Ecole Longan Elementary School 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, Missouri 64109

Prepared for

Department of City Planning and Development City of Kansas City Kansas City, Missouri

December 31, 2010

Prepared By:

Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. 600 E. 8th Street, Suite B. Kansas City, Missouri 64106


Ecole Longan Elementary School 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, Missouri 64109

Prepared for

Department of City Planning and Development City of Kansas City Kansas City, Missouri

December 31, 2010

Prepared By:

Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. 600 E. 8th Street, Suite B. Kansas City, Missouri 64106


















This Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) was conducted by Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. (Family Environmental) and Expert Environmental Consulting, Inc. (Expert), at the direction of the City of Kansas City, Missouri (City), in accordance with the Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process, American Society of Testing Materials Designation: E 1527-05; and the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) All Appropriate Inquiry (AAI) Regulation (40 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) Part 312) for the property located at 3421 Cherry St., in Kansas City, Missouri (Ecole Longan Elementary School). The purpose of this Phase I ESA is to identify whether recognized environmental conditions (REC) are present on the subject property or surrounding properties.

Ecole Longan Elementary School (subject property) is currently developed with one structure; an adjoining parking lot; and a playground area. The building is an unoccupied, two-story, brick and stucco, elementary school; it has reportedly always been utilized as a school. This property is currently owned by the Kansas City Missouri School District.

Mr. Michael Dustman and Mr. Pat Engles of Family Environmental; and Mr. Keith Slider, of Expert conducted a comprehensive site reconnaissance visit of the subject property, on September 21, 2010. Additionally, federal, state, regional, and local records were reviewed to assess whether the property or properties in the vicinity have undergone significant releases of hazardous substances or other events with potentially adverse environmental effects.

The subject property was not listed on any of the databases searched. However, quantities of industrial grade cleaning supplies, latex paints, mercury-containing light bulbs and other supplies incidental to day to day school operations (i.e. ink toners, computers and other appliances, water paints, glues, etc.) were observed throughout the subject property. These materials pose de minimus environmental concern. No evidence of spills, staining, or leakage from hazardous materials were observed on the subject property. A vent port was observed on the roof of the school building attached to a chimney. This is an indication of a possible UST, which may ultimately be located on the site. Based on the findings of this Phase I ESA, Family Environmental is recommending further investigation to determine the location, size, and contents of a potential UST on the subject property. If a UST is located, subsurface soil samples should be collected up-gradient and down-gradient of the UST’s location to determine if a release has occurred.

1 Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. Ecole Longan Elementary School 600 East 8th Street, Suite B 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, Missouri, 64106 Kansas City, Missouri 64109


Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. (Family Environmental) was tasked by the City of Kansas City, Missouri (City), to conduct a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) at the Ecole Longan Elementary School (subject property), located at 3421 Cherry St., in Kansas City, Missouri; Family Environmental subcontracted the performance of the Phase I ESA activities to Expert Environmental Consulting, Inc. (Expert). Field reconnaissance activities were conducted on September 21, 2010 by Mr. Michael Dustman and Mr. Pat Engles of Family Environmental; and Mr. Keith Slider, of Expert.

The Phase I ESA was conducted in accordance with the American Society of Testing Materials Standards E 1527-05, entitled: Standard Practices for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process; and in conformance with, the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) All Appropriate Inquiry (AAI) regulation (40 CFR Part 312).

The subject property is currently developed with one building structure; an adjoining parking lot; and one playground area. The building is an unoccupied, two-story elementary school; it has reportedly always been utilized as a school. This property is currently owned by the Kansas City School District.


The purpose of this Phase I ESA is to identify whether recognized environmental conditions (REC) are present on the subject property. RECs are the presence or likelihood of environmental concerns being present at the subject property, and may include any hazardous substances, or petroleum products on a property under conditions that indicate an existing release, a past release, or a material threat of release of any hazardous substances or petroleum products into structures on the property or into the ground, groundwater, or surface water of the subject property. The term REC includes: hazardous substances or petroleum products that are also under conditions that are in compliance with current laws. This term, REC, is not intended to include de minimis conditions that generally do not present a material risk of harm to public health or the environment and that generally would not be the subject of an enforcement action if brought to the attention of appropriate governmental agencies (Section 1.1.1 E–1527-05, American Society for Testing and Materials [ASTM] 2005).

2 Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. Ecole Longan Elementary School 600 East 8th Street, Suite B 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, Missouri, 64106 Kansas City, Missouri 64109

This Phase I ESA is in conformance with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA): that is, the practices that constitute “all appropriate inquiry into the previous ownership and uses of the property consistent with good customary practice,” as defined in 42 CFR Section 9601 (35)(B).


The scope of work (SOW), as defined by ASTM E 1527-05, entitled: Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process, is to identify whether RECs are present on the subject property. Phase I ESAs typically proceed in a four-phase process: (1) records review; (2) site reconnaissance; (3) interviews with current owners, occupants of the property, and local government agencies; and; (4) preparation of a report.

Any items listed in the ASTM method not expressly identified as present in the report can be assumed not present within the proposed subject property or within such distance to the proposed subject property as to be of potential concern to the proposed subject property. Additionally, any item mentioned but not identified as an REC can be assumed not an REC for the proposed subject property.

Deviations from ASTM 1527-05 are described in Section 10. Report limitations are described in Section 11. Additionally, the resumes of the environmental assessors preparing this report are located in Appendix A.


This Phase I ESA was conducted by Family Environmental and Expert. The Kansas City Missouri School District’s representative, Teresa Pacheco, accompanied the reconnaissance team on the site reconnaissance activities.

3 Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. Ecole Longan Elementary School 600 East 8th Street, Suite B 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, Missouri, 64106 Kansas City, Missouri 64109



The subject property is currently developed with one building structure, an adjoining parking lot and one playground area. The building is an unoccupied two-story elementary school and has reportedly always been utilized as a school. This property is currently owned by the Kansas City School District.


The subject property is depicted on the Kansas City Quadrangle, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), 7.5- minute topographic series (1996) (see Appendix D). The subject property is located in the northwest quarter section of Section 17, Township 49 North, and Range 33 West. The approximate coordinates of the subject property are: 39° 3’ 51.8” north latitude and 94° 34’ 41.2” west longitude. Based on the most recent topographic map reviewed, the subject property is approximately 952 feet, above mean sea level. The topographic gradient of the property is generally southwest. Topographic maps are located in Appendix D.

2.2.1 Geologic Setting

The subject property is located in Jackson County, Missouri. According to a USDA Jackson County, Missouri Soil Survey excerpt, the soils featured at the subject property represent the Urban land-Harvester complex. (A complex of soils primarily consists of two or more soils or miscellaneous areas of soil that are observed in such an intricate pattern that they cannot be considered separately). However, it is observed that the soils at the site are described as: interfluves, and hilly slopes, with silty loam, silty clay loam, and clay loam soils. Soil information can be located in Appendix I. Generally, depth to bedrock in this area is approximately 30 feet below ground surface. No readily available depth to water table information for the subject property was available at the time of this report.

2.2.2 Hydrology

The majority of surface water surrounding the subject property drains to the southwest into the city combined municipal storm water/sewer system. The annual mean precipitation is estimated at 37 to 47 inches. No groundwater gradient information was readily available for the subject property at the time of this report.

4 Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. Ecole Longan Elementary School 600 East 8th Street, Suite B 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, Missouri, 64106 Kansas City, Missouri 64109



Federal, state, regional, and local records were reviewed to assess whether the property or properties in the vicinity have undergone significant releases of hazardous substances or other events with potentially adverse environmental effects. EDR performed a database search of the property in accordance with current ASTM standards. A copy of this report is included in Appendix B.

The databases searched have been developed and are updated by federal, state, and local agencies and not Family Environmental or Expert; and therefore should not be considered a “stand-alone document”. While these databases generally are reliable and comprehensive, cases do occur in which data are out of date and no longer reflect actual property conditions. The information reflected in each report is based on data that was immediately, electronically retrievable (or reasonably ascertainable) at the time the subject property was targeted and evaluated by EDR.

Family Environmental conducted a review of the sites listed within the EDR Radius Map with GeoCheck© (EDR 2010a) within a quarter mile of the subject property to identify potential RECs. Results of the review are as follows:

• The subject property was listed on in the Federal Index System (FINDS) database. This database was created by EPA in 1990 to monitor facilities regulated by EPA. The FINDS registry Identification number listed for the subject property is 110036930444. This database lists the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) as the agency responsible for the subject property. This listing does pose an REC to the subject property.

• One, RCRA small quantity generator is located less than one quarter of a mile northeast of the subject property:

1. G&R Body Shop, Inc., located at 3244 Holmes Street, Kansas City, Missouri is located less than one quarter of a mile northeast of the subject property and is up- gradient to the subject property. No violations were reportedly found in EDR databases. Based on the no violations found status and topographic gradient of this site to the subject property, this site does not pose and REC to the subject property.

• Two, Underground Storage Tanks (UST), sites are located one quarter of a mile from the subject property.

5 Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. Ecole Longan Elementary School 600 East 8th Street, Suite B 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, Missouri, 64106 Kansas City, Missouri 64109

1. Luzier Personalized Cosmetics, located at 3216 Gillham Plaza, Kansas City, Missouri, located one quarter of a mile northwest of the subject property and up gradient to the subject property, is listed in the UST database. The 300 gallon UST was reportedly used to store kerosene. (Construction-type of the UST was not available). This UST was reportedly closed in place on June 30, 1995. This site does not pose an REC to the subject property because this site has been closed in place.

2. Vacant lot 1-3, located at 400 East 33rd Street, Kansas City, Missouri, is located less one quarter of a mile northwest of the subject property and is up-gradient to the subject property, is listed in the UST database. Size and construction information of the UST was not available. However, the tank was reportedly removed August 4, 1995. The site was officially closed by MDNR on September 22, 1995. This site does not pose an REC to the subject property.

• Eleven Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST) sites are located within one half of a mile radius of the subject property, of those eleven LUST sites, five are considered RECs because of their up-gradient location to the subject property; their status as LUST sites; and problematic closures of each site. Specific details of each site are as follows:

1. Jiffy Lube, located at 3201 Gillham Plaza, Kansas City, Missouri, is located within one half of a mile radius of the subject property and is up-gradient to the subject property, is the subject of a removal action, which was completed April, 14, 2009. It is reported that soil and groundwater were impacted. The size and construction of the LUST was not provided. Additionally, the quantity of soil and groundwater impacted was not reported. The site was administratively closed; however, a No Further Action letter was not reported. Due to the removal action status and topographic gradient to the subject property, this site does not pose an REC to the subject property.

2. Inner City Oil, located at 615 E. Linwood Blvd., located within one half of a mile radius of the subject property, is up-gradient to the subject property. This site is the subject of a removal action, which has not been completed (administratively closed). It is reported that soil and groundwater were impacted. The size and construction of the LUST was not provided. Additionally, the quantity of soil and groundwater impacted was not reported. This site is currently still in the removal action process. Based on distance and topographic gradient to the subject property, this site does not pose an REC to the subject property.

3. 7-Eleven Store No. 21057, located at 3150 Gillham Rd., is located within one half of a mile radius up gradient to the subject property. The site is the subject of a removal action, which has not been completed (administratively closed). However, the UST has been closed in place. It is reported that soil and groundwater were impacted. The size and construction of the LUST was not provided. Additionally, the quantity of soil and groundwater impacted was not reported. The site was administratively closed and a No Further Action letter was not reported. Based on distance and topographic gradient to the subject property, this site does not pose and REC to the subject property.

6 Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. Ecole Longan Elementary School 600 East 8th Street, Suite B 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, Missouri, 64106 Kansas City, Missouri 64109

4. Former Fairmont Dairy, located at 3110 Gillham Rd., located within one half of a mile radius up-gradient of the subject property. This site is the subject of a removal action, which has been completed. The UST has been removed. It is reported that soil was impacted. The size and construction of the LUST was not provided. Additionally, the quantity of soil impacted was not reported. The site was administratively closed and a No Further Action letter was issued by MDNR on June 229, 2007. This site does not pose an REC to the subject property based on a completed removal action.

5. Vacant lot 1-3, located at 400 East 33rd Street, Kansas City, Missouri, located less than one quarter of a mile northwest of the subject property is up-gradient to the subject property. Size and construction of the LUST was not available. However, the tank was reportedly removed August 4, 1995. The site was administratively closed by MDNR, on September 22, 1995. Based on the removal of that tank and the administratively closed status, this site does not pose an REC to the subject property.

The remaining six sites are not believed to be RECs to the subject property based on the distance between each site in relation to the subject property. They are as follows:

6. Miscellaneous Apartment Building, located at 3259 Warwick Blvd, Kansas City, Missouri;

7. 101 Car Wash, located at 3537 Main, Kansas City, Missouri;

8. Panhandle East Pipeline, located 3444 S. Broadway, Kansas City, Missouri;

9. Former UST site (Rudy Langer Property) located at 3626 Main St, Kansas City, Missouri;

10. Total #4404, located at 17 East Linwood Boulevard, Kansas City, Missouri; and

11. Amoco Oil SS #5219, located at 3215 Main Street, Kansas City, Missouri.

• Two Brownfield sites are located within one half of a mile radius of the subject property and are as follows:

1. The property located at 3701 Troost Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri is listed in the US Brownfield database and located within one half of a mile radius of the subject property. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is listed as the recipient of an Assessment Grant for this property. The Assessment funding entity is US EPA – Brownfields Assessment Cooperative Agreement. The source of the funding is being applied to a Phase II ESA. The current owners are listed as Henry and Bertha Grandison. No further information was available in the US Brownfield database for the subject property. The site does not pose a REC to the subject property based on distance, location to the subject property.

2. The property located at 3715 Troost Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri is listed in the US Brownfield database and located within one half of a mile radius of the subject

7 Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. Ecole Longan Elementary School 600 East 8th Street, Suite B 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, Missouri, 64106 Kansas City, Missouri 64109

property. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is listed as the recipient of an Assessment Grant for this property. The Assessment funding entity is US EPA – Brownfields Assessment Cooperative Agreement. The source of the funding is being applied to a Phase II ESA. The current owner is listed as Henry Grandison. No further information was available in the US Brownfield database for the subject property. The site does not pose a REC to the subject property based on distance, location to the subject property.

• Two Drycleaners were listed within one-eighth of a mile to the subject property.

1. R & N Midtown Cleaners, located at 3315 Gilliam Plaza, less than one-eighth to one- quarter of a mile northwest of the subject property, is listed in the Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) NonGen and FINDS databases. This drycleaner is listed as presently not producing hazardous waste. This dry-cleaning facility historically was classified as a small quantity generator (SQG). The status of the historical SQG is no violations found. Based on the no violations found status and that this drycleaner is not producing hazardous waste, this property does not pose an REC to the subject property

2. 1st Choice Cleaners, located at 3315 Gilliam Plaza, less than one eighth to one quarter of a mile northwest of the subject property, is listed in the Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) NonGen and FINDS databases. This drycleaner is listed as presently not producing hazardous waste. This dry-cleaning facility historically was classified as a small quantity generator (SQG). The status of the historical SQG is no violations found. Based on the no violations found status and that this drycleaner is not producing hazardous waste, this property does not pose an REC to the subject property


Historical data about the subject property and surrounding area was gathered to determine past uses and potential RECs impacting the subject property. The following sections describe aerial photographs, topographic maps, city directories, and any previous reports available for the subject property.

3.2.1 Aerial Photographs

The EDR Aerial Photo Decade Package (EDR 2010b) returned twelve historic aerial photographs of the subject property and surrounding properties. See Appendix C for all historic aerial photographs.

EDR conducted a search of aerial photographs for the subject property. EDR returned aerial photographs for the years 1948, 1952, 1957, 1969, 1975, 1979, 1983, 1986, 1991, 1996, 2005, and 2006. The current structure appears in every year mentioned above. No RECs were observed during the aerial photograph review. Appendix C provides a depiction of each aerial photograph. A brief description of each aerial photograph is provided below:

8 Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. Ecole Longan Elementary School 600 East 8th Street, Suite B 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, Missouri, 64106 Kansas City, Missouri 64109

Aerial Photograph Year(s) Description

The subject property is located in the urban core of the city with mixed- use properties (residential/commercial properties) in the surrounding 1948, 1952 and 1957 community. The subject property is immediately surrounded by trees and apparent undeveloped land. The subject property is located in the urban core of the city with mixed- use properties (residential/commercial properties) in the surrounding community. An increase in residential development and construction is 1969, 1975 and 1979 observable along the west and east sides of the subject property. No other significant changes were observed on the subject property or surrounding areas.

The subject property is located in the urban core of the city with mixed- use properties (residential/commercial properties) in the surrounding 1983, 1986, 1991 and 1996 community. No observable changes in features were observed on the subject property or surrounding areas.

The subject property is located in the urban core of the city with mixed- use properties (residential/commercial properties) in the surrounding 2005 community. No observable changes in features were observed on the subject property or surrounding areas. The subject property and surrounding areas appeared as they did during the site visit.

3.2.2 Sanborn® Map Report

EDR (EDR 2010e) conducted a search for historical fire insurance maps; four maps dated 1896, 1909, 1951, and 1963 were available (see Appendix D). No RECs were observed in connection with the Sanborn map review. Appendix D provides each Sanborn® Map. A brief description of each Sanborn® map is provided below:

Sanborn® Map Year(s) Description The subject property is depicted as Hyde Park School. No RECs were 1896 and 1909 observed during this Sanborn® Map review for the subject property or surrounding properties. The subject property is depicted as George B. Longan School. No RECs 1951 and 1963 were observed during this Sanborn® Map review for the subject property or surrounding properties.

9 Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. Ecole Longan Elementary School 600 East 8th Street, Suite B 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, Missouri, 64106 Kansas City, Missouri 64109

3.2.3 Historical Topographic Maps

EDR conducted a search for historical topographic maps; six maps dated 1894, 1940, 1948, 1957, 1964 1970, 1975, 1991 and 1996 were available (see Appendix D). No RECs were observed in connection with the topographic map review. Topographic maps are located in Appendix D. A brief description of each map year is provided below:

Topographic Map Year(s) Description

This topographic map shows a general overview of the City of Kansas 1894 City, Missouri depicting streets and railroads. These topographic maps show a more focused overview of the area, but 1940, 1948, 1957, 1964, only streets and schools are depicted. The subject property is depicted as 1970 and 1975 Longan School. The south adjoining church is also depicted. These topographic maps show the subject property in a developed area 1991 and 1996 of Kansas City, Missouri. No structures are depicted on these maps for the subject property or surrounding properties.

3.2.4 City Directories

Family Environmental reviewed the City Directory from EDR (EDR 2010d), which covered listings in City Directories for relevant portions of the subject property and surrounding properties in the following years 1920, 1925, 1930, 1935, 1940, 1945, 1951, 1961, 1966, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, and 2006. Appendix D contains the City Directory Search Report. A brief description of the City Directory search is provided below:

Subject Property City Description Directory Listing City directories list the subject property as a residential holding from 1920 through 1951 1920 through 1951. No RECs were identified based on a review of the City Directories for the subject property. The subject property was listed as a school with multiple names. The names of schools listed include George B. Longan School and Ecole 1961 through 2006 Longan French Magnet School. No RECs were identified based on a review of the City Directories for the subject property.

10 Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. Ecole Longan Elementary School 600 East 8th Street, Suite B 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, Missouri, 64106 Kansas City, Missouri 64109

Surrounding Property City Description Directory Listings Numerous residences and businesses are listed between 1920 and 2006 along East 33rd Street. The businesses include a barber shop, shoe repair shop, several auto repair garages, cap and gown shop, roofing and repair business, hair salons, a drapery shop, coin operated self service cleaners, East 33rd Street grocery store, Christian center, Knights of Columbus Hall, bakery, cabinet maker, and a tavern. Based on distance and location of these businesses and residences to the subject property, none of them pose a REC to the subject property.

Numerous residences and business are listed between 1920 and 2006 East 34th Street along East 34th Street. The businesses include a delicatessen, beauty salon, and grocery stores. No RECs were identified.

From 1925 through 2006 apartments and independent residences were Armour Boulevard listed. No RECs were identified.

From 1925 through 2006 apartments and independent residences were East Armour Boulevard listed. No RECs were identified.

West Armour Boulevard Only residences are listed. No RECs were identified.

Cherry Street Only residences are listed. No RECs were identified.

Several businesses are listed on this street. In 2006, a Missouri License and Title Agency, T Z Motors is listed at 3301. A former filling station Gillham Plaza was listed at 3301 from 1940 up to 1970. Based on distance and location to the subject property, this former filling station does not pose an REC to the subject property. Several business and mainly apartment residences are listed. A printing shop located at 3303 was listed from 1990 to 2006, prior to this listing an engraving business was listed from 1970 to 1985, prior to this listing a Gillham Road plastics business was listed in 1966, and a fire extinguisher manufacture was listed from 1956 to 1961. All of the other listings for this property are residential in nature. Based on distance and location to the subject property, no RECs were identified.

11 Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. Ecole Longan Elementary School 600 East 8th Street, Suite B 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, Missouri, 64106 Kansas City, Missouri 64109

Chris D. Barnhart, Physician, was listed. No RECs were identified. No Holmes Street listing past the year 2000.

Primarily residences are listed. George B. Longan School is listed from Kenwood Avenue 1930 to 1956 at 3408 Kenwood Avenue. No RECs were identified.

Locust Street Only residences are listed. No RECs were identified.

Only residences are listed at 3401 and 3421 for the year 2006. No RECs North Cherry Street were identified. No other listings.

In the year 1925 several residences are listed along with a grocery store located at 3314, and an auto repair garage located at 3308. No RECs were identified for the year 1925 based on distance and location to the Oak Street subject property. In 1940 Sherman Lee Radio Sales is listed at 3310. No RECs were identified in connection with the radio sales shop. No other listings past 1940 were observed.

There were numerous residential listings throughout the city directory search. Not all addresses could be listed. The table above offers a brief overview of the main commercial businesses listed in the city directory search. No RECs were identified based on a review of the city directory search in connection with the subject property. Appendix D contains more details of the city directory search.

3.2.5 Previous Environmental Reports

Family Environmental received a KCMSD Triennial Re-inspection report from Mr. Matt Levy, a representative of the school district. This Triennial Re-inspection report is not comprehensive in nature and only describes asbestos containing materials (ACM) that are located in the building. This report also details the approximate quantity and condition of the ACM. No other environmental reports were provided to Family Environmental for review for this Phase I ESA.

Future work planned for this building includes completing a “Hazardous Materials Survey” which includes the testing of ACM, lead-based paint, and quantifying containerized household hazardous waste.

12 Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. Ecole Longan Elementary School 600 East 8th Street, Suite B 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, Missouri, 64106 Kansas City, Missouri 64109


4.1.1 Environmental Lien Search Report

Family Environmental reviewed the Environmental Lien and Search Report from EDR (EDR 2010f). This report showed that a general warranty deed exists and the title is vested in The School District of Kansas City, Missouri Building Corporation. The deed was dated November 1, 1984 and was recorded November 29, 1984. The warranty deed and title are located in book 1372, page 456. No environmental liens or other activity use limitations were listed for the subject property (see Appendix E). No RECs were identified based on the environmental lien and title information.

13 Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. Ecole Longan Elementary School 600 East 8th Street, Suite B 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, Missouri, 64106 Kansas City, Missouri 64109


5.1.1 Property Tax Map Report

Family Environmental received tax information from EDR. The Tax Map report indicated the subject property is listed on the Assessment Map of Jackson County Missouri, Map Number 29-840. The subject property is depicted on parcel 27 and is located in the Kansas City School District. No RECs were identified upon review of the property tax information report. The property tax information report is located in Appendix F.

14 Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. Ecole Longan Elementary School 600 East 8th Street, Suite B 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, Missouri, 64106 Kansas City, Missouri 64109


Site reconnaissance of the subject property was conducted on September 21, 2010 by Mr. Michael Dustman and Mr. Pat Engles of Family Environmental and Mr. Keith Slider of Expert. Ms. Teresa Pacheco, Kansas City School District Representative, accompanied the reconnaissance team on the site reconnaissance activities. Observations made during the site reconnaissance are described below and were noted during the site reconnaissance (see Appendix G). All areas of the subject property were accessible for reconnaissance. As site access manager, Ms. Pacheco provided additional information described in Section 7, Interviews. Photographic documentation of the site reconnaissance is in Appendix H.


The following sections describe the subject property’s current use and exterior and interior features.

6.1.1 Site Description

The subject property is located at 3421 Cherry Street, in Kansas City, Missouri. The site is bound to the north by Gillham Road; to the south by East Armour Boulevard, to the east by Kenwood Avenue and to the west by Cherry Street. Surrounding the site includes: immediately north of the subject property are mixed-use commercial and residential, including multi-family residences; immediately south of the subject property are multi-family residences and a church; immediately east of the site are single family residences; and immediately west of the site are multi-family and single family residences.

6.1.2 Current Site Use

The subject property is currently developed with one building structure; an adjoining parking lot; and one playground area. The building is an unoccupied, two-story elementary school; it has reportedly always been utilized as a school. This property is currently owned by the Kansas City School District.

6.1.3 Exterior Observations

The structure is currently a two story unoccupied building. Upon entering the building, a glass entrance door was observed as being kicked in and broken with a Plexiglas replacement piece in place of the broken glass door. The broken glass door indicated the evidence of minor vandalism. Overall, the

15 Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. Ecole Longan Elementary School 600 East 8th Street, Suite B 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, Missouri, 64106 Kansas City, Missouri 64109 exterior of the property appeared to be in good condition. Minor littering of trash scattered around the subject property was observed. No other observations were made as far as the cleanliness of the subject property exterior. Additionally, no RECs were observed on the subject property during the exterior observations.

6.1.4 Interior Observations

Access to all of the interior rooms and the roof of the subject property structure were available during site reconnaissance. Family Environmental and Expert observed a mechanical room, cafeteria/kitchen, classrooms, administration office space, a gymnasium, and an auditorium. Each area observed appeared to be secure, undisturbed and intact.


The following sections are related to observed reconnaissance items.

6.2.1 Hazardous Substances and Petroleum Products

No hazardous substances or petroleum products were observed on the exterior of the property. The interior of the building contains an elevator that was previously powered by hydraulic oil. Additionally, quantities of industrial grade cleaning supplies and latex paint were observed throughout. These chemicals pose an environmental concern; however, de minimus. It should however be noted that no evidence of spill, staining, or leakage was observed at the time of the site reconnaissance.

6.2.2 Hazardous Waste

No evidence of storage or discharge of hazardous waste was observed during site reconnaissance of the subject property.

6.2.3 Landfills, Dumps, Burials, or Solid Waste Disposal

No landfills, dumps, evidence of burial activities, or solid waste disposal were observed on the exterior of the subject property. However, promiscuous dumping of apparent domestic trash was observed in various locations on the subject property’s parking lot.

16 Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. Ecole Longan Elementary School 600 East 8th Street, Suite B 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, Missouri, 64106 Kansas City, Missouri 64109

6.2.4 Storage Tanks

Aboveground Storage Tanks

No aboveground storage tanks (AST) were observed on the subject property.

Underground Storage Tanks

A vent port was observed as being attached to the chimney on the roof of this structure. It is problematic to determine whether this vent port is associated with a UST or a type of heating oil tank. It is more likely associated with a heating oil tank given the reported use of the subject property; however, further investigation is required to locate and confirm the use of the tank (if any).

Drums or Other Containers

No indications of drums or containers were observed on the property.

6.2.5 Polychlorinated Biphenyl-Containing Equipment

No PCB containing materials were observed on the subject property. However, several light ballasts were observed in the mechanical room. It is presumed that light ballasts associated with the functioning lighting systems in the building contain PCBs until further testing demonstrates otherwise. However, it should be noted that all transformers observed on the site were label “No PCBs” and therefore are not considered RECs.

6.2.6 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning System and Fuel Source

The building HVAC system is currently being controlled by electric powered motors supplying air conditioning to the building.

6.2.7 Drains, Sumps, Pits, Cisterns, and Cesspools

No sumps, pits, cisterns, or cesspools were observed on the subject property. Family Environmental did observe numerous floor drains in the building.

6.2.8 Ponds, and Lagoons

No ponds, lagoons, or open pools likely to contain hazardous substance or petroleum products or waste were observed on the subject property. 17 Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. Ecole Longan Elementary School 600 East 8th Street, Suite B 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, Missouri, 64106 Kansas City, Missouri 64109

6.2.9 Stains or Corrosion on Soil or Pavement

No staining or corrosion was observed on soil or pavement on the subject property.

6.2.10 Areas of Dead, Distressed, Discolored, or Stained Vegetation

No areas of dead, distressed, discolored, or stained vegetation were observed on the subject property.

6.2.11 Possible Fill or Grading

No evidence of possible fill or grading was observed during the site visit.

6.2.12 Storm Water

No ditches or streams were observed on the subject property. The storm water drains naturally onto the subject property and then heads southwest toward the city combined municipal storm water/sewer system.

6.2.13 Wells and Potable Water Supply

No irrigation, public water supply, private water supply, or injection wells were observed on the subject property.

6.2.14 Lead-Based Paint

Inspecting for lead-based paint is outside the scope of services in performing this Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and not required by ASTM E-1527-05. Future work planned for this building includes completing a “Hazardous Materials Survey” which includes the testing of ACM, lead-based paint, and quantifying containerized household hazardous waste.

6.2.15 Asbestos-Containing Building Materials

Inspecting for asbestos containing material (ACM) is outside the scope of services in performing this Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and not required by ASTM E-1527-05. Building materials historically known to contain asbestos were observed during site reconnaissance in this building. Future work planned for this building includes completing a “Hazardous Materials Survey” which includes the testing of ACM, lead-based paint, and quantifying containerized household hazardous waste.

18 Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. Ecole Longan Elementary School 600 East 8th Street, Suite B 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, Missouri, 64106 Kansas City, Missouri 64109

6.2.16 Radon

Testing for radon gas is beyond the scope of this Phase I ESA and not required by ASTM E-1527-05.

6.2.17 Other Site-specific Environmental Conditions

No other site-specific environmental conditions were noted during the site reconnaissance.


The subject property is located in the midtown residential area, of Kansas City, Missouri. No RECs were observed in the immediate vicinity.

6.3.1 Adjacent Properties

Immediately North – mixed commercial and residential properties; (mixed commercial structures, include residential/commercial properties). Immediately South - multi-family residences and a church; (The multi-family residences include several apartment complexes and one high rise apartment building). Immediately East – single family residences; and Immediately West – multi-family and single family residences. (The multi-family residences include several apartment complexes and one high rise apartment building).

6.3.2 Potential for Contamination from Adjacent Properties

No other areas of potential contamination were observed on adjacent properties during site reconnaissance.

19 Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. Ecole Longan Elementary School 600 East 8th Street, Suite B 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, Missouri, 64106 Kansas City, Missouri 64109


The objective of the interviews is to obtain information concerning RECs in connection with the subject property. This information was either obtained from the TSQ in Appendix G or conveyed verbally, as indicated below.


Ms. Teresa Pacheco, Kansas City School District Representative, provided Expert with details regarding the site and answered all questions relating to the subject property. Specific questions were asked regarding: her knowledge of environmental concerns (with the exception of ACM); chemical usage; environmental violations (if any); existing environmental reports (with the exception of ACM); underground storage tanks at the subject property; among others. It should be noted that with the exception of ACM surveys, no other environmental reports or concerns were believed to be in existence. Findings during this interview indicated no significant deviations of the subject property’s intended use as a school building. Further findings regarding this interview are provided in Appendix G of this report.

20 Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. Ecole Longan Elementary School 600 East 8th Street, Suite B 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, Missouri, 64106 Kansas City, Missouri 64109


Family Environmental and Expert reviewed historic records; environmental databases; conducted site reconnaissance and performed interviews of appropriate individuals associated with the subject property. The subject property is located in a mostly residential area with single and multi-family residences. The history of ownership for this property throughout database searches indicated residential usage prior to 1961 and utilization as a school building from 1961 to present day.

Quantities of industrial grade cleaning supplies, latex paints, mercury-containing light bulbs and other supplies incidental to day to day school operations (i.e. ink toners, computers and other appliances, water paints, glues, etc.) were observed throughout the subject property. These materials may pose an environmental concern; however, de minimus. No evidence of spills, staining, or leakage from hazardous materials were observed on the subject property. One REC was observed in connection with the subject property. The identified REC is as follows:

• A vent port was observed on the roof of the school building attached to a chimney. This is an indication of a possible UST, which may ultimately be located on the site. Based on the findings of this Phase I ESA, Family Environmental is recommending further investigation to determine the location, size, and contents of a potential UST on the subject property. If a UST is located, subsurface soil samples should be collected up and down gradient of the UST’s location to determine if a release has occurred.

21 Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. Ecole Longan Elementary School 600 East 8th Street, Suite B 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, Missouri, 64106 Kansas City, Missouri 64109


Family Environmental has performed a Phase I ESA in compliance with the scope and limitations of ASTM Practice E 1527-05 for the property located at 3421 Cherry Street, in Kansas City, Missouri. Any exceptions to or deviations from this practice are described in Section 10 of this report. This Phase I ESA has revealed evidence of one REC in connection with the subject property based on a review of available data for subject property, adjacent properties, site reconnaissance, and interviews conducted with subject property personnel. Family Environmental is recommending further investigation to determine the location, size, and contents of a potential UST on the subject property. If a UST is located, subsurface soil samples should be collected up and down gradient of the UST’s location to determine if a release has occurred.

22 Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. Ecole Longan Elementary School 600 East 8th Street, Suite B 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, Missouri, 64106 Kansas City, Missouri 64109


No deviations from ASTM E 1527-05 occurred during the preparation of this Phase I ESA:

23 Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. Ecole Longan Elementary School 600 East 8th Street, Suite B 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, Missouri, 64106 Kansas City, Missouri 64109


I declare that, to the best of my professional knowledge and belief, I meet the definition of Environmental Professional as defined in 40 CFR §312.10. I have the specific qualifications based on education, training, and experience to assess a property of the nature, history, and setting of the subject property. I have developed and performed the all appropriate inquiries in conformance with the standards and practices set forth in 40 CFR Part 312.


Name (printed): Keith Slider

Title: Environmental Professional

Date: December 31, 2010

24 Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. Ecole Longan Elementary School 600 East 8th Street, Suite B 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, Missouri, 64106 Kansas City, Missouri 64109


This report was compiled based partially on information supplied to Family Environmental and Expert from outside sources and other information in the public domain. The conclusions and opinions herein are based on the information Family Environmental and Expert obtained in compiling this report. This information is on file at Family Environmental’s office in Kansas City, Missouri. Family Environmental makes no warranty as to the accuracy of statements made by others which may be contained in the report, nor are any other warranties or guarantees, expressed or implied, included or intended by the report except that it has been prepared in accordance with the current generally accepted practices and standards consistent with the level of care and skill exercised under similar circumstances by other professional consultants or firms performing the same or similar services. Because the facts forming the basis for the report are subject to professional interpretation, differing conclusions could be reached. Family Environmental does not assume responsibility for the discovery and elimination of hazards that could possibly cause accidents, injuries, or damage. Compliance with submitted recommendations or suggestions does not assure elimination of hazards or the fulfillment of client’s obligations under local, state, or federal laws or any modifications or changes to such laws. None of the work performed hereunder shall constitute or be represented as a legal opinion of any kind or nature, but shall be a representation of findings of fact from records examined.

We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you have any questions concerning the findings and conclusions contained in this report, please contact Mr. Michael Dustman at (816) 527-0101.

Prepared by: Reviewed by:

Keith Slider Michael Dustman Environmental Professional Senior Environmental Scientist Expert Environmental, Inc. Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc.

25 Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. Ecole Longan Elementary School 600 East 8th Street, Suite B 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, Missouri, 64106 Kansas City, Missouri 64109


Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process; American Society for Testing and Materials E1527- 05; 2005.

Radius Map with GeoCheck©; Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR), September 15, 2010.

Aerial Photo Decade Package; Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR), September 16, 2010.

Historical Quadrangle, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), 7.5-minute Topographic Map Report; Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR), September 16, 2010.

City Directory Search; Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR), September 15, 2010.

Sanborn Coverage; Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR), September 16, 2010.

Property Tax Map Report; Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR), September 15, 2010

Environmental Lien Search Report; Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR), September 23, 2010.

Web Soil Survey of Jackson County, Missouri; U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA); 2010. .

26 Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. Ecole Longan Elementary School 600 East 8th Street, Suite B 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, Missouri, 64106 Kansas City, Missouri 64109



Legend FIGURE 1: SITE LOCATION MAP – Ecole Longan School

3421 Cherry St.,, Kansas City, MO Subject Property Boundary Line Date Drawn: 10-1-10

Drawn By: KAS

North Scale: Not to Scale




EDUCATION SPECIALTIES B.S., 2003, Environmental Geology, Northwest Missouri State University, i Phase I and Phase II ESAs Maryville, Missouri i Air Monitoring i Asbestos Inspections WORK HISTORY i Asbestos Project Design y Family Environmental Compliance i Asbestos Abatement Oversight Services, Inc., April 2005 to Present i Mold Air Sampling y Terracon, August 2003 to November i Mold Remedial Design 2004 i Mold Abatement Oversight y Summit Envirosolutions, May 2003 to i Lead-Based Paint Inspections June 2003 i Lead-Based Paint Risk Assessments y Northwest Missouri State University, i Underground Storage Tank Remedial Research Assistant, 2002-2003 Design and Oversight i Groundwater Sampling PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATIONS y EPA Missouri Certified Project Designer i Soil Sampling y EPA Missouri Certified Asbestos i Field Screening Technologies Inspector Enforcement Support i y EPA Missouri Air Sampling Professional

y EPA Missouri Certified Lead-Based RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Paint Inspector/ Risk Assessor

y EPA Kansas Certified Asbestos

Mr. Dustman has over 7 years of experience Inspector in project management, building inspection, y EPA Kansas Certified Lead-Based Paint remedial design activities, environmental site Risk Assessor assessments, and field training. He y Innov-X Analyzer XRF Certified possesses an in-depth knowledge of y EPA Iowa Certified Asbestos Project relevant and applicable federal and state Designer environmental laws, and protocols. Mr. y Iowa Certified Lead Inspector/Risk

Dustman has been the project manager for a Assessor number of local agencies and private clients, y EPA Nebraska Certified Asbestos including the U.S. Environmental Protection Inspector

Agency (EPA) Region 4 Superfund

Technical Assessment and Response Team TRAINING (START) contracts; in response to Hurricane y 40-Hour HAZWOPER Katrina. Mr. Dustman has managed over y 8-Hour Refresher 100 Phase I Environmental Site y SCBA Operation and Maintenance Assessments (ESAs) and 30 Phase II ESAs. y Emergency Response Procedures

Upon completion of Phase II activities, Mr. y Field Documentation Dustman completed the required oversight y Field Screening Technologies for all removal actions. He has prepared y Air Monitoring for Hazardous Materials sampling and analysis plans; health and safety plans; and reports for emergency responses. Mr. Dustman has completed over 200 asbestos building inspections and prepared 15 asbestos abatement project design specifications. Mr. Dustman has completed at least 32

1 lead-based paint inspections and performed risk assessments. Mr. Dustman has performed over 100 mold investigations for both residential and commercial facilities.

Mr. Dustman has extensive knowledge and experience with Geoprobe© direct-push technology (DPT), decontamination procedures, and management of investigative derived waste, which he has applied at over 100 private sector projects in Region 7 states to investigate subsurface soil and ground water contamination. Furthermore, Mr. Dustman has conducted training on direct- push technology to clients.


Mr. Dustman designed, managed, and executed the asbestos abatement and building demolition of the former Greyhound Bus Terminal building (Block 100) and the Former Fire Brigade Museum building (Block 82) for the City of Kansas City Missouri, Capital Improvements Management Office (CIMO). Mr. Dustman performed the initial Phase I ESA and performed the Update Phase I ESA for which a Phase II ESA was recommended. Mr. Dustman designed and performed the Phase II ESA which consisted of drilling eight soil borings to bedrock around the perimeter of the property, assessing the on-site soils and groundwater for potential contaminants of concern (COCs), and reporting the findings to the City of Kansas City, Brownfields Coordinator. Mr. Dustman performed an asbestos and lead-based paint inspection which determined that all interior porous building materials would be disposed of as asbestos containing material (ACM) due to a massive asbestos spill located inside the building. All ACM had been intentionally removed and thrown to the floor to salvage copper piping. Mr. Dustman then prepared the remedial design specifications for potential bidders to bid against for the project. The specifications included local regulations, proper work practices, daily reporting, and project oversight. Once the buildings were completely abated they were demolished. Block 82 building materials went to a landfill for disposal. Block 100 was composed of concrete. This building was crumbled to a three inch minus so the structural steel could be removed and recycled. During the building demolition two 10,000 gallon underground storage tanks (USTs) were discovered. Mr. Dustman designed the removal action, collected confirmation soil samples, and submitted the Missouri Risk-Based Corrective Action (MRBCA) Closure Report to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) for review in order to obtain a No Further Action (NFA) letter. The remaining concrete was utilized as engineered fill for the site. A six inch top soil cap was placed on the concrete and seeded for downtown green space. This project was stared in October 2008 and completed in March 2010.

Mr. Dustman managed the Downtown Sprint Center “Mike delivers positive responses to negative Arena on-site mass excavation of soils in Kansas City, situations and remains professional at all Missouri, where 16 Underground Storage Tanks times and will make sure his client is (USTs) were suspected to have been buried. He protected from potential hazards.” - John conducted sampling of soil, surface water, and Popovich, Project Manager, 11500 LLC (former TWA office building) groundwater, and coordinated a geotechnical survey to locate the buried USTs. In addition, Mr. Dustman oversaw the installation of over 268 piers and screened all soils and water when encountered. Mr. Dustman led a field team that characterized the 4-block arena site for lead-contaminated soil using a Innov-X x-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer and a photo ionization detector (PID) while searching for volatiles in the on-site soils.

Mr. Dustman has managed over 200 on-site asbestos inspections and completed the oversight of multiple story buildings following AHERA protocol. The inspections consisted of identifying homogenous areas and miscellaneous materials for analytical determination. The oversight

2 consisted of visually inspecting containments, setting daily air samples and setting final air clearance samples.

Mr. Dustman has managed over 100 lead-based paint inspections and completed the oversight of many multi-family residential housing complexes in and around the city of Kansas City, Missouri using HUD protocols. The lead inspections consisted of identifying lead painted components with an XRF analyzer. Mr. Dustman oversaw the implementation of interim controls and developed hazard control plans during risk assessments to better assist clients.

Mr. Dustman has conducted numerous mold investigations of private and commercial properties in and around the city of Kansas City, Missouri. The investigations consisted of visually inspecting commercial buildings or residential houses for mold and running air samples to confirm the presence or absence of mold. Mr. Dustman would then design abatement measures to successfully remove mold from the structure. Final air clearance samples would then be run to determine if abatement measures were complete. A final report would be prepared and delivered to the client in a timely manner.

Mr. Dustman designed a UST removal and led a project team in the removal of a 12,000 gallon heating oil UST, 15,000 gallon JP4-Jet Fuel UST, and a 3,000 gallon heating oil UST at the former TWA World Headquarters building. The USTs were pumped out and their contents disposed of properly. The USTs were then uncovered and removed from their locations exposing soils to be remediated. Soils were tested and remediated to MRBCA standards. Clean fill was brought in to fill the excavations and concreted over. The USTs were cleaned and the metal recycled as scrap.

Mr. Dustman led a project team that assessed more than 10 ammonia anhydrous facilities in northwestern Kansas. The team evaluated historical information to identify the former sites. Once identified, field team members conducted site visits where information was collected to document current site conditions and potential contamination of environmental media. Once assessed, Mr. Dustman instituted interim remedial investigation activities which, included the advancement of 39 probes using a Geoprobe® on a grid system to institute direct-push technology, to assess nitrate and ammonia levels in the on-site soils.

Mr. Dustman conducted numerous Phase I ESAs in Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, and Oklahoma including undeveloped land, residential developments, gasoline refueling stations, and automobile repair facilities. Duties included data analysis, report preparation, and interpreting topographic maps and aerial photography.

Mr. Dustman led a team to Junction City Foundry in Junction City, Kansas, he compiled subsurface sampling data utilizing an XRF and screening for lead in soils in conjunction with Geoprobe© direct-push technology. The data was used to plan for the removal of lead- contaminated soil from the site.

3 Keith A. Slider 509 Regina Court Raymore, Missouri 64083 (816) 878-8161

B.S., Biology, Central Missouri State University, 1993 EDUCATION M.S., Industrial Hygiene, Central Missouri State University, 1996 MBA, Rockhurst University, 2003

AFFLIATIONS/ Air and Waste Management Association AWARDS Missouri/Kansas Bownfield Consulting Consortium Midwest Environmental Association Missouri Waste Coalition Environmental Assessment Association

REGISTRATIONS Cerified Missouri Air Sampling Professional Certified NIOSH 582 Air Sampling Professional Certified Solid Waste Technician Certified Asbestos Planner and Designer Certified AHERA Asbestos Inspector Certified Lead Based Paint Inspector

QUALIFICATIONS Mr. Slider has eighteen years of combined professional experience in SUMMARY Environmental Project Management and Environmental Health and Safety including soil, sediment, water and product sampling, air monitoriring, environmental evaluation, water resource investigation, hazardous waste project management, remedial design, safety management and safety training. He has performed Preliminary Assessment (Pas), Site Inspection (Sis), Expanded Site Inspections (ESIs) and Emergency Response removal activities in support of SARA mandated goals; provided evaluation of sources and targets for surface water, groundwater, soil and air migration pathways; used EPA PAScore, PREscore, Hazard Ranking System (hrs) Superscreen, and LAST software packages to develop HRS data packages in support of site risk assessment and prioritization; prepared Site-specific Health and Safety Plans, Field Sampling Plans (FSP) and Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPP); and applied computer modeling to support hazardous waste projects. Mr. Slider is familiar with state and federal regulations including the Clean Air Act; CERCLA, and the Toxic Substances Control Act.

PROFESSIONAL Senior Project Manager/Environmental Scientist, Expert Environmental EXPERIENCE Consulting, Inc., Kansas City, Missouir, 1995- Present

Mr. Slider is a Senior Project Manager and Environmental Scientist in Expert’s Kansas City, Missouri office. He provides technical support on a variety of projectys. His primary responsibility is to assist EPA Region VII in evaluating Formally Used Defense Sites (FUDS) where there is a known or threatened release of a hazardous substance. Activities at these sites include performing Pre-CERCLIS Screenings, PAs, Sis, Expanded Sis (ESIs), and HRS scoring. Mr. Slider is responsible for managing all work assignment activities. Including work plan developemnet, budget maintenance, technical support, scheduling and reporting. Mr. Slider has conducted large and small scale projects, involving the collection of air, soil, sediment, water, and product samdples. He also serves as project manager for an ESI at a former army poder storage farm, near St. Louis, Missouri. This project encompassed approximately 2,600 acres and involved the collection of over 2,000 samples.

Mr. Slider also serves as Health and Safety Coordinator. In this position, he tracks pertinent certifications for office-wide field personnel, coordinates training, prepares and reviews Site-Specific Health and Safety Plans, and is responsible for maintaining compliance with OSHA’s 29 CFR 1910.1450 regulations.

Environmental Scientist, Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Kansas City, Missouri, 1999- 2000

Assigned to the Solid Waste Management Program. Mr. Slider regulated solid waste concerns for twenty-one counties within Missouri; provide technical assistance to sanitary landfills, waste tire haulers and collection lcenters; provided enforcement support and expert testimony to the Missouri State Attorney General Office; and interacted and coordinated enforcement activities with local, state, and federal government officials.

PROFESSIONAL Project Manager/Safety Engineer, BRAL Environmental , Kansas City, EXPERIENCE Missouri 1995- 1999 (CONTINUED) Specialized in Environmental Biology as a Project Manager for the EPA Region VII Superfund Technical Assessment and Response Team (START) Contract. Performed Administrative (ARs), Pas, Sis, and Emergency Response removal activities in support of SARA mandated goals; provided evaluation of sources and targets for surface water, groundwater, soil and air migration pathways; used EPA PA Score, PREscore, and LAST software packages to develop HRS data packages in support of site risk assessment and prioritization; prepared Site-Specific Health and Safety Plans; and applied computer modeling to support hazardous waste projects.

As Safety Engineer, he was responsible for maintaining compliance with OSHA’s 29 CFR 1910.1450 regulations. Performed safety compliance audits and inspections; conducted safety orientation and training for 5,000 employees; maintained employee safety records and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs); and developed procedures for improving the working environment based on OSHA regulations.

ADDITIONAL EPA Model Hazard Ranking Systems Training TRAINING EPA PA/ SI Analyst Training EPA Risk Assessment Training NIOSH 582 Air Monitoring Training



Ecole Longan 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, MO 64109

Inquiry Number: 2870407.2s September 15, 2010

The EDR Radius Map™ Report with GeoCheck®

440 Wheelers Farms Road Milford, CT 06461 Toll Free: 800.352.0050



Executive Summary ES1 Overview Map 2 Detail Map 3 Map Findings Summary 4 Map Findings 7 Orphan Summary 67 Government Records Searched/Data Currency Tracking GR-1


Physical Setting Source Addendum A-1 Physical Setting Source Summary A-2 Physical Setting SSURGO Soil Map A-5 Physical Setting Source Map A-7 Physical Setting Source Map Findings A-9 Physical Setting Source Records Searched A-23

Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments.

Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2010 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.


A search of available environmental records was conducted by Environmental Data Resources, Inc (EDR). The report was designed to assist parties seeking to meet the search requirements of EPA’s Standards and Practices for All Appropriate Inquiries (40 CFR Part 312), the ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments (E 1527-05) or custom requirements developed for the evaluation of environmental risk associated with a parcel of real estate.





Latitude (North): 39.064400 - 39˚ 3’ 51.8’’ Longitude (West): 94.578100 - 94˚ 34’ 41.2’’ Universal Tranverse Mercator: Zone 15 UTM X (Meters): 363466.4 UTM Y (Meters): 4324900.0 Elevation: 952 ft. above sea level


Target Property Map: 39094-A5 KANSAS CITY, MO Most Recent Revision: 1996


Portions of Photo from: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Source: USDA

TARGET PROPERTY SEARCH RESULTS The target property was identified in the following records. For more information on this property see page 7 of the attached EDR Radius Map report:

Site Database(s) EPA ID


DATABASES WITH NO MAPPED SITES No mapped sites were found in EDR’s search of available ("reasonably ascertainable ") government records either on the target property or within the search radius around the target property for the following databases:


Federal NPL site list NPL National Priority List


Proposed NPL Proposed National Priority List Sites NPL LIENS Federal Superfund Liens

Federal Delisted NPL site list Delisted NPL National Priority List Deletions

Federal CERCLIS list CERCLIS Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System FEDERAL FACILITY Federal Facility Site Information listing

Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site List CERC-NFRAP CERCLIS No Further Remedial Action Planned

Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list CORRACTS Corrective Action Report

Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list RCRA-TSDF RCRA - Treatment, Storage and Disposal

Federal RCRA generators list RCRA-LQG RCRA - Large Quantity Generators RCRA-SQG RCRA - Small Quantity Generators

Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries US ENG CONTROLS Engineering Controls Sites List US INST CONTROL Sites with Institutional Controls

Federal ERNS list ERNS Emergency Response Notification System

State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS SHWS Registry of Confirmed Abandoned or Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites

State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists SWF/LF Permitted Facility List

State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LAST Leaking Aboveground Storage Tanks INDIAN LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land

State and tribal registered storage tank lists AST Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tanks INDIAN UST Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land


FEMA UST Underground Storage Tank Listing

State and tribal institutional control / engineering control registries AUL Sites with Controls

State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites INDIAN VCP Voluntary Cleanup Priority Listing VCP Voluntary Cleanup Program Site Listing

State and tribal Brownfields sites BROWNFIELDS Brownfields Site List


Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites DEBRIS REGION 9 Torres Martinez Reservation Illegal Dump Site Locations ODI Open Dump Inventory SWRCY Solid Waste Recycling Facilities HIST LF Solid Waste Facility Database List INDIAN ODI Report on the Status of Open Dumps on Indian Lands

Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites US CDL Clandestine Drug Labs DEL SHWS Registry Sites Withdrawn or Deleted CDL Environmental Emergency Response System US HIST CDL National Clandestine Laboratory Register

Local Land Records LIENS 2 CERCLA Lien Information LUCIS Land Use Control Information System

Records of Emergency Release Reports HMIRS Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System SPILLS Environmental Response Tracking Database

Other Ascertainable Records DOT OPS Incident and Accident Data DOD Department of Defense Sites FUDS Formerly Used Defense Sites CONSENT Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees ROD Records Of Decision UMTRA Uranium Mill Tailings Sites MINES Mines Master Index File TRIS Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act FTTS FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act)


HIST FTTS FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Administrative Case Listing SSTS Section 7 Tracking Systems ICIS Integrated Compliance Information System PADS PCB Activity Database System MLTS Material Licensing Tracking System RADINFO Radiation Information Database RAATS RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System UIC Underground Injection Wells Database MO RRC Certified Hazardous Waste Resource Recovery Facilities NPDES Permitted Facility Listing AIRS Permit Facility Listing INDIAN RESERV Indian Reservations SCRD DRYCLEANERS State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Listing PCB TRANSFORMER PCB Transformer Registration Database COAL ASH EPA Coal Combustion Residues Surface Impoundments List COAL ASH DOE Sleam-Electric Plan Operation Data FINANCIAL ASSURANCE Financial Assurance Information Listing COAL ASH Coal Ash Disposal Sites


EDR Proprietary Records Manufactured Gas Plants EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plants

SURROUNDING SITES: SEARCH RESULTS Surrounding sites were identified in the following databases.

Elevations have been determined from the USGS Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity should be field verified. Sites with an elevation equal to or higher than the target property have been differentiated below from sites with an elevation lower than the target property. Page numbers and map identification numbers refer to the EDR Radius Map report where detailed data on individual sites can be reviewed.

Sites listed in bold italics are in multiple databases.

Unmappable (orphan) sites are not considered in the foregoing analysis.


Federal RCRA generators list RCRA-CESQG: RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Conditionally exempt small quantity generators (CESQGs) generate less than 100 kg of hazardous waste, or less than 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month.

A review of the RCRA-CESQG list, as provided by EDR, and dated 02/17/2010 has revealed that there is


1 RCRA-CESQG site within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property.

______Lower Elevation ______Address Direction ______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ G & R BODY SHOP INC 3244 HOLMES NNE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.215 mi.) 6 13

State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LUST: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks.

A review of the LUST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 06/17/2010 has revealed that there are 11 LUST sites within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property.

______Equal/Higher Elevation ______Address Direction ______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ APARTMENT BUILDING 3259 WARWICK BLVD W 1/4 - 1/2 (0.276 mi.) 9 18 JIFFY LUBE 3201 GILLHAM PLAZA N 1/4 - 1/2 (0.292 mi.) 10 20 INNER CITY OIL 615 E LINWOOD N 1/4 - 1/2 (0.310 mi.) 11 24 7-ELEVEN #21057 3150 GILLHAM RD N 1/4 - 1/2 (0.368 mi.) 12 29 FORMER FAIRMONT DAIRY 3110 GILLHAM RD N 1/4 - 1/2 (0.432 mi.) 14 40 Date Of NFA Letter From DNR: 06/29/2007 TOTAL #4404 17 EAST LINWOOD BLVD NW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.466 mi.) B17 49 Date Of NFA Letter From DNR: 06/20/2001 AMOCO OIL SS #5219 3215 MAIN ST NW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.481 mi.) B18 56

______Lower Elevation ______Address Direction______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ VACANT LOT I-3 400 E 33 ST NW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.167 mi.) A5 10 101 CAR WASH 3537 MAIN WSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.418 mi.) 13 35 PANHANDLE EAST PIPELINE 3444 S BROADWAY W 1/4 - 1/2 (0.450 mi.) 15 44 FORMER UST SITE (RUDY LANGER P 3626 MAIN WSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.462 mi.) 16 46 Date Of NFA Letter From DNR: 07/19/2000

State and tribal registered storage tank lists UST: Underground Storage Tank Information.

A review of the UST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 06/17/2010 has revealed that there are 2 UST sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property.

______Equal/Higher Elevation ______Address Direction ______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ LUZIER PERSONALIZED COSMETICS, 3216 GILLHAM PLAZA NNW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.225 mi.) 7 14

______Lower Elevation ______Address Direction______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ VACANT LOT I-3 400 E 33 ST NW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.167 mi.) A5 10



Local Brownfield lists US BROWNFIELDS: The EPA’s listing of Brownfields properites addressed by Cooperative Agreement Recipients and Brownfields properties addressed by Targeted Brownfields Assessments

A review of the US BROWNFIELDS list, as provided by EDR, and dated 06/24/2010 has revealed that there are 2 US BROWNFIELDS sites within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property.

______Lower Elevation ______Address Direction ______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ 3715 TROOST 3715 TROOST SE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.488 mi.) C19 62 3701 TROOST 3701 TROOST SE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.488 mi.) C20 64

Other Ascertainable Records RCRA-NonGen: RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste.

A review of the RCRA-NonGen list, as provided by EDR, and dated 02/17/2010 has revealed that there are 3 RCRA-NonGen sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property.

______Lower Elevation ______Address Direction ______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ HEISLER ENGRAVING CO INC 3303 GILLHAM RD N 0 - 1/8 (0.123 mi.) 2 7 1ST CHOICE CLEANERS 3315 GILLIAM PLAZA NW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.164 mi.) A4 9 SCHUMANN AUTOMOTIVE INC 3242 GILLHAM RD N 1/8 - 1/4 (0.231 mi.) 8 16

DRYCLEANERS: A listing of drycleaner facilities that are potentially eligible for reimbursement of department approved cleanup costs under the Drycleaning Environmental Response Trust Fund.

A review of the DRYCLEANERS list, as provided by EDR, and dated 06/24/2010 has revealed that there is 1 DRYCLEANERS site within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property.

______Lower Elevation ______Address Direction ______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ R & N MIDTOWN CLEANERS 3315 GILLHAM PLZ NW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.162 mi.) A3 8


Due to poor or inadequate address information, the following sites were not mapped:



0 8




9 0 2

2 0

0 9



840 0 6

9 0 0 0 8 2



6 8 0




0 0


2 9

9 6 0


0 9 0 0 6 0 0 6 1 9 0 0 0 9 6 6 0 0 9

1 0 00 000 6 0

9 1


6 9 9 6 0 9 6 0


6 9




0 9 6

2 9 0 0 6

0 9


9 9 2 0

0 2 9







920 9 2

0 0




8 8

8 8 9


8 0 2

8 2 0




4 0

880 8


9 0

EDR Inc. 960

920 9




Search Target Distance Total Database Property (Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted


Federal NPL site list NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Proposed NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 NPL LIENS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 Federal Delisted NPL site list Delisted NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Federal CERCLIS list CERCLIS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 FEDERAL FACILITY 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site List CERC-NFRAP 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list CORRACTS 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list RCRA-TSDF 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 Federal RCRA generators list RCRA-LQG 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 RCRA-SQG 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 RCRA-CESQG 0.250 0 1 NR NR NR 1 Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries US ENG CONTROLS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 US INST CONTROL 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 Federal ERNS list ERNS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS SHWS 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists SWF/LF 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LUST 0.500 0 1 10 NR NR 11 LAST 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 INDIAN LUST 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 State and tribal registered storage tank lists UST 0.250 0 2 NR NR NR 2


Search Target Distance Total Database Property (Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted

AST 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 INDIAN UST 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 FEMA UST 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 State and tribal institutional control / engineering control registries AUL 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites INDIAN VCP 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 VCP 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 State and tribal Brownfields sites BROWNFIELDS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0


Local Brownfield lists US BROWNFIELDS 0.500 0 0 2 NR NR 2 Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites DEBRIS REGION 9 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 ODI 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 SWRCY 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 HIST LF 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 INDIAN ODI 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites US CDL TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 DEL SHWS 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 CDL TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 US HIST CDL TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 Local Land Records LIENS 2 TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 LUCIS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 Records of Emergency Release Reports HMIRS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 SPILLS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 Other Ascertainable Records RCRA-NonGen 0.250 1 2 NR NR NR 3 DOT OPS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 DOD 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 FUDS 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 CONSENT 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 ROD 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0


Search Target Distance Total Database Property (Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted



EDR Proprietary Records Manufactured Gas Plants 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0

NOTES: TP = Target Property NR = Not Requested at this Search Distance Sites may be listed in more than one database

TC2870407.2s Page 6 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number

1 GEORGE B. LONGAN ELEM. FINDS 1008317274 Target 3421 CHERRY N/A Property KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 FINDS:

Actual: Registry ID: 110036930444 952 ft. Environmental Interest/Information System NCES (National Center for Education Statistics) is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education in the United States and other nations and the institute of education sciences.

2 HEISLER ENGRAVING CO INC RCRA-NonGen 1001022379 North 3303 GILLHAM RD FINDS MOD007162043 < 1/8 KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 0.123 mi. 647 ft.

Relative: RCRA-NonGen: Lower Date form received by agency: 02/15/1982 Facility name: HEISLER ENGRAVING CO INC Actual: Facility address: 3303 GILLHAM RD 939 ft. KANSAS CITY, MO 641091749 EPA ID: MOD007162043 Mailing address: GILLHAM ROAD KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 Contact: TOM MODIN Contact address: 3303 GILLHAM ROAD KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 Contact country: US Contact telephone: (816) 753-4100 Contact email: Not reported EPA Region: 07 Classification: Non-Generator Description: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste

Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: No Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): Unknown Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: No Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On-site burner exemption: No Furnace exemption: No Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Off-site waste receiver: Verified to be non-commercial

Hazardous Waste Summary: Waste code: D002

TC2870407.2s Page 7 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number


Violation Status: No violations found FINDS:

Registry ID: 110003941842

Environmental Interest/Information System The MO-DNR (Missouri Department of Natural Resources) program involves a Resource Assessment and Monitoring Program, biological criteria development, monitoring of targeted sites to determine compliance with the designated use of aquatic life protection in the standards, monitoring for 303(3) purposes, and the development of a stream classification framework.

RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and corrective action activities required under RCRA.

A3 R & N MIDTOWN CLEANERS DRYCLEANERS S106877550 NW 3315 GILLHAM PLZ N/A 1/8-1/4 KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 0.162 mi. 855 ft. Site 1 of 3 in cluster A

Relative: DRYCLEANERS: Lower Plant Number: 000-0553 DC Number: 01063 Actual: Facility Phone: Not reported 938 ft. Facility Contact: Not reported Site NA: False Dry Store: False Facility Status: Not reported DC Plant: False Supplier: False Chlorinated: False Non Chlorinated: False

TC2870407.2s Page 8 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number

A4 1ST CHOICE CLEANERS RCRA-NonGen 1000471350 NW 3315 GILLIAM PLAZA FINDS MOD985795541 1/8-1/4 KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 0.164 mi. 867 ft. Site 2 of 3 in cluster A

Relative: RCRA-NonGen: Lower Date form received by agency: 03/16/2005 Facility name: 1ST CHOICE CLEANERS Actual: Facility address: 3315 GILLIAM PLAZA 938 ft. KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 EPA ID: MOD985795541 Mailing address: GILLIAM PLAZA KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 Contact: DAVID SOSTARICH Contact address: 3315 GILLIAM PLAZA KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 Contact country: US Contact telephone: (816) 531-5211 Contact email: Not reported EPA Region: 07 Classification: Non-Generator Description: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste

Owner/Operator Summary: Owner/operator name: DAVID SOSTARICH Owner/operator address: Not reported Not reported Owner/operator country: Not reported Owner/operator telephone: Not reported Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: Not reported Owner/Op end date: Not reported

Owner/operator name: DAVID SOSTARICH Owner/operator address: Not reported Not reported Owner/operator country: Not reported Owner/operator telephone: Not reported Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: 01/01/0001 Owner/Op end date: Not reported

Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: Unknown Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): Unknown Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: No Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On-site burner exemption: Unknown Furnace exemption: Unknown Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No

TC2870407.2s Page 9 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number

1ST CHOICE CLEANERS (Continued) 1000471350 Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Off-site waste receiver: Commercial status unknown

Historical Generators: Date form received by agency: 02/14/1991 Facility name: 1ST CHOICE CLEANERS Classification: Small Quantity Generator


Violation Status: No violations found FINDS:

Registry ID: 110003964416

Environmental Interest/Information System The MO-DNR (Missouri Department of Natural Resources) program involves a Resource Assessment and Monitoring Program, biological criteria development, monitoring of targeted sites to determine compliance with the designated use of aquatic life protection in the standards, monitoring for 303(3) purposes, and the development of a stream classification framework.

RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and corrective action activities required under RCRA.

A5 VACANT LOT I-3 LUST U003981166 NW 400 E 33 ST UST N/A 1/8-1/4 KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 0.167 mi. 883 ft. Site 3 of 3 in cluster A

Relative: LUST: Lower Facility ID: ST5800786 Region: KC - Kansas City Regional Office Actual: Spill Number: Not reported 939 ft. Release Date: 07/17/1995 Release Type: UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK Source: Not reported

TC2870407.2s Page 10 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number

VACANT LOT I-3 (Continued) U003981166 Media Affected: Not reported Date Cleanup Started: 07/17/1995 Date Cleanup Finished: 08/04/1995 Expedite: No Active: No Date Of NFA Letter From DNR: Not reported Date Record Meets Archive Criteria: Not reported Remediation ID: R005375 Funding Agency: 1 Rank: Not reported Emergeny Response Date: Not reported Emergency Cleanup Start: Not reported Referred To DGLS for Investigation: Not reported Contractor Performing Clean Up: Not reported Remediation Techniques: Excavation RBCA NFA: 0 Project Manager: L Next Correspondence/Update With Fac: Not reported Date Added: 06/30/1995 Date Record Edited: Not reported Person Adding Or Editing Record: Not reported Facility Sent To State Archive: Yes Date Remediation Unit Closed The File: Not reported Site Affectd By Funding Level From PSTIF: No Lust 2a Flag: -1 Lust 2a Flag Date: 09/30/2003 Lust 2b Flag: 0 Lust 2b Flag Date: Not reported Lust 3a Flag: -1 Lust 3a Flag Date: 09/30/2003 Lust 3b Flag: 0 Lust 3b Flag Date: Not reported Lust 4 Flag: 0 Lust 4 Flag Date: Not reported Lat/Long (dms): Not reported General Comments: 09-22-95 - SITE CLOSED

UST: Facility ID: ST5800786 Region: KC Lat/Long: 39.066590852 / -94.580264625 Lat/Long (dms): Not reported Easting: 363286.866588 Northing: 4325354.63009 Method Data Was Obtained: Street Centerline Accuracy Of Geospatial Data: 8 Owner Of Geospatial Data: Hazardous Waste Program Amount Of Deviation In Accuracy: 100 Deviation In Meters; Feet; Pdop; Score: Score Geospatial Point Line Area Indicator: 001 Geospatial Horizontal Reference Datum: NAD83 Where Geospatial Data Collected On Site: Not reported Geospatial Source Data Location: HWP Geospatial Data Collected By: ROBERTS, J Geospatial Elevation Method: Not reported Geospatial Elevation Refernce Datum: Not reported Date Gis Data Collected: 1/15/2004

TC2870407.2s Page 11 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number

VACANT LOT I-3 (Continued) U003981166

Owner: Owner ID: Not reported Owner Name: Not reported Owner Address: Not reported Owner City,St,Zip: Not reported Owner County Code: Not reported Owner Phone: Not reported Mail Was Not Deliverable: Not reported Is Owner Active?: Not reported Date Registration Received: Not reported Date Record Added: Not reported Date Record Edited: Not reported Name of Person Editing Record: Not reported

Tank ID: Not reported Tank Double Wall: Not reported Tank Type: Not reported Tank Status: Not reported Meet 98 Update Requirements: Not reported Date Tank Installed: Not reported Tank Material: Not reported Other Type Of Tank Material: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Other Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank Internal Protection Date: Not reported Tank External Protection: Not reported Other Type Tank Extrn Protec: Not reported Tank External Protec Date: Not reported Date Tank Last Used: Not reported Date Tank Permanently Closed/ Removed: Not reported Tank Fees Waived: Not reported Expedite Closure On Tank?: Not reported Responsible Person Expediting Closure: Not reported Temporary Status Verified Date: Not reported Admin Fee 585: Not reported Date Administratively Closed: Not reported Registration Fee 586: Not reported Date Record Added: Not reported Date Record Edited: Not reported Person Adding/Editing Record: Not reported Amt Assessed By Current Cycle: Not reported Amount Curently Due: Not reported Date Of NFA Letter: Not reported Is Tank Used For Emergency Generator: Not reported Date Closure Notice Received: Not reported Date Of Aprroval Letter: Not reported Firm Closing Tank: Not reported Date Closure Report Received: Not reported Registration End Date: Not reported LockOut Flag: Not reported Site Useage: Not reported Risk Type: Not reported Soil Type: Not reported GW Flow: Not reported Offsite Impact: Not reported Free Product: Not reported

TC2870407.2s Page 12 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number

VACANT LOT I-3 (Continued) U003981166 Drinking Water: Not reported Closed Under: Not reported No Drinking Wells: Not reported No Buildings: Not reported Vapor Barrier: Not reported St Louis Mo: Not reported Special Well Area: Not reported No Excavation: Not reported Comments: Not reported

6 G & R BODY SHOP INC RCRA-CESQG 1000471300 NNE 3244 HOLMES FINDS MOD985795020 1/8-1/4 KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 0.215 mi. 1133 ft.

Relative: RCRA-CESQG: Lower Date form received by agency: 02/04/1998 Facility name: G & R BODY SHOP INC Actual: Facility address: 3244 HOLMES 946 ft. KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 EPA ID: MOD985795020 Mailing address: HOLMES KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 Contact: MARK GAITHER Contact address: 3244 HOLMES KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 Contact country: US Contact telephone: (816) 531-8078 Contact email: Not reported EPA Region: 07 Classification: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Description: Handler: generates 100 kg or less of hazardous waste per calendar month, and accumulates 1000 kg or less of hazardous waste at any time; or generates 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste per calendar month, and accumulates at any time: 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste; or 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous waste; or generates 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous waste during any calendar month, and accumulates at any time: 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste; or 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous waste

Owner/Operator Summary: Owner/operator name: LEON GAITHER Owner/operator address: Not reported Not reported Owner/operator country: Not reported Owner/operator telephone: Not reported Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: 01/01/0001 Owner/Op end date: Not reported

TC2870407.2s Page 13 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number

G & R BODY SHOP INC (Continued) 1000471300

Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: No Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): Unknown Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: No Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On-site burner exemption: No Furnace exemption: No Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Off-site waste receiver: Commercial status unknown

Historical Generators: Date form received by agency: 04/01/1997 Facility name: G & R BODY SHOP INC Classification: Small Quantity Generator

Violation Status: No violations found FINDS:

Registry ID: 110003964032

Environmental Interest/Information System The MO-DNR (Missouri Department of Natural Resources) program involves a Resource Assessment and Monitoring Program, biological criteria development, monitoring of targeted sites to determine compliance with the designated use of aquatic life protection in the standards, monitoring for 303(3) purposes, and the development of a stream classification framework.

RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and corrective action activities required under RCRA.

7 LUZIER PERSONALIZED COSMETICS, INCUST U001159777 NNW 3216 GILLHAM PLAZA N/A 1/8-1/4 KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 0.225 mi. 1186 ft.

Relative: UST: Equal Facility ID: ST0003142 Region: KC Actual: Lat/Long: 39.0667 / -94.56725 952 ft. Lat/Long (dms): Not reported Easting: 364413.065868

TC2870407.2s Page 14 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number

LUZIER PERSONALIZED COSMETICS, INC (Continued) U001159777 Northing: 4325347.24705 Method Data Was Obtained: Zip Code Centroid Accuracy Of Geospatial Data: 8 Owner Of Geospatial Data: Hazardous Waste Program Amount Of Deviation In Accuracy: Not reported Deviation In Meters; Feet; Pdop; Score: Not reported Geospatial Point Line Area Indicator: Not reported Geospatial Horizontal Reference Datum: Not reported Where Geospatial Data Collected On Site: Not reported Geospatial Source Data Location: Not reported Geospatial Data Collected By: Not reported Geospatial Elevation Method: Not reported Geospatial Elevation Refernce Datum: Not reported Date Gis Data Collected: Not reported Owner: Owner ID: OW01874 Owner Name: LUZIER PERSONALIZED COSMETICS, INC Owner Address: 3216 GILLHAM PLAZA Owner City,St,Zip: KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 Owner County Code: 95 Owner Phone: 5318338 Mail Was Not Deliverable: No Is Owner Active?: No Date Registration Received: Not reported Date Record Added: 6/30/1995 Date Record Edited: Not reported Name of Person Editing Record: Not reported

Tank ID: 1 Tank Double Wall: 0 Tank Type: Below Ground Tank Status: Permanently Closed in place Meet 98 Update Requirements: No Date Tank Installed: Not reported Tank Material: Steel Other Type Of Tank Material: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: No Other Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank Internal Protection Date: Not reported Tank External Protection: Unknown Other Type Tank Extrn Protec: Not reported Tank External Protec Date: Not reported Date Tank Last Used: Not reported Date Tank Permanently Closed/ Removed: Not reported Tank Fees Waived: No Expedite Closure On Tank?: No Responsible Person Expediting Closure: Not reported Temporary Status Verified Date: Not reported Admin Fee 585: Not reported Date Administratively Closed: Not reported Registration Fee 586: 0 Date Record Added: 6/30/1995 Date Record Edited: Not reported Person Adding/Editing Record: Not reported Amt Assessed By Current Cycle: 0 Amount Curently Due: 0

TC2870407.2s Page 15 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number

LUZIER PERSONALIZED COSMETICS, INC (Continued) U001159777 Date Of NFA Letter: Not reported Is Tank Used For Emergency Generator: No Date Closure Notice Received: Not reported Date Of Aprroval Letter: Not reported Firm Closing Tank: Not reported Date Closure Report Received: Not reported Registration End Date: Not reported LockOut Flag: No Site Useage: Not reported Risk Type: Not reported Soil Type: Not reported GW Flow: Not reported Offsite Impact: Not reported Free Product: Not reported Drinking Water: Not reported Closed Under: Not reported No Drinking Wells: 0 No Buildings: 0 Vapor Barrier: 0 St Louis Mo: 0 Special Well Area: 0 No Excavation: 0 Comments: Not reported Tank Compartment: Tank Compartment PK: 7517 Tank PK: 7517 Compartment No: 1 Compartment Status: Permanently Closed in place Compartment Temp Verified Dt: Not reported Capacity: 300 Pipe Installation Dt: Not reported Pipe System: Not reported Pipe Material: 1 Pipe Material Other: Not reported Pipe Protection: Not reported Pipe Protection Dt: Not reported Pipe Double Wall: 0 Substance: Kerosene Substance Other: Not reported Hazardous Substance: Not reported Case Number: Not reported Mixture: 0 Date of Last Use: Not reported Spill Protection: 0 Tanks Use: 0

8 SCHUMANN AUTOMOTIVE INC RCRA-NonGen 1008403918 North 3242 GILLHAM RD MOP000000654 1/8-1/4 KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 0.231 mi. 1220 ft.

Relative: RCRA-NonGen: Lower Date form received by agency: 01/24/1991 Facility name: SCHUMANN AUTOMOTIVE INC Actual: Facility address: 3242 GILLHAM RD 950 ft.

TC2870407.2s Page 16 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number

SCHUMANN AUTOMOTIVE INC (Continued) 1008403918 KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 EPA ID: MOP000000654 Mailing address: GILLHAM RD KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 Contact: ROBERT J SCHUMANN Contact address: 3242 GILLHAM RD KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 Contact country: US Contact telephone: (816) 561-6311 Contact email: Not reported EPA Region: 07 Classification: Non-Generator Description: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste

Owner/Operator Summary: Owner/operator name: SCHUMANN AUTOMOTIVE INC Owner/operator address: 3242 GILLHAM RD KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: (816) 561-6311 Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Operator Owner/Op start date: 01/24/1991 Owner/Op end date: Not reported

Owner/operator name: SCHUMANN AUTOMOTIVE INC Owner/operator address: 3242 GILLHAM RD KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: (816) 561-6311 Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: 01/24/1991 Owner/Op end date: Not reported

Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: No Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): No Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: No Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On-site burner exemption: No Furnace exemption: No Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Off-site waste receiver: Commercial status unknown

Violation Status: No violations found

TC2870407.2s Page 17 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number

9 APARTMENT BUILDING LUST U003981159 West 3259 WARWICK BLVD UST N/A 1/4-1/2 KANSAS CITY, MO 64111 0.276 mi. 1459 ft.

Relative: LUST: Higher Facility ID: ST5800773 Region: KC - Kansas City Regional Office Actual: Spill Number: 950526-0846-MJK 964 ft. Release Date: 01/01/1995 Release Type: UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK Source: Not reported Media Affected: Not reported Date Cleanup Started: 05/19/1995 Date Cleanup Finished: 07/03/1995 Expedite: No Active: No Date Of NFA Letter From DNR: Not reported Date Record Meets Archive Criteria: Not reported Remediation ID: R005275 Funding Agency: 1 Rank: Not reported Emergeny Response Date: Not reported Emergency Cleanup Start: Not reported Referred To DGLS for Investigation: Not reported Contractor Performing Clean Up: Not reported Remediation Techniques: Excavation RBCA NFA: 0 Project Manager: L Next Correspondence/Update With Fac: Not reported Date Added: 06/30/1995 Date Record Edited: 04/07/1997 Person Adding Or Editing Record: N$HARRJ Facility Sent To State Archive: Yes Date Remediation Unit Closed The File: Not reported Site Affectd By Funding Level From PSTIF: No Lust 2a Flag: -1 Lust 2a Flag Date: 09/30/2003 Lust 2b Flag: 0 Lust 2b Flag Date: Not reported Lust 3a Flag: -1 Lust 3a Flag Date: 09/30/2003 Lust 3b Flag: 0 Lust 3b Flag Date: Not reported Lust 4 Flag: 0 Lust 4 Flag Date: Not reported Lat/Long (dms): Not reported General Comments: 7-25-95 - TM - TANK AND CONTAMINATION REMOVED. SITE CLOSED.

