Spring 05 Vol33 No1.Qxd

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Spring 05 Vol33 No1.Qxd Spring 2005 Spring 33 No.1 Vol. The Challenge of Technology for English Teaching the Learner to Ask for Information Language Teachers* Gerry Abbott Teaching the Syntactic, Semantic and Pragmatic Carol A. Chapelle Dimensions of verbs ...Sandra McKay Iowa State University, Ames, IA The Development of Linguistic Attitudes and Preferences…...Richard R. Day Illinois TESOL was the place where I presented my ESL with Advanced High School Students very first conference paper. That was in the winter Mona Sheraga of 1980—25 years ago. A lot has changed since T-Unit Analysis in Second Language Research: 1980, but of course some things have remained sta- Applications, Problems and Limitations ble: there are many of the same people around Stephen J. Gaies playing an active role in TESOL. But twenty-five Using Objective Methods of Attained Writing years is a long time, and we would expect to find Proficiency to Discriminate among Holistic some significant changes in this period. Evaluations…...Kyle Perkins Grammatical Errors and Communication Then and now Breakdowns Machiko Tomiyana What were the issues of the day in the winter of Re-evaluating Sentence-Combining Practice 1980? If we take a look at the TESOL Quarterly Vivian Zamel that was about to come out that winter, we can see some of them: This comes from the Table of Contents of the March 1980 TESOL Quarterly (volume 14, number 1). Again, we see some familiar names, and the topics seem perfectly reasonable in view of today’s In This Issue issues, but how might these titles look a bit different 1, 7-9 - The Challenge of Technology for English today, 25 years later? Language Teachers 3 - Your Board at Work In the March 2005 issue of TESOL Quarterly, we - Message from the President would not be surprised to see very similar topics, 4 - TESOL Update but they might take on a different twist something 5 - SIG News like this: 8 - From the SIGS 10 - Challenges Met (Convention at Navy Pier, Chicago 2005) Teaching the Learner to Search for Information on 11 - ITBE Annual Convention pictures the Web Teaching the Verbs of Authority, Positionality, and 12 - ITBE Awards Scholarships at Convention Evaluation in NetSpeak 14-15 - Member Snapshot The Development of Linguistic Attitudes and 16-17 - News Bites Preferences through Virtual Encounters 19-22 - Illinois TESOLBE 11th Annual ESL ESL Online with Advanced High School Students Student Writing Contest Winners for 2004 - 2005 Intertextuality Analysis in Second Language 23 - Membership Application Learners’ Email: Applications, Problems and - Professional Planner Limitations (cont on page 7) Illinois TESOLBE Newsletter Spring 2005 1 The newsletter is a publication of Illinois Teachers of English to Speakers of Other LanguagesBilingual Education, a non-profit pro- fessional organization, founded in 1970, which disseminates information, provides a forum, and serves as an advocate for students, educators and administrators in the field. Illinois TESOLBE is an affiliate of TESOL, an international organization. Membership in Illinois TESOLBE is open to all interested individuals. To join, please use the form in this issue of the Newsletter; for further information about membership, call (312) 409-4770 or visit our web site at www.itbe.org. Submission Information Illinois TESOLBE welcomes letters and contributions to the Newsletter. The Newsletter is published four times per year with the following copy deadlines: July 15 October 15 January 15 April 15 Articles and other items for consideration should be submitted as Microsoft Word attachments to email and sent to: news@itbe.org Alternatively, Microsoft Word documents on disk, with hard copy enclosed, can be submitted. (For those without access to comput- ers, hard copy only is acceptable.) Mail to: Irene Brosnahan, Editor ITBE Newsletter Dept. of English, Campus Box 4240 Illinois State University Normal, IL 61790-4240 Citations and references should conform to APA guidelines. The editors reserve the right to modify any material selected for publica- tion to fit the available space, or to improve on clarity and style. Authors will be consulted prior to publication if changes are deemed by the editors to be substantial. The Illinois TESOLBE Newsletter limits the space devoted to advertising. To inquire about placing an ad in the Newsletter, contact Marsha Santelli at (773) 525-3960 or e-mail marsantell@aol.com. Graphics and layout by Kerri Bonds. Printing by Pantagraph Printing, 217 W. Jefferson St. Bloomington, IL 61701 (309) 829-1071 2004-2005 Executive Board Newsletter Staff Madonna Carr Tim Collins President National-Louis University, Chicago University of Illinois at Chicago Editor Irene Brosnahan Jennifer Eick-Magan Illinois State University Fabiola Ehlers-Zavala DePaul