
Principle bundles and Hopf for spheres

Irina Markina, University of Bergen, Norway

Summer school Analysis - with Applications to Mathematical Gottingen¨ August 29 - September 2, 2011

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 1/46

The smooth fiber bundle is a collection of smooth F,M,B and a smooth map π : M → B.

∀ x ∈ M, there is U(π(x)) ⊂ B, such that π−1(U) is diffeomorphic to the product U × F :

φ M ⊃ π−1(U) / U × F, oo ooo π oo oo pr  woo 1 B ⊃ U

∀ b ∈ B, the pre- π−1(b) is diffeomorphic to F and is called the fiber over b. B is the base space, M is the total space and the map π is the map.

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 2/46 Fiber bundle

Sea urchin

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 3/46 Vertical space

Fiber bundle π : M → B

dqπ : TqM → Tπ(q)B is surjective ⇒ ker(dqπ) = ∅

Denote ker(dqπ) = Vq and call the vertical space.

The collection of all vertical space is vertical distribution or vertical sub-bundle V ⊂ TM.

Vq = Tq(F ) for fiber F passing through q

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 4/46 Ehresmann

An for π : M → B is a distribution D ⊂ TM that is everywhere transverse and of complementary to V :

TqM = Dq ⊕ Vq. q ∈ M.

⊕ denotes only transversality, but not orthogonality.

Dp is a horizontal and the Ehresmann connection D is a horizontal distribution on M.

Given π : M → B we have V = ker(dπ). Construction of D is the question of a mathematical art.

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 5/46 Sub-Riemannian structure by restriction

Let π :(M,gM ) → B, Vq = ker(dqπ)

Define Dq ⊕⊥ Vq = TqM. The distribution D is the Ehresmann connection

Let gD := gM |D

(M,D,gD) is the sub-Riemannian defined by π and the Riemannian metric gM . The sub-Riemannian length of a horizontal curve is equal to the Riemannian length, since the vertical components vanish.

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 6/46 Induced sub-Riemannian structure

Let π : M → (B,gB) and D is defined.

Pullback the metric gB to the horizontal distribution D:

gD(v,w) := gB(dqπ(v),dqπ(w)), v,w ∈ Dq, q ∈ M.

(M,D,gD) is sub- induced by the Ehresmann connection D and the Riemannian metric gB. If γ is horizontal in M, then

lsR(γ) = lgB (π(γ)).

The vertical component of γ˙ is absent

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 7/46 Induced sub-Riemannian structure

The horizontal lifting of c: I → B is a curve γ : I → M such that

γ˙ (t) ∈ Dγ(t) and π(γ(t)) = c(t) for all t ∈ I.

The horizontal lift of a Riemannian in B is a sub-Riemannian geodesic in M.

If the Riemannian geodesic in B is a length minimizers between b0,b1 ∈ B, then its horizontal lift is a sub-Riemannian length minimizer between the corresponding fibers.

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 8/46 When two structures coincide?

Suppose π :(M,gM ) → (B,gB), gMD := gM |D. and D is given. If the restriction

dqπ|Dq :(Dq,gMD ) → (Tπ(q)B,gB) is a linear isometry for all q ∈ M, then

(M,D,gMD )=(M,D,gBD ).

The submersion π is called the Riemannian submersion.

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 9/46

A smooth fiber bundle (F,M,B,π) is a principal bundle if a fiber F has the structure of a Lie G and

: F × G → F q.τ → rτ (q) = qτ acts (on the right) freely and transitively on each fiber.

G acts freely on the right on M if

∀ q ∈ M, q.τ = q.ς if and only if τ = ς.

G acts transitively on the right on M if

∀ q,p ∈ M there is τ ∈ G such that q.τ = p

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 10/46 Metric on principal bundles

Let π :(M,gM ) → B, Vq = ker(dqπ), D ⊕⊥ V and let gM be G-right invariant:

gM (vq,wq) = gM drτ (vq), drτ (wq) , τ ∈ G Then

gD = gM |D is the sub-Riemannian metric

gV = gM |V is the vertical metric

Fibers are isomorphic to a Lie groups G, so gV can be encode in the Lie algebra g.