UST: Facility ID: ST5800773 Region: KC Lat/Long: 39.067308732 / -94.583122507 Lat/Long (dms): Not reported Easting: 363040.997837 Northing: 4325438.60406 Method Data Was Obtained: Street Centerline Accuracy Of Geospatial Data: 8

TC2870407.2s Page 18 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number

APARTMENT BUILDING (Continued) U003981159 Owner Of Geospatial Data: Hazardous Waste Program Amount Of Deviation In Accuracy: 100 Deviation In Meters; Feet; Pdop; Score: Score Geospatial Point Line Area Indicator: 001 Geospatial Horizontal Reference Datum: NAD83 Where Geospatial Data Collected On Site: Not reported Geospatial Source Data Location: HWP Geospatial Data Collected By: ROBERTS, J Geospatial Elevation Method: Not reported Geospatial Elevation Refernce Datum: Not reported Date Gis Data Collected: 1/15/2004 Owner: Owner ID: Not reported Owner Name: Not reported Owner Address: Not reported Owner City,St,Zip: Not reported Owner County Code: Not reported Owner Phone: Not reported Mail Was Not Deliverable: Not reported Is Owner Active?: Not reported Date Registration Received: Not reported Date Record Added: Not reported Date Record Edited: Not reported Name of Person Editing Record: Not reported

Tank ID: Not reported Tank Double Wall: Not reported Tank Type: Not reported Tank Status: Not reported Meet 98 Update Requirements: Not reported Date Tank Installed: Not reported Tank Material: Not reported Other Type Of Tank Material: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Other Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank Internal Protection Date: Not reported Tank External Protection: Not reported Other Type Tank Extrn Protec: Not reported Tank External Protec Date: Not reported Date Tank Last Used: Not reported Date Tank Permanently Closed/ Removed: Not reported Tank Fees Waived: Not reported Expedite Closure On Tank?: Not reported Responsible Person Expediting Closure: Not reported Temporary Status Verified Date: Not reported Admin Fee 585: Not reported Date Administratively Closed: Not reported Registration Fee 586: Not reported Date Record Added: Not reported Date Record Edited: Not reported Person Adding/Editing Record: Not reported Amt Assessed By Current Cycle: Not reported Amount Curently Due: Not reported Date Of NFA Letter: Not reported Is Tank Used For Emergency Generator: Not reported Date Closure Notice Received: Not reported

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APARTMENT BUILDING (Continued) U003981159 Date Of Aprroval Letter: Not reported Firm Closing Tank: Not reported Date Closure Report Received: Not reported Registration End Date: Not reported LockOut Flag: Not reported Site Useage: Not reported Risk Type: Not reported Soil Type: Not reported GW Flow: Not reported Offsite Impact: Not reported Free Product: Not reported Drinking Water: Not reported Closed Under: Not reported No Drinking Wells: Not reported No Buildings: Not reported Vapor Barrier: Not reported St Louis Mo: Not reported Special Well Area: Not reported No Excavation: Not reported Comments: Not reported

10 JIFFY LUBE LUST U000751030 North 3201 GILLHAM PLAZA UST N/A 1/4-1/2 KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 SPILLS 0.292 mi. DRYCLEANERS 1542 ft.

Relative: LUST: Higher Facility ID: ST0007191 Region: KC - Kansas City Regional Office Actual: Spill Number: 0205241134BWH 963 ft. Release Date: Not reported Release Type: UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK Source: 6 Media Affected: SOIL, GROUND WATER Date Cleanup Started: 10/08/2002 Date Cleanup Finished: 04/14/2009 Expedite: No Active: No Date Of NFA Letter From DNR: Not reported Date Record Meets Archive Criteria: 05/28/2009 Remediation ID: R007491 Funding Agency: 1 Rank: 72 Emergeny Response Date: Not reported Emergency Cleanup Start: Not reported Referred To DGLS for Investigation: Not reported Contractor Performing Clean Up: 431 Remediation Techniques: Site Characterization RBCA NFA: 0 Project Manager: 7 Next Correspondence/Update With Fac: Not reported Date Added: 10/08/2002 Date Record Edited: 05/18/2009 Person Adding Or Editing Record: ANDERSON, T Facility Sent To State Archive: No Date Remediation Unit Closed The File: 04/14/2009 Site Affectd By Funding Level From PSTIF: No

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JIFFY LUBE (Continued) U000751030 Lust 2a Flag: -1 Lust 2a Flag Date: 09/30/2009 Lust 2b Flag: 0 Lust 2b Flag Date: Not reported Lust 3a Flag: -1 Lust 3a Flag Date: 09/30/2009 Lust 3b Flag: 0 Lust 3b Flag Date: Not reported Lust 4 Flag: 0 Lust 4 Flag Date: Not reported Lat/Long (dms): Not reported General Comments: 10/8/02 MA The caller reported petroleum contamination encountered during a phase II environmental site assessment on (5/24/02). Rev ESA report not enough info to determine the source of contamintion, the lab results were skewed and inconclusive, additional investigation is warranted, req WP. 1/7/03 MA Heartland Automotive is not the source of contamination, req Regional office to inspect the site stick the tanks, add the site on ESP investigation list of FY04. 4/11/03 MA rev RO inspection report, ACME has unregulated tanks on site withi visible fill ports and vent lines, water was detected in one tank, inspector was unable to stick the other tanks. Midtown car wash is an abandoned facility across the street, fill ports were filled with concrete, pumpisland and vent lines were removed. This site was also placed on the investigation list of 2004. 8/4/04 MA rev phase II site characterization report. Refered site to VCP dry cleaning unit for further review and cleanup. 4/14/09 - LTA reviewed file. Mineral Spirits identified on site are from USTs present on the adjacent cleaners. Recommended administrative closure. 04/14/09 - Site administratively closed. - LL

UST: Facility ID: ST0007191 Region: KC Lat/Long: 39.06848 / -94.57888 Lat/Long (dms): Not reported Easting: 363410.302827 Northing: 4325562.20807 Method Data Was Obtained: GPS, Carrier Phase, Static Mode (SA Off Accuracy Of Geospatial Data: 8 Owner Of Geospatial Data: Hazardous Waste Program Amount Of Deviation In Accuracy: 16.7 Deviation In Meters; Feet; Pdop; Score: Feet Geospatial Point Line Area Indicator: 001 Geospatial Horizontal Reference Datum: WGS84 Where Geospatial Data Collected On Site: NW Geospatial Source Data Location: KCRO Geospatial Data Collected By: CRAWSHAW, J Geospatial Elevation Method: Not reported Geospatial Elevation Refernce Datum: Not reported Date Gis Data Collected: 1/8/2003 Owner: Owner ID: OW01839 Owner Name: HEARTLAND AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES INC Owner Address: 3201 GILLHAM PLAZA Owner City,St,Zip: KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 Owner County Code: 95

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JIFFY LUBE (Continued) U000751030 Owner Phone: 5315933 Mail Was Not Deliverable: No Is Owner Active?: No Date Registration Received: Not reported Date Record Added: 6/30/1995 Date Record Edited: Not reported Name of Person Editing Record: Not reported

Tank ID: 1 Tank Double Wall: 0 Tank Type: Below Ground Tank Status: Removed Meet 98 Update Requirements: No Date Tank Installed: 1/1/1987 Tank Material: Steel Other Type Of Tank Material: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: No Other Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank Internal Protection Date: Not reported Tank External Protection: Present Other Type Tank Extrn Protec: Not reported Tank External Protec Date: Not reported Date Tank Last Used: 3/3/1998 Date Tank Permanently Closed/ Removed: 3/6/1998 Tank Fees Waived: No Expedite Closure On Tank?: No Responsible Person Expediting Closure: Not reported Temporary Status Verified Date: Not reported Admin Fee 585: Not reported Date Administratively Closed: Not reported Registration Fee 586: 45 Date Record Added: 6/30/1995 Date Record Edited: 4/29/1998 Person Adding/Editing Record: admin 8/5/98 Amt Assessed By Current Cycle: 45 Amount Curently Due: 0 Date Of NFA Letter: 3/6/1998 Is Tank Used For Emergency Generator: No Date Closure Notice Received: 2/23/1998 Date Of Aprroval Letter: 3/6/1998 Firm Closing Tank: DOUBLE CHECK Date Closure Report Received: 8/26/1998 Registration End Date: Not reported LockOut Flag: No Site Useage: Not reported Risk Type: Not reported Soil Type: Not reported GW Flow: Not reported Offsite Impact: Not reported Free Product: Not reported Drinking Water: Not reported Closed Under: Not reported No Drinking Wells: 0 No Buildings: 0 Vapor Barrier: 0 St Louis Mo: 0

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JIFFY LUBE (Continued) U000751030 Special Well Area: 0 No Excavation: 0 Comments: Not reported Tank Compartment: Tank Compartment PK: 18230 Tank PK: 18230 Compartment No: 1 Compartment Status: Removed Compartment Temp Verified Dt: Not reported Capacity: 2000 Pipe Installation Dt: Not reported Pipe System: 4 Pipe Material: 1 Pipe Material Other: Not reported Pipe Protection: Not reported Pipe Protection Dt: Not reported Pipe Double Wall: 0 Substance: Used Oil Substance Other: Not reported Hazardous Substance: Not reported Case Number: Not reported Mixture: 0 Date of Last Use: 3/3/1998 Spill Protection: 0 Tanks Use: 0

MO SPILLS: Facility ID: 0205241134BWH Regional Office: KCRO Spill Number: 0205241134BWH Date Reported: 5/24/2002 Call Date/time: 11:34:00 AM Lat/Long: 39.067299 -94.579102 UTM Zone For GPS: 15 Discovery Date: 5/24/2002 Email: False Is This A Continuous Release To Be Monitered?: False Cause: Other Contact Name: Brian Clark Contact Phone #: 4023330900 Contact Id: {5F825A07-533B-41F6-B06D-863947D7F6CC} Organization Name: Heartland Automotive Services Organization Address1: 11308 Davenport Street Organization Address2: Not reported Organization City: Omaha Organization State: NE Organization Zip: 68154 Entity Phone #: 4023330900 Date Of Incident Search: 5/24/2002 Property Code Description: Retail Facility Property Sub Category: Not reported Cause Description: Other Cause Sub Category: Not reported Description: Address Matching - Other Address Matching Job Code: Not reported

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DRYCLEANERS: Plant Number: 095- DC Number: 02057 Facility Phone: Not reported Facility Contact: Not reported Site NA: True Dry Store: False Facility Status: Not reported DC Plant: False Supplier: False Chlorinated: False Non Chlorinated: False

11 INNER CITY OIL LUST U004129326 North 615 E LINWOOD UST N/A 1/4-1/2 KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 0.310 mi. 1638 ft.

Relative: LUST: Higher Facility ID: ST0010665 Region: KC - Kansas City Regional Office Actual: Spill Number: 0304021124GEV 956 ft. Release Date: 03/17/2003 Release Type: UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK Source: 6 Media Affected: SOIL, GROUND WATER Date Cleanup Started: 09/09/2004 Date Cleanup Finished: Not reported Expedite: No Active: Yes Date Of NFA Letter From DNR: Not reported Date Record Meets Archive Criteria: Not reported Remediation ID: R007639 Funding Agency: 1 Rank: 69 Emergeny Response Date: Not reported Emergency Cleanup Start: Not reported Referred To DGLS for Investigation: Not reported Contractor Performing Clean Up: 156 Remediation Techniques: Not reported RBCA NFA: 0 Project Manager: 4 Next Correspondence/Update With Fac: 12/21/2009 Date Added: 06/27/2003 Date Record Edited: 09/21/2009 Person Adding Or Editing Record: MUKHTAR, H Facility Sent To State Archive: No

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INNER CITY OIL (Continued) U004129326 Date Remediation Unit Closed The File: Not reported Site Affectd By Funding Level From PSTIF: No Lust 2a Flag: -1 Lust 2a Flag Date: 09/30/2005 Lust 2b Flag: 0 Lust 2b Flag Date: Not reported Lust 3a Flag: 0 Lust 3a Flag Date: Not reported Lust 3b Flag: 0 Lust 3b Flag Date: Not reported Lust 4 Flag: 0 Lust 4 Flag Date: Not reported Lat/Long (dms): 39 4 8 / 94 34 38 General Comments: 6/17/03:HM:Recvd SA report dated April 2, 2003. Contam in soil and GW. 8/21/03:HM:Approvd SC WP of April 2, 03. 3/11/04:HM:revd SC report of March 5, 04. Reqestd a sealed copy and a proposal for add data. 4/8/04:HM: recvd RG letter of April 2, 04. 4/20/04:HM:Approvd SC plan of April 6, 04. 10/8/04:HM:revd RA report of Sept 9, 04. Approvd Add activ and requestd a proposal. 12/27/04:HM:recvd SC plan of Dec 13, 04. Reqestd a revised plan. 4/1/05:HM:Recvd addendum of March 9, 2005, to the SC plan plan of Dec 13, 04. Approved plan with modification to some well locations. 9/23/05:HM:revd RA report of July 22, 05. Need further soil vapor and GW monitoring and reassessment of risks. 1/18/06:HM:Contacted by Mr. Bob Fine. PSTIF refuesd to approve add soil vapor monitorng and add soil vapor monit points as recommedned by the department. Suggested to Mr. Fine to respond to other items in the letter, and refer to PSTIF refusal for other items. Will review the response and revisit our recommendations. 1/20/06:HM:Revd GW report of 10/18/05. Recmm one round of GW and soil vapor sampling, and a final RA report. 6/20/06:HM:revd GW and soil vapor monit report of 3/10/06. Increasing conc., suggested fruther invetsig in the tank and pump islands area, and the test of the tank system if plume continues to increase. 10/10/06:HM:Revd GW, vapor, and utility report of 6/29/06. Approved one addit vapor monit event. 12/26/06:HM:Revd GW report of 11/17/06. Reqestd analysis of GW data for plume stability. Reqestd a vpor monitoring report. 6/15/07:HM:Revd GW and SV monit reprot of 5/8/07. SV concnetr below SSTLs for on site current nonresident and off site current resident. Approved 2 monit events of GW for certain wells as recommended by FE. Also requested recommend to address exceedance of GW for a future off site resident in the vicinity of MW-14. 8/20/07:HM:Approved WP of 7/2/07 for 3 HVE evnets and 2 GW monit events. 3/5/08:HM: Reviewed HVE and GW monit report of 12/19/07. Approved add HVE event for MW-5 and MW-14. Requested a proposal to assess risks for a future on site nonresid and car garage off site. 4/11/08:HM: Aproved WP of 3/26/08 for three wells on site and three off site, and one off site to the north of MW-1. 9/2/08:HM: Reviewed SC and FP recovery report of 7/24/08. Requested Delin of soil and GW, and requested a proposal for HVE and delineation, and GW monit. 10/08/08:HM: Reviewed resposne and approved WP of 9/29/08. 4/13/09;HM: Reviewed SC and GW report of 3/5/09. 5/13/09:HM: Reviewed HVE & GW report of 4/24/09. Approved the proposed two 4-inch recovery wells. 8/5/09:HM: Reviewed report of 7/24/09. 9/21/09:HM: Reviewed response of 9/11/09.

UST: Facility ID: ST0010665

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INNER CITY OIL (Continued) U004129326 Region: KC Lat/Long: 39.06865 / -94.57688 Lat/Long (dms): 39 4 8 / 94 34 38 Easting: 363583.660249 Northing: 4325578.07089 Method Data Was Obtained: GPS, Carrier Phase, Static Mode (SA Off Accuracy Of Geospatial Data: 8 Owner Of Geospatial Data: Hazardous Waste Program Amount Of Deviation In Accuracy: 9.6 Deviation In Meters; Feet; Pdop; Score: Feet Geospatial Point Line Area Indicator: 001 Geospatial Horizontal Reference Datum: WGS84 Where Geospatial Data Collected On Site: TU Geospatial Source Data Location: KCRO Geospatial Data Collected By: CRAWSHAW, J Geospatial Elevation Method: Not reported Geospatial Elevation Refernce Datum: Not reported Date Gis Data Collected: 7/22/2004 Owner: Owner ID: OW20956 Owner Name: PREMIER PETROLEUM, INCORPORATED Owner Address: P. O. BOX 27229 Owner City,St,Zip: OVERLAND PARK, KS 66225 Owner County Code: Not reported Owner Phone: 3387158 Mail Was Not Deliverable: No Is Owner Active?: Yes Date Registration Received: 3/27/2006 Date Record Added: 4/6/2006 Date Record Edited: 10/20/2009 Name of Person Editing Record: CORBIN, M

Tank ID: 1 Tank Double Wall: 0 Tank Type: Below Ground Tank Status: Curently in use Meet 98 Update Requirements: Yes Date Tank Installed: Not reported Tank Material: Steel Other Type Of Tank Material: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: Yes Other Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank Internal Protection Date: 12/1/1994 Tank External Protection: None Other Type Tank Extrn Protec: Not reported Tank External Protec Date: Not reported Date Tank Last Used: Not reported Date Tank Permanently Closed/ Removed: Not reported Tank Fees Waived: No Expedite Closure On Tank?: No Responsible Person Expediting Closure: Not reported Temporary Status Verified Date: Not reported Admin Fee 585: Not reported Date Administratively Closed: Not reported Registration Fee 586: 75 Date Record Added: 6/30/1995

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INNER CITY OIL (Continued) U004129326 Date Record Edited: 10/20/2009 Person Adding/Editing Record: CORBIN, M Amt Assessed By Current Cycle: 75 Amount Curently Due: 0 Date Of NFA Letter: Not reported Is Tank Used For Emergency Generator: No Date Closure Notice Received: Not reported Date Of Aprroval Letter: Not reported Firm Closing Tank: Not reported Date Closure Report Received: Not reported Registration End Date: 9/30/2014 LockOut Flag: No Site Useage: Not reported Risk Type: Not reported Soil Type: Not reported GW Flow: Not reported Offsite Impact: Not reported Free Product: Not reported Drinking Water: Not reported Closed Under: Not reported No Drinking Wells: 0 No Buildings: 0 Vapor Barrier: 0 St Louis Mo: 0 Special Well Area: 0 No Excavation: 0 Comments: Not reported Tank Compartment: Tank Compartment PK: 26234 Tank PK: 26234 Compartment No: 1 Compartment Status: Curently in use Compartment Temp Verified Dt: Not reported Capacity: 6000 Pipe Installation Dt: Not reported Pipe System: 1 Pipe Material: 2 Pipe Material Other: Not reported Pipe Protection: Not reported Pipe Protection Dt: 7/1/1998 Pipe Double Wall: 0 Substance: Gasoline, Including Blends Substance Other: Not reported Hazardous Substance: Not reported Case Number: Not reported Mixture: 0 Date of Last Use: Not reported Spill Protection: -1 Tanks Use: 0

Tank ID: 2 Tank Double Wall: 0 Tank Type: Below Ground Tank Status: Curently in use Meet 98 Update Requirements: Yes

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INNER CITY OIL (Continued) U004129326 Date Tank Installed: Not reported Tank Material: Steel Other Type Of Tank Material: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: Yes Other Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank Internal Protection Date: 12/1/1993 Tank External Protection: None Other Type Tank Extrn Protec: Not reported Tank External Protec Date: Not reported Date Tank Last Used: Not reported Date Tank Permanently Closed/ Removed: Not reported Tank Fees Waived: No Expedite Closure On Tank?: No Responsible Person Expediting Closure: Not reported Temporary Status Verified Date: Not reported Admin Fee 585: Not reported Date Administratively Closed: Not reported Registration Fee 586: 75 Date Record Added: 6/30/1995 Date Record Edited: 10/20/2009 Person Adding/Editing Record: CORBIN, M Amt Assessed By Current Cycle: 75 Amount Curently Due: 0 Date Of NFA Letter: Not reported Is Tank Used For Emergency Generator: No Date Closure Notice Received: Not reported Date Of Aprroval Letter: Not reported Firm Closing Tank: Not reported Date Closure Report Received: Not reported Registration End Date: 9/30/2014 LockOut Flag: No Site Useage: Not reported Risk Type: Not reported Soil Type: Not reported GW Flow: Not reported Offsite Impact: Not reported Free Product: Not reported Drinking Water: Not reported Closed Under: Not reported No Drinking Wells: 0 No Buildings: 0 Vapor Barrier: 0 St Louis Mo: 0 Special Well Area: 0 No Excavation: 0 Comments: Not reported Tank Compartment: Tank Compartment PK: 26235 Tank PK: 26235 Compartment No: 1 Compartment Status: Curently in use Compartment Temp Verified Dt: Not reported Capacity: 6000 Pipe Installation Dt: Not reported Pipe System: 1 Pipe Material: 2 Pipe Material Other: Not reported

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INNER CITY OIL (Continued) U004129326 Pipe Protection: Not reported Pipe Protection Dt: 7/1/1998 Pipe Double Wall: 0 Substance: Gasoline, Including Blends Substance Other: Not reported Hazardous Substance: Not reported Case Number: Not reported Mixture: 0 Date of Last Use: Not reported Spill Protection: -1 Tanks Use: 0

12 7-ELEVEN #21057 LUST U003182743 North 3150 GILLHAM RD UST N/A 1/4-1/2 KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 0.368 mi. 1945 ft.

Relative: LUST: Higher Facility ID: ST0013051 Region: KC - Kansas City Regional Office Actual: Spill Number: 0103281430CRJ 965 ft. Release Date: 03/10/2009 Release Type: UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK Source: Not reported Media Affected: Y, e, s Date Cleanup Started: 04/03/2009 Date Cleanup Finished: Not reported Expedite: No Active: Yes Date Of NFA Letter From DNR: Not reported Date Record Meets Archive Criteria: Not reported Remediation ID: R008298 Funding Agency: Not reported Rank: Not reported Emergeny Response Date: Not reported Emergency Cleanup Start: Not reported Referred To DGLS for Investigation: Not reported Contractor Performing Clean Up: 7 Remediation Techniques: Not reported RBCA NFA: Not reported Project Manager: 4 Next Correspondence/Update With Fac: 07/11/2010 Date Added: 04/02/2009 Date Record Edited: 06/11/2010 Person Adding Or Editing Record: MUKHTAR, H Facility Sent To State Archive: Not reported Date Remediation Unit Closed The File: Not reported Site Affectd By Funding Level From PSTIF: Not reported Lust 2a Flag: 0 Lust 2a Flag Date: Not reported Lust 2b Flag: 0 Lust 2b Flag Date: Not reported Lust 3a Flag: 0 Lust 3a Flag Date: Not reported Lust 3b Flag: 0 Lust 3b Flag Date: Not reported

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7-ELEVEN #21057 (Continued) U003182743 Lust 4 Flag: 0 Lust 4 Flag Date: Not reported Lat/Long (dms): 39 4 8 / 94 34 46 General Comments: 1/3/09:HM: FP encountered during a site assessment on March 10, 2009. About 2 feet in MW-5. About 900 gallons of FP and water removed. Approved FP recvoery plan of 3/31/09. 4/29/09:HM: Reviewed SC report of 4/14/09. FP in two wells, and requested a proposal for add sc and and GW monit. 6/1/09:HM: Approved WP of 5/13/09 for installation of 2 wells, and reviewed FP report of 5/21/09 and line test of 5/21/09. 8/3/09:HM: Received FP recovery report of 7/15/19. 8/21/09:HM: Approved 60 days extension. 12/7/09:HM: Reviewed the SC report of 10/30/09. Requested a Tier 1 RA. 2/19/10:HM: Reviewed FP recvoery report of 1/20/10 and T-1 of 2/12/10. 6/11/10:HM: Reviewed FP recov report of 5/27/10.

UST: Facility ID: ST0013051 Region: KC Lat/Long: 39.06876 / -94.57939 Lat/Long (dms): 39 4 8 / 94 34 46 Easting: 363366.720156 Northing: 4325594.04941 Method Data Was Obtained: GPS, Carrier Phase, Static Mode (SA Off Accuracy Of Geospatial Data: 8 Owner Of Geospatial Data: Hazardous Waste Program Amount Of Deviation In Accuracy: 6 Deviation In Meters; Feet; Pdop; Score: Feet Geospatial Point Line Area Indicator: 001 Geospatial Horizontal Reference Datum: WGS84 Where Geospatial Data Collected On Site: TU Geospatial Source Data Location: KCRO Geospatial Data Collected By: PELTZ, P Geospatial Elevation Method: Not reported Geospatial Elevation Refernce Datum: Not reported Date Gis Data Collected: Not reported Owner: Owner ID: OW10452 Owner Name: 7-ELEVEN, INC. Owner Address: PO BOX 711 Owner City,St,Zip: DALLAS, TX 75221 0711 Owner County Code: 59 Owner Phone: 8280711 Mail Was Not Deliverable: No Is Owner Active?: Yes Date Registration Received: 3/19/2001 Date Record Added: 6/30/1995 Date Record Edited: 1/27/2010 Name of Person Editing Record: CORBIN, M

Tank ID: 1 Tank Double Wall: 0 Tank Type: Below Ground Tank Status: Permanently Closed in place Meet 98 Update Requirements: Yes Date Tank Installed: 1/1/1979

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7-ELEVEN #21057 (Continued) U003182743 Tank Material: Steel Other Type Of Tank Material: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: No Other Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank Internal Protection Date: Not reported Tank External Protection: Present Other Type Tank Extrn Protec: Not reported Tank External Protec Date: Not reported Date Tank Last Used: 3/28/2001 Date Tank Permanently Closed/ Removed: 11/18/2002 Tank Fees Waived: No Expedite Closure On Tank?: No Responsible Person Expediting Closure: Not reported Temporary Status Verified Date: Not reported Admin Fee 585: Not reported Date Administratively Closed: Not reported Registration Fee 586: 0 Date Record Added: 6/30/1995 Date Record Edited: 12/11/2009 Person Adding/Editing Record: BROWN, R Amt Assessed By Current Cycle: 0 Amount Curently Due: 0 Date Of NFA Letter: Not reported Is Tank Used For Emergency Generator: No Date Closure Notice Received: 9/10/2002 Date Of Aprroval Letter: 9/11/2002 Firm Closing Tank: NEUMAYER EQUIPMENT Date Closure Report Received: Not reported Registration End Date: Not reported LockOut Flag: No Site Useage: Not reported Risk Type: Not reported Soil Type: Not reported GW Flow: Not reported Offsite Impact: Not reported Free Product: Not reported Drinking Water: Not reported Closed Under: Not reported No Drinking Wells: 0 No Buildings: 0 Vapor Barrier: 0 St Louis Mo: 0 Special Well Area: 0 No Excavation: 0 Comments: 1/05/04 Sent letter about no closure report. RS 12/11/2009 RMB. The AECOM letter conveyed information regarding removal and replacement of the product supply lines and dispensers, and relining of the two operational USTs. The letter adequately addressed current closure issues at the above referenced facility. Please continue sending correspondence pertaining to future investigation and remedial actions to Mr. Hashim Mukhtar of the Tanks Section s Remediation Unit. Not reported Tank Compartment: Tank Compartment PK: 33096 Tank PK: 33097 Compartment No: 1 Compartment Status: Permanently Closed in place

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7-ELEVEN #21057 (Continued) U003182743 Compartment Temp Verified Dt: Not reported Capacity: 10000 Pipe Installation Dt: 5/1/1996 Pipe System: 1 Pipe Material: 8 Pipe Material Other: Not reported Pipe Protection: Not reported Pipe Protection Dt: Not reported Pipe Double Wall: 0 Substance: Gasoline, Including Blends Substance Other: Not reported Hazardous Substance: Not reported Case Number: Not reported Mixture: 0 Date of Last Use: 3/28/2001 Spill Protection: -1 Tanks Use: 0

Tank ID: 2 Tank Double Wall: -1 Tank Type: Below Ground Tank Status: Curently in use Meet 98 Update Requirements: Yes Date Tank Installed: 1/1/1979 Tank Material: Steel Other Type Of Tank Material: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: No Other Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank Internal Protection Date: Not reported Tank External Protection: Impressed Other Type Tank Extrn Protec: Not reported Tank External Protec Date: 5/1/1996 Date Tank Last Used: Not reported Date Tank Permanently Closed/ Removed: Not reported Tank Fees Waived: No Expedite Closure On Tank?: No Responsible Person Expediting Closure: Not reported Temporary Status Verified Date: Not reported Admin Fee 585: Not reported Date Administratively Closed: Not reported Registration Fee 586: 75 Date Record Added: 6/30/1995 Date Record Edited: 1/7/2010 Person Adding/Editing Record: CORBIN, M Amt Assessed By Current Cycle: 75 Amount Curently Due: 0 Date Of NFA Letter: Not reported Is Tank Used For Emergency Generator: No Date Closure Notice Received: Not reported Date Of Aprroval Letter: Not reported Firm Closing Tank: Not reported Date Closure Report Received: Not reported Registration End Date: 9/30/2013 LockOut Flag: No Site Useage: Not reported

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7-ELEVEN #21057 (Continued) U003182743 Risk Type: Not reported Soil Type: Not reported GW Flow: Not reported Offsite Impact: Not reported Free Product: Not reported Drinking Water: Not reported Closed Under: Not reported No Drinking Wells: 0 No Buildings: 0 Vapor Barrier: 0 St Louis Mo: 0 Special Well Area: 0 No Excavation: 0 Comments: Not reported Tank Compartment: Tank Compartment PK: 33097 Tank PK: 33098 Compartment No: 1 Compartment Status: Curently in use Compartment Temp Verified Dt: Not reported Capacity: 10000 Pipe Installation Dt: 11/2/2009 Pipe System: 1 Pipe Material: 2 Pipe Material Other: Not reported Pipe Protection: Not reported Pipe Protection Dt: Not reported Pipe Double Wall: -1 Substance: Gasoline, Including Blends Substance Other: Not reported Hazardous Substance: Not reported Case Number: Not reported Mixture: 0 Date of Last Use: Not reported Spill Protection: -1 Tanks Use: 0

Tank ID: 3 Tank Double Wall: 0 Tank Type: Below Ground Tank Status: Curently in use Meet 98 Update Requirements: Yes Date Tank Installed: 1/1/1979 Tank Material: Steel Other Type Of Tank Material: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: No Other Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank Internal Protection Date: Not reported Tank External Protection: Impressed Other Type Tank Extrn Protec: Not reported Tank External Protec Date: 5/1/1996 Date Tank Last Used: Not reported Date Tank Permanently Closed/ Removed: Not reported Tank Fees Waived: No Expedite Closure On Tank?: No

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7-ELEVEN #21057 (Continued) U003182743 Responsible Person Expediting Closure: Not reported Temporary Status Verified Date: Not reported Admin Fee 585: Not reported Date Administratively Closed: Not reported Registration Fee 586: 75 Date Record Added: 6/30/1995 Date Record Edited: 1/7/2010 Person Adding/Editing Record: CORBIN, M Amt Assessed By Current Cycle: 75 Amount Curently Due: 0 Date Of NFA Letter: Not reported Is Tank Used For Emergency Generator: No Date Closure Notice Received: Not reported Date Of Aprroval Letter: Not reported Firm Closing Tank: Not reported Date Closure Report Received: Not reported Registration End Date: 9/30/2013 LockOut Flag: No Site Useage: Not reported Risk Type: Not reported Soil Type: Not reported GW Flow: Not reported Offsite Impact: Not reported Free Product: Not reported Drinking Water: Not reported Closed Under: Not reported No Drinking Wells: 0 No Buildings: 0 Vapor Barrier: 0 St Louis Mo: 0 Special Well Area: 0 No Excavation: 0 Comments: Not reported Tank Compartment: Tank Compartment PK: 33098 Tank PK: 33099 Compartment No: 1 Compartment Status: Curently in use Compartment Temp Verified Dt: Not reported Capacity: 10000 Pipe Installation Dt: 11/2/2009 Pipe System: 1 Pipe Material: 2 Pipe Material Other: Not reported Pipe Protection: Not reported Pipe Protection Dt: Not reported Pipe Double Wall: -1 Substance: Gasoline, Including Blends Substance Other: Not reported Hazardous Substance: Not reported Case Number: Not reported Mixture: 0 Date of Last Use: Not reported Spill Protection: -1 Tanks Use: 0

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13 101 CAR WASH LUST U000282634 WSW 3537 MAIN UST N/A 1/4-1/2 KANSAS CITY, MO 64111 0.418 mi. 2209 ft.

Relative: LUST: Lower Facility ID: ST0003196 Region: KC - Kansas City Regional Office Actual: Spill Number: Not reported 944 ft. Release Date: 01/06/1992 Release Type: UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK Source: Not reported Media Affected: SOIL Date Cleanup Started: 01/06/1992 Date Cleanup Finished: 06/10/2008 Expedite: No Active: No Date Of NFA Letter From DNR: Not reported Date Record Meets Archive Criteria: 05/28/2009 Remediation ID: R002872 Funding Agency: 3 Rank: 33 Emergeny Response Date: Not reported Emergency Cleanup Start: Not reported Referred To DGLS for Investigation: Not reported Contractor Performing Clean Up: Not reported Remediation Techniques: Excavation RBCA NFA: 0 Project Manager: M Next Correspondence/Update With Fac: Not reported Date Added: 06/30/1995 Date Record Edited: 06/12/2008 Person Adding Or Editing Record: ANDERSON, T Facility Sent To State Archive: Yes Date Remediation Unit Closed The File: 06/10/2008 Site Affectd By Funding Level From PSTIF: No Lust 2a Flag: -1 Lust 2a Flag Date: 09/30/2008 Lust 2b Flag: 0 Lust 2b Flag Date: Not reported Lust 3a Flag: -1 Lust 3a Flag Date: 09/30/2008 Lust 3b Flag: 0 Lust 3b Flag Date: Not reported Lust 4 Flag: 0 Lust 4 Flag Date: Not reported Lat/Long (dms): Not reported General Comments: 8/10/98 JP requested submittal of a closure report by September 30, 1998. 1/6/01 kk rev file. Closure report not submitted. Req closure report or SC work plan. 1/11/2002 MA sent a letter to Mr. Larry London requesting site status update, closure report, and work plan for site characterization. 2/25/2002 returned letter resend to Ms. Judith Paxton Rea 21 West 43rd street, Kansas City, MO 64111 5/28/03 MA rev file sent a LOW for failure to submit closure report, and a work plan for SC. Certified mail returned undelivered. 6/10/08 - TA: BTEX in soil samples collected during UST removal activities below DTLs or type 1, res, RBTLs. Domestic use pathway considered incomplete. No evidence off site impacts resulted from a release at

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101 CAR WASH (Continued) U000282634 the site. Recommended admin closure. 06/10/08 - Administratively closed. - LL

UST: Facility ID: ST0003196 Region: KC Lat/Long: 39.063143194 / -94.585769539 Lat/Long (dms): Not reported Easting: 362803.920317 Northing: 4324980.30015 Method Data Was Obtained: Street Centerline Accuracy Of Geospatial Data: 8 Owner Of Geospatial Data: Hazardous Waste Program Amount Of Deviation In Accuracy: 66 Deviation In Meters; Feet; Pdop; Score: Score Geospatial Point Line Area Indicator: 001 Geospatial Horizontal Reference Datum: NAD83 Where Geospatial Data Collected On Site: Not reported Geospatial Source Data Location: HWP Geospatial Data Collected By: ROBERTS, J Geospatial Elevation Method: Not reported Geospatial Elevation Refernce Datum: Not reported Date Gis Data Collected: 10/24/2002 Owner: Owner ID: OW01924 Owner Name: 101 CAR WASH Owner Address: 3537 MAIN [] Owner City,St,Zip: KANSAS CITY, MO 64111 Owner County Code: 95 Owner Phone: 7532121 Mail Was Not Deliverable: Yes Is Owner Active?: No Date Registration Received: Not reported Date Record Added: 6/30/1995 Date Record Edited: Not reported Name of Person Editing Record: Not reported

Tank ID: 1 Tank Double Wall: 0 Tank Type: Below Ground Tank Status: Removed Meet 98 Update Requirements: No Date Tank Installed: 1/1/1976 Tank Material: Steel Other Type Of Tank Material: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: No Other Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank Internal Protection Date: Not reported Tank External Protection: Present Other Type Tank Extrn Protec: Not reported Tank External Protec Date: Not reported Date Tank Last Used: 1/1/1981 Date Tank Permanently Closed/ Removed: Not reported Tank Fees Waived: Yes Expedite Closure On Tank?: No

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101 CAR WASH (Continued) U000282634 Responsible Person Expediting Closure: Not reported Temporary Status Verified Date: Not reported Admin Fee 585: Not reported Date Administratively Closed: Not reported Registration Fee 586: 0 Date Record Added: 6/30/1995 Date Record Edited: 5/28/1996 Person Adding/Editing Record: Not reported Amt Assessed By Current Cycle: 0 Amount Curently Due: 0 Date Of NFA Letter: Not reported Is Tank Used For Emergency Generator: No Date Closure Notice Received: 3/28/1994 Date Of Aprroval Letter: Not reported Firm Closing Tank: C.S. EHINGER Date Closure Report Received: Not reported Registration End Date: Not reported LockOut Flag: No Site Useage: Not reported Risk Type: Not reported Soil Type: Not reported GW Flow: Not reported Offsite Impact: Not reported Free Product: Not reported Drinking Water: Not reported Closed Under: Not reported No Drinking Wells: 0 No Buildings: 0 Vapor Barrier: 0 St Louis Mo: 0 Special Well Area: 0 No Excavation: 0 Comments: 2-6000 GAL GAS, 1-2000 GAL DIESEL Tank Compartment: Tank Compartment PK: 7679 Tank PK: 7679 Compartment No: 1 Compartment Status: Removed Compartment Temp Verified Dt: Not reported Capacity: 10000 Pipe Installation Dt: Not reported Pipe System: Not reported Pipe Material: 1 Pipe Material Other: Not reported Pipe Protection: Not reported Pipe Protection Dt: Not reported Pipe Double Wall: 0 Substance: Gasoline, Including Blends Substance Other: Not reported Hazardous Substance: Not reported Case Number: Not reported Mixture: 0 Date of Last Use: 1/1/1981 Spill Protection: 0 Tanks Use: 0

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101 CAR WASH (Continued) U000282634 Tank ID: 2 Tank Double Wall: 0 Tank Type: Below Ground Tank Status: Removed Meet 98 Update Requirements: No Date Tank Installed: 1/1/1976 Tank Material: Steel Other Type Of Tank Material: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: No Other Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank Internal Protection Date: Not reported Tank External Protection: Present Other Type Tank Extrn Protec: Not reported Tank External Protec Date: Not reported Date Tank Last Used: 1/1/1981 Date Tank Permanently Closed/ Removed: Not reported Tank Fees Waived: Yes Expedite Closure On Tank?: No Responsible Person Expediting Closure: Not reported Temporary Status Verified Date: Not reported Admin Fee 585: Not reported Date Administratively Closed: Not reported Registration Fee 586: 0 Date Record Added: 6/30/1995 Date Record Edited: 5/28/1996 Person Adding/Editing Record: Not reported Amt Assessed By Current Cycle: 0 Amount Curently Due: 0 Date Of NFA Letter: Not reported Is Tank Used For Emergency Generator: No Date Closure Notice Received: 3/28/1994 Date Of Aprroval Letter: Not reported Firm Closing Tank: C.S. EHINGER Date Closure Report Received: Not reported Registration End Date: Not reported LockOut Flag: No Site Useage: Not reported Risk Type: Not reported Soil Type: Not reported GW Flow: Not reported Offsite Impact: Not reported Free Product: Not reported Drinking Water: Not reported Closed Under: Not reported No Drinking Wells: 0 No Buildings: 0 Vapor Barrier: 0 St Louis Mo: 0 Special Well Area: 0 No Excavation: 0 Comments: 2-6000 GAL GAS, 1-2000 GAL DIESEL Tank Compartment: Tank Compartment PK: 7680 Tank PK: 7680 Compartment No: 1 Compartment Status: Removed Compartment Temp Verified Dt: Not reported

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101 CAR WASH (Continued) U000282634 Capacity: 10000 Pipe Installation Dt: Not reported Pipe System: Not reported Pipe Material: 1 Pipe Material Other: Not reported Pipe Protection: Not reported Pipe Protection Dt: Not reported Pipe Double Wall: 0 Substance: Gasoline, Including Blends Substance Other: Not reported Hazardous Substance: Not reported Case Number: Not reported Mixture: 0 Date of Last Use: 1/1/1981 Spill Protection: 0 Tanks Use: 0

Tank ID: 3 Tank Double Wall: 0 Tank Type: Below Ground Tank Status: Removed Meet 98 Update Requirements: No Date Tank Installed: 1/1/1976 Tank Material: Steel Other Type Of Tank Material: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: No Other Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank Internal Protection Date: Not reported Tank External Protection: Present Other Type Tank Extrn Protec: Not reported Tank External Protec Date: Not reported Date Tank Last Used: 1/1/1981 Date Tank Permanently Closed/ Removed: Not reported Tank Fees Waived: Yes Expedite Closure On Tank?: No Responsible Person Expediting Closure: Not reported Temporary Status Verified Date: Not reported Admin Fee 585: Not reported Date Administratively Closed: Not reported Registration Fee 586: 0 Date Record Added: 6/30/1995 Date Record Edited: 5/28/1996 Person Adding/Editing Record: Not reported Amt Assessed By Current Cycle: 0 Amount Curently Due: 0 Date Of NFA Letter: Not reported Is Tank Used For Emergency Generator: No Date Closure Notice Received: 3/28/1994 Date Of Aprroval Letter: Not reported Firm Closing Tank: C.S. EHINGER Date Closure Report Received: Not reported Registration End Date: Not reported LockOut Flag: No Site Useage: Not reported Risk Type: Not reported

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101 CAR WASH (Continued) U000282634 Soil Type: Not reported GW Flow: Not reported Offsite Impact: Not reported Free Product: Not reported Drinking Water: Not reported Closed Under: Not reported No Drinking Wells: 0 No Buildings: 0 Vapor Barrier: 0 St Louis Mo: 0 Special Well Area: 0 No Excavation: 0 Comments: 2-6000 GAL GAS, 1-2000 GAL DIESEL Tank Compartment: Tank Compartment PK: 7681 Tank PK: 7681 Compartment No: 1 Compartment Status: Removed Compartment Temp Verified Dt: Not reported Capacity: 10000 Pipe Installation Dt: Not reported Pipe System: Not reported Pipe Material: 1 Pipe Material Other: Not reported Pipe Protection: Not reported Pipe Protection Dt: Not reported Pipe Double Wall: 0 Substance: Diesel Substance Other: Not reported Hazardous Substance: Not reported Case Number: Not reported Mixture: 0 Date of Last Use: 1/1/1981 Spill Protection: 0 Tanks Use: 0

14 FORMER FAIRMONT DAIRY LUST U004051536 North 3110 GILLHAM RD UST N/A 1/4-1/2 KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 0.432 mi. 2280 ft.

Relative: LUST: Higher Facility ID: ST0021447 Region: KC - Kansas City Regional Office Actual: Spill Number: Not reported 977 ft. Release Date: Not reported Release Type: UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK Source: 6 Media Affected: -, SOIL Date Cleanup Started: 02/19/1999 Date Cleanup Finished: 06/21/2007 Expedite: No Active: No Date Of NFA Letter From DNR: 06/29/2007 Date Record Meets Archive Criteria: 09/05/2007

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FORMER FAIRMONT DAIRY (Continued) U004051536 Remediation ID: R007991 Funding Agency: 1 Rank: Not reported Emergeny Response Date: Not reported Emergency Cleanup Start: Not reported Referred To DGLS for Investigation: Not reported Contractor Performing Clean Up: 252 Remediation Techniques: Not reported RBCA NFA: -1 Project Manager: R Next Correspondence/Update With Fac: Not reported Date Added: 03/21/2006 Date Record Edited: 07/02/2007 Person Adding Or Editing Record: LUTHER, L Facility Sent To State Archive: No Date Remediation Unit Closed The File: Not reported Site Affectd By Funding Level From PSTIF: No Lust 2a Flag: -1 Lust 2a Flag Date: 03/31/2007 Lust 2b Flag: 0 Lust 2b Flag Date: Not reported Lust 3a Flag: -1 Lust 3a Flag Date: 09/30/2007 Lust 3b Flag: 0 Lust 3b Flag Date: Not reported Lust 4 Flag: 0 Lust 4 Flag Date: Not reported Lat/Long (dms): Not reported General Comments: 03/21/06 - Reviewed Phase I/II and work plan. Phase II indicates GW contamination at site. Approved work plan for 5 borings. Requested at least 3 wells to determine extent of GW contamination. - LL 06/19/06- Reviewed 4/25/06 expedited sa rpt: SOILS: B>DTLs in MW1@ 8-10 & 13-15 : MTBE, ETBE, & B >DTLs in MW2 @ 14-16 - ; GW : B, MTBE, napth>DTLs in MWs 1& 2; closure report coming. 12/13/06 - RDS - Phone call with Randy Glasnapp (816.531.1600), owner, regarding wp for further sc. Mr. Glasnapp is an aeronautical engineer and is wanting to sell the property within a year. I requested additional borings N & W of MW-2. KTI is proposing N, S, & W (which is good) but only wanted to go a few feet W (on-site). I explained we needed to know the off-site extent, if any, and requested 25’ intervals. Also requested a 500’ radius land use map and a hard copy of microwell verbaslly issued "variance". WP will be submitted shortly. 1/26/07 - RDS - Received 2 work plans from KTI dated 12/4 & 18/07. WPs not approved- no variance for microwells from DGLS, most cont. are, MW-2, not delineated to W (KTI does not want to drill in aley), and no utility map provided. Letter dated 12/18 from RP provided 500’ radius area map and copy of zoning codes. 1/29/70 - RDS - Received FAX from KTI: WPP variance dated 12/14/06. All wells put in prior to variance issuance- need proof of: 1- primary and secondary filter packs; 2- slurry grout via tremie from top of 2ndary filter; if no proof (e.g. in well diagram) the wells will have to be installed properly. 02/14/07 - Approved work plan for 3 wells, one gw sampling event, and a report. - LL 5/27/07 MAS: Approved a revised WP that incorporated the addition of an additional MW west of MW-2 requested in the department’s letter dated Feb 22, 2007. 6/12/07 RDS- 4/16/07 KTI Hydrocarbon Plume Delineation: Further field work was conducted on March 7-9, 2007. MW-4 - MW-17 were installed with a push-probe. The soil and

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FORMER FAIRMONT DAIRY (Continued) U004051536 groundwater plume appears to be confined to the site property boundary and do not exceed Tier 1 Soil Type 1 residential RBTLs (except domestic consumption of groundwater). KTI recommended NFA based on: 1- UST has not been used (recharged) in 30 years; 2- UST removed June 2006; 3- all soil and groundwater samples are below Tier 1 residential RBTLs (except domestic consumption of groundwater); 4- all petroleum contamination appears to remain on the site property; and 5- residual contamination is confined by clay/shale aquatards. The only department concern is that 1-inch push wells were used. The DGLS variance, #3412, was granted with the proviso that the DNR project manager must also agree to allow use of the 1-inch wells. NFRA recommended. 6/21/07 RDS- NRFA notes: soil type 2; Tier 1 risk assessment; site is non-residential; no off-site property impacted; groundwater flow to east/northeast. 06/29/07 - NFRA issued. - LL

UST: Facility ID: ST0021447 Region: KC Lat/Long: Not reported Lat/Long (dms): Not reported Easting: Not reported Northing: Not reported Method Data Was Obtained: Not reported Accuracy Of Geospatial Data: 8 Owner Of Geospatial Data: Hazardous Waste Program Amount Of Deviation In Accuracy: 0 Deviation In Meters; Feet; Pdop; Score: Feet Geospatial Point Line Area Indicator: 001 Geospatial Horizontal Reference Datum: WGS84 Where Geospatial Data Collected On Site: TU Geospatial Source Data Location: Not reported Geospatial Data Collected By: Not reported Geospatial Elevation Method: Not reported Geospatial Elevation Refernce Datum: Not reported Date Gis Data Collected: Not reported Owner: Owner ID: OW99999 Owner Name: No Current Owner Owner Address: Not reported Owner City,St,Zip: Not reported Owner County Code: Not reported Owner Phone: Not reported Mail Was Not Deliverable: No Is Owner Active?: Yes Date Registration Received: 1/1/1996 Date Record Added: 4/30/1996 Date Record Edited: 12/13/2001 Name of Person Editing Record: EVANS, K

Tank ID: 1 Tank Double Wall: 0 Tank Type: Below Ground Tank Status: Removed Meet 98 Update Requirements: No Date Tank Installed: 1/1/1974

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FORMER FAIRMONT DAIRY (Continued) U004051536 Tank Material: Steel Other Type Of Tank Material: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Other Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank Internal Protection Date: Not reported Tank External Protection: Not reported Other Type Tank Extrn Protec: Not reported Tank External Protec Date: Not reported Date Tank Last Used: Not reported Date Tank Permanently Closed/ Removed: Not reported Tank Fees Waived: No Expedite Closure On Tank?: No Responsible Person Expediting Closure: CM Temporary Status Verified Date: Not reported Admin Fee 585: Not reported Date Administratively Closed: Not reported Registration Fee 586: Not reported Date Record Added: 8/10/2006 Date Record Edited: 6/18/2008 Person Adding/Editing Record: LIGHT, K Amt Assessed By Current Cycle: 0 Amount Curently Due: Not reported Date Of NFA Letter: 6/29/2007 Is Tank Used For Emergency Generator: No Date Closure Notice Received: Not reported Date Of Aprroval Letter: Not reported Firm Closing Tank: Kruger Technologies Inc. Date Closure Report Received: 6/21/2006 Registration End Date: Not reported LockOut Flag: No Site Useage: 2 Risk Type: 3 Soil Type: 7 GW Flow: 13 Offsite Impact: 29 Free Product: 0 Drinking Water: 42 Closed Under: Not reported No Drinking Wells: 0 No Buildings: 0 Vapor Barrier: 0 St Louis Mo: 0 Special Well Area: 0 No Excavation: 0 Comments: Tank size was 10,000-gallon. Reviewed CR. Need the following: Photos or signed documentation proving the tank was properly cleaned, a revised site map showing location of underground utilities, and documentation addressing the future use of the site. MW 8/15/06 Reviewed response. Issued letter stating that there were no further closure issues. MW 9/26/06 Tank Compartment: Tank Compartment PK: 39246 Tank PK: 39251 Compartment No: 1 Compartment Status: Removed Compartment Temp Verified Dt: Not reported Capacity: 111

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FORMER FAIRMONT DAIRY (Continued) U004051536 Pipe Installation Dt: Not reported Pipe System: Not reported Pipe Material: Not reported Pipe Material Other: Not reported Pipe Protection: Not reported Pipe Protection Dt: Not reported Pipe Double Wall: 0 Substance: Gasoline, Including Blends Substance Other: Not reported Hazardous Substance: Not reported Case Number: Not reported Mixture: 0 Date of Last Use: Not reported Spill Protection: 0 Tanks Use: 0

15 PANHANDLE EAST PIPELINE LUST U003980990 West 3444 S BROADWAY UST N/A 1/4-1/2 KANSAS CITY, MO 64111 0.450 mi. 2378 ft.

Relative: LUST: Lower Facility ID: ST5800505 Region: KC - Kansas City Regional Office Actual: Spill Number: Not reported 951 ft. Release Date: 11/18/1992 Release Type: UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK Source: Not reported Media Affected: Not reported Date Cleanup Started: 11/18/1992 Date Cleanup Finished: 02/19/1993 Expedite: No Active: No Date Of NFA Letter From DNR: Not reported Date Record Meets Archive Criteria: Not reported Remediation ID: R003605 Funding Agency: 1 Rank: Not reported Emergeny Response Date: Not reported Emergency Cleanup Start: Not reported Referred To DGLS for Investigation: Not reported Contractor Performing Clean Up: Not reported Remediation Techniques: Excavation RBCA NFA: 0 Project Manager: L Next Correspondence/Update With Fac: Not reported Date Added: 06/30/1995 Date Record Edited: Not reported Person Adding Or Editing Record: Not reported Facility Sent To State Archive: Yes Date Remediation Unit Closed The File: Not reported Site Affectd By Funding Level From PSTIF: No Lust 2a Flag: -1 Lust 2a Flag Date: 09/30/2003 Lust 2b Flag: 0 Lust 2b Flag Date: Not reported

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PANHANDLE EAST PIPELINE (Continued) U003980990 Lust 3a Flag: -1 Lust 3a Flag Date: 09/30/2003 Lust 3b Flag: 0 Lust 3b Flag Date: Not reported Lust 4 Flag: 0 Lust 4 Flag Date: Not reported Lat/Long (dms): Not reported General Comments: Not reported

UST: Facility ID: ST5800505 Region: KC Lat/Long: 39.065273146 / -94.590345142 Lat/Long (dms): Not reported Easting: 362412.167515 Northing: 4325223.60133 Method Data Was Obtained: Street Centerline Accuracy Of Geospatial Data: 8 Owner Of Geospatial Data: Hazardous Waste Program Amount Of Deviation In Accuracy: 84 Deviation In Meters; Feet; Pdop; Score: Score Geospatial Point Line Area Indicator: 001 Geospatial Horizontal Reference Datum: NAD83 Where Geospatial Data Collected On Site: Not reported Geospatial Source Data Location: HWP Geospatial Data Collected By: ROBERTS, J Geospatial Elevation Method: Not reported Geospatial Elevation Refernce Datum: Not reported Date Gis Data Collected: 1/15/2004 Owner: Owner ID: Not reported Owner Name: Not reported Owner Address: Not reported Owner City,St,Zip: Not reported Owner County Code: Not reported Owner Phone: Not reported Mail Was Not Deliverable: Not reported Is Owner Active?: Not reported Date Registration Received: Not reported Date Record Added: Not reported Date Record Edited: Not reported Name of Person Editing Record: Not reported

Tank ID: Not reported Tank Double Wall: Not reported Tank Type: Not reported Tank Status: Not reported Meet 98 Update Requirements: Not reported Date Tank Installed: Not reported Tank Material: Not reported Other Type Of Tank Material: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Other Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank Internal Protection Date: Not reported Tank External Protection: Not reported

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PANHANDLE EAST PIPELINE (Continued) U003980990 Other Type Tank Extrn Protec: Not reported Tank External Protec Date: Not reported Date Tank Last Used: Not reported Date Tank Permanently Closed/ Removed: Not reported Tank Fees Waived: Not reported Expedite Closure On Tank?: Not reported Responsible Person Expediting Closure: Not reported Temporary Status Verified Date: Not reported Admin Fee 585: Not reported Date Administratively Closed: Not reported Registration Fee 586: Not reported Date Record Added: Not reported Date Record Edited: Not reported Person Adding/Editing Record: Not reported Amt Assessed By Current Cycle: Not reported Amount Curently Due: Not reported Date Of NFA Letter: Not reported Is Tank Used For Emergency Generator: Not reported Date Closure Notice Received: Not reported Date Of Aprroval Letter: Not reported Firm Closing Tank: Not reported Date Closure Report Received: Not reported Registration End Date: Not reported LockOut Flag: Not reported Site Useage: Not reported Risk Type: Not reported Soil Type: Not reported GW Flow: Not reported Offsite Impact: Not reported Free Product: Not reported Drinking Water: Not reported Closed Under: Not reported No Drinking Wells: Not reported No Buildings: Not reported Vapor Barrier: Not reported St Louis Mo: Not reported Special Well Area: Not reported No Excavation: Not reported Comments: Not reported

16 FORMER UST SITE (RUDY LANGER PROPERTY)LUST U003980828 WSW 3626 MAIN UST N/A 1/4-1/2 KANSAS CITY, MO 64111 0.462 mi. 2441 ft.

Relative: LUST: Lower Facility ID: ST5800292 Region: KC - Kansas City Regional Office Actual: Spill Number: Not reported 924 ft. Release Date: Not reported Release Type: UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK Source: 6 Media Affected: SOIL Date Cleanup Started: 07/18/2000 Date Cleanup Finished: 07/18/2000 Expedite: No Active: No

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FORMER UST SITE (RUDY LANGER PROPERTY) (Continued) U003980828 Date Of NFA Letter From DNR: 07/19/2000 Date Record Meets Archive Criteria: Not reported Remediation ID: R006798 Funding Agency: 1 Rank: Not reported Emergeny Response Date: Not reported Emergency Cleanup Start: Not reported Referred To DGLS for Investigation: Not reported Contractor Performing Clean Up: 86 Remediation Techniques: Phase I RBCA NFA: 0 Project Manager: 8 Next Correspondence/Update With Fac: Not reported Date Added: 05/12/2000 Date Record Edited: 04/22/2002 Person Adding Or Editing Record: HUTSON, F Facility Sent To State Archive: Yes Date Remediation Unit Closed The File: Not reported Site Affectd By Funding Level From PSTIF: No Lust 2a Flag: -1 Lust 2a Flag Date: 09/30/2003 Lust 2b Flag: 0 Lust 2b Flag Date: Not reported Lust 3a Flag: -1 Lust 3a Flag Date: 09/30/2003 Lust 3b Flag: 0 Lust 3b Flag Date: Not reported Lust 4 Flag: 0 Lust 4 Flag Date: Not reported Lat/Long (dms): Not reported General Comments: Request additional sampling to verify presence or absence of contamination. 7-18-2000, DL reviewed site assessment. Issued NFA.

UST: Facility ID: ST5800292 Region: KC Lat/Long: 39.061528565 / -94.585870525 Lat/Long (dms): Not reported Easting: 362792.056524 Northing: 4324801.25927 Method Data Was Obtained: Street Centerline Accuracy Of Geospatial Data: 8 Owner Of Geospatial Data: Hazardous Waste Program Amount Of Deviation In Accuracy: 82 Deviation In Meters; Feet; Pdop; Score: Score Geospatial Point Line Area Indicator: 001 Geospatial Horizontal Reference Datum: NAD83 Where Geospatial Data Collected On Site: Not reported Geospatial Source Data Location: HWP Geospatial Data Collected By: ROBERTS, J Geospatial Elevation Method: Not reported Geospatial Elevation Refernce Datum: Not reported Date Gis Data Collected: 1/15/2004 Owner: Owner ID: Not reported Owner Name: Not reported

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FORMER UST SITE (RUDY LANGER PROPERTY) (Continued) U003980828 Owner Address: Not reported Owner City,St,Zip: Not reported Owner County Code: Not reported Owner Phone: Not reported Mail Was Not Deliverable: Not reported Is Owner Active?: Not reported Date Registration Received: Not reported Date Record Added: Not reported Date Record Edited: Not reported Name of Person Editing Record: Not reported

Tank ID: Not reported Tank Double Wall: Not reported Tank Type: Not reported Tank Status: Not reported Meet 98 Update Requirements: Not reported Date Tank Installed: Not reported Tank Material: Not reported Other Type Of Tank Material: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Other Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank Internal Protection Date: Not reported Tank External Protection: Not reported Other Type Tank Extrn Protec: Not reported Tank External Protec Date: Not reported Date Tank Last Used: Not reported Date Tank Permanently Closed/ Removed: Not reported Tank Fees Waived: Not reported Expedite Closure On Tank?: Not reported Responsible Person Expediting Closure: Not reported Temporary Status Verified Date: Not reported Admin Fee 585: Not reported Date Administratively Closed: Not reported Registration Fee 586: Not reported Date Record Added: Not reported Date Record Edited: Not reported Person Adding/Editing Record: Not reported Amt Assessed By Current Cycle: Not reported Amount Curently Due: Not reported Date Of NFA Letter: Not reported Is Tank Used For Emergency Generator: Not reported Date Closure Notice Received: Not reported Date Of Aprroval Letter: Not reported Firm Closing Tank: Not reported Date Closure Report Received: Not reported Registration End Date: Not reported LockOut Flag: Not reported Site Useage: Not reported Risk Type: Not reported Soil Type: Not reported GW Flow: Not reported Offsite Impact: Not reported Free Product: Not reported Drinking Water: Not reported Closed Under: Not reported No Drinking Wells: Not reported

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FORMER UST SITE (RUDY LANGER PROPERTY) (Continued) U003980828 No Buildings: Not reported Vapor Barrier: Not reported St Louis Mo: Not reported Special Well Area: Not reported No Excavation: Not reported Comments: Not reported

B17 TOTAL #4404 LUST U001159891 NW 17 EAST LINWOOD BLVD UST N/A 1/4-1/2 KANSAS CITY, MO 64111 0.466 mi. 2463 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster B

Relative: LUST: Higher Facility ID: ST0003303 Region: KC - Kansas City Regional Office Actual: Spill Number: Not reported 979 ft. Release Date: Not reported Release Type: UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK Source: 6 Media Affected: SOIL Date Cleanup Started: 05/23/2000 Date Cleanup Finished: 05/26/2000 Expedite: No Active: No Date Of NFA Letter From DNR: 06/20/2001 Date Record Meets Archive Criteria: Not reported Remediation ID: R006897 Funding Agency: 1 Rank: Not reported Emergeny Response Date: Not reported Emergency Cleanup Start: Not reported Referred To DGLS for Investigation: Not reported Contractor Performing Clean Up: 32 Remediation Techniques: Excavation, Tank Closure RBCA NFA: 0 Project Manager: L Next Correspondence/Update With Fac: Not reported Date Added: 10/03/2000 Date Record Edited: 06/20/2001 Person Adding Or Editing Record: REPPER, S Facility Sent To State Archive: Yes Date Remediation Unit Closed The File: Not reported Site Affectd By Funding Level From PSTIF: No Lust 2a Flag: -1 Lust 2a Flag Date: 09/30/2003 Lust 2b Flag: 0 Lust 2b Flag Date: Not reported Lust 3a Flag: -1 Lust 3a Flag Date: 09/30/2003 Lust 3b Flag: 0 Lust 3b Flag Date: Not reported Lust 4 Flag: 0 Lust 4 Flag Date: Not reported Lat/Long (dms): Not reported General Comments: 10/2/2000 Contamination discovered during tank closure. 484 cy of contaminated soil disposed. Site remediated to within cleanup levels. Site can be closed. NFA will be issued when all closure issues are

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TOTAL #4404 (Continued) U001159891 resolved. JS 6/14/2001 NFA letter issued. JS

UST: Facility ID: ST0003303 Region: KC Lat/Long: 39.068498595 / -94.585246991 Lat/Long (dms): Not reported Easting: 362859.498097 Northing: 4325573.86016 Method Data Was Obtained: Street Centerline Accuracy Of Geospatial Data: 8 Owner Of Geospatial Data: Hazardous Waste Program Amount Of Deviation In Accuracy: 100 Deviation In Meters; Feet; Pdop; Score: Score Geospatial Point Line Area Indicator: 001 Geospatial Horizontal Reference Datum: NAD83 Where Geospatial Data Collected On Site: Not reported Geospatial Source Data Location: HWP Geospatial Data Collected By: ROBERTS, J Geospatial Elevation Method: Not reported Geospatial Elevation Refernce Datum: Not reported Date Gis Data Collected: 1/15/2004 Owner: Owner ID: OW01354 Owner Name: TOTAL PETROLEUM, INC Owner Address: P O BOX 696000 Owner City,St,Zip: SAN ANTONIO, TX 78269 6000 Owner County Code: Not reported Owner Phone: 2233634 Mail Was Not Deliverable: No Is Owner Active?: No Date Registration Received: Not reported Date Record Added: 6/30/1995 Date Record Edited: 9/5/2003 Name of Person Editing Record: NEVINS, H.

Tank ID: 1 Tank Double Wall: 0 Tank Type: Below Ground Tank Status: Removed Meet 98 Update Requirements: Yes Date Tank Installed: 6/1/1969 Tank Material: Steel Other Type Of Tank Material: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: No Other Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank Internal Protection Date: Not reported Tank External Protection: Present Other Type Tank Extrn Protec: Not reported Tank External Protec Date: Not reported Date Tank Last Used: 4/1/2000 Date Tank Permanently Closed/ Removed: 6/9/2000 Tank Fees Waived: No Expedite Closure On Tank?: No Responsible Person Expediting Closure: Not reported

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TOTAL #4404 (Continued) U001159891 Temporary Status Verified Date: Not reported Admin Fee 585: Not reported Date Administratively Closed: Not reported Registration Fee 586: 30 Date Record Added: 6/30/1995 Date Record Edited: 5/4/1999 Person Adding/Editing Record: NREQHW-VIETS Amt Assessed By Current Cycle: 30 Amount Curently Due: 0 Date Of NFA Letter: 6/20/2001 Is Tank Used For Emergency Generator: No Date Closure Notice Received: 4/25/2000 Date Of Aprroval Letter: 4/27/2000 Firm Closing Tank: BE&K Terranext Date Closure Report Received: 8/30/2000 Registration End Date: Not reported LockOut Flag: No Site Useage: Not reported Risk Type: Not reported Soil Type: Not reported GW Flow: Not reported Offsite Impact: Not reported Free Product: Not reported Drinking Water: Not reported Closed Under: Not reported No Drinking Wells: 0 No Buildings: 0 Vapor Barrier: 0 St Louis Mo: 0 Special Well Area: 0 No Excavation: 0 Comments: 10/2/2000 4 items needing response w/in 30 days. JS 6/14/2001 NFA letter issued. JS Tank Compartment: Tank Compartment PK: 8020 Tank PK: 8020 Compartment No: 1 Compartment Status: Removed Compartment Temp Verified Dt: Not reported Capacity: 10000 Pipe Installation Dt: 6/1/1989 Pipe System: 1 Pipe Material: 2 Pipe Material Other: Not reported Pipe Protection: Not reported Pipe Protection Dt: Not reported Pipe Double Wall: 0 Substance: Gasoline, Including Blends Substance Other: Not reported Hazardous Substance: Not reported Case Number: Not reported Mixture: 0 Date of Last Use: 4/1/2000 Spill Protection: -1 Tanks Use: 0

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TOTAL #4404 (Continued) U001159891 Tank ID: 2 Tank Double Wall: 0 Tank Type: Below Ground Tank Status: Removed Meet 98 Update Requirements: Yes Date Tank Installed: 6/1/1969 Tank Material: Steel Other Type Of Tank Material: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: No Other Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank Internal Protection Date: Not reported Tank External Protection: Present Other Type Tank Extrn Protec: Not reported Tank External Protec Date: Not reported Date Tank Last Used: 4/1/2000 Date Tank Permanently Closed/ Removed: 6/9/2000 Tank Fees Waived: No Expedite Closure On Tank?: No Responsible Person Expediting Closure: Not reported Temporary Status Verified Date: Not reported Admin Fee 585: Not reported Date Administratively Closed: Not reported Registration Fee 586: 30 Date Record Added: 6/30/1995 Date Record Edited: 5/4/1999 Person Adding/Editing Record: NREQHW-VIETS Amt Assessed By Current Cycle: 30 Amount Curently Due: 0 Date Of NFA Letter: 6/20/2001 Is Tank Used For Emergency Generator: No Date Closure Notice Received: 4/25/2000 Date Of Aprroval Letter: 4/27/2000 Firm Closing Tank: BE&K Terranext Date Closure Report Received: 8/30/2000 Registration End Date: Not reported LockOut Flag: No Site Useage: Not reported Risk Type: Not reported Soil Type: Not reported GW Flow: Not reported Offsite Impact: Not reported Free Product: Not reported Drinking Water: Not reported Closed Under: Not reported No Drinking Wells: 0 No Buildings: 0 Vapor Barrier: 0 St Louis Mo: 0 Special Well Area: 0 No Excavation: 0 Comments: 10/2/2000 4 items needing response w/in 30 days. JS 6/14/2001 NFA letter issued. JS Tank Compartment: Tank Compartment PK: 8021 Tank PK: 8021 Compartment No: 1 Compartment Status: Removed

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TOTAL #4404 (Continued) U001159891 Compartment Temp Verified Dt: Not reported Capacity: 10000 Pipe Installation Dt: 6/1/1989 Pipe System: 1 Pipe Material: 2 Pipe Material Other: Not reported Pipe Protection: Not reported Pipe Protection Dt: Not reported Pipe Double Wall: 0 Substance: Gasoline, Including Blends Substance Other: Not reported Hazardous Substance: Not reported Case Number: Not reported Mixture: 0 Date of Last Use: 4/1/2000 Spill Protection: -1 Tanks Use: 0

Tank ID: 3 Tank Double Wall: 0 Tank Type: Below Ground Tank Status: Removed Meet 98 Update Requirements: Yes Date Tank Installed: 6/1/1969 Tank Material: Steel Other Type Of Tank Material: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: No Other Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank Internal Protection Date: Not reported Tank External Protection: Present Other Type Tank Extrn Protec: Not reported Tank External Protec Date: Not reported Date Tank Last Used: 4/1/2000 Date Tank Permanently Closed/ Removed: 6/9/2000 Tank Fees Waived: No Expedite Closure On Tank?: No Responsible Person Expediting Closure: Not reported Temporary Status Verified Date: Not reported Admin Fee 585: Not reported Date Administratively Closed: Not reported Registration Fee 586: 30 Date Record Added: 6/30/1995 Date Record Edited: 5/4/1999 Person Adding/Editing Record: NREQHW-VIETS Amt Assessed By Current Cycle: 30 Amount Curently Due: 0 Date Of NFA Letter: 6/20/2001 Is Tank Used For Emergency Generator: No Date Closure Notice Received: 4/25/2000 Date Of Aprroval Letter: 4/27/2000 Firm Closing Tank: BE&K Terranext Date Closure Report Received: 8/30/2000 Registration End Date: Not reported LockOut Flag: No Site Useage: Not reported

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TOTAL #4404 (Continued) U001159891 Risk Type: Not reported Soil Type: Not reported GW Flow: Not reported Offsite Impact: Not reported Free Product: Not reported Drinking Water: Not reported Closed Under: Not reported No Drinking Wells: 0 No Buildings: 0 Vapor Barrier: 0 St Louis Mo: 0 Special Well Area: 0 No Excavation: 0 Comments: 10/2/2000 4 items needing response w/in 30 days. JS 6/14/2001 NFA letter issued. JS Tank Compartment: Tank Compartment PK: 8022 Tank PK: 8022 Compartment No: 1 Compartment Status: Removed Compartment Temp Verified Dt: Not reported Capacity: 10000 Pipe Installation Dt: 6/1/1989 Pipe System: 1 Pipe Material: 2 Pipe Material Other: Not reported Pipe Protection: Not reported Pipe Protection Dt: Not reported Pipe Double Wall: 0 Substance: Gasoline, Including Blends Substance Other: Not reported Hazardous Substance: Not reported Case Number: Not reported Mixture: 0 Date of Last Use: 4/1/2000 Spill Protection: -1 Tanks Use: 0

Tank ID: 4 Tank Double Wall: 0 Tank Type: Below Ground Tank Status: Removed Meet 98 Update Requirements: Yes Date Tank Installed: 6/1/1969 Tank Material: Steel Other Type Of Tank Material: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: No Other Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank Internal Protection Date: Not reported Tank External Protection: Present Other Type Tank Extrn Protec: Not reported Tank External Protec Date: Not reported Date Tank Last Used: 4/1/2000 Date Tank Permanently Closed/ Removed: 6/9/2000 Tank Fees Waived: No

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TOTAL #4404 (Continued) U001159891 Expedite Closure On Tank?: No Responsible Person Expediting Closure: Not reported Temporary Status Verified Date: Not reported Admin Fee 585: Not reported Date Administratively Closed: Not reported Registration Fee 586: 30 Date Record Added: 6/30/1995 Date Record Edited: 5/4/1999 Person Adding/Editing Record: NREQHW-VIETS Amt Assessed By Current Cycle: 30 Amount Curently Due: 0 Date Of NFA Letter: 6/20/2001 Is Tank Used For Emergency Generator: No Date Closure Notice Received: 4/25/2000 Date Of Aprroval Letter: 4/27/2000 Firm Closing Tank: BE&K Terranext Date Closure Report Received: 8/30/2000 Registration End Date: Not reported LockOut Flag: No Site Useage: Not reported Risk Type: Not reported Soil Type: Not reported GW Flow: Not reported Offsite Impact: Not reported Free Product: Not reported Drinking Water: Not reported Closed Under: Not reported No Drinking Wells: 0 No Buildings: 0 Vapor Barrier: 0 St Louis Mo: 0 Special Well Area: 0 No Excavation: 0 Comments: 10/2/2000 4 items needing response w/in 30 days. JS 6/14/2001 NFA letter issued. JS Tank Compartment: Tank Compartment PK: 8023 Tank PK: 8023 Compartment No: 1 Compartment Status: Removed Compartment Temp Verified Dt: Not reported Capacity: 10000 Pipe Installation Dt: 6/1/1989 Pipe System: 1 Pipe Material: 2 Pipe Material Other: Not reported Pipe Protection: Not reported Pipe Protection Dt: Not reported Pipe Double Wall: 0 Substance: Gasoline, Including Blends Substance Other: Not reported Hazardous Substance: Not reported Case Number: Not reported Mixture: 0 Date of Last Use: 4/1/2000 Spill Protection: -1 Tanks Use: 0

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B18 AMOCO OIL SS #5219 LUST U000748658 NW 3215 MAIN ST UST N/A 1/4-1/2 KANSAS CITY, MO 64111 0.481 mi. 2541 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster B

Relative: LUST: Higher Facility ID: ST0010229 Region: KC - Kansas City Regional Office Actual: Spill Number: Not reported 977 ft. Release Date: 06/09/1993 Release Type: UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK Source: Not reported Media Affected: SOIL Date Cleanup Started: 06/09/1993 Date Cleanup Finished: 05/09/1996 Expedite: No Active: No Date Of NFA Letter From DNR: Not reported Date Record Meets Archive Criteria: Not reported Remediation ID: R003966 Funding Agency: 1 Rank: Not reported Emergeny Response Date: Not reported Emergency Cleanup Start: Not reported Referred To DGLS for Investigation: Not reported Contractor Performing Clean Up: 48 Remediation Techniques: Excavation RBCA NFA: 0 Project Manager: L Next Correspondence/Update With Fac: Not reported Date Added: 06/30/1995 Date Record Edited: 11/09/1998 Person Adding Or Editing Record: NR$HOLZR Facility Sent To State Archive: Yes Date Remediation Unit Closed The File: Not reported Site Affectd By Funding Level From PSTIF: No Lust 2a Flag: -1 Lust 2a Flag Date: 09/30/2003 Lust 2b Flag: 0 Lust 2b Flag Date: Not reported Lust 3a Flag: -1 Lust 3a Flag Date: 09/30/2003 Lust 3b Flag: 0 Lust 3b Flag Date: Not reported Lust 4 Flag: 0 Lust 4 Flag Date: Not reported Lat/Long (dms): Not reported General Comments: 10-05-95 - JM - SITE CLOSED. 5-9-96/JM/SITE CLOSED.

