Making Space : Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice Throughout the K-12 Curriculum
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AppendicesAppendices Appendices Appendix A: Learning Resources This appendix is provided to help teachers in selecting resources to support the teaching of diversity and social justice in the classroom. The list contains some resources appropriate for teacher use, some for student use, and some for both. It is provided as a starting point only, and is by no means intended to be exhaustive or prescriptive. Note that grade-level designations for these texts are suggestions only, and many can be applied at younger or older grades for different contexts and purposes (e.g., a children’s storybook can be used at the secondary level to examine how value lessons can be presented in a simple way). In addition, a text that is recommended for one subject area can be used in other subjects (e.g., a social studies text can be used as the basis for drama explorations). Texts that are designated as recommended as part of a particular Grade Collection are designated with the following icon: This list does not include any of the resources recommended for Social Justice 12, as any of those resources can be adapted for use in other subjects and grades. Please refer to the Social Justice 12 grade collection for a full listing and description of those recommended resources. Note that Grade Collections are subject to change. Please check the ministry web site for the most current list of recommended learning resources in the Grade Collections for each IRP: Teachers are reminded that any text not included in a ministry grade collection is subject to evaluation and approval through a local, board/authority-approved process. Teachers should use particular caution when selecting novels, poems, plays, and short stories. Because these texts often deal with the experiences of people who have faced various forms of social injustice, they may contain language and images that are difficult to read or hear (e.g., violence and abuse, sexual exploitation, experiences of racism, substance abuse, the residential school experience, criticisms of Christianity and church practices). This caution holds true for many texts that have long been studied in secondary school English classes (e.g., various Shakespeare works, The Lord of the Flies, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Crucible) as well as for more recent works (e.g., The Handmaid’s Tale, Monkey Beach, The Jade Peony). Text Format Gr. Context Recommended for Appleseed, J. print K-7 positive behaviours HCE K-7 You and Me Series at school, home, and in the community Atwood, Margaret print 11-12 our conscious N/A “It Is Dangerous to Read (poem) and unconscious Newspapers” complicity in the truths of the modern world Atwood, Margaret print 11-12 totalitarianism, N/A The Handmaid’s Tale (novel) objectification of women Auden, W.H. print 8-10 racism, the N/A “Refugee Blues” (poem) vulnerability of refugees, the power of the state vs. the powerlessness of the individual Making Space: Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice throughout the K-12 Curriculum 87 Appendix A: Learning Resources (continued) Text Format Gr. Context Recommended for BC Ministry of Attorney General print 4-7 anti-racism, anti- N/A Make a Case Against Racism: A bullying Guide for Teachers of Grades 4-7 available online at initiatives.htm#makeacase Appendices BC Ministry of Education print 11-12 First Nations BCFNS 12 BC First Nations Studies Teacher’s studies—including Guide the legacy of colonialism, rights, available online at http://www. self-government, treaties, justice, htm and moving beyond stereotypes BC Ministry of Education print 10-12 the Holocaust and Civic Canada and the Holocaust Canada’s role in the Studies 11, post-WWII Jewish SS 11 refugee crisis BC Ministry of Education print K-12 stewardship, N/A Environmental Learning and sustainability, Experience: An Interdisciplinary conservation, Guide For Teachers socially responsible and ethical available online at: www.bced. economics welcome.htm BC Ministry of Education print K-12 selection of N/A Evaluating, Selecting, and resources—in Managing Learning Resources: A particular, Guide (Revised) the Social Considerations criteria provide esm_guide.pdf useful guidance for considering diversity issues when selecting resources BC Ministry of Education print K-7 teacher resource; HCE K-7 Focus on Bullying: A Prevention includes activities Program for Elementary School for recognizing, Communities responding to, and preventing bullying behaviour BC Ministry of Education print 8-12 teacher resource; includes activities HCE 8-9, Focus on Harassment and Planning 10 Intimidation: Responding to for recognizing, Bullying in Secondary School responding to, Communities and preventing harassment and intimidation 88 Making Space: Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice throughout the K-12 Curriculum Appendices Appendix A: Learning Resources (continued) Text Format Gr. Context Recommended for BC Ministry of Education print 10-12 human rights, Civic Human Rights in the Asia Pacific war crimes, Studies 11 1931-1945: Social Responsibility international law, and Global Citizenship international relations, redress and reconciliation BC Ministry of Education print 5-6 internment SS 5-6 Internment and Redress: The Story of Japanese- of Japanese-Canadians Canadians BC Ministry of Education print K-10 promoting N/A Shared Learnings: Integrating BC understanding Aboriginal Content K-10 of BC Aboriginal peoples and their cultures, values, pdf beliefs, traditions, history, and languages BC Ministry of Education print, 3-4 First Nations treaty SS 3-4 Shaping the Future: The Treaty video process Process in BC BC Teachers’ Federation print K-12 advice and N/A “Teaching Controversial Issues” (article) suggestions available online at for introducing controversial topics TeachingResources/ClarkePat/ in the classroom TeachingControversialIssues.html Benson, R. et al. multi 1-3 relationships and ELA 1-3 Collections 1, 2, and 3 identity Bowden, R. print 4-6 sustainability SS 5 Food and Farming Brooks, Gwendolyn print 8-10 social roles and N/A “Sadie and Maude” (poem) expectations for women Browning, Robert print 11-12 social roles for N/A “My Last Duchess” (poem) women and men, abuse of power and authority Bunting, Eve and Ronald Himler print K-3 homelessness, N/A Fly Away Home characteristics common to all families Camus, Albert print 11-12 personal N/A “The Guest” (short responsibility, acting story) in ways that benefit self and society Making Space: Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice throughout the K-12 Curriculum 89 Appendix A: Learning Resources (continued) Text Format Gr. Context Recommended for CBC video 10-12 free speech and SS 11 CyberHate censorship on the Internet Choy, Wayson print 11-12 cultural tension, N/A The Jade Peony growing up in a minority culture Appendices Combs, Bobbie print K diversity—general N/A ABC: A Family Alphabet Book Committee for Children multi- 1-5 empathy, problem HCE 1-5 Second Step media solving, anger management Critical Thinking Consortium print 10-12 social/civic action Civic Active Citizenship: Student Action Studies 11 Projects Critical Thinking Consortium print 10-12 rights, action Civic Caring for Young People’s Rights projects Studies 11 Ellis, Deborah print 6-7 living in wartime, N/A Breadwinner trilogy (The (novels) gender and Breadwinner, Parvana’s Journey, family roles, and Mud City) socioeconomics, cultural empathy and understanding Elwin, Rosamund and Michele print K-3 diverse family N/A Paulse structures (same- Asha’s Mums sex parents), anti- homophobia Ergo Entertainment video 6-11 the Holocaust, N/A Paper Clips the power of the individual to make (information about the film and a difference the project is available at www. First Nations Education Steering print K-7 anti-racism, N/A Committee combating Anti-Racism Toolkit Activity Set stereotypes, rights and available online at responsibilities, publications/index.php general diversity education Ford, C. et al. print 1-7 how individuals SS 1-7 I Can Make a Difference can contribute to community well- being 90 Making Space: Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice throughout the K-12 Curriculum Appendices Appendix A: Learning Resources (continued) Text Format Gr. Context Recommended for Gilman, Charlotte Perkins print 11-12 social roles and N/A “The Yellow Wallpaper” (short expectations story) for women and men; power and authority Grewell, Erin print 10-12 poverty, power of N/A Freedom Writer’s Diary education Historica Foundation of Canada video 4-6 contributions of SS 4-6 Historica Minutes individuals to Canadian society and culture Jackson, Shirley print 11-12 unquestioning N/A “The Lottery” (short observance of story) tradition and the status quo, scapegoats, mob violence Jarrell, Randall print 11-12 the power of the N/A “The State” (poem) state, the loss of individuality Jonas, George print 11-12 social roles for N/A “I was Around Six” (poem) women and men, the inevitability of violence Lawson, Judy print 5-6 ethnicity and N/A White Jade Tiger racism (historical treatment of Chinese railroad workers) Lowell, Amy print 11-12 social roles and N/A “Patterns” (poem) expectations for women and men Magic Lantern Communications video, 9-10 anti-racism Planning 10 Racism 4 Reel print Maracle, Lee print 10-12 roles and ELA 11-12 Ravensong (novel) expectations for girls/women; interactions between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal cultures Marlin Motion Pictures video 5-7 the role of the SS 6 A Common Goal United Nations in peace keeping and human rights Making Space: Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice throughout the K-12 Curriculum 91 Appendix A: Learning Resources (continued) Text Format Gr.