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 11/46 Inertia

The infinitesimal generator σq of the right G-action on M d σq : g → Vq ⊂ TqM such that g ∋ ξ → q. exp(ǫξ). dǫǫ=0 d d σq(ξ) = q. exp(ǫξ) = lq exp(ǫξ) = dlq(ξ) dǫǫ=0 dǫǫ=0 Define the bilinear symmetric tensor Iq by

Iq(ξ,η) = gV (σq(ξ),σq(η)), ξ,η ∈ g q ∈ M.

Iq is the inertia tensor on g. If Iq is independent on q, then gV is also left invariant.

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 12/46 Metric we are working with

Let π :(M,gM ) → B, Vq = ker(dqπ), D ⊕⊥ V

A Riemannian metric gM is of constant bi-invariant type if

1. gM is right G invariant,

2. its inertia tensor Iq is independent of q ∈ M. Metric we are working with

Let π :(M,gM ) → B, Vq = ker(dqπ), D ⊕⊥ V

A Riemannian metric gM is of constant bi-invariant type if

1. gM is right G invariant,

2. its inertia tensor Iq is independent of q ∈ M.


σq . y . o proj. g l =∼ ker(dqπ) = Vq o TqM −1 σq

A is g-valued

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 13/46 Normal

Let expR be the Riemannian exponential map for gM ,

γv,R(t) = expR(tv) be the Riemannian geodesic passing through q ∈ M with the initial velocity vector v ∈ TqM.

Lift horizontaly π(γv,R) from B to M and get a curve γsR.

The curve γsR is a normal sub-Riemannian geodesic, given by γsR(t) = γv,R(t)expG(−tA(v)). All normal sub-Riemannian geodesics are given by this formula

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 14/46 Proof of the theorem

gM , gD, gV =⇒ HR,HsR,HV

expR : TM → M, expsR : D → M, expV : V → M. If Hamiltonian functions Poisson commute, then the flows on T ∗M also commute.

If v = vD + vV is the initial velocity vector and the exponential maps commute

expsR(tvD) = expR(tv)expV (−tvV ). The last step is to observe

expV (−tvV ) = expG(−tA(vV )) since the metric gV is bi-invariant. Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 15/46 Proof of the theorem

∗ ∗ {HV ,HsR} = 0, ((τ,) × (b,p)) ∈ T G × T U, U ∈ B

HsR = HsR(,b,p),HV = HV ()

l k ∂HsR ∂HV ∂HsR ∂HV {HsR,HV } = + ∂j ∂τj ∂pj ∂bj j=1 j=1

l k ∂H ∂H ∂H ∂H − sR V + sR V = 0. ∂τj ∂j ∂bj ∂pj j=1 j=1

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 16/46 Hopf map

Let S2n+1 = {z ∈ Cn+1 | z2 = 1} right U(1)-action on S2n+1 is

(z0,...,zn).υ =(z0υ,...,znυ), υ ∈ U(1)

It induces the principal U(1)-bundle

h U(1) → S2n+1 −→ CP n

(z0,...,zn) → h(z0,...,zn)=[z0 : : zn], where [z0 : : zn] denotes homogeneous coordinates.

j j zj = x + iy

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 17/46 Odd dimensional spheres

Any sphere S2n+1 possesses the vector field

0 0 n n V˜q = −y ∂x0 + x ∂y0 − ... − y ∂xn + x ∂yn .

n+1 that is V˜q = iNq, where i is the usual i in C and 2n+1 n+1 Nq = q is normal to sphere S ⊂ C .

V˜q ∈ ker(dqπ), Vq = span{V˜q}, D ⊕⊥ V, It is also D = ker ω for the contact form

0 0 n n ω = −y0dx + x0dy − ... − yndx + xndy

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 18/46 Geodesics on S2n+1

2n+1 2n+1 S =(S ,D,gD) is the sub-Riemannian manifold

The Lie algebra u(1) = spanR(i)

The u(1)−valued connection form is A(v) = ig(v,Vq), 2n+1 v ∈ TqS

The Riemannian metric g on S2n+1 is of constant bi-invariant type, since for iα ∈ u(1)

d σq(iα) = q exp (ǫ(iα)) = q.iα = αVq, dǫ u(1) ǫ=0 Iq(iα, iα˜) = g(αVq, αV˜ q) = αα˜ does not depend on q ∈ M

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 19/46 Geodesics on S2n+1

2n+1 2n+1 Let q ∈ S and v ∈ TqS . If v γ (t)=(z (t),...,z (t)) = q cos(vt) + sin(vt) R 0 n v where v = g(v,v), is the great satisfying γR(0) = q and γ˙R(0) = v, then the sub-Riemannian geodesic γsR is given by

−itg(v,Vq) −itg(v,Vq) γsR(t) = z0(t)e ,...,zn(t)e , t ∈ R.

