

Mislaini English study program faculty of teacher training and Education University of Pasir Pengaraian 2015

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca pada siswa kelas X SMAN 1 Bonai Darussalam, dengan menggunakan materi cerita dongeng. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penélitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang bertujuan untuk memecahkan masalah pada kemampuan siswa dalam membaca menggunakan bahasa lnggris. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam 2 siklus dimana setiap siklus terdiri dari tahap perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Dalam mendapatkan data, penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data kualitatif didapatkan melalui observasi dan catatan, sedangkan data kuantitatif didapatkan melalui tes siklus 1 dan siklus 2. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penerapan materi cerita dongeng telah sukses, sejak ada peningkatan pada kemampuan membaca siswa. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kemampuan membaca siswa dari rata-rata siklus 1 (60,85) ke (73,50) rata-rata pada siklus 2. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian tersebut, penulis menganjurkan kepada guru untuk menggunakan materi cerita dongeng dalam pengajaran membaca agar siswa lebih termotivasi dalam belajar English Reading narrative Text.

Kata kunci: pemahaman Membaca, teks narrative, fable.

ABSTRACT This research is conducted in order to improve students' Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text By Using Fable at The Grade X SMAN 1 Bonai Darussalam. This research used a Classroom Action Research (CAR) which is conducted to solve the students' problem in English reading. The Classroom Action Research (CAR). The researcher did two cycles in which each cycle consist of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The data were gathered through qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative gained by analyzing the field note, observation sheet and interview. Then quantitative data were obtained from the students' writing score of cycle I and cycle II. The finding of this research indicated that the implementation of Fable media was success full since there is an improvement in students' reading comprehension in narrative text. The finding showed an improvement in students' reading comprehension of narrative text from the average of reading test narrative text in cycle 1 was 60, 85 to 73,50 the average of reading comprehension in cycle 2. Based on the finding mentioned before. The researcher suggests that English teacher could implement Fable material in teaching reading narrative text in order to motivate students in learning English reading in narrative text.

Key word: reading comprehension, Narrative Text, Fable.

