Period (1763-1789) Part 3: Constitutional Convention

The Constitutional Convention was held in 1787 in Philadelphia. Fifty-five delegates met to revise, or improve, the nation’s first constitution, the Articles of Confederation. The Articles were so weak, the framers decided to a write a new constitution. The U.S. Constitution created a strong national government, but with limits against the abuse of power. After the convention ended, the states ratified the new constitution.

Problems under the Delegates meet at States ratify the new Articles of Confederation Constitutional constitution. Examples: no president Convention in 1787 and States have too write a new constitution. much power

The most important conflict at the Convention was over Another conflict was over the counting of slaves when representation in the legislative branch (Congress). determining the number of representatives each state received in the House of Representatives.

Virginia Plan New Jersey Plan Northern States Southern States

-large state plan -small state plan -did not want to count -wanted to count -2-house legislature -1-house legislature slaves as part of the slaves as part of the -proportional -equal representation population population representation (population)

Great Compromise 3/5 Compromise

-2-house legislature -three-fifths of all -House of Representatives (proportional slaves would be representation) counted as part of the -Senate – equal representation (2 per population for state) representation

Ratification Terms to Know

Federalists – supported ratification of the Constitution Delegate - representative

Federalist Papers – written by , Alexander Hamilton, Framer - someone who and John Jay is support of ratification helped write the Constitution

Anti-Federalists – opposed ratification of the Constitution, mainly Ratify - to approve or because it did not have a bill of rights accept