gulden, music quite literally poured from Mozart’s pen. There were two operas, five pieces of sacred music for use in Salzburg Cathedral, six string quartets, 21 (of his 41) symphonies, seven songs and a group of three instrumental works composed for informal events associated with the celebrations to mark the enthronement.

Those three instrumental works, according to the musicologist Alfred Einstein, “are called ‘Divertimenti’ on the manuscript, but this designation cannot possibly have come from Mozart himself. For a divertimento should have two minuets, and these three works have no minuets at all”. Their scoring for four-part string ensemble has led some authorities to claim them as Mozart’s first ever string quartets, but since it seems quite likely that Mozart intended them to be played by more than one instrument to a part, they have also been labelled as String Symphonies; Einstein suggesting, “ I believe Mozart wrote them in preparation for the last Italian journey, in order not to be disturbed during the composition of (his opera) Lucio Silla if symphonies should be demanded of him”. They have long been referred to as the three “Salzburg Symphonies”.

The third of those “Salzburg Symphonies” opens with a jolly movement (Allegro) which Einstein identifies as “purely symphonic”, and, certainly its bustling, busy texture feels as if larger orchestral forces were very much in Mozart’s mind. This is followed Instrumentation: five first violins, four second violins, four violas, three cellos and by a graceful Andante, a violin melody singing lazily above a gently undulating double bass. The Hong Kong Philharmonic’s accompaniment, while the final Presto is a frantic piece of virtuoso writing which does first performance of this piece was in 1984. seem more suited to the crisper sound of a solo quartet but also highlights the informal Tonight Concertmaster John Harding, and light aspects which define most of the divertimenti Mozart composed. Principal Viola Andrew Ling, Principal Cello Richard Bamping and Tutti Cello Chan Ngat Chau will perform with the fellows and alumni of The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Orchestral Fellowship Scheme. 帕特 Arvo Pärt 生 於 b . 1 9 3 5

第四交響曲「洛杉磯」 身為當今最傑出的作曲家之一,帕特以73歲高齡寫成第四交響曲按道理 1. 高貴的 不會令人意外,但2009年1月10日樂曲首演 (沙羅倫指揮洛杉磯愛樂樂團) 2. 焦慮的- 時,卻的確令人大吃一驚 ─ 不僅因為第四交響曲與第三交響曲寫作年份相距 3. = 76 ca  達37年,而是第四交響曲似乎與他的一貫做法背道而馳 ─ 帕特以往一直偏離 Symphony No. 4 Los Angeles 井井有條的大型曲式。他第一至第三首交響曲寫於1964年至1971年間。 1. Con sublimità 當時他家鄉愛沙尼亞由高壓的蘇聯政權統治,他就以音樂作出反抗:官方 2. Affannoso – 要求寫作「易為群眾接受」的音樂,但他偏偏喜用嚴格的無調性風格和序列 3. = 76 ca 風格,刻意與當局作對,結果要避走維也納;到了維也納之後,他捨棄了往日  的寫作手法,轉而採用較直接的音樂語言,把音符和短小的旋律片段大量

香港首演 重複,營造出仿如鐘聲的效果,因此他稱之為「鈴噹風格」。他1970年代中 Hong Kong Première 以後的管弦樂曲多為小型作品,流露對大自然及其東正教信仰的熱愛。

第四交響曲仍是以「鈴噹風格」寫成,但其龐大的結構也許能與樂曲背後明顯 的政治意味有關。樂曲的題獻對象是霍多爾科夫斯基。霍多爾科夫斯基是 俄羅斯石油鉅子,因詐騙罪而被囚禁於西伯利亞監獄。許多人相信,霍多爾 科夫斯基由於與俄羅斯普京政府政見不合,當局就在2003年拘捕他並 送進監獄。第四交響曲首演時,帕特在親撰的樂曲介紹解釋,樂曲向「所有 在俄羅斯無理被囚的人」發話;但隨後又說並非只與政治有關,而是「向一個 在慘痛經歷裡得到道德勝利的人表達莫大的敬意。交響曲雖然調子悲壯, 但卻不是為霍多爾科夫斯基而奏的哀歌,而是向人類精神與尊嚴的偉大力量 致敬」。