INTRODUCTION Reading is one of the skills that the students should learn. To get information from the source, the A. Background of the Problem learners have to be able to read the text effectively and efficiently. The fundamental goal of reading English as a foreign language is taught in all activities is to enable the students to read scientific school in Indonesia. It has been taught in every text. for Indonesian students this is the bridge to Educational Institution Level. In learning English, understanding scientific books they are required to there are four language skills that should be learned read. In 2006 curriculum (School-Based Curriculum) by the students, they are: listening, speaking, reading for SMA level, they are four genres that the second and writing. The students must also learn the year students of senior high school should learn. language component so that they can learn the skills They are procedure, recount, news item and more easily. narrative. Narrative text is one of the text types that Therefore, the researcher is interested in carrying out should be learned by students. Narrative text is a research entitled “Improving students’ reading interesting text and the students can learn from it. comprehension of narrative text by using Fable at the The purpose of narrative text is to entertain, to tell a grade X SMAN 1 Bonai Darussalam.” story or to provide literary experience. However, according to the researcher’s observation, the B. Purpose of the Research students in understanding of the reading English texts This research will be conduct to find out: were quite low and were below the minimum criteria To explain whether Fable could better improve of successful action. This may be caused by various Student’s Reading Comprehension of narrative texts factors, such us: (a) Students had limited vocabulary, at the grade X SMAN 1 Bonai Darussalam. (b) Students’ lack of interest in improving their To explain whether influence the change of students’ reading ability, (c) Lack of learning support, (d) Lack Reading Comprehension of narrative texts by using of language knowledge, (e) Pronunciation Fable at the grade X SMAN 1 Bonai Darussalam. difficulties, (f) Lack of knowledge of words, phrases, paragraphs, and passage or texts, (g) Lack of reading C. Review of the Related Theories application of reading strategies and Lack of reading motivation. 1. The Nature of Reading Comprehension Syafi’i in Utami (2011: 2) says that the Reading comprehension is the act of success of a teaching and learning process is instilled understanding of a text. It is an intentional, active, by several factors either directly or indirectly. At interactive process that occurs before, during and least there are four dominant factors that are involved after a person reads a particular piece of writing. in it, namely teacher, teaching materials, methods of Natalia (2004: 253) define that reading teaching, and learners. It means that there are many comprehension is an important academic skill. It is things that can be done by the teachers of English in the process of simultaneously extracting and order to improve the students’ language ability. constructing meaning through involvement with In teaching reading, the teacher should have written language. the ability to guide students in learning reading. Linse (2005: 71) state that reading Pertaining the statements above, Syah in Utami comprehension is a process of negotiating (2011: 2) states that the ability of the teachers in understanding between the writer and reader. It guiding the students in learning very essential. When means, the reader can feel what the writers think the teachers are ready and proficient in implementing when reading. their roles, the quality of the students will be reached. According to Syatriana (2010: 30), reading process However, sometimes the technique used by the includes three processes: (1) letter and word teacher makes the students inactive, bored and they recognition, (2) comprehension of concepts, and (3) do not participate in teaching and learning process in reaction and assimilation of the new knowledge with the classroom. So, researcher interested in carrying the reader’s past experience. It means, the reader out a research concerning the techniques of teaching must be to know how to analyze in the reading reading Comprehension of Narrative Text by using process. Fable. In this research, the researcher also using of curriculum 2013 in the school because the program 2. The components of Reading. government ask to all element. Reading is one of the four language skills. It is Fable is short animal tale, most often told or skills that need more attention from the students who written with a moral tagged on in the form of a have good interaction with the text in order to get the proverb. Thus to convey a moral is the aim of most meaning from the text. and the tale is the vehicle by which this is In reading comprehension, the students sometimes done, providing both and illustration and compelling get difficulties to comprehend the reading material, argument for the moral. As a specific development in often find themselves confused and disinterested to form and content of the animal tale, the fable is get the meaning and receive the message from a comparatively. Sophisticated and does not originate paragraph in reading materials. To get success in as a folktale, though it may make of folk material, teaching and learning reading the students must be and once composed may be absorbed into a culture able to comprehend the reading materials by and exchanged as traditional oral folklore. mastering the component of reading. Based on the explanation above, the Reading comprehension is a process that researcher hopes that Fable is helpful in teaching involves the orchestration of the readers’ prior reading comprehension of narrative texts and at the knowledge about the world and about language. It same time it will be improve the students’ ability. involves such as predicting, questioning, summarizing, determining meaning of vocabulary in c. Resolution context, monitoring one’s own comprehension, and That problem can be solved. In Narrative text, reflecting. Antoni (2010: p 41) any problems that appear to be no solution, Based on the some explanation above, the can be closed with a happy ending (happy conclusion is reading comprehension of narrative is a ending) or not slightly ended tragically, the reading thinking activity and such relies for its sad (sad ending). success upon the level intelligence of the reader, his d. Re-Orientation (Just for Optional). or her speed thinking, and ability to detect relationships. 3. Linguistic Feature Narrative Text a. Using sentence patterns Simple Past Tense 3. Narrative texts b. Usually begins with the adverb of time Narrative Text is the text that tells (Adverbs of Time). Such as : long time something imaginative or something that is just a ago, once, one, once upon a time. fantasy and the goal is only to entertain the reader.

