CULTURAL ICON A PHENOMENON BEYOND THE PRODUCE AISLE HASS AVOCADO BOARD 2017 ANNUAL REPORT BOARD OF DIRECTORS CLICK ON A PAGE NUMBER TO JUMP TO THE SECTION EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S LETTER CHAIRMAN’S LETTER STRATEGIC PRIORITIES FINANCIAL STATEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS STATEMENT OF NET POSITION STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN NET POSITION STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS 2017 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL 2017 NOTES TO BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES & CHANGES IN NET POSITION - BUDGETS & ACTUAL SCHEDULE OF PROGRAM EXPENDITURES - BUDGETS AND ACTUAL SCHEDULE OF ADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURES - BUDGETS AND ACTUAL SCHEDULE OF TOTAL PAYROLL DISBURSEMENTS REPORT ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING HASS AVOCADO BOARD REPORT ON COMPLIANCE HASS P = PRODUCER I = IMPORTER OFFICERS 2018 AVOCADO BOARD BOARD ROSTER P SCOTT I JORGE P LAURIE I JAVIER BAUWENS HERNANDEZ LUSCHEI MEDINA CHAIRMAN VICE CHAIRMAN TREASURER SECRETARY DIRECTORS ALTERNATES P LAURIE P BEN P SUSAN I JORGE I SERGIO P JEFF P CJ P WILL I VACANT I JOSE ANTONIO LUSCHEI VAN DER KAR PINKERTON HERNANDEZ CHAVEZ DICKINSON SHADE CARLETON GOMEZ P OHANNES P SALVADOR I KEITH P BOB P JIM I PATRICK KARAOGHLANIAN DOMINGUEZ BARNARD SCHAAR SWOBODA LUCY P ELAINE P SCOTT I DEBBIE I JAVIER P VACANT P THOMAS I JOSE ANTONIO I HEATH BANNATYNE BAUWENS WILLMANN MEDINA ESCALANTE CASTRO SHOUP STAFF MEMBERS EMILIANO ESCOBEDO ROBERT RUMPH GINA WIDJAJA DR. NIKKI FORD JOHN MCGUIGAN ALEJANDRO GAVITO NATALIA ARIAS SILVIA STANDKE MARITA GRIMES EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR VICE PRESIDENT OF FINANCE DIRECTOR OF MARKETING DIRECTOR OF NUTRITION DIRECTOR OF CATEGORY DATA AND DIGITAL MARKETING EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT PROGRAM ASSISTANT AND COMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY AFFAIRS RESEARCH MANAGER AND COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER EMILIANO ESCOBEDO EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Even with fewer avocados on grocery shelves in 2017, we still sent more than two billion pounds of Hass avocados to consumers. While we were doing so, the dollars we earned actually rose. Let’s add a little context. Most of us remember when a little more than a decade ago we were enthusiastically celebrating topping one billion pounds of fruit to market for the first time. That milestone has been exceeded in every year since. So in a year with constrained supplies in California and Mexico, and growing demand in Europe and Asia, U.S. consumers are spending more on avocados and doing so in many new ways both at home and in restaurants. An interesting question: how much of our product will end up on toast in 2018? In cafes and restaurants around the world, avocado toast has become a popular and profitable menu staple, perhaps a harbinger of fresh uses to come. In the influential world of social media, avocados led all Instagram post topics with 7,645,622 posts and 730,996 posts for avocado toast as of the end of 2017. Avocados have a number of their own emojis. A leading women’s magazine recommends girls put avocado onto every food they eat at lunch to help them look and feel better. There is now an Avocado mattress, fortunately not made of avocados. While social media drove much of this phenomenon, HAB has not strayed from its mission to support the global avocado industry stakeholders in our collective eorts toward market expansion in the U.S. We continue to do our important nutritional research and share that research with consumers and health professionals. We provide invaluable data to the industry to make better decisions to run their businesses and work to create a