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Differential Geometry and its Applications 18 (2003) 1–19 www.elsevier.com/locate/difgeo

Regularity of weakly harmonic sections of a fiber and Gauss sections

Moussa Kourouma

Université de Cocody, UFR-Mathématiques et Informatique, 22 BP. 582, Abidjan 22, Côte d’Ivoire Received 15 April 2000; received in revised form 15 March 2001 Communicated by M. Willem

Abstract We study the regularity of weakly harmonic sections of fiber bundles (N,M,π),where(M, g) and (N, h) are Riemannian . One of our results is that, when the fibers are regular balls and the fiber bundle is Riemannian, any weakly harmonic is continuous. We also study the existence and regularity of harmonic Gauss sections with application to .  2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

MSC: 58E20; 58J05; 35D10; 53C12

Keywords: Weakly harmonic section; Regularity; Gauss section of a ; Convex functions

1. Introduction

S. Hildebrandt, J. Jost and K.O. Widman have proved in [3] that any weakly harmonic with values in a regular geodesic ball is smooth. In this paper we are going to extend this result to the case of weakly harmonic sections. In fact, in the × × → case of a trivial bundle ((M F,g h), (M, g), pr1) a section x (x, u(x)) is weakly harmonic if and only if u is a weakly harmonic map from (M, g) into (F, h). The proofs of our regularity results in Theorem 1 will follow the line of the proof of the regularity result of [3] which is given by J. Jost in [4]. The main assumption we need to study the regularity at x0 ∈ M is that, there exists a local trivialization U × F of N, x0 ∈ U open, and a function f : U × F → R such that, for any x ∈ U the function y → f(x,y) is strictement convex on F ⊂ Rn with respect to the metric on π −1(x), i.e., f is fiberwise strictly convex. Assuming that f satisfies some condition (C) (see Lemma 1)

E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Kourouma).

0926-2245/02/$ – see front matter  2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII:S0926-2245(02)00094-3 2 M. Kourouma / and its Applications 18 (2003) 1–19 in relation with the geometry of the fiber bundle, we prove that any weakly harmonic section satisfies some mean value property, see Lemma 1. One can see that (C) is satisfied when the fibers of the bundle are totally geodesic submanifolds of N, or the horizontal part of the gradient of f vanishes identically. The main idea of the proof of Lemma 1 is to use the vertical part ∇vf of the gradient ∇f of f as test function by exploiting the weak-harmonicity. Actually the condition (C) means that, if there exists a function g : U × F → R such that ∇g =∇vf then g is fiberwise strictly convex. In the second step of the regularity theory, we restrict our interest to the case where the fibers of (N,M,π) are regular geodesic balls for their induced metrics. We then construct (locally) fiberwise strictly convex functions by using the square distance function to some fixed point on a fiber (which is strictly convex), such that, in the case where the fiber bundle is Riemannian or the horizontal distribution of the bundle is integrable, our functions have vanishing horizontal gradient. Using these functions we show that the iteration method, see, e.g., [4], works again. In this way we get the continuity of any weakly −1 harmonic section at any x0 ∈ M such that π (x0) is a regular geodesic ball. We also study the boundary regularity, see Theorem 1. To show the it is enough to show the Lipschitz-continuity. Actually, we will study only the continuity, since the gap can be easily fulled by using standard arguments, see, e.g., [1,5,10]. Theorem 1 is also a generalization of one result of my PhD Thesis, see [6]. We should point out that this work is our second one related to the regularity of harmonic sections. We have proved in [7] the analog for sections of the partial regularity theorem of R. Schoen and K. Uhlenbeck in [11] and [12], and −1 then that any energy minimizing section is continuous at x0 ∈ M if π (x0) has nonpositive . In the second part of the work we use the results of the first part to show that, if there exists a nonsingular one-dimensional C1-foliation on a Riemannian then locally we can deform this foliation into a foliation with harmonic Gauss section. We thank Prof. J. Jost for his encouragements and helpful discussions over so many years.

2. Definitions and results

2.1. Definitions

Throughout this paper (N,M,π) is a fiber bundle, where (N, h) and (M, g) are Riemannian manifolds. −1 For any y ∈ N, Tyπ (π(y)) is called the vertical tangent , and its orthogonal complement Hy is called the horizontal tangent space. The distribution (Hy)y∈N is called the horizontal distribution of (N,M,π). The fiber bundle (N,M,π)is called Riemannian when, for any y ∈ N, the tangent dπ(y) induces an isometry of Hy (with its metric induced from h(y)) onto (Tπ(y)M, g(π(y))). There are two which play an important role for a fiber bundle, see, e.g., [9]. They are defined as follows: for X, Y vectorfields on N, := h v + v h TXY Xv Y Xv Y , and := h v + v h AXY Xh Y Xh Y , M. Kourouma / Differential Geometry and its Applications 18 (2003) 1–19 3 where the superscript v respectively h means the onto the vertical tangent space respectively onto the horizontal tangent space. For any x ∈ M we set   := |  ∀ ∈ c3(x) min c>0 TXY c X Y , X, Y T(Nx ) and for f : N → R fiberwise strictly convex   2 2 c1(x) := max c>0 | D f(V,V) c V , ∀V ∈ T(Nx ) , −1 where Nx := π (x). Let W 1,2(M, Rp) denote the usual Sobolev space of L2-functions u which admit L2-weak 1,2 Rp 1,2 Rp derivatives du,andletW0 (M, ) be the subset of W (M, ) of all functions with zero boundary trace. We set   W 1,2(M, N) = u ∈ W 1,2(M, Rp) | u(x) ∈ N, for a.e. x ∈ M , where N is isometrically embedded in Rp. Amapu ∈ W 1,2(M, N) is called a section when for a.e. x ∈ M, u(x) ∈ π −1(x). For a section u ∈ W 1,2(M, N) we define the vertical energy Ev(u) by  1   Ev(u) := dvu2(x) dx, 2 M v where dXu is the orthogonal projection onto the tangent space of the fibers of the weak-derivative of u in the X-direction, and dx is the Riemannian volume form. A section u ∈ W 1,2(M, N) is called a weakly harmonic section when u is a critical point of Ev for ∈ 1,2 − ∈ 1,2 Rp variations in the set of all sections v W (M, N) such that u v W0 (M, ). It is well known, see, e.g., [13] that, if u is a weakly harmonic section, then for any vertical vector field ϕ on N (which means that ϕ(y) ∈ T N , ∀y ∈ N) such that ϕ ◦ u ∈ W 1,2 ∩ L∞,wehave  y π(y) 0   ∇v(ϕ ◦ u), dvu (x) dx = 0.