樂曲沒有採用銅管或木管樂器。雖然全曲三個樂章劃分得清楚明白,英國 作家彼得.奎恩去年在倫敦逍遙音樂會聽過此曲後卻說:「很容易把全曲當作 一個圓拱形情感表達形式來聽─始於天國的永恆,終於天國的永恆,完全 一氣呵成。」樂評人馬克.斯維德出席洛杉磯首演後,形容第一樂章「開始 時,聽起來像個比人間更美好的世界。小提琴在最高音區奏出持續的輕柔和 編制:定音鼓、大鼓、排鐘、古鈸、 弦,豎琴和大提琴分散的撥奏作陪襯。」去年12月,帕特向《留聲機》雜誌 馬林巴琴、厶厶鈸、懸鈸、鈸、鑼、 表示,第二樂章「另一種精神來了。不是膚淺的,而是像行星的軌道一樣, 三角鐵、豎琴及弦樂組。帕特獲洛杉磯 你不能移動也不能影響它們。它就在這兒。你就是感覺到。」樂章標題 愛樂樂團和坎培拉國際音樂節委約創作 「Affannoso」,意為「焦慮的」,並不常用。然而所有這些情緒都在第三樂章 第四交響曲,樂曲於2009年1月由沙羅倫 指揮洛杉磯愛樂首演,同年5月由夏定忠 灰飛煙滅。這裡再引述奎恩的說法,第三樂章結束時「由低音大提琴開始 指揮坎培拉交響樂團作第二次演出,該 一直攀升,經過整個弦樂組,直達小提琴音域上限,美妙絕倫⋯⋯是帕特 演出為坎培拉國際音樂節節目之一。. 作品裡最觸目的結束之一。」 It should not seem too surprising to us that one of the greatest living composers, Arvo Pärt should, at the age of 73, have produced his fourth symphony. But when it was premièred on 10th January 2009 by the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra under Esa-Pekka Salonen, it did come as quite a shock, not just because it came 37 years after Pärt’s previous foray into the genre. The Fourth Symphony seemed to go against a trend in which his music had been heading away from such organised and extended forms. His first three symphonies, composed between 1964 and 1971, reflected his struggle against the oppressive Soviet regime then in power in his native Estonia. He flirted with austere atonal and serial styles of writing in deliberate opposition to the official demands that music should be “accessible to the masses”, and ended up fleeing his homeland for Vienna. There he discarded such aggressive music in favour of a more direct language which he himself labelled “tintinnabulation” after the bell-like quality brought about by much repetition of notes and small melodic fragments. The orchestral music he wrote from the mid-1970s onwards was generally small in scale and expressed his love of nature and his Orthodox Christian faith.

The Fourth Symphony is still very much writing in the “tintinnabulation” style, but its extended structure may be connected with the apparent political message behind the work’s dedication to Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a Russian oil oligarch now in a Siberian prison incarcerated for fraud. Many believe that, uneasy at Khodorkovsky’s political aspirations, the Putin administration in Russia pushed for his 2003 arrest and subsequent imprisonment. In his own programme note at the Symphony’s première, Pärt explained that the work is reaching out to “all those imprisoned without rights in Russia”, but has subsequently suggested that the dedication is not exclusively political but “an expression of great respect for a man who has found moral triumph amid personal tragedy. The tragic tone of the symphony is not a lament for Khodorkovsky, but a bow to the great power of the human spirit and human dignity”.

Scored for an orchestra without brass or wind, it is arranged in three clearly-defined movements, but as the English writer Peter Quinn suggested when the work was performed at last year’s Proms in London, “the impression of hearing the symphony as Instrumentation: timpani, bass drum, a single expressive arc – one continuous breath that starts from, and returns to, a point chimes, crotales, marimba, sizzle cymbal, of celestial timelessness – is quite overpowering”. The 1st movement, as the critic Mark suspended cymbal, cymbals, tam-tam, Sved put it after attending the Los Angeles première, “opens in what sounds like a better triangle, harp, and strings. Arvo Pärt world. The violins begin with a sustained soft chord in the stratosphere, accompanied by composed his 4th Symphony on commission isolated plucks from harp and cellos”. Speaking to Gramophone magazine last December, from the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra Pärt said of the 2nd movement that “another spirit comes, it’s not superficial it’s like and the Canberra International Music Festival. you cannot move or influence the trajectories of planets. It’s there. You feel it”. The The first performance was conducted by Esa- unusual movement heading – “Affannoso” translates as “with anxious expression”. All Pekka Salonen in January 2009, performed this is blown away by the 3rd movement which, again to quote Quinn, ends with a by the LA Phil. The second was conducted “stunning ascent beginning in the basses and moving through the entire string section by John Harding for the Canberra Festival, to the upper limits of the of the most striking conclusions to any of performed by the Canberra Symphony in May Pärt’s works. in the same year. 莫扎特 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1 7 5 6 - 1 7 9 1

A大調單簧管五重奏,K581 1789年5月26日,莫扎特前往柏林,打算在普魯士國王費德烈.威廉二世 快板 御前演出自己的作品。費德烈.威廉二世愛好音樂,是位業餘大提琴手。 小緩板 莫扎特這一趟沒有白走:國王委約莫扎特創作六首弦樂四重奏和六首鋼琴 小步舞曲 小快板與變奏 奏鳴曲;莫扎特兩週後返回維也納,就馬上動筆寫作這批新作,不出兩個月

已完成了三首四重奏和一首奏鳴曲,但之後就停了下來。當時莫扎特健康 Clarinet Quintet in A, K581 Allegro 欠佳、財政一塌糊塗;而妻子康斯坦絲也懷了七年內的第五胎 (而那五個 Larghetto 孩子只有一個活下來),更令莫扎特憂心忡忡。 Menuetto Allegretto con variazioni 另一方面,奧地利皇帝約瑟夫二世也下令莫扎特導演《費加羅的婚禮》,同年













一年(1789年),非此莫屬」,「有些段落似乎反映了絕望和困苦,但淚水中卻 港樂於2006年首次演出此五重奏, 又透出微笑。」 由史安祖 (單簧管)、王思恆 (小提琴)、 朱蓓 (小提琴)、趙宇 (中提琴) 和鮑力卓 (大提琴) 演出。

The Hong Kong Philharmonic’s first performance of this quintet was in 2006, performed by Andrew Simon (clarinet), Wong Sze-hang (violin), Bei Zhu (violin), Zhao Yu (viola) and Richard Bamping (cello). On 26th May 1789, Mozart travelled to Berlin in order to perform some of his music before King Frederick William II of Prussia, who was a keen amateur cellist. The journey was well worthwhile. The King commissioned from Mozart six string quartets and as many piano sonatas. Immediately on his return to Vienna a fortnight later, Mozart set to work on the King’s commission. Within two months he had completed three quartets and one sonata, but then stopped. His health was poor, his finances in a mess, and he was desperately worried about his wife Constanze who was pregnant for the fifth time in seven years (only one of those children had survived).