collaborative environment for the industry to come together and focus on the task at hand. Not letting the cultural noise around avocados distract us, we have and will remain focused on our vision of making fresh avocados the number one consumed fruit in America, accompanied by well-deserved success for industry stakeholders. Growers expect a rebound this year with a volume of 2.4 billion pounds. We will be ready to deliver it to our customers. Let us oer a toast to that! SCOTT BAUWENS CHAIRMAN This new growing year marks the second in which we are focusing on a strong set of strategic priorities and 5-Year working goals, identified in last year’s annual report. From the obvious need to build demand to the tremendous challenge of sustainability, we have worked hard to make progress against them, as you will see on the following page. HAB and all industry stakeholders can rightly celebrate success. But a primary objective for 2018 is to avoid resting on what we have accomplished. An important part of our work this year will be a continued look at ourselves. How will we improve governance and the board experience? How will we improve accountability in everything we are doing? How will we formalize such things as leadership succession both on board and sta? How will we make committees more eective? We’ll look at ways to attract key stakeholders and industry talent to our ranks to ensure we maintain the hard-won growth and success we have seen. Doing so will enable us to keep up with and ahead of the rapidly changing consumer preferences we saw in the past year. We’ll also look at our collaboration with dierent industry associations in an eort to tackle the multi-level, complex challenge of sustainability, with its many intricate parts that start in the countries of origin, and end with continuing education for American consumers on diet and nutrition. This can only be done with new collaboration. In summary, we will continue what is best, improve what needs to be improved and keep driving toward those long-term goals that have made the Hass Avocado Board so successful since our inception. MISSION BUILD DEMAND HAB exists to support the ANNUAL PER CAPITA CONSUMPTION OF FRESH AVOCADOS WILL BE A. 14 POUNDS OR B. $28 BY 2021 global avocado industry stakeholders in our collective While avocado volume was down in 2017 and pounds per eorts toward market capita consumption declined to 6.6 pounds from 6.9 pounds last year, value was up and per capita consumption expansion in the U.S. increased to $18.50, up from $16.93 the prior year. We expect that the 2018 crop year will show positive growth against our goal both in terms of pounds and value. VISION HAB is the catalyst for fresh avocados being the No. 1 consumed fruit in the U.S. SUPPLY & DEMAND and industry stakeholders GOAL 1 RESEARCH AND OBTAIN INDUSTRY INFORMATION ABOUT being successful. WHERE HASS OR HASS-LIKE AVOCADOS ARE PRODUCED, HOW MUCH AND WHEN. GOAL 2 RESEARCH AND OBTAIN INDUSTRY INFORMATION ABOUT WHERE HASS OR HASS-LIKE AVOCADOS ARE SOLD, HOW MUCH AND WHEN. HAB has found a partner to establish global visibility of avocado production, leading to an understanding of what being produced in key regions that supply the US market. HAB’s proprietary Avocado Volume and Inventory System (AVIS) monitors over 82% of the volume marketed in the United States and 98% of supply. On we have published retail sales and volume reports at the national, regional and market level, covering weekly, STRATEGIC monthly and quarterly time spans. NUTRITION THE GROWING SCIENTIFIC BODY OF EVIDENCE WILL BE RELEVANT, TRANSLATIONAL, & CREDIBLE TO SUPPORT HEALTH BENEFITS ASSOCIATED WITH CONSUMING MORE AVOCADOS. HASS Investing in nutritional research will continue because that PRIORITIES is a critical tool in growing demand by removing barriers to AVOCADO & 5 YEAR consumption. In 