M We suppose that m := dim(M)  3. We will say that a ball B(a,r) in a is a regular geodesic ball when r< { √π } min 2 κ ,i(B) ,wherei(B) is the infimum of the injectivity radius on B(a,r) and κ>0 is an upper bound over B(a,r) of the sectional curvature.

2.2. Results

Lemma 1. We suppose that the fiber type is Rn, there exists f : N → R fiberwise strictly convex such that A,f,∇f , and the Hessian D2f are bounded. Furthermore, we make the following assumption   ∀ ∈ := ∇h  x M, c1(x) > c3(x) c3(x) sup f . (C) Nx

Then, for any weakly harmonic section u we have: for any ε>0 and x0 ∈ M there exists R>0 such that

f ◦ u(z)  f(uR) + ε 4 M. Kourouma / Differential Geometry and its Applications 18 (2003) 1–19

∀z ∈ B(x , R ),where 0 2    −1 uR := Vol T(x0,R) u(x) dx,

T(x0,R) with T(x0,R):= B(x0, 2R)\B(x0,R).

Theorem 1. If x0 ∈ M is such that the fiber over x0 is a regular geodesic ball of radius L (for the induced Riemannian metric), and

(i) The fiber bundle is Riemannian, or (ii) The horizontal distribution of the bundle is integrable, or (iii) √ 2 m c3(x0)L 0 such that on B(x0,r0) there exists a one-dimensional foliation with harmonic Gauss section which coincides with F on the boundary of B(x0,r0).

3. Regularity of a weakly harmonic section

In the rest of the paper u is a weakly harmonic section. Since the regularity is a local property, we will take here M to be equal to the Euclidean ball B of radius 1 in Rm endowed with a metric g,andN to be a subset of B × Rn endowed with a metric h.For any x ∈ B and r>0,B(x,r)will denote the open ball in Rm of center x and radius r.

3.1. Some preliminaries

Proposition 1. For any B(x , 2R ) ⊂ B, and any ε>0, there exists 0


Proof. The proof is divided into two parts. Let B(x0, 2R0) ⊂ B and ε>0. ∈ 1,2 R ∇v ◦ ∈ 1,2 ∩ ∞ Part 1. Let η W0 (B(x0, 2R0), +).Thenη( f) u W0 L is a vertical vector field. We then have   ∇v η(∇vf)◦ u ,dvu (x) dx = 0, (3.1.1)

M where ∇f is the gradient field of f . M. Kourouma / Differential Geometry and its Applications 18 (2003) 1–19 5

Let us suppose that R0 is small enough such that there exists on B(x0, 2R0) a field of orthonormal frames (e1,...,ek). Then, on B(x0, 2R0) we have     ∇v η(∇vf)◦ u ,dvu = ∇v η(∇vf)◦ u ,dv u ei  ei   = D η ∇vf ◦ u, dv u + η ∇v ∇vf ◦ u ,dv u , ei ei ei ei where we are summing on i, 1  i  m,       ∇v (∇vf ◦ u), dv u = ∇ (∇f ◦ u), dv u − ∇ (∇hf ◦ u), dv u , ei ei ei ei ei ei       v h ∇e (∇f ◦ u), d u = ∇d u(∇f),de u − ∇d u(∇f),d u i ei  ei i   ei ei    h h = ∇ ∇ − ∇ ∇ − ∇ v ∇ de u( f),dei u dh u( f),d u d u( f),d u , i ei ei ei ei   ∇ (∇f),d u = D2f(d u, d u), dei u ei ei ei     h v h v ∇e (∇ f ◦ u), d u = ∇d u(∇ f),d u i ei  ei ei    = ∇ ∇h v + ∇ ∇h v dv u( f),d u dh u( f),d u . ei ei ei ei It follows       v v v 2 h h ∇ ∇ ◦ = − ∇ ∇ − ∇ v ∇ e ( f u), de u D f(dei u, dei u) dh u( f),de u d u( f),de u i i   ei  i ei i h v h v − ∇dv u(∇ f),d u − ∇dh u(∇ f),d u . ei ei ei ei Since       v h h v Td u(∇f),de u = ∇dv u(∇ f),d u + ∇dv u(∇ f),d u ei i ei ei ei ei and     h h v A∇h d u, d u = ∇∇h d u, d u , f ei ei f ei ei we get       v v v 2 h ∇ ∇ ◦ = − ∇ h ∇ − ∇ e ( f u), de u D f(dei u, dei u) d u( f),de u Tde u( f),dei u i i   ei  i  i   + ∇ ∇v h − ∇ ∇ h − ∇ ∇h v dv u( f),de u dv u( f),de u dh u( f),de u ei i  ei  i  ei  i = 2 − ∇ ∇ h − ∇ D f(dei u, dei u) dh u( f),de u Tde u( f),dei u   ei  i  i h h h v − ∇dv u(∇ f),d u − ∇dh u(∇ f),d u . ei ei ei ei x ∈ B(x , R ) W u(x) W (u(x)) = dv u(x) Let 0 2 0 and i be a vertical vector field around such that i ei .Then

