Wanuskewin Heritage Park Annual Report 2017/2018 “We are a better province for organizations like Wanuskewin Heritage Park”

- Nickita Danielle Longman - Writers' Guild Indigenous Group Wanuskewin Board Chair - Candace Wasacase-Lafferty

Another outstanding year for the Park!

I am pleased to report that this year Wanuskewin secured a spot on the tentative list for UNESCO as a future World Heritage Site. We have always known that the vibrancy of Indigenous cultures is something to share with the world. Wanuskewin continues to grow and the ambitious renewal plan is beginning to take shape. Construction has begun and we look forward to continuing to serve the public during this phase.

Highlights for 2017/18 include; Culture Week, Artist in Residence, Ruth Cuthand, a new Gift Shop on Broadway, and Kona Winter Festival. We wish to recognize the ongoing community support from our amazing partners, and donors.

No matter where we go and what is accomplished, we continue to work diligently with Elders and staff to deepen our community roots and to continue to offer an authentic, impactful, and educational experiences for all guests.

Thank you to the staff of Wanuskewin who are our reputation. Our staff continue to be recognized by Tourism , receiving both Employee of the Year and Marketing Campaign of the Year. From being greeted at the door to the dining and interpretative experience, our staff are committed to enhancing the experience to all those who come here. We continue to move forward with an eye on improvement and innovation. CEO - Dana Soonias

Wanuskewin has begun the implementation phase of the Thundering Ahead Campaign in 2017. This has been a decade of planning and discussions with community members and stakeholders that will eventually create several different components in our renewal strategy. For instance, we plan on bringing a small herd of genetically pure plains bison back to graze on the adjacent lands that the City of Saskatoon leased to the Park. Additionally, we intenmd on completing a new playground, amphitheatre modifications, sweat lodge renovations, trail and wayfinding upgrades, a new classroom, large meeting room plus new exhibition and gallery spaces.

The work will begin in 2018/2019 and we hope to complete these renovations and expansions by the summer of 2020. This is an aggressive schedule and we are ambitious in our timeline however we have a great team surrounding us to walk with us in this journey toward renewal.

I want to thank our Elders Council and the many Elders, story keepers and community members who have worked alongside us going back to 2005 and prior with the knowledge and wisdom that is determining our path forward.

In additional, this project would not be possible without our provincial and federal governments and communities support as we strive to achieve UNESCO World Heritage designation. With all of our support thus far, we have been placed on the Tentative List through Parks for UNESCO and now the work begins to complete the application process to the international organization.

Wanuskewin has grown significantly over the last decade in terms of community support and involvement. Our galleries are being recognized at the local, regional and national levels for being a professional art space where indigenous artists are able to show their work and begin to create a portfolio that will impact their careers in a positive manner.

The exhibits we are creating will be like none other in this territory and they will be viewed as contemporary Indigenous pieces of art whether indoors or outdoors. The historic Indigenous languages will be the primary language used in all areas with English subtitles and our interpretive spaces will be educational in various media and experiential learning capacity.

Our goal is to create an environment that will lead the country in Indigenous interpretive and artistic spaces while maintaining our grassroots knowledge and traditional systems. We look forward to the next two years of hard work with the end goal of delivering a voice for our people by our people.

I’m grateful for the opportunity to showcase the traditions and culture of the northern plains people. Sales & Event Coordinator - Amanda Bullin

Last spring started off strong with a consistent tour and meeting room reservation schedule. Tours began in April, with an average of 200 students visitors daily until the end of June. Additionally, the Park saw many self-guided tour groups come through. Staff were consistently busy in both departments, and we saw a lot of repeat bookings and very full days. Tipi Sleepovers were popular this past season as well, especially with the newly built wooden platforms.

Public programming, summer camps, specialty programming, and the first Nutrien Wanuskewin Culture Week filled the summer, with a very special addition of an Archeological Guide who was able to keep the dig site open to tour and talk about all summer Wed - Sun. This added so much to our programming, and definitely was an attraction for new groups and a great addition to the season. School groups visits, outreach programming, puppet show development and bookings, and special requests for visitor services kept staff busy and booked to capacity through most of the fall and winter. There were a lot of repeat bookings which is telling of our quality of programming, staff, and unique experiences sharing the evolving cultures of the Northern Plains indigenous peoples. We also were able to add a part time position of a Tour Booking Coordinator in November which helped tremendously in organizing and streamlining the booking process, helping the winter season run smoothly, filling spring 2018 bookings almost fully by the end of March.

