Subject: This week's FISO colloquium: "The NASA Deep Space Habitat Project" Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2012 13:46:39 -0600 From: Thronson, Harley A. (GSFC-6600) <
[email protected]> Folks, This week's Future In-Space Operations (FISO) telecon colloquium will host AlVin Drew (JSC), who will speak on "The NASA Deep Space Habitat Project." As always, the colloquium will be at 3pm ET and will use our regular FISO telecon number. The speaker's presentation will be posted on the FISO server at the University of Texas at by noon Wednesday: And please note that we are now audio-recording the colloquia and archiving the recordings with the presentation materials. Have a good week, Harley AlVin Drew
[email protected] AlVin Drew currently serVes as the Deep Space Habitat Project Manager for NASA’s AdVanced Exploration Systems Program. He serVed for 26 years in the US Air Force as a Command Pilot logging more than 4000 hours -- flying combat rescue and special operations missions, and as a test pilot. He was a mission specialist astronaut on two Space Shuttle missions -- STS-118 and STS-133 – to the International Space Station, where he completed two spacewalks. AlVin has Bachelor’s degrees in Physics and Astronautical Engineering from the US Air Force Academy, and a Master’s degree in Aerospace Science from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical UniVersity. Starting in January, he will be the NASA Liaison to the Department of Defense US Strategic Command and US Northern Command (formerly NORAD), and the US Air Force Space Command.