h h h ∇dv u(x)(∇ f )(x) =∇W (∇ f )(x) = ∇∇hf Wi +[Wi , ∇ f ] (x). ei i h Since [Wi , ∇ f ] is a vertical vector field, we get     h h h ∇dv u(∇ f),d u (x) = ∇∇hf Wi ,d u (x) ei ei ei 6 M. Kourouma / Differential Geometry and its Applications 18 (2003) 1–19 and     v v v 2 h ∇ ∇ ◦ = − ∇ h ∇ e ( f u), de u (x) D f(dei u, dei u)(x) d u( f),de u (x) i i   ei i    h h v − ∇ − ∇ h − ∇ h ∇ Tde u( f),dei u (x) ∇ f Wi ,de u (x) d u( f),de u (x) i i ei i = D2f(d u, d u)(x) − D2f dh u, dh u (x)  ei ei   ei ei    − ∇ − v h − ∇h v Tde u( f),dei u (x) A∇hf (d u), d u (x) Adh u( f),d u (x). i ei ei ei ei We have also

D2f(d u, d u) = D2f dv u, dv u + 2D2f dv u, dh u + D2f dh u, dh u ,  ei ei  ei ei ei ei ei ei ∇ ∇ = 2 h h dh u( f),dei u D f d u, d u , ei ei ei and       D η (∇vf)◦ u, dv u = D η (∇f)◦ u, d u − D η (∇hf)◦ u, dh u ei ei ei ei  ei  ei = D ηD (f ◦ u) − D η (∇hf)◦ u, dh u . ei ei ei ei Finally we get    ∇v(η(∇vf)◦ u), dvu (x) = η(x) D2f dv u, dv u + 2D2f dv u, dh u  ei ei   ei ei  v h − Td u(∇f),de u − A∇h d u ,d u  ei i  f ei ei − ∇h v Adh u( f),de u (x) ei i   + D ηD (f ◦ u)(x) − D η (∇hf)◦ u, dh u (x). ei ei ei ei Then, from (3.1.1), it follows     D ηD (f ◦ u) =− η D2f dv u, dv u + 2D2f dv u, dh u ei ei ei ei ei ei B(x0,2R0) B(x0,2R0)      + η T (∇f),d u + D η ∇hf ◦ u, dh u dei u ei ei ei B(x0,2R0) B(x0,2R0)     + h v + ∇h v η A∇hf d u, d u Adh u( f),d u . (3.1.2) ei ei ei ei B(x0,2R0) dh u = dh u In the following computations we will suppose that ei 1, since we will see that ei does not depend on u. For any x ∈ B(x0, 2R0),wehave   D2f dv u, dv u (x)  c (x)dv u2(x) ei ei 1 ei and           T (∇f),d u (x)  c (x) dv u2(x) sup∇hf  + dv u(x) sup∇vf  dei u ei 3 ei ei   Nx   Nx  c (x)dv u2(x) + c (x)dv u(x). 3 ei 3 ei M. Kourouma / Differential Geometry and its Applications 18 (2003) 1–19 7

∇v ∀ ∈ Furthermore, there exist c2 > 0andc4 > 0(c4 depends also on supNx f ) such that, x B(x0, 2R0),wehave   D2f dv u, dh u (x)  c dv u(x), ei ei 2 ei       h v h v  v  A∇hf d u, d u (x) + Adh u(∇ f),d u (x)  c4 d u (x). ei ei ei ei ei Let ε > 0befixed. 

2 ηD2f dv u, dh u (x) dx ei ei B(x0,2R0)     c η(x)dv u(x) dx 2 2 ei B(x ,2R ) 0 0    4c2  ε η(x)dv u2(x) dx + 2 η(x)dx, ei ε B(x0,2R0) B(x0,2R0)

       ∇ + ∇h v + h η(x) Tde u( f),dei u Adh u( f),d u A∇hf d u, dei u (x) dx i ei ei ei B(x ,2R ) 0 0    c (x)2 + c2  c (x) + 2ε η(x)dv u2(x) dx + 3 4 η(x)dx. 3 ei ε B(x0,2R0) B(x0,2R0) So it follows from (3.1.2)  ◦ Dei η(x)Dei (f u)(x) dx B(x0,2R0)     c (x) + ε − c (x) η(x)dv u2(x) dx 3 3 1 ei