UST: Facility ID: ST0010229 Region: KC Lat/Long: 39.068670513 / -94.585476961 Lat/Long (dms): Not reported Easting: 362839.935061 Northing: 4325593.28688 Method Data Was Obtained: Street Centerline Accuracy Of Geospatial Data: 8

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AMOCO OIL SS #5219 (Continued) U000748658 Owner Of Geospatial Data: Hazardous Waste Program Amount Of Deviation In Accuracy: 100 Deviation In Meters; Feet; Pdop; Score: Score Geospatial Point Line Area Indicator: 001 Geospatial Horizontal Reference Datum: NAD83 Where Geospatial Data Collected On Site: Not reported Geospatial Source Data Location: HWP Geospatial Data Collected By: ROBERTS, J Geospatial Elevation Method: Not reported Geospatial Elevation Refernce Datum: Not reported Date Gis Data Collected: 1/15/2004 Owner: Owner ID: OW10007 Owner Name: AMOCO OIL COMPANY Owner Address: 8226 MARSHALL DRIVE Owner City,St,Zip: LENEXA, KS 66214 1537 Owner County Code: Not reported Owner Phone: 3394530 Mail Was Not Deliverable: Yes Is Owner Active?: No Date Registration Received: Not reported Date Record Added: 6/30/1995 Date Record Edited: 1/23/1997 Name of Person Editing Record: N$ATKIG

Tank ID: 1 Tank Double Wall: 0 Tank Type: Below Ground Tank Status: Removed Meet 98 Update Requirements: No Date Tank Installed: 1/1/1947 Tank Material: Steel Other Type Of Tank Material: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Other Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank Internal Protection Date: Not reported Tank External Protection: Other Other Type Tank Extrn Protec: C. Tank External Protec Date: Not reported Date Tank Last Used: Not reported Date Tank Permanently Closed/ Removed: 5/10/1996 Tank Fees Waived: No Expedite Closure On Tank?: No Responsible Person Expediting Closure: Not reported Temporary Status Verified Date: Not reported Admin Fee 585: Not reported Date Administratively Closed: Not reported Registration Fee 586: 0 Date Record Added: 6/30/1995 Date Record Edited: 5/21/1999 Person Adding/Editing Record: NREQHW-WILDB Amt Assessed By Current Cycle: 0 Amount Curently Due: 0 Date Of NFA Letter: 5/10/1996 Is Tank Used For Emergency Generator: No Date Closure Notice Received: Not reported

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AMOCO OIL SS #5219 (Continued) U000748658 Date Of Aprroval Letter: Not reported Firm Closing Tank: Not reported Date Closure Report Received: Not reported Registration End Date: Not reported LockOut Flag: No Site Useage: Not reported Risk Type: Not reported Soil Type: Not reported GW Flow: Not reported Offsite Impact: Not reported Free Product: Not reported Drinking Water: Not reported Closed Under: Not reported No Drinking Wells: 0 No Buildings: 0 Vapor Barrier: 0 St Louis Mo: 0 Special Well Area: 0 No Excavation: 0 Comments: Not reported Tank Compartment: Tank Compartment PK: 25070 Tank PK: 25070 Compartment No: 1 Compartment Status: Removed Compartment Temp Verified Dt: Not reported Capacity: 500 Pipe Installation Dt: Not reported Pipe System: 4 Pipe Material: 2 Pipe Material Other: Not reported Pipe Protection: Not reported Pipe Protection Dt: Not reported Pipe Double Wall: 0 Substance: Used Oil Substance Other: Not reported Hazardous Substance: Not reported Case Number: Not reported Mixture: 0 Date of Last Use: Not reported Spill Protection: 0 Tanks Use: 0

Tank ID: 2 Tank Double Wall: 0 Tank Type: Below Ground Tank Status: Removed Meet 98 Update Requirements: No Date Tank Installed: 1/1/1966 Tank Material: Steel Other Type Of Tank Material: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Other Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank Internal Protection Date: Not reported Tank External Protection: None

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AMOCO OIL SS #5219 (Continued) U000748658 Other Type Tank Extrn Protec: Not reported Tank External Protec Date: Not reported Date Tank Last Used: Not reported Date Tank Permanently Closed/ Removed: 5/10/1996 Tank Fees Waived: No Expedite Closure On Tank?: No Responsible Person Expediting Closure: Not reported Temporary Status Verified Date: Not reported Admin Fee 585: Not reported Date Administratively Closed: Not reported Registration Fee 586: 0 Date Record Added: 6/30/1995 Date Record Edited: 5/21/1999 Person Adding/Editing Record: NREQHW-WILDB Amt Assessed By Current Cycle: 0 Amount Curently Due: 0 Date Of NFA Letter: 5/10/1996 Is Tank Used For Emergency Generator: No Date Closure Notice Received: Not reported Date Of Aprroval Letter: Not reported Firm Closing Tank: Not reported Date Closure Report Received: Not reported Registration End Date: Not reported LockOut Flag: No Site Useage: Not reported Risk Type: Not reported Soil Type: Not reported GW Flow: Not reported Offsite Impact: Not reported Free Product: Not reported Drinking Water: Not reported Closed Under: Not reported No Drinking Wells: 0 No Buildings: 0 Vapor Barrier: 0 St Louis Mo: 0 Special Well Area: 0 No Excavation: 0 Comments: Not reported Tank Compartment: Tank Compartment PK: 25071 Tank PK: 25071 Compartment No: 1 Compartment Status: Removed Compartment Temp Verified Dt: Not reported Capacity: 6000 Pipe Installation Dt: Not reported Pipe System: Not reported Pipe Material: 3 Pipe Material Other: Not reported Pipe Protection: Not reported Pipe Protection Dt: Not reported Pipe Double Wall: 0 Substance: Gasoline, Including Blends Substance Other: Not reported Hazardous Substance: Not reported Case Number: Not reported

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AMOCO OIL SS #5219 (Continued) U000748658 Mixture: 0 Date of Last Use: Not reported Spill Protection: 0 Tanks Use: 0

Tank ID: 3 Tank Double Wall: 0 Tank Type: Below Ground Tank Status: Removed Meet 98 Update Requirements: No Date Tank Installed: 1/1/1966 Tank Material: Steel Other Type Of Tank Material: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Other Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank Internal Protection Date: Not reported Tank External Protection: None Other Type Tank Extrn Protec: Not reported Tank External Protec Date: Not reported Date Tank Last Used: Not reported Date Tank Permanently Closed/ Removed: 5/10/1996 Tank Fees Waived: No Expedite Closure On Tank?: No Responsible Person Expediting Closure: Not reported Temporary Status Verified Date: Not reported Admin Fee 585: Not reported Date Administratively Closed: Not reported Registration Fee 586: 0 Date Record Added: 6/30/1995 Date Record Edited: 5/21/1999 Person Adding/Editing Record: NREQHW-WILDB Amt Assessed By Current Cycle: 0 Amount Curently Due: 0 Date Of NFA Letter: 5/10/1996 Is Tank Used For Emergency Generator: No Date Closure Notice Received: Not reported Date Of Aprroval Letter: Not reported Firm Closing Tank: Not reported Date Closure Report Received: Not reported Registration End Date: Not reported LockOut Flag: No Site Useage: Not reported Risk Type: Not reported Soil Type: Not reported GW Flow: Not reported Offsite Impact: Not reported Free Product: Not reported Drinking Water: Not reported Closed Under: Not reported No Drinking Wells: 0 No Buildings: 0 Vapor Barrier: 0 St Louis Mo: 0 Special Well Area: 0 No Excavation: 0

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AMOCO OIL SS #5219 (Continued) U000748658 Comments: Not reported Tank Compartment: Tank Compartment PK: 25072 Tank PK: 25072 Compartment No: 1 Compartment Status: Removed Compartment Temp Verified Dt: Not reported Capacity: 6000 Pipe Installation Dt: Not reported Pipe System: Not reported Pipe Material: 3 Pipe Material Other: Not reported Pipe Protection: Not reported Pipe Protection Dt: Not reported Pipe Double Wall: 0 Substance: Gasoline, Including Blends Substance Other: Not reported Hazardous Substance: Not reported Case Number: Not reported Mixture: 0 Date of Last Use: Not reported Spill Protection: 0 Tanks Use: 0

Tank ID: 4 Tank Double Wall: 0 Tank Type: Below Ground Tank Status: Removed Meet 98 Update Requirements: No Date Tank Installed: 1/1/1966 Tank Material: Steel Other Type Of Tank Material: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Other Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank Internal Protection Date: Not reported Tank External Protection: None Other Type Tank Extrn Protec: Not reported Tank External Protec Date: Not reported Date Tank Last Used: Not reported Date Tank Permanently Closed/ Removed: 5/10/1996 Tank Fees Waived: No Expedite Closure On Tank?: No Responsible Person Expediting Closure: Not reported Temporary Status Verified Date: Not reported Admin Fee 585: Not reported Date Administratively Closed: Not reported Registration Fee 586: 0 Date Record Added: 6/30/1995 Date Record Edited: 5/21/1999 Person Adding/Editing Record: NREQHW-WILDB Amt Assessed By Current Cycle: 0 Amount Curently Due: 0 Date Of NFA Letter: 5/10/1996 Is Tank Used For Emergency Generator: No Date Closure Notice Received: Not reported

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AMOCO OIL SS #5219 (Continued) U000748658 Date Of Aprroval Letter: Not reported Firm Closing Tank: Not reported Date Closure Report Received: Not reported Registration End Date: Not reported LockOut Flag: No Site Useage: Not reported Risk Type: Not reported Soil Type: Not reported GW Flow: Not reported Offsite Impact: Not reported Free Product: Not reported Drinking Water: Not reported Closed Under: Not reported No Drinking Wells: 0 No Buildings: 0 Vapor Barrier: 0 St Louis Mo: 0 Special Well Area: 0 No Excavation: 0 Comments: Not reported Tank Compartment: Tank Compartment PK: 25073 Tank PK: 25073 Compartment No: 1 Compartment Status: Removed Compartment Temp Verified Dt: Not reported Capacity: 8000 Pipe Installation Dt: Not reported Pipe System: Not reported Pipe Material: 3 Pipe Material Other: Not reported Pipe Protection: Not reported Pipe Protection Dt: Not reported Pipe Double Wall: 0 Substance: Gasoline, Including Blends Substance Other: Not reported Hazardous Substance: Not reported Case Number: Not reported Mixture: 0 Date of Last Use: Not reported Spill Protection: 0 Tanks Use: 0

C19 3715 TROOST US BROWNFIELDS 1009806441 SE 3715 TROOST N/A 1/4-1/2 KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 0.488 mi. 2578 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster C

Relative: US BROWNFIELDS: Lower Recipient name: Kansas City, City of Grant type: Assessment Grant Actual: Property name: 3715 Troost 943 ft. Property #: JA30120220300000000 Parcel size: .35 Latitude: 39.05987

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3715 TROOST (Continued) 1009806441 Longitude: -94.57301 HCM label: Address Matching-House Number Map scale: 1:24000 Point of reference: Entrance Point of a Facility or Station Datum: World Geodetic System of 1984 ACRES property ID: 27321 Start date: N/A Completed date: N/A Acres cleaned up: Not reported Cleanup funding: Not reported Cleanup funding source: Not reported Assessment funding: $3,856.92 Assessment funding source: Not reported Redevelopment funding: Not reported Redev. funding source: Not reported Redev. funding entity name: Not reported Redevelopment start date: N/A Assessment funding entity: US EPA - Brownfields Assessment Cooperative Agreement Cleanup funding entity: Not reported Grant type: N/A Accomplishment type: Phase II Environmental Assessment Ownership entity: Private Current owner: Henry Grandison Did owner change: No Cleanup required: Unknown Video available: Not reported Photo available: Not reported Institutional controls required: Not reported IC Category proprietary controls: Not reported IC cat. info. devices: Not reported IC cat. gov. controls: Not reported IC cat. enforcement permit tools: Not reported IC in place date: N/A IC in place: Unknown Enrolled in state/tribal program: No State/tribal program date: N/A State/tribal program ID: Not reported State/tribal NFA date: N/A Air contaminated: Not reported Air cleaned: Not reported Asbestos found: Not reported Asbestos cleaned: Not reported Controled substance found: Not reported Controled substance cleaned: Not reported Drinking water affected: Not reported Drinking water cleaned: Not reported Groundwater affected: Not reported Groundwater cleaned: Not reported Lead contaminant found: Not reported Lead cleaned up: Not reported No media affected: Not reported Unknown media affected: Not reported Other cleaned up: Not reported Other metals found: Not reported Other metals cleaned: Not reported Other contaminants found: Not reported Other contams found description: Not reported

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3715 TROOST (Continued) 1009806441 PAHs found: Not reported PAHs cleaned up: Not reported PCBs found: Not reported PCBs cleaned up: Not reported Petro products found: Not reported Petro products cleaned: Not reported Sediments found: Not reported Sediments cleaned: Not reported Soil affected: Not reported Soil cleaned up: Not reported Surface water cleaned: Not reported Unknown found: Not reported VOCs found: Not reported VOCs cleaned: Not reported Cleanup other description: Not reported Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: Not reported Property highlights: Not reported Past use greenspace acreage: Not reported Past use residential acreage: Not reported Past use commercial acreage: Not reported Past use industrial acreage: Not reported Future use greenspace acreage: Not reported Future use residential acreage: Not reported Future use commercial acreage: Not reported Future use industrial acreage: Not reported Greenspace acreage and type: Not reported Superfund Fed. landowner flag: Not reported

C20 3701 TROOST US BROWNFIELDS 1009806440 SE 3701 TROOST N/A 1/4-1/2 KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 0.488 mi. 2578 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster C

Relative: US BROWNFIELDS: Lower Recipient name: Kansas City, City of Grant type: Assessment Grant Actual: Property name: 3701 Troost 943 ft. Property #: JA30120220200000000 Parcel size: .28 Latitude: 39.05987 Longitude: -94.57301 HCM label: Address Matching-House Number Map scale: 1:24000 Point of reference: Entrance Point of a Facility or Station Datum: World Geodetic System of 1984 ACRES property ID: 27302 Start date: N/A Completed date: N/A Acres cleaned up: Not reported Cleanup funding: Not reported Cleanup funding source: Not reported Assessment funding: $57.00 Assessment funding source: Not reported Redevelopment funding: Not reported Redev. funding source: Not reported Redev. funding entity name: Not reported Redevelopment start date: N/A

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3701 TROOST (Continued) 1009806440 Assessment funding entity: US EPA - Brownfields Assessment Cooperative Agreement Cleanup funding entity: Not reported Grant type: N/A Accomplishment type: Phase II Environmental Assessment Ownership entity: Private Current owner: Henry and Bertha Grandison Did owner change: No Cleanup required: Unknown Video available: Not reported Photo available: Not reported Institutional controls required: Not reported IC Category proprietary controls: Not reported IC cat. info. devices: Not reported IC cat. gov. controls: Not reported IC cat. enforcement permit tools: Not reported IC in place date: N/A IC in place: Unknown Enrolled in state/tribal program: No State/tribal program date: N/A State/tribal program ID: Not reported State/tribal NFA date: N/A Air contaminated: Not reported Air cleaned: Not reported Asbestos found: Not reported Asbestos cleaned: Not reported Controled substance found: Not reported Controled substance cleaned: Not reported Drinking water affected: Not reported Drinking water cleaned: Not reported Groundwater affected: Not reported Groundwater cleaned: Not reported Lead contaminant found: Not reported Lead cleaned up: Not reported No media affected: Not reported Unknown media affected: Not reported Other cleaned up: Not reported Other metals found: Not reported Other metals cleaned: Not reported Other contaminants found: Not reported Other contams found description: Not reported PAHs found: Not reported PAHs cleaned up: Not reported PCBs found: Not reported PCBs cleaned up: Not reported Petro products found: Not reported Petro products cleaned: Not reported Sediments found: Not reported Sediments cleaned: Not reported Soil affected: Not reported Soil cleaned up: Not reported Surface water cleaned: Not reported Unknown found: Not reported VOCs found: Not reported VOCs cleaned: Not reported Cleanup other description: Not reported Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: Not reported Property highlights: Not reported

TC2870407.2s Page 65 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number

3701 TROOST (Continued) 1009806440 Past use greenspace acreage: Not reported Past use residential acreage: Not reported Past use commercial acreage: Not reported Past use industrial acreage: Not reported Future use greenspace acreage: Not reported Future use residential acreage: Not reported Future use commercial acreage: Not reported Future use industrial acreage: Not reported Greenspace acreage and type: Not reported Superfund Fed. landowner flag: Not reported

TC2870407.2s Page 66 ORPHAN SUMMARY

City EDR ID Site Name Site Address Zip Database(s)



To maintain currency of the following federal and state databases, EDR contacts the appropriate governmental agency on a monthly or quarterly basis, as required.

Number of Days to Update: Provides confirmation that EDR is reporting records that have been updated within 90 days from the date the government agency made the information available to the public.


Federal NPL site list

NPL: National Priority List National Priorities List (Superfund). The NPL is a subset of CERCLIS and identifies over 1,200 sites for priority cleanup under the Superfund Program. NPL sites may encompass relatively large areas. As such, EDR provides polygon coverage for over 1,000 NPL site boundaries produced by EPA’s Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC) and regional EPA offices. Date of Government Version: 03/31/2010 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/02/2010 Telephone: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/14/2010 Number of Days to Update: 10 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/25/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

NPL Site Boundaries Sources: EPA’s Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC) Telephone: 202-564-7333 EPA Region 1 EPA Region 6 Telephone 617-918-1143 Telephone: 214-655-6659 EPA Region 3 EPA Region 7 Telephone 215-814-5418 Telephone: 913-551-7247 EPA Region 4 EPA Region 8 Telephone 404-562-8033 Telephone: 303-312-6774 EPA Region 5 EPA Region 9 Telephone 312-886-6686 Telephone: 415-947-4246 EPA Region 10 Telephone 206-553-8665

Proposed NPL: Proposed National Priority List Sites A site that has been proposed for listing on the National Priorities List through the issuance of a proposed rule in the Federal Register. EPA then accepts public comments on the site, responds to the comments, and places on the NPL those sites that continue to meet the requirements for listing. Date of Government Version: 03/31/2010 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/02/2010 Telephone: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/14/2010 Number of Days to Update: 10 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/25/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

NPL LIENS: Federal Superfund Liens Federal Superfund Liens. Under the authority granted the USEPA by CERCLA of 1980, the USEPA has the authority to file liens against real property in order to recover remedial action expenditures or when the property owner received notification of potential liability. USEPA compiles a listing of filed notices of Superfund Liens. Date of Government Version: 10/15/1991 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/02/1994 Telephone: 202-564-4267 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/30/1994 Last EDR Contact: 08/16/2010 Number of Days to Update: 56 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/29/2010 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned


Federal Delisted NPL site list

DELISTED NPL: National Priority List Deletions The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) establishes the criteria that the EPA uses to delete sites from the NPL. In accordance with 40 CFR 300.425.(e), sites may be deleted from the NPL where no further response is appropriate. Date of Government Version: 03/31/2010 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/02/2010 Telephone: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/14/2010 Number of Days to Update: 10 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/25/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

Federal CERCLIS list

CERCLIS: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System CERCLIS contains data on potentially hazardous waste sites that have been reported to the USEPA by states, municipalities, private companies and private persons, pursuant to Section 103 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). CERCLIS contains sites which are either proposed to or on the National Priorities List (NPL) and sites which are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. Date of Government Version: 01/29/2010 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/09/2010 Telephone: 703-412-9810 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 62 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/11/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

FEDERAL FACILITY: Federal Facility Site Information listing A listing of National Priority List (NPL) and Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) sites found in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) Database where EPAa??s Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office is involved in cleanup activities. Date of Government Version: 06/23/2009 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/15/2010 Telephone: 703-603-8704 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/10/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/21/2010 Number of Days to Update: 26 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/25/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site List

CERCLIS-NFRAP: CERCLIS No Further Remedial Action Planned Archived sites are sites that have been removed and archived from the inventory of CERCLIS sites. Archived status indicates that, to the best of EPA’s knowledge, assessment at a site has been completed and that EPA has determined no further steps will be taken to list this site on the National Priorities List (NPL), unless information indicates this decision was not appropriate or other considerations require a recommendation for listing at a later time. This decision does not necessarily mean that there is no hazard associated with a given site; it only means that, based upon available information, the location is not judged to be a potential NPL site. Date of Government Version: 06/23/2009 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/02/2009 Telephone: 703-412-9810 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/21/2009 Last EDR Contact: 09/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 19 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/13/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list

CORRACTS: Corrective Action Report CORRACTS identifies hazardous waste handlers with RCRA corrective action activity.


Date of Government Version: 03/25/2010 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/31/2010 Telephone: 800-424-9346 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/27/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/16/2010 Number of Days to Update: 57 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/29/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list

RCRA-TSDF: RCRA - Treatment, Storage and Disposal RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Transporters are individuals or entities that move hazardous waste from the generator offsite to a facility that can recycle, treat, store, or dispose of the waste. TSDFs treat, store, or dispose of the waste. Date of Government Version: 02/17/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/19/2010 Telephone: 913-551-7003 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/19/2010 Number of Days to Update: 87 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/18/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

Federal RCRA generators list

RCRA-LQG: RCRA - Large Quantity Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Large quantity generators (LQGs) generate over 1,000 kilograms (kg) of hazardous waste, or over 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 02/17/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/19/2010 Telephone: 913-551-7003 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/19/2010 Number of Days to Update: 87 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/18/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

RCRA-SQG: RCRA - Small Quantity Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Small quantity generators (SQGs) generate between 100 kg and 1,000 kg of hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 02/17/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/19/2010 Telephone: 913-551-7003 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/19/2010 Number of Days to Update: 87 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/18/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

RCRA-CESQG: RCRA - Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Conditionally exempt small quantity generators (CESQGs) generate less than 100 kg of hazardous waste, or less than 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 02/17/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/19/2010 Telephone: 913-551-7003 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/19/2010 Number of Days to Update: 87 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/18/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies


Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries

US ENG CONTROLS: Engineering Controls Sites List A listing of sites with engineering controls in place. Engineering controls include various forms of caps, building foundations, liners, and treatment methods to create pathway elimination for regulated substances to enter environmental media or effect human health. Date of Government Version: 12/20/2009 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/20/2010 Telephone: 703-603-0695 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/13/2010 Number of Days to Update: 82 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/27/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

US INST CONTROL: Sites with Institutional Controls A listing of sites with institutional controls in place. Institutional controls include administrative measures, such as groundwater use restrictions, construction restrictions, property use restrictions, and post remediation care requirements intended to prevent exposure to contaminants remaining on site. Deed restrictions are generally required as part of the institutional controls. Date of Government Version: 12/20/2009 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/20/2010 Telephone: 703-603-0695 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/13/2010 Number of Days to Update: 82 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/27/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

Federal ERNS list

ERNS: Emergency Response Notification System Emergency Response Notification System. ERNS records and stores information on reported releases of oil and hazardous substances. Date of Government Version: 07/09/2010 Source: National Response Center, United States Coast Guard Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/09/2010 Telephone: 202-267-2180 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/09/2010 Number of Days to Update: 39 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/18/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually

State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS

SHWS: Registry of Confirmed Abandoned or Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites State Hazardous Waste Sites. State hazardous waste site records are the states’ equivalent to CERCLIS. These sites may or may not already be listed on the federal CERCLIS list. Priority sites planned for cleanup using state funds (state equivalent of Superfund) are identified along with sites where cleanup will be paid for by potentially responsible parties. Available information varies by state. Date of Government Version: 07/08/2010 Source: Department of Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/12/2010 Telephone: 573-751-1990 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/07/2010 Number of Days to Update: 36 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/20/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

HWS DETAIL: Registry Annual Report Each site is described in detail in this annual report and includeds the following information: a general description of the site; a summary of any significant environmental problems at and near the site; a summary of any serious health problems in the immediate vicinity of the site; the status of any testing, monitoring or remedial actions in progress or recommended by the department. Date of Government Version: 06/30/2009 Source: Department of Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/24/2010 Telephone: 573-751-3176 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/26/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/15/2010 Number of Days to Update: 33 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/02/5007 Data Release Frequency: Annually


State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists

SWF/LF: Solid Waste Facility List Solid Waste Facilities/Landfill Sites. SWF/LF type records typically contain an inventory of solid waste disposal facilities or landfills in a particular state. Depending on the state, these may be active or inactive facilities or open dumps that failed to meet RCRA Subtitle D Section 4004 criteria for solid waste landfills or disposal sites. Date of Government Version: 08/03/2010 Source: Department of Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/03/2010 Telephone: 573-751-5401 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/12/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/07/2010 Number of Days to Update: 9 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/20/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

State and tribal leaking storage tank lists

LUST: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Leaking Underground Storage Tank Incident Reports. LUST records contain an inventory of reported leaking underground storage tank incidents. Not all states maintain these records, and the information stored varies by state. Date of Government Version: 06/17/2010 Source: Department of Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/18/2010 Telephone: 573-751-0135 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/29/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/18/2010 Number of Days to Update: 11 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/04/2010 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually

LAST: Leaking Aboveground Storage Tanks A listing of leaking aboveground storage tanks. Date of Government Version: 06/17/2010 Source: Department of Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/18/2010 Telephone: 573-751-6822 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/29/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/18/2010 Number of Days to Update: 11 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/04/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

INDIAN LUST R9: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Nevada Date of Government Version: 05/27/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/28/2010 Telephone: 415-972-3372 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/09/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 73 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

INDIAN LUST R4: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Florida, Mississippi and North Carolina. Date of Government Version: 05/19/2010 Source: EPA Region 4 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/21/2010 Telephone: 404-562-8677 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/09/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 80 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually

INDIAN LUST R10: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Date of Government Version: 05/04/2010 Source: EPA Region 10 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/05/2010 Telephone: 206-553-2857 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/27/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 22 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly


INDIAN LUST R1: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land A listing of leaking underground storage tank locations on Indian Land. Date of Government Version: 02/19/2009 Source: EPA Region 1 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/19/2009 Telephone: 617-918-1313 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/16/2009 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 25 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

INDIAN LUST R6: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in New Mexico and Oklahoma. Date of Government Version: 05/03/2010 Source: EPA Region 6 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/05/2010 Telephone: 214-665-6597 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/27/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 22 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

INDIAN LUST R7: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska Date of Government Version: 11/04/2009 Source: EPA Region 7 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/04/2010 Telephone: 913-551-7003 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/07/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/11/2010 Number of Days to Update: 64 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

INDIAN LUST R8: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming. Date of Government Version: 05/24/2010 Source: EPA Region 8 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/27/2010 Telephone: 303-312-6271 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/09/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 74 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

State and tribal registered storage tank lists

UST: Petroleum Storage Tanks Registered Underground Storage Tanks. UST’s are regulated under Subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and must be registered with the state department responsible for administering the UST program. Available information varies by state program. Date of Government Version: 06/17/2010 Source: Department of Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/18/2010 Telephone: 573-751-0135 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/23/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/18/2010 Number of Days to Update: 5 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/04/2010 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually

AST: Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tanks Registered Aboveground Storage Tanks. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2009 Source: Department of Agriculture Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/31/2009 Telephone: 573-751-7062 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/28/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/16/2010 Number of Days to Update: 28 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/04/2010 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually

INDIAN UST R8: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 8 (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming and 27 Tribal Nations).


Date of Government Version: 05/24/2010 Source: EPA Region 8 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/27/2010 Telephone: 303-312-6137 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/09/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 74 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

INDIAN UST R7: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 7 (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and 9 Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 04/01/2008 Source: EPA Region 7 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/30/2008 Telephone: 913-551-7003 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/16/2009 Last EDR Contact: 08/11/2010 Number of Days to Update: 76 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

INDIAN UST R1: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 1 (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont and ten Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 02/19/2009 Source: EPA, Region 1 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/19/2009 Telephone: 617-918-1313 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/16/2009 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 25 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

INDIAN UST R9: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 9 (Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, the Pacific Islands, and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 05/27/2010 Source: EPA Region 9 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/28/2010 Telephone: 415-972-3368 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/09/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 73 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

INDIAN UST R4: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Tribal Nations) Date of Government Version: 05/19/2010 Source: EPA Region 4 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/21/2010 Telephone: 404-562-9424 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/09/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 80 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually

INDIAN UST R10: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 10 (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 05/04/2010 Source: EPA Region 10 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/05/2010 Telephone: 206-553-2857 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/27/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 22 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

INDIAN UST R6: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 6 (Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas and 65 Tribes).


Date of Government Version: 05/03/2010 Source: EPA Region 6 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/05/2010 Telephone: 214-665-7591 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/27/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 22 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually

INDIAN UST R5: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 5 (Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 02/11/2010 Source: EPA Region 5 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/11/2010 Telephone: 312-886-6136 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 60 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

FEMA UST: Underground Storage Tank Listing A listing of all FEMA owned underground storage tanks. Date of Government Version: 01/01/2010 Source: FEMA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/16/2010 Telephone: 202-646-5797 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/19/2010 Number of Days to Update: 55 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/01/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

State and tribal institutional control / engineering control registries

AUL: Sites with Controls Activity and use limitations include both engineering controls and institutional controls. Date of Government Version: 05/17/2010 Source: Department of Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/23/2010 Telephone: 573-751-3176 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/29/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/23/2010 Number of Days to Update: 6 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/04/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites

INDIAN VCP R1: Voluntary Cleanup Priority Listing A listing of voluntary cleanup priority sites located on Indian Land located in Region 1. Date of Government Version: 04/02/2008 Source: EPA, Region 1 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/22/2008 Telephone: 617-918-1102 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/19/2008 Last EDR Contact: 07/08/2010 Number of Days to Update: 27 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/18/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

INDIAN VCP R7: Voluntary Cleanup Priority Lisitng A listing of voluntary cleanup priority sites located on Indian Land located in Region 7. Date of Government Version: 03/20/2008 Source: EPA, Region 7 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/22/2008 Telephone: 913-551-7365 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/19/2008 Last EDR Contact: 04/20/2009 Number of Days to Update: 27 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/20/2009 Data Release Frequency: Varies

VCP: Sites Participating in the Voluntary Cleanup Program Sites participating in the Voluntary Cleanup Program.


Date of Government Version: 05/17/2010 Source: Department of Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/23/2010 Telephone: 573-526-8913 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/29/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/23/2010 Number of Days to Update: 6 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/04/2010 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually

State and tribal Brownfields sites

BROWNFIELDS: Brownfields Site List Brownfields are sites where redevelopment and reuse is hampered by known or suspected contamination with hazardous substances. While many brownfield sites are minimally contaminated, potential environmental liability can be a problem for owners, operators, prospective buyers and financial institutions. Because of the large number of these sites, their economic impact especially in heavily industrial areas is substantial. Date of Government Version: 05/17/2010 Source: Department of Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/23/2010 Telephone: 573-526-8913 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/29/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/23/2010 Number of Days to Update: 6 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/04/2010 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS

Local Brownfield lists

US BROWNFIELDS: A Listing of Brownfields Sites Included in the listing are brownfields properties addresses by Cooperative Agreement Recipients and brownfields properties addressed by Targeted Brownfields Assessments. Targeted Brownfields Assessments-EPA’s Targeted Brownfields Assessments (TBA) program is designed to help states, tribes, and municipalities--especially those without EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilots--minimize the uncertainties of contamination often associated with brownfields. Under the TBA program, EPA provides funding and/or technical assistance for environmental assessments at brownfields sites throughout the country. Targeted Brownfields Assessments supplement and work with other efforts under EPA’s Brownfields Initiative to promote cleanup and redevelopment of brownfields. Cooperative Agreement Recipients-States, political subdivisions, territories, and Indian tribes become Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund (BCRLF) cooperative agreement recipients when they enter into BCRLF cooperative agreements with the U.S. EPA. EPA selects BCRLF cooperative agreement recipients based on a proposal and application process. BCRLF cooperative agreement recipients must use EPA funds provided through BCRLF cooperative agreement for specified brownfields-related cleanup activities. Date of Government Version: 06/24/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/25/2010 Telephone: 202-566-2777 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/25/2010 Number of Days to Update: 53 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/11/2010 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually

Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites

ODI: Open Dump Inventory An open dump is defined as a disposal facility that does not comply with one or more of the Part 257 or Part 258 Subtitle D Criteria. Date of Government Version: 06/30/1985 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/09/2004 Telephone: 800-424-9346 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/17/2004 Last EDR Contact: 06/09/2004 Number of Days to Update: 39 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned

DEBRIS REGION 9: Torres Martinez Reservation Illegal Dump Site Locations A listing of illegal dump sites location on the Torres Martinez Indian Reservation located in eastern Riverside County and northern Imperial County, California.


Date of Government Version: 01/12/2009 Source: EPA, Region 9 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/07/2009 Telephone: 415-947-4219 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/21/2009 Last EDR Contact: 07/28/2010 Number of Days to Update: 137 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/20/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

SWRCY: Solid Waste Recycling Facilities A listing of recycling center locations. Date of Government Version: 11/05/2009 Source: Department of Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/23/2009 Telephone: 573-526-3944 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/21/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/07/2010 Number of Days to Update: 29 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/20/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

HIST LF: Solid Waste Facility Database List This database contains detailed information per site. It is no longer maintained by the Department of Natural Resources. For current information on solid waste facilities/landfills see the SWF/LF database. Date of Government Version: 04/12/2005 Source: Department of Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/19/2006 Telephone: 573-751-5401 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/18/2006 Last EDR Contact: 01/12/2009 Number of Days to Update: 30 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/13/2009 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned

INDIAN ODI: Report on the Status of Open Dumps on Indian Lands Location of open dumps on Indian land. Date of Government Version: 12/31/1998 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/03/2007 Telephone: 703-308-8245 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/24/2008 Last EDR Contact: 09/07/2010 Number of Days to Update: 52 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/22/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites

US CDL: Clandestine Drug Labs A listing of clandestine drug lab locations. The U.S. Department of Justice ("the Department") provides this web site as a public service. It contains addresses of some locations where law enforcement agencies reported they found chemicals or other items that indicated the presence of either clandestine drug laboratories or dumpsites. In most cases, the source of the entries is not the Department, and the Department has not verified the entry and does not guarantee its accuracy. Members of the public must verify the accuracy of all entries by, for example, contacting local law enforcement and local health departments. Date of Government Version: 05/07/2010 Source: Drug Enforcement Administration Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/18/2010 Telephone: 202-307-1000 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 03/08/2010 Number of Days to Update: 60 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/20/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

DEL SHWS: Registry Sites Withdrawn or Deleted A list of sites that were removed from the Registry or for which Registry action was suspended due to cleanup. Date of Government Version: 07/08/2010 Source: Department of Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/12/2010 Telephone: 573-522-3710 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/07/2010 Number of Days to Update: 36 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/20/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually


CDL: Environmental Emergency Response System Incidents reported to the Department of Natural Resources where drug lab materials were involved. Date of Government Version: 05/24/2010 Source: Department of Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/23/2010 Telephone: 573-751-3443 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/29/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/23/2010 Number of Days to Update: 6 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/04/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

US HIST CDL: National Clandestine Laboratory Register A listing of clandestine drug lab locations. The U.S. Department of Justice ("the Department") provides this web site as a public service. It contains addresses of some locations where law enforcement agencies reported they found chemicals or other items that indicated the presence of either clandestine drug laboratories or dumpsites. In most cases, the source of the entries is not the Department, and the Department has not verified the entry and does not guarantee its accuracy. Members of the public must verify the accuracy of all entries by, for example, contacting local law enforcement and local health departments. Date of Government Version: 09/01/2007 Source: Drug Enforcement Administration Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/19/2008 Telephone: 202-307-1000 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/30/2009 Last EDR Contact: 03/23/2009 Number of Days to Update: 131 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/22/2009 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned

Local Land Records

LIENS 2: CERCLA Lien Information A Federal CERCLA (’Superfund’) lien can exist by operation of law at any site or property at which EPA has spent Superfund monies. These monies are spent to investigate and address releases and threatened releases of contamination. CERCLIS provides information as to the identity of these sites and properties. Date of Government Version: 05/06/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/11/2010 Telephone: 202-564-6023 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/09/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 90 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

LUCIS: Land Use Control Information System LUCIS contains records of land use control information pertaining to the former Navy Base Realignment and Closure properties. Date of Government Version: 12/09/2005 Source: Department of the Navy Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/11/2006 Telephone: 843-820-7326 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Last EDR Contact: 09/08/2010 Number of Days to Update: 31 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/06/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

Records of Emergency Release Reports

HMIRS: Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System Hazardous Materials Incident Report System. HMIRS contains hazardous material spill incidents reported to DOT. Date of Government Version: 04/06/2010 Source: U.S. Department of Transportation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/07/2010 Telephone: 202-366-4555 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/27/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/09/2010 Number of Days to Update: 50 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/18/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually

SPILLS: Environmental Response Tracking Database Releases of hazardous substances reported to the department’s Environmental Emergency Response (EER) section.


Date of Government Version: 05/24/2010 Source: Department of Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/23/2010 Telephone: 573-526-3349 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/29/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/23/2010 Number of Days to Update: 6 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/04/2010 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually

Other Ascertainable Records

RCRA-NonGen: RCRA - Non Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste. Date of Government Version: 02/17/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/19/2010 Telephone: 913-551-7003 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/19/2010 Number of Days to Update: 87 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/18/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

DOT OPS: Incident and Accident Data Department of Transporation, Office of Pipeline Safety Incident and Accident data. Date of Government Version: 01/12/2010 Source: Department of Transporation, Office of Pipeline Safety Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/09/2010 Telephone: 202-366-4595 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/11/2010 Number of Days to Update: 62 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/22/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

DOD: Department of Defense Sites This data set consists of federally owned or administered lands, administered by the Department of Defense, that have any area equal to or greater than 640 acres of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Source: USGS Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/10/2006 Telephone: 703-692-8801 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2010 Number of Days to Update: 62 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/01/2010 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually

FUDS: Formerly Used Defense Sites The listing includes locations of Formerly Used Defense Sites properties where the US Army Corps of Engineers is actively working or will take necessary cleanup actions. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2008 Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/30/2009 Telephone: 202-528-4285 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/01/2009 Last EDR Contact: 09/14/2010 Number of Days to Update: 62 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/27/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

CONSENT: Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees Major legal settlements that establish responsibility and standards for cleanup at NPL (Superfund) sites. Released periodically by United States District Courts after settlement by parties to litigation matters. Date of Government Version: 04/11/2010 Source: Department of Justice, Consent Decree Library Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/19/2010 Telephone: Varies Date Made Active in Reports: 05/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/08/2010 Number of Days to Update: 28 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/18/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies


ROD: Records Of Decision Record of Decision. ROD documents mandate a permanent remedy at an NPL (Superfund) site containing technical and health information to aid in the cleanup. Date of Government Version: 06/01/2010 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/16/2010 Telephone: 703-416-0223 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/15/2010 Number of Days to Update: 62 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/27/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually

UMTRA: Uranium Mill Tailings Sites Uranium ore was mined by private companies for federal government use in national defense programs. When the mills shut down, large piles of the sand-like material (mill tailings) remain after uranium has been extracted from the ore. Levels of human exposure to radioactive materials from the piles are low; however, in some cases tailings were used as construction materials before the potential health hazards of the tailings were recognized. Date of Government Version: 01/05/2009 Source: Department of Energy Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/07/2009 Telephone: 505-845-0011 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/08/2009 Last EDR Contact: 09/01/2010 Number of Days to Update: 1 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/13/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

MINES: Mines Master Index File Contains all mine identification numbers issued for mines active or opened since 1971. The data also includes violation information. Date of Government Version: 05/07/2010 Source: Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/09/2010 Telephone: 303-231-5959 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/30/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/09/2010 Number of Days to Update: 82 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/20/2010 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually

TRIS: Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System Toxic Release Inventory System. TRIS identifies facilities which release toxic chemicals to the air, water and land in reportable quantities under SARA Title III Section 313. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2008 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/13/2010 Telephone: 202-566-0250 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/18/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/01/2010 Number of Days to Update: 36 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/13/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually

TSCA: Toxic Substances Control Act Toxic Substances Control Act. TSCA identifies manufacturers and importers of chemical substances included on the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory list. It includes data on the production volume of these substances by plant site. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2002 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/14/2006 Telephone: 202-260-5521 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/30/2006 Last EDR Contact: 07/07/2010 Number of Days to Update: 46 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/11/2010 Data Release Frequency: Every 4 Years

FTTS: FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) FTTS tracks administrative cases and pesticide enforcement actions and compliance activities related to FIFRA, TSCA and EPCRA (Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act). To maintain currency, EDR contacts the Agency on a quarterly basis. Date of Government Version: 04/09/2009 Source: EPA/Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/16/2009 Telephone: 202-566-1667 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/11/2009 Last EDR Contact: 08/30/2010 Number of Days to Update: 25 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/13/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly


FTTS INSP: FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) A listing of FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) inspections and enforcements. Date of Government Version: 04/09/2009 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/16/2009 Telephone: 202-566-1667 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/11/2009 Last EDR Contact: 08/30/2010 Number of Days to Update: 25 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/13/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

HIST FTTS: FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Administrative Case Listing A complete administrative case listing from the FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) for all ten EPA regions. The information was obtained from the National Compliance Database (NCDB). NCDB supports the implementation of FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act) and TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act). Some EPA regions are now closing out records. Because of that, and the fact that some EPA regions are not providing EPA Headquarters with updated records, it was decided to create a HIST FTTS database. It included records that may not be included in the newer FTTS database updates. This database is no longer updated. Date of Government Version: 10/19/2006 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/01/2007 Telephone: 202-564-2501 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/10/2007 Last EDR Contact: 12/17/2007 Number of Days to Update: 40 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/17/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned

HIST FTTS INSP: FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Inspection & Enforcement Case Listing A complete inspection and enforcement case listing from the FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) for all ten EPA regions. The information was obtained from the National Compliance Database (NCDB). NCDB supports the implementation of FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act) and TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act). Some EPA regions are now closing out records. Because of that, and the fact that some EPA regions are not providing EPA Headquarters with updated records, it was decided to create a HIST FTTS database. It included records that may not be included in the newer FTTS database updates. This database is no longer updated. Date of Government Version: 10/19/2006 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/01/2007 Telephone: 202-564-2501 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/10/2007 Last EDR Contact: 12/17/2008 Number of Days to Update: 40 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/17/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned

SSTS: Section 7 Tracking Systems Section 7 of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, as amended (92 Stat. 829) requires all registered pesticide-producing establishments to submit a report to the Environmental Protection Agency by March 1st each year. Each establishment must report the types and amounts of pesticides, active ingredients and devices being produced, and those having been produced and sold or distributed in the past year. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2008 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/06/2010 Telephone: 202-564-4203 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/10/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/16/2010 Number of Days to Update: 35 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually

ICIS: Integrated Compliance Information System The Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) supports the information needs of the national enforcement and compliance program as well as the unique needs of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. Date of Government Version: 04/24/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/29/2010 Telephone: 202-564-5088 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/25/2010 Number of Days to Update: 18 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/11/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly


PADS: PCB Activity Database System PCB Activity Database. PADS Identifies generators, transporters, commercial storers and/or brokers and disposers of PCB’s who are required to notify the EPA of such activities. Date of Government Version: 02/01/2010 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/22/2010 Telephone: 202-566-0500 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/09/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/30/2010 Number of Days to Update: 109 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/01/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually

MLTS: Material Licensing Tracking System MLTS is maintained by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and contains a list of approximately 8,100 sites which possess or use radioactive materials and which are subject to NRC licensing requirements. To maintain currency, EDR contacts the Agency on a quarterly basis. Date of Government Version: 03/18/2010 Source: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/06/2010 Telephone: 301-415-7169 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/27/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/13/2010 Number of Days to Update: 51 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/27/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

RADINFO: Radiation Information Database The Radiation Information Database (RADINFO) contains information about facilities that are regulated by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations for radiation and radioactivity. Date of Government Version: 07/13/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/14/2010 Telephone: 202-343-9775 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/09/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/14/2010 Number of Days to Update: 26 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/25/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

FINDS: Facility Index System/Facility Registry System Facility Index System. FINDS contains both facility information and ’pointers’ to other sources that contain more detail. EDR includes the following FINDS databases in this report: PCS (Permit Compliance System), AIRS (Aerometric Information Retrieval System), DOCKET (Enforcement Docket used to manage and track information on civil judicial enforcement cases for all environmental statutes), FURS (Federal Underground Injection Control), C-DOCKET (Criminal Docket System used to track criminal enforcement actions for all environmental statutes), FFIS (Federal Facilities Information System), STATE (State Environmental Laws and Statutes), and PADS (PCB Activity Data System). Date of Government Version: 04/14/2010 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/16/2010 Telephone: (913) 551-7003 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/27/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/15/2010 Number of Days to Update: 41 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/27/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

RAATS: RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System RCRA Administration Action Tracking System. RAATS contains records based on enforcement actions issued under RCRA pertaining to major violators and includes administrative and civil actions brought by the EPA. For administration actions after September 30, 1995, data entry in the RAATS database was discontinued. EPA will retain a copy of the database for historical records. It was necessary to terminate RAATS because a decrease in agency resources made it impossible to continue to update the information contained in the database. Date of Government Version: 04/17/1995 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/03/1995 Telephone: 202-564-4104 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/07/1995 Last EDR Contact: 06/02/2008 Number of Days to Update: 35 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/01/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned

BRS: Biennial Reporting System The Biennial Reporting System is a national system administered by the EPA that collects data on the generation and management of hazardous waste. BRS captures detailed data from two groups: Large Quantity Generators (LQG) and Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities.


Date of Government Version: 12/31/2007 Source: EPA/NTIS Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/25/2010 Telephone: 800-424-9346 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/12/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/24/2010 Number of Days to Update: 76 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/06/2010 Data Release Frequency: Biennially

UIC: Underground Injection Wells Database A listing of underground injection well locations. The UIC Program is responsible for regulating the construction, operation, permitting, and closure of injection wells that place fluids underground for storage or disposal. Date of Government Version: 08/05/2010 Source: Department of Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/06/2010 Telephone: 573-368-2183 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/12/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 6 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

DRYCLEANERS: Drycleaners in Missouri Listing A listing of drycleaner facilities that are potentially eligible for reimbursement of department approved cleanup costs under the Drycleaning Environmental Response Trust Fund. Date of Government Version: 06/24/2010 Source: Department of Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/24/2010 Telephone: 573-526-8913 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/21/2010 Number of Days to Update: 54 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/04/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

RRC: Certified Hazardous Waste Resource Recovery Facilities Facilities that take hazardous waste material, either from on-site or off-site, and make it re-usable. Date of Government Version: 06/11/2010 Source: Department of Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/24/2010 Telephone: 573-751-3176 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/14/2010 Number of Days to Update: 54 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/06/2010 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually

NPDES: Permitted Facility Listing A listing of permitted facilities from the Water Pollution Branch. Date of Government Version: 10/13/2009 Source: Department of Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/15/2009 Telephone: 573-751-7023 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/23/2009 Last EDR Contact: 09/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 8 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/25/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

AIRS: Permit Facility Listing A listing of Air Pollution Control Program permits. Date of Government Version: 06/21/2010 Source: Department of Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/22/2010 Telephone: 573-751-4817 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/21/2010 Number of Days to Update: 56 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/04/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

INDIAN RESERV: Indian Reservations This map layer portrays Indian administered lands of the United States that have any area equal to or greater than 640 acres. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Source: USGS Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/08/2006 Telephone: 202-208-3710 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2010 Number of Days to Update: 34 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/01/2010 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually


SCRD DRYCLEANERS: State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Listing The State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners was established in 1998, with support from the U.S. EPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation. It is comprised of representatives of states with established drycleaner remediation programs. Currently the member states are Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin. Date of Government Version: 05/12/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/13/2010 Telephone: 615-532-8599 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/23/2010 Number of Days to Update: 96 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/08/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

PCB TRANSFORMER: PCB Transformer Registration Database The database of PCB transformer registrations that includes all PCB registration submittals. Date of Government Version: 01/01/2008 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/18/2009 Telephone: 202-566-0517 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/29/2009 Last EDR Contact: 08/10/2010 Number of Days to Update: 100 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

COAL ASH EPA: Coal Combustion Residues Surface Impoundments List A listing of coal combustion residues surface impoundments with high hazard potential ratings. Date of Government Version: 11/09/2009 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/18/2009 Telephone: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: 02/10/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/15/2010 Number of Days to Update: 54 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/27/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

COAL ASH DOE: Sleam-Electric Plan Operation Data A listing of power plants that store ash in surface ponds. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Source: Department of Energy Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/07/2009 Telephone: 202-586-8719 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/22/2009 Last EDR Contact: 07/21/2010 Number of Days to Update: 76 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/01/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

FINANCIAL ASSURANCE: Financial Assurance Information Listing Financial Assurance information. Date of Government Version: 06/14/2010 Source: Department of Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/16/2010 Telephone: 573-751-3553 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/29/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/13/2010 Number of Days to Update: 13 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/27/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

FINANCIAL ASSURANCE 2: Financial Assurance Information Listing Financial assurance information for solid waste facilities. Financial assurance is intended to ensure that resources are available to pay for the cost of closure, post-closure care, and corrective measures if the owner or operator of a regulated facility is unable or unwilling to pay Date of Government Version: 05/12/2010 Source: Department of Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/15/2010 Telephone: 573-751-5401 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/29/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/15/2010 Number of Days to Update: 14 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/27/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies


COAL ASH: Coal Ash Disposal Sites A listing of power plants with coal ash ponds. Date of Government Version: 05/13/2010 Source: Department of Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/03/2010 Telephone: 573-526-1825 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/29/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/12/2010 Number of Days to Update: 26 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/25/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

FEDLAND: Federal and Indian Lands Federally and Indian administrated lands of the United States. Lands included are administrated by: Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation, National Wild and Scenic River, National Wildlife Refuge, Public Domain Land, Wilderness, Wilderness Study Area, Wildlife Management Area, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Land Management, Department of Justice, Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Source: U.S. Geological Survey Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/06/2006 Telephone: 888-275-8747 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2010 Number of Days to Update: 339 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/01/2010 Data Release Frequency: N/A EDR PROPRIETARY RECORDS

EDR Proprietary Records

Manufactured Gas Plants: EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plants The EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plant Database includes records of coal gas plants (manufactured gas plants) compiled by EDR’s researchers. Manufactured gas sites were used in the United States from the 1800’s to 1950’s to produce a gas that could be distributed and used as fuel. These plants used whale oil, rosin, coal, or a mixture of coal, oil, and water that also produced a significant amount of waste. Many of the byproducts of the gas production, such as coal tar (oily waste containing volatile and non-volatile chemicals), sludges, oils and other compounds are potentially hazardous to human health and the environment. The byproduct from this process was frequently disposed of directly at the plant site and can remain or spread slowly, serving as a continuous source of soil and groundwater contamination. Date of Government Version: N/A Source: EDR, Inc. Date Data Arrived at EDR: N/A Telephone: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Last EDR Contact: N/A Number of Days to Update: N/A Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned


Depending on the geographic area covered by this report, the data provided in these specialty databases may or may not be complete. For example, the existence of wetlands information data in a specific report does not mean that all wetlands in the area covered by the report are included. Moreover, the absence of any reported wetlands information does not necessarily mean that wetlands do not exist in the area covered by the report.

CT MANIFEST: Hazardous Waste Manifest Data Facility and manifest data. Manifest is a document that lists and tracks hazardous waste from the generator through transporters to a tsd facility. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2007 Source: Department of Environmental Protection Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/26/2009 Telephone: 860-424-3375 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/11/2009 Last EDR Contact: 08/25/2010 Number of Days to Update: 16 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/06/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually


NY MANIFEST: Facility and Manifest Data Manifest is a document that lists and tracks hazardous waste from the generator through transporters to a TSD facility. Date of Government Version: 04/30/2010 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/13/2010 Telephone: 518-402-8651 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/21/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/11/2010 Number of Days to Update: 39 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/22/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually

PA MANIFEST: Manifest Information Hazardous waste manifest information. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2008 Source: Department of Environmental Protection Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/01/2009 Telephone: 717-783-8990 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/14/2009 Last EDR Contact: 08/23/2010 Number of Days to Update: 13 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/06/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually

RI MANIFEST: Manifest information Hazardous waste manifest information Date of Government Version: 12/31/2009 Source: Department of Environmental Management Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/19/2010 Telephone: 401-222-2797 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/26/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/30/2010 Number of Days to Update: 38 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/13/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually

WI MANIFEST: Manifest Information Hazardous waste manifest information. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2009 Source: Department of Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/06/2010 Telephone: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: 07/26/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/21/2010 Number of Days to Update: 20 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/04/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually

Oil/Gas Pipelines: This data was obtained by EDR from the USGS in 1994. It is referred to by USGS as GeoData Digital Line Graphs from 1:100,000-Scale Maps. It was extracted from the transportation category including some oil, but primarily gas pipelines.

Electric Power Transmission Line Data Source: Rextag Strategies Corp. Telephone: (281) 769-2247 U.S. Electric Transmission and Power Plants Systems Digital GIS Data

Sensitive Receptors: There are individuals deemed sensitive receptors due to their fragile immune systems and special sensitivity to environmental discharges. These sensitive receptors typically include the elderly, the sick, and children. While the location of all sensitive receptors cannot be determined, EDR indicates those buildings and facilities - schools, daycares, hospitals, medical centers, and nursing homes - where individuals who are sensitive receptors are likely to be located.

AHA Hospitals: Source: American Hospital Association, Inc. Telephone: 312-280-5991 The database includes a listing of hospitals based on the American Hospital Association’s annual survey of hospitals. Medical Centers: Provider of Services Listing Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Telephone: 410-786-3000 A listing of hospitals with Medicare provider number, produced by Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services, a federal agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Nursing Homes Source: National Institutes of Health Telephone: 301-594-6248 Information on Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing homes in the United States.


Public Schools Source: National Center for Education Statistics Telephone: 202-502-7300 The National Center for Education Statistics’ primary database on elementary and secondary public education in the United States. It is a comprehensive, annual, national statistical database of all public elementary and secondary schools and school districts, which contains data that are comparable across all states. Private Schools Source: National Center for Education Statistics Telephone: 202-502-7300 The National Center for Education Statistics’ primary database on private school locations in the United States. Daycare Centers: Licensed Child Care Facilities Source: Department of Health & Senior Services Telephone: 573-751-2450

Flood Zone Data: This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2003 & 2009 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Data depicts 100-year and 500-year flood zones as defined by FEMA.

NWI: National Wetlands Inventory. This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2002 and 2005 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Scanned Digital USGS 7.5’ Topographic Map (DRG) Source: United States Geologic Survey A digital raster graphic (DRG) is a scanned image of a U.S. Geological Survey topographic map. The map images are made by scanning published paper maps on high-resolution scanners. The raster image is georeferenced and fit to the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection.


© 2010 Tele Atlas North America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Tele Atlas North America, Inc. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a license agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material.





Latitude (North): 39.06440 - 39˚ 3’ 51.8’’ Longitude (West): 94.5781 - 94˚ 34’ 41.2’’ Universal Tranverse Mercator: Zone 15 UTM X (Meters): 363466.4 UTM Y (Meters): 4324900.0 Elevation: 952 ft. above sea level


Target Property Map: 39094-A5 KANSAS CITY, MO Most Recent Revision: 1996

EDR’s GeoCheck Physical Setting Source Addendum is provided to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of potential contaminant migration.

Assessment of the impact of contaminant migration generally has two principle investigative components:

1. Groundwater flow direction, and 2. Groundwater flow velocity.

Groundwater flow direction may be impacted by surface topography, hydrology, hydrogeology, characteristics of the soil, and nearby wells. Groundwater flow velocity is generally impacted by the nature of the geologic strata.


GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION INFORMATION Groundwater flow direction for a particular site is best determined by a qualified environmental professional using site-specific well data. If such data is not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary to rely on other sources of information, such as surface topographic information, hydrologic information, hydrogeologic data collected on nearby properties, and regional groundwater flow information (from deep aquifers).

TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Surface topography may be indicative of the direction of surficial groundwater flow. This information can be used to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted.

TARGET PROPERTY TOPOGRAPHY General Topographic Gradient: General WSW

SURROUNDING TOPOGRAPHY: ELEVATION PROFILES 972 960 958 957 952 951 951 950 949 946 945 940 940 920 Elevation (ft) 894 882 874 873 866

North South TP 983 976 974 971 971 970 965 963 962 955 953 952 952 950 949 948 942 936 923 Elevation (ft)

West East TP 0 1/2 1 Miles ✩Target Property Elevation: 952 ft.

Source: Topography has been determined from the USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity should be field verified.


HYDROLOGIC INFORMATION Surface water can act as a hydrologic barrier to groundwater flow. Such hydrologic information can be used to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted.

Refer to the Physical Setting Source Map following this summary for hydrologic information (major waterways and bodies of water).

FEMA FLOOD ZONE FEMA Flood Target Property County Electronic Data JACKSON, MO YES - refer to the Overview Map and Detail Map

Flood Plain Panel at Target Property: 29095C - FEMA DFIRM Flood data

Additional Panels in search area: Not Reported

NATIONAL WETLAND INVENTORY NWI Electronic NWI Quad at Target Property Data Coverage KANSAS CITY YES - refer to the Overview Map and Detail Map

HYDROGEOLOGIC INFORMATION Hydrogeologic information obtained by installation of wells on a specific site can often be an indicator of groundwater flow direction in the immediate area. Such hydrogeologic information can be used to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted.

AQUIFLOW® Search Radius: 1.000 Mile.

EDR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System to provide data on the general direction of groundwater flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted by environmental professionals to regulatory authorities at select sites and has extracted the date of the report, groundwater flow direction as determined hydrogeologically, and the depth to water table.



GROUNDWATER FLOW VELOCITY INFORMATION Groundwater flow velocity information for a particular site is best determined by a qualified environmental professional using site specific geologic and soil strata data. If such data are not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary to rely on other sources of information, including geologic age identification, rock stratigraphic unit and soil characteristics data collected on nearby properties and regional soil information. In general, contaminant plumes move more quickly through sandy-gravelly types of soils than silty-clayey types of soils.

GEOLOGIC INFORMATION IN GENERAL AREA OF TARGET PROPERTY Geologic information can be used by the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the relative speed at which contaminant migration may be occurring.


Era: Paleozoic Category: Stratifed Sequence System: Pennsylvanian Series: Missourian Series Code: PP3 (decoded above as Era, System & Series)

Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source: P.G. Schruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale - a digital representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS - 11 (1994).

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0 1/16 1/8 1/4 Miles



The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Soil Conservation Service (SCS) leads the National Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns in a landscape. The following information is based on Soil Conservation Service SSURGO data.

Soil Map ID: 1

Soil Component Name: Urban land

Soil Surface Texture: Hydrologic Group: Not reported

Soil Drainage Class: Hydric Status: Not hydric

Corrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Not Reported

Depth to Bedrock Min: > 0 inches

Depth to Watertable Min: > 0 inches

Soil Layer Information Saturated Boundary Classification hydraulic Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soilconductivity Soil Reaction micro m/sec (pH)

1 0 inches 5 inches Not reported Not reported Max: Max: Min: Min:


EDR Local/Regional Water Agency records provide water well information to assist the environmental professional in assessing sources that may impact ground water flow direction, and in forming an opinion about the impact of contaminant migration on nearby drinking water wells.


DATABASE SEARCH DISTANCE (miles) Federal USGS 1.000 Federal FRDS PWS Nearest PWS within 1 mile State Database 1.000





Note: PWS System location is not always the same as well location.



STATE OIL/GAS WELL INFORMATION LOCATION MAP ID WELL ID FROM TP A1 MOOG10000008463 1/4 - 1/2 Mile NNW A2 MOOG10000008464 1/4 - 1/2 Mile NNW 3 MOOG10000008443 1/4 - 1/2 Mile ENE 4 MOOG10000008397 1/2 - 1 Mile West 5 MOOG10000008475 1/2 - 1 Mile NW 6 MOOG10000008366 1/2 - 1 Mile SE 7 MOOG10000008345 1/2 - 1 Mile South 8 MOOG10000008449 1/2 - 1 Mile WNW 9 MOOG10000008338 1/2 - 1 Mile SSW 10 MOOG10000008500 1/2 - 1 Mile NNW 11 MOOG10000008348 1/2 - 1 Mile SW

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0 0 4 8

0 880

0 8 0 6 8 7 0 7 6 0 8 8 0 0 2 0 8

6 9 0 7


9 2 0


0 9 2

0 0

6 9 2



840 0 0 0 6 0 9 9 0 0 6 0 8 2 9 9


0 0






2 9 8 6

9 0 1

0 9

0 6 0 0 0 6

9 0 9 0 0 6 0 0 6 1 9

8 0

0 0 1000 8 6 000 8 9 1 0 0

8 2 0

4 9 0 6 0 0 6 9 6 9 6 0 9 9

8 0 8 6 0 9

0 0 6 2 9 9 9 6 0

0 0 9 2 6 2 9 9 0

0 9




0 0 6 9 2 0 9

0 9 2 2 9 0




8 0 0 8


8 2

9 9 9 2 2 9 0

6 0 0 0 2

9 0

8 8 8 9 8 8

0 0 2


2 0



8 0

8 4 0

0 0 8 9 8 4 MO

6 8

8 0 9 0 2 0 8 4 4 8 0 8 0 8 8 0 8

9 0

6 8

9 9 0 8 2 0 9 2 8 2 0 4 0

0 0

2 00

9 8


Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Database EDR ID Number 1 WSW MO WELLS MOLOG1000021876 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher Id: 000361 Located: Not Reported Notenough: Not Reported Scale: 100k Locator: VBProgram Stname: MISSOURI Stabbrev: MO County: JACKSON Utm x: 362389 Utm y: 4324650 Latitude: 39.06198 Longitude: -94.5905 Qtr3: NW Qtr2: NW Qtr1: NW Section: 20 Tnsp: 49 Tnspdir: Not Reported Rng: 33 Rngdir: W Plssx: 363089 Plssy: 4324028 Location p: 126 Elev: 942 Idnum: 361 Swl: 0 Quadrangle: KANSAS CITY Site id: MOLOG1000021876

Header Information: Id: 000361 Well type: Unknown Well Agencyname: GEOLOGICAL SURVEY (DGLS) County: JACKSON Fips: 095 Stname: MISSOURI Stabbrev: MO Qtr3: NW Qtr2: NW Qtr1: NW Section: 20 Tnsp: 49 Tnspdir: N Rng: 33 Rngdir: W Latitude: 39.06198 Longitude: -94.5905 Utm x: 362389 Utm y: 4324650 Quadmap na: KANSAS CITY Ohio code: 39094A5 Llmeas: D Scale: 100k Locator: VBProgram Typelog1: D Typelog2: Not Reported Typelog3: Not Reported Ownerind: 0 Owner: Mastin Leasenam: Not Reported Driller: Not Reported Drldate: Not Reported Permit: Not Reported Logdate: Not Reported Logger: Not Reported Elev: 942 Elevbase: S Prodyld: 0 Gpmcfs: Not Reported Depthbed: 30 Sampsav: 0 Swla: Not Reported Swlb: Not Reported Water at: Not Reported Totdepth: 1000 Formation : Not Reported Formation1: Not Reported Intcrdtp: 0


Intcrdbt: 0 Drawdown: 000 Aquclass: Not Reported Confind: 0 Reldate: Not Reported Probind1: Not Reported Probind2: Not Reported Probind3: Not Reported Additional: Not Reported Alagncy1: Not Reported Add databa: Not Reported Addition 1: Not Reported Add data 1: Not Reported Alnum2: Not Reported Add data 2: Not Reported Add data 3: Not Reported Rmkind: Y C total: 0 C plugind: Not Reported C remarks: Not Reported

Strata Information: Id: 000361 Stratordr: 4800 Fmtop: 300 Fmbot: 830 Formation : PENNSYLVANIAN SYSTEM Primlith: SANDSTONE Seclith: LIMESTONE Minlith: COAL Primmin: Not Reported Primocc: 0 Secmin: Not Reported Secocc: 0 Minrmin: Not Reported Minrocc: 0 Rmk20: MUCH OF LOG IS BLANK

Strata Information: Id: 000361 Stratordr: 15000 Fmtop: 30 Fmbot: 216 Formation : KANSAS CITY GROUP Primlith: LIMESTONE Seclith: Not Reported Minlith: Not Reported Primmin: Not Reported Primocc: 0 Secmin: Not Reported Secocc: 0 Minrmin: Not Reported Minrocc: 0 Rmk20: Not Reported

Strata Information: Id: 000361 Stratordr: 18800 Fmtop: 216 Fmbot: 300 Formation : PLEASANTON GROUP Primlith: CHERT Seclith: Not Reported Minlith: Not Reported Primmin: Not Reported Primocc: 0 Secmin: Not Reported Secocc: 0 Minrmin: Not Reported


Minrocc: 0 Rmk20: LOG IS MAINLY BLANK

Strata Information: Id: 000361 Stratordr: 28400 Fmtop: 830 Fmbot: 1000 Formation : MISSISSIPPIAN SYSTEM Primlith: LIMESTONE Seclith: Not Reported Minlith: Not Reported Primmin: Not Reported Primocc: 0 Secmin: Not Reported Secocc: 0 Minrmin: Not Reported Minrocc: 0 Rmk20: Not Reported

Remarks: Id: 000361 Feature: WX Agency: GS Fileid: H Remarks: COMPOSITE LOG

2 WNW MO WELLS MOLOG1000021917 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher Id: 008432 Located: Not Reported Notenough: Not Reported Scale: 100k Locator: VBProgram Stname: MISSOURI Stabbrev: MO County: JACKSON Utm x: 362448 Utm y: 4325440 Latitude: 39.0691 Longitude: -94.58998 Qtr3: SE Qtr2: NE Qtr1: SE Section: 18 Tnsp: 49 Tnspdir: Not Reported Rng: 33 Rngdir: W Plssx: 361748 Plssy: 4325722 Location p: 133 Elev: 941 Idnum: 8432 Swl: 0 Quadrangle: KANSAS CITY Site id: MOLOG1000021917

Header Information: Id: 008432 Well type: Gas Well Agencyname: GEOLOGICAL SURVEY (DGLS) County: JACKSON Fips: 095 Stname: MISSOURI Stabbrev: MO Qtr3: SE Qtr2: NE Qtr1: SE Section: 18 Tnsp: 49 Tnspdir: N Rng: 33 Rngdir: W Latitude: 39.0691 Longitude: -94.58998


Utm x: 362448 Utm y: 4325440 Quadmap na: KANSAS CITY Ohio code: 39094A5 Llmeas: D Scale: 100k Locator: VBProgram Typelog1: S Typelog2: Not Reported Typelog3: Not Reported Ownerind: 1 Owner: Bradford & Hendricks Leasenam: Wilson, P.B. - Well #3 Driller: Bradford, Jay and Son Drldate: 1943/11/24 Permit: Not Reported Logdate: 1943/12/00 Logger: Grohskopf Elev: 941 Elevbase: S Prodyld: * Gpmcfs: Not Reported Depthbed: 10 Sampsav: 1 Swla: Not Reported Swlb: Not Reported Water at: *80,000 CU FT GAS Totdepth: 455 Formation : KANSAS CITY GROUP Formation1: CHEROKEE GROUP Intcrdtp: 0 Intcrdbt: 0 Drawdown: Not Reported Aquclass: Not Reported Confind: 0 Reldate: Not Reported Probind1: Not Reported Probind2: Not Reported Probind3: Not Reported Additional: API OIL AND GAS FILE Alagncy1: Not Reported Add databa: 095-00102 Addition 1: Not Reported Add data 1: Not Reported Alnum2: Not Reported Add data 2: Not Reported Add data 3: Not Reported Rmkind: N Remarks: #3 P.B. WILSON C total: 316 C plugind: N C remarks: Not Reported

Construction Information: Id: 008432 Well type: Gas Well Agencyname: GEOLOGICAL SURVEY (DGLS) Datecomp: 194311 Plugind: N Dateplug: Not Reported Casemat1: Not Reported Casemat2: Not Reported Cas1dpth: 316 Cas1diam: 6.25 Cas2dpth: 0 Cas2diam: 0 Cas3dpth: 0 Cas3diam: 0 Cas4dpth: 0 Cas4diam: 0 Inout1: O Typgrt1: G Typgrt2: Not Reported Typgrt3: Not Reported Mthgrout: Not Reported Rigtype: Not Reported Weltreat: Not Reported Rmkind: Not Reported Dateabnd: Not Reported Plgdpt1b: 0 Plgdpt1t: 0 Multcase: Not Reported


Szcashol: 0 Szbelcas: 0 Sizscrn: 0 Slotsize: 0 Lenscrn: 0 Typescrn: Not Reported Typedev: Not Reported Typepump: Not Reported Pumpcap: 0 Pumptdh: 0 Pumpset: 0 Typecomp: Not Reported Perfintt: 0 Perfintb: 0 Oilprod: 9999 Gasprod: 99990008 Tubepres: Not Reported Remarks: Not Reported Other data: Not Reported Formation : MARMATON GROUP Formation1: CHEROKEE GROUP

Strata Information: Id: 008432 Stratordr: 0 Fmtop: 0 Fmbot: 10 Formation : SOIL Primlith: CLAY Seclith: Not Reported Minlith: Not Reported Primmin: Not Reported Primocc: 0 Secmin: Not Reported Secocc: 0 Minrmin: Not Reported Minrocc: 0 Rmk20: Not Reported

Strata Information: Id: 008432 Stratordr: 4800 Fmtop: 10 Fmbot: 455 Formation : PENNSYLVANIAN SYSTEM Primlith: Not Reported Seclith: Not Reported Minlith: Not Reported Primmin: Not Reported Primocc: 0 Secmin: Not Reported Secocc: 0 Minrmin: Not Reported Minrocc: 0 Rmk20: Not Reported

Strata Information: Id: 008432 Stratordr: 13500 Fmtop: 10 Fmbot: 308 Formation : MISSOURIAN SERIES Primlith: Not Reported Seclith: Not Reported Minlith: Not Reported Primmin: Not Reported Primocc: 0 Secmin: Not Reported Secocc: 0 Minrmin: Not Reported


Minrocc: 0 Rmk20: Not Reported

Strata Information: Id: 008432 Stratordr: 15000 Fmtop: 10 Fmbot: 151 Formation : KANSAS CITY GROUP Primlith: LIMESTONE Seclith: SHALE Minlith: Not Reported Primmin: Not Reported Primocc: 0 Secmin: Not Reported Secocc: 0 Minrmin: Not Reported Minrocc: 0 Rmk20: Not Reported

Strata Information: Id: 008432 Stratordr: 18300 Fmtop: 138 Fmbot: 152 Formation : HERTHA FORMATION Primlith: LIMESTONE Seclith: Not Reported Minlith: Not Reported Primmin: Not Reported Primocc: 0 Secmin: Not Reported Secocc: 0 Minrmin: Not Reported Minrocc: 0 Rmk20: Not Reported

Strata Information: Id: 008432 Stratordr: 18800 Fmtop: 151 Fmbot: 308 Formation : PLEASANTON GROUP Primlith: SHALE Seclith: Not Reported Minlith: SAND Primmin: Not Reported Primocc: 0 Secmin: Not Reported Secocc: 0 Minrmin: Not Reported Minrocc: 0 Rmk20: Not Reported

Strata Information: Id: 008432 Stratordr: 19500 Fmtop: 308 Fmbot: 455 Formation : DESMOINESIAN SERIES Primlith: Not Reported Seclith: Not Reported Minlith: Not Reported Primmin: Not Reported Primocc: 0 Secmin: Not Reported Secocc: 0 Minrmin: Not Reported


Minrocc: 0 Rmk20: Not Reported

Strata Information: Id: 008432 Stratordr: 19600 Fmtop: 308 Fmbot: 400 Formation : MARMATON GROUP Primlith: SHALE Seclith: LIMESTONE Minlith: Not Reported Primmin: Not Reported Primocc: 0 Secmin: Not Reported Secocc: 0 Minrmin: Not Reported Minrocc: 0 Rmk20: Not Reported

Strata Information: Id: 008432 Stratordr: 23400 Fmtop: 400 Fmbot: 455 Formation : CHEROKEE GROUP Primlith: SHALE Seclith: Not Reported Minlith: Not Reported Primmin: Not Reported Primocc: 0 Secmin: Not Reported Secocc: 0 Minrmin: Not Reported Minrocc: 0 Rmk20: Not Reported

Strata Information: Id: 008432 Stratordr: 99900 Fmtop: 455 Fmbot: 455 Formation : TOTAL DEPTH Primlith: Not Reported Seclith: Not Reported Minlith: Not Reported Primmin: Not Reported Primocc: 0 Secmin: Not Reported Secocc: 0 Minrmin: Not Reported Minrocc: 0 Rmk20: Not Reported


Map ID Direction Distance Database EDR ID Number

A1 NNW OIL_GAS MOOG10000008463 1/4 - 1/2 Mile County: JACKSON Countycode: 095 Township: 49 Range: 33 Rangedir: W Section: 17 Surveyloc1: Not Reported Surveyloc2: Not Reported Ogcnumber: 01762 Quadname: KANSAS CITY Coname: MASTIN Leasename: FEE Wellno: 4 Well type: 2 Well stat: FU Status 1: UNKNOWN Bonded y n: Not Reported Dateapprov: Not Reported Can dt: Not Reported Spud date: Not Reported Compl dt: Not Reported Plug dt: Not Reported Elevation: 943 Proposedtd: 0 Actualtd: 1002 Pbtd: 0 Orig oper: Not Reported Latitude: 39 4 15 Longitude: -94 34 51 Latdec: 39.0708999633789 Longdec: -94.5809020996094 Log type: Not Reported Perf int: Not Reported Ip: Not Reported Gravity: Not Reported Prod form: Not Reported Mitcomment: Not Reported Comment 1: MAIN, N OF COMMONWEALTH Spl log: MF,DR Site id: MOOG10000008463

A2 NNW OIL_GAS MOOG10000008464 1/4 - 1/2 Mile County: JACKSON Countycode: 095 Township: 49 Range: 33 Rangedir: W Section: 17 Surveyloc1: Not Reported Surveyloc2: Not Reported Ogcnumber: 01761 Quadname: KANSAS CITY Coname: MASTIN Leasename: FEE Wellno: 2 Well type: 2 Well stat: FU Status 1: UNKNOWN Bonded y n: Not Reported Dateapprov: Not Reported Can dt: Not Reported Spud date: Not Reported Compl dt: Not Reported Plug dt: Not Reported Elevation: 938 Proposedtd: 0 Actualtd: 478 Pbtd: 0 Orig oper: Not Reported Latitude: 39 4 15 Longitude: -94 34 51 Latdec: 39.0708999633789 Longdec: -94.5809020996094 Log type: Not Reported Perf int: Not Reported Ip: Not Reported Gravity: Not Reported Prod form: Not Reported Mitcomment: Not Reported Comment 1: SHOWS OIL & GAS


Spl log: MF, DR Site id: MOOG10000008464

3 ENE OIL_GAS MOOG10000008443 1/4 - 1/2 Mile County: JACKSON Countycode: 095 Township: 49 Range: 33 Rangedir: W Section: 16 Surveyloc1: SW NW SW Surveyloc2: Not Reported Ogcnumber: 01603 Quadname: KANSAS CITY Coname: GOLDBERG, HARRY Leasename: COMMODORE HOTEL Wellno: 1 Well type: 11 Well stat: NF Status 1: UNKNOWN Bonded y n: Not Reported Dateapprov: Not Reported Can dt: Not Reported Spud date: Not Reported Compl dt: 11478 Plug dt: Not Reported Elevation: 986 Proposedtd: 0 Actualtd: 753 Pbtd: 0 Orig oper: Not Reported Latitude: 39 4 3 Longitude: -94 34 13 Latdec: 39.067798614502 Longdec: -94.5702972412109 Log type: Not Reported Perf int: Not Reported Ip: Not Reported Gravity: Not Reported Prod form: Not Reported Mitcomment: Not Reported Comment 1: DRY, SHOWS OIL Spl log: DR Site id: MOOG10000008443

4 West OIL_GAS MOOG10000008397 1/2 - 1 Mile County: JACKSON Countycode: 095 Township: 49 Range: 33 Rangedir: W Section: 20 Surveyloc1: NW NW NW Surveyloc2: Not Reported Ogcnumber: 00105 Quadname: KANSAS CITY Coname: MASTIN Leasename: FEE Wellno: Not Reported Well type: 7 Well stat: NF Status 1: UNKNOWN Bonded y n: Not Reported Dateapprov: Not Reported Can dt: Not Reported Spud date: Not Reported Compl dt: Not Reported Plug dt: Not Reported Elevation: 942 Proposedtd: 0 Actualtd: 1002 Pbtd: 0 Orig oper: Not Reported Latitude: 39 3 46 Longitude: -94 35 20 Latdec: 39.0629997253418 Longdec: -94.588996887207 Log type: Not Reported Perf int: Not Reported Ip: Not Reported Gravity: Not Reported Prod form: MISSISSIPPI Mitcomment: Not Reported Comment 1: Not Reported


Spl log: 361 Site id: MOOG10000008397

5 NW OIL_GAS MOOG10000008475 1/2 - 1 Mile County: JACKSON Countycode: 095 Township: 49 Range: 33 Rangedir: W Section: 17 Surveyloc1: SE SW NW Surveyloc2: Not Reported Ogcnumber: 00024 Quadname: KANSAS CITY Coname: BEAUMONT APARTMENT HOTELLeasename: FEE Wellno: Not Reported Well type: 8 Well stat: NF Status 1: UNKNOWN Bonded y n: Not Reported Dateapprov: Not Reported Can dt: Not Reported Spud date: Not Reported Compl dt: 12403 Plug dt: Not Reported Elevation: 983 Proposedtd: 0 Actualtd: 541 Pbtd: 0 Orig oper: Not Reported Latitude: 39 4 19 Longitude: -94 35 10 Latdec: 39.0721015930176 Longdec: -94.5863037109375 Log type: Not Reported Perf int: Not Reported Ip: Not Reported Gravity: Not Reported Prod form: CHEROKEE Mitcomment: Not Reported Comment 1: SHOWS O & G Spl log: Not Reported Site id: MOOG10000008475

6 SE OIL_GAS MOOG10000008366 1/2 - 1 Mile County: JACKSON Countycode: 095 Township: 49 Range: 33 Rangedir: W Section: 21 Surveyloc1: SE SW NW Surveyloc2: Not Reported Ogcnumber: 01614 Quadname: KANSAS CITY Coname: RUF DRILLING CO. Leasename: FEE Wellno: 1 Well type: 11 Well stat: NF Status 1: UNKNOWN Bonded y n: Not Reported Dateapprov: Not Reported Can dt: Not Reported Spud date: Not Reported Compl dt: 12320 Plug dt: Not Reported Elevation: 919 Proposedtd: 0 Actualtd: 715 Pbtd: 0 Orig oper: Not Reported Latitude: 39 3 25 Longitude: -94 34 6 Latdec: 39.056999206543 Longdec: -94.5683975219727 Log type: Not Reported Perf int: Not Reported Ip: Not Reported Gravity: Not Reported Prod form: Not Reported Mitcomment: Not Reported Comment 1: DRY, SHOWS OIL & GAS


Spl log: DR Site id: MOOG10000008366

7 South OIL_GAS MOOG10000008345 1/2 - 1 Mile County: JACKSON Countycode: 095 Township: 49 Range: 33 Rangedir: W Section: 20 Surveyloc1: SW NE SE Surveyloc2: Not Reported Ogcnumber: 01611 Quadname: KANSAS CITY Coname: DRUM Leasename: FEE Wellno: 1 Well type: 11 Well stat: NF Status 1: UNKNOWN Bonded y n: Not Reported Dateapprov: Not Reported Can dt: Not Reported Spud date: Not Reported Compl dt: 11575 Plug dt: Not Reported Elevation: 898 Proposedtd: 0 Actualtd: 609 Pbtd: 0 Orig oper: Not Reported Latitude: 39 3 12 Longitude: -94 34 35 Latdec: 39.0535011291504 Longdec: -94.5764999389648 Log type: Not Reported Perf int: Not Reported Ip: Not Reported Gravity: Not Reported Prod form: Not Reported Mitcomment: Not Reported Comment 1: DRY, SHOWS OIL & GAS Spl log: DR Site id: MOOG10000008345

8 WNW OIL_GAS MOOG10000008449 1/2 - 1 Mile County: JACKSON Countycode: 095 Township: 49 Range: 33 Rangedir: W Section: 18 Surveyloc1: SE NE SE Surveyloc2: Not Reported Ogcnumber: 00102 Quadname: KANSAS CITY Coname: BRADFORD & HENDRICKS Leasename: WILSON, P. B. Wellno: 3 Well type: 2 Well stat: FU Status 1: UNKNOWN Bonded y n: Not Reported Dateapprov: Not Reported Can dt: Not Reported Spud date: Not Reported Compl dt: 16034 Plug dt: Not Reported Elevation: 941 Proposedtd: 0 Actualtd: 455 Pbtd: 0 Orig oper: Not Reported Latitude: 39 4 6 Longitude: -94 35 29 Latdec: 39.0685005187988 Longdec: -94.5915985107422 Log type: Not Reported Perf int: Not Reported Ip: 80 MCF Gravity: Not Reported Prod form: CHEROKEE Mitcomment: Not Reported Comment 1: Not Reported


Spl log: 8432 Site id: MOOG10000008449

9 SSW OIL_GAS MOOG10000008338 1/2 - 1 Mile County: JACKSON Countycode: 095 Township: 49 Range: 33 Rangedir: W Section: 20 Surveyloc1: NW SE SW Surveyloc2: Not Reported Ogcnumber: 01612 Quadname: KANSAS CITY Coname: KIRK & BECHTEL Leasename: FEE Wellno: 1 Well type: 8 Well stat: FU Status 1: UNKNOWN Bonded y n: Not Reported Dateapprov: Not Reported Can dt: Not Reported Spud date: Not Reported Compl dt: 11602 Plug dt: Not Reported Elevation: 935 Proposedtd: 0 Actualtd: 595 Pbtd: 0 Orig oper: Not Reported Latitude: 39 3 7 Longitude: -94 35 7 Latdec: 39.0519981384277 Longdec: -94.5854034423828 Log type: Not Reported Perf int: Not Reported Ip: Not Reported Gravity: Not Reported Prod form: Not Reported Mitcomment: Not Reported Comment 1: PRODUCED GAS Spl log: DR Site id: MOOG10000008338

10 NNW OIL_GAS MOOG10000008500 1/2 - 1 Mile County: JACKSON Countycode: 095 Township: 49 Range: 33 Rangedir: W Section: 17 Surveyloc1: NW NE NW Surveyloc2: Not Reported Ogcnumber: 01602 Quadname: KANSAS CITY Coname: SIMMONS Leasename: FEE Wellno: Not Reported Well type: 8 Well stat: FU Status 1: UNKNOWN Bonded y n: Not Reported Dateapprov: Not Reported Can dt: Not Reported Spud date: Not Reported Compl dt: 11725 Plug dt: Not Reported Elevation: 902 Proposedtd: 0 Actualtd: 770 Pbtd: 0 Orig oper: Not Reported Latitude: 39 4 38 Longitude: -94 35 2 Latdec: 39.0774002075195 Longdec: -94.5839996337891 Log type: Not Reported Perf int: Not Reported Ip: 134 MCF Gravity: Not Reported Prod form: Not Reported Mitcomment: Not Reported Comment 1: DRY?