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 20/46 Corollaries

2 2 2 • γ˙sR(t) + g (v,Vq) = v .

γ˙sR is constant and length of γ is 2 2 ℓsR(γ)=(b − a) v − g(v,Vq) for t ∈ [a, b] .

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 21/46 Corollaries

2 2 2 • γ˙sR(t) + g (v,Vq) = v .

γ˙sR is constant and length of γ is 2 2 ℓsR(γ)=(b − a) v − g(v,Vq) for t ∈ [a, b] . • If γsR(t) = γR(t)expu(1)(−itg(v,Vq)) is parameterized 2 2 by arc length then v = 1 + g(v,Vq) .

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 21/46 Corollaries

2 2 2 • γ˙sR(t) + g (v,Vq) = v .

γ˙sR is constant and length of γ is 2 2 ℓsR(γ)=(b − a) v − g(v,Vq) for t ∈ [a, b] . • If γsR(t) = γR(t)expu(1)(−itg(v,Vq)) is parameterized 2 2 by arc length then v = 1 + g(v,Vq) .

• If γ˙R(0) ∈ D then the set of such geodesics is diffeomorphic to CP n.

γ˙R(0) ∈ D ⇒ g(v,Vq) = 0, v thus γsR(t) = q cos(vt) + v sin(vt) is the great circle, whose loci is uniquely determined by the point [v] ∈ CP n.

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 21/46 Parallalizable spheres

n n THEOREM (Adams, 1962) Let S −1 = {x ∈ R : x2 = 1}. Then Sn−1 has precisely ̺(n) − 1 globally defined, linearly independent, non vanishing vector fields

̺(n) = 2c + 8d, n = (2a + 1)2b, b = c + 4d, 0 ≤ c ≤ 3. In particular, • The even dimensional spheres have no globally defined and non vanishing vector fields, • S1, S3 and S7 are the only spheres with maximal number of linearly independent globally defined non vanishing vector fields.

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 22/46 S3 as a group

3 4 2 2 2 2 S = {x ∈ R : x0 + x1 + x2 + x3 = 1}

Set z1 = x0 + ix1, z2 = x2 + ix3

z1 z2 2 2 SU(2) : , z1,z2 ∈ C, |z1| + |z2| = 1. −z¯2 z¯1

−1 (z1,z2) = (¯z1, −z2), (1, 0) is the unit U(1, H) is the group of unit quaternions, Sp(1) is the special symplectic group, (3) is the on three generators. All they are double cover of the group SO(3).

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 23/46 Right invariant vector fields

1 x0 x1 x2 x3 x0  0   −x1 x0 −x3 x2   x1  drq(e1) = =  0   −x2 x3 x0 −x1   x2         0   −x3 −x2 x1 x0   x3        3 N = x0∂0 + x1∂1 + x2∂2 + x3∂3 is normal vector to S , g(N,N) = 1,

V = −x1∂0 + x0∂1 − x3∂2 + x2∂3, g(V,V ) = 1, g(V,N) = 0,

X = −x2∂0 + x3∂1 + x0∂2 − x1∂3, g(X,X) = 1, g(X,N) = 0,

Y = −x3∂0 − x2∂1 + x1∂2 + x0∂3, g(Y, Y ) = 1, g(Y,N) = 0, [X,V ] = Y , [V, Y ] = X, [Y,X] = V

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 24/46 Horizontality condition

3 TpS = span{X,Y,V }, D = span{X, Y }. The geometry obtained by fixing other pair of vector fields is similar. Let γ =(x0,x1,x2,x3) be a curve on S3. Then

γ˙ =x ˙ 0∂0 +x ˙ 1∂1 +x ˙ 2∂2 +x ˙ 3∂3 = a(s)X(γ(s)) + b(s)Y (γ(s)) + c(s)V (γ(s)).

The curve γ is horizontal iff

1 0 3 2 c = g(˙γ,V ) = −x x˙ 0 + x x˙ 1 − x x˙ 2 + x x˙ 3 = 0.