B(x0,2R0)   2 + 2 2   (c3 (x) c4) 4c2 h h + + η(x)dx + De η(x) (∇ f)◦ u, d u (x) dx . ε ε i ei B(x0,2R0) B(x0,2R0) u (N,M,π) π ◦ u = dπ.dh u = e , ∀e v Since is a section of we have IdM a.e., and ei i i .If is another (N,M,π) v(x) = u(x) x dπ.dh v = e , ∀e dπ(u(x)) section of such that for some fixed ,then ei i i also. Since H T M dh v(x) = dh u(x) is a linear isomorphism of u(x) onto x we get that ei ei . It follows, there exists on −1 π (B(x0, 2R0)) an horizontal vector field (i.e., orthogonal to the fibers) Yi independent of u such that dπ.Y = e ,andY (u(x)) = dh u(x), ∀x ∈ M.Wehavealso∇hf ◦ u, d u=∇hf,Y ◦u. We use then i i i ei ei i the divergence theorem to get 8 M. Kourouma / Differential Geometry and its Applications 18 (2003) 1–19    D η(x) ∇hf ◦ u, dh u (x) dx ei ei B(x0,2R0)       = D η(x) ∇hf,Y ◦ u (x) dx − η(x)D ∇f,Y (x) dx ei i dei u i B(x0,2R0) B(x 0,2R0)

= η(x)∇f,Y∇ ◦u(x) dx − η(x)D ∇f,Y (x) dx. ei ei dei u i

B(x0,2R0) B(x0,2R0) There exist constants c > 0, c > 0 depending only on f and the geometries of M and N such that  5 6   D η(x) ∇hf ◦ u, dh u (x) dx ei ei B(x0,2R0)    c2    c + 6 η(x)dx + ε η(x)dv u2(x) dx. 5 ε ei B(x0,2R0) B(x0,2R0)

Now, if we choose ε such that c3(x) + 4ε − c1(x) < 0, ∀x ∈ B(x0, 2R0), then there exists c7 > 0 (depending on ε ) such that  ◦ Dei η(x)Dei (f u)(x) dx B(x0,2R0)      c η(x)dx + c (x) + ε − c (x) η(x)dv u2(x) dx 7 3 4 1 ei B(x0,2R0) B(x0,2R0)

 c7 η(x)dx. (3.1.3)

B(x0,2R0) Let us set

M(2R0) := sup f ◦ u, Z := M(2R0) − f ◦ u. B(x0,2R0) Then Z is a nonnegative function on B(x , 2R ) such that 0 0 1,2 ∀η ∈ W B(x , 2R ), R+ , 0 0 0   + 0 Dei η(x)Dei Z(x)dx c7 η(x)dx. (3.1.4)

B(x0,2R0) B(x0,2R0) That means that Z is a nonnegative supersolution of the partial differential equation

ij Di g Dj v =−c7. Now we can use some arguments like in [2]. From the Harnack inequality for such supersolutions, see, e.g., [8] we get the existence of some c>0suchthatif    1/2m := 2m = 3/2 k(R0) R0 c7 dx c.c7R0 ,

B(x0,2R0) M. Kourouma / Differential Geometry and its Applications 18 (2003) 1–19 9    −m  + R0 Z(x)dx c8 inf Z k(R0) , B(x0,R0) B(x0,3R0/2) where c8 > 0 depends only on R0,k, and the metric on B(x0, 2R0). This inequality looks like the analog one for harmonic maps in [2] up to the term k(R0). ∈ 1,2 3R0 R Part 2: Let w W0 (B(x0, 2 ), ) be a solution of   = −2 Dei ϕDei wdx R0 ϕdx. (3.1.5)

B(x0,2R0) B(x0,2R0)

Then from different maximum principles, there exists c9 > 0, c10 > 0 such that w  c10 on B(x0, 2R0) and c9  w on B(x0,R0). Let us choose in (3.1.5) the test function ϕ = w.Z,thenweget    1 D ZD w2 dx + Z|D w|2 dx = R−2 Z.wdx. 2 ei ei ei 0 B(x0,2R0) B(x0,2R0) B(x0,2R0) It follows  

2  −2 Dei ZDei w dx 2R0 Z.wdx.

B(x0,2R0) B(x0,2R0) This inequality, together with (3.1.3) and (3.1.4), in which we take the test function η = w2,give      2  v 2  −2 + 2 c11 w (x) d u (x) dx 2R0 Z(x).w(x)dx c7 w (x) dx,

B(x0,2R0) B(x0,2R0) B(x0,2R0) where 0

It follows    c c 2c c cc + c c c2 R1/2 2−m  v 2  10 8 + 10 8 7 7 10 0 3/2 R0 d u (x) dx 2 inf Z R0 . 2 B(x ,R ) 2 c11c9 0 0 c11c9 B(x0,R0) Since

inf Z = M(2R0) − M(R0), B(x0,2R0) for 0

(M0 − M1) + (M1 − M2) +···+(Mq−1 − Mq ) = M0 − Mq  L, −1 where L := sup{f(x)| x ∈ π (B(x0, 2R0))}. ∈{ } −  ∈ N There exists i0 1, 2,...,q such that Mi0−1 Mi0 L/q, and if we take q big enough we have L/(qc )  ε/2. Finally, we have 8    2−m  v 2  R2 d u (x) dx ε,


−i0 for R2 := 2 R1  R0. ✷ Remark 1. Since, for any x ∈ B(x ,R )\B(x ,R /2), d(x, x )2−m  2m−2R2−m, we have  0 2 0 2 0 2   2−m v 2 m−2 d(x,x0) d u (x) dx  2 ε.


