

• Mine or quarry ? MINING IN • Mining Unitary Operations TECHNOLOGIES AND EXAMPLES • Mines in Portugal • Neves-Corvo Mine (mining method) J OSÉ ANTÓNI O DEAL MEIDA (JA @FCT.UN L.PT) • Sifucel Mine (LOCAL COORD INATOR, BSC, PH D MINI NG EN GINEERING, MSC MIN ERALURG Y AND MIN E PLAN NIN G) • Mine • Other Mines OPENYOURMINE

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Mines and Quarries – what are the differences ? Mining Unitary Operations

Underground unitary operations P UBLIC DOMAIN || Legislation (MINES) Surface tasks • Production drilling (jumbos) Mi neral deposits - any occurrences which by their rarity, high specific value or • Charging and blasting • Comminution (secondary importance in the application in industrial processes due to the substances contained, • Loading and hauling to stock crushing and milling to are presented with special economic value. DL 88/90, of 16/03 areas liberation size)

P R IVATE DOMAIN || Legislation (QUARRIES) • Comminution (primary crushing) • for concentration of (gravity, Mi neral masses - any rocks and other mineral occurrences that do not have the • Transport to surface (conveyor, magnetic, flotation) necessary characteristics to be qualified as mineral deposits DL 270/2001, of 6/10, dumper, mine lift) revised by DL 340/2007, of 12/10

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Mining treatment chain Mining waste rock treatment chain

Excavation - stopes Comminution Separation Excavation – tunnels and Exterior waste rock shafts disposal

– dams and backfill

Interior waste rock Ores Waste rock Waste disposal – rock fill

Saleable Concentrate

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Mines in Portugal

Metallic mines || 3 WORLD CLASS mineral deposits (underground mines)

• Aljustrel (Cu, Zn) • Neves Corvo (Cu, Zn, Pb, Sn, Au, Ag) • Panasqueira (W, Sn, Cu)

Industrial || (open pit mines, Loulé underground) • Clays • , feldspars (pegmatites) • Lithium minerals (for ceramics) • Mineral salt (Loulé mines) Neves Corvo mine

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Neves-CorvoMine Neves Corvo Mine

New mine: first concentrate in 1989 (Bouguer anomaly in 1977)

O w ner: Lundin Mining

O re morphology: massive sulphides and stockwork

7 d eposits: Graça, Corvo, Neves, Zambujal, Lombador, Semblana e Monte Branco

O b ject of exploration (mineral): (chalcopyrite), zinc () and by- products lead (); indium, silver,

https://www.lundinmining.com/site/assets/files/3791/2017- 05-neves-corvo-cp.pdf 9 10

Neves-CorvoMine Neves-CorvoMine

Massive sulphides Stockwork ores

L E APFROG MODELLING EXAMPLE: Zambujalis the smallest mineral deposit of Neves-Corvo mine. Maximum length about 600 m and maximum width 490 m, and average thickness 55 m (from 10 to 100 m).

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Neves-CorvoMine Mining Methods

Access to the mine: one ramp (for people and equipment) and one shaft (ores and B en ch and fill – Cemented & low cement Paste-fill, and uncemented Waste fill (rock waste rock) fill). Length: 20 to 130m; width: 12m; height: 20m: Volume: 31000 m 3 Mi ning method: bench-and-fill and drift-and-fill Constant ores, regular boundaries, large volumes C o ncentration: flotation Dri ft and fill – Cemented Paste-Fill, Cemented Hydraulic Sand fill and uncemented C u t-off: <1% Cu and <3,3% Zn waste Fill (rock fill). C o ncentrates: (1) copper ore with 23%-25% in Cu; (2) zinc ore with 45%-46% in Zn; (3) Different ores, irregular boundaries, thickness lower than 10m. copper/lead ore with 30% of Cu and a minimum of 22% in lead