He had also been commanded by Emperor Joseph II to direct a performance of The Marriage of Figaro that August, and as the Emperor commissioned a new opera from him. The King of Prussia’s commission seemed to be forgotten as, before he set to work on the new opera, Mozart wrote Clarinet Quintet for the Christmas concert of the Vienna Society of Musicians, held every year to benefit the widows and orphans of its deceased members. He completed it quickly, dating the finished score 29th September 1789, and it was duly performed at the benefit concert in December. The clarinettist was Anton Stadler and Mozart himself played the viola.

Mozart and Stadler played the piece again in April 1790 at the Vienna residence of Count Johann Karl Hadik, at which time the composer referred to it as “Stadler’s Quintet”. He gave Stadler the manuscript as a gift, but Stadler subsequently pawned it when he ran out of money during a European tour in 1791, and the version heard today was reassembled in 1802 using some of the original string parts and some guesswork. It remains, however, one of Mozart’s most sublime compositions: “If there is one work that sums up this unhappy year [of 1789], this must be it,” one respected commentator has written. “Parts of it seem to reflect an aching despair, but the music smiles through its tears.” 莫扎特:單簧管五重奏 MOZART: Clarinet Quintet














換骨。第一、第二和第四變奏 (單簧管和小提琴效果如煙火一樣令人目眩) 像




節目介紹中文翻譯:鄭曉彤 A hymn-like theme played by the string quartet opens the 1st movement. From this the clarinet emerges with a graceful upward arpeggio. The strings take on this idea and the music evolves into the style of a chamber work, with all five instruments interplaying. The second subject, introduced by the violin above pizzicato cello notes, is quickly turned into the minor key by the clarinet, who seizes back the limelight.

The gorgeous clarinet theme on which the 2nd movement is based is certainly one of those which “smiles through its tears”. Muted strings, often gently pulsating in the background, leave ample space for the clarinet to expound at leisure, often using delicate ornaments and graceful scale-passages to add a wonderful poignancy to the music. The occasional forays into the clarinet’s lower register remind us that this was actually conceived, not for the modern clarinet, but for Stadler’s unique “basset-clarinet” which possessed an unusually low and resonant bottom register.

The 3rd movement is in the form of a proud minuet, with a somewhat regal bearing. The trio, for strings alone, turns towards the minor key, but is certainly far from tragic or even vaguely sad.

The charming, cheerful tune which opens the 4th movement is subsequently put through a series of six variations which elevate it way above the almost childlike quality it possesses at the outset. Variations 1, 2 and 4 (with its dazzling clarinet and violin pyrotechnics) possess a playful character, while variation 3 features a mournful viola – remember that Mozart himself took this part in the work’s first performances and variation 5 are somewhat more emotionally charged. The final variation ends the work full of jollity and unfettered good cheer.

Programme notes by Marc Rochester Zemlinsky Ad Zemlinsky Ad Mozart Timeline Mozart Timeline Mahler 6 Ad HKPO | FEB | HARDING AND PÄRT 夏定忠與帕特 帕特獲洛杉磯愛樂樂團和坎培拉國際音樂節委約創作第四 交響曲,他把作品題獻給霍多爾科夫斯基。他在譜上寫道:「我想 霍多爾科夫斯基毋須我多介紹,他的名字、和當中的故事,在 西方已引起廣泛討論。我希望透過作品幫助遠處在囚和那些在 俄國被剝奪權利的人⋯⋯我不知道他能否聽到我的樂曲,但希望 我的信鴿有一天能飛到西伯利亞去。」

帕特的信鴿今晚飛到大會堂音樂廳,第四交響曲將由我們的 團長夏定忠指揮,他剛於2009年五月為坎培拉音樂節指揮此 曲。夏定忠表示:「我很高興有機會指揮這位偉大愛沙尼亞 作曲家的交響曲,在我準備坎培拉演出時,我一直與帕特保持 緊密聯繫,彼此相討作品的細節和速度,這次難能可貴的經驗 讓我想到要把這首交響曲帶到香港演出。」

帕特說過:「我將我的音樂比喻為乘載著七色的白光,只有棱鏡 能折開並散發這些色彩,而這棱鏡就是聽眾的靈魂。」今晚,

Tonu Tormis Tonu 讓我們作折射音樂的棱鏡,將和平的訊息傳揚。 01 PHOTO Commissioned by the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra and the Canberra International Music Festival, Arvo Pärt’s Fourth Symphony was dedicated to Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Explaining that dedication in the score, Pärt writes; “It would seem to me that the person of Mikhail Khodorkovsky needs no introduction. His name, and the story connected with it, has received widespread attention in the West. With my composition, I would like to reach out, extending a hand to the prisoner and in his person to all those imprisoned without rights in Russia… I do not know whether he will ever be able to hear the composition. Nevertheless, I hope that my carrier pigeon does reach faraway Siberia one day.”