The construction, which began in January, proved challenging. The noise, limited space, and budget were factors in this, however, our guests were very understanding and we appreciate their patience.

For meeting rooms, it has been very consistent again this year with meeting requests every week, annual and repeat bookings coming in, special requests, independent culture camps, weddings, plus an increase in U of S bookings since January. The comments I receive regularly this year are about the great food, wonderful service, access to the land, windows in the rooms, great opportunity to add programming to meetings, and flexibility to be able to smudge and do pipe ceremonies and other cultural practices inside the spaces. There were a lot of offsite and onsite Dancer and Elder requests through the whole year which has been rewarding, and has helped many groups add this cultural component to their bookings. Thank you again to all the staff who have a hand in making every day successful as it is definitely being noticed. Gift Shop Manager – Ashley Reagan The gift shop has seen some incredible growth and opportunity in 2017 into early 2018. We recently opened another satellite gift shop location at 810 Broadway Avenue, an off-shoot of our 2016 pop-up store project on Broadway. Having had such great success offsite with our store during the Christmas season of 2016 it was decided that we wanted to pursue the opportunity further to develop an even larger platform to support Indigenous and local artists by creating more accessibility with a store in the heart of the city. By increasing access to artists and consumers alike we hope to establish a sustainable entity that can support artisans.

Wanuskewin Broadway Gift Shop Grand Opening

Dr Ernie Walker, Minister Ralph Goodale, Wayne Brownlee Director of Programming – Teena Nelson

The Visitor Services department has a strong team that focused on achieving excellence in program delivery and customer service. As a team we worked hard to develop stronger seasonal events such as, Wanuskewin Culture Week, Wanuskewin Workshops and the Wanuskewin Kona Winer Festival which saw numbers increase substantially over the last year presented in partnership with Nutrien.

Wanuskewin Culture Week - Nutrien Wanuskewin Culture Week which was a great success. The visitor services staff worked hard at getting the event ready and carrying out the traditional programming such as bison meat smoking, chokecherry pounding, pemmican making, beaded earring workshops, medicine walk, bannock making, tipi teaching and traditional games. We had many organizations help bring their expert knowledge and skills to the event including FSIN with their digital planetarium and knowledge keepers to teach Star Knowledge. Saskatchewan Archaeological Society (SAS) came and shared their knowledge and skills in their archaeology programming for kids. Last Mountain Lake Wildlife and Bird Sanctuary came to teach animal tracking to the visitors.

Wanuskewin Workshops Wanuskewin's Workshops are a series of classes that teach traditional arts, crafts and skills at an average of $100 dollars a workshop. The Wanuskewin Workshops supported and developed local Indigenous artists, artisans and knowledge keepers and provided the public with the opportunity to learn about First Nations cultural traditions. The workshops included mitt making, moccasin making, quill work, caribou hair tufting, ribbon skirt making, arrowhead making (flint-napping), and birch- bark biting and beaded earring workshop.

Wanuskewin Kona Winter Festival - Nutrien & YXE Winter City Wanuskewin's Kona Winter Festival 2018 had the most significant success with bringing the Saskatoon Community together to celebrate on a cold winter day Indigenous traditional culture and physical activity. This winter festival brought people together when most people were inside staying warm. Many people had the very first chance to learn how to do traditional winter activities that Indigenous people did long ago to survive through the cold winter months. The Northern Communities’ practice this way of life today and many southerners have no opportunity to experience these traditional Winter Festivities. The community celebrated Indigenous Plains Culture through listening, singing, dancing, sharing and having fun through the Cultural and Trapper Style events of animal calling, snaring, trapping, fire building and snow shoeing.

National Indigenous Peoples Day has been growing in size for the past few seasons and we can expect the continued growth of this annual event as a major contribution to community of Saskatoon and area.

We have been very pleased with the continued program development for the 2018-2019 seasons and look forward to all the new program initiatives that are coming with the Campaign!

