Proteomic Biomarkers of Intra-Amniotic Inflammation
0031-3998/07/6103-0318 PEDIATRIC RESEARCH Vol. 61, No. 3, 2007 Copyright © 2007 International Pediatric Research Foundation, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Proteomic Biomarkers of Intra-amniotic Inflammation: Relationship with Funisitis and Early-onset Sepsis in the Premature Neonate CATALIN S. BUHIMSCHI, IRINA A. BUHIMSCHI, SONYA ABDEL-RAZEQ, VICTOR A. ROSENBERG, STEPHEN F. THUNG, GUOMAO ZHAO, ERICA WANG, AND VINEET BHANDARI Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences [C.S.B., I.A.B., S.A.-R., V.A.R., S.F.T., G.Z., E.W.], and Department of Pediatrics [V.B.], Division of Perinatal Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT 06520 ABSTRACT: Our goal was to determine the relationship between 4 vein inflammatory cytokine levels, but not maternal serum val- amniotic fluid (AF) proteomic biomarkers (human neutrophil de- ues, correlate with the presence and severity of the placental fensins 2 and 1, calgranulins C and A) characteristic of intra-amniotic histologic inflammation and umbilical cord vasculitis (7). inflammation, and funisitis and early-onset sepsis in premature neo- Funisitis is characterized by perivascular infiltrates of in- nates. The mass restricted (MR) score was generated from AF flammatory cells and is considered one of the strongest hall- obtained from women in preterm labor (n ϭ 123). The MR score marks of microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity and fetal ranged from 0–4 (none to all biomarkers present). Funisitis was graded histologically and interpreted in relation to the MR scores. inflammatory syndrome (8,9). While there is some debate with Neonates (n ϭ 97) were evaluated for early-onset sepsis.
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