2017 we contracted six new studies, bringing BOARD our total number of studies contracted since 2010 to 22. WORKING Of those studies, eight have been published in 2010, two of ANNUALGOALS REPORT them in 2017. QUALITY HAB’S QUALITY RELATED INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THE PROPER HANDLING OF THE FRUIT AFTER ENTRY INTO THE U.S. SUPPLY CHAIN IS USED BY HANDLERS, IMPORTERS, DISTRIBUTORS AND MARKETERS THAT SUPPLY THE U.S. MARKET. COMPANIES THAT MOVE 85% OF THE VOLUME WILL REPORT HAVING THE INFORMATION AVAILABLE AND AMONG THEM 80% WILL REPORT FINDING THE INFORMATION USEFUL. HAB carried out extensive research to understand how our product is handled along the supply chain. Insights from this research will allow us to produce a comprehensive quality manual that will assist the industry to properly handle and manage fresh Hass avocados once it goes to the US market. INDUSTRY ENGAGEMENT INCREASE THE PERCENTAGE OF HASS AVOCADO PRODUCERS AND IMPORTERS IN THE U.S. THAT ARE SUBJECT TO HAB ASSESSMENTS WHO... A. ARE FAMILIAR WITH HAB FROM THE 2017 BENCHMARK OF 64% TO 90% B. KNOW WHAT HAB DOES FROM THE 2017 BASELINE OF 67% TO 90% AND C. WHOSE OVERALL OPINION OF THE WORK THE BOARD DOES IS “SOMEWHAT SATISFIED” OR “VERY SATISFIED” INCREASED FROM 48% TO 75%. HAB undertook a producer/importer survey in 2017 to gain insights into opinions on various topics and also to record statistical information that would be of value in increasing and improving communication. The survey has created benchmarks that can be used to measure future progress against our goals. SUSTAINABILITY A. RESEARCH HOW KEY U.S. CONSUMERS AND HEALTH PROFESSIONALS THINK ABOUT SUSTAINABILITY. B. CHARACTERIZE THE U.S. HASS AVOCADO SUPPLY CHAIN ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL & ECONOMIC IMPACT. C. DEVELOP A STRATEGY FOR POSITIONING AVOCADOS WITHIN SUSTAINABLE DIETS. HAB has recognized the tremendous breadth and scope of the issue of sustainability, extending from the value of avocados from a health and nutrition standpoint to maintaining the economic health of the industry. We recognize that every person in the supply chain has a part to play in understanding what is required to maintain
Volume 34 Ι Issue 12 Ι June 18, 2018 IN THIS ISSUE, YOU’LL FIND: Avocado Decision Support Tools Seminars San Diego Growers Encouraged to Complete Needs Assessment Survey California Avocado Toast Chocolate Bar Available Worldwide California Avocados Enter the Online Meal Store Space Two Celebrated Food Halls Showcasing Culinary Versatility of California Avocados in June Retailers Celebrate May with California Avocados California Avocado Menu Items Showcased at National Restaurant Association Show Market Trends Weather Outlook Calendar For a listing of industry events and dates for the coming year, please visit: CAC Production Research Committee Meeting June 26 June 26 Time: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Location: The Huntington, Danner Conference Room, 1151 Oxford Road, San Marino, CA Avocado Decision Support Tools Seminars The California Avocado Commission is hosting a series of seminars to help growers learn how to access and use the online avocado decision support tools (DST). More information available here. July 10-12 July 10 Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Location: Pala Mesa Resort, 2001 Old Hwy 395, Fallbrook, CA July 11 Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Location: Ventura County Ag Museum, 926 Railroad Ave, Santa Paula, CA July 12 Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Location: San Luis Obispo County Farm Bureau, 4875 Morabito Pl, San Luis Obispo, CA Page 1 of 10 Organic Produce Summit Representatives from retail and buying organizations, organic growers, shippers, processors and distributors will gather at the Organic Produce Summit.