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Bench & Fill Mining Method – Neves-Corvo Mine Bench & Fill Mining Method – Neves-Corvo Mine 668 Nível 668/648 CORTE AB 648 transversalAB Section Nível 648/628 Exploração ascendenteBench & por Fill níveis mining de desmontes de bancada com 20 628 metros de alturawith 20 m high stopes Nível 628/608 Initial tunnel of 5x5 m and 608 Nível 608/588 CORTE CD enlargement to 12x5 m CORTE CD 588 Zona limite Nível 588/568 Explorada por Drift&Fill 568

Nível 568/548 548 1 PLANTA 2

1 2 CORTE AB Zona explorada por Drift&Fill já cheia transversal 1 Primários Mined out D&F area

1 CORTE AB 2 2 Secundários AB Section transversal CORTE CD longitudinal 1 CD Section 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

Zona limite 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Explorada por DriftD&F&Fill area 5x5 m Primary and secondary stopes mining: 1. Mine first primary stopes and backfill (green) 2. Mine the stopes between the primary stopes with backfill in the sidewalls (blue) 15 16

Bench & Fill Mining Method – Neves-Corvo Mine Bench & Fill Mining Method – Neves-Corvo Mine DISPAROS DE BANCADA – ESQUEMAS DE FURAÇÃO Parallel drilling PLANTA SECÇÃO CAVIDADE ABERTA


2 1 2


Furação vertical de produção de bancada (76 mm)

Furação vertical de bancada de contorno para execução de “smoth blasting” (76 mm)





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Bench & Fill Mining Method – Neves-Corvo Mine Bench & Fill Mining Method – Neves-Corvo Mine Cables & bolts Ring drilling

Bench Drilling 3” Vertical Blast Holes Backfill Backfill

Bench & fill mining method (options for rock with good geomechanical properties) Remote Mucking

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Bench & Fill Mining Method – Neves-Corvo Mine Bench & Fill Mining Method – Neves-Corvo Mine

Bench & Fill stope lower backfill concrete wall

Upper drift backfill door last 2 meters backfilled with hydraulic fill in order to ensure tight fill Upper drift sidewall mesh to decrease dilution

Paste fill with hydraulic fill pipes 21 22

Bench & Fill Mining Method – Neves-Corvo Mine Bench & Fill Mining Method – Neves-Corvo Mine

Phase 8 – Secondary stope Phase 9 – Secondary stope mining with paste fill on the backfill with 1% cemented ORE sidewalls ORE paste Initial tunnel of 5x5 m and enlargement to 12x5 m


563 563


553 553


548 548 5x5 m

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Cut & Fill Mining Method – Neves-Corvo Mine Cut & Fill Mining Method – Neves-Corvo Mine


Section view PAINEL PAINEL

PAINEL Aerial view CV CV

CV 2

2 Falha 2 Falha -15% CM – Chaminé de Minério -15% -15% CV – Chaminé de Ventilação CM CM CM 1 1

Galeria de nível de muro

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Cut & Fill Mining Method – Neves-Corvo Mine Cut & Fill Mining Method – Neves-Corvo Mine

FASE 5 FASE 2 Tecto FASE 3 FASE 4 Tecto Abertura do desmonte seguinte Abertura do desmonte a tecto Enchimento do desmonte a tecto

4 5 5 Tecto 4 3 6 6

3 3 3 3 3 Muro CV Muro Porta de CV CV Enchimento CV CV Muro 2 2 2 CV 2 Falha Falha Falha 2 FASE 7 Falha 2 Falha FASE 6 -15% Abertura e Enchimento dos Realce do acesso e exploração -15% CM – Chaminé de Minério desmontes seguintes – finalização do novo nível -15% do nível CV – Chaminé de Ventilação CM CM CM 7 1 7 1 8 8

Galeria de nível 9 9 de muro CV CV 2 10 Falha Rampa de Acesso Falha

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Cut & Fill Mining Method – Neves-Corvo Mine Cut & Fill Mining Method – Neves-Corvo Mine RAMP FASE 3 – Abertura de galerias longitudinais FASE 4 – Enchimento desses FASE 5 – Abertura e enchimento de no minério até extremidade do painel e abertura desmontes desmontes transversais em retirada 1 0 0 m de desmontes transversais nesse limite 7 5 7 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 3 6 3 5 3 7 7 5


FASE 6 – Desmonte do nível FASE 7 – Realce do acesso para o finalizado e cheio nível superior.