University, Chicago Past President Illinois State University Jesus Gonzalez Editorial Carol Kerestes Channing Elementary School, Elgin Assistant Illinois State University Yasmin Ranney First Vice President Jocelyn Graf News Bites Elizabeth Minicz Northeastern Illinois University University of Illinois at Chicago William Rainey Harper College Paul Angelis Karen Hilgeman Palatine Second Vice President Adult Learning Resource Center Southern Illinois University-Carbondale The Ticker Terrie Byrne Matt Huseby Columbia College Alan Seaman McHenry County College, Crystal Lake Past Second Vice President Katerina Vallianatos Wheaton College, Wheaton Ana King Truman College, Chicago University of Illinois at Chicago Margene Peterson Co-Second Vice President Elect Betsy Kubota SIG Chairs Pam Forbes Harold Washington College, Chicago William Rainey Harper College, Palatine Larkin High School Ruth Lambach Antonio Lollino Margaret Gigous Co-Second Vice President Elect College of DuPage Truman College Villa Park School District #45 Christine Park Laurie Martin College of DuPage Vickie Green Executive Secretary/Co-Treasurer Veterans Memorial Middle School Adult Learning Resource Center Maja Teref Roosevelt High School & Truman College Claudia Kupiec Jocelyn Graf Co-Treasurer DePaul University University of Illinois at Chicago Special Interest Group Chairs Barb Linek Irene Brosnahan Illinois Migrant Education Even Pam Forbes Newsletter Editor Start Illinois State University Secondary Education, Larkin High School Marsha Robbins Santelli Margaret Gigous TESOL Liaison Fabiola Ehlers-Zavala Director of Exhibits and Advertising Elementary Education, Villa Park School District #45 Illinois State University Consultant, Chicago Vickie Green Advertising Marsha Robbins Santelli Secondary Education, Veterans Memorial Middle School ITBE Staff Consultant, Chicago Kerri Bonds, Data Management Darcy Christianson, Webmaster Claudia Kupiec Higher Education, DePaul University Graphic Kerri Bonds Designer Illinois State University Members-At-Large Barb Linek Eric Bohman Adult Education, Illinois Migrant Education Even Start National-Louis University, Chicago and William Rainey Harper College, Palatine 2 Illinois TESOLBE Newsletter Spring 2005 Yasmin A. Ranney (y-ranney@neiu.edu) School and Northeastern Illinois University, is 1st Vice President, Illinois TESOLBE running for the office of Second Vice President Northeastern Illinois University Elect. The following four members are running for three slots for the office of Member-At- The ITBE Executive Board met on Saturday, Large: Mary Aquila, Michael Hoag, Kay March 5, 2005 at UIC’s Tutorium in Intensive Maslanka, and Michael Morrison. To all English from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Board mem- Illinois TESOL-BE members, I strongly urge bers present were Paul Angelis, Eric Bohman, you to cast your ballot, postmarked on or before Madonna Carr, Jennifer Eick-Magan, Vickie April 11, 2005. Green, Karen Hilgeman, Matt Huseby, Betsy Kubota, Ruth B. Lambach, Antonio Lollino, At the March 5 meeting, the Board also dis- Laurie Martin, Christine Park, Yasmin Ranney, cussed the possibility of TESOL hosting their Marsha Santelli, and Maja Teref. Minutes from annual convention in Chicago in Spring 2009, the January 21, 2005, board meeting were with the support of Illinois TESOL/BE. approved, new SIG chairs welcomed, and reports of officers heard. ITBE election ballots There will be a full Board Meeting on Saturday, are in the mail and the following candidates are May 21st at Wheaton College, Wheaton, up for election: Kasia Stadnik, Director of the Illinois. Intensive English Program at Illinois State University, is running for the office of First Vice President, and Kay Wade, Evanston High Message From The President Madonna Carr e are coming to the end of another year in I’d like to thank all those who volunteered to make WITBE. It has been my pleasure to serve as this the February ITBE Convention a smooth success. year’s president. We have accomplished a lot this Without the dedication of valuable time from the year; we held a successful Convention, moved more Board and general membership, we could not hold ITBE services online, and welcomed new faces to one of the largest state Conventions in the country. A the Board and organization. Though we made special thanks to this year’s Convention Chair, Paul progress in some areas, ITBE sometimes feels like a Angelis, who calmly navigated the waters at Navy living, breathing creature in constant need of care Pier. Also thanks to the participants and volunteers and feeding. from SIU, who made the long trek to Chicago. I’ve learned a lot as president this year, and I look for- Yasmin Ranney, next year’s president, will continue ward to continuing to work with ITBE in the future. the projects
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