Brand Advocates Key to California Avocado Marketing
- Advertisement - Brand advocates key to California avocado marketing 1 / 3 May 10, 2021 Bloggers, chefs, dietitians and other personalities have become valued communicators for the California avocado marketing program. They work with the California Avocado Commission consumer public relations programs, health and wellness initiatives, social media outreach, website content development and other marketing programs. “Brand advocates are a key part of California Avocado Commission marketing because they are trusted communicators,” said Jan DeLyser, vice president marketing of the commission. “These influencers build awareness of the California avocado season while disseminating brand messaging and creative ideas and recipes that encourage demand.” Registered dietitian Bonnie Taub- Dix. Photos courtesy of the California Avocado Commission For the 2021 season CAC is partnering with six popular bloggers. These influencers are creating 2 / 3 unique recipes showcasing California avocados. For example, in March, Ashley Boyd of Pink Owl kitchen promoted her recipe, Tropical Avocado Smoothie, featuring California avocados and including four fruits plus herbs. Blogger Brandi Crawford gave avocado toast a produce-loving twist using planks of sweet potato as the toast and topping them with mashed California avocados and options for savory additions or fresh berries. The other four bloggers in the program also are building awareness for California avocados throughout the season. With these partners, the commission augments its online consumer reach, communicating that California avocados are in season. Utilizing highly popular social media platforms, like Instagram and Pinterest to showcase the brand advocate recipes using California avocados, CAC’s reaches a larger target audience. CAC’s Living Well Brand Advocates 2021 program features a holistic nutritionist and wellness educator, four registered dietitians and a popular recipe developer.
The Future of the Millennial Generation in the Age of Automation
OGILVY CONSULTING Union of Humans The Future of the Millennial Generation in the Age of Automation Jess Kimball Leslie Chief Futurist 2 Table of Contents (00) Prologue A Look Back & A Look Forward p. 4-23 Reflections (01) Chapter 1 Millennials & the Economy p. 24-73 The Human Union (02) Chapter 2 Millennial Culture p. 74-91 Evolution & Contradiction (03) Chapter 3 Millennials, Advertising, p. 92-107 & Media Drone or Billboard or Both? (04) Chapter 4 In Conclusion p. 108-111 The Adultings Will Be All Right (05) Endnotes Sources p. 112-118 Further Reading 3 4 00 PROLOGUE A Look Back & A Look Forward Reflections 5 PROLOGUE F.01—Inequality: A Huge Issue +6% But now, the very affluent (the 99.999th percentile) see the largest income growth. 5% The poor and middle class used to see the largest income growth. 4% 3% 2% 5th Percentile Income Growth (Over Previous 34 Years) Previous (Over Income Growth 1% 0% 0 10th 20th 30th 40th 50th 60th 70th 80th 90th 100th Lower Income Income Percentile Higher Income Figure 01 1980 Source (Inequality, above): Leonhardt, David. “Our Broken Economy, in One Simple Chart.” New York Times, August 7, 2017. 2014 Source (Upward Mobility, next page): Chetty et al, Science, April 24, 2017. 6 A LOOK BACK & A LOOK FORWARD A Look Back to 2015 The Year We Predicted Inequality Was About to Change Everything Back in 2015, Ogilvy Consulting authored a trend report on Millennials (“States of the American Millennial”)1 that was structured around one overarching insight: inequality would soon become the Millennial generation’s key defining issue.