1. Types of Narrative Text METHODOLOGY Narrative Text has a core story that usually A. Research Design only in the form of the author's imagination or a real The type of this research is Classroom incident that was captured by the author or even a Action Research (CAR). The researcher chooses this combination of both. In various sources Narrative type of research in order to improve learning quality Text can be found in the form: fables (Stories about and revise classroom learning and teaching process to animals behave like humans pictured), fairy stories be better. (The story is fantastic, full of wonders), mysteries, According to wiraatmadja (2007:11-12) science fiction, romance horror stories, legends, stated that “action research practice to help someone historical , personal experience (personal to give resolution in the problem in emergency experiences written), ballads (ballads, which can be a situation and to help get the purpose social education touching story readers, usually in the form of a love with cooperation in frame agreement together.” From story that is not up) the explanation above, it is clear that classroom action research is conducting to improve learning 2. Generic Structure of Narrative Text quality in order to solve the learning problems. On the Narrative Text, its structure is as follows: Teacher, student, and another teacher of the same a. Orientation subject as a collaborator get involve in this research. Namely the introduction of the form: a story Then, the researcher also designed the plan, doing the about what (what is the story about), who the action, and collecting data in order to solve the actors in the story (who is the participant), of the problems. story (where is the place ) and the story Moreover, Arikunto (2008) also stated that a when it happened (when is the time settings ). classroom action research is a research done by a b. Complication or Problem researcher in collaboration with a teacher in their in this paragraph which became the core of classroom of teaching and the purpose is to find a the narrative t ext. Without any problems, this text way for the teacher to have improvement in their is only one form of exposure to events that teaching. Based on the description above, it could be followed with another event. Problems that arise conclude that action research is a process of solving can be distinguished : the teacher’s problems. This is also a productive - Natural research, because teachers are so close to students on Namely the problems that arise because of the a daily basis, their own inquiry from their unique perpetrator stories dealing with the forces of perspectives could make an important contribution to nature. knowledge about teaching learning. - Social Conflict Namely the problems that arise because the A. Instrumentation perpetrators were facing each other. They met The instrument of this action research at the same time with different interests. were as follows: - Psychological Conflict 1. Test Namely the problems that arise when dealing Reading Comprehension used fable is with the perpetrators of the story itself. The base on the indicators in the theory of teaching contradiction between the good and bad, Reading Comprehension by using Fable study between greed and tolerance. before. It had the students at the end of every cycle to measure the student improvement in their Reading Comprehension used fable. Note: The indicators of reading comprehension in There are three indicators which applied narrative texts by using Fable are: during test : 1. Discovering main idea 2. Identifying detail Table 1 3. Understanding vocabulary Indicator of Component Reading Comprehension 4. Summarizing concepts of Narrative Text Indicators www.ritutorial.org 2013 Reading students are able to comprehension discovering main idea of narrative text fable 3. Field Notes The collaborators noted the events that happen students are able to in the field. Many advantages the teacher has the identifying detail fable field Notes. The contents are direct observation, students are able to feeling, supervision, perceptive, reflection and understanding vocabulary hypothesis Wiraatmadja (2007:123) It explained fable something that happens during teaching and students are able to described the student’s behaviors in learning process. summarizing concepts The form of fill note is an empty of paper belong the fable events the activities at the classroom process.

The researcher made oral test and written test to explain the students’ progress in Reading 4. Interview Comprehension of narrative texts by using Fable in The researcher used the interview to collect the data learning process. related to the factors that influenced the students in 2. Observation Reading Comprehension by using Fable. According Observation was diagnoses about the problems found Wiraatmadja (2007:117) interview as the questions to in the field, and then designs the plan to do an action propose like verbal to the others people can give the in order to solve the problems. While the researcher information or explanation about the condition of held the action, the collaborator helped her observe necessary, any three kinds of interview are standard the teaching learning process to collect the data by schedule interview and standard interview not filling in the observation checklist which contains schedule and not standard interview. Besides that, indicators of Reading Comprehension of narrative interview data are used to know about students’ texts used fable. progress after the action.

Table 2 B. Technique of Collecting the Data Observation checklist of Reading Comprehension The technique of collecting the data is an important of narrative texts by using Fable role in conducting a research for the result validity. Indicators The data for this research consists of both No. Students’ quantitative and qualitative. The data was conducted code 1 2 3 4 5 used two kinds instrument, namely: 1. Classroom observation 1 The researcher was used the observation sheet

to observe the students in learning activity. Based on observation sheet, the researcher got percentage of the students the who were active in doing the exercise

in group whether in written test; attention, giving participation in teaching and learning process and understandings of the roles. The students’ scores based on the following criteria: 1 = poor 3 = good 17 2 = enough 4 = very good