His “carrier pigeon” reaches the City Hall tonight, and John Harding, our Concertmaster as well as the conductor of the Symphony’s second

Cheung Chi Wai Cheung Chi performance in May 2009 for the Canberra Festival, is going to conduct 02 PHOTO this profound symphony for the Hong Kong audience. John says; “I 01 帕特 Arvo Pärt am thrilled that I have the opportunity to conduct this symphony

02 夏定忠 John Harding composed by the great Estonian composer. When I prepared the Canberra performance, I was in contact throughout regarding details of scoring and tempi with the composer, and it was this experience which prompted me 聆聽您的意見 We’re listening! to offer this first performance in Hong Kong.” 您們親臨音樂廳,以行動支持樂團,我們衷心感謝。 您們的寶貴意見,我們同樣重視。 Arvo Pärt once said, “I could compare my music to white light which 請以電郵 [email protected] 與我們聯絡。 contains all colours. Only a prism can divide the colours and make them Thank you for coming to our concerts. appear; this prism could be the spirit of the listener.” Let us all be the For any comments, please email us at [email protected] so that we could continue to bring more exciting concerts to you! prism to refract the musical colours of this symphony tonight and spread the message of peace.

香港管弦樂團 Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra

第一小提琴 First Violins

夏定忠 梁建楓 王思恆 朱蓓 John Harding Leung Kin-fung Wong Sze-hang Zhu Bei 團長 Concertmaster 第一副團長 第二副團長 第三副團長 First Associate Second Associate Third Associate Concertmaster Concertmaster Concertmaster PHOTO Bobby Lee Bobby PHOTO 艾度.迪華特 Edo de Waart 藝術總監兼總指揮 Artistic Director & Chief Conductor 毛華 程立 把文晶 桂麗 Mao Hua Cheng Li Ba Wenjing Gui Li 總指揮席位由以下機構贊助 Maestro’s Chair – endowed by The Octavian Society & Y. S. Liu Foundation

李智勝 龍希 冒異國 梅麗芷 Lee Zhisheng Long Xi Mao Yiguo Rachael Mellado

倪瀾 王亮 黃嘉怡 # 徐姮 Ni Lan Wang Liang Christine Wong Kar-yee Xu Heng PHOTO Lawrence Chan Lawrence PHOTO 蘇柏軒 張希 周騰飛 Perry So Zhang Xi Zhou Tengfei 副指揮 Associate Conductor 第二小提琴 Second Violins

●范丁 ■趙瀅娜 ▲梁文瑄 華嘉蓮 Fan Ting Zhao Yingna Leslie Ryang Katrina Rafferty Moon-sun

鈴木美矢香 冒田中知子 李嘉道 方潔 Miyaka Suzuki Tomoko Tanaka Mao Ricardo de Mello Fang Jie

# 樂師席位由以下機構贊助 法國興業私人銀行 # Musician’s Chair – endowed by Societe Generale Private Banking

PHOTOS BY 許致雨 簡宏道 巫國暉 Cheung Chi Wai & Keith Hiro 何珈樑 Gallant Ho Ka-leung Anders Hui Russell Kan Wang-to Mo Kwok-fai 第二小提琴 Second Violins

潘廷亮 * 陳怡廷 * 柯雪 * 劉博軒 * 劉芳希 Martin Poon Chen Yi-ting Ke Xue Liu Boxuan Liu Fang-xi Ting-leung

中提琴 Violas PHOTO Natasha Komoda Natasha PHOTO ●凌顯祐 ▲熊谷佳織 黎明 羅舜詩 崔宏偉 Andrew Ling Kaori Wilson Li Ming Alice Rosen Cui Hong-wei

范星 范欣 洪依凡 孫斌 王駿 Fan Xing Fan Yan Ethan Heath Sun Bin Wang Jun

* 付水淼 * 楊帆 * 張姝影 Fu Shuimiao Yang Fan Zhang Shu-ying

大提琴 Cellos

●鮑力卓 ■方曉牧 ▲林穎 陳怡君 + 關統安 Richard Bamping Fang Xiaomu Dora Lam Chen Yi-chun Anna Kwan Ton-an

陳屹洲 張明遠 霍添 李銘蘆 宋亞林 * 潘 Chan Ngat Chau Cheung Ming-yuen Timothy Frank Li Ming-lu Yalin Song Pan Yan

低音大提琴 ● 首席 Principal Double ○ 署理首席 Acting Principal Basses ■ 聯合首席 Co-Principal ▲ 助理首席 Assistant Principal 姜馨來 △林達僑 馮榕 費利亞 ○ △ 署理助理首席 Acting Assistant Principal Jiang Xinlai George Lomdaridze Feng Rong Samuel Ferrer

+ 樂師席位由以下機構贊助 邱啟楨紀念基金 + Musician’s Chair – endowed by C. C. Chiu Memorial Fund * 「何鴻毅家族基金 ─ 香港管弦樂團駐團學員培訓」計劃樂手 * Fellows of The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation 林傑飛 鮑爾菲 范戴克 * 張沛姮 Orchestral Fellowship Scheme Jeffrey Lehmberg Philip Powell Jonathan Van Dyke Chang Pei-heng 香港管弦樂團 Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra

長笛 短笛 Flutes Piccolo

●史德琳 ▲盧韋歐 施家蓮 Megan Sterling Olivier Nowak Linda Stuckey

雙簧管 英國管 Oboes Cor Anglais

●韋爾遜 ■布若芙 杜爾娜 Michael Wilson Ruth Bull Sarah Turner

低音單簧管 單簧管 Bass Clarinets Clarinet

●史安祖 ▲史家翰 簡博文 Andrew Simon John Schertle Michael Campbell

低音巴松管 巴松管 Contra Bassoons Bassoon

●莫班文 ▲李浩山 崔祖斯 Benjamin Moermond Vance Lee Adam Treverton Jones

圓號 Horns

●韋麥克 ■柏如瑟 ▲周智仲 高志賢 李少霖 李妲妮 Mark Vines Russell Bonifede Chow Chi-chung Marc Gelfo Homer Lee Siu-lam Natalie Lewis

小號 長號 Trumpets Trombones

●傲高年 ▲莫思卓 華達德 ●韋雅樂 韋力奇 Colin Oldberg Christopher Moyse Douglas Waterston Jarod Vermette Maciek Walicki

低音長號 大號 定音鼓 Bass Tuba Timpani Trombone

高樂朋 ●陸森柏 ●龐樂思 Robert Collinson Paul Luxenberg James Boznos

敲擊樂器 豎琴 鍵盤 Percussion Harp Keyboard

●泰貝桑 梁偉華 胡淑徽 ●史基道 ●葉幸沾 Shaun Tilburg Raymond Leung Sophia Woo Christopher Sidenius Shirley Ip Wai-wa Shuk-fai

特約樂手 敲擊樂 Extra player Percussion 蔡立德 Choy Lap Tak

香港管弦協會 Hong Kong Philharmonic Society

名譽贊助人 HONORARY PATRON 執行委員會 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 行政長官 The Chief Executive 劉元生先生 Mr Y. S. Liu 曾蔭權先生 The Hon Donald Tsang Yam-kuen, GBM 主席 Chair