Marketing Trends and the New New Consumer Our Agenda Today
MARKETING TRENDS AND THE NEW NEW CONSUMER OUR AGENDA TODAY THE NEW CONSUMER Millennials THE NEW NEW CONSUMER Gen Z HOW FOODS GET FAMOUS TODAY PEANUTS HAVE A PROUD PAST PEANUTS HAVE A BRIGHT FUTURE WE HAVE THE BEST JOB IN THE WORLD MILLENNIALS SO FAR SO GOOD The % of Millennials recommending peanuts or peanut butter has increased significantly since 2015 ― and is significantly higher than the rate of recommendations among the General Market. In 2018, peanuts are the preferred nut among Millennials. Millennials have a better impression of and are more likely to recommend peanuts/peanut butter to others (vs. the General Market) in 2018. G E N Z THE GENERATIONS DEFINED SOME QUICK STATS MILLENNIALS GEN Z Population: 73 million Population Size: 66.5 million Age: 23-38 in 2019 Age: 7-22 in 2019 Diversity: 44% multicultural Diversity: 48% multicultural Buying Power: $2.8 trillion Buying Power: $143.2 billion Married/Partnered: 57% Parents: 43% LET’S LOOK AT MILLENNIALS FOOD & FAVORITE BRANDS WHEN IT COMES TO FOOD, MILLENNIALS… SEEK OUT HEALTHY INVENTED INSTAGRAM FOOD PHOTOS EAT OUT MORE FAST. FRESH. FREE. SUMMONING A CAR WITH A PUSH OF A BUTTON GENERATION BINGE TO APPEAL TO MILLENNIALS… BE FAST & EASY GIVE ‘EM WHAT THEY WANT BE A LITTLE IRREVERENT LET’S LOOK AT GEN Z FOOD & FAVORITE BRANDS WHEN IT COMES TO GEN Z AND FOOD… IT’S OKAY TO BE LESS HEALTHY THEY ARE EATING WITH THEIR VALUES THEY WANT PORTABLE PORTIONS Y O U T U B E I S A CONNECTION MARVEL DELIVERS NEW KINDS OF HEROES SNAPCHAT IS CONSTANT CONNECTION TO APPEAL TO GEN Z… THEY VALUE CONNECTION
{Download PDF} Were the Good Kind of Fat : a Cute Avocado Notebook
WERE THE GOOD KIND OF FAT : A CUTE AVOCADO NOTEBOOK PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Alledras Designs | 122 pages | 24 May 2019 | Independently Published | 9781070114804 | English | none Were the Good Kind of Fat : A Cute Avocado Notebook PDF Book Tags: avocado, lawyer, food, cute, love. Maria Marlowe. Tags: del, taco, sign, fresh, avacado, free, sha, virginia, ca, doo, vine, haha, rip, ripvine, funny, popular, bestvine, vines. Tags: avocado, alphabet, cute, food, green. Avocados were believed to be strong aphrodisiacs. Tags: avocado, avacado, avocado, avocado, avocado, avocado, fat, healthy fat, fats, keto, keto life, keto, green, vegetable, fruit, vegetable, fruit, green and brown, avo, low carb, avocado toast, food, food, avocado. Nutrition: calories, 47 g carbohydrates, 13 g protein, 18 g fat. Enter the ever willing avocado, in whom a compound was found that could help offer relief from pain and inflammation of arthritic conditions. They fought so much that Ryan actually asked for another woman to come and run lines with him during breaks, and Nick finally had to hold an intervention. Bryan Adams. Fats will not necessarily cause you to gain weight, even though they yield more calories per gram when compared with the other macronutrients. Craving your favorite childhood snack? Minimalist Baker. Make avocados part of your daily healthy eating plan, but consider downsizing your servings to:. Um, avo-cuatro? Tags: avocado, avocados, cuddle, food, tumblr, rad, lol, aesthetic, funny, killthespare89, cartoon, eat, yummy, delicious. Tags: im with the avocado, im with the avocado funny, avocado, avocado funny, toast, cute avocado, funny avocado, avocado toast, toast avocado, avocado lover, avocado design, avocado art, im with the avocado im with the avocado im with the avocado, im with the avocado , the avocado, avocado im with the avocado, im with the avocado for man, im with the avocado for woman, im with the avocado for kids, im with the avocado cool, avocado avocado, im with the avocado cuisine, i love avocado, i like avocado, avocado, im with the avocado.
