This digital document was prepared for Cascade Historical Society by THE W. E. UPJOHN CENTER IS NOT LIABLE FOR COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT W.E. Upjohn Center for the Study of Geographical Change Department of Geography Western Michigan University 1100 Welborn Hall 269-387-3364
[email protected] News Reporter Mrs. Ellyn BruinsSlot I 655 Laraway Lake Drive Phone 676-1724 Please phone or send your news in as early as possible News Deadline Noon Monday Serving The Forest Hills Area VOLillIE NINE THURSDAY, DFCEMBER 19, 1963 NUi\'IBElt FORTY Christmas Issue Cascade Christian Church Christmas Prograin Grab First Three On Sunday, December 22, at mother of present times, with To Be Published 4 :30 P. m. the bells in the Cas- Kristine Bishop and Steve Guiles .. cade Christian Church will sound portraying her children. Saturdav, Dec. 21 Donkey Needed out across the valley calling the Others are: Debbie Dosenberiy " parishioners to worship. It is the as the Angel ; Molly Blanton as Because the holiday falls on ;~;d;:jo~~~~:.aY. and the children the first Mary; Rob Nurnberger Rangers Are Undefeated Wednesday, the Christma<s issue f or Living Crec he as the first Joseph; Terry Thor of the Suburban Life will be Cascade Christian Church is in The children in the Kindergarten ington, Ted Banta and Ted Dryer Whoosh! That was the 1963-64 feated, take on the Hawk Junior publisbed on Saturday, Decem search of a donkey-to make this Department will put on their trad as shepherds; Terry Dosenberry, edition of the Forest Hills Basket Varsity at 7 p, m.