2. Test N: Score Maximum In order to get the data for this research, the researcher collected the data by gived pre test to the (Sujijono 2009:43). class before done the treatment and giving post test after done the treatment or at every the end of the According to Arikunto in Etri (2009:6), after cycles. The test consists of some passages where each getting the total mean score, the writer categories it passage contained some question related to the into the following criterions : passage. It is multiple-choice tests that related to the reading text. Students were asked to answer the Table 6 questions based on the reading texts. The test taken Level of students' in narrative Text from the book Fable, journal, English 2013 for Senior No Level of Fable Value Criterion High School for ten years students and from other Mastery Case sources. Fable 1 85-100 A 4 Excellent C. Technique of analyzing the Data 2 70-84 B 3 Good The data was analyzed with quantitative and 3 55-69 C 2 Fair qualitative form. Quantitative data is presented by 4 50-54 D 1 poor numeric and qualitative data,, it means that the data 5 0-49 E 0 Very in the form of verbal report and describe in the Poor graphic form. Based on data above, it is used to determine I. Quantitative data where mistake that students almost do. This scoring The data gained is numeric and analyzed by occurs from pre-cycle up to second cycle. using statistical computation. This data is use to know the average of students mark and student's 2. Qualitative Data mastery learning in order to know their achievement. The data was taken the observation After conducting the test, the researcher gives score checklist, field note, and interview will analyze to the writing test papers of the students. The qualitatively at the end of each cycle. In order to researcher used test to measure the writing recount analyze qualitative data the researcher apply six steps text covering content, organization, vocabulary and offered by Gay and Airasian in Martasuri (2000), as mechanic, and grammar. In giving score of writing follow : test, the researcher processes the result of the students’ tests. According to Weiglein Nurul 1. Data Managing (2011:25), this is the rubric to give score for each The researcher was collected the data had component are, contents, organization, vocabulary been date, and the organize and sequence all field and mechanic and last grammar the lowest score is 1 notes, transcript observer's comments and memo. All and the highest score are 4. the important data were mark and underline, while In this research, the researcher formulate the result to the un need data was crossed out. Thus, in this stage, get the total score in each students' in writing recount the work of the researcher was manage and checks text. The researcher used the following formula: the data during the learning process. Then, the Notes: researcher analyze and interprete them. M : Each students score X : Total of correct answer 2. Reading the note N: Constant Number This stage is the first step in analysis, the aim was to get a sense of the data. In this stage, the (Harahap in Permai 2007) researcher will read the data in order to recall all events and experiences that the researcher represents. After getting the letter grade of the students', Then the researcher wrote the notes and underline the the researcher used descriptive analysis technique important section or issues. Here, the researcher (percentage) to analyze students' writing skill in beginning to searching for or common that recount text, The researcher used the following thought the notes. formula adopt by Sujijono (2009:43). The formula is: P = f - c 100 n 3. Describing Notes: After reading the data and getting issues, the P: Percentage of students researcher describe what going on during the learning F : Average Score process and how is the result of students teaching reading comprehension of narrative text by using After analyzing the data from the test, the fable. researcher concluded that the students’ reading comprehension in all indicators such as discovering 4. Classifying main idea, identifying detail, sequencing event, using In this step, the data will classify in to context, getting facts, drawing conclusions, smaller units. Then the researcher classify the understanding cause and effect, generating and problem faced by the students from observation answering questions, understanding vocabulary, checklist and reading test. She also classify the determining author’s purpose, understanding point of techniques that will be used by the teacher based on view and summarizing concepts was poor. The result the theory from the transcription from observation of each indicator was mostly in poor level. In the checklist. other hand, the media of teaching reading should be improved or changed. Consequently, the researcher 5. Interpreting made plans of activities in the first cycle by applying The aim of this step was to identify the fable in reading class important themes or meaning in the data collection. This step is the answer the following question: What The students’ average score reading is the importance in the data? Why it is important? comprehension cycle 1 What we can learn from? In this research the researcher the researcher identify the result of Fable in improving teaching reading comprehension in indicators of reading narrative text. comprehension At least, all the data which was taken from Disco Summ Identi Underst the observation sheet, filed notes, checklist, Cycle vering arizin No fying anding attendance and interview will analyzed with five 1 main g detail vocabul steps above. The researcher also used the findings to idea conce % ary % write the report to describe the improvement of % pts % students reading comprehension in narrative text by 1. Meet using fable. ing 1 55,3 57,6 55,1 49,3