Journal of critical Thought and Praxis Iowa state university digital press & School of education ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume 8 Issue 1 Resisting Structures of Violence Article 3 Rallying Over Balloting: The Origins of Millennial Activism Nolan Higdon Follow this and additional works at: This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC- BY-NC). Users may reproduce, disseminate, display, or adapt this article for non-commercial purposes, provided the author is properly cited. See https:/ The Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis is published by the Iowa State University School of Education and Iowa State University Digital Press. View the journal at Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis 2019, Vol. 8, No. 1, 12-29 Rallying Over Balloting: The Origins of Millennial Activism Nolan Higdon California State University, East Bay Abstract Activism by U.S. millennials, such as the March for Our Lives, Occupy, and Black Lives Matter, has reversed a national decline in civic engagement. Much of the scholarship has focused on how, not why, millennials participate in activism. This qualitative study of 121 purposely sampled millennial participants seeks to identify the origins of millennial activism. This study operates from a generational lens. Interviews of each participant from 2015-2017 went through two cycles of coding to reveal five progenitors of millennial activism: Family and Friends, Institutions and Organizations, Encounters with Activism, Media and Popular Culture, and Hate and Harm. The study recommends that educators synthesize the progenitors of millennial activism into effective civic engagement pedagogy.
Environmental Impacts of the U.S.-Mexico Avocado Supply Chain
Environmental impacts of the U.S.-Mexico avocado supply chain by Kimin Cho A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science (Environment and Sustainability) in The University of Michigan 2020 Thesis Committee: Associate Professor Joshua Newell, Chair Dr. Benjamin Goldstein, University of Michigan James E. Crowfoot Collegiate Professor Dorceta Taylor Assistant Professor Jennifer Blesh TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES ii LIST OF APPENDICES iii ABSTRACT iv Introduction 1 Where does your Guacamole come from? The environmental impacts of the U.S-Mexico avocado supply chain 6 1. Introduction 6 2. Materials and Methods 10 2.1. Step 1 - Scope study 10 2.2. Step 2 - Collect data 12 2.3. Step 3 - Construct and verify corporate actor linkages 13 2.4. Step 4 - Evaluate environmental impact (deforestation) 13 3. Results 16 3.1 Supply Chain Reconstruction 16 3.2. Key actors influencing the supply chains 18 3.3 Perceived Environmental Impacts 20 3.4 Estimated Deforestation from Avocado Orchards in Michoacán 22 4. Discussion 25 4.1. Supply chain transparency 25 4.2. Potential MSIs for more sustainable practices in avocado cultivation 27 4.3. Attitudes and governance of supply chain actors 29 5. Conclusions 29 6. Acknowledgements 31 Conclusion 32 APPENDICES 35 BIBLIOGRAPHY 37 i LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Corporate Actor (node) diagram of the avocado supply chain 11 Figure 2. Location and topography of the study area: Michoacán de Ocampo 14 Figure 3. Simplified flow map of the U.S.-Mexico trade logistics. Line width 17 determined by trade volumes Figure 4.
CONTENU CONTRIBUTEURS CONSEIL FINANCIERS 3 D’ADMINISTRATION50 MESSAGE DU ÉQUIPE PRÉSIDENT 5 55 STATISTIQUES 8 CONTACT 56 PROMOTION ET MESURER LE DÉCOUVRABILITÉ 16 SUCCÈS 4 / 20 / 49 PROJETS Q&R FINANCÉS 18 7 / 15 / 17 / 26 / 30 / 44 RAPPORTANNUEL 2 2020 CONTRIBUTEURS FINANCIERS Le Fonds Bell tient à remercier les contributeurs financiers suivants pour leur soutien continu. RAPPORTANNUEL 3 2020 SÉRIES NUMÉRIQUES DE FORMAT COURT LES FLEURISTES MESURER LE SUCCÈS Grâce au soutien financier pour la production et la découvrabilité, la série web de fiction Les Fleuristes a connu un succès international en plus d’être présentée sur deux plateformes de diffusion numérique d’ici : et Écrite et réalisée par : Maxime Pouliot Produite par : Ugo Média - Grand prix du Jury de la meilleure série toutes catégories confondues – Webfest Berlin - Meilleur acteur dans un rôle de soutien pour Said Benyoucef -Melbourne Webfest À l’aube de la retraite, le réputé fleuriste Akmar engage son neveu Walid, apprenti humoriste, afin de trouver un héritier pour reprendre l’entreprise familiale. RAPPORTANNUEL 4 2020 MESSAGE DU PRÉSIDENT La production de contenu indépendant n’a jamais été facile. Du développement à l’achèvement, chaque étape du processus comporte son lot de risques et de défis. Ces étapes sont nombreuses et se suivent rarement de façon linéaire. Au Fonds Bell, nous sommes conscients que votre passion pour raconter des récits remarquables exige persévérance et beaucoup de travail. C’est ce qui a toujours guidé non seulement les divers programmes que nous développons, mais notre organisation dans son ensemble – et cette année l’a prouvé plus que jamais.