Spl log: DR Site id: MOOG10000008500

11 SW OIL_GAS MOOG10000008348 1/2 - 1 Mile County: JACKSON Countycode: 095 Township: 49 Range: 33 Rangedir: W Section: 20 Surveyloc1: SW NW SW Surveyloc2: Not Reported Ogcnumber: 01613 Quadname: KANSAS CITY Coname: WESTPORT LAUNDRY CO. Leasename: FEE Wellno: 1 Well type: 11 Well stat: NF Status 1: UNKNOWN Bonded y n: Not Reported Dateapprov: Not Reported Can dt: Not Reported Spud date: Not Reported Compl dt: Not Reported Plug dt: Not Reported Elevation: 936 Proposedtd: 0 Actualtd: 675 Pbtd: 0 Orig oper: Not Reported Latitude: 39 3 14 Longitude: -94 35 22 Latdec: 39.0539016723633 Longdec: -94.589599609375 Log type: Not Reported Perf int: Not Reported Ip: Not Reported Gravity: Not Reported Prod form: Not Reported Mitcomment: Not Reported Comment 1: DRY, SHOWS OIL & GAS Spl log: DR Site id: MOOG10000008348



State Database: MO Radon

Radon Test Results

County Average Max Pci/L Min Pci/L Num Samples ______

JACKSON 3.9 29.9 <0.5 273

Federal EPA Radon Zone for JACKSON County: 1 Note: Zone 1 indoor average level > 4 pCi/L. : Zone 2 indoor average level >= 2 pCi/L and <= 4 pCi/L. : Zone 3 indoor average level < 2 pCi/L.

Federal Area Radon Information for JACKSON COUNTY, MO Number of sites tested: 207 Area Average Activity % <4 pCi/L % 4-20 pCi/L % >20 pCi/L

Living Area - 1st Floor 3.172 pCi/L 72% 28% 0% Living Area - 2nd Floor 1.300 pCi/L 100% 0% 0% Basement 4.266 pCi/L 68% 30% 1%



USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Source: United States Geologic Survey EDR acquired the USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model in 2002 and updated it in 2006. The 7.5 minute DEM corresponds to the USGS 1:24,000- and 1:25,000-scale topographic quadrangle maps. The DEM provides elevation data with consistent elevation units and projection.

Scanned Digital USGS 7.5’ Topographic Map (DRG) Source: United States Geologic Survey A digital raster graphic (DRG) is a scanned image of a U.S. Geological Survey topographic map. The map images are made by scanning published paper maps on high-resolution scanners. The raster image is georeferenced and fit to the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection.


Flood Zone Data: This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2003 & 2009 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Data depicts 100-year and 500-year flood zones as defined by FEMA.

NWI: National Wetlands Inventory. This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2002 and 2005 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.


AQUIFLOW R Information System Source: EDR proprietary database of groundwater flow information EDR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System (AIS) to provide data on the general direction of groundwater flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted to regulatory authorities at select sites and has extracted the date of the report, hydrogeologically determined groundwater flow direction and depth to water table information.


Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source: P.G. Schruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale - A digital representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS - 11 (1994).

STATSGO: State Soil Geographic Database Source: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Services The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) leads the national Conservation Soil Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns in a landscape. Soil maps for STATSGO are compiled by generalizing more detailed (SSURGO) soil survey maps.

SSURGO: Soil Survey Geographic Database Source: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) Telephone: 800-672-5559 SSURGO is the most detailed level of mapping done by the Natural Resources Conservation Services, mapping scales generally range from 1:12,000 to 1:63,360. Field mapping methods using national standards are used to construct the soil maps in the Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) database. SSURGO digitizing duplicates the original soil survey maps. This level of mapping is designed for use by landowners, townships and county natural resource planning and management.




PWS: Public Water Systems Source: EPA/Office of Drinking Water Telephone: 202-564-3750 Public Water System data from the Federal Reporting Data System. A PWS is any water system which provides water to at least 25 people for at least 60 days annually. PWSs provide water from wells, rivers and other sources.

PWS ENF: Public Water Systems Violation and Enforcement Data Source: EPA/Office of Drinking Water Telephone: 202-564-3750 Violation and Enforcement data for Public Water Systems from the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) after August 1995. Prior to August 1995, the data came from the Federal Reporting Data System (FRDS).

USGS Water Wells: USGS National Water Inventory System (NWIS) This database contains descriptive information on sites where the USGS collects or has collected data on surface water and/or groundwater. The groundwater data includes information on wells, springs, and other sources of groundwater.


Missouri Public Drinking Water Wells Source: Department of Natural Resources Telephone: 573-526-5448


Oil and Gas Well Database Source: Department of Natural Resources Telephone: 573-368-2195


Area Radon Information Source: USGS Telephone: 703-356-4020 The National Radon Database has been developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and is a compilation of the EPA/State Residential Radon Survey and the National Residential Radon Survey. The study covers the years 1986 - 1992. Where necessary data has been supplemented by information collected at private sources such as universities and research institutions.

EPA Radon Zones Source: EPA Telephone: 703-356-4020 Sections 307 & 309 of IRAA directed EPA to list and identify areas of U.S. with the potential for elevated indoor radon levels.


Airport Landing Facilities: Private and public use landing facilities Source: Federal Aviation Administration, 800-457-6656

Epicenters: World earthquake epicenters, Richter 5 or greater Source: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration



© 2010 Tele Atlas North America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Tele Atlas North America, Inc. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a license agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material.

TC2870407.2s Page A-25



Ecole Longan 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, MO 64109

Inquiry Number: 2870407.5 September 16, 2010

The EDR Aerial Photo Decade Package EDR Aerial Photo Decade Package

Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR) Aerial Photo Decade Package is a screening tool designed to assist environmental professionals in evaluating potential liability on a target property resulting from past activities. EDR’s professional researchers provide digitally reproduced historical aerial photographs, and when available, provide one photo per decade.

When delivered electronically by EDR, the aerial photo images included with this report are for ONE TIME USE ONLY. Further reproduction of these aerial photo images is prohibited without permission from EDR. For more information contact your EDR Account Executive.

Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments.

Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice

This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report AS IS. Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice.

Copyright 2010 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission.

EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. Date EDR Searched Historical Sources: Aerial PhotographySeptember 16, 2010

Target Property: 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, MO 64109

Year Scale Details Source

1948 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=1000' Panel #: 39094-A5, Kansas City, MO;/Flight Date: SeptemberEDR 01, 1948

1952 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=1000' Panel #: 39094-A5, Kansas City, MO;/Flight Date: July 28, EDR 1952

1957 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=750' Panel #: 39094-A5, Kansas City, MO;/Flight Date: June 10, EDR 1957

1969 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=750' Panel #: 39094-A5, Kansas City, MO;/Flight Date: SeptemberEDR 10, 1969

1975 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=750' Panel #: 39094-A5, Kansas City, MO;/Flight Date: May 15, EDR 1975

1979 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=750' Panel #: 39094-A5, Kansas City, MO;/Flight Date: August EDR 07, 1979

1983 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=1000' Panel #: 39094-A5, Kansas City, MO;/Flight Date: November EDR 20, 1983

1986 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=750' Panel #: 39094-A5, Kansas City, MO;/Flight Date: SeptemberEDR 01, 1986

1991 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=750' Panel #: 39094-A5, Kansas City, MO;/Flight Date: SeptemberEDR 23, 1991

1996 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=750' Panel #: 39094-A5, Kansas City, MO;/Flight Date: February EDR 19, 1996

2005 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=604' Panel #: 39094-A5, Kansas City, MO;/Flight Date: January EDR 01, 2005

2006 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=604' Panel #: 39094-A5, Kansas City, MO;/Flight Date: January EDR 01, 2006

2870407.5 2 INQUIRY #: 2870407.5 YEAR: 1948 = 1000' INQUIRY #: 2870407.5 YEAR: 1952 = 1000' INQUIRY #: 2870407.5 YEAR: 1957 = 750' INQUIRY #: 2870407.5 YEAR: 1969 = 750' INQUIRY #: 2870407.5 YEAR: 1975 = 750' INQUIRY #: 2870407.5 YEAR: 1979 = 750' INQUIRY #: 2870407.5 YEAR: 1983 = 1000' INQUIRY #: 2870407.5 YEAR: 1986 = 750' INQUIRY #: 2870407.5 YEAR: 1991 = 750' INQUIRY #: 2870407.5 YEAR: 1996 = 750' INQUIRY #: 2870407.5 YEAR: 2005 = 604' INQUIRY #: 2870407.5 YEAR: 2006 = 604'



Ecole Longan 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, MO 64109

Inquiry Number: 2870407.6 September 15, 2010

The EDR-City Directory Abstract

440 Wheelers Farms Road Milford, CT 06461 800.352.0050 Environmental Data Resources Inc TABLE OF CONTENTS


Executive Summary Findings

Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments.

Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction orforecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice.

Copyright 2009 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. 2009 Enhancements to EDR City Directory Abstract

New for 2009, the EDR City Directory Abstract has been enhanced with additional information and features. These enhancements will make your city directory research process more efficient, flexible, and insightful than ever before. The enhancements will improve the options for selecting adjoining properties, and will speed up your review of the report.

City Directory Report. Three important enhancements have been made to the EDR City Directory Abstract:

1. Executive Summary. The report begins with an Executive Summary that lists the sources consulted in the preparation of the report. Where available, a parcel map is also provided within the report, showing the locations of properties researched.

2. Page Images. Where available, the actual page source images will be included in the Appendix, so that you can review them for information that may provide additional insight. EDR has copyright permission to include these images.

3. Findings Listed by Location. Another useful enhancement is that findings are now grouped by address. This will significantly reduce the time you need to review your abstracts. Findings are provided under each property address, listed in reverse chronological order and referencing the source for each entry.

Options for Selecting Adjoining Properties. Ensuring that the right adjoining property addresses are searched is one of the biggest challenges that environmental professionals face when conducting city directory historical research. EDR's new enhancements make it easier for you to meet this challenge. Now, when you place an order for the EDR City Directory Abstract, you have the following choices for determining which addresses should be researched.

1. You Select Addresses and EDR Selects Addresses. Use the "Add Another Address" feature to specify the addresses you want researched. Your selections will be supplemented by addresses selected by EDR researchers using our established research methods. Where available, a digital map will be shown, indicating property lines overlaid on a color aerial photo and their corresponding addresses. Simply use the address list below the map to check off which properties shown on the map you want to include. You may also select other addresses using the "Add Another Address" feature at the bottom of the list.

2. EDR Selects Addresses. Choose this method if you want EDR's researchers to select the addresses to be researched for you, using our established research methods.

3. You Select Addresses. Use this method for research based solely on the addresses you select or enter into the system.

4. Hold City Directory Research Option. If you choose to select your own adjoining addresses, you may pause production of your EDR City Directory Abstract report until you have had a chance to look at your other EDR reports and sources. Sources for property addresses include: your Certified Sanborn Map Report may show you the location of property addresses; the new EDR Property Tax Map Report may show the location of property addresses; and your field research can supplement these sources with additional address information. To use this capability, simply click "Hold City Directory research" box under "Other Options" at the bottom of the page. Once you have determined what addresses you want researched, go to your EDR Order Status page, select the EDR City Directory Abstract, and enter the addresses and submit for production.

Questions? Contact your EDR representative at 800-352-0050. For more information about all of EDR's 2009 report and service enhancements, visit EXECUTIVE SUMMARY


Environmental Data Resources, Inc.’s (EDR) City Directory Abstract is a screening tool designed to assist environmental professionals in evaluating potential liability on a target property resulting from past activities. EDR’s City Directory Abstract includes a search and abstract of available city directory data. For each address, the directory lists the name of the corresponding occupant at five year intervals.

Business directories including city, cross reference and telephone directories were reviewed, if available, at approximately five year intervals for the years spanning 1909 through 2006. This report compiles information gathered in this review by geocoding the latitude and longitude of properties identified and gathering information about properties within 660 feet of the target property.

A summary of the information obtained is provided in the text of this report.

RESEARCH SUMMARY The following research sources were consulted in the preparation of this report. An "X" indicates where information was identified in the source and provided in this report.

Year Source TP Adjoining Text Abstract Source Image 2006 Cole Information Services X X X - 2000 R. L. Polk Co. Publishers X X X - 1995 Cole Publications X X X - 1990 R. L. Polk Co. X X X - 1985 Jackson X X X - 1980 R. L. Polk Co., Publishers X X X - 1975 R. L. Polk Co. X X X - 1970 R. L. Polk Co. X X X - 1966 Jackson X X X - 1961 R. L. Polk Co. X X X - 1956 R. L. Polk Co. - X X - 1951 R. L. Polk Co. X X X - 1945 Gate City Directory Co. X X X - 1940 Gate City Directory Co. X X X - 1935 Gate City Directory Co. X X X - 1930 Gate City Directory Co., Publishers X X X - 1925 Gate City Directory Co. X X X - 1920 Gate City Directory Co. X X X - 1909 Gould Directory Co. - - - -

2870407- 6 Page 1 FINDINGS


ADDRESS 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, MO 64109

FINDINGS DETAIL Target Property research detail.

Year Uses Source

2006 School District Kansas City Mo Cole Information Services 2000 ECOLE LONGAN FRENCH R. L. Polk Co. Publishers MAGNET SCHOOL elmntry R. L. Polk Co. Publishers scndry sch R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 L French Elem Sch Cole Publications MES Lngn Frnch MGT Cole Publications 1990 Longan Geo B School R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Longan Geo B School Jackson 1980 Longan Geo B School R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Longan Geo B School R. L. Polk Co. 1970 LONGAN GEO B SCHOOL R. L. Polk Co. 1966 LONGAN GEO B SCHOOL Jackson 1961 Longan Geo B School R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Savella Juan SO R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Brackman Hugo L Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Vacant Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Mc Fadden Edw n Gate City Directory Co. 1930 McFadden Edw Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 James T Hartman Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Edward R Waller Gate City Directory Co.

2870407- 6 Page 2 FINDINGS


The following Adjoining Property addresses were researched for this report. Detailed findings are provided for each address.

33RD E

411 33RD E

Year Uses Source

1995 Louis Sola Cole Publications 1956 Sola Matthew R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Fisher Helen Mrs R. L. Polk Co. TLSola Matthew R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Peterson Wyman L Gate City Directory Co. Newlin Wm R Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Blowers Robt E Gate City Directory Co. Torres Gilbert Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Fowler Henry A D Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Fowler Henry A Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 Henry Fowler Gate City Directory Co.

413 33RD E

Year Uses Source

1995 Sola Tavern Cole Publications 1956 409 13 Solas Tavern R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Solas Tavern R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Sola Mathew restr Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Sola Geo restr Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Wolverton Chas E Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Anderson John A Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 James A Wallace Gate City Directory Co.

415 33RD E

Year Uses Source

1995 S E Anderson Cole Publications A 1 Barber Shop Cole Publications 1956 Anderson Russell M Barber Shop R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Vacant Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Fleming Pick Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Fleming Alf B Gate City Directory Co.

2870407- 6 Page 3 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

1930 Fleming Harriet E Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 Harriet E Fleming Gate City Directory Co.

417 33RD E

Year Uses Source

1956 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Long Con R R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Fabro Leo A Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Fabro Leo A Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Johnson Walter E Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Hink Roy L Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 Geo Neff Gate City Directory Co.

418 33RD E

Year Uses Source

1920 Joe Atlas grocer Gate City Directory Co.

419 33RD E

Year Uses Source

1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1956 Morgan Raymond W R. L. Polk Co. Levy Mitchell Shoe R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Brown Morris R. L. Polk Co. Caplan Harold R R. L. Polk Co. Abbey Roofing & Siding R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Lerner Abr Gate City Directory Co. Lerner Abr shoe repr Gate City Directory Co. Brown Morris Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Lerner Abr Gate City Directory Co. Brown Morris Gate City Directory Co. Lerner Abr shoe repr Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Lerner Abr Jo shoe repr Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Lerner Abr shoe repr Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 Abraham Lerner shoe repair Gate City Directory Co.

421 33RD E

Year Uses Source

1956 Keith Evelyn Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Keith Evelyn Drapery R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Keith Evelyn Drapery R. L. Polk Co.

2870407- 6 Page 4 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

1945 Keith Evelyn C draperies Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Pettyjohn Hazel Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Hazelle Beauty Salon Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Wolverton Glenn clnr Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Perry Lambert B barber Gate City Directory Co., Publishers

423 33RD E

Year Uses Source

1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1956 Lightner Malcolm W R. L. Polk Co. Stout Thos A R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Chiavola Geo E R. L. Polk Co. Harless Jas W R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Fortney Floyd Gate City Directory Co. Chiavola Geo E Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Chiavola Geo E a Gate City Directory Co. Giro Nino Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Willett Melvin G Gate City Directory Co. Chiavola Geo E Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Chiavola Geo E Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Chiavola Saml Gate City Directory Co., Publishers

425 33RD E

Year Uses Source

1956 Lndry R. L. Polk Co. Gilham Plaza Self Service R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Gillham Plaza Self Service Laundry R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Chiavola Geo E gro Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Chiavola Geo E gro Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Chiavola Geo E gro Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Chiavola Geo E gro Gate City Directory Co., Publishers

501 33RD E

Year Uses Source

1995 Peterson Cap & Gown Cole Publications 1956 501 17 Peterson Thos A Cap R. L. Polk Co. 1951 501 07 Adelphi Garage R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Adelphi Garage Gate City Directory Co. 1940 501 07 Adelphi Garage Gate City Directory Co.

2870407- 6 Page 5 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

1935 501 07 Adelphi Garage Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Hasney T Ellis garage Gate City Directory Co., Publishers

507 33RD E

Year Uses Source

1951 501 07 Adelphi Garage R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Progress Motor Co Gate City Directory Co. Adelphi Garage Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Packard Service Gate City Directory Co. 501 07 Adelphi Garage Gate City Directory Co. 1935 501 07 Adelphi Garage Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Shindel Jack auto repr Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Hasney T Ellis garage Gate City Directory Co., Publishers

508 33RD E

Year Uses Source

1956 Rockelman Jobs A cabtmkr R. L. Polk Co. 1951 cabtmkr R. L. Polk Co. Rockelman John A R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Vacant Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Vacant Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Reinhardt John bakery Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Reinhardt John bakery and restr Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 John Reinhardt baker Gate City Directory Co.

509 33RD E

Year Uses Source

1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1956 509 11 Fesslers Body Shop R. L. Polk Co. 1951 509 11 Miclaw Jacob P R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Miclaw Jacob P auto repr Gate City Directory Co. 1940 509 11 Miclaw Jacob P auto Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Neal Richd R boat shop Gate City Directory Co.

511 33RD E

Year Uses Source

1956 509 11 Fesslers Body Shop R. L. Polk Co. 1951 auto repr R. L. Polk Co. 509 11 Miclaw Jacob P R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Miclaw Jacob P auto repr Gate City Directory Co.

2870407- 6 Page 6 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

1940 509 11 Miclaw Jacob P auto Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Miclaw Jacob P auto repr Gate City Directory Co.

515 33RD E

Year Uses Source

1956 Citrus Products Co R. L. Polk Co.

517 33RD E

Year Uses Source

1956 & Gown Co R. L. Polk Co. 501 17 Peterson Thos A Cap R. L. Polk Co.

518 33RD E

Year Uses Source

1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1956 Brown Leona B Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Togo Ella R. L. Polk Co.

520 33RD E

Year Uses Source

1956 Damon Robt C R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.

600 33RD E

Year Uses Source

1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1956 Wallace John W R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Weinberg Benj C drugs Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Weinberg Benj C Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Vacant Gate City Directory Co., Publishers

606 33RD E

Year Uses Source

1930 Mauldin Jas M Gate City Directory Co., Publishers

610 33RD E

Year Uses Source

1930 Kreuger Carl E Gate City Directory Co., Publishers

2870407- 6 Page 7 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

614 33RD E

Year Uses Source

1995 Knights of Columbs Cole Publications Bishp Hogan Councl Cole Publications


411 33RD ST E

Year Uses Source

1990 Sola Louis R. L. Polk Co. 1980 Sola Lewis R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Sola Matthew R. L. Polk Co. 1966 SOLA MATTHEW Jackson 1961 Scott Lee R. L. Polk Co. Sola Matthew R. L. Polk Co. 1925 Henry A Fowler Gate City Directory Co.

412 33RD ST E

Year Uses Source

1925 Leon T Kubicki Gate City Directory Co.

413 33RD ST E

Year Uses Source

1990 Solas Tavern R. L. Polk Co. 1980 Solas Tavern R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Solas Tavern R. L. Polk Co. 1966 SOLAS TAVERN Jackson 1961 Solas Tavern R. L. Polk Co. 1925 Geo E Fleming Gate City Directory Co.

414 33RD ST E

Year Uses Source

1925 Ray G Simmons Gate City Directory Co.

415 33RD ST E

Year Uses Source

1990 A One Barber Shop R. L. Polk Co. 1980 A One Barber Shop R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 A One Barber Shop R. L. Polk Co. 1966 A I BARBER SHOP Jackson 1961 A I Barber Co Inc R. L. Polk Co.

2870407- 6 Page 8 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

1925 Harriet E Fleming Gate City Directory Co.

417 33RD ST E

Year Uses Source

1990 American Slate & Title Co mike delaruso R. L. Polk Co. 1980 Kain Wm H R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Kain Wm H R. L. Polk Co. 1966 KAIN WM Jackson 1925 Clarence H Hall Gate City Directory Co.

418 33RD ST E

Year Uses Source

1925 Geo Chiavola grocer Gate City Directory Co.

419 33RD ST E

Year Uses Source

1975 Towle C R. L. Polk Co. 1966 VACANT Jackson IRBY M L Jackson 1961 Baker Russell A R. L. Polk Co. Mitchells Shoe Shop R. L. Polk Co. 1925 Abraham Lerner shoe repr Gate City Directory Co.

420 33RD ST E

Year Uses Source

1966 SAMPSON RITA L Jackson

421 33RD ST E

Year Uses Source

1990 Alpha Omega Family Christian Cntr R. L. Polk Co. 1980 Alpha & Omega Christian Center R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Reliable Concrete Products Inc R. L. Polk Co. 1966 WARD R K CO MFRS AGTS Jackson RAWL PLUG CO WHOL MASONRY Jackson 1961 Rawl Plug Co whol masonry sup R. L. Polk Co. Ward R K Co mfr agt R. L. Polk Co.

423 33RD ST E

Year Uses Source

1990 Thompson Penny M Rev R. L. Polk Co.

2870407- 6 Page 9 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

1980 Powell Cliffard A R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Poole R Deen R. L. Polk Co. 1966 SILKWOOD WM J Jackson KRONER LOIS M Jackson 1961 Silkwood Vim J R. L. Polk Co.

425 33RD ST E

Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1980 Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1966 GILLHAM PLAZA LAUNDRY SELF Jackson 1961 Gillham Plaza Laundry R. L. Polk Co.

501 33RD ST E

Year Uses Source

1990 Peterson Thomas Cap & Gown R. L. Polk Co. 1980 Peterson Thomas Cap & Gown R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Peterson Thomas Cap & Gown R. L. Polk Co. 1966 CAP GOWN RENTALS Jackson PETERSON THOMAS CAP & GOWN Jackson 1961 501 07 Peterson Thos Cap & Gown Co R. L. Polk Co. 1925 Adelphi Garage Gate City Directory Co.

507 33RD ST E

Year Uses Source

1961 501 07 Peterson Thos Cap & Gown Co R. L. Polk Co.

508 33RD ST E

Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1980 A A Hubbard Plumbing Co R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1966 LAUNDRY SELF SERV Jackson DUTCH MAIU COIN 0 MATIC Jackson 1961 Dutch Maid Coin 0 Matic Laundry R. L. Polk Co. Harlan Don R. L. Polk Co. 1925 Katherine A Thomas bkry Gate City Directory Co.

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509 33RD ST E

Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1975 Reliable Concrete Products Inc R. L. Polk Co. 1966 SIGHT BROS USED CAR GARAGE Jackson 1961 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.

511 33RD ST E

Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1980 Jims Paint & Body Shop auto pntg R. L. Polk Co., Publishers body repr R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1961 Hancock Body Shop auto reprs R. L. Polk Co.

515 33RD ST E

Year Uses Source

1975 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1966 VACANT Jackson 1961 Macks Bargains used sadse R. L. Polk Co.

518 33RD ST E

Year Uses Source

1980 Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Fiedler Margt R. L. Polk Co. 1961 Brown Leona B Mrs R. L. Polk Co.

520 33RD ST E

Year Uses Source

1980 No Return R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Miller R E R. L. Polk Co. 1961 Buck Virginia R. L. Polk Co.

600 33RD ST E

Year Uses Source

1980 Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1961 Medley Shirley J R. L. Polk Co. 1925 Melvin R Showalter Gate City Directory Co.

610 33RD ST E

Year Uses Source

1925 Floyd Thomas Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1925 Levi Crampton Gate City Directory Co.

614 33RD ST E

Year Uses Source

1990 Flauin Hall Knights Of Columbus R. L. Polk Co. 1980 Flauin Hall Knights Of Columbus R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Bishop Hogan Council Knights Of R. L. Polk Co. Columbus Hall R. L. Polk Co. contra R. L. Polk Co. 1966 BOSTITCH SOUTHWEST INC Jackson STAPLING MACH MFRS Jackson 1961 Bostitch Southwest Inc stapling mach R. L. Polk Co.

34TH E

602 34TH E

Year Uses Source

1956 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1951 602 04 Hyde Park Delicatessen R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Smith Jane E Mrs beauty shop Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Smith Jane E Mrs beauty Gate City Directory Co. Smith Jess D barber Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Noonan Kath Mrs beauty Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Strong Nelle Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers

604 34TH E

Year Uses Source

1956 Armstrong Young G ir R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Armstrong Y G jr R. L. Polk Co. 602 04 Hyde Park Delicatessen R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Greening Cora G Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1940 drsmkr Gate City Directory Co. Greening Cora G Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Grening Cora G Mrs Gate City Directory Co. drsmkr Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Ozenbrug Geo confr Gate City Directory Co., Publishers

608 34TH E

Year Uses Source

1956 Alflen Confectionery R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1951 Kenwood Confectionery R. L. Polk Co. Mc Clure Louise B R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Armstrong Y G confr Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Osenbrug Geo confr Gate City Directory Co. 1935 fil O Hyde Park Cash Market Gate City Directory Co. Osenburg Geo confr Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Lewis Glenn confr Gate City Directory Co., Publishers

610 34TH E

Year Uses Source

1956 Michaels Better Foods R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Hyde Park Market gro R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Hyde Park Market gros Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Hyde Park Market Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Kenwood Market Gate City Directory Co., Publishers

612 34TH E

Year Uses Source

1956 Dresswell Cleaners R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Dresswell Cleaners R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Dresswell Cleaners Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Risburg Jacob clnr Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Risberg Jacob clnr Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Risburg Jacob clnr Gate City Directory Co., Publishers


602 34TH ST E

Year Uses Source

1961 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.

604 34TH ST E

Year Uses Source

1961 Armstrong Young G jr R. L. Polk Co.

608 34TH ST E

Year Uses Source

1961 Virdees Delicatessen R. L. Polk Co. 1925 W C Harris confy Gate City Directory Co.

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610 34TH ST E

Year Uses Source

1961 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1925 Morris Rosenberg grocer Gate City Directory Co.

612 34TH ST E

Year Uses Source

1961 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1925 Jacob Risburg clnr Gate City Directory Co.



Year Uses Source

1930 Duke Henry B Gate City Directory Co., Publishers


Year Uses Source

1930 Ross Michl T Gate City Directory Co., Publishers


Year Uses Source

1930 Downing John F Gate City Directory Co., Publishers


Year Uses Source

1930 Newbern Hotel Gate City Directory Co., Publishers


Year Uses Source

1930 Windemere Apt Hotel Gate City Directory Co., Publishers


Year Uses Source

1930 Brennan John A Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Randolph S L Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Bray Eug Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Bingham Ralph A Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Hull Lee C Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Lewis Taylor Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Bourn Mary Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Sacher Martha Gate City Directory Co., Publishers

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Year Uses Source

1930 Myers Anna Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Dingee Minnie Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Stevens Phillip Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Carter F F Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Bennetts Evelyn F Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Goodell Ernest J Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Scovern Geo V Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Boatright A J Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Stanton Leonard Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Page Jas R Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Windemere Apt Hotel Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Pudge Elmer Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Condon Ralph E Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Mason Reginald E Gate City Directory Co., Publishers McDermott Thos Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Bloom Otis W Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Shultz Victor Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Bredehoft C M Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Herman L G Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Beaty Jackie Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Keller J T Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Butters Jas A Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Parr Fred J Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Marlow Ruth Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Logan Elosia A Mrs asst apt mgr Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Ebbs Lola B Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Junkins Frank W Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Junkins Frank W Mrs apt mgr Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Minkin Carl Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Ward Trevis Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Dunn Paul Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Plate Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Heywood Grace E Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Vacant Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Wright Mabel Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Bauer Milton J Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Reinbold J C Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Porter Jas B Gate City Directory Co., Publishers

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Year Uses Source

1930 Banks Sarah Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Duminel Pearle Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Madaris Sybil Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Garth Kirkpatrick Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Given Adam A Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Lavery J W Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Conver Walter L Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Miller Lawrence F Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Sachs Lillian Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Martin Emery Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Jacks Harry Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Lewis Fred Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Zackman S O Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Uran Howard H Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Wiseman M J Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Lighter Sam Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Dawson W J Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Jeffers Mary Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Vacant Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Cayton Henry W Gate City Directory Co., Publishers McGinnis John D Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Hanst Chas E Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Vorse Frank W Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Hutchinson H E Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Levine Louis H Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Brent Wm E Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Brewster A W Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Faxon Robt C Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Law J A Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Schmidt C R Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Lawler J E Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Bateman Chas G Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Henry Merritt A Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Bradford C L Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Hogan Danl F Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Washington Eliz Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Leiberman Fredk Gate City Directory Co., Publishers

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Year Uses Source

1930 Rosenfield Abr Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Cowgill Guy M Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Geha Apts Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Sartain Chas A Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Gluck Monte Gate City Directory Co., Publishers


Year Uses Source

1930 The Kenwood Apts Gate City Directory Co., Publishers


Year Uses Source

1930 McCarthy Timothy J Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Randel Thos J Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Rosson Saml S Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Craze Stanley Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Hartsock A C Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Vacant Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Durham Dora Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Cunningham Philander T Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Shinn Steph R Jr Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Knurch C J Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Crouch John H Gate City Directory Co., Publishers King Wm W Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Sublette Wm H Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Bearg Wesley J Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Birley Margt Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Baldwin W B Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Heaivilin Earl Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Cummings Lloyd D Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Locke Cynthia M Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Wilcox Lois Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Riggs Hazel Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Smith Wilbur S Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Vacant Gate City Directory Co., Publishers The Kenwood Apts Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Palmer Russell F Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Benjamin S Gate City Directory Co., Publishers

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Year Uses Source

1930 Mendon Bertha Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers


Year Uses Source

1930 Kenwood Apts Gate City Directory Co., Publishers


Year Uses Source

1930 Stroud Henry L Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Kenwood Apts Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Henry Sarah M mgr Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Smith V Couch Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Carter Chester G Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Benard Horace H Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Butts Billy Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Vacant Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Thorpe Geo Y Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Klaiss Edith Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Steele Mabel Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Vacant Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Newton Randolph C Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Jenkins Carl B Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Roberts Edith Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Canfield Clarence U Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Huling F C Gate City Directory Co., Publishers King Elva Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Buck Geo C Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Nash A J Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Killen Chas W Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Middlekauff Trent R Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Shaffer E L Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Summers Herbert S Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Hudelson Gordon Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Vacant Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Collings Bernice M Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Ray Wilmer Gate City Directory Co., Publishers

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Year Uses Source

1930 Thomson Leo Gate City Directory Co., Publishers


Year Uses Source

1930 Myers Geo M Gate City Directory Co., Publishers


Year Uses Source

1930 Niles Frank C Gate City Directory Co., Publishers



Year Uses Source

1990 Kenwood Apts R. L. Polk Co. Tatum J R. L. Polk Co. Gammon R. L. Polk Co. Hines R. L. Polk Co. Newsom Mildred R. L. Polk Co. Butler Marge R. L. Polk Co. Pearson R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Kenwood Apts Jackson Simms Russell Jackson Sounders Mildred Jackson Tylon Ross Jackson Newsom Mildred Jackson Butler Marge Jackson Owens Jackson Livestock Marketing Assn Jackson 1980 Apartments R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Cinotto J R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Warren Mildred R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Phansavanh Samith R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Mankhot B R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Mc Carthy R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1975 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1970 APARTMENTS R. L. Polk Co. JORDEN THELMA R. L. Polk Co. FURMAN J G R. L. Polk Co. WING ROGER R. L. Polk Co. CHRISTOPHERSON K R. L. Polk Co. WHITEHEAD HELEN R. L. Polk Co. 1966 AP ARTMENTS Jackson SMITH JOSEPH E Jackson NC CABER ERNIE Jackson Ho W 0 ARD C C F Jackson NALLY L H Jackson MHITEHEAD HELEN Jackson 1961 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Smith Jos E R. L. Polk Co. Brey David M R. L. Polk Co. Eppinger Howard K R. L. Polk Co. Nally Wm H R. L. Polk Co. Whitehead Helen R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Smith Jos E R. L. Polk Co. Brey David M R. L. Polk Co. Nally Wm S R. L. Polk Co. Nally Wm H R. L. Polk Co. Whitehead Helen R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Apartments lversen B L R. L. Polk Co. Melton Robt V R. L. Polk Co. Brey David M R. L. Polk Co. Nally Wm S R. L. Polk Co. Nally Wm H R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Milton Robt V Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Farley Clara Belle Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Duke Henry B Gate City Directory Co. 1925 Henry B Duke Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Henry B Duke Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1990 Ewing Madeline R. L. Polk Co. Harmon Luther R. L. Polk Co. Nance Minnie R. L. Polk Co. People To People International R. L. Polk Co. cultural exchange organization R. L. Polk Co. Pitchford Communications copywrtr R. L. Polk Co. Rear Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Innovative Design Advertising Art & R. L. Polk Co. Typesetting Palmer Kelly Designs R. L. Polk Co. Castell Christine R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Hickerson Powell Phelps & Assoc Inc Jackson Rear Frewen Architects Inc Jackson Lawson Clyde Advertising Art Jackson Typesetting Jackson Project Associates Inc Jackson Saver Debbie photog Jackson Sliefer Nan Mrs Jackson Rice D S Jackson Staley Finies Jackson 1980 Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Rear Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Rear Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1970 COUNCIL OF CLUBS HOTEL R. L. Polk Co. REAR DINGES SUSAN R. L. Polk Co. LINDHOLM RUTH R. L. Polk Co. 1966 COUNCIL OF CLUBS GIRLS Jackson HOTEL PL Jackson ELLIOT VIOLA H MRS Jackson COUNCIL OF CLUBS INC Jackson REAR VACANT Jackson 1961 Council of Clubs Inc R. L. Polk Co. Girls Hotel R. L. Polk Co. Elliot Viola H Mrs R. L. Polk Co. rear Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Council of Clubs Inc R. L. Polk Co. rear Graham D R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1951 West Blanche E Mrs R. L. Polk Co. rear Thrasher Wayne R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Young Kansas Citians Club Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Vacant Gate City Directory Co. rear Vacant Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Ross Michl T Gate City Directory Co. rear Moore Wm Gate City Directory Co. 1925 Michl T Ross contr Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Michl Ross contr Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Fugate Jeff R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Williams Barbara R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Hogan Herbert Jackson Hodges Linda Jackson


Year Uses Source

1990 Skaggs Georg R. L. Polk Co. Campbell Josephine R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Harris Joe R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Fagelman Jos Jackson Weeks Dorothy C Jackson Boyd Sylvia Jackson


Year Uses Source

1990 Mc Intyre Robt R. L. Polk Co. Lee Virginia E R. L. Polk Co. Walker Torean R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Lewis Mary Jackson Moore Clementine Jackson Cheeney Robt E Jackson

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Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Primelles Eufemio R. L. Polk Co. Buckner Betty E R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Ramsey Jackson Malsick Richd Jackson Johnson David Jackson


Year Uses Source

1990 Gershberg Tillie M R. L. Polk Co. Windsor Chris R. L. Polk Co. Robeson Robin R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Kramer Dani G Jackson Henderson Stephen Jackson Hill Brenda Jackson


Year Uses Source

1990 Wilkerson Cornelius R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Lewis Stan R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Goldsby Kenneth Jackson Petersen Linda Jackson


Year Uses Source

1990 Harris Minnie R. L. Polk Co. Henrion R. L. Polk Co. Rhyan Steve R. L. Polk Co. No Return R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Ghanmi Soleb Jackson Ryan Bert H Jackson


Year Uses Source

1990 Winne B R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Hammer Elaine Jackson


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Bush R. L. Polk Co. Parquet Lynda R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Gipri Sejory Jackson No Return Jackson Newkirk Brian Jackson


Year Uses Source

1990 Forquer Billie R. L. Polk Co. Krudup Alicia R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Campbell Oneida J Jackson


Year Uses Source

1990 Porter Mark R. L. Polk Co. Brady Geo P R. L. Polk Co. Allen R. L. Polk Co. Riley Robt R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Byes Alex Jackson Ambroz Eke Jackson 1966 BUCK MARIA Jackson VACANT Jackson LOUIS ESTER MRS Jackson BAER GOLD C MRS Jackson FIELDS THOS Jackson SOLLARS MARY Jackson LACEY J D Jackson BROWN ROBERTA Jackson UDOi EVELYN MRS Jackson PARKER DAVID Jackson

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Year Uses Source



Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Russell B R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Heaston Lorraine B Jackson


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Steele R. L. Polk Co. Dixon Larry R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Griffin Dan Jackson Lambert Wendell Jackson


Year Uses Source

1990 Williams Harlan R. L. Polk Co. Johnson Gerald R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Vanderwood Roy M Jackson 1925 Newbern Hotel Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Koch Janet R. L. Polk Co. 1985 No Return Jackson


Year Uses Source

1990 Coates Michl R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Majors Chas Jackson 1925 C N Peters Gate City Directory Co. C F Penrose Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1925 W C Pfeiffer Gate City Directory Co. J L Pearce Gate City Directory Co. Sallie Parker Gate City Directory Co. Chas W McKown Gate City Directory Co. Katherine Peters Gate City Directory Co. Fleming Pendleton Gate City Directory Co. J Quigley Gate City Directory Co. Herbert Rowland Gate City Directory Co. Harry Rubin Gate City Directory Co. Thos Ridge Gate City Directory Co. Rosenkrens Gate City Directory Co. Wilson B Planck Gate City Directory Co. H C Anderson Gate City Directory Co. Elizabeth Federman Gate City Directory Co. S M Daniels Gate City Directory Co. W L Gee Gate City Directory Co. Robt W Gees Gate City Directory Co. A E Hart Gate City Directory Co. B H Hopkins Gate City Directory Co. Frank K Howard Gate City Directory Co. Helen Harrelson Gate City Directory Co. Ada Dryden Gate City Directory Co. Earl Hopkins Gate City Directory Co. L W Harton Gate City Directory Co. A E Hoppenrath Gate City Directory Co. K W Hopkins Gate City Directory Co. Alice Johnston Gate City Directory Co. Al Deichman Gate City Directory Co. Ray Drukker Gate City Directory Co. Clarence Gould Gate City Directory Co. Bernice Johnson Gate City Directory Co. R M Jones Gate City Directory Co. Sarah Joy Gate City Directory Co. Harry M Kurtzworth Gate City Directory Co. A C Bumpus Gate City Directory Co. A W Benjamin Gate City Directory Co. O H Gerry Gate City Directory Co. C H Baird Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1925 F M Briggs Gate City Directory Co. Wilkie Albers Gate City Directory Co. F W Franklin Gate City Directory Co. Louis Lowen Gate City Directory Co. Herbert Lipman phys Gate City Directory Co. E Sifers Gate City Directory Co. E K Steele Gate City Directory Co. Roxie Snell Gate City Directory Co. I H Parks Gate City Directory Co. Wm Salmon Gate City Directory Co. Stanley Deacon Gate City Directory Co. E G Wilson Gate City Directory Co. Bee West Gate City Directory Co. W H Walker Gate City Directory Co. D Z Welch Gate City Directory Co. J B Winsor Gate City Directory Co. Ward Willets Gate City Directory Co. W H Webb Gate City Directory Co. A H Young Gate City Directory Co. W H Young Gate City Directory Co. Yarrell Gate City Directory Co. Scott Bates Gate City Directory Co. Sadie Bernstein Gate City Directory Co. F T Brown Gate City Directory Co. Burbaker Gate City Directory Co. Sylvia Marks Gate City Directory Co. Burkley Gate City Directory Co. M E Beachey Gate City Directory Co. Alice Courtney Gate City Directory Co. H J Coerver Gate City Directory Co. L D Cooper Gate City Directory Co. Ralph H Clarke Gate City Directory Co. Emma Daniels Gate City Directory Co. Leo Haas Gate City Directory Co. W S Reid Gate City Directory Co. Dewitt Gate City Directory Co. J W Dowd Gate City Directory Co. Marie Esmond phys Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1925 R S Wyler Gate City Directory Co. Sarah Levinson Gate City Directory Co. J N Leindecker Gate City Directory Co. Mrs Louise G Lincoln Gate City Directory Co. Lobdell Gate City Directory Co. J Earle Donaldson phys Gate City Directory Co. Harry Haley Gate City Directory Co. Frances Anderson Gate City Directory Co. Lorie B Moses Gate City Directory Co. Eli Moore Gate City Directory Co. W G Frederick Gate City Directory Co. J Masden Gate City Directory Co. L A Mendelsohn Gate City Directory Co. Calvin Johnstone Gate City Directory Co. W R Kelly Gate City Directory Co. Edw Kienzle Gate City Directory Co. Moody Gate City Directory Co. J M McConnell Gate City Directory Co. R L Olive Gate City Directory Co. Hyman Oppenheimer Gate City Directory Co. H H Mulholland Gate City Directory Co. Albert J Maris phys Gate City Directory Co. John R Williams phys Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Mc Elvain Jos D R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Kemp Jacklin J Jackson


Year Uses Source

1966 DONNING JESSIE MRS Jackson 1961 Downing Jessie B Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Downing Jessie B Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Downing Jessie B Mrs Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1940 Downing Jessie B Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Downing John F Gate City Directory Co. 1925 John F Downing Gate City Directory Co. 1920 John F Downig Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Parthe Jackie R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Huff Kathryn R. L. Polk Co. Newbem Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. William Jas R. L. Polk Co. Green Jason R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Trog Katherine D R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Pope Geo R. L. Polk Co. Me Grath Mike R. L. Polk Co. Lingerer Dan R. L. Polk Co. Holcomb Jim R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Helms S M R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Long Lois R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Leon Steven P R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Omalley John R. L. Polk Co.

2870407- 6 Page 29 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

1990 Palmer Kelly Designs R. L. Polk Co. Wilson John R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Cook Robt R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Cook Dan R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Blessman Dennis Jackson Rossback K E Jackson No Return Jackson De Lay Matty Jackson Schillo Kenneth Jackson Kemp Opal Jackson Knight Margt P Jackson Cook R J Jackson Griffin Douglas Jackson Newbern Apartments Jackson Huitt Bill Jackson Martin Phillip B Jackson Pope Geo D Jackson Gilliland C E Jackson Stark Lou Jackson Lemke K Jackson Wheelhouse Raymond P Jackson Glick Fred Jackson Benshoof P L Mrs Jackson Dowling P H Jackson 11Denny Walter L Jackson Chenault Todd Jackson Emery Dick Jackson Summers Harold P Jackson Holsinger Toni Jackson Fraizer Virginia Jackson No Return Jackson No Return Jackson Foster Phillip B Jackson Wilkes Justen L Jackson

2870407- 6 Page 30 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

1985 No Return Jackson Laster G G Jackson Granberry Michi Jackson No Return Jackson Robinson V B Jackson No Return Jackson No Return Jackson Evinger Bradley Jackson Van Swearinger Dorothy A Jackson No Return Jackson Toler Willie M Jackson Little Edw Jackson Blessman Dennis Jackson Kemp Opal Jackson Witwer Louis F Jackson Yarkosky John P Jackson No Return Jackson No Return Jackson 1980 K C Midtown Apartments Inc R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Smith Le Roy M R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Major Helen M R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Eskelin Charles R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Mc Cune Mae R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Bessies Diner restr R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Mayes Eliz R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Wyrick Bob R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Pats Ofc R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Christy John B R. L. Polk Co., Publishers King Clara A R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Thompson Robt L R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Gardner P R R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Storerm R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Joanns Beauty Shop R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Cahill Anthony R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Jackson Earnest R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Fraizer Virginia R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Toler Willie M R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Griffin Douglas R. L. Polk Co., Publishers

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Year Uses Source

1980 Washington Albert R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Smith Victor R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Haynes Betty R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Baer Margarite R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Durant Winford R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Pope Geo D R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Caples Sidney R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Martin Homer R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Knight Margt R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Harvey Reginald R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Newson Andrew R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Rear Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Newbern Apartment R. L. Polk Co. Bailey Joanna L Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1970 NEWBERN APARTMENT HOTEL R. L. Polk Co. ELLICT IDAH R. L. Polk Co. 1966 PIKE C E Jackson SALYBACKER KATHERYN Jackson STURRETT JOHN Jackson SUMMERS H P Jackson VAN CAMP JACK Jackson WARD R R Jackson WRIGHT C LEE Jackson DUNLAP RUDOLPH Jackson ERIKSON CHARLES Jackson GEFRARD S D Jackson GREGG W Y Jackson HAREBINSON JOHN Jackson OAGGARO AL Jackson KILLARO SUE Jackson LAWSON ROBT Jackson PURDUE JOHN Jackson MAUER CARL Jackson m EWBERN APARTMENT HOTEL Jackson APE 0 EJENSH EDW J Jackson

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Year Uses Source

1966 BRIKER ART Jackson BROWN WANDA Jackson CLAUGH MALADINE Jackson CODY NELLIE Jackson 1961 Newbern Apartment Hotel R. L. Polk Co. Newbern Beauty Shop R. L. Polk Co. Franklin Henrietta Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Thurman Pauline N R. L. Polk Co. Christopherson Kath A R. L. Polk Co. Engel Agnes E R. L. Polk Co. Harrelson Gertrude Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Lederman Blanche P R. L. Polk Co. Ellington Eliz G Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Bird Gladys R. L. Polk Co. Weitz Jerry R. L. Polk Co. Soblin Clarence M L R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Newbern Hotel R. L. Polk Co. Newbern Beauty Shop R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Newhern Hotel R. L. Polk Co. Kelly Amy Mrs mgr R. L. Polk Co. Newbern Beauty Shop R. L. Polk Co. Newbern Cleaners R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Newbern Hotel Gate City Directory Co. Lillis Ellen mgr Gate City Directory Co. Newbern Beauty Shop Gate City Directory Co. Newbern Cleaners Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Newbern Hotel Gate City Directory Co. Lilulis Ellen mgr Gate City Directory Co. Newbern Hotel Dining Gate City Directory Co. Newbern Drugs Gate City Directory Co. Newbern Beauty Shop Gate City Directory Co. rear Newbern Cleaners Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Newbern Hotel Gate City Directory Co. Monaghan M mgr Gate City Directory Co. Newbern Beauty Shop Gate City Directory Co. rear Newbern Cleaners Gate City Directory Co. 1925 Newbern Hotel Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Johnson R Jackson Kuhn & Wittenborn adv & design Jackson


Year Uses Source

1990 Youngblood R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Windemere Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Johnson Yvette R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Gunn Richard R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Lynch Billy R. L. Polk Co. Courtney Emil R. L. Polk Co. Medina Andre R. L. Polk Co. Randall Jimmy Henry R. L. Polk Co. Amyo Osa N R. L. Polk Co. Grable Walter Jr R. L. Polk Co. Robertson Roger R. L. Polk Co. Wilson John D R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Ausler Edward R. L. Polk Co. Armstrong Shannon R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Conway Christine R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Person Anna Marie R. L. Polk Co. Graves Christopher P R. L. Polk Co. Jones Rodney R. L. Polk Co. Morris John E R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Smith Leon R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1990 Herrero Irwin R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Gurley David R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Alvarez Louis R. L. Polk Co. Hooker Patricia R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Williams Moses J Jackson Muhammad Abraham I Jackson Gilmore Jackson Shepard Hen Jackson Undiandeye Celestine Jackson Bien Herby B Jackson Morgan Jackson Alexander Jackson Kost Patk Jackson Sherbak Rashid Jackson Patton Cann Jackson Thomas Andrew L Jackson Muller Frank Jackson Walker Spencer W Jackson Barroto Manuel Jackson Windemere Apartments Jackson Mosley Melvin Jackson Mc Neal Shereal W Jackson Anson David Jackson Gamble Jackson Khaleel Khaled Jackson Johnson Ortea Jackson Albo Issa Jackson Miller Jackson Vacant Jackson Sadeo Jackson Hridrin Ahmad Jackson Parker Jackson Kurtz John W Jackson Ahmad M J Jackson

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Year Uses Source

1985 Me Kenzie Errol B Jackson No Return Jackson 1980 Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Windemere Apartments R. L. Polk Co. 1970 SMITH MAE E MRS R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. GORE JERRY R. L. Polk Co. FAUL MABEL MRS R. L. Polk Co. CALVERT RICHD R. L. Polk Co. ATIQUI SHER R. L. Polk Co. SPENGLER FLORA L MRS R. L. Polk Co. WATSON MARCIA R. L. Polk Co. WHITNEY DARREL R. L. Polk Co. CLARK ETHELYN F R. L. Polk Co. CLARK EVELYN R. L. Polk Co. ZAMAN HOMOYAN R. L. Polk Co. BRITT SHEILA R. L. Polk Co. STAFFER PATK R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. VAN CAMP KENNETH R. L. Polk Co. PICKETT PHYLLIS R. L. Polk Co. WILLIAMS TERRY R. L. Polk Co. CNARE GLEN E R. L. Polk Co. REGAN LINDA K R. L. Polk Co. MEEKER RICHD E R. L. Polk Co. LANNING CHARLES L R. L. Polk Co. MC AULIFF CATHERINE R. L. Polk Co. MICHLER HAROLD J R. L. Polk Co. BRADY GED P R. L. Polk Co. BLODGETT KATHY R. L. Polk Co. FITZPATRICK JAMES C R. L. Polk Co. DAVEN BETTY R. L. Polk Co. NEEDLES AGNES R. L. Polk Co. JONES MARGARET MRS R. L. Polk Co. WINDEMERE BEAUTY SALON R. L. Polk Co. BERRY PETER A R. L. Polk Co. FLACKS SAM R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source


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Year Uses Source

1966 SHORT BESSIE Jackson KELLEY JOHN M Jackson DECKER E Jackson VACANT Jackson KESSELMAN SHIRLEY Jackson VACANT Jackson HAGEN DOROTHY Jackson VACANT Jackson EVANS HELEN Jackson SMITH MAE E MRS Jackson VACANT Jackson WEIDLEIN FRANCES Jackson VACANT Jackson WHITE NARY Jackson VACANT Jackson DAVIS MAROT Jackson HOWARD VIRGINIA Jackson WVRICK H J Jackson VACANT Jackson THURMAN ALLEN Jackson SPENGLER FLORA Jackson VACANT Jackson SOPPER DALE Jackson VACANT Jackson L 07 GREN MASEL T Jackson 1961 601 05 Windemere Apartments R. L. Polk Co. 1956 601 15 Windemere Apts R. L. Polk Co. 1951 601 05 Windemere Apts R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Windemere Apt Hotel Gate City Directory Co. 1940 601 05 Windemere Apt Hotel Gate City Directory Co. 1935 601 05 Windemere Apt Hotel Gate City Directory Co. 1925 Mrs Lola Reamer Gate City Directory Co. E C Adair Gate City Directory Co. J V Bell phys Gate City Directory Co. May Cushman Gate City Directory Co. H C Chapman Gate City Directory Co. Nick Doffing Gate City Directory Co. John Floyd Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1925 Eleanor Gaddis Gate City Directory Co. Joseph Glatt Gate City Directory Co. Nelson Imboden Gate City Directory Co. Dewitt King Gate City Directory Co. Jay L Kurley Gate City Directory Co. Margaret McLaughlin Gate City Directory Co. Carl Minkin Gate City Directory Co. Harry E Pauchert Gate City Directory Co. C A Revelle phys Gate City Directory Co. Robt R Roseborough Gate City Directory Co. Mrs Mabel Wright Gate City Directory Co. Thos O Warfield Gate City Directory Co. Commodore Hotel Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Williams Charlene R. L. Polk Co. Wilson Bennie C R. L. Polk Co. Questell R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Mullen Kevin Jackson Evinger Bradly Jackson Dalton Mildred C Jackson Williamson Rick Jackson


Year Uses Source

1990 Bland Robt R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Sam R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Price Patrica Jackson Vacant Jackson 1925 Commodore Hotel Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Daniels Dorothy R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Tsai Cindy S R. L. Polk Co. 1985 William Geraldine Jackson Abbot Leonard Jackson Narramore Wilma Jackson


Year Uses Source

1990 Kem R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Fitzgerald John R. L. Polk Co. Quesado Renaldo Jr R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Leroy R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Bartlett Brenda Jackson Aglen Agnus L Jackson Bames Larry Jackson 1980 Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Faul Mable R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Windemere Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Rear Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Dome Kate R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1970 DARSEN PHILP R. L. Polk Co. FOLTZ MEL R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source


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Year Uses Source

1970 VACANT R. L. Polk Co. CREST CLARICE R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. 1966 WINDEMERE APARTMENTS Jackson REAR EDWARDS HOBART Jackson CAGG LLOYD L Jackson KELLER ROSEANNE Jackson BREWER DON Jackson VACANT Jackson MOYER CONSTANCE Jackson ROARK JERRY Jackson ATTERVARY MARY A Jackson STRAIGHT HARLEY M JR Jackson JOHNSON JAMES N Jackson VACANT Jackson CLARK EVELYN L Jackson DAVIS MARY Jackson VACANT Jackson CAMPBELL Jackson ECHSTEIN WALTER Jackson JENNINGS WILMA Jackson VACANT Jackson VACANT Jackson VACANT Jackson FOWLER IRENE Jackson GAIGNAT HELEN Jackson HENSON GRACE Jackson 1961 601 05 Windemere Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Windemer Beauty Salon R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Meredith Orville R. L. Polk Co. B Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Fink Jos B R. L. Polk Co. Adams Mary Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Easterday Laura L Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Papenfuss Dale W R. L. Polk Co. Howard Virginia R. L. Polk Co. Miller Pearl R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1961 Reedy Doris R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Lofgren Mabel T R. L. Polk Co. Clowe Julena Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Jones Delores R. L. Polk Co. Beach N Anna Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Axe Anna M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. OBrien Belle Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Petkoos Chris T R. L. Polk Co. Johnson James R. L. Polk Co. Nieburger Martha C R. L. Polk Co. Horne Kathleen Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Bubna Helen R. L. Polk Co. Keller Roseaen R. L. Polk Co. Nelson Mary E R. L. Polk Co. Clark Evelyn L R. L. Polk Co. Houk Eliz J Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Dome Kate Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Caulk Judith R. L. Polk Co. Highby Selma Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Auberry Norma J R. L. Polk Co. Carver Herman R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Hall Martha B R. L. Polk Co. Lease Dorothy L R. L. Polk Co. Popalisky Fanny M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Mitchler Harold J R. L. Polk Co. Morris Grace E R. L. Polk Co. Brady Geo P R. L. Polk Co. Kolkmeier Dorothea J R. L. Polk Co. Phares Clifford W R. L. Polk Co. Horne Clifford T R. L. Polk Co. White George R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Nelson Shirley J R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1961 Linch Mark R. L. Polk Co. Boles Stamey L R. L. Polk Co. Wyrick Horace J R. L. Polk Co. Hubbard Zeima A R. L. Polk Co. Allen Lillian M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Kesselman Shirley R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Eastman Goldia R. L. Polk Co. Babb Peggy R. L. Polk Co. Franklin M Gladys R. L. Polk Co. Evans Helen R. L. Polk Co. Smith Maw E Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Frink Edgar L R. L. Polk Co. Bisel Helen R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Niermatn Irene M R. L. Polk Co. Steffens Jas L R. L. Polk Co. Boles Ruth C R. L. Polk Co. Cooper Lynn H R. L. Polk Co. Musgrave Richd H L R. L. Polk Co. Dillingham Edw C R. L. Polk Co. Precht Sally Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Spengler Flora L Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Richardson Donna R. L. Polk Co. Welch Vena A Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Heustis Jack R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Bell Eldon R R. L. Polk Co. Mc Ewen Frances Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Oppegard Albert M M Jr R. L. Polk Co. Wilson Wm R. L. Polk Co. Cannon Rabt R. L. Polk Co. Xrinn Celestihe R. L. Polk Co. Callow M R R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1951 Wilkus John R. L. Polk Co. 06rden l Keheth H R. L. Polk Co. Belton Richd R. L. Polk Co. Kearns Nbrvan R. L. Polk Co. Oesch Ann S R. L. Polk Co. Murphy M Jos R. L. Polk Co. Beidterman Leona R. L. Polk Co. Gershon Sami R. L. Polk Co. Goyette Clara Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Binkowitz Ruth R. L. Polk Co. Michael Hobart R. L. Polk Co. Jacobs Margt Mfrs R. L. Polk Co. Hartford Herbert R. L. Polk Co. Ferril Emma R. L. Polk Co. Jolly Oleta R. L. Polk Co. Fenichel Seymour R. L. Polk Co. Bratt Aleck R. L. Polk Co. Bird Georgia M R. L. Polk Co. Rickenbaugh Muir R. L. Polk Co. Gross Mose R. L. Polk Co. Levitz Shops S R. L. Polk Co. Long Vincent P R. L. Polk Co. Whetstine John R. L. Polk Co. Goodman Harry R. L. Polk Co. Williams Patsy R. L. Polk Co. Jacoby Stella R. L. Polk Co. Mingo Mary R. L. Polk Co. Young Amy R. L. Polk Co. Fishman Roland R. L. Polk Co. Frankenherg Eleanor R. L. Polk Co. Frink Edgar L R. L. Polk Co. Karr Wm H R. L. Polk Co. Burlison Marilyn R. L. Polk Co. Nierman Lydia R. L. Polk Co. Blackman Ivy M R. L. Polk Co. Winn Rosalie Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Benton Sherman L R. L. Polk Co. Redmond Jos K R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1951 Evans Leona R. L. Polk Co. OBrien J H R. L. Polk Co. OBrien Zelma Mrs mgr R. L. Polk Co. Heaven Lewis A R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Lysaught Marie R. L. Polk Co. Rogers Margt R. L. Polk Co. Millard Goldia E R. L. Polk Co. Saltzman Roy L R. L. Polk Co. Stark Harold R. L. Polk Co. Kanter Harry R. L. Polk Co. Fawver Lee J R. L. Polk Co. Beach N Anna R. L. Polk Co. Carver Herman R. L. Polk Co. Cox Ralph R. L. Polk Co. Sheehan Frank R. L. Polk Co. Hunt Nancy 0 Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Wyrick Horace J R. L. Polk Co. Jones Robt R. L. Polk Co. Pagel Anna R. L. Polk Co. Babb Orpha R. L. Polk Co. Smithers Mary Z Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Duncan Wm R. L. Polk Co. Solomon Hardy S R. L. Polk Co. Ross Lydia R. L. Polk Co. Lake Ormel R. L. Polk Co. Griffith Stover R. L. Polk Co. Berry Cecelia R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Pearson Chas jan R. L. Polk Co. OBrien Zelma Mrs mgr R. L. Polk Co. 601 05 Windemere Apts R. L. Polk Co. Windemere Beauty Shop R. L. Polk Co. B Fayvler Frances R. L. Polk Co. North Jay R. L. Polk Co. Allee Gerald J R. L. Polk Co. Blank Seymour R. L. Polk Co. Weinbach Edith R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Taylor Kenneth Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1945 Wilkus John P Gate City Directory Co. Frink E L Gate City Directory Co. Avery Bertrand C Gate City Directory Co. McCord Anita Gate City Directory Co. Nierman Lydia Gate City Directory Co. Farley Ivan E Gate City Directory Co. Winn Rosalie Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Benton Sherman L Gate City Directory Co. Redmond Jos K Gate City Directory Co. Collins Eula Gate City Directory Co. Burke Gate City Directory Co. Wright Margt Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Mossbacher Emanuel Gate City Directory Co. Hess Alice Gate City Directory Co. Cox Howard Gate City Directory Co. Millard Goldie Gate City Directory Co. Sherman Caroline Gate City Directory Co. Stark Harold Gate City Directory Co. Merwin Helen Gate City Directory Co. Hogan Thos R Gate City Directory Co. Beach Anna Gate City Directory Co. Carver Herman Gate City Directory Co. Nedrow Leroy Gate City Directory Co. Sheehan Frank Gate City Directory Co. Hunt Nancy O Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Gwartney Elva Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Matthies Albert E Gate City Directory Co. McEwen Frances Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Wolf Ada Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Puhr Marie Gate City Directory Co. Krinn Celestine Gate City Directory Co. Clark Fred Gate City Directory Co. Humbright Camille Gate City Directory Co. Levitz S Shops Gate City Directory Co. Harsbarger Glessie Gate City Directory Co. Oesch Anna Gate City Directory Co. Turner Harry Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1945 Clutter Eula Gate City Directory Co. Windemere Apt Hotel Gate City Directory Co. Apartments Gate City Directory Co. Brown R A Gate City Directory Co. Waters Hester Gate City Directory Co. May Barbara Gate City Directory Co. Pitts Glenda Gate City Directory Co. Bird Georgia Gate City Directory Co. AHern Louella Gate City Directory Co. Ledgewood Wm L Gate City Directory Co. Delaney Cath Gate City Directory Co. Reek Carietta Gate City Directory Co. Porter Landon Gate City Directory Co. Goodman Harry Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Layne Leo R Gate City Directory Co. McKelvey Letha Gate City Directory Co. Wingo Mary Gate City Directory Co. Chambers Wm Gate City Directory Co. Pickett Alice Gate City Directory Co. Gayette Clara Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Venable Mildred W Mrs Gate City Directory Co. North Chas Gate City Directory Co. Fisher Ralph Gate City Directory Co. Bryant Sallie Gate City Directory Co. Farrell Emily Gate City Directory Co. Gooding Goldie M Mrs Gate City Directory Co. McGee Alvin Gate City Directory Co. Meiners Nelly Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Johnson Danl R Gate City Directory Co. Auld J Myron jr Gate City Directory Co. Middlekauff Donald F Gate City Directory Co. Boode Cath Gate City Directory Co. Anchour Lucille Gate City Directory Co. Tillman Frances Gate City Directory Co. Williams Jas A Gate City Directory Co. Goodman Josephine Gate City Directory Co. Cramer Lucille Gate City Directory Co. Holmes Ed janitor Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1940 Wright Margt Gate City Directory Co. Mossbacher Emanuel Gate City Directory Co. Wright Helen M Gate City Directory Co. Murphy Kathryn A Gate City Directory Co. Millard Goldia Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Dowling Bernard Gate City Directory Co. Osborne Phyllis R Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Flynn Emalina M Gate City Directory Co. Kendis M B Gate City Directory Co. Goyette Louis E Gate City Directory Co. Banks Theo R Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Hickey Edw J Gate City Directory Co. Holmes Floyd Gate City Directory Co. Metzger Lester Gate City Directory Co. Decker Robt C Gate City Directory Co. Evans J Robt Gate City Directory Co. Brent Wm E Gate City Directory Co. Wallace Margt Gate City Directory Co. Brand Oliver H Gate City Directory Co. Brand Idah Mrs mgr Gate City Directory Co. Hall Jessie A Gate City Directory Co. Shapiro Leon Gate City Directory Co. North Chas Gate City Directory Co. Rawlings Thos Gate City Directory Co. Smith Dwight N Gate City Directory Co. Smith Sami H Gate City Directory Co. Oesch Ann Gate City Directory Co. Finley Jas N Gate City Directory Co. Hayes Adeline M Gate City Directory Co. Beach Anna MIrs Gate City Directory Co. Mitchelhill Wm Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Wendler Judith Gate City Directory Co. Du Val Ewing jr Gate City Directory Co. Gauert Alf Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1940 Nowick Wm Gate City Directory Co. Brehm Laura Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Craddock Wm H Gate City Directory Co. Weatherman Winifred Gate City Directory Co. Brown Jacob I Gate City Directory Co. Jacobson Mary R Gate City Directory Co. Kious Ruby Gate City Directory Co. Barkley Earl C Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Williams Jas A Gate City Directory Co. Hasapfel Helen R Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Friedenmann Alberta Gate City Directory Co. bsmt Goodspeed Dailey janitor Gate City Directory Co. Palmer Roy janitor Gate City Directory Co. Palmer Roy janitor Gate City Directory Co. 601 05 Windemere Apt Hotel Gate City Directory Co. Stone Ruth Gate City Directory Co. Medill Robt C Gate City Directory Co. Peterson Glen Gate City Directory Co. Slater Geo Gate City Directory Co. Lewis Kenneth Gate City Directory Co. Haney Grace Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Jackson Danl Gate City Directory Co. Glore Wm R Gate City Directory Co. Bullock Merlin Gate City Directory Co. Ledgerwood Wm Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Bullock Alice Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Duvall Aileen Gate City Directory Co. Martin Audra Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Cope Phillip H Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Wesselinck Peter Gate City Directory Co. Swarz Ernest Gate City Directory Co. Dorsey Ward Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1940 Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Turner Harry Gate City Directory Co. Moree Violet Gate City Directory Co. Winn Rosalie Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Benton Sherman L Gate City Directory Co. Redmond Jos K Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Cecil Alda Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Good Geo M Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Anderson Merrill E Gate City Directory Co. Brennan Frances Gate City Directory Co. Lazarus Nestor Gate City Directory Co. Basler Frank L Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Brent Wm E Gate City Directory Co. Allport G W Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Rathbone Hazel Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Lovitt C Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Inman J Gate City Directory Co. Spindle M S Gate City Directory Co. Moore Arth J Gate City Directory Co. Gulley John B Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. La Frenz H J Gate City Directory Co. Terry Theo Gate City Directory Co. Homan Earl W Gate City Directory Co. King Eliz Gate City Directory Co. Hewlett Leo D Gate City Directory Co. Dawson Wm C Gate City Directory Co. Peck Howard Gate City Directory Co. 601 05 Windemere Apt Hotel Gate City Directory Co. Orthman Carl S Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Allen M E Gate City Directory Co. Hill D C Gate City Directory Co. Klamet Henry L Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1935 Haney Grace Gate City Directory Co. Blond Maurice Gate City Directory Co. Atwater Roy C Gate City Directory Co. Gould C W Gate City Directory Co. Kelly David C Gate City Directory Co. Greene Robt R Gate City Directory Co. Sweeney Virginia Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Frankfarther Frances Gate City Directory Co. Schaffer E Gate City Directory Co. De Haun Margt Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Murphy W H Gate City Directory Co. Blair Elsie Gate City Directory Co. Mahoney John J Gate City Directory Co. Greenwald Jas Gate City Directory Co. Kern A T Gate City Directory Co. Bliss Frances Gate City Directory Co. Woodward Wm L Gate City Directory Co. Sacks Lillian Gate City Directory Co. Dehoney Jas Gate City Directory Co. Fisher Paul Gate City Directory Co. Newbern Beauty Shop Gate City Directory Co. Hays Laverne Gate City Directory Co. Heynen Sally Gate City Directory Co. Schultz Chas W Gate City Directory Co. Mossbacher Emanuel Gate City Directory Co. Ghering Pearl Gate City Directory Co. Jackson J Gate City Directory Co. Hay Jas W Gate City Directory Co. Huth Herman Gate City Directory Co. Flynn Emelina Gate City Directory Co. Warren F J Gate City Directory Co. Weiss Leo M Gate City Directory Co. Zachman Sol Gate City Directory Co. Bridges B Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Harris Eliz Gate City Directory Co. Colins Weltfha Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1935 Murray Jos M Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Briggs Edith Gate City Directory Co. Hays Beulah Gate City Directory Co. Byers Gladdin jr Gate City Directory Co. Dudgeon Rose Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Finkelstine Al Gate City Directory Co. De Loche Sidney Gate City Directory Co. Ekston Ruth Gate City Directory Co. bsmt Bryant Wm janitor Gate City Directory Co. King Roy janitor Gate City Directory Co. 1925 Cherrywood Apt Hotel Gate City Directory Co. Mrs Lillian Reitz Gate City Directory Co. Paul R Sheffer Gate City Directory Co. Nellie Luther Gate City Directory Co. J Friedmann Gate City Directory Co. Christine F Fax Gate City Directory Co. C E Duncan Gate City Directory Co. F W Vorse Gate City Directory Co. R A Baird Gate City Directory Co. A E Yeaman Gate City Directory Co. J B Orput Gate City Directory Co. W T Johnson Gate City Directory Co. Mrs E M Jones Gate City Directory Co. Frances Bayne Gate City Directory Co. Marion Mantz Gate City Directory Co. La Verne Kirby Gate City Directory Co. Grace Heywood Gate City Directory Co. J C Hickerson Gate City Directory Co. J Houseman Gate City Directory Co. Roxana Hollman Gate City Directory Co. Alex Findley Gate City Directory Co. A R Kauffman Gate City Directory Co. H H Starr Gate City Directory Co. Allen Swan Gate City Directory Co. Fred Nelson Gate City Directory Co. Alvin Anderson Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1925 Fred Morris Gate City Directory Co. Billie Ballard nurse Gate City Directory Co. Isabelle Porter nurse Gate City Directory Co. Agnes Lindholm nurse Gate City Directory Co. J M Nelson Gate City Directory Co. Mrs Lillian Reitz Gate City Directory Co. Velma Proctor Gate City Directory Co. E E Levey Gate City Directory Co. Alex Love Gate City Directory Co. A V Hucke Gate City Directory Co. H S Jacks Gate City Directory Co. R Katz Gate City Directory Co. F J Piatt Gate City Directory Co. Benj Jacobs phys Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Morgan Brian R. L. Polk Co. Clauton C R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Steward Greg R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Sellers & Co cpa Jackson Griffin Bob Jackson Vanderhoof Jeff A Jackson Randolph Grade Jackson


Year Uses Source

1990 Crum Meda H R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Porter Loretta R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Foldeagle Jackson Ward Ralph R Jackson Brown Delidah Jackson 1925 Cherrywood Apt Hotel Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1990 Maida Mern R. L. Polk Co. Jennett Joseph R R. L. Polk Co. Armour Park Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. w Waldrop Bryan R. L. Polk Co. e Atkinson Mark R. L. Polk Co. w Johnson David N R. L. Polk Co. Reynolds Daryl R. L. Polk Co. Thomberry M R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Armour Park Apartments Jackson No Return Jackson Vacant Jackson Huber Jackson Burton Betty L Jackson Hicherson M R Jackson Miller Darliene Jackson Williams Jessie M Jackson Hendricks Irene Jackson Mc Carthy K J Jackson Shipley Wayne Jackson Perkins Gregory A Jackson Burgip S Jackson Decann Dixie Jackson Jennett Joseph R Jackson Suenaga Margt Jackson 1980 Armour Park Apartments R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Bsmt Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Pool Kent R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Hinton Louise R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Wilson Florence A R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Moore Harrv A R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Harley Le Vern R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Larson L M R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Hendricks Irene R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Kent Peggy R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Shipley Wayne R. L. Polk Co., Publishers

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Year Uses Source

1980 Tilden James E R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Armour Park Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Bamt Hart Alexander R. L. Polk Co. Cassandras Ruth R. L. Polk Co. Smith Vincient R. L. Polk Co. Korn Tom R. L. Polk Co. Howell Edna R. L. Polk Co. Moore Harry A R. L. Polk Co. Woodruff Walter R. L. Polk Co. Surrell A M R. L. Polk Co. Shull A R. L. Polk Co. Mc Ferrin B A R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Parker Effie Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Jenkins J D R. L. Polk Co. 1970 PARKER EFFIE MRS R. L. Polk Co. HOPP JACK R. L. Polk Co. ARMOUR PARK APARTMENTS R. L. Polk Co. BSMT GRAY CHAPPIE R. L. Polk Co. JOHNSTON JANE E MRS R. L. Polk Co. ROBERTS MABEL C MRS R. L. Polk Co. SIMMONS BONNIE J R. L. Polk Co. HOWELL EDNA R. L. Polk Co. DONNOVAN E MAUDE MRS R. L. Polk Co. WOODRUFF HENRIETTA F MRS R. L. Polk Co. SURRELL A M R. L. Polk Co. GREENWELL C R. L. Polk Co. SHCDE J R. L. Polk Co. BURNS JOHN R R. L. Polk Co. 1966 VACANT Jackson VACANT Jackson DREHER DOROTHY G MRS Jackson BEDORD MARY N Jackson PARKER EFFIE MRS Jackson WICKS M Jackson HENDRIKSON DENNIS Jackson ARMOUR PARK APARTMENTS Jackson