董事局 BOARD OF GOVERNORS 蔡關穎琴律師 Mrs Janice Choi, MH 劉元生先生 Mr Y. S. Liu 伍日照先生 Mr Daniel Ng Yat-chiu 主席 Chairman 冼雅恩先生 Mr Benedict Sin Nga-yan 蘇澤光先生 Mr Jack C. K. So, JP 蘇澤光先生 Mr Jack C. K. So, JP 詩柏先生 Mr Stephan Spurr 副主席 Vice-Chairman 財務委員會 FINANCE COMMITTEE 陳祖泳女士 Ms Joanne Chan 冼雅恩先生 Mr Benedict Sin Nga-yan 邱詠筠女士 Ms Winnie Chiu 主席 Chair 蔡關穎琴律師 Mrs Janice Choi, MH 蔡寬量教授 Prof. Daniel Chua 霍經麟先生 Mr Glenn Fok 霍經麟先生 Mr Glenn Fok 劉元生先生 Mr Y. S. Liu 湯德信先生 Mr David Fried 伍日照先生 Mr Daniel Ng Yat-chiu 喬浩華先生 Mr Peter Kilgour 黃錦山先生 Mr Kenny Wong Kam-shan 林煥光先生 Mr Lam Woon-kwong, GBS, JP 黃文耀先生 Mr Robert T. Wong 梁馮令儀醫生 Dr Lilian Leong, BBS, JP 劉靖之教授 Prof. Liu Ching-chih 籌款委員會 FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE 羅志力先生 Mr Peter Lo Chi-lik 蔡關穎琴律師 Mrs Janice Choi, MH 伍日照先生 Mr Daniel Ng Yat-chiu 主席 Chair 蘇兆明先生 Mr Nicholas Sallnow-Smith 冼雅恩先生 Mr Benedict Sin Nga-yan 邱詠筠女士 Ms Winnie Chiu 詩柏先生 Mr Stephan Spurr 周董立茂女士 Mrs Leigh Tung Chou 鄧永鏘爵士 Sir David Tang, KBE Tasha Lalvani女士 Mrs Tasha Lalvani 黃錦山先生 Mr Kenny Wong Kam-shan 副主席 Vice-chair 衛嘉仁先生 Mr David Zacharias 陳天賜先生 Mr Chan Tin Chi 名譽顧問 HONORARY ADVISERS 湯德信先生 Mr David Fried 陳永華教授 Prof. Chan Wing-wah, JP 伍日照先生 Mr Daniel Ng Yat-chiu 張建東博士 Dr the Hon Marvin Cheung, OBE, SBS, JP 施彼德先生 Mr Peter Siembab 周永成先生 Mr Vincent Chow Wing-shing, MBE, JP 蘇澤光先生 Mr Jack C. K. So, JP 何超瓊女士 Ms Pansy Ho Chiu-king 胡法光先生 Mr Hu Fa-kuang, GBS, CBE, JP 發展委員會 DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 嘉道理勳爵夫人 Lady Kadoorie 詩柏先生 Mr Stephan Spurr 梁定邦醫生 Dr Ronald Leung, OBE, JP 主席 Chair 岑才生先生 Mr Shum Choi-sang, SBS, OBE, MA, JP 黃英琦女士 Ms Ada Wong Ying-kay, JP 陳祖泳女士 Ms Joanne Chan 楊鐵樑爵士 The Hon Sir T. L. Yang, GBM, JP 邱詠筠女士 Ms Winnie Chiu 紀大教授 Prof. David Gwilt, MBE 蔡寬量教授 Prof. Daniel Chua 李偉安先生 Mr Warren Lee 鄧永鏘爵士 Sir David Tang, KBE 梁馮令儀醫生 Dr Lilian Leong, BBS, JP 韋麥克先生 Mr Mark Vines 行政人員 MANAGEMENT 朱荻恩小姐 Miss Judy Chu 行政及財務部 ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE 發展助理經理 Assistant Development Manager 何黎敏怡女士 Mrs Vennie Ho 行政及財務總監 Director of Administration and Finance 韓嘉怡小姐 Miss Kary Hon 發展助理經理 Assistant Development Manager 李康銘先生 Mr Homer Lee 財務經理 Finance Manager 市場推廣部 MARKETING 譚兆民先生 Mr Paul Tam 張嘉雯小姐 Miss Cherish Cheung 市場推廣總監 Director of Marketing 人力資源經理 Human Resources Manager 陳剛濤先生 Mr Nick Chan 李家榮先生 Mr Andrew Li 市場推廣副經理 Deputy Marketing Manager 資訊科技及項目經理 IT and Project Manager 梁國順先生 Mr Gordon Leung 郭文健先生 Mr Alex Kwok 巿場及傳訊高級主任 Senior Marketing Communications Officer 行政及財務 Assistant Administration and 助理經理 Finance Manager 黃穎詩小姐 Miss Natalie Wong 巿場及傳訊主任 Marketing Communications Officer 陳碧瑜女士 Ms Rida Chan 行政秘書 Executive Secretary 陳嘉惠女士 Ms Tiphanie Chan 編輯 Publications Editor 蘇碧華小姐 Miss Vonee So 行政及財務高級主任 Senior Administration and Finance Officer 陸可兒小姐 Miss Alice Luk 企業傳訊主任 Corporate Communications Officer 陳麗嫻小姐 Miss Pamela Chan 接待員 Receptionist 林美玲小姐 Miss Alice Lam 客務主任 Customer Service Officer 梁錦龍先生 Mr Sammy Leung 辦公室助理 Office Assistant 樂團事務部 ORCHESTRAL OPERATIONS 邵樂迦先生 Mr Luke Shaw 藝術策劃部 ARTISTIC PLANNING 樂團事務總監 Director of Orchestral Operations 韋雲暉先生 Mr Raff Wilson 藝術策劃總監 Director of Artistic Planning 楊劍騰先生 Mr Ambrose Yeung 樂團人事經理 Orchestra Personnel Manager 王嘉瑩小姐 Miss Michelle Wong 助理經理 Assistant Manager 陳國義先生 Mr Steven Chan (藝術家事務) (Artist Liaison) 舞台經理 Stage Manager

羅芷欣小姐 Miss Christy Law 何思敏小姐 Miss Betty Ho 藝術策劃助理 Artistic Planning Assistant 樂譜管理 Librarian

翁瑋瑜小姐 Miss Flora Yung 丁美雲小姐 Miss Natalie Ting 教育及外展統籌主任 Education and Outreach Coordinator 樂團事務助理經理 Assistant Orchestral Operations Manager

梁琪琪小姐 Miss Kiki Leung 蘇近邦先生 Mr So Kan Pong 教育及外展主任 Education and Outreach Officer 運輸主任 (樂器) Transportation Officer (Musical Instruments)

發展部 DEVELOPMENT 聯絡我們 李察先生 Mr Richard Truitt 香港九龍尖沙咀文化中心行政大樓八樓 發展總監 Director of Development 電話:2721 2030 傳真:2311 6229 Contact us 吳凱明女士 Ms Edith Ng Level 8, Administration Building, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, 發展經理 Development Manager Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: 2721 2030 Fax: 2311 6229 Maestro Circle 大師會

大師會特別為熱愛管弦樂的企業及人士而設,旨在推動香港管弦樂團的長遠發展及豐富市民 的文化生活。港樂謹此向下列各大師會會員致謝。 Maestro Circle is established for the business community and individuals who are fond of symphonic music. It aims at supporting the long-term development of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and enriching cultural life. We heartily thank the following Maestro Circle members.


David M. Webb



Peter Siembab


Mrs Joy Chung

以公司英文名稱序 In alphabetical order of company name 多謝支持 Thank You for Your Support

香港管弦樂團在此向以下商業機構及熱心人士表達由衷謝意! The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra would like to express our gratitude to the following corporations and individuals for their generous support.