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 25/46 Horizontality condition

1 1 (x dx1 − x dx0) = (x dx3 − x dx2) 2 0 1 2 2 3


A01 c

0 A23 (x2,x3)

Projections of c to the planes (x0,x1) and (x2,x3)

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 26/46 CR-structure on S3

3 2 S := {(z1,z2) ∈ C | z1z¯1 + z2z¯2 = 1}. For a point q ∈ M, the holomorphic tangent space of a real manifold M at q is the vector space

HqM = TqM ∩ J(TqM), where J2 = −id is an almost complex structure. A real submanifold M of Cn is said to have a CR structure if dimR HqM does not depend on q ∈ M.

3 HqS is a complex vector space of complex dim. one.

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 27/46 CR-structure on S3

Consider the

ω =z ¯1dz1 +z ¯2dz2, d(z1z¯1 + z2z¯2) Then 3 HqS = ker ω = span{(−X + iY )}.

J(∂xj ) = ∂yj , J(∂yj ) = −∂xj , j = 0, 2.

J(X) = Y, J(Y ) = −X

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 28/46 CR-structure on S3

The same almost complex structure can be obtained by means of the of S3 considered as a smooth Riemannian manifold embedded in R4.

Since ∇X V = Y and ∇Y V = −X one can introduce the operator

J(X) = ∇X V, where ∇ is the Levi-Civitá connection.

A. HURTADO, C.ROSALES, Area-stationary surfaces inside the sub-Riemannian three-sphere. Math. Ann. 340 (2008), no. 3, 675–708.

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 29/46 Hopf map h : S3 → S2 ∼= CP 1 ∼= S3/U(1) can be written in coordinates

2 2 2 h(z1,z2)=(|z1| − |z2| , 2z1z¯2) ∈ S

The action of U(1) on S3 is

2πit 2πit 2πit 2πit 3 (z1,z2).e =(z1e ,z2e ), e ∈ U(1), (z1,z2) ∈ S

2πit 3 φ(t)=(ˆz1, zˆ2)e is a fiber over (ˆz1, zˆ2) ∈ S that 2 collapses to h(ˆz1, zˆ2) ∈ S under the Hopf map. The curve φ(t) is a great circle on S3.

˙ 3 ker(dh) = span{φ(t)} = span{V }, ker(dh) ⊕⊥ D = T S

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 30/46 Hopf fibration

The Hopf fibration can be visualized using a stereographic projection of S3 into R3.

iπξ1 iπξ2 z1 = |z1|e , z2 = |z2|e , |z1| = const

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 31/46 Hopf fibration

Here keyrings mimick part of the Hopf fibration by showing some of the of the Hopf fibration which lie on the common .

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 32/46 Closed geodesics

2n+1 Let γsR : R → S be a complete sub-Riemannian geodesic parameterized by arc-length, with initial 2n+1 velocity v ∈ TqS . Then γsR is closed if and only if

g(v,Vq) ∈ Q. 2 1 + g (v,Vq)

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 33/46 Conclusion

• There are three possible ways to construct the sub-Riemannian structure on S3

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 34/46 Conclusion

• There are three possible ways to construct the sub-Riemannian structure on S3

Action of the group S3 ֒→ R4 of unit quaternions •

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 34/46 Conclusion

• There are three possible ways to construct the sub-Riemannian structure on S3

Action of the group S3 ֒→ R4 of unit quaternions •

CR-structure on hypersurface S3 ֒→ C2 •

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 34/46 Conclusion

• There are three possible ways to construct the sub-Riemannian structure on S3

Action of the group S3 ֒→ R4 of unit quaternions •

CR-structure on hypersurface S3 ֒→ C2 •

h Hopf fibration U(1) ֒→ S3 −→ S2 •

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 34/46 Conclusion

• There are three possible ways to construct the sub-Riemannian structure on S3

Action of the group S3 ֒→ R4 of unit quaternions •

CR-structure on hypersurface S3 ֒→ C2 •

h Hopf fibration U(1) ֒→ S3 −→ S2 •

• Locally the sub-Riemannian structure coincides with the Heisenberg group H1 according to the Gromov-Margulis-Mitchell-Mostow construction of the tangent cone.

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 34/46 Problems with S7

• Are there three or more possible ways to construct the sub-Riemannian structure on S7?

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 35/46 Problems with S7

• Are there three or more possible ways to construct the sub-Riemannian structure on S7?