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Year Uses Source

1966 BSMT VACANT Jackson JOHNSTON JANE E MRS Jackson ROVERT MABEL C MRS Jackson SIMMONS BONNIE J Jackson VACANT Jackson Da NNOVAN E MAUOE MRS Jackson WOODRUFF HENRIETTA F MRS Jackson 1961 Armour Park Apartments R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Benson Gene R. L. Polk Co. Geagan Margt M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Simmons Bonnie J R. L. Polk Co. Eberen John A R. L. Polk Co. Donnovan Maude E Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Woodruff Henrietta F Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Small Lena B R. L. Polk Co. Garrett Edna I L R. L. Polk Co. Dreher Dorothy G Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Morton David R. L. Polk Co. Pease Edith J LO R. L. Polk Co. Brown Patricia M Mrs nurse R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Armour Park Apts R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Hart Alex jan R. L. Polk Co. Harbison Anna R Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Davis Mary E Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Wade Florence D R. L. Polk Co. Ramage Mary Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Donnovan Maude E Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Woodruff Walter L R. L. Polk Co. Hansen Evert M R. L. Polk Co. Calvin Edwin L R. L. Polk Co. Dreher Dorothy G Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Carr Eliz M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Rider Merle R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Armour Park Apts R. L. Polk Co. Harbison Anna R Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Davis Carl L R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1951 Wade Florence D Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Ray Wm M R. L. Polk Co. Donnavan Maude Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Berres Gebhard E R. L. Polk Co. Dutnn B F R. L. Polk Co. Calvin Edwin L R. L. Polk Co. Dreher Chas W R. L. Polk Co. Beauchamp Wm R R. L. Polk Co. Hazelbeck Richd R. L. Polk Co. Bradshaw Robt E R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Hart Alex jan R. L. Polk Co. OBrien Zelma Mrs mgr R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Armour Park Apts Gate City Directory Co. Offutt Frank Gate City Directory Co. Bouge Christine Gate City Directory Co. Harbison Herman P Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Davis Carl L Gate City Directory Co. Dreher Chas W Gate City Directory Co. Morrow Iva Gate City Directory Co. Donigan V P Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Gasal Russell A Gate City Directory Co. Crutchen Ross Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Piper W H Gate City Directory Co. Markham David W Gate City Directory Co. McCoy Georgia Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Kernebeck R Gate City Directory Co. Wade John F Gate City Directory Co. Hart Alex janitor Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Armour Park Apts Gate City Directory Co. Clinton Ann C Mrs mgr Gate City Directory Co. Castle Harold C Gate City Directory Co. Menees Robt E Gate City Directory Co. Mc Cluskey Roy A Gate City Directory Co. Finley Beryl L Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Brosnahan Francis J Gate City Directory Co. Fern Tess Gate City Directory Co. Alexander Scott F Gate City Directory Co. Richardson Milton J Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1940 bsmt Hayden John janitor Gate City Directory Co. Richardson Milton J Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Armour Park Apts Gate City Directory Co. Cowgill Guy M Gate City Directory Co. Jones Godfrey A Gate City Directory Co. Sartain Chas A Gate City Directory Co. Gluck Monte Gate City Directory Co. 1925 Geha Apts Gate City Directory Co. Archie R Aylsworth Gate City Directory Co. Caroline R Woodworth Gate City Directory Co. Ernest A Jaccard Gate City Directory Co. Fred Lederman Gate City Directory Co. Wm B Silberman Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Geha Apts Gate City Directory Co. Henry J Gabel Gate City Directory Co. Geo J Helmers Gate City Directory Co. Ernest Jaccard Gate City Directory Co. Wesley H Loomis jr Gate City Directory Co. William H Shackelford Gate City Directory Co. Ralph Leroy Nafziger Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Mc Clendon Johnny L R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Vacant Jackson Williams Donald E Jackson


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Williams Jas B R. L. Polk Co. Johnson M R. L. Polk Co. Cannova Joseph R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Washington Charles R Jackson Enteen Jackson

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Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Young Karren R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Nelson Wm P Jackson Laudenslager S L Jackson


Year Uses Source

1990 Smith Robt R. L. Polk Co. Griffin Susan R. L. Polk Co. Utter Elmer R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Steuart Jackson Houston Otto Jackson


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Valverde W R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Johnson Melvin H Jackson


Year Uses Source

1990 Bailey Olin B R. L. Polk Co. Mc Dermott Thos R. L. Polk Co. Jack Ida R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Etienne Mozol Jackson Keen Brent L Jackson Rustin Melinda Jackson


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Tolliver Jackie R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Kenwood Apartments The R. L. Polk Co. Spencer R. L. Polk Co. Dotson G R. L. Polk Co. Williams R R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1990 Oladye R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Cypret Herman R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Roberson M R. L. Polk Co. Jackson R. L. Polk Co. Young Lee R. L. Polk Co. Okolo Seabastine R. L. Polk Co. Williams Virgin R. L. Polk Co. Garland R. L. Polk Co. Pulliam Emmitt R. L. Polk Co. Payne R R. L. Polk Co. Jones Louise M R. L. Polk Co. Darthard R. L. Polk Co. Cather R. L. Polk Co. Thompson Leola Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Jones J R. L. Polk Co. Lorenzo S R. L. Polk Co. Irvin K R. L. Polk Co. Davis R. L. Polk Co. Griffin Don R. L. Polk Co. Brown A R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Pierson Ronnel R. L. Polk Co. Alexander R R. L. Polk Co. Davis T R. L. Polk Co. Martin L R. L. Polk Co. Aaron Russell R. L. Polk Co. Love Fred R. L. Polk Co. Carr M R. L. Polk Co. Nance L R. L. Polk Co. Coleman Hazel R. L. Polk Co. Mc Daniel M R. L. Polk Co. Marshall Irma R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Williams W R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Kenwood Apartments The Jackson Williams Jiles Jackson

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Year Uses Source

1985 Haskett D Jackson Vacant Jackson Ford Lillian C Jackson Cypret Herman Jackson Williams Alva Jackson Roberson M Jackson Constantino S Jackson Klitchermes E Jackson Vacant Jackson Turner E Jackson Stillwell L Jackson Jones Louise M Jackson Thompson Robert W Jackson Gardner D Jackson Vacant Jackson Lewis E Jackson Young G Jackson Epperson S Jackson Lester W Jackson Loveland Opal L Jackson West Brenda Jackson Davis T Jackson Pratt P Jackson Crawford Freddie M Jackson Vacant Jackson Me Intire Eva Jackson Nelson Sony Jackson Coleman Hazel Jackson Miller B Jackson Turner M Jackson Okaye Jackson Rutherford Sue Jackson Keck Bill Jackson 1980 Kenwood Apartments The R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Brown Lewis R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Haskert D R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers

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Year Uses Source

1980 Jones M R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Wells Jeremiah R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Williams Jiles R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Jordan Alan R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Nash Helen M R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Williams Virginia G R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Johnson E M R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Gaderson Shirley R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Mullett Angela R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers No Return R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Perry E R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Young Edith R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Tolter Darrell S R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Wainwright Charles R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Robinson Harold R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Reese R R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Gaines Leonard R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Johnson Chiney R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Franklin V R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Alexander Audrey R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Morehead Robt L R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Smith Essie R. L. Polk Co., Publishers No Return R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Mc Intire Eva E R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Lacy Michl E R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Brockenberry J R. L. Polk Co., Publishers No Return R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Slaughter Edw R R. L. Polk Co., Publishers No Return R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Kenwood Apartments The R. L. Polk Co. Bsmt Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1970 KENWCCO APARTMENTS THE R. L. Polk Co. BSMT VACANT R. L. Polk Co. HARAKAS KAY R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1970 VACANT R. L. Polk Co. CARLAT K R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. BRYSON B R. L. Polk Co. WHITE M D R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. ROTHBOTHAM DOYLE R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. NO RETURN R. L. Polk Co. 1966 KENWOOD APARTMENTS THE Jackson BSMT WILLIAMS TOM Jackson BSMT WILLIAMS TOM Jackson BSMT WILLIAMS TOM Jackson SACKETT JOE Jackson MC CONNELL DOROTHY MRS Jackson KAYS DEAN Jackson MAJORS PATRICIA Jackson BROWN VIOLA J Jackson VACANT Jackson KERBS TOMMY A Jackson DYE JAMES Jackson LEONARD DAVID Jackson CARY KENNETH Jackson OWENS DARREL Jackson SLATTERY JOYCE Jackson OWENS GLEN Jackson WHITE JANICE Jackson 1961 615 17 Kenwood The Apartments R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Robinson Corrine R. L. Polk Co. Ford Eileen R. L. Polk Co. Maloney Mildred E R. L. Polk Co. Whitesell Grace Mrs R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1956 Annenberg Eva Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Mc Knight Wm R. L. Polk Co. Belton Richd F R. L. Polk Co. Newbern Beauty Shop R. L. Polk Co. Boles Ruth R. L. Polk Co. Baker Gene R. L. Polk Co. 601 15 Windemere Apts R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Bunion Homer R. L. Polk Co. B Cannon John R. L. Polk Co. Fink Jos B R. L. Polk Co. Deck Lottie R. L. Polk Co. La Rue Ara Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Winfrey Emma R. L. Polk Co. Bird Georgia M R. L. Polk Co. Woodward Claribel R. L. Polk Co. Board F S R. L. Polk Co. Wyrick Horace R. L. Polk Co. Gallagher Wm G R. L. Polk Co. Allen Lillian Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Jackson Alice M R. L. Polk Co. Robinson Minnie Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Eastman Golda R. L. Polk Co. Silvia Joseph R. L. Polk Co. Franklin Gladys R. L. Polk Co. Perry Leonard J R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Frink Edgar L R. L. Polk Co. Biedterman Leona Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Patterson Margt E R. L. Polk Co. Niermann Irene R. L. Polk Co. Henry L L R. L. Polk Co. Adams May Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Whiteaker Marian R. L. Polk Co. Musgrave R H R. L. Polk Co. Arens Eliz R. L. Polk Co. OBrian John H R. L. Polk Co. Games Harry J R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1956 Buthe Dorotha M R. L. Polk Co. Gaylord Betty R. L. Polk Co. Nc Nelley Geo R. L. Polk Co. Millard Goldia E R. L. Polk Co. Bisel Helen R. L. Polk Co. Stark Harold R. L. Polk Co. Ramirez Josephine Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Smith Mae E Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Beach N Anna Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Proper Oren R. L. Polk Co. Carver Herman R. L. Polk Co. Yeo Harry R. L. Polk Co. Dougherty Oren E R. L. Polk Co. Hunt Nancy 0 Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Schlie Mary Lou R. L. Polk Co. Nieburger Martha Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Horne Kay Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Frye Robt L R. L. Polk Co. Coulon Anne M R. L. Polk Co. Van Bibber Mary Lou R. L. Polk Co. Berry Amy Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Beyers Ernest L R. L. Polk Co. Ramel Lucile R. L. Polk Co. Scott Mabel Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Celling Melba R. L. Polk Co. Ream Myrtle E R. L. Polk Co. Carver Herman R. L. Polk Co. Fink Mildred R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Hall Martha R. L. Polk Co. Evans Wm E R. L. Polk Co. Caskey Barbara A R. L. Polk Co. Pagel Anna Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Kolkmeier Dorothea R. L. Polk Co. Platter Jessie P R. L. Polk Co. Pausch Ethel J R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Benson Bernice D R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1956 Condon Sue C R. L. Polk Co. 615 17 Kenwood The apts R. L. Polk Co. 1951 615 17 Kenwood Apts The R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Kenwood Apts The Gate City Directory Co. 1940 615 17 Kenwvood Apts The Gate City Directory Co. 1935 615 17 Kenwood Apts The Gate City Directory Co. 1925 The Kenwood Apts Gate City Directory Co. Alice Scott Gate City Directory Co. Delia Dumkin Gate City Directory Co. J M Aman Gate City Directory Co. Sadie Hilsenbeck nurse Gate City Directory Co. Gladys Walker nurse Gate City Directory Co. Merle Merifield Gate City Directory Co. M Cromer Gate City Directory Co. Robt L Sexton Gate City Directory Co. M F Smith Gate City Directory Co. K V Alexander Gate City Directory Co. Herbert L Rainey Gate City Directory Co. Hugh R Stark Gate City Directory Co. C H Sacher Gate City Directory Co. Wm L Love Gate City Directory Co. C F Hodges Gate City Directory Co. Carl J Smalley Gate City Directory Co. Albert F Bauerbach Gate City Directory Co. D S Cowherd phys Gate City Directory Co. Horton L Lindberg Gate City Directory Co. A Clyde Koontz Gate City Directory Co. Ruth Walker nurse Gate City Directory Co. Stanley Smith Gate City Directory Co. T W Garrett jr Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Miller Bianoc R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Blair R M Jackson

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Year Uses Source

1990 Sheppard W R. L. Polk Co. Young Louis E Jr R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Whittaker Marjorie M Jackson 1980 Kenwood Apartments The R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Haskett Donald R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Kenwood Apartments The R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1970 KENWOOD APARTMENTS THE R. L. Polk Co. SHCRTAL JAMES R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. CARLOT KATHY R. L. Polk Co. TRUELOVE JIM R. L. Polk Co. BRYSON VIRGINIA R. L. Polk Co. GRAHAM RUTH R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. COLYER LUCILLE R. L. Polk Co. 1966 KENWOOD APARTMENTS THE Jackson YARDLEY SUZANNE MRS Jackson WATERS DAVi Jackson SMITH DAVID B Jackson LYON MIKKIE MRS Jackson VACANT Jackson BUESING PAUL Jackson BRADLEY CLARE L Jackson FIELDS J W Jackson HAVILL ALVIN Jackson TEBBEN VALERA V Jackson NO RETURN Jackson 1961 Mitchell Richd E R. L. Polk Co. Warden James R. L. Polk Co. Cummings Lucille R. L. Polk Co. Bradley Clara L R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1961 Grow Flossie R. L. Polk Co. Bynum G S R. L. Polk Co. Gilmer Richd W R. L. Polk Co. Zimmerman Fred L R. L. Polk Co. Estes Gary R. L. Polk Co. Tebben Valera R. L. Polk Co. Weiss Donald H R. L. Polk Co. Estes Jack R. L. Polk Co. Curry Joseph R. L. Polk Co. Nelson Christine R. L. Polk Co. Fischer Richd J L R. L. Polk Co. 615 17 Kenwood The Apartments R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Kenny Ernest jan R. L. Polk Co. Tudhope Eleanor R. L. Polk Co. Winningham Emily R. L. Polk Co. Owens Virginia G R. L. Polk Co. Mc Collum Edw L R. L. Polk Co. Smith Evelyn R. L. Polk Co. Whisman Carl C R. L. Polk Co. Friend Leota R. L. Polk Co. Beale Hazel L R. L. Polk Co. Murphy Alice R. L. Polk Co. Botts Edw F R. L. Polk Co. OBrien Joan R. L. Polk Co. 1956 615 17 Kenwood The apts R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Hatten Wm jan R. L. Polk Co. Marky Alene R. L. Polk Co. Snow Wallace R. L. Polk Co. Milyahara Edw J R. L. Polk Co. Thomas Wayne E R. L. Polk Co. Perucca John R. L. Polk Co. Taylor Anne R. L. Polk Co. Morris Grace E R. L. Polk Co. Gray Richd R. L. Polk Co. Davis Lloyd R. L. Polk Co. Botts Edw F R. L. Polk Co. Humes Donald R. L. Polk Co. Oldham Jos M R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1956 Bynum Gladys R. L. Polk Co. Gilmer Richd W R. L. Polk Co. Smith Aires E R. L. Polk Co. Salisbury John L R. L. Polk Co. Callahan Patricia R. L. Polk Co. Marek Betty R. L. Polk Co. Parker Edna L R. L. Polk Co. Lieberts Clyde R. L. Polk Co. Beale Hazel L R. L. Polk Co. Petree Shirley J R. L. Polk Co. Baker Shirley L R. L. Polk Co. Tudhope Elmer R. L. Polk Co. Taylor Ann R. L. Polk Co. Wright Buford R. L. Polk Co. 1951 615 17 Kenwood Apts The R. L. Polk Co. Crocker John R. L. Polk Co. Flett Athin C R. L. Polk Co. Kinkaid Don R. L. Polk Co. Manson Thos R. L. Polk Co. Christensen Dwayne C R. L. Polk Co. Bryant F Todd R. L. Polk Co. Eiffert Eddie R. L. Polk Co. Miller Mary E R. L. Polk Co. Parker L R. L. Polk Co. Botts Edw F R. L. Polk Co. Hart Lena R. L. Polk Co. Waggoner Wm R. L. Polk Co. Smith Jane R. L. Polk Co. Morton Ellen R. L. Polk Co. Robinson Corinne R. L. Polk Co. Rice Burton R. L. Polk Co. Davis Clifford D R. L. Polk Co. Pitcher Carl R. L. Polk Co. Love Chas R. L. Polk Co. Pittman Jas R. L. Polk Co. Ward Margt Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Addy Mildred R. L. Polk Co. Howell Jean R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1951 Taylor Anna P R. L. Polk Co. Nelson Chris R. L. Polk Co. Drews Mildred R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Hatten Wm jan R. L. Polk Co. OBrien Zelma Mrs mgr R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Kenwood Apts The Gate City Directory Co. Friedman Sherman H Gate City Directory Co. Mooney Lois F Gate City Directory Co. Coleman Margt Gate City Directory Co. Salisbury Clara B Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Alderson Allen Gate City Directory Co. Duncan J E Gate City Directory Co. Noll Mabel Gate City Directory Co. Griffin Victor L Gate City Directory Co. Maheffery W C Gate City Directory Co. Brillon Virginia Gate City Directory Co. Hardyog W A Gate City Directory Co. Zimmerman Nadine R Gate City Directory Co. Ensley Zetta Gate City Directory Co. Eickhoff Leonard Gate City Directory Co. Allen Cath Gate City Directory Co. Magruder Josephine Gate City Directory Co. Ripple Helen Gate City Directory Co. Hightower Ralph D Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Crocker John J Gate City Directory Co. Council J F Gate City Directory Co. Bowman John L Gate City Directory Co. Miller Betty Gate City Directory Co. Katz Albert Gate City Directory Co. Osborne S E jr Gate City Directory Co. Weedin Corene V Gate City Directory Co. Rakoski Rose Gate City Directory Co. 1940 bsmt Tillman Jas janitor Gate City Directory Co. Clark Ethel A Gate City Directory Co. 615 17 Kenwvood Apts The Gate City Directory Co. Hollett Carl E Gate City Directory Co. Sgimpson D H Gate City Directory Co. Saunders Thos D Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1940 Thomas Jas Gate City Directory Co. Jacks Valleta Gate City Directory Co. Devine Robt H Gate City Directory Co. Wingo Geo E Gate City Directory Co. Long L H Gate City Directory Co. Paquette C W Gate City Directory Co. Moore R B Gate City Directory Co. Wolf Robt E Gate City Directory Co. Penfield Fred W Gate City Directory Co. Eldridge F J Gate City Directory Co. Weedin Corene V Gate City Directory Co. Morey Lewis W Gate City Directory Co. Graves Ralph Gate City Directory Co. Christopher A Stanley Gate City Directory Co. Crouch Edgar K Gate City Directory Co. Newberg David J Gate City Directory Co. Carter M Christine Gate City Directory Co. Clark Ethel A Gate City Directory Co. Dolan John P Gate City Directory Co. Vorhies C Francis Gate City Directory Co. Lincoln Porter A Gate City Directory Co. Keller Thos Gate City Directory Co. Dunsworth Herbert E Gate City Directory Co. Rosenbaum Glen W Gate City Directory Co. 1935 615 17 Kenwood Apts The Gate City Directory Co. Rea Delmas Gate City Directory Co. Gustine Temple mgr Gate City Directory Co. Lehnen Paul D Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Woollen K A Gate City Directory Co. Childer Earl C Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Va cant Gate City Directory Co. Sturm Doris M Gate City Directory Co. Wolf Herman Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Lerner Harry Gate City Directory Co. Smutny Geo L Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1935 Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Beach Esther Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Christopher A S Gate City Directory Co. Kelly John Gate City Directory Co. Berkley Grace Gate City Directory Co. Smith Paul Gate City Directory Co. Knotts Jas E Gate City Directory Co. Snyder W Carl Gate City Directory Co. Cook Paul J Gate City Directory Co. Jones Eva 0 Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Hafer Nora E Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Knotts Jas C Gate City Directory Co. 1925 The Kenwood Apts Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Lanier Jackie R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Simpson Ange R. L. Polk Co. Kenwood Apartments The R. L. Polk Co. Williams L R. L. Polk Co. Obilor R R. L. Polk Co. Kessler R. L. Polk Co. Seymore Ren R. L. Polk Co. Fillpot Peggy R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Nwachuku Adella M R. L. Polk Co. Long A R. L. Polk Co. Mc Isaac Verned R. L. Polk Co. Ikwuwanna G C R. L. Polk Co. Phillips R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Humphrey R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Boyd David R. L. Polk Co. Whiteside R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1985 Kenwood Apartments The Jackson Kenwood Apartmpents The Jackson Shirley Gloria Jackson Brown E M Jackson Vacant Jackson Williams Virginia Jackson Williams L Jackson Vacant Jackson Vacant Jackson Willa Selma Jackson Fillpat P Jackson Carmon E Jackson Gardner Jackson Ellett Vemessaw Jackson Mc Isaac Verneda Jackson Johnson Lois D Jackson Utter E Jackson White Lucious Jackson Jordan N Jackson Moss Jackson Vacant Jackson Miller J Jackson Platt Steph Jackson 1980 Witt Melvin R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Ross Tylon R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Craig Johnetta R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Ellett Vernessa R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Isaac Verneda R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Young Ann R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Head Connie R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Boney Mike A R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Walker Warren R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Kenwood Apartments The R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Woodson Robt Jr R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Jones Minerva R. L. Polk Co., Publishers

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Year Uses Source

1980 Holmes T R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Roberson M R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Brown Ernest R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Smith Joyce R. L. Polk Co., Publishers No Return R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Johnson Eleanore R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Williams Leo R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Tucker Nelly R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Beamon Ola R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Anderson Sherice R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Kenwood Apartments The R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1970 KENWOOD APARTMENTS THE R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. DE COTEAU M W R. L. Polk Co. MC NEILL MOLLIE R. L. Polk Co. RYCN VINCENT R. L. Polk Co. HANLEN K R. L. Polk Co. HOPCRAFT ELINOR MRS R. L. Polk Co. STEPHEN M R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. WESTIN ROBIN R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. SHENEMAN C MRS R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. 1966 KENWOOD APARTMENTS THE Jackson FREDERICKS FRANCES Jackson RAPP FLOYD Jackson HIATT ALICE W Jackson SPOONER OLGA Jackson CARMAN SADA B MRS Jackson SKAGGS MORGAN G Jackson LANCASTER WM Jackson

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Year Uses Source

1966 KIMBERLIN MIKE Jackson WATSON CHARLES Jackson WILKERSON HAROLD R Jackson HAINLINE CLARA L Jackson THOMAS JERRY Jackson ODELL CHARLES Jackson NO RETURN Jackson SCHOOLING A N MRS Jackson NO RETURN Jackson 1961 21 Kenwood Apartments The R. L. Polk Co. 1956 619 21 Kenwood The apts R. L. Polk Co. 1951 619 21 Kenwood The apts R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Kenwood Apts The Gate City Directory Co. 1940 619 21 Kenwood Apts The Gate City Directory Co. 1935 619 21 Kenwood Apts The Gate City Directory Co. 1925 Kenwood Apts Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Trinity United Methodist Church R. L. Polk Co. Kansas City Academy Of Learning R. L. Polk Co. Nicholson Kovac Huntley & Welsh adv R. L. Polk Co. agency 1985 Trinity United Methodist Church Jackson Nicholson Kovac Huntley & Welsh Jackson adv agency Jackson 1980 Trinity Methodist Church R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Trinity Methodist Church R. L. Polk Co. 1970 TRINITY METHODIST CHURCH R. L. Polk Co. 1966 TRINITY METHODIST CHURCH Jackson 1961 Trinity Methodist Church R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Trinity Methodist Church R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Trinity Methodist Ch R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Trinity Methodist Church Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Trinity Methodist Church Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1980 Kenwood Apartments The R. L. Polk Co., Publishers

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Year Uses Source

1980 Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Kitchen Mattie L R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Kenwood Apartments The R. L. Polk Co. Vacant apts R. L. Polk Co. 1970 VACANT R. L. Polk Co. SWARTZ ALAN R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. PHELAN EDITH R. L. Polk Co. KENWOOD APARTMENTS THE R. L. Polk Co. NO RETURN R. L. Polk Co. WHEELER TED R. L. Polk Co. HEISNER BERTHA F R. L. Polk Co. HOPCROPT E MRS R. L. Polk Co. SKOGGS MORGAN R. L. Polk Co. ADRIAN B R. L. Polk Co. BAILEY C R R. L. Polk Co. WILKERSON HAROLD R R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. 1966 KENWOOD APARTMENTS THE Jackson HUITT LILLIAN L Jackson BRANSTETLER ED Jackson JACKSON GEO Jackson PARKINS LEAH M Jackson CHANEY E LORENE Jackson WHITCHURCH KENNETH Jackson EMMETT BEULAH MRS Jackson HULING LOUISE F Jackson PHELAN EDITH Jackson STREET CONSTINUE Jackson 1961 21 Kenwood Apartments The R. L. Polk Co. Doran Jessamine A mgr R. L. Polk Co. Thompson Robt L R. L. Polk Co. Dann Carl R. L. Polk Co. Sullivan Dorothy H R. L. Polk Co. Wright Colen C R. L. Polk Co. Fetach Richd J R. L. Polk Co. Taylor Robt L R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1961 Carman Sada B Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Kalahurka Margt M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Clark Ordith M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Bassham Carrie R. L. Polk Co. Daly James R R. L. Polk Co. Parkins Leah M R. L. Polk Co. Egelberg Gloria A R. L. Polk Co. Richwine Mary E R. L. Polk Co. Davis William R. L. Polk Co. Chaney Emma L R. L. Polk Co. Lascon Albert R. L. Polk Co. Babst Chas H R. L. Polk Co. Block Orven E R. L. Polk Co. Huling Louise F R. L. Polk Co. Scott Barbara L R. L. Polk Co. Cole Mary E Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Wheeler Jo L R. L. Polk Co. Phelan Edith R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1956 619 21 Kenwood The apts R. L. Polk Co. Hyatt Reba Mrs mgr R. L. Polk Co. Logan Rex W R. L. Polk Co. Gillespie Jack M R. L. Polk Co. Sullivan Dorothy R. L. Polk Co. Newbern Beauty Shop R. L. Polk Co. Wright Colen R. L. Polk Co. Kleinhoffer Clara G R. L. Polk Co. Futller Louise Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Parks Mary R. L. Polk Co. Frederick James R. L. Polk Co. Meyers John R. L. Polk Co. Erhart A Paul R. L. Polk Co. Myers Jas I R. L. Polk Co. Parkins Leah R. L. Polk Co. Wilkerson Julia H R. L. Polk Co. Pitcher Carl R. L. Polk Co. Colter Losi M R. L. Polk Co. Newman Richd T R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1956 Shields Carl R. L. Polk Co. Porter Thelma R. L. Polk Co. Friend Leota R. L. Polk Co. Hueing Louise R. L. Polk Co. Hoesing Charlotte G R. L. Polk Co. Cole Mary E Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Cicewski Agnes R. L. Polk Co. Glllespie Naomi L R. L. Polk Co. Hildebrand Louise M R. L. Polk Co. 1951 619 21 Kenwood The apts R. L. Polk Co. Hyatt Reba Mrs mgr R. L. Polk Co. Akers Kenneth R. L. Polk Co. Leabo Oscar R. L. Polk Co. Tudhope Dena Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Clark Betty R. L. Polk Co. Kleinhoffer Clara R. L. Polk Co. Marsh Kathryn R. L. Polk Co. Logan Rex R. L. Polk Co. Woodruff Walter L R. L. Polk Co. Borak John R. L. Polk Co. Toler Ellis L jr R. L. Polk Co. Mc Daniel Allene R. L. Polk Co. Ormsby Hobard R. L. Polk Co. Merkel Wm R. L. Polk Co. Koeger Joy L R. L. Polk Co. Happer Jean R. L. Polk Co. Stroud Henry L R. L. Polk Co. Johnson John R. L. Polk Co. Prescovy Emery R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Friend Leota R. L. Polk Co. Haynes Nell B Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Spangler Homer R. L. Polk Co. Hopkins Russell R. L. Polk Co. Randall Wm H R. L. Polk Co. OBrien Zelma Mrs mgr R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Kenwood Apts The Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1945 Hyatt Reba Mrs mgr Gate City Directory Co. Watson Joyce Gate City Directory Co. Watson Thos W Gate City Directory Co. Akers Ruby Gate City Directory Co. Woodruff Walter L Gate City Directory Co. Baker Nadine B Gate City Directory Co. Leabo Oscar K Gate City Directory Co. Bowker G S Gate City Directory Co. Loucke J B Gate City Directory Co. Wallace Hugh Gate City Directory Co. Gainey Ann Gate City Directory Co. McDaniel Allene Gate City Directory Co. Fisher C L Gate City Directory Co. Fuller Raymond P Gate City Directory Co. Simms Burrell B Gate City Directory Co. McNabb Kath Gate City Directory Co. Stroud Henry L Gate City Directory Co. Brayton O D Gate City Directory Co. Thompson Helen Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Glassmire C B Gate City Directory Co. Peace Hobart W Gate City Directory Co. Friend Tillie Gate City Directory Co. Haynes A M Gate City Directory Co. Morelock Lucy J Gate City Directory Co. Snook Hubert W Gate City Directory Co. Lander June Gate City Directory Co. Carter Willie janitor Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Hannay Nelle M Mrs mgr Gate City Directory Co. Hannay Geo F Gate City Directory Co. Kelley Chas L Gate City Directory Co. John son Helen M Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Hawkins H Gate City Directory Co. Woodruff W L Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Fitzpatrick Wm M Gate City Directory Co. Leabo Oscar K Gate City Directory Co. Harron E M Gate City Directory Co. Smith Wade H Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1940 Manson Nellis E Gate City Directory Co. Shelley Wayne Gate City Directory Co. King Elva F Gate City Directory Co. Schlesinger Melvin A Gate City Directory Co. Helms Margt L Mrs nurse Gate City Directory Co. Huey Bruce Gate City Directory Co. Stroud Henry L Gate City Directory Co. Ossowski Martin J Gate City Directory Co. Treuthart Hubert Gate City Directory Co. Mc Nelley Donald B Gate City Directory Co. Damme Walter Gate City Directory Co. Tallman A L Gate City Directory Co. Myers Jas F Gate City Directory Co. Moon L C Gate City Directory Co. Treffinger E Yaryan Gate City Directory Co. Edinger E H Gate City Directory Co. Hannay Geo F Gate City Directory Co. 619 21 Kenwood Apts The Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Ebelmesser Lloyd A Gate City Directory Co. 619 21 Kenwood Apts The Gate City Directory Co. Henry Sara M mgr Gate City Directory Co. Hill Helen Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Condit Jos A Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Oesch Ann S Gate City Directory Co. Petty Chas M Gate City Directory Co. Frahm Arnold C Gate City Directory Co. Kongable Monnie Gate City Directory Co. Birmingham Mabel L Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Brimmer Ethel Mrs Gate City Directory Co. King Elva F Gate City Directory Co. Farnan Marie A Gate City Directory Co. Robinson Harold P Gate City Directory Co. Hopper Gladys Gate City Directory Co. Stroud Henry Gate City Directory Co. Gluck Monte Gate City Directory Co. Chapman Wm N Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1935 f Harper Ruth Gate City Directory Co. Sims Lewis R Gate City Directory Co. Castlio Ivo R Gate City Directory Co. Beardslee Paul C Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Kaye Wm Gate City Directory Co. Keener Opal Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. bsmt Vacant Gate City Directory Co. nw cor Kenwood Ave Trinity Gate City Directory Co. M E Church Gate City Directory Co. 1925 Kenwood Apts Gate City Directory Co. Sara M Henry Gate City Directory Co. Phillip W Borsky Gate City Directory Co. Bonnie Lacy Gate City Directory Co. Grace Kearney Gate City Directory Co. Billy Butts Gate City Directory Co. Mastin E Geschwind Gate City Directory Co. Horton Dow Gate City Directory Co. Geo B Cone Gate City Directory Co. Lester R Schucker Gate City Directory Co. V H Doeling Gate City Directory Co. Anna L Tutcher Gate City Directory Co. Wayne F Snapp Gate City Directory Co. Chas B Teller Gate City Directory Co. R Lee Comer Gate City Directory Co. H L Stroud Gate City Directory Co. V E Jenkins Gate City Directory Co. R H Ferguson Gate City Directory Co. Wilkie Albers Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Fairhaven Apartments R. L. Polk Co. White Elroy R. L. Polk Co. Suber R. L. Polk Co. Mosley John N R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1990 Purnell R. L. Polk Co. Mc Gee Gayla L R. L. Polk Co. Miller R. L. Polk Co. Brown Arth L R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Kendall Hunt Publishing Co Jackson Fairhaven Apartments Jackson Richard Willie Jackson Mack James M Jackson Walker Charles Jackson Taylor Robt B Jackson Wheeler Marsha Jackson Vacant Jackson Schoene Amanda K Jackson Brown Auther Jackson Mc Laughlin Alfred Jackson Vacant Jackson Patt Esther E Mrs Jackson Stevenson Eric Jackson Gibbson Beverly Jackson Brown Verna Jackson Adams Justine Jackson Vacant Jackson Edwards Betty Jackson House Edgar E Jackson Olewweiye Mary Jackson Garlington Steve Jackson Marshall Irma Jackson Trog Katheryn D Jackson Lewis Me Cledie Jackson Flechs Michael Jackson Long Lois L Mrs Jackson Vacant Jackson 1980 Fairhaven Apartments R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Pilcher Bob R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Grubbs Guy R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers

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Year Uses Source

1980 Taylor Robt B R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Schoene Amanda K R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Von David Agnes Mrs R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Patt Esther E Mrs R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Mc Clendon Ronald R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Jones Mc Kinley R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Jolly J R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Robinson S R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Goff Glenda R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Huling Louise F R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Fairhaven Apartments R. L. Polk Co. B1 Renfro W R. L. Polk Co. Hodges Grace R. L. Polk Co. Anderson Gertrude C R. L. Polk Co. Loch Margt E Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Riepen Verna R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Huling Louise F R. L. Polk Co. Schoene Amanda K R. L. Polk Co. Von David Agnes Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Gilman Pearl R. L. Polk Co. Perry Carl G R. L. Polk Co. Patt Esther E Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Rose L R. L. Polk Co. Shaw Edyth R. L. Polk Co. Kovac Steph R. L. Polk Co. Levene D R. L. Polk Co. Eichelberger Calvin R. L. Polk Co. Robey K R. L. Polk Co. Anderson Brenda R. L. Polk Co. Henry Reginald R. L. Polk Co. Weston Gerald R. L. Polk Co. Carter Charles R. L. Polk Co. House W R. L. Polk Co. Snell Ronald R. L. Polk Co. Talbort Regina R. L. Polk Co. Nelly R R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1975 Trog Katheryn D R. L. Polk Co. Diefendorf Eug W R. L. Polk Co. Jones David R. L. Polk Co. Long Lois Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Stuart Mary R. L. Polk Co. 1970 HULING LOUISE F R. L. Polk Co. SCHOENE A K R. L. Polk Co. VON DAVID AGNES MRS R. L. Polk Co. GILMAN PEARL R. L. Polk Co. PERRY CARL G R. L. Polk Co. PATT ESTHER E MRS R. L. Polk Co. WHITAKER RUBY R. L. Polk Co. SHAW EDYTH R. L. Polk Co. FENDLETON HELEN R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. FOSE BERT MRS R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. SCHROTT MARIE A R. L. Polk Co. VANCE NANCY P R. L. Polk Co. FREEMAN LAURINE R. L. Polk Co. ALLISON GLADYS R. L. Polk Co. BECHER LINDA R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. HORN BARBARA H R. L. Polk Co. TROG KATHERYN D R. L. Polk Co. LINCH H L R. L. Polk Co. STEWART JANET R. L. Polk Co. LONG LOIS MRS R. L. Polk Co. SCOTT BETTIE S R. L. Polk Co. FAIRHAVEN APARTMENTS R. L. Polk Co. B 1 KAHRS KAY MRS R. L. Polk Co. CASTELLINE NELL M R. L. Polk Co. ANDERSON GERTRUDE C R. L. Polk Co. LOCH MARGT E MRS R. L. Polk Co. JONES CLARA B MRS R. L. Polk Co. COLLINS M R. L. Polk Co. 1966 MAHNKEN RUTH Jackson

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Year Uses Source


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Year Uses Source

1990 Fairhaven Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Bsmt Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Holt Lis R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Kennth Clark R. L. Polk Co. Coleman Paul E R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Sims Mike R. L. Polk Co. Daniels Tracy R. L. Polk Co. Ford John L R. L. Polk Co. Obey Wallace R. L. Polk Co. Clizer Virginia G R. L. Polk Co. Johnson Kevin R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Hartsfield Ver R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Hanger Clarence R. L. Polk Co. Lanier Donnel R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Tobin Debra A R. L. Polk Co. Guzman Harmello L R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. STREET IUED R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Fairhaven Apartments Jackson BsmtGuyton Johnny Jackson Vacant Jackson Ray Jackson Sims Mike Jackson Bryant Pamela Jackson Dickson Maurice Jackson Vacant Jackson Clizer Virginia G Jackson Vacant Jackson

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Year Uses Source

1985 Brown Jeffery Jackson Townsend Regienia Jackson Evans Chester A Jackson Stephens Ruthie M Jackson Woodworth Marianne Jackson Jefferson Rickie Jackson Hartsfield Vera Jackson Vacant Jackson Hanger Clarence A Jackson Vacant Jackson Okekearw Martin Jackson 1980 Wade Jerra T R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Weisman Edw B R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Mc Neely L D R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Mc Daniel Benj R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Fairhaven Apartments R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Bsmt Rossback R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Stamps W R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Esdert M R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Cunningham Joyce R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Young Linda R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Hudson Pearlean R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Robinson R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Sims R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Allison Gladys R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Smith R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Clizer Virginia G R. L. Polk Co., Publishers No Return R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Stevenson R M R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Jennings R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Stephens R M R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Stokes R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Ailep Henry R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Kirsch R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Laviolet G R. L. Polk Co., Publishers

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Year Uses Source

1980 Shivers Richd R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Jefferson Ricanna R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Hartsfield R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Spratt R R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Hanger Clarence A R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Fairhaven Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Bsmt Steele Elden R. L. Polk Co. Mosley Jackie R. L. Polk Co. Gains Ronald R. L. Polk Co. Brashears Shelia R. L. Polk Co. Pelter Imogene R. L. Polk Co. Johnson Fredk R. L. Polk Co. Stout Roy F R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Meissner Julia R. L. Polk Co. Alison Gladys R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Clizer Virginia G R. L. Polk Co. Sydnor W R. L. Polk Co. Hartsfield D R. L. Polk Co. Ashley Beverly R. L. Polk Co. Rautenberg R R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Atkinwale John R. L. Polk Co. Brown June R. L. Polk Co. Johnson J R. L. Polk Co. Hanger Clarence A R. L. Polk Co. Elsworth Gene R. L. Polk Co. Mitchell R R. L. Polk Co. Laviolet G R. L. Polk Co. Vaughn Janice R. L. Polk Co. Fields J R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Tobin R R. L. Polk Co. Roberts J R. L. Polk Co. 1970 FAIRHAVEN APARTMENTS R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source


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Year Uses Source

1966 MASSEE MAXINE Jackson GREEN MARVYL V Jackson JAEHDE MARY Jackson DREAR CALEDONIA L Jackson MC COLLAM VIRGINIA A Jackson DOWLING LORETTA M MRS Jackson VACANT Jackson HOSTETTER MARY D Jackson STEFFENS ELLA M Jackson DUFF ZEPHA M Jackson VOGT PEARL H Jackson GOLDSTEIN MARY Jackson GRAY MABEL D Jackson WIDMAN MARY Jackson WRIGHT C C Jackson ALLISON GLADYS MRS Jackson MURRAY JOAN V Jackson HAUGHTEN ERMA MRS Jackson HAMBLIN VELMA N Jackson BACON CHARLES L Jackson MOGUSAR JOSEPH A Jackson 1961 Nelson Kenneth E R. L. Polk Co. Baertsch Phyllis J R. L. Polk Co. Harris J E R. L. Polk Co. Kenney Mary L R. L. Polk Co. No Return R. L. Polk Co. Sanford Carolyn WEH R. L. Polk Co. Parsons Clarence E R. L. Polk Co. Olmsted Jas H R. L. Polk Co. Mc Graw Mary A R. L. Polk Co. Scott Bettie S R. L. Polk Co. Goldstein Mary R. L. Polk Co. Matthews Margt A R. L. Polk Co. Widman Mary R. L. Polk Co. Gilman Pearl R. L. Polk Co. Powell Lucille A R. L. Polk Co. Murray J V VAl R. L. Polk Co. Green larvyl V R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1961 Townley J G R. L. Polk Co. Bacon Chas L R. L. Polk Co. Mogusar Joe A R. L. Polk Co. Zimmerman Freda R. L. Polk Co. Taylor Nellie A R. L. Polk Co. Parker Bernice R. L. Polk Co. Orear Caledonia L R. L. Polk Co. Mc Collam Virginia A R. L. Polk Co. Dowling Loretta MMrs R. L. Polk Co. Barker Ellen R R. L. Polk Co. Hostettlr Mary R. L. Polk Co. Martasin Sammy R. L. Polk Co. Post Betty R. L. Polk Co. Haughton Erma Mrs LO! R. L. Polk Co. Turner Robt H R. L. Polk Co. Vogt Pearl M R. L. Polk Co. 625 29 Fairhaven Apartments R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Millikan Chase jan R. L. Polk Co. B 1 Okazaki Wallace K R. L. Polk Co. Castelline Nell M R. L. Polk Co. Anderson Gertrude C R. L. Polk Co. Forbis Dorothy D R. L. Polk Co. Vance Pauline N R. L. Polk Co. Brandon Ethel Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Lindsay J Arti R. L. Polk Co. Von David Agnes l Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Jedlicka Raymond L R. L. Polk Co. Perry Carl G R. L. Polk Co. Rush Margt A R. L. Polk Co. Smith Harry R R. L. Polk Co. Sullivan Frank T JEl R. L. Polk Co. Jaehde Mary R. L. Polk Co. Windlepleck Marguerite C Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Braun Portia B Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Allison Gladys Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Gray Mabel I R. L. Polk Co. Sil erman Lester H R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1961 Howard Lois N Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Patt Grace Mra R. L. Polk Co. Clizer Virginia G R. L. Polk Co. Bybee Frances D R. L. Polk Co. Schulp Louanna R. L. Polk Co. Boucher Diane 0 Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Itiddleton Jacqueline J R. L. Polk Co. Schmeltzer Norris M R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Shadel Vernon C R. L. Polk Co. Hall Dennis FE R. L. Polk Co. Orear Caledonia R. L. Polk Co. Baggs Oletha F R. L. Polk Co. Dowling Loretta M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Barker Ellen R R. L. Polk Co. Aleles Venizelo R. L. Polk Co. Wicks Julia R. L. Polk Co. Dysart Marilyn J R. L. Polk Co. Haughton Erma Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Turner Robt H R. L. Polk Co. Ash Merle L R. L. Polk Co. Boren Jodie L R. L. Polk Co. Castelline Nell R. L. Polk Co. Sullivan Frank T R. L. Polk Co. Kenney Mary Louise R. L. Polk Co. Johnson Virginia S R. L. Polk Co. Patt Grace Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Schumaier ituassell L R. L. Polk Co. Bybee Frances D R. L. Polk Co. Schulp Louanna R. L. Polk Co. Boucher Richd R. L. Polk Co. Clizer Virginia G R. L. Polk Co. Jedlicka Brandon R. L. Polk Co. Zimmerman Freda R. L. Polk Co. Vance Pauline N R. L. Polk Co. Grasher Virginia E R. L. Polk Co. Randall Alvin C R. L. Polk Co. Randall Robt R. L. Polk Co. Anderson Flora Mrs R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1956 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Parker Margarett I R. L. Polk Co. Widman Mary R. L. Polk Co. Gilman Pearl R. L. Polk Co. Scott Bettie S R. L. Polk Co. Willour John V R. L. Polk Co. Razer Marguerite R. L. Polk Co. Ronsse Rita M R. L. Polk Co. Blocher Alice P R. L. Polk Co. Rodwell Victor W R. L. Polk Co. B 1 Dinwiddie Geo V custdn R. L. Polk Co. 625 29 Fairhaven Apts R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Engelman Edw H R. L. Polk Co. Deamond Thos R. L. Polk Co. B 1 Dinwiddie Geo V custdn R. L. Polk Co. Norton Dorothy M R. L. Polk Co. Anderson Gertrude C R. L. Polk Co. Bay Jerry L R. L. Polk Co. Sullivan Vincent R. L. Polk Co. Shaughnessy S R. L. Polk Co. Shilomyer Bonnie R. L. Polk Co. Vogt Pearl M R. L. Polk Co. Wray Grace Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Clark John L R. L. Polk Co. Steblelton Chas P R. L. Polk Co. Rulh Margt A R. L. Polk Co. mnith Harry R R. L. Polk Co. Donnegan Loretta Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Lock Ethel D Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Richlards D C R. L. Polk Co. Braun Portia B Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Hazel Wiimnie F R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Silverman Lester H R. L. Polk Co. Lockwood Marie J Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Shadel Vernon C R. L. Polk Co. Silverman Lester H R. L. Polk Co. Smallwood Robt L R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1951 Smith Harry R R. L. Polk Co. Smyth Harry D R. L. Polk Co. moots Roy E R. L. Polk Co. Ufford Ralph C R. L. Polk Co. Welborn Saml H R. L. Polk Co. Wells Doris H R. L. Polk Co. Whittlesay John S R. L. Polk Co. Williams Marvin E R. L. Polk Co. Williams Wm J R. L. Polk Co. Wright Jas T R. L. Polk Co. Young John E R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Johnson Willis Jan R. L. Polk Co. Goodwin Garland C R. L. Polk Co. Groti Jan Denton E R. L. Polk Co. Harrison Jas C R. L. Polk Co. Haughton Erma C R. L. Polk Co. Hines Jack T R. L. Polk Co. HIu Bic Harold F R. L. Polk Co. d 4es General L R. L. Polk Co. Hunit Kenheth W R. L. Polk Co. Aohnson Richmond L R. L. Polk Co. lly l Xnali R R. L. Polk Co. iay Dani A ir R. L. Polk Co. eeds Wm E R. L. Polk Co. izor Paul C R. L. Polk Co. Lubin Leon R. L. Polk Co. Mc Leod Archibald R. L. Polk Co. Manuel Harold D R. L. Polk Co. Mikovito Baldwin A R. L. Polk Co. tiller John F R. L. Polk Co. unsell Wilma R. L. Polk Co. Morrison Jack R. L. Polk Co. OBrien Fred J R. L. Polk Co. Pendleton Frank S R. L. Polk Co. Reiney Ernest Jr R. L. Polk Co. Richards D C R. L. Polk Co. aoyer Frank E R. L. Polk Co. Seibolt Victor L R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1951 625 29 Fairhaven Apts R. L. Polk Co. Adams Saml F R. L. Polk Co. Baier John G R. L. Polk Co. Blocker Alice R. L. Polk Co. Boren Jas R. L. Polk Co. Borger Kenneth R R. L. Polk Co. Brown Andrew J R. L. Polk Co. Cook Reginald F R. L. Polk Co. Curtis Jack M R. L. Polk Co. Daubert John R. L. Polk Co. Daugherty Arth J R. L. Polk Co. Dimsky John R. L. Polk Co. Dinwiddie Geo V R. L. Polk Co. Donohiie Jas T R. L. Polk Co. Doty F Van R. L. Polk Co. Eiler Jack D R. L. Polk Co. Elias Wm A jr R. L. Polk Co. Gaiser Chas E R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1925 Mrs C M Thompson Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Edwin H L Thompson Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Sterling Edw E lwyr Jackson 1980 Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Garment Industry Medical Center R. L. Polk Co. 1970 GARMENT INDUSTRY MEDICAL R. L. Polk Co. CENTER R. L. Polk Co. 1966 GARMENT INDUSTRY HEALTH Jackson CENTER Jackson 1961 Garment Industry Health Center R. L. Polk Co. Garment Industry Retirement R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Garment Industry Retirement Fund R. L. Polk Co. Center R. L. Polk Co. Garment Industry Health R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1951 Garment Industry R. L. Polk Co. Health Center R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Myers Geo M Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Myers Geo M Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Myers Geo M Gate City Directory Co. 1925 Geo M Myers Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Geo M Meyers Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Mosley R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Reed Nazaree Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Mackey R. L. Polk Co. Murvin Dawn R. L. Polk Co. Primos Louis E R. L. Polk Co. Brown Eug R. L. Polk Co. Boatner Walter R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Stockdale Denise R. L. Polk Co. Grossley Hattie L R. L. Polk Co. mstead R R. L. Polk Co. Smith K R. L. Polk Co. Wells Janice R. L. Polk Co. Colbert Don R. L. Polk Co. Stinson Jimmy R. L. Polk Co. Yates Tim R. L. Polk Co. Biby K R. L. Polk Co. Armstrong Frances C R. L. Polk Co. Erhardt T R. L. Polk Co. Robinson Albert R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Cooper J R. L. Polk Co. Selkirk E R. L. Polk Co. Mugita Peter R. L. Polk Co. Blakely J R. L. Polk Co. Smith R R. L. Polk Co. Ellett V R. L. Polk Co. Jones Anthony R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1990 Nuessie Chris R. L. Polk Co. Sweeney Ray R. L. Polk Co. Tsang P R. L. Polk Co. Piercy Terrence R. L. Polk Co. Beavers A R. L. Polk Co. Armour Towers Inc apts R. L. Polk Co. B 1 Storage Area R. L. Polk Co. B 2 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Mitchell D R. L. Polk Co. Kincaid S R. L. Polk Co. Phan Leo R. L. Polk Co. Club Room Armour Towers R. L. Polk Co. Roe Delind R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Hill Betty J R. L. Polk Co. Adams Wava Beauty Salon R. L. Polk Co. Rowe Sylvia G R. L. Polk Co. Howery Dana R. L. Polk Co. Douglas Nathan R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Gibson Pamela E R. L. Polk Co. Lamarque Mary R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Armour Towers Inc apts Jackson Hogan Stephanie Jackson B 2 Vacant Jackson Robinson Albert Jackson Webb Clyde Jackson Eagle Virginia C Jackson Dantus Maunice Jackson Vacant Jackson Poole Wallace Jackson Adams Marvlene Jackson Wilson Sherri Jackson Thomas Jeffery Jackson Christian Valerie Jackson Bl Vacant Jackson Rowe F D Jackson Burns Lafayette Jackson

2870407- 6 Page 98 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

1985 Stephens James Jackson English Homer Jackson Me Dow Gladys Mrs Jackson Rucher Jimmy Jackson Hill Betty J Jackson Adams Wava Beauty Salon Jackson B 2 Vacant Jackson Hoskinson Sandra L Jackson Keyes Thomas Jackson Douglas Nathan Jackson Lane Neddie H Mrs Jackson Fleming Leo J Jackson Gibson Pamela E Jackson Wyatt Kim Jackson Vacant Jackson Reed Nazaree Mrs Jackson Gettel Irene M Jackson Marvin Dawn Jackson Primos Louis E Jackson Eldrine Stephen Jackson Johnson Carol Jackson Berry Leroy Jackson Fisher Louis Jackson Grossley Hattie L Jackson Vacant Jackson Coleman Elvin Jackson Mozee Linda Jackson Vacant Jackson Stinson Jamies Jackson Page Tina Jackson Bailey Victor Jackson Armstrong Frances C Jackson 1980 Vaughn Pamela R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Bogan James R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Smith Dianna M R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Peach Leone M Mrs R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Mc Clure Glenn F R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Burch Lula M R. L. Polk Co., Publishers

2870407- 6 Page 99 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

1980 Gladney Al R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Mines Denise R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Boggs Almaretta M R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Watson Leorange R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Butler Norma R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Wakeel Saleem R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Miller Richd E R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Davis Sharon J R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Mc Clure Eunice P Mrs R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Bargin Debra R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Blanton Lavada R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Haney Roger C R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Eagle Virginia C R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Tabassian Hamid R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Tabassian Hamid R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Armour Towers Inc apts R. L. Polk Co., Publishers B 1 Wagner John F R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Burns Lafayette R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Arnold James A R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Mc Dow Gladys Mrs R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Boxley Ella M R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Hill Betty J R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Adams Wava Beauty Salon R. L. Polk Co., Publishers B 2 Clark Wm R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Hoskinson Sandra L R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Stewart Don W R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Harris Ray H R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Roberts Gary R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Fleming Leo J R. L. Polk Co., Publishers

2870407- 6 Page 100 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

1980 Gibson Pamela E R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Clark W C R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Link Lucille Mrs R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Irene M Gettel R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Mahone John R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Primas Louis E R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Scott Anna Mrs R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Johnson Rosalie R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Edwards Wm R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Williams Claudine R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Miller Ethel R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Mozee Linda R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Byes Alex R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Stinson James R. L. Polk Co., Publishers King Earl R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Armstrong Francis C R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Smith J Jr R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Robinson Albert R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Webb Clyde R. L. Polk Co., Publishers No Return R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Carpenter Eva Mrs R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Moore Jacquelirine R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Henry Sharon R. L. Polk Co., Publishers White Debbie R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Gonzalis Raul R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Adams Marvlene R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant 2 Apts R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Christian Valerie R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Edwards Helen R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vineyard Elinor Mrs R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Robinson Ruth Mrs R. L. Polk Co., Publishers

2870407- 6 Page 101 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

1975 Armour Towers Inc apte R. L. Polk Co. Bl Reed Freddy R. L. Polk Co. Hill Betty J R. L. Polk Co. Burns Lafayette R. L. Polk Co. Murphy Matt L R. L. Polk Co. Mc Carter Mamie R. L. Polk Co. Mc Dow Gladys Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Boxley Ella M R. L. Polk Co. Williams Claudine W Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Adams Wava Beauty Salon R. L. Polk Co. B 2 Renfro James R. L. Polk Co. Verner Lowell R. L. Polk Co. Stewart Don S R. L. Polk Co. Hoskinson Sandra R. L. Polk Co. Turmer Marvin R. L. Polk Co. Fleming Leo J R. L. Polk Co. Gibson Pamela E R. L. Polk Co. Cook Florence E R. L. Polk Co. West Mirian R. L. Polk Co. Link Lucille Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Anderson John R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Myers Clay R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Harris Geo E R. L. Polk Co. Holmes Me Kinley R. L. Polk Co. Bucklew Floss L R. L. Polk Co. Hawkins Sherry R. L. Polk Co. Miller Gary R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Mc Kinney Anna B Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Stinson James R. L. Polk Co. Young Michi R. L. Polk Co. Whitworth Zola E R. L. Polk Co. Suber Alfred R. L. Polk Co. Eagle Virginia R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1975 Carpenter Eva Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Epstein Herman R. L. Polk Co. Batliner Oswald C R. L. Polk Co. Koster Bessie R. L. Polk Co. Wedlan Anna Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Griffin Dorothy R. L. Polk Co. Nixon Roger R. L. Polk Co. Seawell Larry R. L. Polk Co. Griffith Woodrow R. L. Polk Co. Davison Ruth L R. L. Polk Co. Vineyard Elinor Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Gray James R. L. Polk Co. Ormsby Selina R. L. Polk Co. Robinson Ruth Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Mosby Howard G R. L. Polk Co. Bogan James R. L. Polk Co. Hopkins Albert R. L. Polk Co. Peach Joseph M R. L. Polk Co. Mc Clure Glenn F R. L. Polk Co. Burch Luella R. L. Polk Co. Williams Daralee R. L. Polk Co. Hunter Zesla R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Boggs Almaretta M R. L. Polk Co. Pinkney Muriel T R. L. Polk Co. Blann Larry R R. L. Polk Co. Williams Edna R. L. Polk Co. Nault Lavena R. L. Polk Co. Lamich Sam A R. L. Polk Co. Armstrong Linda R. L. Polk Co. Cooper Elza R. L. Polk Co. Davis Sharon R. L. Polk Co. 0 Shaunsey Iva R. L. Polk Co. Mc Clure Eunice P Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Yentzer Edwin J R. L. Polk Co. Tierney Ruth M R. L. Polk Co. Mitchell Marion Mrs R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1975 Burch Ruby L Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Dearing Kath R. L. Polk Co. Kennard Justine R. L. Polk Co. Antone Linda M R. L. Polk Co. Armstrong F C R. L. Polk Co. Weaver Rita R. L. Polk Co. Bachman Donald L R. L. Polk Co. 1970 DICKENSON CLARICE H R. L. Polk Co. FOWLER MINNIE M MRS R. L. Polk Co. ARMSTRONG F C R. L. Polk Co. LEWIS RAYMOND R. L. Polk Co. FLOYD LOTTIE M S R. L. Polk Co. COMBS LEON B R. L. Polk Co. CARPENTER HAROLD R R. L. Polk Co. BECKMAN DORIS R. L. Polk Co. KARLE CHARLES F R. L. Polk Co. BATLINER OSWALD C R. L. Polk Co. HUGHES KARIN J R. L. Polk Co. WEDLAN ANNA MRS R. L. Polk Co. ELOCHETS ROMA MRS R. L. Polk Co. WHILLHIT JANELLE R. L. Polk Co. JOHNSON JONES B R. L. Polk Co. BEHLING PATRICIA R. L. Polk Co. DAVIDSON RUTH R. L. Polk Co. VINEYARD ROBERT MRS R. L. Polk Co. ROSSER RUSSELL H R. L. Polk Co. KOPLOW IRA I R. L. Polk Co. ROBINSON ARTH H R. L. Polk Co. PARKINS LEIA M MRS R. L. Polk Co. RIDPATH CLARK A R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. PEACH JOSEPH M R. L. Polk Co. MC CLURE GLENN F R. L. Polk Co. WOLGAST GENI M R. L. Polk Co. KENNARD JUSTINE R. L. Polk Co. PALMER C J R. L. Polk Co. SALOF GED R. L. Polk Co. EOGGS ALMARETTA M R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source


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Year Uses Source


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Year Uses Source


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Year Uses Source

1966 WHITWORTH Z E Jackson DICKENSON CLARICE H Jackson FOWLER MINNIE M MRS Jackson BLAIR MABEL MRS Jackson GEORGE MELBA Jackson COMBS LEON B L Jackson CARPENTER HAROLD R Jackson CUNMINGS BENJ W JR Jackson BASGALL JAMES L Jackson BATLINER OSWALD C Jackson KELLER LAURA H Jackson WEDLAN ANNA MRS Jackson DAVIDSON LEE E Jackson COOKE PAULINE R Jackson JOHNSON J B Jackson JEWITT VIRGINIA Jackson MC CANN MARY J Jackson KRALLMEN MARGE B Jackson ROSSER RUSSELL H Jackson WILKERSON JULIA H L Jackson ROBINSON ARTH H Jackson 1961 Armour Towers Inc Apts R. L. Polk Co. B 1 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Weidman Gerald F jan R. L. Polk Co. Plumb Sybil R. L. Polk Co. Bryan Jane H R. L. Polk Co. Babb Opha Z V R. L. Polk Co. Van Gessel Helen L R. L. Polk Co. Matthews Monte A R. L. Polk Co. Matthews Addie Mra mgr R. L. Polk Co. Fareit Helen Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Robertson Bert R. L. Polk Co. Snyder Rachel F R. L. Polk Co. Horstmann Oscar T R. L. Polk Co. Flaherty Anne K R. L. Polk Co. Alertz Minnie Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Mic Donald Lillian M R. L. Polk Co. Allen Ben D LOI 3 R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1961 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Johnson 0 Henry R. L. Polk Co. Warren Martha L R. L. Polk Co. Link John G R. L. Polk Co. Kyger E Ross R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Newcomer Anne L Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Youngblood Roy E R. L. Polk Co. Wilson Virginia A R. L. Polk Co. Shelton Arch L jr R. L. Polk Co. Mercier Robt R. L. Polk Co. Bucklew Floss L R. L. Polk Co. York Willis B R. L. Polk Co. Cloug Madalin R. L. Polk Co. Forrester Ward M R. L. Polk Co. Birmingham Edw J R. L. Polk Co. Drawbaugh Shirley M R. L. Polk Co. Gosney J A R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Matthews Addie Mra mgr R. L. Polk Co. Dickenson Clairce W R. L. Polk Co. Burns Helen S R. L. Polk Co. Armstrong Frances C Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Blair Mabel Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Mc Grath Mary Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Combs Leon B R. L. Polk Co. Carpenter Harold R R. L. Polk Co. Stover Kath R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Batliner 0 C R. L. Polk Co. Adair Paul W R. L. Polk Co. Wedlan Anna Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Davidsonr Lee E R. L. Polk Co. Smithey Maude L R. L. Polk Co. Cuny Marguerite M R. L. Polk Co. Wright James W R. L. Polk Co. Mc Cann Mary J R. L. Polk Co. Sheldon Theresa C Mrs R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1961 Rosser Russell H R. L. Polk Co. Wilkerson Julia H R. L. Polk Co. Moeller Richd A R. L. Polk Co. Chapman Clara M R. L. Polk Co. Ridpath Clark A R. L. Polk Co. Cross Alma C R. L. Polk Co. Peach Jos M R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Mc Conaga Hope Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Johnson Jas B R. L. Polk Co. Ziegler Lora M R. L. Polk Co. Leasure Betty A L R. L. Polk Co. Ames Verner J R. L. Polk Co. Curl Sarah K R. L. Polk Co. Hammer Harvey H R. L. Polk Co. Laughlin Jas D L 01 4122 ins R. L. Polk Co. Yentzer Edwin J R. L. Polk Co. Hall Jess A Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Fuller Velma R R. L. Polk Co. Wike Jane E R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Adrian Louis C R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Luger Edna Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Ray Hazel Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Neuer Patricia R. L. Polk Co. Stapleton Wm A R. L. Polk Co. Mutder Hilma I R. L. Polk Co. Mc Elroy Gertrude S Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Clydc Margt R R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Armour Towers Inc Apts R. L. Polk Co. Mic Gloiii Ann K R. L. Polk Co. Hainicer Harvev II R. L. Polk Co. Leughlin J D R. L. Polk Co. Yentzer Edwinv J R. L. Polk Co. Hall Jess A Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Fuller Velma R R. L. Polk Co. Vike Jane E R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1956 Ftiller Jack R R. L. Polk Co. Jorissen Theresa C R. L. Polk Co. Van Loon Le Roy A R. L. Polk Co. Luger Edna Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Ray Hazel Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Neuer Patricia R. L. Polk Co. Limpus Norris C R. L. Polk Co. Mudler Hilma I R. L. Polk Co. Tinslev Jas R. L. Polk Co. Pope Winifred R. L. Polk Co. Ralney Walter R. L. Polk Co. Phillips Lucile J R. L. Polk Co. Bryan Jane R. L. Polk Co. Babb Opha C R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Matthews Monte A R. L. Polk Co. Sheldon Arch L jr R. L. Polk Co. Stucky Milo M R. L. Polk Co. Snyder Rachel F R. L. Polk Co. Horstmann Oscar T R. L. Polk Co. Flaherty Anne K R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Hoppe Gene L R. L. Polk Co. Sneeden Cleo N R. L. Polk Co. Mertz Minnie Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Paterson Lois R. L. Polk Co. Condiff Chas W R. L. Polk Co. Link John G R. L. Polk Co. Kyger E Ross R. L. Polk Co. Ridpath Clark A R. L. Polk Co. Wehrenberg F F R. L. Polk Co. Stapleton W A R. L. Polk Co. Crosthwait Ota C R. L. Polk Co. Nichols Louise Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Loch Margt Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Bucklew Floss R. L. Polk Co. York Willls B R. L. Polk Co. Clough Madalin R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1956 Ray Hazeldene R. L. Polk Co. Birmingham Edw J R. L. Polk Co. Drawbaugh Eu Ldora R. L. Polk Co. Teihgraeber W C R. L. Polk Co. Christopher Alan S R. L. Polk Co. Johnson Hienry W R. L. Polk Co. Dysart Guy R. L. Polk Co. Armstrong Frances R. L. Polk Co. Blair Mabel Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Turgeon Lou R. L. Polk Co. Combs Leois B R. L. Polk Co. Carpenter Harold R R. L. Polk Co. Dickensun Clarice R. L. Polk Co. Melin H Victor jr R. L. Polk Co. Burbridge Beebe E R. L. Polk Co. Siivey Grace F Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Wedlan Anna Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Penrod Glaldyce R. L. Polk Co. Carroll Margt R. L. Polk Co. Cuny Marguerite R. L. Polk Co. Johnson Karl if R. L. Polk Co. Mcp Cannl Mary J R. L. Polk Co. Sheldon Harvey F R. L. Polk Co. Rosser Russell R. L. Polk Co. Landiss Ollie L Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Griff Edw P R. L. Polk Co. Logan W A R. L. Polk Co. Morgret Helei R. L. Polk Co. Shultz A I R. L. Polk Co. Peaech Jos M R. L. Polk Co. Witt Clara R. L. Polk Co. Fereit John H R. L. Polk Co. Johnson Jas B R. L. Polk Co. Ziegler Lora MI R. L. Polk Co. Leasure Betty A R. L. Polk Co. Anses Verner J R. L. Polk Co. 1925 Frank C Niles Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Frank C Niles Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1920 cor Kenwood Trinity M E Gate City Directory Co. Church Gate City Directory Co.



Year Uses Source

1990 Garritty M R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Baer Marquerite R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Brockman M R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Selby Lee R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Smith Gladys R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Sweeney Gary R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Mc Govern Mary R. L. Polk Co.

2870407- 6 Page 113 Year Uses Source FINDINGS


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Meacham Robt E R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Stark Paul R. L. Polk Co. Ruby John R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Prater Lauri R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Bond N R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Woods E R. L. Polk Co. Castleberry R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Martin B R. L. Polk Co.

2870407- 6 Page 114 Year Uses Source FINDINGS


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Freeman A G R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 House E E R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.

2870407- 6 Page 115 Year Uses Source FINDINGS


Year Uses Source

1990 Mercer Ralph R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Holstein R R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Spidle B S R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Moran Dorothy E R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Simms Donald R R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Weaver Jo Ann R. L. Polk Co. Johnson Lloyd R. L. Polk Co.

2870407- 6 Page 116 Year Uses Source FINDINGS


Year Uses Source

1990 Pratt Inez R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Carpino C R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Dixon Marcus R. L. Polk Co. Davies H M R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Marts S E R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Williamsen Mike R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Clark Irm R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Whitehead B R. L. Polk Co.

2870407- 6 Page 117 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

1990 Peacock Dorothy J R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Maxfield J R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Siegel G F R. L. Polk Co.

2870407- 6 Page 118 Year Uses Source FINDINGS


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.



Year Uses Source

1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1945 Kyzar Jas R Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Simpson Josephine K Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 Josephine K Simpson Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1935 Simpson Josephine K Mrs Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1945 Gardner Gerald E Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Dunkerly Roy E Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Slusher Ernest W Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 E W Slusher phys Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 Tony Prier Cole Publications 1945 Eason Chas A Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Eason Chas AO Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Eason Chas A Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 Chas A Eason Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1945 Scott Elbert E Gate City Directory Co.

2870407- 6 Page 119 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

1935 Scott Elbert E Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Scott Elbert E Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 Elwood A Finch Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 Ace Bkkpg Serv Cole Publications 1945 LaPierre Wm A Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Reed John W Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Teissler Chas L Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 David H Epstein Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1945 Pfenning Robt A Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Bowers Sue G Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Bowers Edgar F Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 Geo Brophy Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1945 Holloway Thos G Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Holloway Thos G Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Holloway Thos G Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 Thos G Holloway Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1945 Snyder Harold H Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Snyder Harold H Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Snyder Harold H Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 Chas W Loomis Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1945 Backover Geo C Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Swanson Leonard C Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Engle Harry Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 Ange R Harnish Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1995 Lon Jones Cole Publications 1920 Geo H Martin Gate City Directory Co. F N Kruske Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 Dave Biersmith Cole Publications Jana R Loflin Cole Publications 1945 Sutherland Cleo Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Jackson Frank M Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Jackson F M contr Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Howard Dune Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 F J Huttig Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 J G Williams Cole Publications 1945 Sayre Jas Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Ensinger Mahlon G Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Ensinger Mahlon G Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 Chas E Mc Crae Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 Peter Riede Cole Publications Eric Chelline Cole Publications Condominium Cole Publications 1945 Lehman Lawrence Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Lehman Lawrence Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 L Lehman Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 Paul Howerton Cole Publications 1945 DeTalent Grace Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Pearson Ralph S Gate City Directory Co. Jones P Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Jones J P Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 Herbert L Pott Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1995 John Navarre Cole Publications 1945 Gross Harry W Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Martin Linnie E Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Martin Linnie E Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 Geo H Martin Gate City Directory Co.



Year Uses Source

2006 Jennifer Hoggatt Cole Information Services 2000 Dabbs Vicky L R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Vacant Jackson 1980 Pham Huong Thi R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Kyzar Lucy G Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1970 KYZAR LUCY G MRS R. L. Polk Co. 1966 KYZAR L GERTRUDE MRS Jackson 1961 Kyzar L Gertrude Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Kyzar Jas R R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Kzar Jas R R. L. Polk Co. 1940 Vacant Gate City Directory Co. 1925 Mrs Josephine K Simpson Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Melvin Herschel Smith Jr Cole Information Services 2000 Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Baehr Amos Jackson 1980 Hoang Duy Ky R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Daub Milo F R. L. Polk Co. 1970 DAUB MILO F R. L. Polk Co. 1966 DAUB MILO F Jackson 1961 Fitzgerald John J R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Sadewhite John E R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Gardner Gerald Ea R. L. Polk Co. 1940 Mills Harold J Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1925 Ernest W Slusher phys Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Darren Trull Cole Information Services Diana C Larson Cole Information Services 2000 Prior Larry A E R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Prier Tony R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1990 Rigby Vincent H Jr R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Ribgy Vincent H Jackson 1980 Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Aven Herman W R. L. Polk Co. 1970 AVEN HERMAN U R. L. Polk Co. 1966 AVEN HERMAN W 0 JEI 35 B Jackson 1961 Frogge Wm R R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Eason Clara B Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Eason Chas A R. L. Polk Co. 1940 Eason Chas A Gate City Directory Co. 1925 Chas A Eason Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Dawn D Smith Cole Information Services 2000 Thomas Carla Y R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1990 Green Reginald H R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Green Reginald Jackson 1980 Baird Robt 0 IV R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Green Reginald R. L. Polk Co. 1970 WHITESELL EDWi IN 0 o R. L. Polk Co. 1966 WHITESELL EDWIN Jackson 1961 Whitesell Edwin R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Whitesell Edw 0 G R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Scott Elbert Eo R. L. Polk Co. 1940 Scott Elbert E Gate City Directory Co. 1925 Elbert E Scott Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Guadalupe P Hernandez Cole Information Services

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Year Uses Source

2006 Salvatore G Hernandez Cole Information Services 2000 Hernandez Guadalupe 1 M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Hernandez Karen R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1990 Ace Bookkeeping & Tax Services R. L. Polk Co. Scherzer Stanley E R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Ace Bookkeeping & Tax Services Jackson Scherzer Stanley B Jackson 1980 Scherzer Stanley E R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Scherzer Stanley E R. L. Polk Co. 1970 SCHERZER STANLEY E R. L. Polk Co. 1966 A C E BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Jackson SCHERZER STANLEY E Jackson 1961 Copetand Ann I MIrs R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Copeland Wm E R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Copeland Wm E R. L. Polk Co. 1940 Mc Clellan Chas W Gate City Directory Co. 1925 David H Epstein Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1951 Smith Grady R. L. Polk Co. 1940 Bowers Henry K Gate City Directory Co. 1925 Mrs Sue G Bowers Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1951 Holloway Nel Ue P Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1940 Holloway Thos G Gate City Directory Co. 1925 Thos G Holloway Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1951 Snyder Harold HO R. L. Polk Co. 1940 Snyder Harold H Gate City Directory Co. 1925 Mrs Alice E Loomis Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1975 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1970 8 URNFIN JOYCE E R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1970 SMITH JANET R. L. Polk Co. 1966 CREECH KENNETH Jackson 1961 Jefferson Earl R. L. Polk Co. Kirby Jack R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Fleming Egel B R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Fleming Edw B R. L. Polk Co. 1940 Hill Harry C Gate City Directory Co. 1925 Mrs Lillie M St Clair Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Ali Naji Cole Information Services


Year Uses Source

2006 Terrance G Barta Cole Information Services 2000 Kaullen N R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1990 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Apartments Jackson Vacant Jackson Vacant Jackson Vacant Jackson 1980 Apartments R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Bell Kenneth R. L. Polk Co. Wolkey Richd R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Stangl Steve R. L. Polk Co. Apartments R. L. Polk Co. 1970 APARTMENTS R. L. Polk Co. MILLER ERNEST N R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. GOODMAN LARRY R R. L. Polk Co. DE CLEMENTS JOYCE R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1966 SMITH JAMES W Jackson 1961 Ebony Paint Co R. L. Polk Co. Sands Howeard R R. L. Polk Co. Wells Sue M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Bescek Gladys R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Sands Howard R R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Sands H R R. L. Polk Co. 1940 Sutherland Cleo Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1925 Frank M Jackson Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Linnea Marie Williams Cole Information Services Joseph G Williams Cole Information Services 2000 Williams Joseph G R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Williams Linnea M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1990 Ketterman Lyndon R. L. Polk Co. 1980 Apartments R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Woolf Barbara R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Faulkner N F R. L. Polk Co. Demis Charles R. L. Polk Co. Nowak Louis J R. L. Polk Co. 1970 PALMER FRED B R. L. Polk Co. APARTMENTS R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. CHESNUT SONDRA R. L. Polk Co. FERGUSON MIKE R. L. Polk Co. NOWAK LOUIS R. L. Polk Co. 1966 SMITH ANNETTE Jackson 1961 Beicer Berice R. L. Polk Co. Palmer Fred B R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Turner Melford D R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Kanatzar Robt E R. L. Polk Co. 1940 Dowd Jos P Rev Gate City Directory Co. 1925 Luther H Burnett Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

2006 Randy N Netz Cole Information Services Raging Apathy Press Cole Information Services 2000 Riede Peter D B R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Riede Carol A R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1990 Riede Carol A R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Riede Clayton Jackson d Fl Padabarg Katherine Jackson d FlBisesi Ray Jackson 1980 Riede Clayton R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Klein Jo L Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Bell Lu Anna R. L. Polk Co. Scott Jeff R. L. Polk Co. 1970 KLEIN JO L MRS R. L. Polk Co. HARTMANN JEANETTE M R. L. Polk Co. CARLIN ELLEN J R. L. Polk Co. 1966 KLEIN JO L MRS Jackson HARTMANN JEANETTE M Jackson 1961 Klein Jo L Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Bentz Verla R R. L. Polk Co. Hartmann Jeanette M R. L. Polk Co. Foe helene A R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Klein Leora R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Lehman Lawrence R. L. Polk Co. 1940 Lehman Lawrence Gate City Directory Co. 1925 Lawrence Lehman Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1966 VACANT Jackson


Year Uses Source

2006 Cheryl Guth Cole Information Services Walter Henry Guth Cole Information Services 2000 Guth Sheryl L R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Guth Walter H A R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1990 No Return R. L. Polk Co. 1985 No Return Jackson

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Year Uses Source

1980 Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Apartments R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Cook Harry R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Shotwell Roy R R. L. Polk Co. Young Bob R. L. Polk Co. Apartments R. L. Polk Co. 1970 VIRDEN BEVERLY R. L. Polk Co. NEUMANN J MAX R. L. Polk Co. BECK J R. L. Polk Co. YOUNG BOB R. L. Polk Co. 1966 MC PHERSON WM G Jackson 1961 Hutcliinson Lawrence E R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Mathison Hazel R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Winchell Mildred Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1940 Bobbit Florence M Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1925 John P Jones Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 James J Murray Cole Information Services Paula H Murray Cole Information Services 2000 Navarre Harrielt C R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Navarre John A R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1990 Navarre John Rev R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Gabbert Rims Jackson 1980 Bsmt Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers No Return R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Dilsaver Garlend R. L. Polk Co. Bsmt Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1970 SHERIDAN PAUL M R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. 1966 SHERIDAN PAUL M Jackson 1961 Fliedcr Muresy R. L. Polk Co. Hamilton Geo R R. L. Polk Co. Sheridan Paul M B R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Sheridan Paul M R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1951 Werner Franklin R. L. Polk Co. 1940 Martin Oma F Gate City Directory Co.



Year Uses Source

1961 Stamper Leslie C R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Hodges Eldon L R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1961 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Alpert Wm B R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Alpert Wm B Jackson 1980 Alpert Wm B R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Crowley Dennis R. L. Polk Co. 1970 ANDERSON LEE a R. L. Polk Co. 1966 ANDERSON LEE Jackson 1961 Bliss Neal L R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1961 High Palmer D R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Dwyer Pete J R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Vacant Jackson 1980 Healy Del R R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Jurgensen Larry R. L. Polk Co. 1970 ODELL BEN E a R. L. Polk Co. 1966 ODELL BEN E Jackson 1961 Leek Maude E Mrs R. L. Polk Co.

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411 E 33RD ST

Year Uses Source

2006 Apartments Cole Information Services Robert Weber Cole Information Services Scott Watkins Cole Information Services Jim Vinson Cole Information Services Mary J Vance Cole Information Services Brad Vance Cole Information Services Jeffrey W Schiller Cole Information Services 1985 Sola Mathew Jackson 1970 SOLA MATTHEW R. L. Polk Co.

413 E 33RD ST

Year Uses Source

2006 Side Street Bar & Grill Cole Information Services 1985 Solas Tavern Jackson 1970 SOLAS TAVERN R. L. Polk Co.

415 E 33RD ST

Year Uses Source

1985 A One Barber Shop Jackson 1970 A I BAABER SHOP R. L. Polk Co.

417 E 33RD ST

Year Uses Source

1985 Ernst Mark Jackson 1970 VACANT R. L. Polk Co.

419 E 33RD ST

Year Uses Source

1970 IRBY N L 861 B R. L. Polk Co.

421 E 33RD ST

Year Uses Source

1985 Alpha & Omega Christian Center Jackson 1970 RAWLPLUG CO WHOL MASONRY R. L. Polk Co. WARD R K CO MFRS AGTS R. L. Polk Co.