Volume 36 Ι Issue 12 Ι June 16, 2020 IN THIS ISSUE, YOU’LL FIND: Growers Encouraged to Complete Survey About COVID-19 in the Workplace CDC and Department of Labor Issue COVID-29 Guidance for Agricultural Workers and Employers COVID-19 Guidance for Seasonal Agriculture Workers and Those Living in Shared Accommodations California Department of Industrial Relations Releases Bi-lingual COVID-19 Videos EPA Releases Temporary Guidance Concerning PPE for Agricultural Pesticide Handlers 2018 Crop Year Statistics for California Now Available New Report Examines Status of Kuroshio Shot Hole Borer in Tijuana River Valley Cover Crop Selection Tool Available Commission Promotes Ninth Annual California Avocado Month in June Artisan Chefs Present Their Versions of the “Next California Avocado Toast” Market Trends Crop Statistics Weather Outlook Calendar For a listing of industry events and dates for the coming year, please visit: Growers Encouraged to Complete Survey About COVID-19 in the Workplace The University of California – Davis’s Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety and the Farm Employers Labor Services (FELS) invite members of the agricultural industry to complete a ten-minute online survey about their experiences addressing COVID-19 in the workplace. The goal of the survey is to learn from industry members’ first-hand experiences in an effort to develop effective strategies and practical solutions to help the agricultural industry cope with COVID-19. The survey is available in English and Spanish and is open for responses until June 30. The survey is anonymous. Survey respondents can voluntarily provide their contact information if they would like to receive resources that are developed as a result of the survey.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Susan Hughes 415-819-6531 [email protected]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Susan Hughes 415-819-6531 [email protected] CALIFORNIA AVOCADOS SATISFY PLANT-FORWARD MENU DEMANDS Irvine, CA (July 22, 2020)—The National Restaurant Association’s What’s Hot 2020 Culinary Forecast*, released earlier this year, included trends that have remained at the forefront on today’s menus, such as healthy bowls, regional American and delivery-friendly menu items. For foodservice operators and their California Avocado-loving customers, this news couldn’t be better: California Avocados are a natural in plant-forward appetizers, salads, sandwiches and entrees. Dishes featuring Fresh California Avocados benefit from their rich nutty flavor, smooth texture, vibrant color and sunny Golden State appeal. California is a virtual golden land of agriculture, producing some of the world’s most delicious foods and featuring a terroir uniquely suited for avocado trees. California’s cuisine reflects the environment with bright, colorful plant-forward dishes that delight and satisfy, like Spicy Carrot, Cucumber and Fresh California Avocado Salad and Farro Burgers with Sliced California Avocados and those that celebrate multiple in-season produce items like The Go FIGure California Avocado Toast. For more plant-forward recipes, visit To help operators maintain the quality chain for dine-in, take-out and delivery service, the California Avocado Commission provides operators with tips and techniques to spec the right ripeness level, understand different cutting techniques and learn three ways to prep avocados for speed of service. ________ * What’s Hot Culinary Forecast 2020, National Restaurant Association About the California Avocado Commission Created in 1978, the California Avocado Commission strives to enhance the premium positioning of California avocados through advertising, promotion and public relations, and engages in related industry activities.