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6 6 3 8 8


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Cut & Fill Mining Method – Neves-Corvo Mine Mineral Processing Plants – Neves-Corvo Mine

Un d erground: primary crushing

Su rface facilities: screening, secondary crushing, grinding, flotation and dewatering tanks

Cut-and-fill Bottom to top mining, level by level, 5 meters high

Primary crushing Grinding (rod mills || ball mills) Flotation cells plant

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Sifucel Mine – Quartz Sand Exploitation

Mi ne size: Medium

O w ner: Parapedra Group

O re morphology: sub-horizontal layer of sands, thickness above 50 m, several hundreds of meters in horizontal development

O b ject of exploration (mineral): quartz for glass and solar panel industry

Sifucel mine

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Sifucel Mine – Quartz Sand Exploitation Sifucel Mine – Quartz Sand Exploitation

Sand + Clay Pipeline Fist mineral Second mineral (Suction dredge) Hydraulic Transport processing plant processing plant of Sands

Trommel Inverse flotation Screen Quartz Sands Trommel Decantation tank Humphrey spirals Attrition cells First quality (< 50 ppm Separation of clays Fe)

Humphrey spirals


Quartz Sands Second quality (150-200 ppm Fe) Attrition cell Hydrocyclone Stock of quartz sands 35 36

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Modal Analysis of Minerals Main Minerals

Quartz || SiO2

Ilmenite || FeTiO3

Rutile || TiO₂

Pyrope || Mg3Al2(SiO4)3

2+ Staurolite || Fe 2Al9O6(SiO4)4(O,OH)2

Schorl || (Na(Mg,Fe,Li,Mn,Al)3Al6(BO3)3 Si6.O 18(OH,F)4 Panasqueira mine

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Panasqueira Mine Panasqueira Mine – Mining Method

O l d mine: the official mining license was dated from May 24, 1896

O w ner: Almonty group since 2016

O re morphology: Sequence of sub-horizontal quartz veins developed in rocks

O b ject of exploration (mineral): (); () and copper Room and pillar, no backfill (chalcopyrite) are by-products of the exploration • Opening of exploration galleries in an orthogonal mesh, leaving between them columns of 11m by 11m.

Mi ning method: room and pillar (without filling) • The 11 by 11m columns are cut in half by a gallery 5m wide, resulting in rectangular pillars with dimensions of 11m by 3m.

M i neral concentration: gravity and magnetic • The rectangular columns of 11m by 3m are cut in half by a new gallery, leaving final pillars with 3m by 3m.

• The 3m by 3m pillars are unstable in the long term, at the end this location are sealed

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Panasqueira Mine – Mineral Processing Panasqueira Mine – Mineral Processing

1) Entrance of the mineral processing plant; 2) cone crusher; 3) shaking tables; 4) screen of 5) Shaking tables processing plant; 6) screening before magnetic separation; 7) high intensity ores and waste rock magnetic separation; 8) concentrate of tungsteen in big bags of 1 ton 41 42

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Other Portuguese mines || industrial minerals Panasqueira Mine waste rock deposit and tailings dam at the top

Mining clay minerals- centre of Portugal http://www.aldeiairmao.pt/ Mining lithium minerals for ceramics - centre of Portugal

Mining of rock salt – Loulé Algarve https://rock-salt-mine-visite-mina-de- sal-gema-de-loule.negocio.site/

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Issues to be addressed during the field trip: Links: https://www.lundinmining.com/operations/neves-corvo/ Mining industry is very complex and unpredictable https://www.911metallurgist.com/equipment/rod-mills/ Underground Mine Works are Complex

How important is the 3D space

High-tech Equipment's

Comminution of Ores and Liberation size

Mine Facilities are Unfriendly – Be always safe

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