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423 E 33RD ST

Year Uses Source

2006 Victoria Newport Cole Information Services Victoria Newport Cole Information Services 1985 Villines Carl R Jackson 1970 SILKWOOD WM J R. L. Polk Co. FELICE C L MRS R. L. Polk Co.

425 E 33RD ST

Year Uses Source

2006 Hadley Cutburth Cole Information Services 1985 Vacant Jackson 1970 VACANT R. L. Polk Co.

501 E 33RD ST

Year Uses Source

2006 Peterson Cap and Gown Co Inc Cole Information Services 1985 Peterson Thomas Cap & Gown Jackson 1970 PETERSON THOMAS CAP & GOWN R. L. Polk Co.

506 E 33RD ST

Year Uses Source


508 E 33RD ST

Year Uses Source

1985 Vacant Jackson

509 E 33RD ST

Year Uses Source

1985 Ingrams Auto Care Jackson

511 E 33RD ST

Year Uses Source

1985 Ingrams Garage mech Jackson 1970 R B BODY SHOP R. L. Polk Co.

515 E 33RD ST

Year Uses Source


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518 E 33RD ST

Year Uses Source

1985 Vacant Jackson 1970 VACANT R. L. Polk Co.

520 E 33RD ST

Year Uses Source

1970 VACANT R. L. Polk Co.

600 E 33RD ST

Year Uses Source

1985 Vacant Jackson

608 E 33RD ST

Year Uses Source


614 E 33RD ST

Year Uses Source

1985 Flauin Hall Knights Of Columbus Jackson bishop hogan council no Jackson 1970 VACANT R. L. Polk Co.


604 E 34TH ST

Year Uses Source

2000 Burns Patricia L MS R. L. Polk Co. Publishers

615 E 34TH ST

Year Uses Source

2000 Qulnlana Francisco R R. L. Polk Co. Publishers



Year Uses Source

2006 Unique L Bowman Cole Information Services Ronald Bowman Jr Cole Information Services Apartments Cole Information Services

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Year Uses Source

2006 S King Cole Information Services


Year Uses Source

2006 Apartments Cole Information Services Kevin L Feaster Cole Information Services William I Frazier Cole Information Services Nedra N Hyrne Cole Information Services Marquetta Osler Cole Information Services 2000 Feaster K R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Harvey Yvette M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Frazler William I R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Frazier Ivory L R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 201 202 Not Verified 2 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 201 202 Not Verified 2 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Morman Mildred R. L. Polk Co. Publishers


Year Uses Source

2006 People To People International Cole Information Services 2000 K C U N 50 busn svcs R. L. Polk Co. Publishers PEOPLE TO PEOPLE INTL R. L. Polk Co. Publishers civic social assns R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Cark Carl W Jr S R. L. Polk Co. Publishers


Year Uses Source

2000 202 504 Not Verified 13 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers


Year Uses Source

2000 Dillon Lisa G R. L. Polk Co. Publishers


Year Uses Source

2000 Hess Wesley E R. L. Polk Co. Publishers

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Year Uses Source

2000 313 514 Not Verified 12 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers


Year Uses Source

2006 Akins Ponnle Cole Information Services


Year Uses Source

2006 Douglas C Pemberton Cole Information Services Francisco Perez Cole Information Services Kristina Price Cole Information Services Kara Pringle Cole Information Services James Pryor Cole Information Services Kent Rader Cole Information Services Andelia Renfro Cole Information Services Leoma Rivers Cole Information Services J A Roberson Cole Information Services Nicholas A Roberts Cole Information Services James C Roden Cole Information Services Burton Rogers Cole Information Services Sidine V Sidy Cole Information Services F Smith Cole Information Services Ricardo Smith Cole Information Services Amy Spears Cole Information Services L Spears Cole Information Services Maria Spencer Cole Information Services Alfred Suber Jr Cole Information Services Russell Taylor Cole Information Services Randy W Todd Cole Information Services Katherine D Trog Cole Information Services Daniel Typaldos Cole Information Services John Vanpelt Cole Information Services T Z Wang Cole Information Services M Warren Cole Information Services Letonia N Weston Cole Information Services 411 Jomond Wiliams Cole Information Services James B Williams Cole Information Services Jed Wilson Cole Information Services

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Year Uses Source

2006 Suzanne S Wong Cole Information Services No Current Listing Cole Information Services Renee Abbott Cole Information Services Ellene Alltop Cole Information Services B Anderson Cole Information Services Robyn Ann Cole Information Services Guy P Austin Cole Information Services Ignacio Barron Cole Information Services Andree Baumann Cole Information Services Diane E Beal Cole Information Services Joshua Belcher Cole Information Services Zolmandakh Bolormaa Cole Information Services Angela Brown Cole Information Services Richard Cantu Cole Information Services Janie Cardenas Cole Information Services Cristy Cates Cole Information Services Kimberly Coleman Cole Information Services Robert J Cook Cole Information Services Darryl L Davis Cole Information Services Jessica Dickey Cole Information Services Vernon Dodd Cole Information Services Billie J Evans Cole Information Services Nelson C Flores Cole Information Services Chariene O Fudge Cole Information Services Crotha M Fudge Cole Information Services Doug Funke Cole Information Services David Gonzales Cole Information Services Shelley L Gray Cole Information Services Cleophus Guess Jr Cole Information Services A Hernandez Cole Information Services Sergio Hemandez Cole Information Services Daniel Hutto Cole Information Services Tamara N Jackson Cole Information Services Lee A Jacobs Cole Information Services Frank James Cole Information Services Marcelo Jaquez Cole Information Services Demond Johnson Cole Information Services Muriel A Johnson Cole Information Services

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Year Uses Source

2006 Tony Jones Cole Information Services M Kahn Cole Information Services Lindsey Keim Cole Information Services Amber Khan Cole Information Services Mary E Khan Cole Information Services Mirza Khan Cole Information Services James King Cole Information Services M Lemrick Cole Information Services Howard S Levine Cole Information Services Laura Lewers Cole Information Services M Lougmani Cole Information Services Wilson Love Cole Information Services Erion Marku Cole Information Services Ramone Martinez Cole Information Services Jose Mata Cole Information Services Robert McDowell Cole Information Services Stacy S McKim Cole Information Services Ted Brooks McKim Cole Information Services Doug Michaluk Cole Information Services Evelyn R Morris Cole Information Services A Mulvey Cole Information Services Mian S Mumtaz Cole Information Services Jasper D Mussurici Cole Information Services Jasper D Mussurici Cole Information Services Ali M Naji Cole Information Services Naji Ali Cole Information Services Newbern Apartments Cole Information Services Christopher Ogunniyi Cole Information Services Carla R Otto Cole Information Services Letisha Parker Cole Information Services William E Patrick Cole Information Services Kellie Patterson Cole Information Services Barbara Pearman Cole Information Services 2000 Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Sidy Sidine V R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 902 912 Not Verified 7 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 902 912 Not Verified 7 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Erhart Mark E M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers

2870407- 6 Page 136 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

2000 915 916 Not Verified 2 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 915 916 Not Verified 2 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Bates Earnest R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Browning Barry R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Buchanan Jim R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Burns Robb E R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Cook R J R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Craddock L C R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Dunlap Chris R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Duran Samuel F R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Emmons E R R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Estrada Efrain R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Fullerton David R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Hardin Lloyd R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Jameson Ronchelle R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Kirby Catherine R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Menjivar Martir R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Nadji Ali R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Patel Hitendra R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Patton Juanita R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Preston Olene M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Reliford D R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Roberson James A R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Rouser Curtis R. L. Polk Co. Publishers E ARMOUR BLVD R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Shelton Donald R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Shobe David N Jr R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Smith Gerald R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Smith Joe R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Summers B R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Temple Robin R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Williams James B R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Williams Linda R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 2 117 Not Verified 11 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 2 117 Not Verified 11 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Alexander Paul A M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Slavin Jacqueline D M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Slavin Joan L R. L. Polk Co. Publishers

2870407- 6 Page 137 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

2000 207 210 Not Verified 2 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 207 210 Not Verified 2 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Trog Katherine D R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Pope George D R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Deggs Nigel M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 303 317 Not Verified 9 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 303 317 Not Verified 9 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Mc Collough Alicia A R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Higley Glenn G Mi R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 405 706 Not Verified 30 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 405 706 Not Verified 30 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Johnson Dianna L R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Johnson Ronchelle R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Jurgeson Melissa A R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Maslen Robert E R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 714 801 Not Verified 5 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 714 801 Not Verified 5 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Ferrando Fay R R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 803 810 Not Verified 3 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 803 810 Not Verified 3 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Hughes Nellie M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers


Year Uses Source

2006 Rashid Askari Cole Information Services Nathaniel L Austin Cole Information Services Leslie Bermudez Cole Information Services Christopher Brooks Cole Information Services Leonard Brown Cole Information Services Aaron Chamberlain Cole Information Services Darold Coleman Cole Information Services Kevin C Cornelius Cole Information Services Karrie Culley Cole Information Services Atef Ebrhim Cole Information Services D Edwards Cole Information Services

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Year Uses Source

2006 Rickesha Farley Cole Information Services Robbie Ferrero Cole Information Services Raney Foster Cole Information Services Lawrence C Hawkins Cole Information Services Leonard Jackson Cole Information Services Angelica Janes Cole Information Services P Johnson Cole Information Services Terri Lark Cole Information Services Shawn Looney Cole Information Services Jerri Loukes Cole Information Services Freda Manning Cole Information Services Maybion Micah Cole Information Services Tracey J Miller Cole Information Services P Owens Cole Information Services Chris Page Cole Information Services Ashley Price Cole Information Services Carl Robinson Cole Information Services Mohammad Saeed Cole Information Services Kammie Salinas Cole Information Services Cacey Smith Cole Information Services Christopher Tanaka Cole Information Services Latrice Thomas Cole Information Services Hien Tran Cole Information Services TRC Assocs Cole Information Services Gabrielle Yarbrough Cole Information Services Linda Young Cole Information Services No Current Listing Cole Information Services Bryan Andrew Cole Information Services 2000 Gilmore Anna M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Griffith C A R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Peyton Charles R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Robinson Carl L R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Robinson James H R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Scaletty Robert W R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Truilt Kristin S R. L. Polk Co. Publishers TRC ASSOC commrcl R. L. Polk Co. Publishers nphys rsrch R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 108 415 Not Verified 6 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers

2870407- 6 Page 139 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

2000 108 415 Not Verified 6 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Gilmore Nancy E R. L. Polk Co. Publishers


Year Uses Source

2000 808 Kemp Paul C Ill R. L. Polk Co. Publishers


Year Uses Source

2006 Cathy Burrell Cole Information Services John Cook Cole Information Services Christina Deets Cole Information Services Letta O Derrell Cole Information Services Rosa Freeman Cole Information Services Nancy Gldmore Cole Information Services Anna M Gilmore Cole Information Services Nancy E Gilmore Cole Information Services Vera Hartsfield Cole Information Services Shuronda Henderson Cole Information Services Michael Hodkinson Cole Information Services Latoya Holman Cole Information Services Marias Ibarra Cole Information Services H Immel Cole Information Services O Q Johnson Cole Information Services Brandon Kelley Cole Information Services Freeda Manning Cole Information Services Doc Medina Cole Information Services Patsy K Miner Cole Information Services Aaron Nimrod Cole Information Services Machia D Nimrod Cole Information Services S Partner Cole Information Services Ellen V Pruitt Cole Information Services F Reese Cole Information Services Brandon Truster Cole Information Services Judith Tucker Cole Information Services Tirhonda Williams Cole Information Services William Willmott Cole Information Services S Zimmerman Cole Information Services Apartments Cole Information Services

2870407- 6 Page 140 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

2006 Lawanda Abrahn Cole Information Services James Baughman Cole Information Services 2000 Williams D W R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 105 321 Not Verified 4 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 105 321 Not Verified 4 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers


Year Uses Source

2006 Bonnie S Northcutt Cole Information Services Martin Halley Cole Information Services Joel R Gwidt Cole Information Services David Albert Greffenius Cole Information Services Chris J Elmor Cole Information Services Michael Doxey Cole Information Services Perry C Craven Cole Information Services Michele Basta Cole Information Services Sonserai Arney Cole Information Services Apartments Cole Information Services Craig R Adams Cole Information Services Billy Porter Cole Information Services Kenton Voge Cole Information Services James Waters Cole Information Services 2000 Smith Dwayne E R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Brown Frederick R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Magness Forrest R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Nelson Robert R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Norbury Jamie R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Northcutt B R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Scott Orville D R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Krugh John A R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Ward Calvin R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Parsons Leeanne F R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Jnudtson James L R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Greffenius David A R R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Childress Harold E R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers

2870407- 6 Page 141 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

2000 Smith Juanita R. L. Polk Co. Publishers E ARMOUR BLVD R. L. Polk Co. Publishers


Year Uses Source

2000 Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers


Year Uses Source

2000 611 904 Not Verified 6 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers


Year Uses Source

2006 No Current Listing Cole Information Services Maggie Anderson Cole Information Services H Berry Cole Information Services Tameka Bowman Cole Information Services Lacreasha Brown Cole Information Services Latoya Carney Cole Information Services Roy D Cordell Cole Information Services I Dale Cole Information Services Myson Donahue Cole Information Services Bridgette Frye Cole Information Services Tyiesha Jones Cole Information Services Tyiesha Jones Cole Information Services Kenwood Apts Cole Information Services Charles Lowe Cole Information Services Erma J Marshall Cole Information Services Photogentic Cole Information Services Pictures Perfect Cole Information Services Tyla Smalls Cole Information Services Shanika Smith Cole Information Services Rashiene Stewart Cole Information Services Kamaria N Tusa Cole Information Services Tamika Wainwright Cole Information Services Khadijah Williams Cole Information Services Lasaendra Young Cole Information Services 2000 Bland Janeva R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Grass Angie R. L. Polk Co. Publishers

2870407- 6 Page 142 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

2000 Greer A L R. L. Polk Co. Publishers HIggins Michelle R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Jones Louise R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Love D R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Love Fred R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Marshall E R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Mc Bride Niquila R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Pace Steven R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Robinson Shanna R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Walton L R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Wright Latrice R. L. Polk Co. Publishers KENWOOD APTS apmnt R. L. Polk Co. Publishers bldg oprtrs R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Jones B M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Jones Minerva L R. L. Polk Co. Publishers


Year Uses Source

2006 Doris F Harris Cole Information Services Apartments Cole Information Services Elbert Harris Cole Information Services


Year Uses Source

2006 J Dillard Cole Information Services L Grant Cole Information Services Danielle Green Cole Information Services Tywan L Greer Cole Information Services Dewaye Irvin Cole Information Services Christopher Jackson Cole Information Services Lewis Joel Cole Information Services Eibert Johnson Cole Information Services R Jones Cole Information Services Kenwood Apartments Cole Information Services Joel Lewis Cole Information Services Candice Lumpkin Cole Information Services Patricia E Sykes Cole Information Services Homer Vann Cole Information Services Joycelyn White Cole Information Services

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Year Uses Source

2006 Isaac Williams Cole Information Services Isaac Williams Cole Information Services Sharon M Wright Cole Information Services No Current Listing Cole Information Services Khiyonna M Belcher Cole Information Services Jadda Boarman Cole Information Services Ernest Bowman Cole Information Services Melissa Carter Cole Information Services Teresa M Cummings Cole Information Services 2000 Coleman Sheryl R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Conley Glenda M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Emeh Florence R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Foreman R F R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Foreman Fantashia L R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Hess Shontae R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Hines Chrishone R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Mclsaac Verneda R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Poode Donald R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Smith Darrell D R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Whitley L R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Kessler Stanley C R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 305 406 Not Verified 5 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 305 406 Not Verified 5 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Hamiliton Felix Jr GM R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers


Year Uses Source

2006 Trinity United Methodist Church Cole Information Services 2000 Belt David C M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers CHURCH religious orgs R. L. Polk Co. Publishers TRINITY UNITED METHODIST R. L. Polk Co. Publishers


Year Uses Source

2006 Ivan E Dorsey Cole Information Services Robinett Foremon Cole Information Services

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Year Uses Source

2006 Ruthia Horne Cole Information Services Juwanda Lauderdale Cole Information Services Anita Miller Cole Information Services Robert I Procter Cole Information Services Steven Sipes Cole Information Services Alden Starks Cole Information Services Apartments Cole Information Services S L Davis Cole Information Services 2000 E ARMOUR BLVD R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 104 207 Not Verified 3 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 104 207 Not Verified 3 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Hig s Deahna R R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Back Connie R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Collins Keishia R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Hamilton Felix R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Hyrne Nedra N R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Matthews Toni R. L. Polk Co. Publishers


Year Uses Source

2006 Robert Tackett Cole Information Services Apartments Cole Information Services Tisa Barfield Cole Information Services Judith Conway Cole Information Services David W Dennis Cole Information Services Shelton Estell Cole Information Services Tawanna R Gregory Cole Information Services Violette Growe Cole Information Services R Harris Cole Information Services Steven Hempstead Cole Information Services Brandon Hopkins Cole Information Services Linda Lumpkin Cole Information Services Jerry Douglas McGee Cole Information Services Wilbur S McGee Cole Information Services Derrick Moore Cole Information Services John N Mosley Cole Information Services Zone Recovery Cole Information Services John Sellars Cole Information Services 2000 Garlington Zepherne R. L. Polk Co. Publishers

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Year Uses Source

2000 Garrett R L R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Johnston S R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Mosley John N R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Perry P H R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Wilson Ronald R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 3 206 Not Verified 9 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 3 206 Not Verified 9 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Dyson Lawrence B M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 304 310 Not Verified 4 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 304 310 Not Verified 4 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers


Year Uses Source

2006 Valley Seward Cole Information Services Caren Skelton Cole Information Services Phyllis Smith Cole Information Services Teresa Trichel Cole Information Services Edgar Tubbs Cole Information Services M Wilcox Cole Information Services Jackie Williams Cole Information Services L Williams Cole Information Services Henry Wilson Cole Information Services Robert Young Cole Information Services Apartments Cole Information Services Patricia Allen Cole Information Services James Belt Cole Information Services Raymond Bentley Cole Information Services Nicole Bryant Cole Information Services Nicole Bryant Cole Information Services Lindy Butler Cole Information Services Shomya D Cargyle Cole Information Services Ernesto Castillo Cole Information Services Charles Durant Cole Information Services Mae Durant Cole Information Services Richard Farley Cole Information Services Tina R Golden Cole Information Services Tonia Hancock Cole Information Services Tonya Hancock Cole Information Services Greg Hansen Cole Information Services

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Year Uses Source

2006 Charlie Hardin Cole Information Services Heather Hobby Cole Information Services Lenora James Cole Information Services Derek Moore Cole Information Services Cortez Murray Cole Information Services R Porter Cole Information Services Debbie Powell Cole Information Services Paul Redeemer Cole Information Services Theodore E Redick Cole Information Services Reyna Rubio Cole Information Services Connie Richardson Cole Information Services 2000 Cunningham Willie R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Duncan Gary R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Fanniel Russell A R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Hartsfield Vera R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Sykes Patricia E R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 113 214 Not Verified 4 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 113 214 Not Verified 4 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Jones Brenda F R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Jones Jackie R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 216 218 Not Verified 2 APts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 216 218 Not Verified 2 APts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Arberry Jacqueline A GM R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers


Year Uses Source

2006 Michael R Davenport Sons Constructio Cole Information Services Stanley Smith Cole Information Services 2000 Davenport Michael R R. L. Polk Co. Publishers rake Heidi R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Davenport Joanna L R. L. Polk Co. Publishers


Year Uses Source

2006 Stephen McClain Cole Information Services Charlie McNeill Cole Information Services Stan Ohrablo Cole Information Services Phyllis Palmer Cole Information Services

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Year Uses Source

2006 Lexia Pearson Cole Information Services Jennifer Petrus Cole Information Services D Powell Cole Information Services D Prouty Cole Information Services Aaron J Ramirez Cole Information Services Phillip C Ray Cole Information Services Patricia Rolland Cole Information Services Genesha L Rounds Cole Information Services Sylvia G Rowe Cole Information Services James Ruff Cole Information Services Jaime Salvatierra Cole Information Services J Sanders Cole Information Services Francis J Schuele Cole Information Services Rosie Shaw Cole Information Services Denise M Smith Cole Information Services Peter A Summers Cole Information Services Summers Peter Piano Tuning Cole Information Services George Tucker Cole Information Services Eugene Dale Vandenbrink Cole Information Services Brent P Vestal Cole Information Services Brenda Washington Cole Information Services Tony Whitsell Cole Information Services Nicole Williams Cole Information Services R Williams Cole Information Services G S Yeargans Cole Information Services Allene Marie Young Cole Information Services Dabi Zekarias Cole Information Services No Current Listing Cole Information Services Timothy L Able Cole Information Services Dayton Albin Cole Information Services Wendy C Baez Cole Information Services P Banks Cole Information Services Mamunur Bashid Cole Information Services Latasha Bates Cole Information Services Laura K Bates Cole Information Services Robert Bota Cole Information Services Chris D Brown Cole Information Services Chris Canto Cole Information Services

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Year Uses Source

2006 Veronica Carter Cole Information Services Heather B Clements Cole Information Services Robert N Clements Cole Information Services Paul E Coleman Jr Cole Information Services Gary R Converse Jr Cole Information Services Bernita Coulberson Cole Information Services L Davidson Cole Information Services Solomon Degefu Cole Information Services Julie L Doyle Cole Information Services Raul Espinosa Cole Information Services Tiffany M Evans Cole Information Services David M Farney Cole Information Services Chris Fiddmont Cole Information Services Donna Gustafson Cole Information Services J Hadley Cole Information Services James C Hardy Cole Information Services Terry Harris Cole Information Services William Harris Cole Information Services J Hartig Cole Information Services Odessa M Harvey Cole Information Services Tyrone E Harvey Cole Information Services Don Hassanabad Cole Information Services Brian James Heydon Cole Information Services Henry L Holoman Cole Information Services Nick Holt Cole Information Services Lionel Horton Jr Cole Information Services Juan E Houston Cole Information Services Karen L Houston Cole Information Services Rev Trent Hudson Cole Information Services Barry Hume Cole Information Services Shaunna Jackson Cole Information Services Erika Caroline Jones Cole Information Services Brian D Kane Cole Information Services James J Kelly Cole Information Services Howard William Kloepper Cole Information Services Kohner Properties Cole Information Services Douglas Lindsey Cole Information Services Sara Little Cole Information Services

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Year Uses Source

2006 Terence M Marks Cole Information Services Victor Martinez Cole Information Services Kristy Mauzey Cole Information Services George Terry McAmish Cole Information Services Carolyn W McClain Cole Information Services 2000 Tatzlaff T R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Ukott lmeh R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Washington Olga R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Watrous Michael R. L. Polk Co. Publishers DWells Janice V R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Wobbe Matt R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Yeargans G S R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Alao Adeyinka A R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 102 103 Not Verified 2 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 102 103 Not Verified 2 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Mitchell Roger T Mi R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Harvey Tyrone E R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Rowe Gwendolyn S R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Rowe Sylvia G R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 202 206 Not Verified 2 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 202 206 Not Verified 2 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Carter Walter J & Amy E R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Taylor Noel G R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Taylor Steven R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Kloepper Howard W R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Tippett James E ID R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Cruz Irma C R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 402 407 Not Verified 2 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 402 407 Not Verified 2 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Warder Carol Y R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Clemmons Robert N R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 504 506 Not Verified 3 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 504 506 Not Verified 3 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Salinas Ana L R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Olesen Shannon M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers

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Year Uses Source

2000 Mareya Tatadzwa T R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Alston Matthew J Ill Il R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 702 801 Not Verified 4 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 702 801 Not Verified 4 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers AIlen Thomas L R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Allen Adrian L R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Hunkins Tricia J R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Lane James 0 Ma R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Renfro James H R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 903 907 Not Verified 4 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 903 907 Not Verified 4 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Nazareth Norman M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers E Not Verified 5 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Absood Wasseem W E R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Anderson Wilbert R. L. Polk Co. Publishers ARMOUR TOWERS real est R. L. Polk Co. Publishers sgtsmgrs R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Bartosik Cynthia R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Boyer Jason R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Brotherton R R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Buchanan Catherine R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Davi C A R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Davis Sharon J R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Dempsey Muna R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Embertson Rick L 1 M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Q Evans James R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Heydon Brian J A 1+ a R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Hickman Sherman R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Holland S D R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Horton Uonel R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Jones C R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Kata Uka R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Kelty James J R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Kemp Paul C R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Kemp Kathleen A R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Lowe Colleen R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Mc Clain C W R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Middleton A R. L. Polk Co. Publishers

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Year Uses Source

2000 Nelson Amy R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Oris Marcia R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Oseda Rene R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Panimbosa Wilson R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Pyzyk Jon M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Rashid Mamunur R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Sun Amy R. L. Polk Co. Publishers



Year Uses Source

2000 MISSOURI LICENSE & TITLE R. L. Polk Co. Publishers AGENCY busn svos R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 Luther O Boyl Cole Publications 1940 Gardner Gerald E fill sta Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1940 Kornfeld Thorp Elec Co Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1940 Trudell Peter J Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1940 Sherman Lee Radio Co Gate City Directory Co. printers Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1940 Choan Geo M Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1940 Stromberg Clarence R gro Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 JRS Thirftway Clnr Cole Publications

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Year Uses Source

1940 Colby John H Gate City Directory Co. Kincaid Eva M Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1940 Alexander Thos W Gate City Directory Co. Martin Robt H Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1940 Morris Wm S Gate City Directory Co. Lyons Wm G Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 Patricias Pasta Cole Publications Mo Licen & Title Cole Publications 1940 Ritz Ice Cream Co br Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications


Year Uses Source

1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications


Year Uses Source

1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications


Year Uses Source

1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications



Year Uses Source

2006 Missouri License & Title Agency Cole Information Services

2870407- 6 Page 153 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

2006 T Z Motors Cole Information Services 1970 SERVICE R. L. Polk Co. GARDNER JERRY STANDARD R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1970 U TOTEM FOOD STORE R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source



Year Uses Source



Year Uses Source




Year Uses Source

1990 s Jones Opal H R. L. Polk Co. e Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Harr R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Warfield R. L. Polk Co. 1980 st Fl National Assn Of Credit R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Management K C Div Inc R. L. Polk Co., Publishers


Year Uses Source

1985 Carr Donna S Jackson

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Year Uses Source

1990 s Vacant R. L. Polk Co. s Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 lnFriend Robin Jackson s Roche Gearldine M Jackson s Chapin Rod Jackson n Mansell M Mrs Jackson 1980 d Fl Kansas City Wholesale Credit R. L. Polk Co., Publishers d Fl Evans Donald R. L. Polk Co., Publishers


Year Uses Source

2000 Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1990 e Pewitt Jul R. L. Polk Co. s Bagby R. L. Polk Co. w Stevens B R. L. Polk Co. 1985 sOmen James Jackson n Colvin B P Mrs Jackson s Vanzant John G Jackson


Year Uses Source

2006 Lanette J Bosveld Cole Information Services 2000 Robertson Eugene L R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 Eunene L Robertson Cole Publications 1990 Robertson E L R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Eckenroed Helen M Jackson 1980 Eckenroed Helen M R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Williams Russell E R. L. Polk Co. Mc Donald Robt H R. L. Polk Co. 1970 VACANT R. L. Polk Co. WILLIAMS ANTHONY R A R. L. Polk Co. 1966 MC ROREY JOHN E Jackson MC DONALD ROBT H Jackson 1961 Mc Rorey John E L R. L. Polk Co. Coburger Jos B R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Coburger Joseph B R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Devine Walter J R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Scheppers Alma F Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1940 Brooks Martin Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Fletcher Harvey J Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Stutes Chester A Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Chas A McComb Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1930 Vacant Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Vacant Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Julia Howard Gate City Directory Co. Arthur D Connelly Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Dennis Printing Inc Cole Information Services 2000 DENNIS PRINTING commrcl R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Seese Janice EO R. L. Polk Co. Publishers prtng lith R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 Dennis Printing Cole Publications 1990 Dennis Printing Company prntrs R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Heisler Engraving Co Jackson 1980 Heisler Engraving Co R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Heisler Engraving Co R. L. Polk Co. 1970 HEISLER ENGRAVING CO R. L. Polk Co. 1966 TRANSILWRAP CO WHOL Jackson PLASTIC PROD Jackson 1961 Ansul Chemical Co fire extinguisher R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Ansul Chemical Co fire extinguishers R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

2000 Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers GILLHAM RD R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Elwe Il Bruce D Jackson 1980 Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Rios Jo M R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Cable Car Auction Co R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1975 Doran Steph E R. L. Polk Co. a Carpenter Michi R R. L. Polk Co. 1970 VACANT R. L. Polk Co. WHIECALF WALTER R. L. Polk Co. DALLAL JOHN R. L. Polk Co. JEFFRESS LLOYD R. L. Polk Co. SUNDERLAND HUGH R. L. Polk Co. 1966 BSMT VACANT Jackson KOEHLER INFANT FORMULA Jackson LABORATORY INC Jackson SEIDEL CALVIN R Jackson 1961 Koehler Infant Formula Laby Inc R. L. Polk Co. Seldel Calvin R R. L. Polk Co. Hackett Carol S R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Coulter Lloyd L R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Roberts Mfg & Upholstering R. L. Polk Co. a Seidel Calvin R R. L. Polk Co. 1951 American Neon Supply R. L. Polk Co. Surber Hubert H R. L. Polk Co. Porterfield Morris R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Courtner John W Gate City Directory Co. Suth Claude H Gate City Directory Co. Patton Howard Gate City Directory Co. Miskec Geo C Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Nilsson Bror T Gate City Directory Co. Curre Co medicine Gate City Directory Co. Hayzlett Gilbert W barber Gate City Directory Co. Greenwell Walter Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Moore Jas A shoe repr Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Paul Opal M Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Lee Green Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Arthur Keller Gate City Directory Co. Lee Green Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 BNM Enterprises Cole Information Services 2000 museums art gallery R. L. Polk Co. Publishers BIDS N MORE busn svcs R. L. Polk Co. Publishers

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Year Uses Source

2000 B N M ENTERPRISES R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Williamson Elva Jackson 1980 Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Nu Chann Beauty Salon R. L. Polk Co. 1970 SEIDEL CALVIN R R. L. Polk Co. NU CHARM BEAUTY SALON R. L. Polk Co. 1966 NU CHARM BEAUTY SHOP Jackson 1961 Nu Charm Beauty Shop R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Nu Charm Beauty Shop R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Nu Charm Beauty Shop R. L. Polk Co. S & S Automotive R. L. Polk Co. Specialty Co R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Christopher Harry T Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Dean Walter Gate City Directory Co. Garrison Bertha P Gate City Directory Co. Hazlett Gilbert W Gate City Directory Co. Carls Mkt Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Manning Lemuel S gro Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Hill Ralph R Gate City Directory Co., Publishers


Year Uses Source

2000 3308 3309 Not Verified 2 Hses R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 Karen Morris Cole Publications 1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Vacant Jackson 1980 Mitchell Ann J R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers d Fl Rios Douglas R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Gupta Rahdey S R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. d Eckert E R. L. Polk Co. 1970 WHELCHEL DAVID R. L. Polk Co. SABERI TOORA J R. L. Polk Co. 1966 COULTER FLOYD L Jackson JENKINS VICKI Jackson GILSON LYNN Jackson

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Year Uses Source

1961 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Conger Juanita 0 Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Dysart Robt E R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Dysart Robt E Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Poindexter Hazel Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Vacant Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Mansour Henry D Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Henry D Mansour Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Henry Mansour Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 No Current Listing Cole Information Services 2000 3308 3309 Not Verified 2 Hses R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1990 Peters Margret R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Peters Margret Jackson 1980 Peters Melaine R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Leatherman Roy F Jr R. L. Polk Co. 1970 LEATHERMAN ROY F R. L. Polk Co. 1966 LEATHERMAN ROY F a Jackson 1961 Leatherman Roy F R. L. Polk Co. Cross Bill J R. L. Polk Co. 1956 St Clair Herbert H R. L. Polk Co. Leatherman Roy F R. L. Polk Co. 1951 St Clair Herbert H R. L. Polk Co. Leatherman Roy F R. L. Polk Co. 1945 StClair Herbert H Gate City Directory Co. Dunlap Albert L Gate City Directory Co. Mountjoy Ernest W Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Tate Lula M Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Sloan Thos E Gate City Directory Co. Gragg Frank A Gate City Directory Co. Jones Richd Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Vacant Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Kilduff Arth D silver smith Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Joachin Bachman Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Joachin Bachman Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Apartments Cole Information Services N NoraSHollis Cole Information Services Lauren Chiodo Cole Information Services 2000 Hollis N S R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Mercer Ben E R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 Condominium Cole Publications S N S Hollis Cole Publications N Ben E Mercer Cole Publications 1990 Gillham Place Apartments R. L. Polk Co. n Vacant R. L. Polk Co. n Hollis Nora S R. L. Polk Co. n Nichols David E R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Hollis Nora Sue Jackson Gillham Place Apartments Jackson Price Bennie Jackson 1980 Gillham Place Apartments R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Noonan R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Conroe Virginia F Mrs R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Kauffman Jim R R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Evans Horace R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Gillham Place Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Conroe Virginia F Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Kauffman Jim R R. L. Polk Co. Newton Arth A R. L. Polk Co. 1970 GILLHAM PLACE APARTMENTS R. L. Polk Co. CONROE VIRGINIA F MRS R. L. Polk Co. KAUFFMAN JIM R R. L. Polk Co. NEWTON ARTH A R. L. Polk Co. 1966 GILLHAM PLACE APARTMENTS Jackson GOODWILLIE FRANK W Jackson MADDEN FRANCES K a Jackson NEWTON ARTH A Jackson SITCHLER WILLIE L Jackson THOMPSON BLANCH W Jackson

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Year Uses Source

1966 WINFREY LULA Jackson 1961 3311 21 GUi Iham Place Apartments R. L. Polk Co. 1956 3311 21 Gillham Place Apts R. L. Polk Co. Shively Lehman H R. L. Polk Co. Newton Arth R. L. Polk Co. Warren Andrew P R. L. Polk Co. 1951 3311 21 Gillham Place Apts R. L. Polk Co. Mollnow Albert W R. L. Polk Co. Reynolds Carl L R. L. Polk Co. Crute Jack E R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Gillham Place Apts Gate City Directory Co. Davis Nelson H Gate City Directory Co. Freitik John Gate City Directory Co. Mollnow Albert W Gate City Directory Co. 1940 3311 12 Gillham Place Apts Gate City Directory Co. Eaton Leslie E Gate City Directory Co. Kimber Bowman V Gate City Directory Co. 1935 3311 21 Gillham Place Apts Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Gillham Place Apts Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Chiarelli Phillip Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Mayhan C R Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Gillham Place Apts Gate City Directory Co. Abraham Gordon Gate City Directory Co. Joseph E Johnston Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Oscar F Dehner Gate City Directory Co. Chas E Barber Gate City Directory Co. Frank M Williams Gate City Directory Co. 3311 21 Gillham Place Apts Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 CE Kauffman Cole Information Services Jim R Kauffman Cole Information Services 1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Vacant Jackson 1980 Apartments R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Kauffman C E R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Conroe V L R. L. Polk Co., Publishers

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Year Uses Source

1975 ARartments R. L. Polk Co. Wieger Rose M R. L. Polk Co. Spencer Randy G R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Weaver Nellie R. L. Polk Co. 1970 APARTMENTS R. L. Polk Co. ARNOLD BYRON R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. COWAN DONALD R. L. Polk Co. HOOD EMILY R. L. Polk Co. COLLINS CECIL V R. L. Polk Co. 1966 COLLINS CECIL V Jackson CLAININ FLORENCE Jackson RUSCH CHARMION Jackson 1961 Ke ley Mary A WE R. L. Polk Co. Shine Frank R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Williams Gordon F R. L. Polk Co. Metsker Fred R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Mc Clain Chas R R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Pope Glen H Gate City Directory Co. 1940 3311 12 Gillham Place Apts Gate City Directory Co. Nill Emil G Gate City Directory Co. Floyd Rual Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Troup Wm F Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Johnson Richmond C Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Nathan J Kinman Gate City Directory Co. Irene Nagle Gate City Directory Co. 1920 David S Mayer Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 S Chukwudi N Anya Cole Information Services No Current Listing Cole Information Services S GerraSAnya Cole Information Services In Focus Cole Information Services S Mark D Shapiro Cole Information Services 2000 IN FOCUS mgmt cnsltng svcs R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Kauffmnan Jim R 8+ A R. L. Polk Co. Publishers

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Year Uses Source

2000 Price Larry B R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Shapiro Mark 0 R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 Condominium Cole Publications C E Kauffman Cole Publications Larry B Price Cole Publications Mark Shapiro Cole Publications 1990 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. s Scott Billie R. L. Polk Co. s Kauffman Jim R. L. Polk Co. s Rinas P R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Scott Billie Jackson d Fl Kauffman Jim Jackson lnPowell Ray A Jackson n Vacant Jackson n Cunningham Bertha B Mrs Jackson is ones Opal H Jackson s Palmer K Jackson s Bagby Jacquelyn Jackson 1980 Powell Harry R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Evans Addie Mrs R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Martz Berda L Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Evans Adie R. L. Polk Co. 1970 MARTZ BERDA L MRS R. L. Polk Co. 1966 EVANS ADDIE MRS a Jackson 1961 Mellnow Ethel Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Evans Addie Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Reynolds Lemoyn D mgr R. L. Polk Co. Mollnow Ethel Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Evans Horace R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Moyer Amanda J Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Reynolds Lemoyn D R. L. Polk Co. Kramer Clara B Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Moyer Amanda Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Boyd Geo A Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Moyer Amanda 0 Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Keller Gertrude M Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Stober Le Roy R Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Sharp Roy Gate City Directory Co., Publishers

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Year Uses Source

1930 Greene Chas B Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Jacquelyn Gragg Gate City Directory Co. Michl J Tighe Gate City Directory Co. Richd H Graham Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Fred L Mixon Gate City Directory Co. Marion Purcell Gate City Directory Co. Edw C Roxbury Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 Arabian Nights Lg Cole Publications


Year Uses Source

2006 Apartments Cole Information Services Ray A Powell Cole Information Services Frank M Thompson Cole Information Services Lula M Powell Cole Information Services 2000 Powell Ray A M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Powell Lula M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Karathanos Kaly R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 Ray Powell Cole Publications Condominium Cole Publications Merrill Proudfoot Cole Publications Ray A Powell Cole Publications 1990 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. n Powell Ray R. L. Polk Co. n Proudfoot Merle R. L. Polk Co. 1980 Austin A C R. L. Polk Co., Publishers n Sherer R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Cunningham Bertha B Mrs R. L. Polk Co., Publishers s Jones Opal H R. L. Polk Co., Publishers s Firestone S A R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Austin Ruth C Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Fisher Choral R. L. Polk Co. Cunningham Bertha B Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1970 AUSTIN RUTH C MRS R. L. Polk Co. CUNNINGHAM BERTHA B MRS R. L. Polk Co. 1966 AUSTIN RUTH C MRS S Jackson

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Year Uses Source

1966 CUNNINGHAM BERTHA B Jackson 1961 Gilliam Daisy A Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Featherstone Rachael Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Austin Allen C 0 dentist R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Gillam Geo A R. L. Polk Co. Featherstone Racihael R. L. Polk Co. Austin Allen C a dentist R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Gillam Geo A R. L. Polk Co. Featherstone Rachael R. L. Polk Co. Clary Robt G R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Heuer Bernard Gate City Directory Co. Crary Della Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Wise Hobart M Gate City Directory Co. Anderson Archie janitor Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Vinyard Chas H Gate City Directory Co. Crosby Harry E Gate City Directory Co. Wise Hobert M Gate City Directory Co. bsmt Henderson Arch janitor Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Steel Harold Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Freeman Jack H Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Long C B Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Peltier John Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Moore Walter F Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Railey Mayo Gate City Directory Co. Wm S Foster Gate City Directory Co. Pearl Spencer Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Railey Mayo Gate City Directory Co. Lin D Johnson Gate City Directory Co. Archer E Kearney Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Apartments Cole Information Services Charles Bergston Cole Information Services Jovlelyn Stephen Swank Cole Information Services Stephen M Swank Cole Information Services S Jacquelyn Bagby Cole Information Services

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Year Uses Source

2000 3 Bagby Jacquelyn R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 Pat Cowan Cole Publications 1990 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. n No Return R. L. Polk Co. 1980 Austin R R. L. Polk Co., Publishers B 5 Seidel Tim R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Lute Ernest B R. L. Polk Co. Swearingen Ludie B R. L. Polk Co. Jones Opal H R. L. Polk Co. 1970 JONES OPAL H R. L. Polk Co. SWEARINGEN LUDIE B R. L. Polk Co. 1966 JONES OPAL H a Jackson SWEARINGEN LUDIE B Jackson AUSTIN RUTH K MRS Jackson 1961 Hurley Paul C O R. L. Polk Co. Wade Frances R. L. Polk Co. Jones Opal H R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Cleary Helen D Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Hurley Paul C R. L. Polk Co. Wade Frances R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Cleary Helen D Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Hurley Paul CO R. L. Polk Co. Chipman J CQ R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Fitzgerald Herman F Gate City Directory Co. Price Ivy Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Sanchez Edwardo L Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Raggos Lillian T Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Bodenheim Beth M Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Howard Eug Gate City Directory Co. Zanville Robt Gate City Directory Co. se cor Kenwood av ALongan Gate City Directory Co. Geo B School Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Waring Fred B Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Marshall Frank Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Fleming Blanche L Mrs chiropodist Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 W P Daniels Gate City Directory Co. Blanche L Fleming Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Sid H Whisned Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1920 Jennie D Wright Gate City Directory Co. Clifton J Kaney Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 S Blake Cole Information Services Marcus Brown Cole Information Services Meghan Glavin Cole Information Services E Interiors Transformation Cole Information Services E Lora J Ledbetter Cole Information Services Tshombe Locke Cole Information Services W Randal Lowry Cole Information Services W Randal JLoy Cole Information Services H Smith Cole Information Services Cara E Wade Cole Information Services E Jennifer M Zarralli Cole Information Services No Current Listing Cole Information Services Robert Amerine Cole Information Services 2000 Best R S R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Loy Randal J R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Zarrelli Jennifer R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Ong Jaw Lin R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 Apartments Cole Publications Damaris M Clay Cole Publications Apartments Cole Publications H Alton Cox Jr Cole Publications Michael A Letzig Cole Publications Randal J Loy Cole Publications Cornell Maxwell Cole Publications 1990 S M S Professionals Inc property mgmt R. L. Polk Co. w Austin Craig C R. L. Polk Co. w No Return R. L. Polk Co. e Schwemmer Scott R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Becker Marie E Mrs Jackson lwThompson Brenda L Jackson w Eckert Donald D Jackson e Smith H Jackson leBecker Elaine A Jackson wHaynes S Jackson

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Year Uses Source

1985 eOman Stephen W Jackson NoYoder Alva B Jackson no Sammons Mary E Jackson No Hudson Kath L Jackson lsWagner Roxanne Jackson 1980 Becker Marie E Mrs R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Mc Kenzie Betty L R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Ravbourn Loreese M R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Cline Danl R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Smith H R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Becker Marie R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Alexander R. L. Polk Co., Publishers nd Fl Becker Elaine G R. L. Polk Co., Publishers No Deruy Michl P R. L. Polk Co., Publishers n Cornell Geo L R. L. Polk Co., Publishers No Hudson Kath L R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Becker Marie E Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Dickison Hazel R R. L. Polk Co. Raybourn Loreese M R. L. Polk Co. Widener Winifred R. L. Polk Co. Smith Willie E Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Kaempf Ella A R. L. Polk Co. Kaempf Clara C R. L. Polk Co. 1970 BECKER MARIE MRS R. L. Polk Co. DICKISON HAZEL R R. L. Polk Co. RAY BOURN LOREESE M R. L. Polk Co. CONNET DOROTHY I MRS R. L. Polk Co. SMITH WILLIE E MRS R. L. Polk Co. KAEMFF ELLA A R. L. Polk Co. KAEMPF CLAPA C R. L. Polk Co. 1966 DICKISON HAZEL R Jackson RAYBOURN LOREESE M Jackson SMITH NETTIE L MRS Jackson SMITH WILLIE E MRS Jackson KENNEDY ALICE Jackson BECKER MARIE MRS Jackson 1961 Raybourn Loreese R. L. Polk Co. Dickison Hazel R R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1961 Becker Marie R. L. Polk Co. Smith Willie E L R. L. Polk Co. Smith Nettie L Mrs JEI 3 R. L. Polk Co. Maloney Helen F Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Myers Letha P Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Utz Martha R Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Schmidt Josephine F Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Shoemaker Wm H R. L. Polk Co. Thomas Hazel A R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Covert Merle R R. L. Polk Co. Donohue Jas T R. L. Polk Co. Davis Ella V Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Charmley Richd C R. L. Polk Co. Nelson Elsa M nurse R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Nelson Elsa nurse Gate City Directory Co. Morrison Wm apt mgr Gate City Directory Co. Sweeney Dorothy Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Davis Ella V Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Charmley Richd C Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Hayward Herbert M Gate City Directory Co. Bower Ethel J Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Nelson Elsa nurse Gate City Directory Co. Castle F Ralph Gate City Directory Co. Pace Kyle V Gate City Directory Co. Davis Ella V Mrs Gate City Directory Co. bsmt Dixon Robt janitor Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Hayward Herbert M Gate City Directory Co. Hayward Muriel Mrs apt Gate City Directory Co. Taylor Harry Gate City Directory Co. Putthoff Eliz Gate City Directory Co. Davis Ella V Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Etzenhouser Almyra Mrs Gate City Directory Co. bsmt Dixson Robt janitor Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Gillham Apts Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Meiners John B jr Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Williams C E Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Wyatt E J Gate City Directory Co., Publishers

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Year Uses Source

1930 Brenner J R Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Elmore Harriette Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Gillham Apts Gate City Directory Co. Lloyd R Fraker Gate City Directory Co. Dora B Lightheart Gate City Directory Co. Thos F OHara Gate City Directory Co. Burrie McKee Gate City Directory Co. Chas E Brown Gate City Directory Co. Otis L Moore Gate City Directory Co. E Burr McConahy Gate City Directory Co. 1920 3318 20 Gillham Apts Gate City Directory Co. Roy Dodson Gate City Directory Co. Lloyd R Fraker Gate City Directory Co. Dora B Lightheart Gate City Directory Co. Luilu A Payne Gate City Directory Co. Chas Poston Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Apartments Cole Information Services Brooke Atterbury Cole Information Services Mikel C Kirby Cole Information Services Erin Pemberton Cole Information Services N Trudi Minnie Taylor Cole Information Services 2000 N Kirby Mikel C MS A R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Johnson James H R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Taylor Gertrude M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Taylor Trudi R. L. Polk Co. Publishers N Raw Richard E Sr B R. L. Polk Co. Publishers N Raw Shirley M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 Apartments Cole Publications Junes H Johnson Cole Publications Mikel Kirby Cole Publications S M Rew Cole Publications 1990 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. n Johnson Jim H R. L. Polk Co. n Sammons Mary E R. L. Polk Co. n Hudson Kath L R. L. Polk Co. 1975 Raphel Ann L R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1975 Cornell Helene E Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Hudson Katherine L R. L. Polk Co. 1970 CORNELL HELENE E MRS R. L. Polk Co. DAUGHERTY LILA E MRS R. L. Polk Co. RAPHEL ANN L R. L. Polk Co. HUDSON KATHRYN R. L. Polk Co. 1966 CORNELL HELENE E MRS Jackson KENNARD JUSTINE R S Jackson RAPHEL ANN L Jackson 1961 Kennard Justine R R. L. Polk Co. Cornell Geo E R. L. Polk Co. Raphel Ann L R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Eschbaoh Gladys R Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Raphel Ann L R. L. Polk Co. Kennard Justine R a R. L. Polk Co. Cornell Geo E R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Eschback Gladys Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Raphel Ann L R. L. Polk Co. Kennard Justine R R. L. Polk Co. Cornell Geo E R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Cosgrave Nichols P Gate City Directory Co. Bush Myrta Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Knowles Mildred Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Cosgrave Nicholas P Gate City Directory Co. Vassiliades John S Rev Gate City Directory Co. Fletcher Forrest R Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Calvert G Luzier Gate City Directory Co. Rowell Kathleen M Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Browning Geo P Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Clegg Carl Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Rand Henry J contr Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Katherine Halterman Gate City Directory Co. Victor Prudden Gate City Directory Co. Harry S Slaymaker Gate City Directory Co. 1920 H H Sloan Gate City Directory Co. Mrs Warren A Lukens Gate City Directory Co. Fred B Hamilton Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

2000 Mc Donald James R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Stevenson Lester G R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Tatum Mark L R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Wallace S R. L. Polk Co. Publishers N 3 S Not Verified 4 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 Apartments Cole Publications B P Colvin Cole Publications K Hess Cole Publications N George Hudson Cole Publications 1990 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. s Hass Marjorie R. L. Polk Co. n Hildner Gregory R. L. Polk Co. n Klenovic Jeff R. L. Polk Co. s Vacant R. L. Polk Co. n Colvin B P Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1980 Hunter Edna J Mrs R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Mansell M Mrs R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Mc Fadden M Mrs R. L. Polk Co., Publishers South L F R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Colvin B P Mrs JEI 7366 R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Roche Gearldine M R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Hunter Edna J Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Mansell A Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Mc Fadden M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. South Alma L R. L. Polk Co. Colvin B P Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Roche Gearldine M R. L. Polk Co. 1970 HUNTER EDNA J MRS R. L. Polk Co. MANSELL A MRS R. L. Polk Co. MC FADDEN M MRS R. L. Polk Co. ALEXANDER B R. L. Polk Co. COLVIN B P MRS R. L. Polk Co. ROCHE GEARLDINE M R. L. Polk Co. 1966 BUSENBARK HENRY Jackson OWENS MARY C Jackson RILEY ALICE E Jackson ROBERTSON HOWARD C Jackson

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Year Uses Source

1966 WRIGHT MARGT F MRS Jackson 1961 Wright Margt Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Holstrom Swan H R. L. Polk Co. Mollica Vera R. L. Polk Co. Thomas Hazelann Mrs LOI R. L. Polk Co. Riley Alice E R. L. Polk Co. Freeman D B L R. L. Polk Co. Wing Ruth E R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Wright Jack W R. L. Polk Co. Holstrom Swan H R. L. Polk Co. Mollica Vera R. L. Polk Co. Hornsby Edna Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Kelly Kath Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Schurke Flora L Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Morrison Minna L Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Thornton Ruth E R. L. Polk Co. Weddle Ada M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Colyer Clarence M Gate City Directory Co. Morrison Wm A Gate City Directory Co. Thornton Ruth Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Rosse Virginia Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Slayton Leo T Gate City Directory Co. Fleming Geo E Gate City Directory Co. Yonts John H Gate City Directory Co. Aikins Chas S Gate City Directory Co. Colyer Clarence M Gate City Directory Co. Croy Opal M Gate City Directory Co. Mittong Lewis K contr Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Reed Chas E Gate City Directory Co. Coly Wr Clarence M Gate City Directory Co. Fleming Geo E Gate City Directory Co. Eldridge Ethel Gate City Directory Co. Nelson Elsa nurse Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Gillham Apts Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Monroe Edw T Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Thompson Wm J Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Williams Max W Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Raggos Lillian Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers

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Year Uses Source

1930 Vaughn Lillian Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Lenhart Chas E Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Gillham Apts Gate City Directory Co. J Fred Willingham Gate City Directory Co. Harry A Doyle Gate City Directory Co. Kneeland W Jones Gate City Directory Co. 1920 3318 20 Gillham Apts Gate City Directory Co. Raymond Johnson Gate City Directory Co. Harold R Kirk Gate City Directory Co. Fred Mathias Gate City Directory Co. Thos F OHara Gate City Directory Co. Otto H Parkening Gate City Directory Co. Fred Willingham Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Apartments Cole Information Services M Gatson Cole Information Services S Lorie E Humphrey Cole Information Services S Michael L Humphrey Cole Information Services S Patricia A Titmus Cole Information Services S Tat Titmus Cole Information Services Kenneth D Yelvington Cole Information Services 2000 Bamhouse Linda R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Gateon Avenia M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Gatson Zaara N R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 Condominium Cole Publications Mark A Irvin Cole Publications John Littler Cole Publications Ernest G Williams Cole Publications Mai Enterprises Cole Publications 1990 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. s Vacant R. L. Polk Co. s Vacant R. L. Polk Co. s Vanzant John G R. L. Polk Co. 1980 Lilly Alf F R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Bertrand Gertrude M R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Lilly Alf F R. L. Polk Co. Bertrand Gertrude M R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1970 NELSON VERNA M R. L. Polk Co. 1966 DAUGHERTY LYLA E MRS Jackson HAWKINS VEDA M MRS Jackson LILLY ALF F B Jackson 1961 3311 21 GUi Iham Place Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Newton Arth A R. L. Polk Co. Madden Frances K R. L. Polk Co. Goodwillie Frank W R. L. Polk Co. Wilds Larry E R. L. Polk Co. Lilly Alf F R. L. Polk Co. Daugherty Lila E Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Hawkins Veda M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1956 3311 21 Gillham Place Apts R. L. Polk Co. Lilly Alf F R. L. Polk Co. Daugherty Russell P R. L. Polk Co. Hawkins Veda M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1951 3311 21 Gillham Place Apts R. L. Polk Co. Lilly Alf F R. L. Polk Co. Daugherty Russell R R. L. Polk Co. Wilson Frona R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Gillham Place Apts Gate City Directory Co. Roderick Darus Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Roderick Dee Gate City Directory Co. Luckie Mary Gate City Directory Co. Korf Gertrude M Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1935 3311 21 Gillham Place Apts Gate City Directory Co. Burnham Mary Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Brinkman John V Gate City Directory Co. Hockley Frank W Gate City Directory Co. Grafton Della L Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Graham Ethel L Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Kennedy Walter D Gate City Directory Co. Mc Pherson Jas F Gate City Directory Co. Raggos Lillian Mrs Gate City Directory Co. bsmt Burkes Wm Gate City Directory Co. S 317 Cabiness Sherman E Gate City Directory Co. se cor Kenwood av Longan Gate City Directory Co. Geo B School Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1935 Judge Paxton C Gate City Directory Co. Clegg Carl Gate City Directory Co. Davis C Oliver Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Gillham Place Apts Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Nelson Inga Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Nelson Elsa nurse Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Gillham Place Apts Gate City Directory Co. Saml L Robinson Gate City Directory Co. Frank B Smith Gate City Directory Co. Harry Johnson Gate City Directory Co. 1920 3311 21 Gillham Place Apts Gate City Directory Co. Chas Beggs Gate City Directory Co. Saml Robinson Gate City Directory Co. Lucy A Dodson Gate City Directory Co. Mrs Jas T Dodson Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1985 Mc Feely Henry W Jackson A Me Gallister Jas Jackson 1980 Mc Feely Henry W R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Me Feely Henry W lwyr R. L. Polk Co. 1970 MC FEELY HENRY W LWYR R. L. Polk Co. 1966 MC FEELY HENRY W LWYR Jackson 1961 Mc Feely Henry W R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Close Jessie E Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Close Clato T R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Close Clato T Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Harvey Leo E Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Harvey Leo E Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Stebbins Frances J Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Mary Stevens Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Wm J Bennett Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2000 Fowler Larry D R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 Larry D Fowler Cole Publications

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Year Uses Source

1990 Fowler Larry R. L. Polk Co. 1980 Maglaster Jim R. L. Polk Co., Publishers De John Gary R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1970 PIVOT FLOYD J JR R. L. Polk Co. ROCHE GEARLDINE M R. L. Polk Co. 1966 DENHAM VIRGINIA C MRS S Jackson GLIDWELL HAROLD Jackson 1961 Denham Virginia C Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Bowhay John V R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Hoover Lula A Mrs a R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Eaton Loyd R Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Eaton L 6yd R Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Mansour Henry D Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Printz Herman Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Herman Printz Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Malvern H Rose Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 KC Boys of Leather Cole Information Services Todd Alan Holmgrain Cole Information Services 2000 Mbomeh Gabriel A R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Elizabeth R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 Todd Holmgrain Cole Publications Richard Barthel Cole Publications 1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Synburger Gerda Mrs Jackson 1980 Synburger Gerda Mrs R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Synburger Gerda Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1970 SYNBURGER GERDA MRS R. L. Polk Co. 1966 SYNBURGER GERDA MRS Jackson 1961 Synburger Gerda Mrs L R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Rothrock Vivian Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Synburger Gerda Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Hennigh Dale H n R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1945 Brinkman John V Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Brinkman John V Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Kennedy Wm E Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Kennedy Wm E Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Wm E Kennedy Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Elmer E Gutting Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Yolanda Chaffers Cole Information Services 2000 Oconnor Robert T M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Oconnor Jennifer R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 F Brockman Hobbs Cole Publications 1990 Brockman Frances M O R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Cash Willie Jackson 1980 Cash Willie L R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Cash Willie L R. L. Polk Co. 1970 CASH WILLIE L R. L. Polk Co. 1966 CASH WILLIE L Jackson 1961 Cash Willie L R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Brollier Glenn W o R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Vacant Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Bower Ida M Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Bower Ida M Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Bower Ida Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Geo H Bower Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Geo H Bower Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2000 White Jimmie D EM R. L. Polk Co. Publishers White Carol A R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 Carol Keever Cole Publications 1990 Mc Clure Rosemary R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Bao Duong Jackson st Fl Weley Jackson d FlLammon M S Jackson d FlHarrison Jimmy Jackson

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Year Uses Source

1980 Matsowoka Paul R. L. Polk Co., Publishers st Fl Byas Estelle R. L. Polk Co., Publishers d Fl Perry Ray R. L. Polk Co., Publishers d Fl Carmichael Fred L R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Porter Roger R. L. Polk Co. 1970 HAMMONo S IRMA M MRS R. L. Polk Co. 1966 HAMMONDS IRMA M MRS Jackson 1961 Hammonds Irma M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Hammonds Irma M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Hammonds Cecil NO R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Stevens Mary Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Stevens Mary Mrs drsmkr Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Miller Otto W M Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Pine Isaac real est Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Fred R Duncan Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Fred Ducan Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Apartments Cole Information Services Mark L Wiley Cole Information Services 2000 Lammon Michael S M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Lammon Scott R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Wiley Mark L 11+ At R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1990 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. st Fl Wiley Mark R. L. Polk Co. d FI Blystone Kay R. L. Polk Co. d Fl Lammon M S R. L. Polk Co. th Fl Mc Donald Michelle R. L. Polk Co. 1980 Apartments R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Litton Dale G R. L. Polk Co. 1970 BURKETT ALBERT R. L. Polk Co. 1966 BURKETT ALBERT Jackson LEATHERWOOD ALTA MRS Jackson ARNDT ELMER G Jackson BUTNER JOHN J Jackson 1961 Burkett Albert R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1956 Burkett Albert R. L. Polk Co. Pirtel Carl R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Burkett Albert R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Hawkins Lester R Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Lindsay Jas L Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Benedict Morris Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Wright Moke T Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Weston Dewey Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Moses T Wright Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Moses T Wright Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Joseph S Shockey Jr Cole Information Services Wanda S Shockey Cole Information Services 2000 Shockey Joseph S Jr 1 R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Shockey Wanda M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1990 Shockey Wanda Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 2nd Fl Giro Nino L R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Shockey Wanda Mrs Jackson a Giro Nino L Jackson Banks Jackson Pennington Jack Jackson Butler Arthur Jackson A Green Karl Jackson B Parker Jackson 1980 Chiavola Geo E R. L. Polk Co., Publishers a Giro Nino L R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Chiavola Geo E R. L. Polk Co. a Giro Nino L R. L. Polk Co. Calcara Carol N R. L. Polk Co. 1970 CHIAVOLA GEO E R. L. Polk Co. GIRO NINO L R. L. Polk Co. 1966 CHIAVOLA GEO E Jackson GIRO NINO L Jackson 1961 Chiavola Geo E 0 WEl R. L. Polk Co. Giro Nino L R. L. Polk Co. 1956 a Giro Nino L g R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1956 Chiavola Geo E a R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Goldberg Nathan R. L. Polk Co. a Giro Nino L R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Giro Nino L Gate City Directory Co. Atwater Ramon D Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Kizer Benj F Gate City Directory Co. Scott S Vern Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Kizer Beni Gate City Directory Co. A Shielton Letha Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Collopy J X plmbr Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Griffith Paul R Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 John X Collopy Gate City Directory Co. A Leon Katzenberg Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Beni T Compton Gate City Directory Co. Dudley V Flint Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Dorothys Shop Cole Information Services Lola Watson Cole Information Services 2000 1 Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 Deshaun Johnson Cole Publications 1990 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1980 Hemphill Russ R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Sharkley Mitch R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Powell Myrtle M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Calcara Carol N R. L. Polk Co. 1970 POWELL MYRTLE M MRS R. L. Polk Co. 1966 POWELL RAY A REAL EST Jackson 1961 Powell Ray A 0 real est R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Powell Ray A R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Cannon Myrtle MO R. L. Polk Co. 1945 OConnor Jas P Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Vacant Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Tediock SLeele Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Ostrum Andrew A Gate City Directory Co., Publishers

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Year Uses Source

1925 Howard Jones Gate City Directory Co. 1920 J W Mc Kamey Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2000 Wallace L M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Crook Dorothy A R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1990 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. A Green Carl R. L. Polk Co. B Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1980 Flemons Joann R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Stringer Kenneth G R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Fleming Clara Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Calcara Carl R. L. Polk Co. 1970 VACANT R. L. Polk Co. 1966 BRADY ABRAHAM Jackson CALCARA VINCENT Jackson 1961 Calcara Vincent R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Calca ra Vincent R. L. Polk Co. Walsh Jack R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Calcara Vincent R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Jostmeyer Wm H Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Herndon Jas E Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Vacant Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Rowland Carl A Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Joseph Oliver Gate City Directory Co. Chas D Bowen Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Betty Magazine Gate City Directory Co. Ross R Schermerhorn Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Apartments Cole Information Services Sanfort Bashnell Cole Information Services Christopher Bruce Cole Information Services Rafael Frye Cole Information Services W James Harris Cole Information Services

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Year Uses Source

2006 Irvins Horton Cole Information Services Crystal House Cole Information Services E MiKe Jackson Cole Information Services E Mike Jackson Cole Information Services Melody Nelson Cole Information Services Channel Rucker Cole Information Services Elton Sanford Cole Information Services James Wneeler Cole Information Services 2000 Jefferson Anthony G R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Sweetser Michael R. L. Polk Co. Publishers W Hartkopp Angela S R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 Mary G Thompson Cole Publications Marcia Wells Cole Publications Josephine Gordon Cole Publications M O McConnell Cole Publications 1990 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Bsmt Mc Connell Marguerite R. L. Polk Co. e Chinn Loue R. L. Polk Co. w Vacant R. L. Polk Co. e Thompson Mary Mrs R. L. Polk Co. w Vacant R. L. Polk Co. e Vacant R. L. Polk Co. w Troop B R. L. Polk Co. 1985 e Thompson Russell E Jackson wYeager Eug G Jackson eMc Connell Marguerite Jackson wTroop B Jackson Apartments Jackson le China Loue Jackson IwHay Mark Jackson 1980 Apartments R. L. Polk Co., Publishers e Chinn Lueck R. L. Polk Co., Publishers w Reece Erma Mrs R. L. Polk Co., Publishers w Thompson Russell E R. L. Polk Co., Publishers e Harbord Janet S R. L. Polk Co., Publishers w Beebe Katherine A Mrs R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. e Handy Perry D R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1975 w Reece Erma R. L. Polk Co. e Tucker Dacie Mrs R. L. Polk Co. w Chinn Lueck Mrs R. L. Polk Co. e Welton M R R. L. Polk Co. w Beebe Katherine A Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1970 APARTMENTS R. L. Polk Co. IE MAROON S K R. L. Polk Co. W REECE ERMA R. L. Polk Co. E TUCKER DACIE MRS R. L. Polk Co. W CHINN LUECK MRS R. L. Polk Co. E VACANT R. L. Polk Co. W BEEBE KATHERINE A MRS R. L. Polk Co. 1966 BEEBE KATHERINE A MRS Jackson MORGAN DOROTHY MRS Jackson PROSSER THOS Jackson REECE ERMA Jackson 1961 Schroyer Augusta M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Beebe Kath A Mrs L R. L. Polk Co. Shook Frances Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Wight Paul P R. L. Polk Co. Lohmer John A JEI R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Tompkins Clyde S R. L. Polk Co. Brundage Henry H R. L. Polk Co. Allison Harold C R. L. Polk Co. Fear Mary R. L. Polk Co. Beebe M Kath Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Shook Frances D Mrs R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Smith Rose Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Johnson Howard H R. L. Polk Co. Lance Irvin D R. L. Polk Co. Beebe Mary K R. L. Polk Co. Shook Virgil L R. L. Polk Co. Posey Leanora L Mrs R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Shook Frances D Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Christian Hervey W Gate City Directory Co. Treat Lora M Gate City Directory Co. Ackles Marian L Gate City Directory Co. Reed Jas E Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1945 Posey Leanora L Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Davis Chas Gate City Directory Co. OConnell Martha Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Lerner Benj S Gate City Directory Co. Posey Leanora L Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Sipe Norman J Gate City Directory Co. Stein Sami Gate City Directory Co. bsmt Banks Amos janitor Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Alexander Paul Gate City Directory Co. Feltier J N Gate City Directory Co. Curtis J Otto Gate City Directory Co. Mendy Sol Gate City Directory Co. Posey Leonora L Mrs Gate City Directory Co. bsmt Edwards Oscar Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Mahon Ray M Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Grover Birt A Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Sorby Grace Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Mountjoy Alma nurse Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Williams Robt jan Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Clyde B Allen Gate City Directory Co. Nova Z Douthitt Gate City Directory Co. C A Goings Gate City Directory Co. Irene Wilson Gate City Directory Co. Francis G Pendergast Gate City Directory Co. Margaret Cisco Gate City Directory Co. Robt R Shepherd Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Angela Rentie Cole Information Services 2000 Salas Mary Mi A R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Salas Brian P R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1990 Nickle Wm E R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Ernst Paul J Jackson 1980 Ernst Paul J R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Ernst Paul J R. L. Polk Co. 1970 WALKER WALLACE B R. L. Polk Co. 1966 WALKER WALLACE B Jackson

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Year Uses Source

1961 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Lyon Dorothy M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Lyon Dorothy M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Lyon Dorothy Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Holdren Luroff D Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Stopenhorst Adele Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Wilson Moses B Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Everet R McGalliard Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Thos F Fulkerson Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2000 Oconner Jennifer A B+ A R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Oconner Robert T R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1990 OConnor Margt E R. L. Polk Co. 1985 OConnor Robt E Jackson 1980 Stumpf Albert C R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1970 OWSLEY SYLVIA MRS R. L. Polk Co. 1966 WALKER GILBERT Jackson 1961 Walker Gilbert R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Walker Lester R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Ray Jas B R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Goodson Francis Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Fahel Bonifacio T Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Vollmar Fred E Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Sage Emerson B Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Birt A Grover Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Thelma P Jackson Cole Information Services Ld Shipley Cole Information Services Onslow Lamar Jackson Cole Information Services 2000 Davis Reginald L S A R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Davis Betty L R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1990 Aquarian Brotherhood Church R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1985 Quarian Brotherhood Church Jackson Randall Darrell Jackson Ozburn Jackson Camarillo Jackson Harris Roman Jackson Lewis Dan Jackson Carpenter Geo Jackson No Return Jackson 1980 Aquarian Brotherhood Church R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Randall Darrell Rev R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Aquarian Brotherhood Church R. L. Polk Co. Randall Darrell Rev R. L. Polk Co. 1970 HENRY ROY R. L. Polk Co. IE MAROON S K R. L. Polk Co. 1966 HELRY ROY Jackson 1961 OBrien Wm R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Morrison Ross R. L. Polk Co. Gilm ore Thos J R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Van Hooser Chas M R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Brown G Wesley Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Peters Jennie B Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Vacant Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Blickhan Chas Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Vacant Gate City Directory Co. 1920 E M Harber Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Jones Sharhonda Cole Information Services Soledad R Orosco Cole Information Services 2000 3 Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 Pat Corbett Cole Publications 1990 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Land Fred R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1980 Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Schweisberger A R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Crisp James J R. L. Polk Co. Porter John L R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1975 Meeker Richd E R. L. Polk Co. 1970 JAMES APARTMENTS R. L. Polk Co. COREY GRACE E MRS R. L. Polk Co. OBRIEN ZELMA 0 MRS R. L. Polk Co. 1966 JAMES APARTMENTS Jackson COREY GRACE E MRS S Jackson OBRIEN ZELMA 0 MRS Jackson SPILBMAN SAML B Jackson 1961 3340 42 James Apartments R. L. Polk Co. 1956 3340 42 James Apts R. L. Polk Co. 1951 3340 42 James Apts R. L. Polk Co. 1945 James Apts Gate City Directory Co. Rubin Louis Gate City Directory Co. Corey Grace E Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1940 3340 42 James Apts Gate City Directory Co. Elliott John Gate City Directory Co. 1935 3340 42 James Apts Gate City Directory Co. 1930 James Apts The Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Park Wm F Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Aleshire Clyde J Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 The James Apts Gate City Directory Co. L W Morris Gate City Directory Co. W H OBrien Gate City Directory Co. 1920 3340 42 The James Apts Gate City Directory Co. Alice Donnell Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Carlosl Samper Cole Information Services 2000 Rameriz Mariano D R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1990 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1980 Carr Thorton R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Meeker Richard R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Sprofero Anthony R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1970 FUNK FRANCIS R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1961 3340 42 James Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Corey Grace E Mrs R. L. Polk Co. OBrien Zelma 0 Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Mayes B L R. L. Polk Co. Spillman Saml B R. L. Polk Co. 1956 3340 42 James Apts R. L. Polk Co. Corey Grace E Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Sander Edith Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Heying Mabel Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Mayes B L R. L. Polk Co. Sipillman Sami B R. L. Polk Co. 1951 3340 42 James Apts R. L. Polk Co. Corey Grace E Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Rubin Louis L R. L. Polk Co. 1945 James Apts Gate City Directory Co. Spillman Saml B Gate City Directory Co. Goggin Olive Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1940 3340 42 James Apts Gate City Directory Co. Spillman Saml B Gate City Directory Co. Tippie Willis E Gate City Directory Co. 1935 3340 42 James Apts Gate City Directory Co. Biederman J Abr Gate City Directory Co. Polallis Nicholas D Gate City Directory Co. Staenberg Harry Gate City Directory Co. 1930 James Apts The Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Marley Marion W Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 The James Apts Gate City Directory Co. Albert B Zorn Gate City Directory Co. Edmund W Draper Gate City Directory Co. 1920 3340 42 The James Apts Gate City Directory Co. J S Dem Tster Gate City Directory Co. John B Stuckey Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1951 Goggin Olive M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Spillman Sami B R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

2006 D Adams Cole Information Services Nakisha Eubanks Cole Information Services Rovonne Mubarak Cole Information Services Rovonne Mubarak Cole Information Services Tasha T Wilson Cole Information Services 2000 Carson Tanner R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Mason Sherrita R. L. Polk Co. Publishers E Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers W Lewls Hilda R. L. Polk Co. Publishers E Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1990 Raleigh Arms Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Burris Ray W R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Raleigh Arms Apartments Jackson leClayton L Jackson Looney Wm M Jackson Vacant Jackson 1980 Raleigh Arms Apartments R. L. Polk Co., Publishers e Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers e Freddie R. L. Polk Co., Publishers e Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers w No Return R. L. Polk Co., Publishers w Garner Roger R. L. Polk Co., Publishers w Henderson Charles R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Raleigh Arms Apartments R. L. Polk Co. e Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1970 3344 46 RALEIGH ARMS APARTMENTS R. L. Polk Co. 1966 RALEIGH ARMS APARTMENTS Jackson JOHNSTON LYNDA J Jackson JONES WM M Jackson SCRIETCHFIELD FRED Jackson 1961 3344 50 Raleigh Arms Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Barber Margt R. L. Polk Co. Jones Wm M R. L. Polk Co. 1956 3344 50 Raleigh Arms Apts R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1956 Barber Margt R. L. Polk Co. Gentry Geo R R. L. Polk Co. Price Robt W R. L. Polk Co. Catalano Tony J R. L. Polk Co. 1951 3344 50 Raleigh Arms Aptb R. L. Polk Co. Barber Margt R. L. Polk Co. Wolfe I Newton R. L. Polk Co. May Bessie Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Raleigh Arms Apts Gate City Directory Co. Cunner Edw J Gate City Directory Co. May Wm Gate City Directory Co. 1940 3344 50 Raleigh Arms Apts Gate City Directory Co. May WWm Gate City Directory Co. Brown Roy M Gate City Directory Co. Barber Margt J Gate City Directory Co. 1935 3344 50 Raleigh Arms Apts Gate City Directory Co. May Wnm Gate City Directory Co. Gardner Gerald E Gate City Directory Co. Reamer Roscoe R Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Raleigh Arms Apts Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Allison J L Gate City Directory Co., Publishers May Wm Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Raleigh Arms Apts Gate City Directory Co. Lulu T Barto Gate City Directory Co. Mildred Drennan Gate City Directory Co. Mrs C A Raby Gate City Directory Co. 1920 3344 50 Raleigh Arms Apts Gate City Directory Co. Walter H Miller Gate City Directory Co. Frank W Soeder Gate City Directory Co. J E Thompson Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Constance Briggs Smith Cole Information Services No Current Listing Cole Information Services E Briggs Smith Cole Information Services Clarissa Jones Cole Information Services Next Miltenium Entertainment Cole Information Services Hayat Said Cole Information Services

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Year Uses Source

2006 W Dorothy Watts Cole Information Services 2000 3 W Reese Aaron R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 Shoen M Jackson Cole Publications 1990 Raleigh Arms Apts R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Townsend K R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Kueltzo L Jackson Henderson Charles Jackson Wright B Jackson 1980 Townsend Marketio R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1970 3344 46 RALEIGH ARMS APARTMENTS R. L. Polk Co. E SCRIETCHFIELD FRED R. L. Polk Co. W LAMB MABEL MRS R. L. Polk Co. E BONVILLE WILLIA 0 MRS R. L. Polk Co. W FRODIN MARGT R MRS R. L. Polk Co. E ROBNETT POLLY R. L. Polk Co. W KNOPINSKI GEO M R. L. Polk Co. 1966 FRANCISCUS FRED F Jackson KNOPINSKI GEO M Jackson PARKER LUCY K MRS Jackson 1961 Pasley Marie G Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Parker Percil J R. L. Polk Co. Knopinski Geo M JEl R. L. Polk Co. Franciscus Fred F R. L. Polk Co. Forester L C R. L. Polk Co. 1956 01iver Walter C j r a R. L. Polk Co. Pasley Marie G Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Knopinski Geo R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Pasley Marie Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Upton Grace Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Jacobs Bert C R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Pasley Oscar B Gate City Directory Co. Lund Lawrence O Gate City Directory Co. Jacobs Bert C Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Hulse Harvey N Gate City Directory Co. Jacobs Bert C Gate City Directory Co. Willis Grady G Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1935 Barber Margt J Gate City Directory Co. Jacobs Bert C Gate City Directory Co. bsmt Webb Edw L janitor Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Barber Margt Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Allison Jack L Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Jacobs B C Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Mabel Wagner Gate City Directory Co. Bert C Jacobs Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Herb H Cliake Gate City Directory Co. Walter F Howe Gate City Directory Co. Robt A Wheeler Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Luzetta J Keller Cole Information Services 2000 Johnson Pamela S R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 John C Honn Cole Publications John C Honn Cole Publications 1990 Honn John R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Honn John Jackson 1980 Honn John C R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Am Truck Driving Sch Ltd sls ofc R. L. Polk Co. 1970 VACANT R. L. Polk Co. 1966 VACANT Jackson 1961 Holly Gene P L R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Hinson Robt E R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Langdon Roxine L Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Vacant Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Bruce Jas D Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Bruce Minnie E Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Whitehead Jas A Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 James A Whitehead Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Gus W Hahn Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Apartments Cole Information Services E Carol L Blakely Cole Information Services E Paul L Blakely Cole Information Services