Kona Festival 2018

Wanuskewin Xmas artisan Sale Construction Begins, February 2018

Opimihaw Valley 2012 Gallery Curator - Felicia Gay

Year in Review 2017-2018 was a robust program year for the Curatorial Department at Wanuskewin Heritage Park. The Indigenous contemporary art galleries completed their third year as a department and in that short period gained national recognition by the arts community as a leader in Indigenous centred museum/gallery practice. Wanuskewin Galleries was successful in attaining operational funding through the Canada Council for the Arts, a historic moment which solidified Wanuskewin’s role in the arts nationally. Felicia Gay, Wanuskewin’s sole staff member continues to provide direction curatorially and administratively and has efficiently organized the content of the galleries as well as established an artist in residence program which will continue annually with short and long term residencies. The residency took place in the fall of 2017 over a one year period. Ruth Cuthand, an established and nationally recognized artist will continue the residency until the fall of 2018 and mid-career and Sobey award nominee Joi Arcand completed a three month residency. Wanuskewin has two art galleries that are dedicated to the Indigenous arts with a focus on Indigenous contemporary art. Throughout the program year a range of exceptional artists exhibited including a number of nationally recognized Indigenous artists. Artists were also invited to present about their work providing artist talks to the public during their receptions. This is the first year the gallery department supported an Indigenous student in the arts with training and transfer of knowledge. A number of partnerships were formed with the community the most important being the University of Saskatchewan, KAG-College Galleries. Through their support two publications for the Wanuskewin Galleries were designed and set to launch the following fiscal year. Canadian Art has also reviewed and featured Jason Baerg’s exhibition in 2018, the galleries continue to promote the visibility and tenacity of Indigenous art featured at Wanuskewin.

Currently we are the only public gallery in the region dedicated to Indigenous contemporary art. Wanuskewin Gallery’s programming worked well to compliment Wanuskewin’s overall programming offered through Visitor Services.

Mission Statement Wanuskewin Galleries ensure that perspectives on the past offered by the interpretive center are complemented by contemporary expressions by Indigenous people.

The Galleries will showcase the work of Indigenous artists whose practices and productions connect to the natural, cultural, and socio-political histories, issues, and future of the Northern Plains. The Galleries are venues for professional artists who are recognized as such by their peers, as well as for curators who focus on Indigenous historical, traditional and contemporary art.

Wanuskewin Galleries will develop, present and promote media, visual and performance art by contemporary and traditional Indigenous artists, framing all programming and exhibitions within Indigenous worldviews.

Exhibition Year in Review: - School Days, Adrian Stimson - Axenet’i Tth’ al, Community of Patunuak, Michele Mackasey and Manuel Chantre. A partnership with Common Weal Community Arts - Eloquence of Women, Sherry Farrell Racette - The Next 150: Visions of Canada’s Future, Kevin McKenzie, Paulette Poitras, Jamie Reynolds, Bill Stevenson, Nadya Kwandibens, Jason ...... Baerg, Larrissa Kitchemonia, Christi Belcourt, Theresa Vander Meer-Chasse; a partnership with Sakewewak Artist Collective - Oskayi Askiy, Jason Baerg - We the North-Contemporary Inuit Art, University of Saskatchewan art collection-various artists - When Raven Became Spider, Sonny Assu, Joi T Arcand, Julianne Beaudin-Herney, Shaun Beyale, Ella Maija Tailfeathers, Jeffery Veregge

The Next 150 School DAZE Director Finance & Administration - Jenaya Chutskoff

Wanuskewin had another busy year resulting in once again reporting a net profit for the year. The Curator managed to secure new operational funding for the Galleries and our provincial funding remained fully intact, which increased net profit over the previous year. We are very fortunate to be aligned with municipal, provincial, and federal organizations that support and encourage Wanuskewin in our vision and mission.

The upcoming year will be busy with construction but operationally we will continue with business as usual. I will be away from my duties for the majority of the year on maternity leave but will be visiting regularly to witness all the amazing developments during that time. I am looking forward to returning next year to see all that has been accomplished and to be a part of the team that sees Wanuskewin across the finish line for the Thundering Ahead Renewal.

Grounds & Maintenance Manager - Iurii Kashuba During the past year we had some upgrades to the facility and the grounds including new front entrance lights and a new septic pump. The trails’ appeal improved a lot due to a few plywood painted figures, which were set along the trails. Also new gravel was added to the park paths. Currently, we are replacing all amphitheatre seating benches. This project was completed in July 2017.

Executive Chef - Kirk Borchardt 2017 was a good year in the food services department. From a financial perspective all cost targets were achieved or surpassed. The new preventative maintenance programs which were implemented in 2016 helped through the year with less equipment down time and less major repairs required.