樂團席位贊助基金 CHAIR ENDOWMENT FUND 總指揮贊助基金 The Maestro’s Chair endowed by The Octavian Society Limited 劉元生慈善基金 Y. S. Liu Foundation 樂師贊助基金 The Musician’s Chair endowed by 邱啟楨紀念基金 C. C. Chiu Memorial Fund 法國興業私人銀行 Societe Generale Private Banking


金管贊助人 Gold Patron 銀管贊助人 Silver Patron 銅管贊助人 Bronze Patron >HK$100,000 HK$50,000 – HK$99,999 HK$30,000 – HK$49,999 新昌國際集團有限公司 陳建球伉儷 Mr & Mrs E Chan Mr & Mrs David Fried Hsin Chong International Holdings Ltd 張爾惠伉儷 Mr & Mrs Lowell & Phyllis Chang 金菁女士 Ms Jin Jing 嘉里控股有限公司 梁烈安伉儷 Mr & Mrs Leung Lit On 陳智文先生 Mr Stephen Tan Kerry Holdings Limited 謝超明女士 Ms Tse Chiu Ming 黃少軒江文璣基金有限公司 董建成先生夫人紀念鮑復慧女士 Mr & Mrs S H Wong Foundation Ltd Mr C.C. & Mrs Harriet Tung in memory of Ms Ida Pau Fook Wai

紅寶贊助人 Ruby Patron 翡翠贊助人 Jade Patron 明珠贊助人 Pearl Patron HK$10,000 – HK$29,999 HK$5,000 – HK$9,999 HK$3,000 – HK$4,999 Mr Barry John Buttifant 無名氏 Anonymous 無名氏 Anonymous (2) 陳靜娟女士 Ms Vivien C C Chan 陳振漢醫生 Dr Edmond Chan 陳鴻遠先生 Mr Chan Hung Yuen Robert Mrs Anna Chen 陳健華先生 Mr Chen Chien Hua 陳葆酉先生及馮永仁先生 鄭李錦芬女士 Ms Eva Cheng Mr Cheng Kwan Ming Mr Po Chan & Mr Nicholas Fung 蔡維邦先生 Mr Edwin Choy 梁贊先生及周嘉平女士 Mr & Mrs Jonathan Cheng Dr & Mrs Carl Fung Mr Jan Leung & Ms Emily Chow 張德龍先生 Mr Cheung Tak Lung 馮兆林先生夫人 Mr & Mrs Michael & Angela Grimsdick Mr Chow Ping Wah Mr & Mrs Fung Shiu Lam 何兆煒醫生 Dr William Ho Dr Affandy Hariman 高膺伉儷 Mr & Mrs Ko Ying 胡立生先生 Mr Maurice Hoo Mr Toru Inaoka 關智健先生及家人 龔鳴夫先生 Mr Jackson Kung Ming Foo 關日華醫生 Dr Mike Kwan Yat Wah Dr Justin L. Kwan & Family 梁卓恩先生夫人 Mr Lee Chi Wa 李健鴻醫生 Dr Lee Kin Hung Mr & Mrs Cheuk-yan & Rotina Leung Dr Joseph Pang 梁馮令儀醫生 Dr Lilian Leong 李景行先生 Mr Richard Li Mr Tsunehiko Taketazu 麥耀明先生 Mr Lawrence Mak Ms Li Shuen Pui Agnes 曾文生先生 Mr Eric M S Tsang 麥禮和醫生 Dr Mak Lai Wo Mr & Mrs John & Coralie Otoshi 胡志剛先生 Mr Wu Chi Kong Dr John Malpas 彭永福醫生及夫人 Mrs Anna Marie Peyer Dr & Mrs Pang Wing Fuk 田家炳基金會 Tin Ka Ping Foundation 潘昭劍先生 Mr Poon Chiu Kim Raymond 曹延洲醫生 Dr Tsao Yen Chow Ms Carley Shum & Mr Jeff Szeto 汪徵祥慈善基金 丁天立伉儷 Mr & Mrs Ivan Ting The Wang Family Foundation 黃保欣先生 Mr Wong Po Yan 任懿君先生 Mr David Yam Yee Kwan 多謝支持 Thank You for Your Support

香港管弦樂團在此向以下商業機構及熱心人士表達由衷謝意! The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra would like to express our gratitude to the following corporations and individuals for their generous support.


金管贊助人 Gold Patron 銀管贊助人 Silver Patron 銅管贊助人 Bronze Patron >HK$100,000 HK$50,000 – HK$99,999 HK$30,000 – HK$49,999

生銀行 Hang Seng Bank 嘉里控股有限公司 李國賢博士 Dr Simon K.Y. Lee 芝蘭基金會 Zhilan Foundation Kerry Holdings Limited 梁家傑伉儷 Mr & Mrs Alan Leong 信興教育及慈善基金 Dr John Shum Ding Ping & Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund Ms Chan Kit Wah Eva 王培麗博士紀念鮑復慧女士 Dr Eleanor Wong in memory of Ms Ida Pau Fook Wai

紅寶贊助人 Ruby Patron 翡翠贊助人 Jade Patron 明珠贊助人 Pearl Patron HK$10,000 – HK$29,999 HK$5,000 – HK$9,999 HK$3,000 – HK$4,999