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Year Uses Source

2006 E Barbara A Kimbrel Cole Information Services E Artesha Lewis Cole Information Services E Patricia Lewis Cole Information Services 2000 1 E Blakely Paul L R. L. Polk Co. Publishers E Blakely Carol L R. L. Polk Co. Publishers E Kinney Ladina L EM R. L. Polk Co. Publishers E Kinney Darenda M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 Sherei Ashley Cole Publications C McDonald Cole Publications 1990 Raleigh Arms Apts R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Sneed A M Jackson Firkins D Jackson Townsend Markelito Jackson Moorehouse Jackson lnJuneau D C Jackson Is Vincent A Jackson s Van Cil M B Jackson In Greer Erva S Mrs Jackson n Hess Mina L Mrs Jackson Apartments Jackson Hinton T Jackson Conn L F Jackson Firkins Doug Jackson 1980 Apartments R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Appleberry Barbara R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Sanchez Terrv R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. e Cummings John D R. L. Polk Co. e Kirkwood Richd R. L. Polk Co. e Campbell F R. L. Polk Co. 1970 APARTMENTS R. L. Polk Co. E MILLER OLLIE F MRS R. L. Polk Co. E JOHNSON BURTON R. L. Polk Co. 1966 MILLER OLLIE F MRS Jackson PARKER LUCY K MRS Jackson 1961 Madison Anna N Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Salmon Wm H R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1961 Healey Edw R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Madison Anna N Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Rice Anna M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Salmon Wm H R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Madison Luther M R. L. Polk Co. Beatty Ruth C R. L. Polk Co. Scow Helen S R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Madison Martin L Gate City Directory Co. Beatty Ruth C Gate City Directory Co. Robinson Minnie Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Harris Lydia W Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Burns Mary E nurse Gate City Directory Co. Herren Harry C Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Cordry R N Gate City Directory Co. Burke Cecelia C Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Jones Reynold K Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Whitehead Harold A Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Price LaBelle Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Cooper Howard Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Davis J Murray Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Mary McCarren Gate City Directory Co. Vena Zimmerman Gate City Directory Co. Stephen Binz Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Orval J Cunningham Gate City Directory Co. John N Sauntlers Gate City Directory Co. Chas W Stowman Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Apartments Cole Information Services Andre L Davis Sr Cole Information Services Danita L Davis Cole Information Services W Tia Lynette Reese Cole Information Services 2000 Johnson Lula M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Johnson Rebbecca L R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Reese Tia R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Williams Tiffany R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 J B Taylor Cole Publications 1990 Raleigh Arms Apts R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Mendoza R. L. Polk Co. Peppers R. L. Polk Co. Washington R. L. Polk Co. 1975 Robinson R R. L. Polk Co. 1970 APARTMENTS R. L. Polk Co. W CLARK VIOLETTA M MRS R. L. Polk Co. W RICHARDS ANNA G R. L. Polk Co. W KNAPP NELLIE A MRS R. L. Polk Co. W FIETH OMAR R R. L. Polk Co. 1966 CLARK VIOLETTA M MRS Jackson FIETH OMAR R Jackson KNAPP NELLIE A MRS Jackson BSMT VACANT Jackson 1961 3344 50 Raleigh Arms Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Fieth Omar R R. L. Polk Co. Clark Violetta Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Knapp Nellie A Mrs R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Bryant Frank W R. L. Polk Co. 1956 3344 50 Raleigh Arms Apts R. L. Polk Co. Fieth Omar R R. L. Polk Co. Clark Roy H R. L. Polk Co. Knapp Nellie A Mrs R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Bryant Frank W R. L. Polk Co. 1951 3344 50 Raleigh Arms Aptb R. L. Polk Co. Fieth Omar R R. L. Polk Co. Rice Anna M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Knapp Nellia A Mrs R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Short L P Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Raleigh Arms Apts Gate City Directory Co. Fieth Omar R Gate City Directory Co. Clark Roy H Gate City Directory Co. Bacon Arolyn M Gate City Directory Co. Rice Anna M Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Hood Wm janitor Gate City Directory Co. 1940 3344 50 Raleigh Arms Apts Gate City Directory Co. Fieth Omer R Gate City Directory Co. Clark Roy H Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1940 Rice Elmer W Gate City Directory Co. bsmt Hood Wm janitor Gate City Directory Co. 1935 3344 50 Raleigh Arms Apts Gate City Directory Co. Chenoweth Clifton E Gate City Directory Co. Greenlee Russell P Gate City Directory Co. Smith Thos Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Raleigh Arms Apts Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Norton Jesse D Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Wolf J H Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Parks E F Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Raleigh Arms Apts Gate City Directory Co. Karl L Peterson Gate City Directory Co. Joseph T McGrew Gate City Directory Co. Mrs Sarah Benton Gate City Directory Co. 1920 3344 50 Raleigh Arms Apts Gate City Directory Co. Henry P Boughnou phys Gate City Directory Co. J Anne Haigh Gate City Directory Co. Louis G Mallinger Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1951 Gillham Court Apts R. L. Polk Co. parking lot R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Gillham Courts Apts parking lot Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Gillham Courts Apts Gate City Directory Co. parking lot Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1925 Henry B Doolittle Gate City Directory Co. Ernest W Werner Gate City Directory Co. Potomac Apts Gate City Directory Co. Edw R McMahon Gate City Directory Co. John D Schwitzgebel Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Edw R Me Mahon Gate City Directory Co. Alice Drescher Gate City Directory Co. 3360 66 Potomac Apts Gate City Directory Co. Ernest W Werner Gate City Directory Co. Liston C Walker Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1920 John D Schwitzgebel Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1925 Carl J Spengler Gate City Directory Co. Albert E Cummings Gate City Directory Co. Wallace E Grube Gate City Directory Co. John W Warden Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Carl J Spengler Gate City Directory Co. Chas E Cummings Gate City Directory Co. Wm Ruoff Gate City Directory Co. Alb E Cummings Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1925 Margaret Reed Gate City Directory Co. Geo C Greenup Gate City Directory Co. Ruth Bruntom Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Geo Wieda Gate City Directory Co. Chas U Penfield Gate City Directory Co. Wm H Hines phys Gate City Directory Co. R W Martin Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1935 Manning Lemuel S gro Gate City Directory Co. Green Harley L Gate City Directory Co. Shuert Jas E Gate City Directory Co. Neely Ruth D Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Reed Ruby C Mrs Gate City Directory Co. bsmt Davis Cleveland M Gate City Directory Co. 1925 Potomac Apts Gate City Directory Co. Edw A Reedy Gate City Directory Co. Grizzle Lawson Gate City Directory Co. Mark E Bogart Gate City Directory Co. Edw E Ramsey Gate City Directory Co. Wm H Hendrick Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Fred W Cramer Gate City Directory Co. Walter A Garrabrant Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1920 Wm F Guthrie Gate City Directory Co. w on Thirty fourth to Oak Gate City Directory Co. E P Brooks Gate City Directory Co. 3360 66 Potomac Apts Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2000 2 N Cofe Michael D R. L. Polk Co. Publishers S 3 N Not Verified 2 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 G Shiverdecker Cole Publications David Harrison Cole Publications Thomas W Houchins Cole Publications 1990 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. n Toskin Paul R. L. Polk Co. n Heldt Aaron R. L. Polk Co. n Lerch David R. L. Polk Co. 1980 Apartments R. L. Polk Co., Publishers n Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers n Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers n Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers n Heptic D W R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Mc Gelligan M L R. L. Polk Co., Publishers s Wells Robt T R. L. Polk Co., Publishers s Sevic Barrv E R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Longview Apartments R. L. Polk Co. n Fernandez Gladys R. L. Polk Co. n Vacant R. L. Polk Co. n Roudebush S R. L. Polk Co. s Wells Robt T R. L. Polk Co. s Hatfield Dean A R. L. Polk Co. 1970 N ROBERTSON BESS M R. L. Polk Co. N MONTGOMERY KAREN R. L. Polk Co. LONGVIEW APARTMENTS R. L. Polk Co. N HOETTE J M R. L. Polk Co. 1966 LONGVIEW APARTMENTS Jackson ROBERTSON BESS M Jackson 1961 3400 10 Longview Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Rbbertson Bess M R. L. Polk Co. Shores Robt L R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1961 Rees M Alletta R. L. Polk Co. 1956 3400 10 Longview Apts R. L. Polk Co. Merehant Irvin H R. L. Polk Co. Edgecomb Guy M R. L. Polk Co. Robertson Bess M R. L. Polk Co. 1951 3400 10 Long View Apts R. L. Polk Co. Gaines Harry D R. L. Polk Co. Quint Henry R. L. Polk Co. Hunt Walter W R. L. Polk Co. Graf Lewis A5 R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Long View Apts Gate City Directory Co. 1940 3400 10 Long View Apts Gate City Directory Co. Powles Eden L Gate City Directory Co. Penney 0 W Gate City Directory Co. Timmerman Kermit S Gate City Directory Co. 1935 3400 10 Long View Apts Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Long View Apts Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Craddock Vincent J Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Dill Harry E Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Gool G Wm Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Long View Apts Gate City Directory Co. Elmer C L Wagner Gate City Directory Co. Edw Stephenson Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Wm P Lyon Gate City Directory Co. Richard G Miller Gate City Directory Co. 3400 10 Long View Apts Gate City Directory Co. Burnham Diggle Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Terri K Trigger Cole Information Services Ken Black Cole Information Services Apartments Cole Information Services 2000 1 S Carter Sandra D R. L. Polk Co. Publishers S Carter Antrina M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers S Black Ken A & Carrie R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 J A Kline Cole Publications 1990 s Vacant R. L. Polk Co. s Vacant R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1990 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. s Glavin Larry W R. L. Polk Co. 1980 No Return R. L. Polk Co., Publishers s Brown D L R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1970 APARTMENTS R. L. Polk Co. S VERGHIES JAMES R. L. Polk Co. S WELLS ROBT T R. L. Polk Co. S VACANT R. L. Polk Co. 1966 VACANT Jackson 1961 Chilton Leona R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Elliott Wm R R. L. Polk Co. Cull Wm C R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Young Lucille R. L. Polk Co. Ulmer Clarence E R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Lightcap Forest L Gate City Directory Co. Ulmer Clarence E Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Johnson Chas C Gate City Directory Co. Mc Phail Warren J Gate City Directory Co. Fitch Gus D Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Johnson J Milton Gate City Directory Co. Shepherd Nellie Mrs Gate City Directory Co. bsmt Bradshaw Gus Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Mason Wm jan Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Fuhrman Ralph W Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Price Geo Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Alberts Dewey V Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Joseph G Hawthorne Gate City Directory Co. Geo D Hauchen Gate City Directory Co. Chas C Thomas Gate City Directory Co. Barker Gate City Directory Co. Chas H Church Gate City Directory Co. Walter Murray Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Edward A Reedy Gate City Directory Co. Millard J Mandel Gate City Directory Co. Alex Leishman Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Apartments Cole Information Services

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Year Uses Source

2006 Jerry R Haley Cole Information Services N Mark Gregory Ihde Cole Information Services N Mark Gregory Ihde Cole Information Services N Patton W Johnson Cole Information Services S Frank L Jones Cole Information Services S Kathleen D Jones Cole Information Services 2000 Heschmeyer Chris R. L. Polk Co. Publishers lhde Mark G M 2 A R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Johnson Patton R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 M L Hess Cole Publications Kevin Barnes Cole Publications 1990 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. n Heschmeyer Katie R. L. Polk Co. 1980 Greer Erva S Mrs R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Hess Mina L Mrs R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Scott Elizabeth R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Greer Erva S Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Hess Mina Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Scott E T R. L. Polk Co. 1970 APARTMENTS R. L. Polk Co. N GREER ERVA S MRS R. L. Polk Co. N HESS MINA MRS R. L. Polk Co. N PINKARD B MRS R. L. Polk Co. 1966 GREER ERVA S MRS Jackson HESS MINA MRS Jackson 1961 Hess Sidney R. L. Polk Co. Reed Chattie R. L. Polk Co. Aikens Nell L R. L. Polk Co. Greer Erva S R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Wiser Erva Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Hess Edwin M R. L. Polk Co. Reed Chattle R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Wiser Erva Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Hess Edwin M R. L. Polk Co. Nelson Don R. L. Polk Co. Reid Chattie R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Scott Lyndon W Gate City Directory Co. Scott Esther Mrs mgr Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1945 Dunn Velmer S Gate City Directory Co. Smalley Velde D Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Alexander Geo A Gate City Directory Co. Alexander Grace M Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Gelker Louis H Gate City Directory Co. Pincuss Leo Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Rogers Ray W Gate City Directory Co. Alexander Geo A Gate City Directory Co. Cooper May B Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Agnew Frank T Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Blank Ernest C Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Frank Irvin Gate City Directory Co. Alfred G Saenger Gate City Directory Co. Winfield S Tracy Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Frank A Hart Gate City Directory Co. Murdock C Munn Gate City Directory Co. Max H Levy Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Apartments Cole Information Services S Frank Lordarlene Jones Cole Information Services S Kathi L Jones Cole Information Services S Shirley R Sormani Cole Information Services 2000 Bensman Jeffery R. L. Polk Co. Publishers King John D R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Dolan Kathi L 8 B A R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Jones Frank L & Kathleen R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 Apartments Cole Publications Maj John D King Cole Publications Joanne L Smith Cole Publications 1990 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. s King John D R. L. Polk Co. s Smith Joanne R. L. Polk Co. s Patterson Greg R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Apartments Jackson Is King John D Jackson s Kennedy Alice E Mrs Jackson 1980 Apartments R. L. Polk Co., Publishers

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Year Uses Source

1980 s King John D R. L. Polk Co., Publishers s Kennedy Lyle R. L. Polk Co., Publishers s Humphrey Harley R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. s Tungett Irene Mrs R. L. Polk Co. s Kennedy Lyle R. L. Polk Co. s Bisbee R L R. L. Polk Co. 1970 APARTMENTS R. L. Polk Co. S BIRD GRACE MRS R. L. Polk Co. S KENNEDY E LYLE R. L. Polk Co. OBRIEN ZELMA 0 MRS R. L. Polk Co. 1966 BIRD GRACE L Jackson KENNEDY E LYLE Jackson 1961 Kennedy E Lyle R. L. Polk Co. Bird Grace R. L. Polk Co. Tungett Irene Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Blrd Grace V R. L. Polk Co. Kennedy E Lyle R. L. Polk Co. Powell Agnes Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Tungett Wilbur B jr R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Kennedy Lyle R. L. Polk Co. Magee Leroy F R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Gile Clifford O Gate City Directory Co. Tuer Geo L Gate City Directory Co. Stemmons Virgil B Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Mc Guire John H jr Gate City Directory Co. Mann Elfie A Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Morgan Bert K Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Kittle Osa Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Bishopberger Arnold E Gate City Directory Co. Hinchman Lola B Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Musgrave Saml C Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Pipher Alonzo Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 R Clyde Horton Gate City Directory Co. R W Kemp Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Flora Lester Gate City Directory Co. Carlin P Smith Gate City Directory Co. Walter Morton Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

2006 N Steve Canaday Cole Information Services N Derek A Gilbert Cole Information Services A Sigmondmcbroom Cole Information Services Apartments Cole Information Services 2000 Danforth Mark R. L. Polk Co. Publishers N Wilson Connell & Bobby R. L. Polk Co. Publishers N Canaday Steven J R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 Mark Danforth Cole Publications 1990 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. n Campbell Nancy R. L. Polk Co. n Nickerson Lendy R. L. Polk Co. n Gardner Kathy R. L. Polk Co. 1985 3408 10 Carpenter W Jackson 1980 Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers No Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers no Behl John R. L. Polk Co., Publishers SO Olander Jim R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Allison Eleanor L R. L. Polk Co. Brown Frank D R. L. Polk Co. 1970 APARTMENTS R. L. Polk Co. N ALLISON ELEANOR L R. L. Polk Co. S SWf ENSSON B S R. L. Polk Co. S NIGRO LARRY R. L. Polk Co. 1966 ALLISON ELEANOR L Jackson GEIGLEY ROY W Jackson WIMS GLADYS MRS Jackson 1961 Allison Eleanor L R. L. Polk Co. Geigley Roy W R. L. Polk Co. Trybom Donald R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Allison Eleanor L R. L. Polk Co. Edwards Elmer L R. L. Polk Co. Geigley W Roy R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Morris Glendye E R. L. Polk Co. Smith Donald P R. L. Polk Co. Wileken Harry A R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Allison Rebecca M Mrs Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1945 Binkowitz Birdy Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Allison Rebecca M Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Neubert Elmer R jr Gate City Directory Co. Running Harold N Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Grannan Daisy D Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Armstrong Wm J Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Kenneth Bower Gate City Directory Co. Truman Mathews Gate City Directory Co. W S Cowherd Gate City Directory Co. Hart E Stalnaker Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Q H Bainum Gate City Directory Co. Le Roy Bernbrock Gate City Directory Co. John Mc Cary Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Parking R. L. Polk Co. Hyde Park Plaza Apts Addl R. L. Polk Co. 1966 VACANT Jackson 1961 Sepko Ann Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Wray Rolla M R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Hummel Emil F R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Hummel Emil F Gate City Directory Co. Hardesty Beverly A Gate City Directory Co. Patton Mary C Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Vacant Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Mc Cormnick C I Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Duemmer M H Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Wm J Brimacombe Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Fred M Johnson Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Apartments Cole Information Services S Alexander Austin Cole Information Services S Dana D Austin Cole Information Services Lee Ayers Cole Information Services S Kristina L Kee Cole Information Services S Kristina Long Cole Information Services

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Year Uses Source

2006 S Mark E Pfannenstiel Cole Information Services 2000 Swoops W R. L. Polk Co. Publishers S Pfannenstiel Mark E R. L. Polk Co. Publishers S 3 S Not Verified 2 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers S George Amanda R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 Apartments Cole Publications S ME Pfannenstiel Cole Publications 1990 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. s Hyman R. L. Polk Co. s ONeil Gerald R. L. Polk Co. s Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 3408 10 Carpenter W Jackson Mazon Jeffrey Jackson Meek Dennis Jackson 1975 Wright Deborah R R. L. Polk Co. 1970 S BITTIKER CLARENCE R. L. Polk Co. N BOWLES BONNIE R. L. Polk Co. N JCHNSON S R. L. Polk Co. APARTMENTS R. L. Polk Co. N MC MILLIAN J E R. L. Polk Co. 1966 HERNDON MILDRED L MRS Jackson 1961 3400 10 Longview Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Addison Cort R. L. Polk Co. Trent B H R. L. Polk Co. Berndon Mildred L Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1956 3400 10 Longview Apts R. L. Polk Co. Addison Cort R. L. Polk Co. Wilcken Harry A R. L. Polk Co. Herndon Mildred L Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1951 3400 10 Long View Apts R. L. Polk Co. Addison Cort R. L. Polk Co. Layton Edgar F R. L. Polk Co. Allison Rebecca M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Stovall Harvey R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Long View Apts Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Addison Cort Gate City Directory Co. Patterson Robt S Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1945 Layton Edgar F Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. 1940 3400 10 Long View Apts Gate City Directory Co. bsmt Fuller Eddie janitor Gate City Directory Co. Addison Cort Gate City Directory Co. Larsen Lauritz C Gate City Directory Co. Colton Dewey H Gate City Directory Co. bsmt Wilkerson Louis janitor Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Addison Cort Gate City Directory Co. Rose David Gate City Directory Co. Cornett Naomi L Gate City Directory Co. 3400 10 Long View Apts Gate City Directory Co. Kobets Clara Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Skidmore J F Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Long View Apts Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Blanton Josephine Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Littell Horace V Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Long View Apts Gate City Directory Co. J G Sayerce Gate City Directory Co. Anna Juengling Gate City Directory Co. Ada F OBrien Gate City Directory Co. 1920 3400 10 Long View Apts Gate City Directory Co. L S Bernbrock Gate City Directory Co. Mark H Hill Gate City Directory Co. Mrs A M Juenaline Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Apartments Cole Information Services Ladonna C Abdelmelik Cole Information Services Samirah Abram Cole Information Services Tereasa Baker Cole Information Services Doris Brawn Cole Information Services G Duncan Cole Information Services Ebony Gotow Cole Information Services L Gray Cole Information Services Chris Harris Cole Information Services Linda Hay Cole Information Services A Henderson Cole Information Services

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Year Uses Source

2006 Sandra D Killing Cole Information Services Jannis Lewis Cole Information Services Minton Pope Cole Information Services Sherry Riley Cole Information Services Hubert Roland Cole Information Services Geraldine Shannon Cole Information Services Felicher Simpkins Cole Information Services 2000 3418 3420 303 1 S Not R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 Russell Hadley Cole Publications 1990 Hyde Park Plaza Apartments R. L. Polk Co. 1985 3411 13 Hyde Park 34 Apartments Jackson 1980 Hyde Park 34 Apartments R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Grechus Virginia R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Tucker Glenn R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Tripp Elsie G R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Bell Randy R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Sigler Gail W R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Leavens Coland L R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Robinson Minnie R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Cole Delia M Mrs R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Ragland Charles R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Fowler John R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Talton Bill R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Davis Mary R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Husted Tammy R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Coleman M L R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Ragland Theo R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Young Oscar R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Elzie Gustoria R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Stacker Dan R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Thompson Blanche W R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Crafton Tom R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Lewis Wayne R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Slavens Howard R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Clarke Clifford R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Gillham Court Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Johnston N R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1975 Johnson S R. L. Polk Co. Janlaar Chu pot R. L. Polk Co. Bell Randy R. L. Polk Co. Sigler Gail W R. L. Polk Co. Mays D R. L. Polk Co. Davis M R. L. Polk Co. Robinson M R. L. Polk Co. Rothrock Julie R. L. Polk Co. Cole Lon D R. L. Polk Co. Mc Merrell Agnes R. L. Polk Co. Snell V R. L. Polk Co. Ross Thos R. L. Polk Co. Brunsteter J L R. L. Polk Co. Hall Evelyn R. L. Polk Co. Cates Jerry R. L. Polk Co. Shahir Farhid R. L. Polk Co. Tsai A R. L. Polk Co. Saxton Eola R. L. Polk Co. Lee C A R. L. Polk Co. Thompson Blanche W R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Baker Floyd R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Johnson T R. L. Polk Co. 1970 MC MERRILLI AGNES R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. TECTER ROBIN R. L. Polk Co. ROBERTSON KENNETH R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. ELLSWORTH HENNESSEY R. L. Polk Co. PIERCEALL A R. L. Polk Co. CASPERS ALICE M R. L. Polk Co. PICKERING DALE R. L. Polk Co. SITCHLER WILLIE L R. L. Polk Co. MC MANNIS LEO R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. SNYDER ETHEL R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1970 ROECKER EVELYN R. L. Polk Co. GILLHAM COURT APARTMENTS R. L. Polk Co. CONSOLVER JAY P R. L. Polk Co. WHEELER BERT R. L. Polk Co. FRANCIS NAOME R. L. Polk Co. BELL RANDY R. L. Polk Co. BURD HAROLD R. L. Polk Co. EURD JULIP R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. PIERCE ALLIE MRS R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. COLE LON D R. L. Polk Co. 1966 GILLHAM COURT APARTMENTS Jackson WALMSLEY CHARLES A Jackson WHEELER BERT Jackson HOYT GAYLE Jackson MASON RON E Jackson VACANT Jackson TROUT ALVIN Jackson GRIGGS DOROTHY Jackson DANIELS IRVING F Jackson MC MERRELL AGNES M Jackson LILLARD RONALD Jackson VACANT Jackson BURNETT J Jackson RANDOLPH WARREN F JR Jackson KINDER JERRY A Jackson MILES ETHEL L Jackson DAYRINGER THOS A Jackson CASPERS ALICE M Jackson PINKLEY SHAW Jackson NO RETURN Jackson WARNER MARIE Jackson SNYDER ETHEL Jackson VACANT Jackson 1961 3411 13 Giliham Court Apartments R. L. Polk Co. 1956 3411 13 Gillham Court Apts R. L. Polk Co. 1951 3411 13 Gillham Court Apts R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1945 Gillham Court Apts Gate City Directory Co. 1940 3411 13 Gillham Court Apts Gate City Directory Co. 1935 3411 13 Gillham Court Apts Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Gillham Court Apts Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 C A Fennell Gate City Directory Co. Mary B McGrath Gate City Directory Co. Thomasine Jackson Gate City Directory Co. Buchanan Gate City Directory Co. Thos Arnold Gate City Directory Co. Mary J Newell Gate City Directory Co. M Ryan Gate City Directory Co. Roth Gretta Gate City Directory Co. C E Gentry Gate City Directory Co. Frank C Swift Gate City Directory Co. E F Page Gate City Directory Co. G E Webb Gate City Directory Co. Frank E Sanford Gate City Directory Co. R Emmet Cooper Gate City Directory Co. Alma Thornquist Gate City Directory Co. Eleanor Fowler Gate City Directory Co. Maurice Goldfelt Gate City Directory Co. Arrington Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1985 3411 13 Hyde Park 34 Apartments Jackson Vacant Jackson Brooks Frances Jackson Welch Michl T Jackson Sapho Denise Jackson No Return Jackson Mason Wayne Jackson White Anita Jackson Jackson Yolanda S Jackson Acats Jackson Williams Jackson Carter Eric L Jackson Murphy Lynda J Jackson

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Year Uses Source

1985 Bronson Jackson Townsend L Jackson Schwartz P F Jackson Wickizer Jackson 1970 GILLHAM COURT APARTMENTS R. L. Polk Co. 1966 GILLHAM COURT APARTMENTS Jackson JEFFRESS MARY J Jackson HELLEN ROSE Jackson 1961 3411 13 Giliham Court Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Wheeler Boyd R. L. Polk Co. Jeffress Mary J R. L. Polk Co. Mc Rae E Jo R. L. Polk Co. Puett Lane E R. L. Polk Co. Hartley No rma J R. L. Polk Co. No Return R. L. Polk Co. Daniels Irwin F R. L. Polk Co. Hellen Rose R. L. Polk Co. Mc Merrell Agnes M R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Baird Arla M R. L. Polk Co. Biggs Lester L R. L. Polk Co. York Joy G R. L. Polk Co. Moore Lonnie R R. L. Polk Co. Liebert C Pat R. L. Polk Co. Binford Paul V R. L. Polk Co. Caspers Alice M R. L. Polk Co. Wilkerson Wm D R. L. Polk Co. Thompson Blanche W R. L. Polk Co. Weber Jo Ann R. L. Polk Co. Blair John F R. L. Polk Co. Snyder Ethel R. L. Polk Co. Boggs Almaretta R. L. Polk Co. 1956 3411 13 Gillham Court Apts R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Vacant R. L. Polk Co. B Spencer H Clay R. L. Polk Co. Duewell Theresa D R. L. Polk Co. Mitschele Viola R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1956 Albrecht Richd B R. L. Polk Co. Guptlll Jas W jr R. L. Polk Co. Maria S B R. L. Polk Co. Brennan Patk R. L. Polk Co. Nutter Stella S Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Cumming Annie R. L. Polk Co. Price Audrea R. L. Polk Co. Compton John F R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Turgeon Robt E R. L. Polk Co. Stewart Donald L ir R. L. Polk Co. Bush Myrta A Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Borum Virginia M R. L. Polk Co. Mc Crary Maude Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Diestelkamp Loretta R. L. Polk Co. Binford Paul V R. L. Polk Co. Jordon Dorothy R. L. Polk Co. Hauser Wiley W R. L. Polk Co. Weickert Edna G R. L. Polk Co. Flynn Robt E R. L. Polk Co. Kuhn Olga M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Cole Lon D R. L. Polk Co. 1951 3411 13 Gillham Court Apts R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Guest Edgar A jan R. L. Polk Co. 101 03 Woolsey Ethel R Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 101 03 Woolsey Ethel R Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Robertson Bess M R. L. Polk Co. Decker Connie S R. L. Polk Co. Nutter Stella S Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Brennan Patk R. L. Polk Co. Waters Helen M R. L. Polk Co. Mackison Frenk P R. L. Polk Co. Brown Myrtle M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Wicker Wm R. L. Polk Co. Murrian Earl E R. L. Polk Co. Cassady Maretta J Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Rinehart Leland G R. L. Polk Co. Bush Myrta A Mrs R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1951 Borum Virginia M R. L. Polk Co. Trefs Norton R. L. Polk Co. Crowe Eva Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Van Sickel Marjorie J R. L. Polk Co. Heckman T W R. L. Polk Co. Johnson Harold S R. L. Polk Co. Harris Mildred Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Sterling Viola P Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Majors Thornton E R. L. Polk Co. Cole Lon D R. L. Polk Co. Allison Rebecca M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Gillham Court Apts Gate City Directory Co. 03 Woolsev Ethel mgr Gate City Directory Co. Boulware Dorothy Gate City Directory Co. Deason LeRoy B Gate City Directory Co. Legan Otto Gate City Directory Co. Brennan Patk Gate City Directory Co. Phares Vance Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Evans Mary E Gate City Directory Co. Kussman Paul M Gate City Directory Co. Stofflo Evelyn J Gate City Directory Co. Alexander Clifton Gate City Directory Co. Anderson Frances Gate City Directory Co. Johnston Howard Gate City Directory Co. Peahrson Ila Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Tandy Jackson H Gate City Directory Co. Cockran Marvel Gate City Directory Co. McCaslin Eliz Gate City Directory Co. Sweedler Leo Gate City Directory Co. Walker Wayne K Gate City Directory Co. Horwitz Irving Gate City Directory Co. Rathbone Robt R Gate City Directory Co. Baber Chas W Gate City Directory Co. Cole Lon D Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Anderson Wm C Gate City Directory Co. Burruss Nelson K Gate City Directory Co. Lubbert Dee W Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1940 Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Markland Wm F Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Longhofer Ray Gate City Directory Co. Campbell Hazel M Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Cole Lon D Gate City Directory Co. Miller Della M Gate City Directory Co. Hedges Wm E Gate City Directory Co. Elvins Dozier H Gate City Directory Co. Yates Chas L Gate City Directory Co. Lage Oscar B Gate City Directory Co. Henslee Carroll M Gate City Directory Co. Boone Geneva M Gate City Directory Co. Arendt Henry E Gate City Directory Co. Simpson Kenneth E Gate City Directory Co. Odom Juanita Gate City Directory Co. 3411 13 Gillham Court Apts Gate City Directory Co. Wetmore Jessie H Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Miller Della M Gate City Directory Co. Major Jas B Gate City Directory Co. Elliott Geo H Gate City Directory Co. White Carl M Gate City Directory Co. Miller Della M Gate City Directory Co. Smith Geo W Gate City Directory Co. Brennan Patk Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Bockemohle Mildred Gate City Directory Co. Tual Geo D Gate City Directory Co. 3411 13 Gillham Court Apts Gate City Directory Co. bsmt Cassidy Harry janitor Gate City Directory Co. Hopkins Guy S Gate City Directory Co. Hopkins Mable J Mrs mgr Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Fra nks Clifford G Gate City Directory Co. Irwin Jas Gate City Directory Co. Williams Austin B Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1935 Bormaster Tillie Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Hall Thos E Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Cross Dorothea Gate City Directory Co. Buell Georgia V Gate City Directory Co. Sterling Paul W Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Sheehy Richd W Gate City Directory Co. Silverberg Wm Gate City Directory Co. Baumchen Bess Gate City Directory Co. Moore Lorenzo D Gate City Directory Co. Friedman Jos Gate City Directory Co. Stork Mildred Gate City Directory Co. Dunham Hal M Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Higby Clinton V Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Myers R S Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Withers C S Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Story M G Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Hill Clara I Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Drey Wm C Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Hall Lewis E Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Davis Wm E Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Greene Glenn C Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Falk F T Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Vacant Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Vacant Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Connally Kath Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Foland Vada Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Bridie J C Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Foelker W O Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Feeney Jos A Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Beyers Chas Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Leonard Clarence A Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Webb John W Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Bales Howard G Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Barnes R G Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Burr Thurman V Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Stoltz Henry W Gate City Directory Co., Publishers

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Year Uses Source

1930 Gillham Court Apts Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Page Geo jan Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Danl Moynahan Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 No Return R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Gillham Plaza Apartments Jackson Vacant Jackson Marbley Benard Jackson Tomasik Jackson Welch Jackson Langston P Jackson Henderson Jackson Vacant Jackson Rothrock Gordon Jackson 1980 Gillham Plaza Apartments R. L. Polk Co., Publishers No Return R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Kemp Opal R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Keith Leo D R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Ross Richd R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Davison Wm R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Wright Thelma R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Annis Francis R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Bowden Ralph R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Rogers Marlon R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Rothrock Gordon R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Bsmt Shakelford Myron R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Maxey James R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Rockroth Gordon R. L. Polk Co. Gillham Plaza Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Stephenson Walter B R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source


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Year Uses Source

1966 MEALS JUANITA Jackson SIMKIE JO ANN Jackson BROWN RAIDINE Jackson WILSON WANDA M Jackson MEYER LETITIA C MRS Jackson GAUNT RICHO Jackson VACANT Jackson FINNY RICHD Jackson ROCKROTH GORDON Jackson 1961 3415 17 Gillham Plaza Apartments R. L. Polk Co. 1956 3415 17 Gillham Plaza Apts R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Gillham Plaza Apts R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Guest E jan R. L. Polk Co. Gilborne John E R. L. Polk Co. Mc Keone Matthew L jr R. L. Polk Co. Clarke Edith E R. L. Polk Co. Bernat Herman G R. L. Polk Co. Wade Bernice R. L. Polk Co. Schottler Arnold R. L. Polk Co. Knight Doris R. L. Polk Co. Kupp Albert C R. L. Polk Co. Bredimus Harriett J R. L. Polk Co. Mallin Abr R. L. Polk Co. Bender Oliver W R. L. Polk Co. Gay Ray J R. L. Polk Co. Jarrett Bertha R. L. Polk Co. Kierl Helen R. L. Polk Co. Myers Harold B R. L. Polk Co. Johnson Norval W R. L. Polk Co. Mc Caslin Eliz M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Phares Courtney R. L. Polk Co. Robbins Harry W R. L. Polk Co. Mc Cormick Jas R. L. Polk Co. Shawhan Eliz J Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Brown Franklin L R. L. Polk Co. Mittet Martin M R. L. Polk Co. Burns Wm R. L. Polk Co. Allison Rebecca M Mrs R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1945 Gillham Plaza Apts Gate City Directory Co. 1940 3415 17 Gillham Plaza Apts Gate City Directory Co. 1935 3415 17 Gillham Plaza Apts Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Gillham Plaza Apts Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Gillham Plaza Apts Gate City Directory Co. Laura J Everett Gate City Directory Co. Chas M Petty Gate City Directory Co. Mildred Evarts Gate City Directory Co. Pearl M Minnick Gate City Directory Co. Wm R Yount Gate City Directory Co. Wm C Geary Gate City Directory Co. Thad O Day Gate City Directory Co. Armand L Goley Gate City Directory Co. Vincent E Larrick Gate City Directory Co. Harry Schwartzberger Gate City Directory Co. J W Horn phys Gate City Directory Co. Saml S Goodman Gate City Directory Co. Eleanor L Goldstein Gate City Directory Co. Baxter Brown Gate City Directory Co. Chas P Stearns Gate City Directory Co. Jack Cohen Gate City Directory Co. Evans Gate City Directory Co. Archie U Kesterson Gate City Directory Co. R C Gary Gate City Directory Co. Harry J Nugent Gate City Directory Co. Munroe Gate City Directory Co. Albert Jones Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1990 Hyde Park Plaza Pkg Lot R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Gillham Plaza Apartments Jackson Vacant Jackson Zohn Robt E Jackson Feilds R C Jackson Brooks Jackson Taggart Muriel Jackson Thurston Jackson

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Year Uses Source

1985 No Return Jackson Taylor May Jackson Vacant Jackson Vacant Jackson Henderson Allen Jackson Newsom Marvin Jackson lnGowin Gina Jackson n Finza Jackson n Foster Jackson n Stratton Gregory B Jackson 1980 Gillham Plaza Apartments R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Isidora Leon R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Shakelford Dennis R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Zohn Robt E R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Ross Richd R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Craft Reva R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Sowell Norma R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Thurston Howard R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Timblim Bill R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Rehabilitation Center R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Clevenger Betty L R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Wyatt Mary E R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Sartain Myri R. L. Polk Co., Publishers n Stephenson Vernon R. L. Polk Co., Publishers n Lehman Danny C R. L. Polk Co., Publishers n Asher D L R. L. Polk Co., Publishers n Stratton Gregory B R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Eisler John F R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Gillham Plaza Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Blankenship John R. L. Polk Co. Kemp Opal R. L. Polk Co. Larsen Raymond R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Wilson Harold R. L. Polk Co. Jackson Wayne A R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Royalty Sharon R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1975 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Wyatt Mary R. L. Polk Co. Clark Earl R. L. Polk Co. 1970 GILLHAM PLAZA APARTMENTS R. L. Polk Co. NELMES BELLE R. L. Polk Co. KUPP ALBERT C R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. CHAPMAN JOHN R. L. Polk Co. 1966 GILLHAM PLAZA APARTMENTS Jackson NELMS BELLE Jackson KUPP ALBERT C Jackson SPARKS PEGGY Jackson HICKS RUBY Jackson VACANT Jackson 1961 Jester Bernard E R. L. Polk Co. Mc Cormick Jas R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Van Rheon Shirley R. L. Polk Co. Whitman Phyllis C R. L. Polk Co. Bransetter Sandra I R. L. Polk Co. 3415 17 Gillham Plaza Apartments R. L. Polk Co. B Martin Alberta Mrs mgr R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Nelmes Belle JEl T R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Dixon John R R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Crippen Ruth M VAI R. L. Polk Co. Kupp Albert C R. L. Polk Co. Daniels Irwin F R. L. Polk Co. Fallis Karen E LO R. L. Polk Co. Jarrett Bertha Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Smith Gerald L R. L. Polk Co. Vansanot Richd L R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1961 Pingleton Ronald Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Glendenning Ralph R R. L. Polk Co. Murphy Doris M R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Wilson Wanda M R. L. Polk Co. Meyer Letitia C Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1956 3415 17 Gillham Plaza Apts R. L. Polk Co. B Martin Clarence R. L. Polk Co. Rowlings Ann G R. L. Polk Co. Nelmes Belle R. L. Polk Co. Southard Guy D R. L. Polk Co. Anderson Neal R. L. Polk Co. Ogle Mildred 0 Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Schlesselman Leo A R. L. Polk Co. Lawrence Vivian R. L. Polk Co. Kupp Albert C R. L. Polk Co. Igo Virginia G R. L. Polk Co. Jarrett Bertha Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Van Loon J A R. L. Polk Co. Murray Roy R. L. Polk Co. Hankins Howard L R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Cronin Velma M R. L. Polk Co. OBrien Margt R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Meyer Letitia C Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Mc Cormick Jas R. L. Polk Co. Davis Lee R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Griffin G L R. L. Polk Co. Burns Wm H R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Gillham Plaza Apts Gate City Directory Co. Gay Ray Gate City Directory Co. Robison E O Gate City Directory Co. Kupp Albert C Gate City Directory Co. Pierson Walter A Gate City Directory Co. Mallin Abr Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1945 Wallington C F Gate City Directory Co. Nelson Roberta Gate City Directory Co. Smith John L Gate City Directory Co. Gilbourne Jean Mrs Gate City Directory Co. McKeone Matthew L jr Gate City Directory Co. Casey Herman Gate City Directory Co. Metzger Carl Gate City Directory Co. Jarrett Bertha Gate City Directory Co. Hunt Frances Gate City Directory Co. Chasteen Hazel Gate City Directory Co. Johnson N W Gate City Directory Co. Barton Lee Gate City Directory Co. Gallagher Jos W Gate City Directory Co. McCormick Jas Gate City Directory Co. Shawhan Eliz Gate City Directory Co. Bangs Lloyd E Gate City Directory Co. Mittet Martin M Gate City Directory Co. Boyd John E Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Schoeger Vera Gate City Directory Co. Mc Keone Matthew L jr Gate City Directory Co. Kasparek Lewis L Gate City Directory Co. Mc Clay Raymond L Gate City Directory Co. Karn Freeman Gate City Directory Co. Guernsey Lloyd Gate City Directory Co. Wingert A J Gate City Directory Co. Kupp Albert C Gate City Directory Co. Kuplen A Clifton Gate City Directory Co. Mallin Abr Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Barash Harry Gate City Directory Co. Downing Ralph W Gate City Directory Co. Wood Harold Gate City Directory Co. Anthes Bernard Gate City Directory Co. Harshaw Jos J Gate City Directory Co. Mc Cormick Jas Gate City Directory Co. Barton Lee W Gate City Directory Co. Kaumeyer Jas M Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1940 Amick Carl F Gate City Directory Co. Dunbar Paul Gate City Directory Co. Meads Floyd Gate City Directory Co. Mittet Martin M Gate City Directory Co. Charmley Richd C Gate City Directory Co. bsmt Wright Rufus J janitor Gate City Directory Co. Miller Della M Gate City Directory Co. 3415 17 Gillham Plaza Apts Gate City Directory Co. 1935 3415 17 Gillham Plaza Apts Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Harr is W K Gate City Directory Co. Klerfi M H Gate City Directory Co. Cox Leon H Gate City Directory Co. Farrell Wm A Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Wingert Arth J Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Mallin Abe Gate City Directory Co. Myers Eva Gate City Directory Co. Smith Geo W Gate City Directory Co. Miller Jack Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Walker Jean Gate City Directory Co. Smith Emma K Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Nuckolls John M Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Vacqnt Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Horstman Paul N Gate City Directory Co. bsmt Frank Elias janitor Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Gillham Plaza Apts Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Lamoree Eug Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Farnan Ray Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Jaudon Thos B Gate City Directory Co., Publishers

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Year Uses Source

1930 Piene Hilda Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Vacant Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Sadler Clyde R Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Nixon David H Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Mort Robt A Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Vacant Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Atwater Dora Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Ross Julian J Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Humphrey B Clark Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Frazee Eug Gate City Directory Co., Publishers McCoy R N Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Whitford Glen Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Barlow Vernon W Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Pettey Chas M Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Meyer Arch F Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Dusky Ernest R Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Lee M L Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Suddarth Wm N Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Watson Wm R Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Head Robt C Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Burget Allen W Gate City Directory Co., Publishers


Year Uses Source

2006 Alfonso Restrepo Cole Information Services 1995 Roberto Cano Cole Publications 1990 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. n Wilkerson John R. L. Polk Co. n Vacant R. L. Polk Co. n Vacant R. L. Polk Co. n URen E R. L. Polk Co. 1975 Armour Gillham Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Newton 0 L R. L. Polk Co. Irwin Veta M R. L. Polk Co. Hulett M M R. L. Polk Co. Burns Wm T R. L. Polk Co. 1970 IRWIN VETA M R. L. Polk Co. NEWTON 0 L R. L. Polk Co. ARMOUR GILLHAM APARTMENTS R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1970 KEARNS GLADYS MRS R. L. Polk Co. 1966 ARMOUR GILLHAM APARTMENTS Jackson GALVIN E FRANCIS Jackson HULETT MARY M MRS Jackson IRWIN VETA M Jackson KEARNS GLADYS MRS Jackson 1961 3418 24 Armour Gi Tham Apartments R. L. Polk Co. 1956 3418 24 Armour Gillham Apts R. L. Polk Co. Mitchell Bernita L Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Harris Duane L R. L. Polk Co. Musser Mildred R. L. Polk Co. Hughes Ellz Y Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1951 3418 24 Armour Gillham Apts R. L. Polk Co. Mitchell Bernita L Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Hughes Eliz Y Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Neel Dale R. L. Polk Co. Hill Wm F R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Armour Gillham Apts Gate City Directory Co. Mitchell Bernita L Gate City Directory Co. Bridges Wm L jr Gate City Directory Co. Hughes Eliz Y Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Burg T Stanley Gate City Directory Co. 1940 3418 24 Armour Gillham Apts Gate City Directory Co. Sharp John E Gate City Directory Co. Mitchell Bernita Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Trilling Kalman Gate City Directory Co. Le Brink Edw H Gate City Directory Co. 1935 3418 24 Armnur Gillham Apts Gate City Directory Co. Dodge Velma C Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Gunther Henry F Gate City Directory Co. Lindenbaum Morris J Gate City Directory Co. Olson Roland R Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Armour Gillham Apts Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Trogden Emma Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Teller Chas B Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Larimore Leland S Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Flaherty Thos F Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 M M Boggess Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1925 Wilbur Newby Gate City Directory Co. Armour Gillham Apts Gate City Directory Co. Louis G Mellinger Gate City Directory Co. Thos F Flaherty Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications


Year Uses Source

1995 K Trilling Cole Publications 1990 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. s Wilson S R. L. Polk Co. s Trilling Renee M R. L. Polk Co. s Me Gowan Hal R. L. Polk Co. s Mc Avoy Michi R. L. Polk Co. 1985 s Trilling Renee M Jackson sWhipking Mike Jackson s No Return Jackson lnr Calderona Helen A Jackson n O Mazo Jackson n Gonzals Jackson n Vargas Jackson Apartments Jackson Is Gerbhardt Jackson 1980 Apartments R. L. Polk Co., Publishers No Return R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Trilling Renee M R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Stevenson Vernon R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Percell D R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Burns Wm T R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers n Mouser Thos R. L. Polk Co., Publishers n Wooten John M R. L. Polk Co., Publishers no Fanning R R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Trilling Renee M R. L. Polk Co. Wilkerson Edna M R. L. Polk Co. 1970 HULETT MARY M MRS R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1970 HANSEN MARJORIE R. L. Polk Co. TRILLING MARY MRS R. L. Polk Co. WILKERSON EDNA M R. L. Polk Co. ROBGLER ROBBIE MRS R. L. Polk Co. 1966 DAVIS GERTRUDE C MRS Jackson HANSEN MARJORIE Jackson TRILLING MARY MRS Jackson WILKERSON EDNA M Jackson 1961 Trilling Mary Mrs VA R. L. Polk Co. Hansen Marjorie R. L. Polk Co. Wilkerson Edna R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Hansen Marjorie R. L. Polk Co. Wilkerson Edna M R. L. Polk Co. Trilling Mary Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Walker Alice H R. L. Polk Co. 1951 AHansen Marjorie H R. L. Polk Co. Trilling K R. L. Polk Co. Walker Alice H Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Wilkerson Edna M Gate City Directory Co. Hansen Marjorie H Gate City Directory Co. Trilling Kalman Gate City Directory Co. Moore Jack Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Bray Russell D Gate City Directory Co. Wilkerson Edna M Gate City Directory Co. Hudson Jane Gate City Directory Co. Hansen Marjorie H Gate City Directory Co. Madison M Luther Gate City Directory Co. Madison Anna A Mrs mgr Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Rayburn Lee P Gate City Directory Co. Hansen Marjorie H Gate City Directory Co. Mc Alister Nathaniel E Gate City Directory Co. Clark Frank B Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Swanson Leonard C Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Breipohl Nannie E Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Griswold Davis B Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 E Odor Gate City Directory Co. C E Goodrich Gate City Directory Co. Clarence B Irving Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1925 Ernest G Barnes Gate City Directory Co. Otto A Thudum Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1975 Carroll Jim R. L. Polk Co. ln June C N R. L. Polk Co. 1970 STRAFF MARY N MRS R. L. Polk Co. 1966 STRAFF MARY N MRS Jackson 1961 Straff Mary N Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Stephens Robt E R. L. Polk Co. Kennedy Natalie Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Osterloh Dorothy Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Haage Barbara J L R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Wines Chas K R. L. Polk Co. Straf Mary Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Blinn Melvin L R. L. Polk Co. France Chas R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Bernhardt Harold E jr R. L. Polk Co. Brooks Raymond W R. L. Polk Co. Mallin Howard R. L. Polk Co. Swank Ruby L Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Sprague Jas N R. L. Polk Co. Marquez Eduardo R. L. Polk Co. Pugh Richd R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Hoff Florence Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Abbott Ozell E Gate City Directory Co. Clark Howard L Gate City Directory Co. Tate Jos P Gate City Directory Co. Ashmore Chas R Gate City Directory Co. Miller Ida Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Long Louise Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Blair Fern K Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Ayres Mary L Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Cheek Nina B Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Vodrey Marion Gate City Directory Co. Dickinson Russell B Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Vacant Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1930 McKelvey Russell E Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Grassfield Stuart W Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Vore Wm nurse Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Gillham Plaza Apts Gate City Directory Co. Amber Cadien Gate City Directory Co. Robt W Rhames Gate City Directory Co. G Frank Householder Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Cecil E Lovejoy Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 n Vacant R. L. Polk Co. n Linton D R. L. Polk Co. n Vacant R. L. Polk Co. n Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Apartments R. L. Polk Co. 1980 Leach Maria R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Lott Clara Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1970 APARTMENTS R. L. Polk Co. N HARRIS L F R. L. Polk Co. N FOGG EUG R. L. Polk Co. N LOTT CLARA MRS R. L. Polk Co. N ASHBURN JOSEPH L R. L. Polk Co. 1966 BARKALOW KENNETH Jackson CHANEY INA I Jackson FOGG EUGENE F Jackson 1961 Fogg Eug F R. L. Polk Co. Ogle Mildred 0 Mrs L R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Boyer Clay R R. L. Polk Co. Pierce Ruth D R. L. Polk Co. Ashmore Chas R R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Ashmore Chas R R. L. Polk Co. Ayres Mary L Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Boyer C R R. L. Polk Co. Haslan Fred jr R. L. Polk Co. 1940 Lott Clara E Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Waring Edwin M Gate City Directory Co. Warren Frank J Gate City Directory Co. Cox Horace E Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1935 Kiewitt Louise Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Lott Clara E Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Durbin D lone Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Lott Clara Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Fencil Emma Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Ferguson Wallace jan Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Geedney Henry E Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Benton Sarah H Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Garry Frank A Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Richardson Frank W Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Chas A Ainsworth Gate City Directory Co. J Russell Fitts Gate City Directory Co. Sallie L Pendelton Gate City Directory Co. Ralph S Fink Gate City Directory Co. Louis K Bott Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Joyce Robinson Cole Information Services 1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1990 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Apartments Jackson Is Vacant Jackson s Butts Jackson Shukair Hasan Jackson s Connor Jackson 1980 Apartments R. L. Polk Co., Publishers s Engrissei Glenda R. L. Polk Co., Publishers s Trilling M R R. L. Polk Co., Publishers s Poznanski Abraham R. L. Polk Co., Publishers s Severson E R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Apartments R. L. Polk Co. s Witten Jim R. L. Polk Co. s Vacant R. L. Polk Co. s Sawyer John W R. L. Polk Co. s Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Bsmt Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1970 APARTMENTS R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1970 S BARKALOW CLARA W MRS R. L. Polk Co. S MOORE HARRY A R. L. Polk Co. S SAWYER JOHN W R. L. Polk Co. S PICKETT A M R. L. Polk Co. BSMT VACANT R. L. Polk Co. 1966 SAWYER JOHN W Jackson SLOCUM TRUE W Jackson WRIGHT EARL L Jackson 1961 3418 24 Armour Gi Tham Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Hulett Mary Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Kearns Gladys Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Galvin E Francis R. L. Polk Co. Kirkpatrick Harriett E Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Yost Charity P Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Sawyer John W R. L. Polk Co. 1956 3418 24 Armour Gillham Apts R. L. Polk Co. Douglas Louis W R. L. Polk Co. Kirkpatrick Harriett E Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Yost Charity P Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Sawyer John W R. L. Polk Co. 1951 3418 24 Armour Gillham Apts R. L. Polk Co. Schmitt Richd R R. L. Polk Co. Kirkpatrick Harriet E R. L. Polk Co. Yost Charity P Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Sawyer John W R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Armour Gillham Apts Gate City Directory Co. Kirkpatrinck Geo A Gate City Directory Co. Yost Charity P Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1940 3418 24 Armour Gillham Apts Gate City Directory Co. Sawyer John W Gate City Directory Co. Ambrose Ernest R Gate City Directory Co. Kirkpatrick Geo A Gate City Directory Co. Stitt Jackson Gate City Directory Co. bsmt Williams Edw D janitor Gate City Directory Co. 1935 3418 24 Armnur Gillham Apts Gate City Directory Co. Deuser Wm F Gate City Directory Co. Cohan Geo M Gate City Directory Co. bsmt Edwards Jas janitor Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1930 Armour Gillham Apts Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Levy Flo Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Ewing Herbert V Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Austin Oliver B Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Shafer Harry Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Armour Gillham Apts Gate City Directory Co. John E Buchanan Gate City Directory Co. Oryal Cunningham phys Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1980 Snoderly Charles W R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Snoderly Charles W R. L. Polk Co. 1970 AMSTATTE JOHN R. L. Polk Co. 1966 SUHR HELEN A Jackson MAYES DONALD L Jackson 1961 Mc Call Richd R R. L. Polk Co. Hick Dick C R. L. Polk Co. Prybil Howard J R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Harrisson Lorena Y Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Garabedian John N R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Harrison Lorena Y Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Garabedian John N R. L. Polk Co. Feagles Ralph L R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Bourrette Geo V Gate City Directory Co. Garabedian John Gate City Directory Co. Harrison Addison M Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Harrison Addison M Gate City Directory Co. Bourrette Goldie V Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Lechtman Dora C Gate City Directory Co. Harrison A M phys Gate City Directory Co. Underwood R L Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Lechtman Dora C Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Harrison A M phys Gate City Directory Co., Publishers McClellan Chas W Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Dora Lechtman Gate City Directory Co. Alfred W Harrison phys Gate City Directory Co. Addison M Harrison phys Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1925 L F Ray Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Nora Fairley Gate City Directory Co. Morris Klein Gate City Directory Co. Howard T Telle Gate City Directory Co.



Year Uses Source

2000 BARNTHOUSE CHRIS D phys R. L. Polk Co. Publishers



Year Uses Source

2006 No Current Listing Cole Information Services 2000 3401 3402 Not Ver Ified 2 Hses R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1990 Clark Chas R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Moore Harry A Jackson 1980 Armstrong Young R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1970 CASS NANCY R. L. Polk Co. MC KOWAN LARRY R. L. Polk Co. 1966 LEWIS EMMA MRS Jackson MARSHALL JOHN Jackson 1961 Gerlecz Anna SMrs R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Gerlecz Anna Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Gerlecz Ann A Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Wade Lenert E R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Gerlecz Anna I Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Tomes Rudolph M Gate City Directory Co. Gerlecz Ann Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Mc Dannold Judson S Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Broderick Benton T Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Ernest F Browne Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Emily Kennedy Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

2000 3401 3402 Not Ver Ified 2 Hses R. L. Polk Co. Publishers


Year Uses Source

2006 No Current Listing Cole Information Services 2000 Will Ilams Jamal R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Vacant Jackson 1980 0zburn Wm E R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Newberry Florence M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1970 NEWBERRY FLORENCE M MRS R. L. Polk Co. 1966 NEWBERRY FLORENCE M MRS Jackson 1961 Newberry Florence M Mrs B R. L. Polk Co. Missouri Valley Paving Ce Le R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Newberry Florence M R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Newberry Wilson S R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Newberry Wilson S Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Newberry Wilson S Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Newberry Wilson S Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Newberry Wilson S Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Wilson S Newberry Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Wilson S Newberry Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Andrea Hernandez Cole Information Services 2000 3407 3408 Not Verified 2 Hses R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1990 Gomez Everardo R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Gomez Everardo Jackson 1980 Gomez Everardo R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Gomez Everado R. L. Polk Co. 1970 MANDL LOUIS P R. L. Polk Co. 1966 MANDL LOUIS P Jackson 1961 Mandl Louis P R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Mandl Louis P R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Mandl Louis Po R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1945 Mandl Louis P Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Mandl Louis P Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Mandl Louis P Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Mandl Louis P Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Louis Mandel Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2000 3407 3408 Not Verified 2 Hses R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1956 Longan Geo B School R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Longan Geo B School R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Longan Geo B School Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Longan Geo B School Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Longan Geo B School Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Hyde Park School Gate City Directory Co., Publishers


Year Uses Source

2006 Hortencia H Estrada Cole Information Services H Estrada Cole Information Services 2000 Estrada Hortencia H R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Estrada Juan C a R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1990 Perez Rafael R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Perez Rafael Jackson 1980 Gomez Manuel A R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Gomez Lydia G R. L. Polk Co. 1970 GOMEZ LYDIA MRS R. L. Polk Co. 1966 GOMEZ EVERARDO Jackson 1961 Willman Olga C R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Willman Olga C O R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Willman Olga C O R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Willman Olga C Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Willman Olga C Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Willman Lizzie Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Willman Fred G Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Willman Lizzie Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Fred J Willman Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Fred J Willman Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

2006 Glenda J Brandon Cole Information Services 2000 Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 M Rogers Cole Publications 1990 Etter Rodney P R. L. Polk Co. 1985 No Return Jackson 1980 Etter Ronnie P R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1970 PORTER ROGER L R. L. Polk Co. 1966 PORTER ROGER L Jackson 1961 Kraxner Mary Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1956 AKraxner Rudolph R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Kraxner Rudolph C R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Kravner Rudolph Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Kraxner Rudolph C Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Kraxner Rudolph Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Kraxner Rudolph Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Rudolph Kraxner Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Virgil Mc Daniel Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Corey P Hunt Cole Information Services 2000 Rogers Alan E R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1990 No Return R. L. Polk Co. 1980 No Return R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Valleau Carl R. L. Polk Co. 1970 BURLEY BEULAH MRS R. L. Polk Co. 1966 SLATER JO ANN MRS Jackson 1961 Hahn Edw R R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Maddutx Roy R t R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Maddux Roy R H R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Marrs Guy R Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Crunnett Brook Gate City Directory Co. De Shazer Ralph E Gate City Directory Co. 1935 De Shazer Ralph E Gate City Directory Co. 1930 DeShazer Ralph E Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Wm M Russell Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Calvin S Veach Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

2006 Marie Joseph Cole Information Services 2000 Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Mc Callop William J II R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Mahoney Letha R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 Donald Elkins Cole Publications 1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Echelmeyer S A Jackson 1980 Nguyen Chung D R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Hodes Greg R. L. Polk Co. 1970 TROUPE EARL W R. L. Polk Co. 1966 TROUPE EARL W Jackson 1961 Troupe Earl W R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Troupe Claude G o R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Troupe Claude Go R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Troupe Claude G Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Bowers Howard W Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Laughlin Wm H Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Witter Fred E Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Fred E Witter Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Fred E Witter Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 L Galindo Cole Information Services W Galindo Cole Information Services 2000 Marshall V J R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Watts Erma L R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 Jose Amora Cole Publications 1990 Marquez Jaime R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Marquez Jaime Jackson 1980 Anderton Al R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Campen Andrew H R. L. Polk Co. 1970 CAMPEN ANDREW H R. L. Polk Co. 1966 TRINITY METHODIST CHURCH Jackson OFC Jackson OFC Jackson 1961 Trinity Methodist Church ofe R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Rockelman John A a B R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1951 Rockelman John A R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Rockelman John A Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Rockelman John A Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Rockelman John A Gate City Directory Co. Contr Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Lee Francis C Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Francis C Lee Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Frances C Lee Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1951 Silvey John L R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Silvey John L Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Weir Andrew C Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Weir Andrew C Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Wagner Bert E Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Bion S Hutchins Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Wm Coleman Tevis Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2000 Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1990 Communication By Design adv agcy R. L. Polk Co. Fasone R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Sojourner Sabrina L Jackson 1980 No Return R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Johnston Kenneth R. L. Polk Co. 1970 JOHNSTON KENNETH R. L. Polk Co. NOBLE GARY R. L. Polk Co. PERRY WANDA MRS R. L. Polk Co. WEEKS ROBERT R. L. Polk Co. 1966 HORN LIDA E MRS Jackson COCHRAN ROBT E Jackson PERRY WANDA MRS Jackson 1961 Horn Lida E Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Perry Clyde R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Horn Lida E Mrs Q R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Barnard Emmett C R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1945 Hunt Laura H Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Vacant Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Mertz Louis J Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Mertz Louis J Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Virginia Yeoman Gate City Directory Co. 1920 James T Porter Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1961 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Colaw Bernard R R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Collier Frances E Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Collier Frances E Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Vacant Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Herndon Jas E Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Mathers Melvin Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Vacant Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Don Cipolle Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1990 Sirridge C F R. L. Polk Co. 1985 No Return Jackson 1980 Rasher Ona M Mrs R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Wilson Dorris M R. L. Polk Co. Rasher Ona M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Levine Eileen Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Crom Marda R. L. Polk Co. Russell Helen R. L. Polk Co. 1970 RASHER ONA M MRS R. L. Polk Co. BOONE BONNIE B R. L. Polk Co. WILSON DORRIS M R. L. Polk Co. BENDER AURETTE R. L. Polk Co. E ARMOUR BLVD INTERECTS R. L. Polk Co. 1966 RASHER ONA M MRS Jackson HANSON L C MRS Jackson BRANDON DOROTHY Jackson 1961 Rasher Ona M Mrs R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1961 Brandon Dorothy R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Nichols John M R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Nichols John MO R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Nichols Roxie Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Nichols John M Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Nichols John M Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Nichols John M Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 John M Nichols Gate City Directory Co. 1920 John M Nichols Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Althea Marie Moses Cole Information Services Marcus M Moses Cole Information Services 2000 Moses Marcus M & Althea B R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1995 Jim Fletes Cole Publications Mario Guerra Cole Publications Megan Lewis Cole Publications 1990 Fletes James R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Flates James Jackson Simon Glenn Jackson r Kutherson K Jackson 1980 Gier Delta W R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Paynter Michelle L R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Orme Holly R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Yeakey Larry E R. L. Polk Co. Horack Stanley R. L. Polk Co. Sirridge Christopher R. L. Polk Co. Smithson D S R. L. Polk Co. 1970 SWEEM CLARENCE J R. L. Polk Co. 1966 PETERMAN CHARLES C Jackson 1961 Redford Helen Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Sellars Lloyd R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Sellers Lloyd R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Ney Wm SO R. L. Polk Co. 1945 Rabbi Ney Wm S Gate City Directory Co. Mayer Harry H Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Ney Wm S Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1940 Mayer Harry H Rabbi Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Ney Wm S Gate City Directory Co. Mayer Harry H Rabbi Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Mayer H H Rabbi Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1925 Rabbi Harry H Mayer Gate City Directory Co. 1920 Margaret Yates Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Joann Jackson Cole Information Services 1980 Zimmerschied Mark R. L. Polk Co., Publishers



Year Uses Source

1945 Laffoon Roxine Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1945 Wilkinson Ralph E Gate City Directory Co. Arborfield Tree Surgery Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Wilkinson Ralph W Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Walters Jas A Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Doll Warwick M Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 Geo N Hillias phyl Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 Patrick Hull Cole Publications 1945 McCormick Thurman L Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Mc Cormick Thurman L Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Mc Cormick T L Gate City Directory Co. 1930 McCormick T L Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 Thurman L Mc Cormick Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 Jas Attebery Cole Publications

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Year Uses Source

1995 Patrick Forsythe Cole Publications 1945 Goodrich Wm M Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Goodrich Wm M Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Goodrich Wm M Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Goodrich Wm M Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 Wm M Goodrich Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 Chuck Mahowald Cole Publications 1945 Ewing Frank Gate City Directory Co. Young Arth D Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Ewing Frank Gate City Directory Co. Ca Young Arth TD Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Murch Stanley W Gate City Directory Co. Young Arth D Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Young Arth D Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Price Kenneth T Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 Louis P Teuscher Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 Chuck Mahowald Cole Publications 1945 Savage Patk S Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Savage Patk S Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Savage Patk S Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Savage Patk S Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 Patk Savage Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 Benjamin Alderete Cole Publications 1945 Rayburn Theo J Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Reyburn Theo J Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Patrick Howard S Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Patrick Howard S Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 Harriett Cross Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1945 Palmer Minnie Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1940 White Jess B Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Vacant Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Vacant Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 Marie H Peirson Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 Mark C Bennett Cole Publications Apartments Cole Publications


Year Uses Source

1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications


Year Uses Source

1995 Isaac Coppage Cole Publications Stephen A Allen Cole Publications 1945 Windsor Hall Apts Gate City Directory Co. 1940 3420 22 Windsor Hall Apts Gate City Directory Co. 1935 3420 22 Windsor Hall Apts Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Windsor Hall Apts Gate City Directory Co., Publishers


Year Uses Source

1995 Roselind Porter Cole Publications Roy J Brown Cole Publications Venessa James Cole Publications Lean Zell Johnson Cole Publications 1945 Florion Apts Gate City Directory Co. Gordon W Lowell Gate City Directory Co. Tranin Myer Gate City Directory Co. Vederman Jos Gate City Directory Co. Deitchman Walter Gate City Directory Co. Newberg David J Gate City Directory Co. Cinnamon Saml Gate City Directory Co. Cinnamon Dorothy Mrs mgr Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1945 Rice Dave Gate City Directory Co. Newcomer Albert E Gate City Directory Co. Wimberly Clyde E Gate City Directory Co. Williams Luttie E Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Soivey John W Gate City Directory Co. Finkelston Harry Gate City Directory Co. Walker Dan janitor Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Fl Iorion Apts Gate City Directory Co. Spinks Cleveland C Gate City Directory Co. Karr 0 F Carl Gate City Directory Co. Karr Betty F Mrs mgr Gate City Directory Co. Yeuch Glenn C Gate City Directory Co. Jones Richd D Gate City Directory Co. Jacobs Kenneth H Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Nichols Chas W Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Bates Wm Nowlin Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. bsmt Guest Edgar A janitor Gate City Directory Co. Karr Betty F Mrs mgr Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Florian Apts Gate City Directory Co. bsmt Sheel Roy janitor Gate City Directory Co. Minkin Milo L Gate City Directory Co. Walker Horace W Gate City Directory Co. Walker Flora L mgr Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Jackson Eliz A Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Straight Lewis E Gate City Directory Co. Fisher Paul Gate City Directory Co. Kelley John M Gate City Directory Co. Kelley Robt F Gate City Directory Co. Armstrong Wm J Gate City Directory Co. Marmon Susie E Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Le Claire Raymond J Gate City Directory Co. Hazelton Richd L Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1930 Florian Apts Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Millon Wm jan Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Wood Jas H Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Cady Henry O Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Vacant Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Collyer Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Boyce Chas A Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Mullendore W L Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Craig Verda Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Willis Jack Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Elmquist Frances Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Milligan Lyle Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Hakan Albert Gate City Directory Co., Publishers ONeil E H Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Brenner Toby Gate City Directory Co., Publishers


Year Uses Source

1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications 1945 Windsor Hall Apts Gate City Directory Co. Oakley Thos F Gate City Directory Co. Berkenbile Orlie Gate City Directory Co. Henry Sara M mgr Gate City Directory Co. Adams Mark Gate City Directory Co. Seidel Calvin R Gate City Directory Co. Capp G F Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Stean Floy Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Friday Eva Gate City Directory Co. Boardman Cornelia Gate City Directory Co. Shepard Cecil O Gate City Directory Co. Reynolds Pot D Gate City Directory Co. Graf Lewis A Gate City Directory Co. Novle R F Gate City Directory Co. Wilde Louis Gate City Directory Co. Criswell Louis S Gate City Directory Co. Raysdale Arth Gate City Directory Co. Andrews Sara V Gate City Directory Co. Giesler Bea nurse Gate City Directory Co. Kelly Edna nurse Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1945 Higgins Louise Gate City Directory Co. Moore Dale C Gate City Directory Co. Crouch Edgar A Gate City Directory Co. Theyssen Clay Gate City Directory Co. Hazard Dorothy K Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Owens Arth janitor Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Gordon Morris Gate City Directory Co. bsmt Lanear John janitor Gate City Directory Co. Ca Young Arth TD Gate City Directory Co. 3420 22 Windsor Hall Apts Gate City Directory Co. Smith Jas S Gate City Directory Co. Toomey Fred W Gate City Directory Co. May Henry J mgr Gate City Directory Co. Powell Cecil E Gate City Directory Co. Koons Myrtle Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Foster C Leroy Gate City Directory Co. Bacus Francis A Gate City Directory Co. Rupe Farrell Gate City Directory Co. Ladd Asbarine L Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Bird Gertrude Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Meiners Wm F Gate City Directory Co. Graf Lewis A Gate City Directory Co. Williams Wilson B Gate City Directory Co. Robinson Harold P Gate City Directory Co. Criswell Louis S Gate City Directory Co. Powell S Fred Gate City Directory Co. King J Ross Gate City Directory Co. Andrews Sara V Gate City Directory Co. Mc Allister Earl C Gate City Directory Co. Mericle 0 Ross jr Gate City Directory Co. Wilde Rose A Gate City Directory Co. Vaughn Clarence P Gate City Directory Co. Powell John W Gate City Directory Co. 1935 3420 22 Windsor Hall Apts Gate City Directory Co. bsmt Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Hatter Esther D Gate City Directory Co. Ruland Frank C Gate City Directory Co. May Henry J mgr Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1935 Cole Lon D Gate City Directory Co. Koons Guy B janitor Gate City Directory Co. Ohlson Oscar Gate City Directory Co. May Arnold C Gate City Directory Co. Greenberg Benj B Gate City Directory Co. Barker John M Gate City Directory Co. Bird Gertrude Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Partington Jas A Gate City Directory Co. Graf Lewis Gate City Directory Co. Anderson Harold H Gate City Directory Co. Ebel Edw Gate City Directory Co. Harper C E Gate City Directory Co. Quick C Earl jr Gate City Directory Co. Shedden Clarence E Gate City Directory Co. Andrews Sara V Gate City Directory Co. Kern A J Gate City Directory Co. Newell Wayne R Gate City Directory Co. Ladd Asbarine L Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Closson Robert C Gate City Directory Co. Crippin C C Gate City Directory Co. Thomas John Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Leap Harry E Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Payne Jas Gate City Directory Co., Publishers May Henry J Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Koons Guy B Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Means John Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Saylor Mary Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Hughes J Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Minghini Leland Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Hartzell Ralph Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Bird Gertrude Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Hake Nettie Mrs Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Graham Harrison Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Barrett Theo E Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Swarner Ralph Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Skinner Wallace Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Carter Frances Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Durney Phillip J Gate City Directory Co., Publishers

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Year Uses Source

1930 Andrews Sarah Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Howell Naomia Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Belser Wm Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Laws J W Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Gardner G E Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Evans Ray Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Stephens H N Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Windsor Hall Apts Gate City Directory Co., Publishers


Year Uses Source

1995 Michael Haushahn Cole Publications Larry James Cole Publications Erdis Wright Cole Publications 1945 Nell Clarence E Gate City Directory Co. Segur Albert Gate City Directory Co. Drain Virginia Gate City Directory Co. Ashley Jas H Gate City Directory Co. Biggs Wm R Gate City Directory Co. Summers Thos Gate City Directory Co. Behan Edw M Gate City Directory Co. Reed Kenton C Gate City Directory Co. Kinney Jas J Gate City Directory Co. Smith Robt G Gate City Directory Co. Hammitt Alvin C Gate City Directory Co. Wier Chas L Gate City Directory Co. Lovell Clarence E janitor Gate City Directory Co. Victor Richard Gate City Directory Co. Nell Marie Mrs mgr Gate City Directory Co. Maylene Apts Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Maylene Apts Gate City Directory Co. Willmann Delice C Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Hanslip Edw R Gate City Directory Co. Shields Wallace C Gate City Directory Co. Cunneen Edw J Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Cayton T Marshall Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Ketchum Omar Gate City Directory Co.

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Year Uses Source

1940 Wilson Wayne Gate City Directory Co. Frink Edgar L Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Hammitt Alvin C Gate City Directory Co. Frey Frank J jr Gate City Directory Co. bsmt Walker John W janitor Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Maylene Apts Gate City Directory Co. Hanslip Edw R Gate City Directory Co. Hanslip Helen J Mrs mgr Gate City Directory Co. Chrisman Ray Gate City Directory Co. Hammitt Alvin C Gate City Directory Co. Martin H H Gate City Directory Co. Horn Bostel Harry P Gate City Directory Co. Frink Edgar L Gate City Directory Co. Gedney Henry E Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Merrill W L Gate City Directory Co. Fa 4rchild Frances Gate City Directory Co. Callaway J C Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Maylene Apts Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Hanslip Edw R Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Shepherd N T Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Vacant Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Quinn Glenn jr Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Dunnam Warren H Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Saizow H J Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Clement W W Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Hammitt A C Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Darrah John H Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Vacant Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Smith H R Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Barger Lloyd M Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 Tom Moonlight Murphy Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications

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Year Uses Source

1920 Horace W Walker Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 No Current Listing Cole Publications


Year Uses Source

1995 H R Goff Cole Publications Dr M A Goff Cole Publications 1945 Home Apts Gate City Directory Co. Johnson Amelia W Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Meyer Loren D Gate City Directory Co. Vacant Gate City Directory Co. Coolidge Jas R Gate City Directory Co. Seaman Anna Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Hamilton Wynona Gate City Directory Co. Martin Eva B Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Home Apts Gate City Directory Co. Johnson Amelia W Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Jackson Anna M Mrs Gate City Directory Co. drsmkr Gate City Directory Co. Shepherd Madge 0 Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Baxter John L Gate City Directory Co. Hofmann Michl H Gate City Directory Co. Black Walter E Gate City Directory Co. drsmkr Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Schrader Josephine Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Cox Frank C Gate City Directory Co. Home Apts Gate City Directory Co. Johnson Amelia W Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Barbee Clifford G Gate City Directory Co. Senevey Jos D Gate City Directory Co. Wyatt Wendell Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Home Apts Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Johnson Amelia W Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Farry Arlow Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Major Chas G Gate City Directory Co., Publishers

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Year Uses Source

1930 Miller Jas H Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Vacant Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Linhart G W Gate City Directory Co., Publishers Hall D N Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 Alf T Shauffler Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 Scott D Bone Cole Publications 1945 Fleetwood Henrietta B Mrs Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Swain A Wilson Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Frisbie Jas B Rev Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Seaver Saml R Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 Nina L Renfry Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1935 A Vacant Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 Jim Wanser Cole Publications 1945 Reible John J Gate City Directory Co. Cullen Arth H Gate City Directory Co. Jaggar Serren M Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Roberts Charlotte M Mrs Gate City Directory Co. Roberts Julius 0 CSP Gate City Directory Co. Dahl Olga nurse Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Roberts Julius Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Clingan C D Gate City Directory Co., Publishers 1920 C D Clingan Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1995 James G Anderson Cole Publications J L Essig Cole Publications 1945 Thompson Sanford P Gate City Directory Co. 1940 Thomson Sanford P Gate City Directory Co. 1935 Thomson Sanford P Gate City Directory Co. 1930 Davis R S Gate City Directory Co., Publishers

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Year Uses Source

1920 R S Davis Gate City Directory Co.



Year Uses Source

1970 VACANT R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Laffoon Roxine R Mrs R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

1990 Barrett Mike T R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Vacant Jackson 1980 Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Anderson P R. L. Polk Co. 1970 MILLER WM R. L. Polk Co. 1966 LEMONS HUGH E Jackson 1961 Lemons Hugh E R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Lemons Hugh E i R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Mc Williams Wm N R. L. Polk Co. 1925 M L Heltzel Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

1925 Thurman L McCormick Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Charles E Mahowald Cole Information Services 2000 Manis Kimberly K M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1990 2nd Fl Hein Marc R. L. Polk Co. 1st Fl Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Lembretch Russell G R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Martin Sandy L Jackson 1980 Martin S L R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Herpick Pat R. L. Polk Co. 1970 CROSS DAISY L H MRS R. L. Polk Co. 1966 CROSS DAISY L MRS Jackson 1961 Cross Dairy L Mrs B R. L. Polk Co. Moore Emma Mrs R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1961 Moore Everett E B R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Cross Daisy L H Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Cross Daisy L H Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Martin A Jas R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Corwin D Everson Cole Information Services 2000 Washington Ken R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Galindo Laura A R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Galindo Liza R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1985 No Return Jackson 1980 Glascock Geo R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Tatman Eliz B R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1970 LONIGAN JOHN R. L. Polk Co. MOORE EVERETT e R. L. Polk Co. 1966 MOORE EVERETT E Jackson MOORE EMMA MRS Jackson 1956 Moore Ev res E R. L. Polk Co. Moore Emma Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Goodrich Wm M R. L. Polk Co. 1925 Wm M Goodrich Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 No Current Listing Cole Information Services 2000 Mahowald Chuck R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1990 Mahowald Edw M R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Mahowald Edw M Jackson 1980 No Return R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1970 NO RETURN R. L. Polk Co. 1966 MAHOWALD C E 0 PL Jackson C E MAAHOWALO & ASSOCIATES Jackson MFG REP Jackson 1961 Whipf Vaughn F R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1961 Horton Rodney R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Mabowald Edw M R. L. Polk Co. Coffee Margt Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Mahowald Edw M R. L. Polk Co. Coffey Clarence S R. L. Polk Co. 1925 L P Teuscher Gate City Directory Co. J F Ralston Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Panzons Cole Information Services Charles E Mahowald Cole Information Services 2000 Mahowald Charles E Mi A R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Vacant Jackson 1980 Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Humbird Sam I C R. L. Polk Co. 1970 HUMBIRD SAML C R. L. Polk Co. 1966 HUMBIRO SAML C Jackson 1961 Humbire Saml C R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Tattershall Harley I R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Savage Patk S R. L. Polk Co. 1925 Patk S Savage Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Damian Reyes Jr Cole Information Services Scott Brown Cole Information Services 2000 Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 2 Eaton Jason R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Delozier Richd R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Windsor Pat R. L. Polk Co. Apartments R. L. Polk Co. 1980 Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1970 DULANEY MAUDE E MRS R. L. Polk Co. GREEN HARRY D R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1966 BSMT CAMPBELL KATE Jackson GREEN HARRY Jackson DELANEY MAUD Jackson 1961 Rusler Mosaf R. L. Polk Co. Beaty Gene R. L. Polk Co. Mc Cann Allan R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Thompson Elsie Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Higgs Anios F R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Vierra Stella Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1925 Howard S Patrick Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 James David Allen Cole Information Services 2000 Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1980 No Return R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Palmer Minnie M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1970 PALMER MINNIE M MRS R. L. Polk Co. LUCAS EVA M MRS R. L. Polk Co. 1966 PALMER MINNIE M MRS Jackson 1961 Palmer Minnie M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Palmer Minnie M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Palmer Minnie M Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1925 Geo W Huggins Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Joshua Eastwood Cole Information Services Mark C Bennett Cole Information Services 2000 Gray Ralph R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Bennett Mark C Bl A R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1990 Duval Chas W R. L. Polk Co. Tuckness Patricia R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Stevens Marria L Jackson /2 Lewis Steven A Jackson 1980 Klosterman Eliz A R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Bulleigh Steven K R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Custer John R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1975 /2 Allen David R. L. Polk Co. 1970 WINARD DONNA MRS R. L. Polk Co. ORTEN HAROLD R. L. Polk Co. 1966 STUMPF CHARLES T Jackson 1961 Brown Donald J R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Phillip T Ransburg II Cole Information Services Bernard Ransburg Cole Information Services Apartments Cole Information Services


Year Uses Source

2006 Davis Donald L Cole Information Services Donald L Davis Cole Information Services 2000 Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers A Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Whorten Robert E R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Davis Donald L R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 No Return Jackson 1980 No Return R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Smith Kenneth R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Gibbs Meyer D R. L. Polk Co. Keener Roy C R. L. Polk Co. 1970 HUTCHISON JAMES L R. L. Polk Co. KEENER ROY C a R. L. Polk Co. 1966 VACANT Jackson KEENER ROY C Jackson


Year Uses Source

2006 Anthony Farnsworth Cole Information Services Louis Floyd Cole Information Services Terri C Fulton Cole Information Services Carolyn Grines Cole Information Services

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Year Uses Source

2006 Mark Henley Cole Information Services Stephanie Herron Cole Information Services John Hollins Cole Information Services Sheila Johnny Cole Information Services L M Magitt Cole Information Services L M Magitt Cole Information Services Mae Mahan Cole Information Services Cleophes McCaskel Cole Information Services M D McCraney Cole Information Services Tryston Page Cole Information Services T Pennington Cole Information Services Wende Routh Cole Information Services Akil Sayles Cole Information Services Mark Smith Cole Information Services Leslie Spite Cole Information Services Althea Taylor Cole Information Services Viks Cuts & Styles Cole Information Services Kym Walton Cole Information Services Andre Williams Cole Information Services Yawn Woods Cole Information Services No Current Listing Cole Information Services Cedrick Arrington Cole Information Services Novella Atkinson Cole Information Services Bradford J Barr Cole Information Services James L Batisite Cole Information Services William Cann Cole Information Services A Cook Cole Information Services G Ernesto Cole Information Services Margaret Ann Faggett Cole Information Services Michael A Faggett Cole Information Services 2000 Britlon W E R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Graves Joseph R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Smith Atiim R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 4 5 Not Verified 2 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 4 5 Not Verified 2 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Mc Namara Maureen E M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1990 Windsor Hall Apartments R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Vacant Jackson

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Year Uses Source

1980 Windsor Hall Apartments R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Thomas Susie R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant apts R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Smith Rickie R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Washington Viola R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Onongkana Sirisumpana R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Wilson Al R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Thomas Curtis R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Hardin Lisa R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Mims Maxine R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Harvey Nellie R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Qalloway Michl Jr R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Odom Norman R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Owens Willie R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Miller Rita R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Windsor Hall Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Smith Terry B R. L. Polk Co. Warren Roberta R. L. Polk Co. Mortis C R R. L. Polk Co. Goodwin Mary R. L. Polk Co. Butler Willie J R. L. Polk Co. Hunt Harold R. L. Polk Co. Knupp Mary R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Crowley Janice R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Scott Carl K R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Dickey 0 M R. L. Polk Co. Long J R. L. Polk Co. Crossland Tyrone R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source


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Year Uses Source

1966 GILMER JOHN Jackson SCHUMP JAMES H Jackson MOORE OARREL Jackson SHEPARO PEARL F MRS Jackson VACANT Jackson BIRCHFIELD BOBBY Jackson COLDRON JOSEPH Jackson GOOCH DALE Jackson VACANT Jackson GROJEN BETTY MRS Jackson VACANT Jackson VACANT Jackson LEMER MARJORIE Jackson BERGER DONALD Jackson SAYLOR MARY L Jackson AGNEW TERRY Jackson BRADBURY DENNIS Jackson JENKINS RALPH Jackson FRITZ PAT S Jackson 1961 3420 22 Windsor Hall Apts R. L. Polk Co. 1956 3420 22 Windsor Hall Apts R. L. Polk Co. 1951 3420 22 Windsor Hall Apts R. L. Polk Co. 1925 Windsor Hall Apts Gate City Directory Co. Wm M Lane Gate City Directory Co. Henry May Gate City Directory Co. E J OConnell Gate City Directory Co. Sara V Andrews Gate City Directory Co. James Savage Gate City Directory Co. J F Gentry Gate City Directory Co. F J Scott Gate City Directory Co. Tom L Matter Gate City Directory Co. Mrs Lee S Mayfield Gate City Directory Co. Gilbert Wyatt Gate City Directory Co. Jack Joyce Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Apartments Cole Information Services Athena Brocks Cole Information Services

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Year Uses Source

2006 Phillip Brocks Cole Information Services Janet Brown Cole Information Services Antonio Caldwell Cole Information Services William H Caskey Cole Information Services Glenn Davis Sr Cole Information Services Glenn J Davis Sr Cole Information Services Myeisha Greene Cole Information Services Ladonna Greer Cole Information Services Stephanie Harpor Cole Information Services Qyeena Hendrix Cole Information Services Hajahnatu Kabba Cole Information Services Donna Lewis Cole Information Services Angel McDowell Cole Information Services Akintunde A Olaoye Cole Information Services Ashley Shaw Cole Information Services Tamika Sherrils Cole Information Services J Thomas Cole Information Services Phillip Utton Cole Information Services Biniarn Zerai Cole Information Services 2000 Bolling S R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Cheffen Dejuan Jr R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Price Likita R GO R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Zenable Camlie R. L. Polk Co. Publishers King Terry R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Dukes Antoinette D R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Dukes Jerome E R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 105 106 Not Verified 2 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 105 106 Not Verified 2 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Hudson Adrian R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Not Verified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Kitchen Beverlee A R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1990 Anderson B R. L. Polk Co. Blount R. L. Polk Co. Omorodion R. L. Polk Co. Compton Gene R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Johnson Leon Zell R. L. Polk Co.

