The End of Celtic Britain and Ireland. Saxons, Scots and Norsemen
THE GREATNESS AND DECLINE OF THE CELTS CHAPTER III THE END OF CELTIC BRITAIN AND IRELAND. SAXONS, SCOTS, AND NORSEMEN I THE GERMANIC INVASIONS THE historians lay the blame of bringing the Saxons into Britain on Vortigern, [Lloyd, CCCCXXXVIII, 79. Cf. A. W. W. Evans, "Les Saxons dans l'Excidium Britanniæ", in LVI, 1916, p. 322. Cf. R.C., 1917 - 1919, p. 283; F.Lot, "Hangist, Horsa, Vortigern, et la conquête de la Gde.-Bretagne par les Saxons," in CLXXIX.] who is said to have called them in to help him against the Picts in 449. Once again we see the Celts playing the weak man’s game of putting yourself in the hands of one enemy to save yourself from another. According to the story, Vortigern married a daughter of Hengist and gave him the isle of Thanet and the Kentish coast in exchange, and the alliance between Vortigern and the Saxons came to an end when the latter treacherously massacred a number of Britons at a banquet. Vortigern fled to Wales, to the Ordovices, whose country was then called Venedotia (Gwynedd). They were ruled by a line of warlike princes who had their capita1 at Aberffraw in Anglesey. These kings of Gwynedd, trained by uninterrupted fighting against the Irish and the Picts, seem to have taken on the work of the Dukes of the Britains after Ambrosius or Arthur, and to have been regarded as kings in Britain as a whole. [Lloyd, op. cit., p. 102.] It was apparently at this time that the name of Cymry, which became the national name of the Britons, came to prevail.
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