World Almanac 1886.Pdf
74 JOHN STREET,^ I BOOK PAPER OF ALL GRADES. I I RUSSELL'S CELEBRATED BLOTTING. Special attention invited to our NEWS PAPER FOR WEB PRINTING-PRESSES. We furnish the entire supply of the NEW YORKWORLD,and many other of the leading Newspapers of the United States. PHILA. NEW YORK. BOSTON. AND ALEXANDER BROWN & SONS, I BALTIMORE, ON GREAT BRITAIN AND IRE[-AND, FRANCE, GERMANY, BEL- GI U M, HOLLAND, SWITZERLAND, NORWAY, DENMARK, I SWEDEN, AUSTRALIA and BRITISH WEST IN DIES. I I Issue Commercial and Travellers' Credits I I IW STERLING, I A~ailablein :my part of the world, in FRAHC~for osc, in Na~tinirluci and Ganditlol~pe, and in DOLLARSfor me in this and acljncent countries. Make Telegraphic Transfevs of' Money Between this Country, Europe and British West Bndies. MAKE COLLECTUOR88 OF DRAFTS I 1)rawii abroad on a11 poi~ltsIn United States and Cani~da,arlcl of drafts drawn in the United Btalcs on filrciqo co~~ntriea; and t11c;i.1 ~JON~ONI-IOLSE, 1 Messrs. BROWN, SWIPLEY & GO., I RECEIVE ACCOUNTS OF AMERICAN BANKS, FIRHB RIND INDIVIDUALS, UPON FAVORABLE TERlVIS. - BURR PRINTING tiOLISE /NATIONAL PARK BANK I OF NEW YORK, i I 214 AND 216 BROADWAY. f 1 A general Banking, Collection and Ex- I, change business transacted, and Accounts 1 of Banks and Bankers, Merchants, Corpo- I rations and Manufacturers received on the I most liberal terms. An extensive correspondence, th~ough- 1 out the United States and Canadas, affords I I unusual facilities for making Collections I promptly and cheaply on all accessible I points; and the orders and business of 1 customers receive particular care and atten- 1 1 tion, without charge.
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