FINDING AND DISCUSSION 2 Meet A. Description and Analysis of the Data ing 2 This classroom action research was 62,6 59,7 57,5 56,8 conducted at the grade X SMAN 1 Bonai Darussalam. The number of students was 14. The research was done in two cycles used fable to 3 Meet ing 3 improve the students’ reading comprehension in narrative text. Each cycle consisted of four meetings 66,8 65,7 57,9 60,8 with the test included and each meeting had 2 x 45 minutes. Each cycle of this research consisted of four 4 Test 70,0 71,3 61,5 65,6 phases; planning, action, observation and reflection. of Before carrying out the first cycle of this cycle research, at the beginning researcher and the 1 collaborator gave reading test to students to know the 5 aver 63,7 63,6 58,0 58,1 based score as the pre-test. From the pre-test given, age with the topic about “the prince and his best friend” score the researcher found the students based score in reading comprehension in narrative text. It was found that the percentage of each indicator or components of reading comprehension in narrative text were 53, 6% for discovering main idea. Then, in identifying detail was 52,1%. Understanding vocabulary was 50, 4%. Finally, summarizing concepts was 38,9%. The students’ average score reading comprehension in cycle 1 This chapter presents information about the conclusion, implication and suggestion from the The Students’ Average Score in Reading Comprehension Test in Cycle 2 researcher and the data analysis discussed in 80 Discovering theprevious chapter. These conclusion and suggestion 60 Indicators of reading comprehensionmain in narrative idea text hopefully will give more advantages for the reader, Discovering Identifying Understanding No Cycle 2 Summarizing 40 main idea Detail Vocabulary especially for English teacher, students and Identifyingconcepts % 20 % % % researcher. detail 1 0Meeting 1 71,5 72,4 67,6 66,1 2 Meeting 2 72,8 73,1 69,4Understandin 67,5 A. Conclusion 3 Meeting 3 73,6 80,6 74,9 72,6 Test of g vocabulary 4 77,4 84,6 74,9 74,6 Cycle 2 Summarizing Having completed analyzing the data Average calculation of the research about Fable in improving 5 73,8 77,7 72,3concepts 70,2 Score reading comprehension of the grade X SMAN I

Bonai Darussalam , the researcher concludes that

implementation of fable can improve students’ The Students’ Average Score in Reading reading comprehension of narrative text. The Comprehension Test in Cycle 2 improvement could be seen from the quantitative

study; the result 7 meetings, interview result and Indicators of reading comprehension qualitative study; test, observation sheet, and in narrative text interview. Disco Identi Underst N Cycle Summ vering fying anding o 2 arizing B. Implication main Detai Vocabul concep The implications of this research could be idea l ary ts % stated as follows; Fable gives more change to the % % % students to read in the class room through write on Meeti 1 71,5 72,4 67,6 66,1 the reading test. By exercising the activities ng 1 mentioned above, they can develop their reading Meeti 2 72,8 73,1 69,4 67,5 comprehension. The, Fable could be applied to ng 2 improve students’ reading comprehension on Meeti 3 73,6 80,6 74,9 72,6 English class which emphasizes on the skill to read ng 3 whether at the adult level or senior high school Test students. of 4 77,4 84,6 74,9 74,6 Cycle C. Suggestion 2 Based on the conclusion and implication Avera stated above, the researcher, students and everyone 5 ge 73,8 77,7 72,3 70,2 involved in educational institution con consider the Score following suggestion in order to progress the quality of teaching and learning. Especially, it can be applied The Students’ Average Score in Reading in the reading class. the suggestions given are as follows: Comprehension Test in Cycle 2 1. It is better for the researcher to use the English in teaching learning process.

100 2. It is suggested for English teacher as 80 Discovering especially for senior high school teacher to 60 40 main idea be creative in finding, selecting and using 20 Fable for young learner. Identifying 0 3. It is suggested for the next researcher to … Detail study other aspect of Fable to improve Understandin English teaching especially at senior high Test of Test g Vocabulary school.

Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Meeting 3 Meeting

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