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© in This Web Service Cambridge University Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01402-2 - Electricity and Magnetism: Third Edition Edward M. Purcell and David J. Morin Index More information Index Addition of velocities, relativistic, 808–809 orbital, relation to magnetic moment, 541 Boltzmann’s constant k, 202, 503 additivity of interactions, 10, 13 precession of, 822–823 Boos, F. L., 460 admittance, 408–414 anode of vacuum diode, 181 boost converter, 372 Alnico V, B-H curve for, 569 antimatter, 3 Bose,S.K.,305 alternating current, 394–418 antineutron, 3 bound and free charge, 497–498 representation by complex number, 406–408 antiproton, 3 arbitrariness of the distinction, 506–507 alternating-current circuit, 405–414 Assis, A. K. T., 263 bound-charge current, 505–507 power and energy in, 415–418 atom, electric current in, 540 bound-charge density, 498 alternating electromotive force, 395 atomic polarizability, 480–482 bound currents, 559–560 alternator, 371 aurora borealis, 318 boundary of dielectric, change in E at, 494–495 aluminum, doping of silicon with, 203–204 Auty, R. P., 505 boundary-value problem, 132, 151–153 ammeter, 224 bridge network, 208, 233 ammonia molecule, dipole moment of, 483 B, magnetic field, 239, 278 ampere (unit of current), 178, 283, 762–763, 790 and M,andH inside magnetized cylinder, 565 capacitance, 141–147 Ampère, Andre-Marie, 2, 236, 238, 259, 531 bacteria, magnetic, 571, 580 of cell membrane, 513 Ampère’s law, 288 battery, lead–sulfuric acid, 209–212 coefficients of, 148 differential form, 291 B-H curve, 569–570 of prolate spheroid, 171 amplitude modulation (AM), 455 Biot–Savart law, 298, 435 units of, 142 Andrews, M., 640 Bitter plates, 320 illustrated, 145 angular momentum Blakemore, R. P., 580 capacitor, 141–147 conservation of, in changing magnetic field, Bloomfield, L. A., 35 dielectric-filled, 489–492 580 Bohr radius a0, 55, 481, 544 energy stored in, 149–151 of electron spin, 546–547 Boltzmann factor, 202 parallel-plate, 143–144, 467 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01402-2 - Electricity and Magnetism: Third Edition Edward M. Purcell and David J. Morin Index More information 834 Index capacitor (cont.) coil Curie, Pierre, 566 uses of, 153 cylindrical (solenoid), magnetic field of, Curie point, 566 vacuum, 467 300–303, 338 curl, 90–99, 798–799 capacitor plate, force on, 151, 162 toroidal in Cartesian coordinates, 93–95, 100 carbon monoxide molecule, dipole moment of, energy stored in, 369 physical meaning of, 95 483 inductance of, 364 curlmeter, 96 cartesian coordinates, 791 Cole, R. H., 505 current density J, 177–180 cassette tape, 570 comets, 454 current loop cathode of vacuum diode, 181 compass needle, 239 magnetic dipole moment of, 534 Cavendish,Henry,11 complex exponential solutions, 402–405 magnetic field of, 531–535 centimeter (as unit of capacitance), 145 complex-number representation of alternating torque on, 547 current ring, magnetic field of, 299 CH3OH (methanol) molecule, dipole moment current, 406–408 of, 483 complex numbers, review of, 828–829 current sheet, 303–306 charge conduction, electrical, 181–204 magnetic field of, 303–304 electric, see electric charge ionic, 189–195 currents alternating, 394–418 magnetic, absence of, 529 in metals, 198–200 bound and free, 559–560 in motion, see moving charge in semiconductors, 200–204 bound-charge, 505–507 charge density, linear, 28 conduction band, 201–202 displacement, 433–436 charge distribution conductivity, electrical, 182–188 electric, see electric currents cylindrical, field of, 83 anisotropic, 182 fluctuations of, random, 195 electric, 20–22 of metals, 198–200 curvilinear coordinates, 791–801 moments of, 74, 471–474 units for, 182 cylinder, magnetized, compared with cylinder spherical, field of, 26–28 of various materials, 188, 195–197 polarized, 557 on a surface, 29 conductors, electrical, 125–141 cylindrical coordinates, 792 charged balloon, 32 charged, system of, 128 charged disk, 68–71 properties of, 129 damped harmonic oscillator, 389 field lines and equipotentials of, 72 spherical, field around, 131 damped sinusoidal oscillation, 392 potential of, 69 conformal mapping, 151 damping of resonant circuit, 388–394 critical, 394 charged wire conservation of electric charge, 4–5, potential of, 68 180–181 Davis, L., Jr., 11 circuit breaker, 320 distinguished from charge invariance, 242 decay of proton, 6 decay time for earth’s magnetic field, 386 circuit element, 205 conservative forces, 12 deer, flying, 102 circuits continuity equation, 181 “del” notation, 83, 95, 100 LR, 366–367 copper, resistivity of, 188, 196–197 detergent, 510 RC, 215–216 copper chloride, paramagnetism of, 526 deuterium molecule, 242 RLC, 389, 398, 410 corona discharge, 37 Di Porto, P., 590 alternating-current, 