無名氏 Anonymous Mr Ian D Boyce 陳鴻遠先生 Mr Chan Hung Yuen Robert 陳求德醫生及夫人 Mr Iain Bruce Mrs K L Chan Dr & Mrs Chan Kow Tak Mrs Anna Chen Dr Chan Man Wai Mr David Chiu 陳健華先生 Mr Chen Chien Hua 周慕華女士 Ms Catherine Mo Wah Chau 高膺伉儷 Mr & Mrs Ko Ying Mr Chu Ming Leong Ms Katherine Cheung 關智健先生及家人 鍾思源醫生 Dr Chung See Yuen 祈大衛教授 Professor David Clarke Dr Justin L. Kwan & Family 馮兆林先生夫人 馮為佳先生及馮霍幸楹女士 李玉芳女士 Ms Doreen Lee Mr & Mrs Fung Shiu Lam Mr Alex Fung & Mrs Hanne Froseth-Fung 梁惠棠醫生 Dr Thomas W T Leung 熊芝華老師 Ms Teresa Hung 何炳佑先生夫人伉儷 羅家驩慈善基金 關家雄醫生及夫人 Mr & Mrs Phyllis & Adolf Ho Lo Kar Foon Foundation Dr & Mrs Kwan Ka Hung 李樹榮博士 Dr Lee Shu Wing Ernest 朗軒創意國際有限公司 梁卓恩先生夫人 林燕女士 Ms Lemon Lim Yin Long Hin Creative International Ltd. Mr & Mrs Cheuk-Yan & Rotina Leung 呂永照先生 Mr Lui Wing Chiu 文本立先生夫人 Ms Liu Ying 羅紫媚 & Joe Joe Mr & Mrs Bernard Man Dr Lo Xina Mr Lo Cheung On, Andrew 黃建安先生 Mr Thomas Wong Kin On 駱余劍清紀念基金 Dr Ingrid Lok Hung 任懿君先生 Mr David Yam Yee Kwan Lok Yu Kim Ching Memorial Fund 麥輝成先生 Mr Mak Fai Shing 葉謀遵博士 Dr M T Geoffrey Yeh Nathaniel Foundation Limited 芥籽園基金 Mustard Seed Foundation 曹延洲醫生 Dr Tsao Yen Chow Oxford Success (Overseas) Ltd Mr Wong Kong Chiu 岑才生先生 Mr Shum Choi Sang 盛平公證行有限公司 蘇展鵬先生 Mr C. P. So Zennon & Pierre Company Limited Miss Ophelia Tam Ms Tsang Kwai Fong 蔡東豪先生 Mr Tony Tsoi 王立怡小姐 Ms Jennifer Wang 黃星華博士 Dr Dominic S W Wong, GBS,OBE,JP Mr Wu Ken


豐銀行慈善基金 The Hongkong Bank Foundation 贊助基金 ENDOWMENT TRUST FUND

贊助基金於一九八三年由以下機構贊助得以成立。 The Endowment Trust Fund was set up in 1983 with these initial sponsors.

香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 豐銀行慈善基金 置地有限公司 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust The Hongkong Bank Foundation The Hongkong Land Group

花旗銀行 怡和有限公司 香港董氏慈善基金會 Citibank, NA Jardine, Matheson & Company Ltd The Tung Foundation


此計劃由「商藝匯萃」發起及組織。 This project is initiated and organised by Business for Art Foundation.

汪穗中先生 捐贈 Donated by Mr Patrick Wang • 艾曼.謝曼明(1907)小提琴.由冒田中知子小姐使用 • Emile Germain (1907) Violin, played by Ms Tomoko Tanaka Mao

張爾惠先生 捐贈 Donated by Mr Lowell Chang • 洛治.希爾(c.1800)小提琴.由王亮先生使用 • Lockey Hill (c.1800) Violin, played by Mr Wang Liang

鍾普洋先生 捐贈 Donated by Mr Po Chung • 多尼.哈達(1991)大提琴.由張明遠先生使用 • Dawne Haddad (1991) Violoncello, played by Mr Cheung Ming-yuen

史葛.羅蘭士先生 捐贈 Donated by Mr Laurence Scofield • 安素度.普基(1910)小提琴.由張希小姐使用 • Ansaldo Poggi (1910) Violin, played by Ms Zhang Xi


香港管弦協會婦女會 捐贈 Donated by The Ladies Committee of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Society 所捐贈之罕有樂器 – Rare instruments donated – • 安域高.洛卡(1902)小提琴.由程立先生使用 • Enrico Rocca (1902) Violin, played by Mr Cheng Li • 桑.巴蒂斯.維爾翁(1866)小提琴由第三副團長 • Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume (1866) Violin, played by Ms Bei Zhu, 朱蓓小姐使用 Third Associate Concertmaster • 約瑟.加里亞奴(1788)小提琴由第二副團長 • Joseph Gagliano (1788) Violin, played by 王思恆先生使用 Mr Wong Sze-hang, Second Associate Concertmaster • 卡洛.安東尼奧.狄斯多尼(1736)小提琴, • Carlo Antonio Testore (1736) Violin, played by Mr Ni Lan 由倪瀾先生使用

為支持「提升樂團樂器素質計劃」而捐贈之其他樂器 – Other instruments donated in support of the “Instrument Upgrade and Enhancement Project” – • 德國轉閥式小號兩支 • Two German Rotary Trumpets • 德國華格納大號乙套 • A set of Wagner Tubas • 翼號乙支 • A Flugelhorn Concert Calendar CSS Ad Tom Lee Ad