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The New Zealand Gazette 503 1 MARCH THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 503 Plunket Societies: $ Search and Rescue: $ Auroa-Awatuna 100 New Plymouth Yacht Club . 50 Opunake 100 New Plymouth Old Boys Swimming and Surf Inglewood 100 Club . .. .. 250 Urenui 100 Hawera Amateur Swimming Club .. 50 Okaiawa 100 North Taranaki Search and Rescue 250 Waitara 100 Taranaki Volunteer Coastguard .. 150 Eltham 100 Highlands Amateur Swimming Club 50 Rahotu 100 Opunake Surf Life Saving Club .. 250 Stratford .. 100 South Taranaki Search and Rescue .. 150 New Plymouth (8 branches) 800 Bell Block Swimming Club . 30 $1,700 Taranaki Branch Royal Life Saving Society .. 50 Kindergartens: Stratford Amateur Swimming Club 50 Devon.. 50 Fitzroy Surf Life Saving Club . 250 Koromiko-Hawera 50 New Plymouth Tramping Club . 50 Pukekura .. 50 New Zealand Association Radio Transmitters 50 Tawhiti-Hawera 50 Okato Swimming Club . 30 Frankleigh Park .. 50 Waitara Swimming and Surf Club .. 250 Marfell 50 East End Surf Life Saving Club .. 250 Inglewood 50 North Taranaki Water Safety Council 50 Hurdon 50 Ohawe Boat Club . 50 Eltham.. 50 Taranaki Alpine Club . 50 Brooklands Free Kindergarten 50 Eltham Amateur Swimming Club .. 50 Central Kindergarten, Stratford 50 New Plymouth Underwater Club .. 50 $550 Stratford Mountain Club. 50 Playcentres: Kaponga Amateur Swimming Club 30 Inglewood Swimming Club . 50 Opunake 40 New Zealand Alpine Club (Taranaki Section) 50 Mangamingi 40 $2,640 Rahotu .. 40 Lowgarth and District 40 Cultural: Oakura 40 Taranaki Teachers and Judges Society 30 Normanby 40 Manaia Maori Cultural Club .. 20 Waitara 40 New Plymouth Little Theatre 100 Manaia 40 Inglewood National Dancing Committee Tainui-Mokau .. 40 (T.S.B. Scholarships) 30 Awatuna Playcentre 40 New Plymouth Ballet Club 40 $400 Val Deakin Theatre .. 30 Charitable: Hawera Repertory Society . 50 Disabled Citizens Society .. 200 New Plymouth Competitions Society (T.S.B. Stratford I.H.C. 200 Scholarships) . 300 Opunake I.H.C. 100 City of New Plymouth Highland Pipe Band 50 Taranaki Paraplegic and Physical Disabled Braeside Dancing Society. 30 Society . 200 New Plymouth Repertory Society .. 80 Opunake Friendship Service . 50 Auroa Highland Pipe Band .. 30 New Plymouth Hearing Association-Special Eltham Little Theatre 50 Request . 1,000 New Plymouth Community Arts Service New Plymouth Family and Marriage Guidance Society 100 Service . 150 Stratford Theatre Group .. 30 South Taranaki Crippled Children Society .. 200 Hawera Municipal Band . 50 North Taranaki Crippled Children Society .. 300 Taranaki Council of Camera Clubs 50 New Plymouth Council for Social Services .. 150 Stratford District Scottish Society .. 30 N.Z. Riding for Disabled-Hawera 50 Thistle Society of Taranaki (T.S.B. Scholar- South Taranaki Hearing Association 100 ships) . 30 Regional Aged Peoples' Welfare Council 50 Hawera Competitions Festival 50 Adult Reading Assistance .. 50 Taranaki Society of Arts .. 100 Ngahuru Home, Hawera-Furnishings 1,000 Ars Nova Choir .. 50 Taranaki Diabetic Society .. 100 $1,330 Waitara I.H.C... 100 Scout Groups: South Taranaki I.H.C. 300 New Plymouth R.S.A. (Poppy Day) .. 50 West End Cubs and Scouts 50 New Zealand Riding for Disabled Association 1st Hawera 50 -New Plymouth . 50 Spotswood 50 Marire Home Inc.-Stratford (Centennial Normanby 50 Grant) . 5,000 Waimate 50 New Plymouth Maori Womens' Welfare Westown 50 League .. .. .. 40 Welbourn 50 Hawera Branch Family and Marriage Guid- Waitara 50 ance Council . 150 Turuturu-Hawera 50 Salvation Army-Eventide Home .. 1,000 Tawhiti 50 Stratford Budget Advisory Service .. 30 Huatoki 50 New Plymouth Emergency Shelter Trust Board 100 Matapu 50 Birthright . 100 Oakura 50 $10,820 Marfell Scout Group 50 Red Cross Societies: $700 Stratford 100 Guides and Brownies: Hawera 100 Ferndale Brownies 50 Inglewood 100 Huatoki Guides and Brownies 50 Eltham .. 100 Mananui Guides and Brownies 50 Opunake 100 Wairua-Tapu Guides and Brownies 50 $500 New Plymouth Girl Guides Local Associa- 30 St. John Ambulance: tion Stratford 200 Waitara Guides Local Association .. 30 New Plymouth .. 400 Akorangi Guides and Brownies 50 Hawera 200 Inglewood Girl Guides Local Association 30 Okato .. 100 Kaiarahi Guides and Brownies 50 Taranaki Centre .. 100 Te Mara Guides and Brownies 50 Inglewood 200 Pukekura Ranger Guide Unit 50 Opunake St. John Ambulance 200 Opunake Guides and Brownies 50 $1,400 Inglewood Guide and Scout Hall 50 .
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