It is possible to consider S7 ֒→ R8 as a set of unit • octonions. But they do not form a group

(a, b)(c,d)=(ac−db∗, a∗d+cb), a∗ = a, (a, b)∗ =(a∗, −b)

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 35/46 Problems with S7

• Are there three or more possible ways to construct the sub-Riemannian structure on S7?

It is possible to consider S7 ֒→ R8 as a set of unit • octonions. But they do not form a group

(a, b)(c,d)=(ac−db∗, a∗d+cb), a∗ = a, (a, b)∗ =(a∗, −b)

CR-structure on hypersurface S7 ֒→ C4 •

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 35/46 Problems with S7

• Are there three or more possible ways to construct the sub-Riemannian structure on S7?

It is possible to consider S7 ֒→ R8 as a set of unit • octonions. But they do not form a group

(a, b)(c,d)=(ac−db∗, a∗d+cb), a∗ = a, (a, b)∗ =(a∗, −b)

CR-structure on hypersurface S7 ֒→ C4 • h Hopf fibration U(1) ֒→ S7 −→ CP 3 •

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 35/46 Problems with S7

• Are there three or more possible ways to construct the sub-Riemannian structure on S7?

It is possible to consider S7 ֒→ R8 as a set of unit • octonions. But they do not form a group

(a, b)(c,d)=(ac−db∗, a∗d+cb), a∗ = a, (a, b)∗ =(a∗, −b)

CR-structure on hypersurface S7 ֒→ C4 • h Hopf fibration U(1) ֒→ S7 −→ CP 3 • h quaternion Hopf fibration S3 ֒→ S7 −→ S4 •

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 35/46 Hopf fibration and CR-structure

h U(1) ֒→ S7 −→ CP 3 Take a vector field V = J(N), where J is the standard almost complex structure in C4:

2 J = −id, J(∂xj ) = ∂yj , J(∂yj ) = −∂xj , j = 0, 1, 2, 3, and N is the normal vector to S7.

• The space span{N,V } is invariant under J: J(V ) = −N,

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 36/46 Hopf fibration and CR-structure

h U(1) ֒→ S7 −→ CP 3 Take a vector field V = J(N), where J is the standard almost complex structure in C4:

2 J = −id, J(∂xj ) = ∂yj , J(∂yj ) = −∂xj , j = 0, 1, 2, 3, and N is the normal vector to S7.

• The space span{N,V } is invariant under J: J(V ) = −N, • J is orthogonal,

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 36/46 Hopf fibration and CR-structure

h U(1) ֒→ S7 −→ CP 3 Take a vector field V = J(N), where J is the standard almost complex structure in C4:

2 J = −id, J(∂xj ) = ∂yj , J(∂yj ) = −∂xj , j = 0, 1, 2, 3, and N is the normal vector to S7.

• The space span{N,V } is invariant under J: J(V ) = −N, • J is orthogonal,

• Dq⊥ span{N(q),V (q)},

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 36/46 Hopf fibration and CR-structure

h U(1) ֒→ S7 −→ CP 3 Take a vector field V = J(N), where J is the standard almost complex structure in C4:

2 J = −id, J(∂xj ) = ∂yj , J(∂yj ) = −∂xj , j = 0, 1, 2, 3, and N is the normal vector to S7.

• The space span{N,V } is invariant under J: J(V ) = −N, • J is orthogonal,

• Dq⊥ span{N(q),V (q)},

• Then Dq is invariant under J.

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 36/46 Hopf fibration and CR-structure

h U(1) ֒→ S7 −→ CP 3 • The space span{N,V } is invariant under J: J(V ) = −N, • J is orthogonal,

• Dq = ⊥ span{N(q), Y1(q)},

• Then Dp is invariant under J. • Conclusion

7 7 7 7 HqS = TqS ∩ J(TqS ) = TqS ∩ Dq = Dq.

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 37/46 Hopf fibration and CR-structure

This construction is valid for any odd dimensional sphere and can be applied to any Hopf fibration

h U(1) ֒→ S2n+1 −→ CP n For S3 and S7 the holomorphic tangent spaces have globally defined , in other cases we obtain only local basis

Another question whether the constructed distribution is bracket generating. In the case of S7 it is bracket generating as a contact structure, but also can be obtained by direct calculations.