3.2. Proof of Lemma 1

1 Let ε>0, x0 ∈ M,andR := R2 be as in the proposition above. Let η be a C positive function on B(x0, 2R) such that η ≡ 1onB(x0,R),|∇η|  c/R, and supp(η)  B(x0, 2R).Forν ∈ R+, we set ν 2−m ν v g (x) := min{d(z,x) ,ν},wherez ∈ B(x0,R/2) is fixed. Let us take this time η.g .(∇ f)◦ u as test function in (3.1.1). Then we get      gν (ηf ◦ u) = (f ◦ u).gν .η − gν .η (∇f)◦ u, dv u ei ei ei ei ei ei B(x0,2R) B(x0,2R) B(x0,2R) 

− ηgν D2f dv u, dv u − 2 ηgν D2f dv u, dh u ei ei ei ei

B(x0,2R) B(x0,2R) M. Kourouma / Differential Geometry and its Applications 18 (2003) 1–19 11        + ∇ + h v + ∇h v ν Tde u( f),dei u A∇hf d u, d u Adh u( f),d u ηg i ei ei ei ei B(x0,2R)   + ηgν (∇f)◦ u, dh u , ei ei (3.2.1)

B(x0,2R) where the indices ei mean weak derivatives in the directions ei . Let us denote by I1,I2,...,I7 the different integrals in this equation. So, we have I1 = I2 − I3 − I4 − I5 + I6 + I7. 2−m Let us set D(x0,ν,R):= {x ∈ B(x0, 2R) | d(x,z) <ν}. Then, using the theorem of Stokes, we have      I = gν (ηf ◦ u) = 6gν η.f ◦ u − ηf ◦ u grad gν,dn . 1 ei ei c D(x0,v,R) D(x0,ν,R) ∂D(x0,ν,R) Since 6(d(., z)2−m)  c.d(.,z)2−m,wehave  

6gν η.f ◦ u  c d(x,z)2−m dx  c R2,

D(x0,ν,R) 5 B(z,2 R) where c depends only on m, L and the curvature of M. Since η(z) = 1, we have also    2−m lim ηf ◦ u grad d(.,z) ,dn =−(m − 2)ωmf u(z) , ν→∞ c ∂D(x0,ν,R) where ωm is the volume of the unitary sphere. × Rn Let us recall that, in a fixed local trivialization (B(x0, 2R0) ,B(x0, 2R0), pr1) we have, for = = ⊂ u(x) (x, v(x)), S u(x) dx (x, S v(x)dx), for any measurable S B(x0, 2R0)  I = (f ◦ u)gν η 2 ei ei D(x0,ν,R)    2−m ν = f(uR)6 d(.,z) η − f(uR)η grad g ,dn

c D(x0,ν,R)  ∂D(x0,ν,R)   2−m + f ◦ u − f(uR) d(.,z) ηe . ei i

D(x0,ν,R)∩T(x0,R) 2−m 1−m Since |∇d(.,z) |  k2R and |∇η|  k3/R, it follows 

2 k1 lim I2  cR + (m − 2)ωmf(uR) + f ◦ u − f(uR) . ν→∞ Rm T(x0,R) And, using the boundedness of the gradient of f , and the Poincaré inequality we get 12 M. Kourouma / Differential Geometry and its Applications 18 (2003) 1–19      1/2 2 2−m  v 2 lim I2  cR + (m − 2)ωmf(uR) + k4 R d u ν→∞ T(x0,R) where k4 depends only on m, the curvature on T(x0,R),sup|∇f |,andk3. The Hölder inequality gives          k 1/2   1/2 I = gν η (∇f)◦ u, dv u  5 gν (x) dx gν dvu2 3 ei ei R T(x ,R) T(x ,R) T(x ,R) 0  0   0   1/2 2−m  v 2  k6 R d u ,   T(x0,R)     ν h ν h I7 = ηg (∇f)◦ u, d u − ηe g (∇f)◦ u, d u = I − I . ei ei i ei 7 7

B(x0,2R) B(x0,2R) We see that we proved already in (3.1.3) that  − − + +  ν  2 I4 I5 I6 I7 c7 ηg k7R .

B(x0,2R) Since |∇η|  c/R we have | |  I7 k8.R. If we put now everything together, we get from (3.2.1)      1/2 2 2−m  v 2 f ◦ u(z) − f(uR)  k9R + k10R + k11 R d u .

T(x0,R) And, from Proposition 1 we have that there exists R>0suchthat

f ◦ u(z) − f(uR)  ε. ✷

3.3. Proof of Theorem 1

−1 Let us suppose that F := π (x0) is a regular geodesic ball. Let d denote the distance function defined by the Riemannian metric on this fiber. Let p ∈ F be such that the function d2(., p) is strictly convex −1 on F .LetR be such that B(x0, 2R) × F  π (B(x0, 2R)).Forany(x, y) ∈ B(x0, 2R) × F we set f(x,y) := d2(y, p). 2 −1 Since F is compact, we have that T,A,f,∇f and D f are bounded on π (B(x0, 2R)). We are going now to discuss the different assumptions of Theorem 1. Case 1. We suppose that the fiber bundle is Riemannian.

