Victor Rojas, Well Named " the Provi- Station and Even Humbler Race
THE LIFEBOAT. The Journal of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution. VOL. XXV.—No. 279.] JUNE, 1923. [P»iCE 6d. Annual Meeting. THE Ninety-ninth Annual General Navy League, Captain John Nicholson, Meeting of THE ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE- R.D., R.N.R. (representing the Mer- BOAT INSTITUTION was held at the cantile Marine Association), the Secre- Moli&n Hall, New Bond Street, S.W. 1, tary of the Marine Engineers' Associa- on Tuesday, 17th April, 1923, at 3 p. m., tion, Commander Thomas Holmes, R.N. Admiral of the Fleet, the Earl Beatty, (late Chief Inspector of Life-boats), G.C.B., O.M. (First Sea Lord), in the Mr. George F. Shee, M.A. (Secretary of Chair. Among those present were :— the Institution), Captain Howard, F. J. The Earl Waldegrave, P.O. (Chairman Rowley, C.B.E., R.N. (Chief Inspector of the Committee of Management), the of Life-boats), and Mr. Rowland Berkeley Earl of Albemarle, K.C.V.O., C.B., (Deputy Secretary). A.D.C., Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt. (Deputy The CHAIRMAN : My Lords, ladies and Chairman of the Committee of Manage- gentlemen, it is a very great pleasure for me ment), Sir Ernest Glover, Bt. (President to take the Chair on this occasion of the of the Chamber of Shipping of the Annual General Meeting, more especially as it has to do with a branch of the great sea United Kingdom), the Rev. F. W. Town- service upon which the Empire depends, and shend, Miss Margaret Bondfield, J.P. of which I represent one portion.
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