394–418 coulomb (SI unit of charge), 8, 762 diamagnetic substances, 526 relation to esu, 9 direct-current, 204–207 diamagnetism, 527, 540, 546 equivalent, 206 Coulomb, Charles de, 10 of electron orbits, 545 resonant, 388–394 Coulomb’s law, 7–11, 259 diamond circulation, 90 tests of, 10–11 crystal structure of, 200 Clausius–Mossotti relation, 502 Crandall, R. E., 11 wide band gap of, 203 CO (carbon monoxide) molecule, dipole Crawford, F. S., 378 dielectric constant κ, 468 moment of, 483 critical damping, 394 of various substances, 469 coefficients Crosignani, B., 590 dielectric sphere in uniform field, of capacitance, 148 cross product (vector product) of two vectors, 495–496 of potential, 148 238 dielectrics, 467–471 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01402-2 - Electricity and Magnetism: Third Edition Edward M. Purcell and David J. Morin Index More information Index 835 diode, 219 energy dissipation in flow of, 207–208 electrical potential energy, 13–16 silicon junction, 229 parallel, force between, 283 of a system of charges, 33, 63 vacuum, 181 variable electrical shielding, 135 dipole in capacitors and resistors, 215–216 electrodynamic tether, 369 comparison of electric and magnetic, 535–536 in inductors and resistors, 366–367 electromagnet, 320 electric, see electric dipole electric dipole design of, 584 magnetic, see magnetic dipole potential and field of, 73–77, 474–476 electromagnetic field components, transformation of, 310 dipole moment torque and force on, in external field, electromagnetic force, range of, 11 electric, see electric dipole moment 477–478 electromagnetic induction, 343–357 magnetic, see magnetic dipole moment electric dipole moment, 74, 473, 475 electromagnetic wave, 254, 438–453 disk induced, 479–482 in dielectric, 507–509 conducting, field of, 140 permanent, 482–483 in different reference frames, 452–453 electric displacement D, 499, 560–561 charged, 68–72 energy transport by, 446–452 electric eels, 219 displacement, electric, D, 499, 560–561 general properties of, 440–441 electric field displacement current, 433–436 reflection of, 445, 447, 521 distribution of electric charge, 20–22 definition of, 17 standing, 442–446 divergence, 78–79, 795–797 in different reference frames, 243–246 traveling pulse, 441 in Cartesian coordinates, 81–83, 100 of dipole, 75, 476 electromotive force, 209–211, 347, 357 divergence theorem, 79–80, 100 of Earth, 36 alternating, 395 domains, magnetic, 567 energy stored in, 33 electron, 3, 5, 6, 198–204, 540–549 doorbell, 321 of flat sheet of charge, 29 charge of, 8 doping of silicon, 203–204 flux of, 22–26 magnetic moment of, 547 dot product of two vectors, 12 Gauss’s law, 23–26 valence, 200 dynamic random access memory (DRAM), 153 inside hollow conductor, 134 electron motion, wave aspect of, 199 dynamo, 379, 386 of line charge, 28 electron orbit, 540–545 dyne (Gaussian unit of force), 8 line integral of, 59–61 diamagnetism of, 545 macroscopic, 488–489 magnetic moment of, 540–541 0, permittivity of free space, 8 in matter, spatial average of, 487 electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), 823 Earnshaw’s theorem, 87 microscopic, 488 electron radius, classical, 52, 545 earth’s magnetic field, 280, 577 of point charge with constant velocity, electron spin, 546–549 decay time of, 386 247–251 angular momentum of, 546–547 possible source of, 380 relation to φ and ρ,89 electronic paper, 37 eddy-current braking, 370 transformation of, 245, 310 electrostatic field, 61, see also electric field Edison, Thomas, 419 units of, 17 equilibrium in, 88 Einstein, Albert, 2, 236, 281, 314 visualization of, 18–20 electrostatic unit (esu) of charge, 8, 765 electret, 558 electric field lines, 18, 19, 71, 72, 76–77 energy, see also potential energy, electrical electric charge, 1–11, 242 electric generator, 370 in alternating-current circuit, 415–418 additivity of, 10, 13 electric guitar, 370 dissipation of, in resistor, 207–208 conservation of, 4–5, 180–181 electric potential, see potential, electric electrical, of ionic crystal, 14–16 distribution of, 20–22 electric quadrupole moment, 74, 473 stored free and bound, 497–498, 506–507 electric susceptibility χe, 490, 501, 503 in capacitor, 150 fundamental quantum of, 8 electrical breakdown, 36, 100 in electric field, 33 invariance of, 241–243 electrical conduction, see conduction, electrical in inductor, 368 quantization of, 5–7, 242 electrical conductivity, see conductivity, in magnetic field, 369 sign of, 4 electrical of system of charges, 11–14 electric currents, 177–189 electrical conductors, see conductors, electrical energy gap, 201 and charge conservation, 180–181 electrical insulators, 125–126 equilibrium of charged particle, 88 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge
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