Diffusive and rough homogenisation in fractional noise field Johann Gehringer and Xue-Mei Li Imperial College London * June 23, 2020 Abstract With recently developed tools, we prove a homogenisation theorem for a random ODE with short and long-range dependent fractional noise. The effective dynamics are not necessarily diffusions, they are given by stochastic differential equations driven simultaneously by stochastic processes from both the Gaussian and the non-Gaussian self-similarity universality classes. A key lemma for this is the ‘lifted’ joint functional central and non-central limit theorem in the rough path topology. keywords: passive tracer, fractional noise, multi-scale, functional limit theorems, rough differential equations MSC Subject classification: 34F05, 60F05, 60F17, 60G18, 60G22, 60H05, 60H07, 60H10 Contents 1 Introduction 2 2 Preliminaries 5 2.1 Hermiteprocesses................................ ........ 5 2.2 FractionalOrnstein-Uhlenbeckprocesses . ................ 6 2.3 HermiteRank..................................... ..... 7 2.4 JointfunctionalCLT/non-CLT . .......... 7 2.5 AssumptionsandConventions . .......... 8 3 Lifted joint functional limit theorem 9 arXiv:2006.11544v1 [math.PR] 20 Jun 2020 3.1 Relativecompactnessofiteratedintegrals . ................. 10 3.2 Young integral case (functional non-CLT in rough topology) ................. 14 3.3 Itô integral case (functionalCLT in roughtopology) . ................... 15 3.4 ProofofTheoremB................................. ...... 22 3.5 ProofoftheconditionalintegrabilityoffOU . ................. 22 4 Multi-scale homogenisation theorem 24 5 Appendix 26 5.1 Someroughpaththeory.... .... .... ... .... .... .... .. ........ 26 *
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[email protected] 1 1 Introduction Fractional noise is the ‘derivative’of a fractional Brownian motion. Its covarianceat times separated by a span 2H 2 2H 1 1 s is ̺˜(s) 2H(2H 1) s − +2H s − δs where H is the Hurst parameter taking values in (0, 1) 2 ∼ − | | | |1 1 \{ } and δs is the Dirac measure.