Lemma 2. Let B(x0,r) be a regular geodesic ball in (M, g).Letx,x ∈ B(x0,r), and α be the unique −1 geodesic from x to x. Then the horizontal liftings of α give a ϕx from π (x ) onto −1 2 T π (x), provided that 2 T e = C satisfies rC <1 with T =sup −1 T(z) =: T . z∈π (B(x0,r)) B(x0,r) M. Kourouma / Differential Geometry and its Applications 18 (2003) 1–19 13

−1 Proof. Let z ∈ π (x ). We are going to control dϕx (z) .

Let τ = dM (x, x ) = dist(z, ϕx(z)),andforanys ∈[0,τ], t → αs(t) be smooth such that

−1 – t → α0(t) is a geodesic on π (x ) parametrized proportionally to arclength such that α0(0) = z and ˙α0(t) ≡1. ∀ ∈[ ] → = = d – t 0, 1 , s αs (t) is the horizontal lift of α such that αs(t) 1, with αs (t) ds(αs (t))(s).

Since our bundle is Riemannian we have ατ (t) = ϕx (α0(t)), ∀t ∈[0, 1]. It follows

d [ατ (t)]=dϕ α0(0) . α˙ 0(0), dt t=0 and   2  2 dx (ατ (t), ατ (0)) dϕx (z) . α˙ 0(0) = lim , t→0 t2

2 − 2 dx ατ (t), ατ (0) dx α0(t), α0(0) τ d   = d2 α (t), α (0) ds ds α(s) s s 0   τ t 2 d   = gαβ α (r) α˙ (r)αα˙ (r)β 1/2 dr ds ds s s s 0 0 τ  t t    / 1 d = 2 gαβ α (r) α˙ (r)αα˙ (r)β 1 2 dr × ˙α (r) −1 ˙α (r) 2 dx ds s s s 2 s ds s 0 0 0 τ  t  t         −1 = 2 α˙ s(r) dr α˙ s (r) ∇s α˙ s(r), α˙ s (r) dr ds. 0 0 0 It follows 2 − 2 dx (ατ (t), ατ (0)) dx (α0(t), α0(0)) t2 τ  t  t  1 1 −1 = 2 ˙α (r) dr ˙α (r) ∇ α˙ (r), α˙ (r) dr ds t s t s αs (r) s s 0 0 0 and   −2 2 − 2 lim t dx ατ (t), ατ (0) dx α0(t), α0(0) t→0 τ τ       −1 =  ˙  ×  ˙  ∇ ˙ ˙ = ∇ ˙ ˙  2 αs (0) αs (0) αs (0)αs (0), αs(0) ds 2 αs (0)αs(0), αs (0) ds, 0 0 14 M. Kourouma / Differential Geometry and its Applications 18 (2003) 1–19      

∇ α˙ (0), α˙ (0) = ∇ ˙ α (0) + α (0), α˙ (0) , α˙ (0) αs (0) s s αs (0) s s  s s =−∇ ˙ α˙s (0)αs (0), αs(0) → since the left-hand side is tensorial in αs(0), and we can prolong αs(0) along the curve t αs (t) such [ ˙ ]= that αs (0), αs(0) 0foranys. It follows that τ   −2 2 − −2 2 =− ˙ ˙ lim t dx ατ (t), ατ (0) lim t dx α0(t), α0(0) 2 T αs(0), αs(0) ,αs(0) ds t→0 t→∞ 0 which means that τ        ˙ 2 −  ˙ 2 =− ˙ ˙ dϕx (z)α0(0) α0(0) 2 T αs(0), αs (0) ,αs (0) ds 0 and it follows            ˙ 2 −  ˙ 2     ˙ 2  dϕx (z)α0(0) α0(0) 2τ sup T(αs(0)) . αs (0) αs(0) s        2 = 2τ sup T(αs(0)) sup α˙ s (0) (3.3.1) s s = since αs(0) 1foranys. As above d     α˙ (0)2 =−2 T α˙ (0), α˙ (0) ,α (0) . ds s s s s It follows       d  2  2   α˙ s (0)  2 T [0,τ]. α˙ s(0) , where T [0,τ] = sup T(αs(0)) , ds s and then    2 sup α˙ s (0)  exp 2 T [0,τ] . s∈[0,τ] From this and inequality (3.3.1) we get      2  2 dϕx (z)α˙ 0(0) − α˙ 0(0)  2τ T [0,τ] exp 2 T [0,τ]  Cr < 1, where C = 2 T [0,τ] exp(2 T [0,τ]). ˙ = [ −1 ] [ −1 ] Since α0(0) 1, this implies that dϕx(z) is a bijection from Tz π (x ) onto Tϕx (z) π (x) .By the inverse function theorem ϕx is a local diffeomorphism. Since B(x0,r) is a regular geodesic ball, ϕx is bijective from π −1(x ) onto π −1(x). ✷

From this lemma the map ϕ : π −1(B(x ,r)) → B(x ,r)× π −1(x ), z → (π(z), ϕ (z)) is a local x0 0 0 0 x0 trivialization of our bundle. Using this trivialization we have ∇hf = 0. Case 2. We suppose that the horizontal distribution is integrable. M. Kourouma / Differential Geometry and its Applications 18 (2003) 1–19 15

Then, there exists a π ⊥ : N → F onto some Riemannian manifold F such that (N,F,π⊥) is a fiber bundle such that (π ⊥)−1(y) is the horizontal space through y for (N,M,π). It follows that

ϕ : π −1 B(x ,r) → B(x ,r)× F 0 0 z → π(z),π⊥(z) is a trivialization, for which ∇hf = 0. Case 3. The general case.