The menu has again been refined and tweaked through the year to make use of seasonal, local ingredients where ever possible. We have again made use of traditional ingredients such as venison when coming up with our menu for the 2018 season. We have had good feedback from customers in terms of food quality and service both in the restaurant as well as in the catering side and this is seen through our repeat bookings as well as our regular restaurant customers. Product freshness and quality have again improved through proper inventory practices and product rotation.

In 2018 we will continue to work towards producing the best food as well as events to ensure that our customers receive the service that they have come to expect from Wanuskewin Heritage Park.

Development Manager – Tara Janzen

Thundering Ahead, Wanuskewin’s ambitious $40 Million national capital fundraising campaign continues to move forward.

When we began, we set out with a bold plan based on four pillars: - To elevate programming to international standards and become a centre of excellence in the education, interpretation and ...... preservation of Indigenous arts and cultures - To apply to become Saskatchewan’s first UNESCO World Heritage Site - To preserve and protect the unique biodiversity and ecology of Wanuskewin as we transition into an urban park - To return a small herd of Plains bison to their ancestral home on restored prairie grasslands

Wanuskewin’s incredible team of volunteers, led by Felix Thomas, Chair of the First Nations Power Authority and Wayne Brownlee, Chief Financial Officer of Nutrien, continue to press forward toward meeting our goal. We’re nearly there, and look forward to announcing the campaign’s completion in our next report. In the meantime, planning is underway and our amazing team of consultants continues to showcase their talent as we see a community vision take form.

The highlight of the year happened on December 20, 2017 when Wanuskewin was listed to Canada’s Tentative List for World Heritage Sites. This is the first time a location in Saskatchewan has made its way onto the prestigious shortlist, and is the culmination of nearly forty years of archaeological research and commitment. This is a lengthy and competitive process, and we will continue to keep all of our stakeholders updated while we move forward in the preparation of a nomination dossier.

Wanuskewin’s rich cultural heritage continues to be preserved and protected by committed staff, generous donors and passionate volunteers. We often hear from Wanuskewin’s founding team members that this was a place designed for the community, by the community; people working together to do something that matters. This renewal continues that tradition, and we are committed to continuing to learn from, listen to and steward the diverse voices that contribute to this special place.

We offer sincere gratitude to our many supporters but especially donors who make our work possible. Sales & Marketing Manager - Andrew McDonald

Wanuskewin Heritage Park continues to bolster our reputation on a national and international level as a unique and authentic destination for visitors. Our “The Nature of This Place” campaign has entered a new phase of awareness engaging millennials and young families through powerful visuals and a strong sense of authenticity which runs through our entire campaign collateral. This year we have made an unprecedented commitment to marketing excellence through our ad selection, media coverage, as well as to our web and social media strategy.

Our marketing efforts, program development and visitor experiences have garnered Wanuskewin “The 2016 Best Aboriginal Tourism Destination in Canada” from the Tourism Industry Association of Canada. We were able to springboard off of that positive national attention and develop that into greater media coverage and public awareness.

In 2017 the Park was nominated for our Marketing efforts by Tourism Saskatchewan and Chris Standing was awarded “Employee of the Year”. This is the fourth time Wanuskewin has been nominated for Marketing and the second time Chris has been nominated for “Employee of the Year”. The Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce also nominated Wanuskewin for the SABEX “2017 Saskatooning Award”.

Wanuskewin has been named to Canada’s Tentative List for UNESCO World Heritage Status. If successful, Wanuskewin will be the first and only destination in Saskatchewan with this designation. This is incredibly significant to the city, province and country as Wanuskewin continues to educate and raise awareness of Northern Plains Indigenous Cultures.

Stats & Profiles Print Wanuskewin has been featured numerous times in local and regional newspapers and has had recent profile articles in both WestJet Magazine and Canadian Geographic Magazine.

Online Website - 10% increase in traffic over 2016

U.S. Visitation + 8.52% over 2016

Calgary visitation + 45.94% over 2016

Edmonton visitation + 13.23% over 2016

Facebook Likes ‐ increased from 1534 to 3553 in one year

Twitter Followers ‐ increased from 1884 to 2862 in one year

Increased Foot Traffic Visitor Services Sales: + $34,731 as compared to 2016

Walk in Traffic: +1352 as compared to 2016

India’s High Commisionner to Canada & Author of the book “Slumdog Millionaire” Mr. Vikas Swarup Opimihaw Valley 2012 Wanuskewin 2017/2018

Axenet’i Tth’ al

Kona Festival

Kona Festival Really, Really, Really, Antique Roadshow

Opimihaw Valley



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