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 38/46 Hopf fibration and CR-structure

h U(1) ֒→ S7 −→ CP 3 7 HqS = Dq = span{Y2(q),...,Y7(q)} is bracket generating with vertical direction spanned by V .

ω =z ¯0dz0 + ... +z ¯3dz3, ker ω = Dq Hopf fibration and CR-structure

h U(1) ֒→ S7 −→ CP 3 7 HqS = Dq = span{Y2(q),...,Y7(q)} is bracket generating with vertical direction spanned by V .

ω =z ¯0dz0 + ... +z ¯3dz3, ker ω = Dq

7 ker{dh} = span{V }, V ⊕⊥ D = T S and D is an Ehresmann connection for U(1)-principal bundle given by the Hopf map.

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 39/46 quaternion Hopf fibration

h S3 ֒→ S7 −→ S4

h : S7 → S4 2 2 . (q1,q2) → (|q1| − |q2| , 2q1q¯2) In real coordinates:

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 h(y0,...,y7)=(y0 + y1 + y2 + y3 − y4 − y5 − y6 − y , 2(y0y4 + y1y5 + y2y6 + y3y7), 2(−y0y5 + y1y4 − y2y7 + y3y6), 2(−y0y6 + y1y7 + y2y4 − y3y5), 2(−y0y7 − y1y6 + y2y5 + y3y4)) .

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 40/46 quaternion Hopf fibration

The main idea is to find ker dh that forms the vertical 7 space V of missing directions: Dq ⊕ Vq = TqS .

ker dh = span{V } = span{Y45, Y46, Y56},

[Y45, Y46] = 2Y56, [Y46, Y56] = 2Y45, [Y45, Y56] = 2Y46.

The next step is to find a horizontal distribution D that is transverse to span{V } at each point q ∈ S7. In spite of V has globally defined basis, the horizontal distribution has only locally defined basis, or vice versa.

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 41/46 Ehresmann connection

If D ⊕⊥ V then we can apply the theorem about geodesics on principal bundle.

n 4n+3 n+1 2 S = {(q0,...,qn) ∈ Q | |qj| = 1}. j=0

The right action of Sp(1) ∼= SU(2) ∼= S3 on S4n+3 is

4n+3 q.υ =(q0,...,qn).υ =(q0υ,...,qnυ), q ∈ S This action induces a quaternionic Hopf fibrations S3 → S4n+3 → HP n, given by

h : S4n+3 → HP n

(q0,...,qn) → [q0 : ... : qn].

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 42/46 Geodesics

We specify the sp(1)−valued connection form associated to the Hopf map h.

1 2 3 4n+3 A(v) = i1g(v,Vq ) + i2g(v,Vq ) + i3g(v,Vq ), v ∈ TqS

The Riemannian metric g is of constant bi-invariant 4n+3 3 type, since for any q ∈ S and ξ = j−1 ijαj ∈ sp(1), 3 3 d j σq(ξ) = q exp (ǫξ) = q. αjij = αjV . dǫ sp(1) q ǫ=0 j−1 j−1

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 43/46 Horizontal distributions

3 Iq(ξ, ξ) = αkα˜k, does not depend on points k=1

If γR(t)=(q0(t),...,qn(t)) is the great circle satisfying 4n+3 γR(0) = q and γ˙R(0) = v ∈ TqS , then

−tA(v) −tA(v) γsR(t) = q0(t) e ,...,qn(t) e . where e−tA(v) is the quaternionic exponential The curve e−tA(v) is the Riemannian geodesic in S3 starting at the identity of the group e = (1, 0, 0, 0) ∈ S3, 1 2 3 with initial velocity 0, −g(v,Vq ), −g(v,Vq ), −g(v,Vq ) .

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 44/46 Corollaries

• The set of sub-Riemannian geodesics in S4n+3 with n γ˙R(0) ∈ D is diffeomorphic to HP . • A complete geodesic γ is closed if and only if

1 2 3 g(v,Vq ) g(v,Vq ) g(v,Vq ) , , ∈ Q. v2 v2 v2

• the equality

γ˙ (t)2 + A(v)2 = v2 holds, where

2 2 1 2 2 2 3 A(v) = g (v,Vq ) + g (v,Vq ) + g (v,Vq )

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 45/46 The end

The end of third lecture

Thank you for your attention

Principle bundles and Hopf map for spheres – p. 46/46