Is Evolution a Fact?
IS EVOLUTION A FACT? During the summer of 2009 I was invited to participate in a written, online debate on the topic of or- ganic evolution. One disputant, an evolutionist, had agreed to affirm the following proposition: RESOLVED : Macroevolution (as suggested by the General Theory of Evolution—as opposed to micro- evolution, as suggested by the Special Theory of Evolution) is a fact, and as such, represents a correct scientific explanation of the origin of the Universe and life on Earth. I agreed to respond in the negative to the evolutionist’s written arguments. Once that had been ac- complished, a reverse process would ensue. As a non-evolutionist, I would affirm the following proposi- tion: RESOLVED : Macroevolution (as suggested by the General Theory of Evolution—as opposed to micro- evolution, as suggested by the Special Theory of Evolution) is not a fact, and as such, does not represent a correct scientific explanation of the origin of the Universe and life on Earth. Having produced a rebuttal to the evidences that my opponent suggested as proof for macroevolu- tion, I now would like to offer my affirmative argument, per the proposition above. NON-EVOLUTIONIST’S FIRST AFFIRMATIVE: EVOLUTION IS NOT A “FACT” One of the perennial bones of contention in the evolution controversy has long centered on whether or not evolution can properly be referred to as a “fact” instead of a theory. This particular element of the controversy reached somewhat of a crescendo several years back when John Rennie, editor of Scientific American , authored an rather caustic article for the July 2002 issue of that journal titled “15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense.” In his comments, Mr.
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