2870407- 6 Page 264 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

1990 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Wesley R. L. Polk Co. Warren R. L. Polk Co. Edwards R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Kenwood Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Ferrell Franklin D R. L. Polk Co. Grant B R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Riley R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Compton Gene Jackson Bogg Jacki Jackson Parker Percy J Jackson Caldwell Ed Jackson No Return Jackson No Return Jackson Tone David K Jackson Joaner Eric Jackson Sersey Neva L Jackson Wells C Jackson Bailey C E Jackson Kenwood Apartments Jackson Brent C Jackson Freeman Ernest M Jackson Johnson Keith Jackson Fritter Lance Jackson Pigott Peggy Jackson 1980 Kenwood Apartments R. L. Polk Co., Publishers b Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Richardt R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Freeman Ernest M R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Bates J R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Duarti J R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Pigott Peggy R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Taylor R R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Bogg Jack R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Parker Percy R. L. Polk Co., Publishers

2870407- 6 Page 265 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

1980 Treadwell R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Beal B R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Tone D R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Nashville David K R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Oliver G R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Athey M R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 b Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Locust Apartments R. L. Polk Co. 1970 LOCUST APARTMENTS R. L. Polk Co. B VACANT R. L. Polk Co. B YURKOVITCH JERRY R. L. Polk Co. B WILLIAMS JAMES R. L. Polk Co. BECK MARTHA MRS R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. SLAUGHTER LULU R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. HAWKINS SHERRY R. L. Polk Co. EVANS PAT R. L. Polk Co. KING F R. L. Polk Co. 1966 WILSON RUBY G MRS Jackson VACANT Jackson ROGERS LEA MRS Jackson PETTLON NORMAN Jackson TIEHEM BERNARD L Jackson DIXON JAMES E Jackson MESSMER ALYCE F Jackson LYNCH DAVID Y Jackson HALL BRIAN L Jackson HUGHES DOYLE Jackson FLORIAN APARTMENTS Jackson BSMT CARMICHAEL BILL Jackson

2870407- 6 Page 266 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

1966 VACANT Jackson APT 102 CROPIS VICTOR J Jackson 1961 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Chinn Lueck R. L. Polk Co. Wilson Ruby G Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Roy Jeanne R. L. Polk Co. Howerton Harry R. L. Polk Co. Travis Gerald N R. L. Polk Co. Dew Grace B Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Bird Mable A Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Cline Betty A R. L. Polk Co. Lockridge Meredith L R. L. Polk Co. Leese Robt R. L. Polk Co. Teegarden Jess M R. L. Polk Co. Florian Apartments R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Jordan Henry J R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Florion Apts R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Jordan Henry J R. L. Polk Co. Morris Claude E jr R. L. Polk Co. Mc Nulty Frances Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Yeoman Jack H R. L. Polk Co. Johns Iiosgene R. L. Polk Co. Garber Benj R. L. Polk Co. Vivers M Alleen R. L. Polk Co. Janner Bernard R. L. Polk Co. Schwemin Harry W R. L. Polk Co. Reid Harold C R. L. Polk Co. Newcomer Albert E R. L. Polk Co. Hite Albert R. L. Polk Co. Keating Francis M R. L. Polk Co. Boots Harold P R. L. Polk Co. Felman Sol R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Florion Apts R. L. Polk Co. Riley Robt R R. L. Polk Co. Thornhill Robt L R. L. Polk Co. Garber Beni R. L. Polk Co. Cotton Benj R. L. Polk Co. Bryan J M R. L. Polk Co.

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Year Uses Source

1951 Newberg David J R. L. Polk Co. Reichman Simon R. L. Polk Co. Newcomer Albert E R. L. Polk Co. Hite Albert R. L. Polk Co. Williams Lutie E Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Barto Harold R. L. Polk Co. Finkelston Harry R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Richardson Kenneth M R. L. Polk Co. Franks Edw M jr R. L. Polk Co. Franks Edw M jr R. L. Polk Co. 1925 Horace W Walker Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2000 205 24 Not Ver Ified R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1990 Windsor Hall Apts R. L. Polk Co. 1985 a Vacant Jackson 1961 3420 22 Windsor Hall Apts R. L. Polk Co. La Londe Rosemarie R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Putman Ruth E WE R. L. Polk Co. Mounford Bertha Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Folkerts John R. L. Polk Co. Lane Wm G R. L. Polk Co. Burgess Jay A R. L. Polk Co. Nickle Frank M R. L. Polk Co. West Joe L R. L. Polk Co. Guerra Rubin i R. L. Polk Co. Muse Howard E R. L. Polk Co. Shepad Pearl F Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Mishler Roy L jr R. L. Polk Co. Walker Verla R. L. Polk Co. New Robt D R. L. Polk Co. Couzens C R. L. Polk Co. Huelman Marjorie R. L. Polk Co. Scharder Amil P R. L. Polk Co. Shikles Dole E R. L. Polk Co. Hough Glen C R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co.

2870407- 6 Page 268 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

1961 Moylan Thos P R. L. Polk Co. Gartrell Janice R. L. Polk Co. Fultz Larry L R. L. Polk Co. Hamons A June R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Torrence Chas G R. L. Polk Co. Makovec Jutne R. L. Polk Co. Myers Vasel V R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Kelly Edna nutrse R. L. Polk Co. Smrnith Clinton R. L. Polk Co. Gartrell Janice R. L. Polk Co. Linscott Verni E R. L. Polk Co. Tihey sen Clay C R. L. Polk Co. Lowe Lela I R. L. Polk Co. 3420 22 Windsor Hall Apts R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Rippel Jack A R. L. Polk Co. Pu Lnan Ruth E R. L. Polk Co. Tindall Finis E R. L. Polk Co. Picard Philip J R. L. Polk Co. Van Meter Fern E R. L. Polk Co. Bloomer Chester L R. L. Polk Co. Fleteber Wm L R. L. Polk Co. Van Fleet Eldora A R. L. Polk Co. Hoggatt Fred P R. L. Polk Co. Weston Arvin J R. L. Polk Co. Shepard Cecil R. L. Polk Co. Russell Kath D R. L. Polk Co. Holliway James W iigr R. L. Polk Co. Torrence Robt M R. L. Polk Co. Smith Virginia L R. L. Polk Co. 1951 3420 22 Windsor Hall Apts R. L. Polk Co. Taylor Margt J R. L. Polk Co. Ashurst Sallie A R. L. Polk Co. Bostwick H R R. L. Polk Co. Meter Irene E R. L. Polk Co. Lyons Ruth R Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Russell Kath R. L. Polk Co. Stean Floy G Mrs R. L. Polk Co.

2870407- 6 Page 269 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

1951 Lockhart Albert R jr R. L. Polk Co. Boardman Cornelia R. L. Polk Co. Shepard Cecil R. L. Polk Co. Reynolds Patk D R. L. Polk Co. Benson Nellie Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Wilde Rose A R. L. Polk Co. Early Robt A R. L. Polk Co. Criswell Louis S R. L. Polk Co. Ragsdale Arth D R. L. Polk Co. Ferguson Hazel V R. L. Polk Co. Linder Orlinda M R. L. Polk Co. Giesler Bea nurse R. L. Polk Co. Kelly Edna nurse R. L. Polk Co. Miller Evangeline Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Gartrell Janice R. L. Polk Co. Putman Ruth R. L. Polk Co. Theyssen Clay C R. L. Polk Co. Hazard Dorothy K Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Kelly Edna nurse R. L. Polk Co. 1925 Windsor Hall Apts Gate City Directory Co. Phil D Humphreys Gate City Directory Co. H W Dengolesky Gate City Directory Co. Edythe M Hughes Gate City Directory Co. Earl C Crayton Gate City Directory Co. Wm R Hartzell Gate City Directory Co. Paul W Zumbrook Gate City Directory Co. Nell J Hopkins Gate City Directory Co. Gordon Fisher Gate City Directory Co. R A Steitz Gate City Directory Co. Mrs Martha Newton Gate City Directory Co. T Ed Barrett Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Monica R West Cole Information Services


Year Uses Source

2006 Apartments Cole Information Services

2870407- 6 Page 270 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

2006 Natalie Ashline Cole Information Services Lorraine Booker Cole Information Services Erica Farmer Cole Information Services James Frazier Cole Information Services L Gilliam Cole Information Services Carla E Hahs Cole Information Services Tiffany Halford Cole Information Services Michael D Haushahn Cole Information Services Devin Holman Cole Information Services Tiffany Holman Cole Information Services R Hoover Cole Information Services Jeffrey Edward Jackson Cole Information Services Lisa Y Lewis Cole Information Services Sherri Diane Lewis Cole Information Services Renia Lucas Cole Information Services Emma Macon Cole Information Services Emma Macon Cole Information Services Williams Nevels Cole Information Services Callie Phelps Cole Information Services L Son Cole Information Services Catrina E Wallace Cole Information Services Nastassia Williams Cole Information Services 2000 Clark B R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Harris M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Haushahn Michael R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Pierce Latonya R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Sheoton D R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Taft A R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 102 205 Not Verified 6 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 102 205 Not Verified 6 Apts R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1990 Kenwood Apts R. L. Polk Co. Irvin Ronald R. L. Polk Co. Dixon R R. L. Polk Co. Marshall Walter R. L. Polk Co. Rivarde R. L. Polk Co. Obiefuna R. L. Polk Co. Kehner Mary R. L. Polk Co. Lyons Bryan K R. L. Polk Co.

2870407- 6 Page 271 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

1990 Shaheen Craig R. L. Polk Co. Leavitt R. L. Polk Co. Wright Erdis R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Kenwood Apts Jackson Gold Luther G Jackson Dixon R Jackson Greene Felicia Jackson Shaheen Craig Jackson Ohen Russell Jackson Kehner Mary Jackson Walters Jimmie Jackson Page Joanne Jackson Williams Dani Jackson Wright Erdis Jackson Washington John Jackson Lewis John H Jr Jackson Houston Madge M Jackson Williams Leslie W Jackson Haushahi Michl D Jackson Penn Fred Jackson 1980 Kenwood Apts R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Samad N R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Dixon R R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Hamidullah K R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Garcia Helen R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Gray C V R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Smith Virginia B R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Green F R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Barnes D R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Chambers Janice M R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Houston Madge M R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Williams Leslie W R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Gordan L R. L. Polk Co., Publishers

2870407- 6 Page 272 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

1980 Vacant R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Marks Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. 1970 MARKS APARTMENTS R. L. Polk Co. JONES MARK R. L. Polk Co. JENES EDNA R. L. Polk Co. B 1 RENSHAW LARRY R. L. Polk Co. PINNEAGAR GEO R. L. Polk Co. B 2 VACANT R. L. Polk Co. B 3 HOWARD TILLSON R. L. Polk Co. MASENTHIN JOHN R. L. Polk Co. SZYMONIK LYNN R. L. Polk Co. ADAMS WILMA R. L. Polk Co. PITTMAN WM R. L. Polk Co. MURRAY JACK R. L. Polk Co. GORDON MARY R. L. Polk Co. VACANT R. L. Polk Co. DURHAN BILL R. L. Polk Co. WINCHESTER PHILLIP R. L. Polk Co. 1966 MARKS APARTMENTS Jackson VACANT Jackson B NO RETURN Jackson HAWKINS SHERRY Jackson B 2 KENTNER JAMES E Jackson CHRISM ALL LEROY Jackson B 3 VACANT Jackson MOLES MANFORD Jackson TERRY RICHD Jackson VACANT Jackson SIMMONS JAMES E Jackson VACANT Jackson STONE MARIE MRS Jackson ALLISON EARL C Jackson VACANT Jackson FREELAND DELMAR Jackson 1961 Marks Apartments R. L. Polk Co. B 1 Vacant R. L. Polk Co. B 2 Webb Thos R. L. Polk Co.

2870407- 6 Page 273 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

1961 B 3 Peters Otis R. L. Polk Co. White Ruth E Mrs mgr R. L. Polk Co. Herman Juanita Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Barber Ruel E R. L. Polk Co. Flancman Sophia Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Newhouse Don R. L. Polk Co. Allen Dixie R. L. Polk Co. Johnson Betty i R. L. Polk Co. Mc Mullen Floyd R R. L. Polk Co. Mc Ginnis John F R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Randell Brad R. L. Polk Co. Lester Lee R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Marks Apartments R. L. Polk Co. B 1 Hayes Albert R. L. Polk Co. B 2 Coe Gladys Mrs R. L. Polk Co. B 3 Skidmore Richd E R. L. Polk Co. Greenberg Jack R. L. Polk Co. Kennedy Lois A R. L. Polk Co. Dickison Hazel P R. L. Polk Co. Casey Jolin T R. L. Polk Co. Gaudern Eber J R. L. Polk Co. Bielsker Benj T R. L. Polk Co. Carman Durland P mgr R. L. Polk Co. Mc Mullen Floyd R R. L. Polk Co. Edelman Herbert W R. L. Polk Co. Reeves La Ferna F Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Isenberger Robt M jr R. L. Polk Co. Marcley Otis R R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Maylena Apts R. L. Polk Co. Dierolf Robt R R. L. Polk Co. Pond Franklin H R. L. Polk Co. Davis Clarence Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Sell Paul S R. L. Polk Co. Razer Marguerite R. L. Polk Co. Durfee Roy R. L. Polk Co. Selders Allan H R. L. Polk Co. Yates Jack A R. L. Polk Co.

2870407- 6 Page 274 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

1951 Edelman Herbert W R. L. Polk Co. Welton Harold L R. L. Polk Co. Agin Albert M R. L. Polk Co. Wier Chas L R. L. Polk Co. bsmt Havorka Jack R. L. Polk Co. 1925 Thos M Murphy Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Peter N Manyothwane Cole Information Services Dana R McKinney Cole Information Services Thebe Development Llc Cole Information Services 2000 Hall Ames R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1990 No Return R. L. Polk Co. STREET CONT NUED R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Gaff Marcellus Jackson 1980 l Honie Apartments R. L. Polk Co., Publishers Clark J R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Home Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Nelson Steph T R. L. Polk Co. Barr Steph R. L. Polk Co. Stutz Connie R. L. Polk Co. Hysten Guy R. L. Polk Co. Wilson Dorothy R. L. Polk Co. Issitt Ron R. L. Polk Co. 1970 HOME APARTMENTS R. L. Polk Co. DUENOW DAVID R. L. Polk Co. NO RETURN R. L. Polk Co. FRY CHARLES R. L. Polk Co. TESTERMAN PHILIP L R. L. Polk Co. WILSON DOROTHY G R. L. Polk Co. ISSETT RONALD R. L. Polk Co. CHESTNUT JUDY C R. L. Polk Co. 1966 HOME APARTMENTS Jackson WESER JOAN Jackson VACANT Jackson NO RETURN Jackson VACANT Jackson WILSON DOROTHY G Jackson

2870407- 6 Page 275 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

1966 VACANT Jackson HEREST GLORIA Jackson 1961 Home Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Gabbett Leona R. L. Polk Co. Hilliard Edna P R. L. Polk Co. West Ethel R. L. Polk Co. De Jarnette Marie Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Wilson Dorothy G R. L. Polk Co. Vacant R. L. Polk Co. Purdy Dan R. L. Polk Co. 1956 B 3 Skidmore Richd E R. L. Polk Co. Home Apartments R. L. Polk Co. Johnson Amelia W Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Hines Jolhn R. L. Polk Co. Dodson Janies R. L. Polk Co. Squier Gilmore L R. L. Polk Co. Wilson Dorothy R. L. Polk Co. Clersenss Claude R. L. Polk Co. Wilson Louise R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Wilson Dorothy R. L. Polk Co. Home Apts R. L. Polk Co. Johnson Amelia W Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Frazier Dean R. L. Polk Co. Meyer Loren R. L. Polk Co. Luckow Carl E R. L. Polk Co. Clements Claude R. L. Polk Co. Freize Minnie R. L. Polk Co. Franks Edw M jr R. L. Polk Co. 1925 Alf T Shauffler Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Scott D Bone Cole Information Services 2000 Guyot Thomas R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Bone Scott D M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1990 Guyot Thos C R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Jones Bernice B Mrs Jackson 1980 Jones Bernice B Mrs R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Jones Bemice B Mrs R. L. Polk Co.

2870407- 6 Page 276 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

1970 JONES BERNICE 8 MRS a R. L. Polk Co. 1966 JONES BERNICE B MRS Jackson 1961 Jones Bernice B Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Jones Wortham D R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Jones Wortham Do R. L. Polk Co. 1925 Mrs Lucy Remfry Gate City Directory Co.


Year Uses Source

2006 Michael K Sutherland Cole Information Services Mike Anderson Cole Information Services 2000 Bait David C & Barbara M A R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1990 Wanser Jim R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Wanser Jim Jackson 1980 Wansewr Jim R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Singleton Barbara R. L. Polk Co. Hedderman Mark A R. L. Polk Co. Zych Charles R. L. Polk Co. Shrewsbury Frank R. L. Polk Co. Skahill Toni R. L. Polk Co. 1970 GRIGGS DOROTHY R. L. Polk Co. FRAZIER TERRY R. L. Polk Co. SHOPIRO MILTON R. L. Polk Co. DOYLE M C R. L. Polk Co. REID 0 L R. L. Polk Co. 1966 KING M A Jackson MONTGOMERY JACK Jackson RINEHOLT MELVIN P Jackson 1961 Hoeppner Bill W R. L. Polk Co. Bartlett Allen R R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Roberts Duane E R. L. Polk Co. Watkins Jas B R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Lisle Robt W R. L. Polk Co. Mitcell David W R. L. Polk Co. Meyer Lois B R. L. Polk Co. 1925 Chas D Clingan Gate City Directory Co.

2870407- 6 Page 277 Year Uses Source FINDINGS


Year Uses Source

2006 Kimberly E Anderson Cole Information Services James M Anderson Cole Information Services 2000 Hamilton Stuart 1 M R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Anderson James G R. L. Polk Co. Publishers Kimberly R. L. Polk Co. Publishers 1990 Essig Beth Mrs R. L. Polk Co. Anderson James G R. L. Polk Co. 1985 Essig Beth Mrs Jackson 1980 Essig Beth Mrs 0 S R. L. Polk Co., Publishers 1975 Essig Beth Mrs R. L. Polk Co. 1970 ESSIG JAMES L R. L. Polk Co. 1966 DALY JAMES G Jackson 1961 Thomson Sanford P R. L. Polk Co. 1956 Thomson Sanford P R. L. Polk Co. 1951 Thomson Sanford P R. L. Polk Co. 1925 R S Davis Gate City Directory Co.



Year Uses Source

2006 William B Alpert Cole Information Services


Year Uses Source

2006 Doris Ilene Grant Cole Information Services Lorraine J Nash Cole Information Services


3309 OAK

Year Uses Source

1920 Peter J Trudell Gate City Directory Co. Alb Baldock Gate City Directory Co.

3315 OAK

Year Uses Source

1920 Anna E Crayne dresumkr Gate City Directory Co.

2870407- 6 Page 278 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

3316 OAK

Year Uses Source

1920 Danl A Ragsdale Gate City Directory Co. Edw Campbell Gate City Directory Co. Evans Daniels Gate City Directory Co.

3317 OAK

Year Uses Source

1920 Jennie F Bonniwell Gate City Directory Co. Robt L Sprinkle Gate City Directory Co.

3318 OAK

Year Uses Source

1920 Robt G Moran Gate City Directory Co. Philip A Walsh Gate City Directory Co.

3319 OAK

Year Uses Source

1920 James J Lyons Gate City Directory Co.

3320 OAK

Year Uses Source

1920 Jack Wells Gate City Directory Co. Saml A Gourley Gate City Directory Co. Miles B Jones Gate City Directory Co.


3308 OAK ST

Year Uses Source

1925 Donald H Hougland garage Gate City Directory Co.

3309 OAK ST

Year Uses Source

1925 Peter J Trudell Gate City Directory Co.

3310 OAK ST

Year Uses Source

1940 Service Gate City Directory Co. Sherman Lee Radio Sales Gate City Directory Co.

2870407- 6 Page 279 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

3311 OAK ST

Year Uses Source

1925 Anna E Crayne Gate City Directory Co.

3312 OAK ST

Year Uses Source

1925 Barr L Page Gate City Directory Co.

3314 OAK ST

Year Uses Source

1925 Lundquist & Stromberg grocers Gate City Directory Co.

3316 OAK ST

Year Uses Source

1925 Joseph M Olson Gate City Directory Co. John A Baker Gate City Directory Co.

3317 OAK ST

Year Uses Source

1925 Robt L Sprinkle Gate City Directory Co.

3318 OAK ST

Year Uses Source

1925 Oscar H Stintzi Gate City Directory Co. Glen Moran Gate City Directory Co.

3319 OAK ST

Year Uses Source

1925 Mary A Lyons Gate City Directory Co.

3322 OAK ST

Year Uses Source

1925 Chas Kirby Gate City Directory Co.

2870407- 6 Page 280 FINDINGS

TARGET PROPERTY: ADDRESS NOT IDENTIFIED IN RESEARCH SOURCE The following Target Property addresses were researched for this report, and the addresses were not identified in the research source.

Address Researched Address Not Identified in Research Source 3421 Cherry Street 1956, 1909

ADJOINING PROPERTY: ADDRESSES NOT IDENTIFIED IN RESEARCH SOURCE The following Adjoining Property addresses were researched for this report, and the addresses were not identified in research source.

Address Researched Address Not Identified in Research Source 1 GILLHAM RD 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 13 GILLHAM RD 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 2 GILLHAM RD 2006, 2000, 1995, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3 GILLHAM RD 2006, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3300 GILLHAM RD 1920, 1909

3301 GILLHAM PLZ 2006, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3301 GILLHAM PLZ ST 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3301 GILLHAM RD 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1909 3303 GILLHAM RD 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909

3304 GILLHAM RD 2006, 1909

3306 GILLHAM RD 1935, 1925, 1920, 1909

3308 GILLHAM PLZ 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3308 GILLHAM PLZ ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3308 GILLHAM RD 2006, 1909

3308 OAK ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909 3309 GILLHAM PLZ 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3309 GILLHAM RD 1909

3309 OAK 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1909 FINDINGS

Address Researched Address Not Identified in Research Source 3309 OAK ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909 3310 GILLHAM PLZ 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3310 GILLHAM RD 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3310 OAK ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3311 GILLHAM RD 1909

3311 OAK ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909 3312 GILLHAM PLZ 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3312 GILLHAM RD 2000, 1935, 1909

3312 OAK ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909 3313 GILLHAM RD 1935, 1909

3314 GILLHAM PLZ 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3314 GILLHAM PLZ ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3314 GILLHAM RD 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3314 OAK ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909 3315 GILLHAM PLZ 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3315 GILLHAM PLZ ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3315 GILLHAM RD 1985, 1935, 1909

3315 OAK 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1909 3316 GILLHAM PLZ 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3316 OAK 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1909 3316 OAK ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909 3317 GILLHAM RD 1985, 1935, 1909

3317 OAK 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1909 3317 OAK ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909 3318 GILLHAM PLZ 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3318 GILLHAM RD 1909 FINDINGS

Address Researched Address Not Identified in Research Source 3318 OAK 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1909 3318 OAK ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909 3319 GILLHAM PLZ 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3319 GILLHAM RD 1985, 1980, 1909

3319 OAK 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1909 3319 OAK ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909 3320 GILLHAM PLZ 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3320 GILLHAM PLZ ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3320 GILLHAM RD 2006, 1985, 1909

3320 OAK 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1909 3321 GILLHAM RD 1985, 1909

3322 GILLHAM RD 2006, 2000, 1990, 1909

3322 OAK ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909 3323 GILLHAM RD 2006, 1985, 1909

3325 GILLHAM RD 1909

3326 GILLHAM RD 1909

3329 GILLHAM RD 2006, 1909

3330 GILLHAM RD 1985, 1909

3332 GILLHAM RD 1909

3333 GILLHAM RD 1985, 1909

3334 GILLHAM RD 2006, 1985, 1909

3336 GILLHAM RD 1920, 1909

3337 GILLHAM RD 1909

3338 GILLHAM RD 2006, 1920, 1909

3339 GILLHAM RD 1909

3340 GILLHAM PLZ 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3340 GILLHAM RD 1985, 1909

3342 GILLHAM PLZ 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3342 GILLHAM RD 1985, 1975, 1966, 1909 FINDINGS

Address Researched Address Not Identified in Research Source 3343 GILLHAM RD 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3344 GILLHAM PLZ 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3344 GILLHAM RD 1909

3346 GILLHAM RD 1975, 1909

3347 GILLHAM RD 1909

3348 GILLHAM RD 1909

3350 GILLHAM PLZ 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3350 GILLHAM RD 1985, 1980, 1909

3351 GILLHAM RD 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3360 GILLHAM RD 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1909 3362 GILLHAM RD 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1909 3364 GILLHAM RD 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1909 3366 GILLHAM RD 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1930, 1909 3375 HOLMES ST 2006, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3400 CHERRY ST N 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3400 GILLHAM RD 2006, 1985, 1909

3400 LOCUST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3400 LOCUST ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3401 KENWOOD AVE 1909

3402 GILLHAM RD 1985, 1975, 1909

3402 KENWOOD AVE 2006, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3402 LOCUST 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1925, 1909

3402 LOCUST ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909

3403 LOCUST ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909 3404 GILLHAM RD 1985, 1909

3405 KENWOOD AVE 1909

3406 CHERRY ST N 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 FINDINGS

Address Researched Address Not Identified in Research Source 3406 GILLHAM RD 1909

3406 LOCUST 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1925, 1909

3406 LOCUST ST 1995, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909

3407 KENWOOD AVE 1920, 1909

3408 CHERRY 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1940, 1935, 1925, 1909 3408 CHERRY ST 1995, 1945, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909

3408 GILLHAM RD 1909

3408 KENWOOD AVE 2006, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1925, 1920, 1909

3408 LOCUST 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1925, 1909

3408 LOCUST ST 1995, 1990, 1961, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909

3409 CHERRY 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3409 GILLHAM RD 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1909

3409 KENWOOD AVE 1909

3409 LOCUST 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1925, 1909

3409 LOCUST ST 1995, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909

3410 CHERRY 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1940, 1925, 1909 3410 CHERRY ST 1995, 1945, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909

3410 GILLHAM RD 1980, 1909

3411 GILLHAM RD 1920, 1909

3411 KENWOOD AVE 1975, 1909

3412 LOCUST 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1925, 1909

3412 LOCUST ST 1995, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909

3413 GILLHAM RD 2006, 2000, 1990, 1980, 1975, 1920, 1909

3414 CHERRY 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1940, 1925, 1909 3414 CHERRY ST 1995, 1945, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909

3415 GILLHAM RD 2006, 2000, 1995, 1920, 1909

3415 KENWOOD AVE 1985, 1909

3415 LOCUST 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1925, 1909

3415 LOCUST ST 1995, 1985, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909

3416 CHERRY 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1940, 1925, 1909 3416 CHERRY ST 1995, 1945, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909 FINDINGS

Address Researched Address Not Identified in Research Source 3416 LOCUST 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1925, 1909

3416 LOCUST ST 1995, 1985, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909

3417 GILLHAM RD 2006, 2000, 1951, 1925, 1920, 1909

3417 LOCUST 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3417 LOCUST ST 1995, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909

3418 GILLHAM RD 2000, 1985, 1980, 1920, 1909

3418 LOCUST ST 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3419 GILLHAM RD 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3419 KENWOOD AVE 1909

3419 LOCUST 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3419 LOCUST ST 1995, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909

3420 CHERRY 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1940, 1925, 1909 3420 CHERRY ST 1995, 1945, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909

3420 GILLHAM RD 2006, 2000, 1920, 1909

3420 LOCUST 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1925, 1920, 1909 3420 LOCUST ST 1995, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909

3421 CHERRY ST N 2006, 2000, 1995, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909

3421 GILLHAM RD 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1909

3421 KENWOOD AVE 1909

3421 LOCUST 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1925, 1920, 1909 3421 LOCUST ST 1995, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909

3421 N CHERRY ST 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3422 GILLHAM RD 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1945, 1920, 1909

3422 KENWOOD AVE 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1909

3422 LOCUST 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1925, 1920, 1909 3422 LOCUST ST 2006, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909

3423 CHERRY 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1940, 1925, 1909 3423 CHERRY ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1945, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909 FINDINGS

Address Researched Address Not Identified in Research Source 3424 CHERRY ST N 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3424 GILLHAM RD 2000, 1920, 1909

3424 KENWOOD AVE 2006, 1909

3424 LOCUST ST 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3425 CHERRY 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1940, 1925, 1909 3425 CHERRY ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1945, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909 3425 GILLHAM RD 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1909

3425 KENWOOD AVE 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1909

3425 LOCUST 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1925, 1909

3425 LOCUST ST 1995, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909

3426 KENWOOD AVE 2006, 2000, 1909

3427 CHERRY 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1940, 1925, 1909 3427 CHERRY ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1945, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909 3427 CHERRY ST N 2006, 2000, 1995, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909

3427 N CHERRY ST 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3428 LOCUST 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3431 LOCUST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1909 3450 LOCUST 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3511 CHERRY 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1940, 1925, 1909 3511 CHERRY ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1945, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909

3511 LOCUST 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1925, 1909

3511 LOCUST ST 1995, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909

3512 CHERRY 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1909 3512 CHERRY ST 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3512 KENWOOD AVE 1909

3512 LOCUST 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1925, 1909

3512 LOCUST ST 1995, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909

3515 CHERRY 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1940, 1925, 1909 FINDINGS

Address Researched Address Not Identified in Research Source 3515 CHERRY ST 1995, 1945, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909

3516 CHERRY 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1940, 1925, 1909 3516 CHERRY ST 1995, 1985, 1945, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909

3516 LOCUST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3517 CHERRY 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1940, 1935, 1925, 1909 3517 CHERRY ST 1995, 1945, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909

3517 KENWOOD AVE 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3517 LOCUST 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1925, 1909

3517 LOCUST ST 1995, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909

3518 CHERRY ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 3519 LOCUST 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1925, 1909

3519 LOCUST ST 1995, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909

3520 CHERRY 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1940, 1925, 1909 3520 CHERRY ST 1995, 1945, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909

3521 CHERRY 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1940, 1925, 1909 3521 CHERRY ST 1995, 1945, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909

411 33RD E 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1925, 1909

411 33RD ST E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1970, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909

411 E 33RD ST 2000, 1995, 1990, 1980, 1975, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 412 33RD ST E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909 413 33RD E 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1925, 1909

413 33RD ST E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1970, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909

413 E 33RD ST 2000, 1995, 1990, 1980, 1975, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 414 33RD ST E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909 415 33RD E 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1951, 1925, 1909

415 33RD ST E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1970, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909

415 E 33RD ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1980, 1975, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 417 33RD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1925, 1909 FINDINGS

Address Researched Address Not Identified in Research Source 417 33RD ST E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1970, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909 417 E 33RD ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1980, 1975, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 418 33RD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1909 418 33RD ST E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909 419 33RD E 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1925, 1909

419 33RD ST E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1970, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909 419 E 33RD ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 420 33RD ST E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 421 33RD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1925, 1920, 1909

421 33RD ST E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1970, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 421 E 33RD ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1980, 1975, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 423 33RD E 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1925, 1920, 1909

423 33RD ST E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1970, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 423 E 33RD ST 2000, 1995, 1990, 1980, 1975, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 425 33RD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1925, 1920, 1909

425 33RD ST E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1970, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 425 E 33RD ST 2000, 1995, 1990, 1980, 1975, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 493 E ARMOUR BLVD 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 499 E ARMOUR BLVD 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 500 ARMOUR BLVD 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1925, 1920, 1909 500 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1930, 1909

500 E ARMOUR BLVD 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 501 33RD E 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1925, 1920, 1909

501 33RD ST E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1970, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909

501 ARMOUR BLVD 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1925, 1920, 1909 501 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1930, 1909 FINDINGS

Address Researched Address Not Identified in Research Source 501 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 501 E 33RD ST 2000, 1995, 1990, 1980, 1975, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 501 E ARMOUR BLVD 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 502 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 502 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 503 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 504 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 504 E ARMOUR BLVD 2006, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 505 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 505 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 506 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 506 E 33RD ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 506 E ARMOUR BLVD 2006, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 507 33RD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1925, 1920, 1909 507 33RD ST E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 507 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 507 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 507 E ARMOUR BLVD 2006, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 508 33RD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1925, 1909

508 33RD ST E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1970, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909

508 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 508 E 33RD ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 509 33RD E 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909

509 33RD ST E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1970, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 509 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 FINDINGS

Address Researched Address Not Identified in Research Source 509 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 509 E 33RD ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 510 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 510 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 511 33RD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 511 33RD ST E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 511 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 511 E 33RD ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1980, 1975, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 512 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 512 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 513 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 514 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 514 E ARMOUR BLVD 2006, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 515 33RD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 515 33RD ST E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1970, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 515 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909 515 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 515 E 33RD ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 515 E ARMOUR BLVD 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 516 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 516 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 517 33RD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 517 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909 518 33RD E 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 FINDINGS

Address Researched Address Not Identified in Research Source 518 33RD ST E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1970, 1966, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 518 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 518 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 518 E 33RD ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1980, 1975, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 519 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 519 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 520 33RD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 520 33RD ST E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1970, 1966, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 520 ARMOUR BLVD 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1925, 1920, 1909 520 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1951, 1930, 1909

520 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 520 E 33RD ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 521 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 522 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 523 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 524 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 525 ARMOUR BLVD 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1925, 1920, 1909 525 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1930, 1920, 1909

525 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 525 E ARMOUR BLVD 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 526 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 527 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 528 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 529 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 530 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 FINDINGS

Address Researched Address Not Identified in Research Source 531 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 532 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 533 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 534 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 535 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 536 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 537 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 600 33RD E 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1951, 1935, 1925, 1920, 1909 600 33RD ST E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909 600 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 600 E 33RD ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 601 ARMOUR BLVD 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1925, 1920, 1909 601 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1930, 1920, 1909

601 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 601 E ARMOUR BLVD 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 602 34TH E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1925, 1920, 1909

602 34TH ST E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 602 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 602 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 603 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909 604 34TH E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1925, 1920, 1909

604 34TH ST E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 604 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 604 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 604 E 34TH ST 2006, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 FINDINGS

Address Researched Address Not Identified in Research Source 604 E ARMOUR BLVD 2006, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 605 ARMOUR BLVD 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1925, 1920, 1909 605 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1956, 1930, 1920, 1909

605 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 605 E ARMOUR BLVD 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 606 33RD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1925, 1920, 1909 606 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 607 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909 607 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 608 34TH E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1925, 1920, 1909

608 34TH ST E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909 608 ARMOUR BLVD 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1925, 1920, 1909 608 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1930, 1909

608 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 608 E 33RD ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 608 E ARMOUR BLVD 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 609 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 609 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 610 33RD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1925, 1920, 1909 610 33RD ST E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909 610 34TH E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1935, 1925, 1920, 1909 610 34TH ST E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909 610 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 610 E ARMOUR BLVD 2006, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 611 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 FINDINGS

Address Researched Address Not Identified in Research Source 611 E ARMOUR BLVD 2006, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 612 34TH E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1925, 1920, 1909

612 34TH ST E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1920, 1909 612 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 612 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 613 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 614 33RD E 2006, 2000, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 614 33RD ST E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1970, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 614 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 614 E 33RD ST 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1980, 1975, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 615 ARMOUR BLVD 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1925, 1920, 1909 615 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1930, 1920, 1909

615 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 615 E 34TH ST 2006, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 615 E ARMOUR BLVD 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 616 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 616 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 617 ARMOUR BLVD 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1925, 1920, 1909 617 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1930, 1920, 1909

617 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 618 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 618 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 618 E ARMOUR BLVD 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 619 ARMOUR BLVD 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1925, 1920, 1909 619 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1930, 1920, 1909 FINDINGS

Address Researched Address Not Identified in Research Source 619 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 619 E ARMOUR BLVD 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 620 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909

620 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 620 E ARMOUR BLVD 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 621 ARMOUR BLVD 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1925, 1920, 1909 621 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1930, 1920, 1909

621 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 621 E ARMOUR BLVD 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 622 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 623 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 624 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 625 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909

625 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 625 E ARMOUR BLVD 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 626 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 627 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 628 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 629 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909

629 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 629 E ARMOUR BLVD 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 630 ARMOUR BLVD 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1925, 1920, 1909 630 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1909 630 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 631 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 FINDINGS

Address Researched Address Not Identified in Research Source 632 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 633 ARMOUR BLVD 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1925, 1920, 1909 633 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1930, 1909

633 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 633 E ARMOUR BLVD 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 634 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 635 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 636 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 637 ARMOUR BLVD W 2006, 2000, 1995, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 640 ARMOUR BLVD 2006, 2000, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1925, 1920, 1909 640 ARMOUR BLVD E 2006, 2000, 1995, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1909

640 E ARMOUR BLVD 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1970, 1966, 1961, 1956, 1951, 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930, 1925, 1920, 1909 Ecole Longan 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, MO 64109

Inquiry Number: 2870407.4 September 16, 2010

EDR Historical Topographic Map Report EDR Historical Topographic Map Report

Environmental Data Resources, Inc.s (EDR) Historical Topographic Map Report is designed to assist professionals in evaluating potential liability on a target property resulting from past activities. EDRs Historical Topographic Map Report includes a search of a collection of public and private color historical topographic maps, dating back to the early 1900s.

Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments.

Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice

This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report AS IS. Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice.

Copyright 2010 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission.

EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. Historical Topographic Map

TARGET QUAD SITE NAME: Ecole Longan CLIENT: Family ECS, Inc. N NAME: KANSAS CITY ADDRESS: 3421 Cherry Street CONTACT: Mike Dustman MAP YEAR: 1894 Kansas City, MO 64109 INQUIRY#: 2870407.4 LAT/LONG: 39.0644 / -94.5781 RESEARCH DATE: 09/16/2010 → SERIES: 30 SCALE: 1:125000 Historical Topographic Map

TARGET QUAD SITE NAME: Ecole Longan CLIENT: Family ECS, Inc. N NAME: KANSAS CITY ADDRESS: 3421 Cherry Street CONTACT: Mike Dustman MAP YEAR: 1940 Kansas City, MO 64109 INQUIRY#: 2870407.4 LAT/LONG: 39.0644 / -94.5781 RESEARCH DATE: 09/16/2010 → SERIES: 7.5 SCALE: 1:31680 Historical Topographic Map

TARGET QUAD SITE NAME: Ecole Longan CLIENT: Family ECS, Inc. N NAME: KANSAS CITY ADDRESS: 3421 Cherry Street CONTACT: Mike Dustman MAP YEAR: 1948 Kansas City, MO 64109 INQUIRY#: 2870407.4 LAT/LONG: 39.0644 / -94.5781 RESEARCH DATE: 09/16/2010 → SERIES: 7.5 SCALE: 1:25000 Historical Topographic Map

TARGET QUAD SITE NAME: Ecole Longan CLIENT: Family ECS, Inc. N NAME: KANSAS CITY ADDRESS: 3421 Cherry Street CONTACT: Mike Dustman MAP YEAR: 1957 Kansas City, MO 64109 INQUIRY#: 2870407.4 LAT/LONG: 39.0644 / -94.5781 RESEARCH DATE: 09/16/2010 → SERIES: 7.5 SCALE: 1:24000 Historical Topographic Map

TARGET QUAD SITE NAME: Ecole Longan CLIENT: Family ECS, Inc. N NAME: KANSAS CITY ADDRESS: 3421 Cherry Street CONTACT: Mike Dustman MAP YEAR: 1964 Kansas City, MO 64109 INQUIRY#: 2870407.4 LAT/LONG: 39.0644 / -94.5781 RESEARCH DATE: 09/16/2010 → SERIES: 7.5 SCALE: 1:24000 Historical Topographic Map

TARGET QUAD SITE NAME: Ecole Longan CLIENT: Family ECS, Inc. N NAME: KANSAS CITY ADDRESS: 3421 Cherry Street CONTACT: Mike Dustman MAP YEAR: 1970 Kansas City, MO 64109 INQUIRY#: 2870407.4 PHOTOREVISED:1964 LAT/LONG: 39.0644 / -94.5781 RESEARCH DATE: 09/16/2010 → SERIES: 7.5 SCALE: 1:24000 Historical Topographic Map

TARGET QUAD SITE NAME: Ecole Longan CLIENT: Family ECS, Inc. N NAME: KANSAS CITY ADDRESS: 3421 Cherry Street CONTACT: Mike Dustman MAP YEAR: 1975 Kansas City, MO 64109 INQUIRY#: 2870407.4 PHOTOREVISED:1964 LAT/LONG: 39.0644 / -94.5781 RESEARCH DATE: 09/16/2010 → SERIES: 7.5 SCALE: 1:24000 Historical Topographic Map

TARGET QUAD SITE NAME: Ecole Longan CLIENT: Family ECS, Inc. N NAME: KANSAS CITY ADDRESS: 3421 Cherry Street CONTACT: Mike Dustman MAP YEAR: 1991 Kansas City, MO 64109 INQUIRY#: 2870407.4 LAT/LONG: 39.0644 / -94.5781 RESEARCH DATE: 09/16/2010 → SERIES: 7.5 SCALE: 1:24000 Historical Topographic Map

TARGET QUAD SITE NAME: Ecole Longan CLIENT: Family ECS, Inc. N NAME: KANSAS CITY ADDRESS: 3421 Cherry Street CONTACT: Mike Dustman MAP YEAR: 1996 Kansas City, MO 64109 INQUIRY#: 2870407.4 LAT/LONG: 39.0644 / -94.5781 RESEARCH DATE: 09/16/2010 → SERIES: 7.5 SCALE: 1:24000 Ecole Longan 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, MO 64109

Inquiry Number: 2870407.3 September 16, 2010

Certified Sanborn® Map Report Certified Sanborn® Map Report 9/16/10

Site Name: Client Name: Ecole Longan Family ECS, Inc. 3421 Cherry Street 600 East 8th St Kansas City, MO 64109 Kansas City, MO 64106

EDR Inquiry # 2870407.3 Contact: Mike Dustman

The complete Sanborn Library collection has been searched by EDR, and fire insurance maps covering the target property location provided by Family ECS, Inc. were identified for the years listed below. The certified Sanborn Library search results in this report can be authenticated by visiting and entering the certification number. Only Environmental Data Resources Inc. (EDR) is authorized to grant rights for commercial reproduction of maps by Sanborn Library LLC, the copyright holder for the collection.

Certified Sanborn Results:

Site Name: Ecole Longan Address: 3421 Cherry Street City, State, Zip: Kansas City, MO 64109 Cross Street: P.O. # NA

Project: NA Sanborn® Library search results Certification # 2184-494D-BEAE Certification # 2184-494D-BEAE

Maps Provided: The Sanborn Library includes more than 1.2 million Sanborn fire insurance maps, which track historical 1963 property usage in approximately 12,000 American 1951 cities and towns. Collections searched: 1909 1896 Library of Congress University Publications of America

EDR Private Collection

The Sanborn Library LLC Since 1866™

Limited Permission To Make Copies Family ECS, Inc. (the client) is permitted to make up to THREE photocopies of this Sanborn Map transmittal and each fire insurance map accompanying this report solely for the limited use of its customer. No one other than the client is authorized to make copies. Upon request made directly to an EDR Account Executive, the client may be permitted to make a limited number of additional photocopies. This permission is conditioned upon compliance by the client, its customer and their agents with EDR's copyright policy; a copy of which is available upon request.

Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice.

Copyright 2010 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission.

EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.

2870407 - 3 page 2 Sanborn Sheet Thumbnails This Certified Sanborn Map Report is based upon the following Sanborn Fire Insurance map sheets.

1963 Source Sheets

Volume 4, Sheet 462 Volume 4, Sheet 464 Volume 4, Sheet 478 Volume 4, Sheet 479

1951 Source Sheets

Volume 4, Sheet 462 Volume 4, Sheet 464 Volume 4, Sheet 479

1909 Source Sheets

Volume 4, Sheet 462 Volume 4, Sheet 464 Volume 4, Sheet 478 Volume 4, Sheet 479

1896 Source Sheets

Volume 3, Sheet 319 Volume 3, Sheet 320

2870407 - 3 page 3 1963 Certified Sanborn Map 2184-494D-BEAE

Site Name: Ecole Longan Address: 3421 Cherry Street

City, ST, ZIP: Kansas City MO 64109

Client: Family ECS, Inc.

EDR Inquiry: 2870407.3 Order Date: 9/16/2010 9:24:03 AM Certification # 2184-494D-BEAE

Copyright: 1963 This Certified Sanborn Map combines the following sheets. Outlined areas indicate map sheets within the collection. 0 Feet 150 300 600

Volume 4, Sheet 462 Volume 4, Sheet 464 Volume 4, Sheet 478 Volume 4, Sheet 479

2870407 - 3 page 4 1951 Certified Sanborn Map 2184-494D-BEAE

Site Name: Ecole Longan Address: 3421 Cherry Street

City, ST, ZIP: Kansas City MO 64109

Client: Family ECS, Inc.

EDR Inquiry: 2870407.3 Order Date: 9/16/2010 9:24:03 AM Certification # 2184-494D-BEAE

Copyright: 1951 This Certified Sanborn Map combines the following sheets. Outlined areas indicate map sheets within the collection. 0 Feet 150 300 600

Volume 4, Sheet 462 Volume 4, Sheet 464 Volume 4, Sheet 479

2870407 - 3 page 5 1909 Certified Sanborn Map 2184-494D-BEAE

Site Name: Ecole Longan Address: 3421 Cherry Street

City, ST, ZIP: Kansas City MO 64109

Client: Family ECS, Inc.

EDR Inquiry: 2870407.3 Order Date: 9/16/2010 9:24:03 AM Certification # 2184-494D-BEAE

Copyright: 1909 This Certified Sanborn Map combines the following sheets. Outlined areas indicate map sheets within the collection. 0 Feet 150 300 600

Volume 4, Sheet 462 Volume 4, Sheet 464 Volume 4, Sheet 478 Volume 4, Sheet 479

2870407 - 3 page 6 1896 Certified Sanborn Map 2184-494D-BEAE

Site Name: Ecole Longan Address: 3421 Cherry Street

City, ST, ZIP: Kansas City MO 64109

Client: Family ECS, Inc.

EDR Inquiry: 2870407.3 Order Date: 9/16/2010 9:24:03 AM Certification # 2184-494D-BEAE

Copyright: 1896 This Certified Sanborn Map combines the following sheets. Outlined areas indicate map sheets within the collection. 0 Feet 150 300 600

Volume 3, Sheet 319 Volume 3, Sheet 320

2870407 - 3 page 7




Inquiry Number: 2870407.7 SEPTEMBER 23, 2010

440 Wheelers Farms Road Milford, CT 06461 800.352.0050

EDR Environmental LienSearch™ Report

The EDR Environmental LienSearch Report provides results from a search of available current land title records for environmental cleanup liens and other activity and use limitations, such as engineering controls and institutional controls.

A network of professional, trained researchers, following established procedures, uses client supplied address information to: • search for parcel information and/or legal description; • search for ownership information; • research official land title documents recorded at jurisdictional agencies such as recorders' offices, registries of deeds, county clerks' offices, etc.; • access a copy of the deed; • search for environmental encumbering instrument(s) associated with the deed; • provide a copy of any environmental encumbrance(s) based upon a review of key words in the instrument(s) (title, parties involved, and description); and • provide a copy of the deed or cite documents reviewed.

Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments.

Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This report was prepared for the use of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., and National Real Estate Information Services, exclusively. This report is neither a guarantee of title, a commitment to insure, or a policy of title insurance. NO WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WTH THIS REPORT . Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR) and INSERT LIENSEARCH COMPANY NAME specifically disclaim the making of any such warranties, including without limitation, merchantability or fitness for a particular use or purpose. The information contained in this report is retrieved as it is recorded from the various agencies that make it available. The total liability is limited to the fee paid for this report.

Copyright 2010 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.

EDR Environmental LienSearch™ Report







Deed 1: Type of Deed: WARRANTY DEED Title is vested in: THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI BUILDING CORPORATION Deed Dated: 11/01/1984 Deed Recorded: 11/29/1984 Book: 1372 Page: 456



Property Identifiers: 29-840-27-10-00-0-00-000



Environmental Lien: Found Not Found If found:

1st Party:

2nd Party:

Dated: Recorded: Book: Page: Docket: Volume: Instrument: Comments: Miscellaneous:

EDR Environmental LienSearch™ Report


Other AUL's: Found Not Found

If found:

1st Party:

2nd Party:

Dated: Recorded: Book: Page: Docket: Volume: Instrument: Comments: Miscellaneous:


Ecole Longan 3421 Cherry Street Kansas City, MO 64109

Inquiry Number: 2870407.8 September 15, 2010

The EDR Property Tax Map Report

440 Wheelers Farms Road Milford, CT 06461 800.352.0050 Environmental Data Resources Inc EDR Property Tax Map Report

Environmental Data Resources, Inc.'s EDR Property Tax Map Report is designed to assist environmental professionals in evaluating potential environmental conditions on a target property by understanding property boundaries and other characteristics. The report includes a search of available property tax maps, which include information on boundaries for the target property and neighboring properties, addresses, parcel identification numbers, as well as other data typically used in property location and identification.

Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments.

Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice

This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction orforecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2008 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. 2870407.8 Page 1 2870407.8 Page 2 2870407.8 Page 3




Owner Occupants Observed QUESTION COMMENTS Y N U Y N U Y N U 4a Did you observe evidence or do you have any prior knowledge that the property has been used as a gasoline station, motor repair facility, commercial printing facility, dry cleaners, photo developing laboratory, junkyard or landfill, x x or as a waste treatment storage, disposal, processing, or recycling facility?(If applicable, identify which.)

4b Did you observe evidence or do you have any prior knowledge that the adjoining property has been used as a gasoline station, motor repair facility, commercial printing facility, dry cleaners, photo developing laboratory, junkyard x x or landfill, or as a waste treatment storage, disposal, processing, or recycling facility ?(If applicable, identify which.) 5a Are there currently any damaged or discarded automotive or industrial batteries, pesticides, paints or other chemicals in individual containers of > 5 gal (19 L) in volume or 50 gal x x (190 L) in the aggregate currently stored on or used at the property or at the facility? 5b Did you observe evidence or do you have any prior knowledge that there have been previously any damaged or discarded automotive or industrial batteries, pesticides, paints or other chemicals in individual containers of > 5 gal x x (19 L) in volume or 50 gal (190 L) in the aggregate, stored on or used at the property or at the facility?


Owner Occupants Observed QUESTION COMMENTS Y N U Y N U Y N U 6a Are there currently any industrial drums (typically 55 gal(208 L)) or sacks of chemicals located on the property or x x at the facility? 6b Did you observe evidence or do you have any prior Quanities of cleaning supplies, water paints, glues, etc. knowledge that there have been previously any industrial incidental to school operations were present and x x drums (typically 55 gal(208 L)) or sacks of chemicals observable on the subject property. located on the property or at the facility? 7a Did you observe evidence or do you have any prior knowledge that fill dirt from a contaminated site has been x x brought onto the property? 7b Did you observe evidence or do you have any prior knowledge that fill dirt of unknown origin has been brought x x onto the property? 8a Are any pits, ponds, or lagoons currently in connection with waste treatment or waste disposal located on the property? x x

8b Did you observe evidence or do you have any prior knowledge that there have been previously any pits, ponds x x or lagoons in connection with waste treatment or waste disposal located on the property? 9a Is any stained soil currently on the property? x x 9b Did you observe evidence or do you have any prior knowledge that there has been previously any stained soil x x on the property? 10a Are any registered or unregistered storage tanks (above or underground) currently located on the property? x x

10b Did you observe evidence or do you have any prior knowledge that there have been previously any registered or x x unregistered storage tanks (above or underground) on the property?


Owner Occupants Observed QUESTION COMMENTS Y N U Y N U Y N U 11a Are there currently any vent pipes, fill pipes, or access ways indicating a fill pipe protruding from the ground on the x x property or adjacent to any structure on the property?

11b Did you observe evidence or do you have any prior knowledge that there have been previously any vent pipes, fill pipes, or access ways indicating a fill pipe protruding x x from the ground on the property or adjacent to any structure located on the property? 12a Are flooring , drains, or walls currently within the facility that are stained by substances other than water or are emitting x x foul odors?

12b Did you observe evidence or do you have any prior knowledge that there have been previously any flooring, drains, or walls within the facility that are stained by x x substances other than water or were emitting foul odors?

13a If the property is served by a private well or non-public water system, is there evidence or do you have prior knowledge of contaminants identified in the well or system x x that exceed guidelines applicable to the water system?

13b If the property is served by a private well or non-public water system, is there evidence or do you have prior knowledge that the well has been designated as x x contaminated by any government environmental/health agency? 14 Does the owner or occupant of the property have any knowledge of environmental liens or governmental notification relating to past or recurrent violations of x x environmental laws with respect to the property or any facility located on the property? 15a Has the owner or occupant of the property been informed of the past existence of hazardous substances or petroleum x x products with respect to the property or any facility located on the property?


Owner Occupants Observed QUESTION COMMENTS Y N U Y N U Y N U 15b Has the owner or occupant of the property been informed of the current existence of hazardous substances or petroleum x x products with respect to the property or any facility located on the property? 15c Has the owner or occupant of the property been informed of the past existence of environmental violations with respect x x to the property or any facility located on the property?

15d Has the owner or occupant of the property been informed of the current existence of environmental violations with x x respect to the property or any facility located on the property? 16 Does the owner or occupant of the property have any knowledge of any environmental site assessment of the property or facility that indicated the presence of hazardous x x substances or petroleum products on, or contamination of, the property or recommended further assessment of the property? 17 Does the owner or occupant of the property know of any past, threatened, or pending lawsuits or administrative proceedings concerning a release or threatened release of x x any hazardous substance or petroleum products involving the property by any owner or occupant of the property?

18a Does the property discharge waste water on or adjacent to the property (other than storm water) into a storm water x x sewer system? 18b Does the property discharge waste water on or adjacent to the property (other than storm water) into a sanitary sewer x x system? 19 Did you observe evidence or do you have any prior knowledge that any hazardous substances or petroleum products, unidentified waste materials, tires, automotive or x x industrial batteries, or any other waste materials have been dumped above grade, buried, and/or burned on the property?


Owner Occupants Observed QUESTION COMMENTS Y N U Y N U Y N U 20 Is there a transformer, capacitor, or any hydraulic Elevators powered by hydraulic equipment exist on the equipment for which any records indicate the presence of x x property. PCBs? GOVERNMENT RECORDS/HISTORICAL SOURCES INQUIRY 21 Do any of the following Federal government record systems list the property or any property within the circumference of the area noted below: Y N COMMENTS National Priorities List – within 1.0 mile x CERCLIS List – within 0.5 mile x RCRA CORRACTS Facilities – within 1.0 mile x RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD Facilities – within 0.5 mile x Three sites were identified within one half of a mile. 22 Do any of the following state record systems list the property or any property within the circumference of the area noted below: Y COMMENTS List maintained by state environmental agency of hazardous waste sites identified for investigation or remediation that is the state equivalent to National Priorities List – within x 1.0 mile List maintained by state environmental agency of sites identified for investigation or remediation that is the state equivalent to CERCLIS List – within 0.5 mile x

Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) List - within 0.5 mile x 12 LUST sites were identified Solid Waste/Landfill Facilities – within 0.5 mile x 23 Based upon a review of fire insurance maps or consultation with the local fire Y N N/A COMMENTS department serving the property, all as specified in the guide, are any buildings or other improvements on the property or on an adjoining property identified with previous industrial use or uses likely to lead to contamination of the property? x


Prepared by: Keith Slider Signature & Date:

Page 6 of 6



Ecole Longan

This photograph shows the front sign of the subject Photo No. Direction: Description: property. 1 East Client: City of Kansas City Missouri Date Photographer: Keith Slider 10/10/2010

Transformers located on the south side of the subject Photo No. Direction: Description: property. 2 Northeast Client: City of Kansas City Missouri Date Photographer: Keith Slider 10/10/2010

1 Ecole Longan

This photograph shows the southeast entrance of the Photo No. Direction: Description: subject property. 3 East Client: City of Kansas City Missouri Date Photographer: Keith Slider 08/19/2010

This photograph shows a multi-family dwelling located Photo No. Direction: Description: southeast of the subject property. 4 Southwest Client: City of Kansas City Missouri Date Photographer: Keith Slider 08/19/2010

2 Ecole Longan

This photograph shows commercial building and mixed Photo No. Direction: Description: commercial and mult-family dwellings along Kenwood Avenue, located northeast of subject property. 5 North Client: City of Kansas City Missouri Date Photographer: Keith Slider 10/10/2010

This photograph shows the Trinity Church located Photo No. Direction: Description: immediately south of the subject property. 6 South Client: City of Kansas City Missouri Date Photographer: Keith Slider 10/10/2010




United States A product of the National Custom Soil Resource Department of Cooperative Soil Survey, Agriculture a joint effort of the United Report for States Department of Agriculture and other Federal agencies, State Jackson County, Natural agencies including the Resources Agricultural Experiment Conservation Stations, and local Missouri Service participants Ecole Longan

September 16, 2010 Preface

Soil surveys contain information that affects land use planning in survey areas. They highlight soil limitations that affect various land uses and provide information about the properties of the soils in the survey areas. Soil surveys are designed for many different users, including farmers, ranchers, foresters, agronomists, urban planners, community officials, engineers, developers, builders, and home buyers. Also, conservationists, teachers, students, and specialists in recreation, waste disposal, and pollution control can use the surveys to help them understand, protect, or enhance the environment. Various land use regulations of Federal, State, and local governments may impose special restrictions on land use or land treatment. Soil surveys identify soil properties that are used in making various land use or land treatment decisions. The information is intended to help the land users identify and reduce the effects of soil limitations on various land uses. The landowner or user is responsible for identifying and complying with existing laws and regulations. Although soil survey information can be used for general farm, local, and wider area planning, onsite investigation is needed to supplement this information in some cases. Examples include soil quality assessments ( and certain conservation and engineering applications. For more detailed information, contact your local USDA Service Center ( agency=nrcs) or your NRCS State Soil Scientist ( state_offices/). Great differences in soil properties can occur within short distances. Some soils are seasonally wet or subject to flooding. Some are too unstable to be used as a foundation for buildings or roads. Clayey or wet soils are poorly suited to use as septic tank absorption fields. A high water table makes a soil poorly suited to basements or underground installations. The National Cooperative Soil Survey is a joint effort of the United States Department of Agriculture and other Federal agencies, State agencies including the Agricultural Experiment Stations, and local agencies. The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has leadership for the Federal part of the National Cooperative Soil Survey. Information about soils is updated periodically. Updated information is available through the NRCS Soil Data Mart Web site or the NRCS Web Soil Survey. The Soil Data Mart is the data storage site for the official soil survey information. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or a part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means

2 for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

3 Contents

Preface...... 2 How Soil Surveys Are Made...... 5 Soil Map...... 7 Soil Map...... 8 Legend...... 9 Map Unit Legend...... 10 Map Unit Descriptions...... 10 Jackson County, Missouri...... 12 60025—Urban land-Harvester complex, 2 to 9 percent slopes...... 12 References...... 13

4 How Soil Surveys Are Made

Soil surveys are made to provide information about the soils and miscellaneous areas in a specific area. They include a description of the soils and miscellaneous areas and their location on the landscape and tables that show soil properties and limitations affecting various uses. Soil scientists observed the steepness, length, and shape of the slopes; the general pattern of drainage; the kinds of crops and native plants; and the kinds of bedrock. They observed and described many soil profiles. A soil profile is the sequence of natural layers, or horizons, in a soil. The profile extends from the surface down into the unconsolidated material in which the soil formed or from the surface down to bedrock. The unconsolidated material is devoid of roots and other living organisms and has not been changed by other biological activity. Currently, soils are mapped according to the boundaries of major land resource areas (MLRAs). MLRAs are geographically associated land resource units that share common characteristics related to physiography, geology, climate, water resources, soils, biological resources, and land uses (USDA, 2006). Soil survey areas typically consist of parts of one or more MLRA. The soils and miscellaneous areas in a survey area occur in an orderly pattern that is related to the geology, landforms, relief, climate, and natural vegetation of the area. Each kind of soil and miscellaneous area is associated with a particular kind of landform or with a segment of the landform. By observing the soils and miscellaneous areas in the survey area and relating their position to specific segments of the landform, a soil scientist develops a concept, or model, of how they were formed. Thus, during mapping, this model enables the soil scientist to predict with a considerable degree of accuracy the kind of soil or miscellaneous area at a specific location on the landscape. Commonly, individual soils on the landscape merge into one another as their characteristics gradually change. To construct an accurate soil map, however, soil scientists must determine the boundaries between the soils. They can observe only a limited number of soil profiles. Nevertheless, these observations, supplemented by an understanding of the soil-vegetation-landscape relationship, are sufficient to verify predictions of the kinds of soil in an area and to determine the boundaries. Soil scientists recorded the characteristics of the soil profiles that they studied. They noted soil color, texture, size and shape of soil aggregates, kind and amount of rock fragments, distribution of plant roots, reaction, and other features that enable them to identify soils. After describing the soils in the survey area and determining their properties, the soil scientists assigned the soils to taxonomic classes (units). Taxonomic classes are concepts. Each taxonomic class has a set of soil characteristics with precisely defined limits. The classes are used as a basis for comparison to classify soils systematically. Soil taxonomy, the system of taxonomic classification used in the United States, is based mainly on the kind and character of soil properties and the arrangement of horizons within the profile. After the soil scientists classified and named the soils in the survey area, they compared the

5 Custom Soil Resource Report individual soils with similar soils in the same taxonomic class in other areas so that they could confirm data and assemble additional data based on experience and research. The objective of soil mapping is not to delineate pure map unit components; the objective is to separate the landscape into landforms or landform segments that have similar use and management requirements. Each map unit is defined by a unique combination of soil components and/or miscellaneous areas in predictable proportions. Some components may be highly contrasting to the other components of the map unit. The presence of minor components in a map unit in no way diminishes the usefulness or accuracy of the data. The delineation of such landforms and landform segments on the map provides sufficient information for the development of resource plans. If intensive use of small areas is planned, onsite investigation is needed to define and locate the soils and miscellaneous areas. Soil scientists make many field observations in the process of producing a soil map. The frequency of observation is dependent upon several factors, including scale of mapping, intensity of mapping, design of map units, complexity of the landscape, and experience of the soil scientist. Observations are made to test and refine the soil- landscape model and predictions and to verify the classification of the soils at specific locations. Once the soil-landscape model is refined, a significantly smaller number of measurements of individual soil properties are made and recorded. These measurements may include field measurements, such as those for color, depth to bedrock, and texture, and laboratory measurements, such as those for content of sand, silt, clay, salt, and other components. Properties of each soil typically vary from one point to another across the landscape. Observations for map unit components are aggregated to develop ranges of characteristics for the components. The aggregated values are presented. Direct measurements do not exist for every property presented for every map unit component. Values for some properties are estimated from combinations of other properties. While a soil survey is in progress, samples of some of the soils in the area generally are collected for laboratory analyses and for engineering tests. Soil scientists interpret the data from these analyses and tests as well as the field-observed characteristics and the soil properties to determine the expected behavior of the soils under different uses. Interpretations for all of the soils are field tested through observation of the soils in different uses and under different levels of management. Some interpretations are modified to fit local conditions, and some new interpretations are developed to meet local needs. Data are assembled from other sources, such as research information, production records, and field experience of specialists. For example, data on crop yields under defined levels of management are assembled from farm records and from field or plot experiments on the same kinds of soil. Predictions about soil behavior are based not only on soil properties but also on such variables as climate and biological activity. Soil conditions are predictable over long periods of time, but they are not predictable from year to year. For example, soil scientists can predict with a fairly high degree of accuracy that a given soil will have a high water table within certain depths in most years, but they cannot predict that a high water table will always be at a specific level in the soil on a specific date. After soil scientists located and identified the significant natural bodies of soil in the survey area, they drew the boundaries of these bodies on aerial photographs and identified each as a specific map unit. Aerial photographs show trees, buildings, fields, roads, and rivers, all of which help in locating boundaries accurately.

6 Soil Map

The soil map section includes the soil map for the defined area of interest, a list of soil map units on the map and extent of each map unit, and cartographic symbols displayed on the map. Also presented are various metadata about data used to produce the map, and a description of each soil map unit.

7 Custom Soil Resource Report

' Soil Map ' ' ' 3 8 4 3

' ' 4 4 3 3

° ° 4 4 9 9

0 363420 363440 363460 363480 363500 363520 0 2 2

39° 3' 55'' 2 2 39° 3' 55'' 5 5 2 2 3 3 4 4 d R m ha ill G

Gillham Rd 34th St 0 0 0 0 2 2 5 5 2 2 3 3 4 4 0 0 8 8 1 1 5 5 2 2 3 3 4 4 0 0 6 6 1 1 5 5 2 2 3 3 4 4 0 0 4 4 1 1 5 5

2 60025 2 3 3 4 4









r o

e o



C n


K 0 0 2 2 1 1 5 5 2 2 3 3 4 4 0 0 0 0 1 1 5 5 2 2 3 3 4 4 0 0 8 8 0 0 5 5 2 2 3 3 4 4 0 0 6 6 0 0 5 5 2 2 3 3

39° 3' 50'' 4 4 39° 3' 50'' 363420 363440 363460 363480 363500 363520 ' ' ' ' 3 8 4 3

' Map Scale: 1:780 if printed on A size (8.5" x 11") sheet. ' 4 4 3 3

° Meters ° 4 4

9 0 5 10 20 30 9 Feet 0 25 50 100 150 Custom Soil Resource Report


Area of Interest (AOI) Very Stony Spot Map Scale: 1:780 if printed on A size (8.5" × 11") sheet. Area of Interest (AOI) Wet Spot The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:24,000. Soils Other Soil Map Units Special Line Features Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for accurate map Special Point Features measurements. Gully Blowout Short Steep Slope Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Borrow Pit Other Web Soil Survey URL: Clay Spot Coordinate System: UTM Zone 15N NAD83 Political Features Closed Depression Cities This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of Gravel Pit Water Features the version date(s) listed below. Gravelly Spot Oceans Soil Survey Area: Jackson County, Missouri Landfill Streams and Canals Survey Area Data: Version 9, Jun 3, 2009 Lava Flow Transportation Rails Date(s) aerial images were photographed: 7/6/2007 Marsh or swamp Interstate Highways Mine or Quarry The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were US Routes compiled and digitized probably differs from the background Miscellaneous Water imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting Major Roads Perennial Water of map unit boundaries may be evident. Local Roads Rock Outcrop

Saline Spot

Sandy Spot

Severely Eroded Spot


Slide or Slip

Sodic Spot

Spoil Area

Stony Spot Custom Soil Resource Report

Map Unit Legend

Jackson County, Missouri (MO095)

Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI 60025 Urban land-Harvester complex, 2 to 9 3.1 100.0% percent slopes Totals for Area of Interest 3.1 100.0%

Map Unit Descriptions

The map units delineated on the detailed soil maps in a soil survey represent the soils or miscellaneous areas in the survey area. The map unit descriptions, along with the maps, can be used to determine the composition and properties of a unit. A map unit delineation on a soil map represents an area dominated by one or more major kinds of soil or miscellaneous areas. A map unit is identified and named according to the taxonomic classification of the dominant soils. Within a taxonomic class there are precisely defined limits for the properties of the soils. On the landscape, however, the soils are natural phenomena, and they have the characteristic variability of all natural phenomena. Thus, the range of some observed properties may extend beyond the limits defined for a taxonomic class. Areas of soils of a single taxonomic class rarely, if ever, can be mapped without including areas of other taxonomic classes. Consequently, every map unit is made up of the soils or miscellaneous areas for which it is named and some minor components that belong to taxonomic classes other than those of the major soils. Most minor soils have properties similar to those of the dominant soil or soils in the map unit, and thus they do not affect use and management. These are called noncontrasting, or similar, components. They may or may not be mentioned in a particular map unit description. Other minor components, however, have properties and behavioral characteristics divergent enough to affect use or to require different management. These are called contrasting, or dissimilar, components. They generally are in small areas and could not be mapped separately because of the scale used. Some small areas of strongly contrasting soils or miscellaneous areas are identified by a special symbol on the maps. If included in the database for a given area, the contrasting minor components are identified in the map unit descriptions along with some characteristics of each. A few areas of minor components may not have been observed, and consequently they are not mentioned in the descriptions, especially where the pattern was so complex that it was impractical to make enough observations to identify all the soils and miscellaneous areas on the landscape. The presence of minor components in a map unit in no way diminishes the usefulness or accuracy of the data. The objective of mapping is not to delineate pure taxonomic classes but rather to separate the landscape into landforms or landform segments that have similar use and management requirements. The delineation of such segments on the map provides sufficient information for the development of resource plans. If intensive use of small areas is planned, however, onsite investigation is needed to define and locate the soils and miscellaneous areas.

10 Custom Soil Resource Report

An identifying symbol precedes the map unit name in the map unit descriptions. Each description includes general facts about the unit and gives important soil properties and qualities. Soils that have profiles that are almost alike make up a soil series. Except for differences in texture of the surface layer, all the soils of a series have major horizons that are similar in composition, thickness, and arrangement. Soils of one series can differ in texture of the surface layer, slope, stoniness, salinity, degree of erosion, and other characteristics that affect their use. On the basis of such differences, a soil series is divided into soil phases. Most of the areas shown on the detailed soil maps are phases of soil series. The name of a soil phase commonly indicates a feature that affects use or management. For example, Alpha silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is a phase of the Alpha series. Some map units are made up of two or more major soils or miscellaneous areas. These map units are complexes, associations, or undifferentiated groups. A complex consists of two or more soils or miscellaneous areas in such an intricate pattern or in such small areas that they cannot be shown separately on the maps. The pattern and proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas are somewhat similar in all areas. Alpha-Beta complex, 0 to 6 percent slopes, is an example. An association is made up of two or more geographically associated soils or miscellaneous areas that are shown as one unit on the maps. Because of present or anticipated uses of the map units in the survey area, it was not considered practical or necessary to map the soils or miscellaneous areas separately. The pattern and relative proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas are somewhat similar. Alpha- Beta association, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is an example. An undifferentiated group is made up of two or more soils or miscellaneous areas that could be mapped individually but are mapped as one unit because similar interpretations can be made for use and management. The pattern and proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas in a mapped area are not uniform. An area can be made up of only one of the major soils or miscellaneous areas, or it can be made up of all of them. Alpha and Beta soils, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is an example. Some surveys include miscellaneous areas. Such areas have little or no soil material and support little or no vegetation. Rock outcrop is an example.

11 Custom Soil Resource Report

Jackson County, Missouri

60025—Urban land-Harvester complex, 2 to 9 percent slopes

Map Unit Setting Mean annual precipitation: 37 to 47 inches Mean annual air temperature: 52 to 57 degrees F Frost-free period: 184 to 228 days

Map Unit Composition Urban land: 50 percent Harvester and similar soils: 40 percent

Description of Urban Land Interpretive groups Land capability (nonirrigated): 8s

Description of Harvester Setting Landform: Interfluves, hillslopes Landform position (two-dimensional): Summit, shoulder Landform position (three-dimensional): Interfluve, side slope Down-slope shape: Linear, convex Across-slope shape: Linear, convex Parent material: Loess Properties and qualities Slope: 2 to 9 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Drainage class: Moderately well drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately high (0.20 to 0.57 in/hr) Depth to water table: About 30 to 36 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Maximum salinity: Nonsaline (0.0 to 2.0 mmhos/cm) Available water capacity: Moderate (about 8.7 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability (nonirrigated): 3e Other vegetative classification: Trees/Timber (Woody Vegetation) Typical profile 0 to 7 inches: Silt loam 7 to 31 inches: Silty clay loam 31 to 80 inches: Clay loam

12 References

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). 2004. Standard specifications for transportation materials and methods of sampling and testing. 24th edition. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). 2005. Standard classification of soils for engineering purposes. ASTM Standard D2487-00. Cowardin, L.M., V. Carter, F.C. Golet, and E.T. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of wetlands and deep-water habitats of the United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service FWS/OBS-79/31. Federal Register. July 13, 1994. Changes in hydric soils of the United States. Federal Register. September 18, 2002. Hydric soils of the United States. Hurt, G.W., and L.M. Vasilas, editors. Version 6.0, 2006. Field indicators of hydric soils in the United States. National Research Council. 1995. Wetlands: Characteristics and boundaries. Soil Survey Division Staff. 1993. Soil survey manual. Soil Conservation Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 18. Soil Survey Staff. 1999. Soil taxonomy: A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys. 2nd edition. Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 436. Soil Survey Staff. 2006. Keys to soil taxonomy. 10th edition. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. Tiner, R.W., Jr. 1985. Wetlands of Delaware. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Wetlands Section. United States Army Corps of Engineers, Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers wetlands delineation manual. Waterways Experiment Station Technical Report Y-87-1. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National forestry manual. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National range and pasture handbook. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National soil survey handbook, title 430-VI. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2006. Land resource regions and major land resource areas of the United States, the Caribbean, and the Pacific Basin. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 296.

13 Custom Soil Resource Report

United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. 1961. Land capability classification. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 210.