Lemma 3. Let h be the metric on N. There exists a constant c12 > 0(depending only on the bounds of T and A and on the geometry of the fibers) such that, for any x ∈ B(x0, 2R), and V ∈ Ty F

2 2 2 V (x, y) − V (x0,y)  c12|x − x0| V (x0,y), 2 α β where V (z, y) := hαβ (z, y)V V .

Proof. Let (x1,...,xm), respectively (y1,...,yn) be coordinates on B(x0, 2R), respectively on F . Then, we have        v 2 h v h v ∂  ∂  ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂   = 2 ∇ ∂ , = 2 T ∂ , . ∂yα ∂xj ∂yα ∂xj ∂xj ∂yα ∂xj ∂xj It follows that       ∂  ∂v   ∂   ∂v     c (x)     Lc (x). α  j  3  α  and sup  j  3 ∂y ∂x ∂y Nx ∂x Furthermore        h 2 h h h ∂  ∂  = ∇ ∂ ∂ = ∇ ∂ ∂   2 ∂ , 2 ∂h , , α j ∂yα j j α j ∂y ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂xj ∂y ∂x and          h 2 h h h v h ∂  ∂  ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ = ∇ ∂ , = ∇ ∂ , + ∇ ∂ , k  j  2 j j 2 j j 2 j j ∂x ∂x ∂xk ∂x ∂x ∂xk ∂x ∂x ∂xk ∂x ∂x   ∂v ∂h = ∇ ∂ , , 2 j j ∂xk ∂x ∂x when we suppose that (x1,...,xm) is a normal centered at the considered point of B(x0, 2R). For any 1  α, β  n we have ∂ ∂h ∂v h (x, y) = dh (x, y) · + dh (x, y) · ∂xj αβ αβ ∂xj αβ ∂xj   v h  v  ∂ ∂ ∂ j = · +   · ∂x dhαβ (x, y)  dhαβ (x, y) v . ∂xj ∂xj ∂ ∂xj The first term on the RHS is controlled by T , and the second term by T (as we have just seen) and the of the fiber F . Now the theorem of bounded variation gives us the lemma. ✷ 16 M. Kourouma / Differential Geometry and its Applications 18 (2003) 1–19

It follows from this lemma that

2 2 V (x, y)  1 + c12|x − x0| V (x0,y). −1 This implies that the function f we defined above is fiberwise strictly convex on π (B(x0, 2R)) (and −1 on π (B(x0, 2R)∩ M),whenx0 ∈ ∂M)forR small enough. It remains now to show that (C) is satisfied in order to get the conditions of Lemma 1 satisfied. ∂ = Let (x1,...,xm) be coordinates on B(x0, 2R). Then, from j f 0, we have     ∂x ∂ ∂v ∇hf, =− ∇vf, . ∂xj ∂xj From Lemma 2 and its proof, we get     √  v   h   ∂  ∇ f (x, y)  m 1 + c12|x − x0| L sup  (x0,y) ∈ ∂xj √ y F,j  + | − | × m 1 c12 x x0 L Lc3(x0). Taking R small enough, we then get (C) from (C ). In this way all the assumptions of Lemma 1 are −1 satisfied on π (B(x0, 2R)∩ M), and the assertion of this lemma is valid in all three cases of Theorem 1. Furthermore, to get the continuity at some x0 ∈ M\∂M, we have only to use the iteration method exactly as it is presented in [4, p. 100], by considering at each stage the geodesic line on (F, h(x0,.)) = binding uRi at pi and then use Lemma 1 for the function f defined for p pi (the sequences uRi and pi have been defined in [4]). Let us suppose now that x0 ∈ ∂M,andletf be the function defined as above, but this time on −1 π (B(x0, 2R) ∩ M). Let c be the geodesic from p to v(x0) parametrized on [0, 1] proportionally to the arc length on 2 (F, h(x0,.)). We set pt := c(t), ∀t ∈[0, 1],andvt (x) := ft (u(x)) := d (u(x), pt ), ∀x ∈ D(x0,R):= B(x0, 2R) ∩ M.Letwt,R be the solution of the equation =− | = | 6wt,R c7,wt,R ∂D(x0,R) vt ∂D(x0,R)

∀y ∈ D(x0,R/2) and ρ  R/2, we have  1 1 1 6(v − w )(z) − dz t t,R m−2 m−2 (m − 2)ωm d(y,z) ρ D(y,ρ)  τ 2 |w − v |(z)  w (y) − v (y) + t,R t dz, t,R t m−2 2ωm d(y,z) D(y,ρ) 2 where τ is an upper bound for the modulus of the sectional curvature of h(x0,.). It follows  1   6vt (z) · η(z) + c7η(z) dz (m − 2)ωm D(y,ρ)  τ 2 |w − v |(z)  w (y) − v (y) + t,R t  w (y) − v (y) + cρ 2, t,R t m−2 t,R t 2ωm d(y,z) D(y,ρ) M. Kourouma / Differential Geometry and its Applications 18 (2003) 1–19 17 where 1 1 η(z) := − . d(y,z)m−2 ρm−2 Since from (3.1.3)    6vt (z) · η(z) + c7η(z) dz  0, D(y,ρ) we have 2 vt (y)  wt,R(y) + cρ . We have also   2 2 2 2 vt (y) = d u(y), pt  d u(y), p + d(p,pt )  (1 + t) L and

2 2 2 wt,R(x0) = vt (x0) = d u(x0), pt  (1 − t) L , where L is the radius of the fiber over x0. Let us set π t¯ := − 1. 2Lτ Then if we consider this t¯ the rest of the proof is exactly the same as in [4].

4. Harmonic Gauss section

4.1. Definitions

Let P denote the principal fiber bundle of all orthonormal frames of the Riemannian manifold (M, g). We know that the structure of P is the O(m),m := dim M.LetO(m) ⊂ Rm2 denote the Lie algebra of O(m). Then, we consider on O(m) the unique metric which is invariant by translation, and induces on O(m) the metric inherited from Rm2 . On each fiber of P we take this metric. Let ∇ be the Levi-Civita on M. ∇ induces a principal connection ∇ on P .Foranyp ∈ P , we put on Hp ⊂ TpP (the horizontal subspace defined by ∇ ) the of gπ(p) by the projection π of P onto M.Inthisway(P,M,π) is a Riemannian fiber bundle. The fibers of this bundle are totally geodesic. The Grassmannian bundle of k-dimensional subspaces of TM is Gk(T M) := P/G,whereG := O(k) × O(m − k), for the left action of G on P . Gk(T M) is a fiber bundle over M with fiber type O(m)/G. The metric, we just defined on P , passes to the quotient on Gk(T M),andmakesofita Riemannian fiber bundle with totally geodesic fibers. The fibers type of G1(T M) is the real projective m space P1(R ). We will denote the projection of G1(T M) also by π. If F is a foliation on M, the map which associates to each x ∈ M the tangent space at x of the leaf through x is called the Gauss section of F. It is denoted by γF . 18 M. Kourouma / Differential Geometry and its Applications 18 (2003) 1–19

4.2. Proof of Theorem 2

Let x0 ∈ M and r>0besuchthatB(x0,r)is a regular geodesic ball. We may suppose that the vector field X which defines the foliation has norm 1. The idea of the proof is to show that, by reducing r if necessary, the of the Gauss section of F over B(x0,r)lies in a regular geodesic ball of each fiber. Let   sup ∇hX |h ∈ Tx M, h =1 = C<∞. x∈B(x0,r) −1 Let R(x) = (X(x), ...) be a section of P over B(x0,r). If we set ϕ(R(x)) := R(x) X(x), −1 m then, using the O(m)-action we may extend ϕ to a map from π (B(x0,r)) into R by setting −1 ϕ(g.R(x)) = (g.R(x)) .X(x), ∀g ∈ O(m),x ∈ B(x0,r). This map satisfies ∇hX = R(x)(Dkϕ) for any h ∈ TxM, x ∈ B(x0,r),wherek is the horizontal lift of h at R(x). This map passes to the quotient Gk(T M) with the same properties. We can note also that the coordinates of a vector in R(x) are the same as for its image by R(x)−1 in the standard of Rm. It follows that     = ∀ ∈ −1 ϕ(y) Eucl. 1, y π B(x0,r) ,

Dkϕ  C, ∀h ∈ TxM, h =1,x∈ B(x0,r) and x → ϕ(R(x)) is constant equal to some v ∈ Rm of norm 1. Let x ∈ B(x0,r),andcx be the unique minimizing geodesic from x to x0 parametrized by arclength. Let us lift it to the horizontal geodesic c˜x such that c˜x (0) = γF (x) and π(c˜x(1)) = x0. Now, by applying the theorem of bounded variation to ϕ,weget:Forafixed0<α<π/2, there exists r0 > 0suchthat,for any x ∈ B(x0,r)and any lifting as above we have

˜  π − dist ϕ(cx (1)), v 2 α, m where dist is the Euclidean distance function on P1(R ). −1 That implies that, for any x ∈ B(x0,r0), c˜x (1) lies in the ball B in π (x0) of center R(x0) and radius π − 2 α. Since the horizontal lifting of a geodesic gives rise to an isometry between the fibers, we have −1 −1 that π (B(x0,r0))  B(x0,r0) × π (x0) by the map wx → (x, c˜x (1)), where this time c˜x (0) = wx . Furthermore, γF (B(x0,r0)) ⊂ B(x0,r0) × B, and each fiber metric is strictly convex on B(x0,r0) × B.

Let B ⊂ B be such that B is a concentric regular geodesic ball. For any x ∈ B(x0,r0), we denote by ⊂ ⊂ −1 ⊂ Bx Bx π (x) the image by the trivialization of B B .ThenBx and Bx are regular geodesic balls, ∀ ∈ ∈ ∀ ∈ → and x B(x0,r0), γF (x) Bx . x B(x0,r0),letpx : Bx Bx be the projection along the geodesic := ∀ ∈ rays going from the common center of Bx and Bx . We set p(wx) px (wx), wx Bx . Then, we have dp.H = 0 for any horizontal tangent vector. v v v v We have d (p ◦ γF ) = d p.dγF = dp.d γF for dp = d p. Since each px is a retraction, we get that Ev(p ◦ γF )


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