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RUISHTON AND THORNFALCON PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF A MEETING HELD ON 1 OCTOBER 2003 COMMENCING AT 7.30 PM Present: Coun. Marshall (Chairman) Bulgin, Hill, House, Mullins, Rexworthy, Shattock, and Walker. C/Coun. Watson, D/Coun. Bryant and Durdan. Nigel Kerr and Ashley Parker (TD Air Quality Management), 8 parishioners and Mary Growtage (Clerk) Apologies: Coun. Anderdon, Jelks, Lowe and Small 10/03.01 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The minutes of the meeting held on 3 September 2003, having been circulated, were taken as read and were duly agreed and signed by the Chairman. 10/03.02 AQMA (Air Quality) - DISCUSSION ON ACTION PLAN The Chairman introduced Nigel Kerr and Ashley Parker from Taunton Deane Air Quality Management team. (Nigel is the Principal Officer, Housing and Environmental Protection and Ashley is the air quality expert.) Nigel explained that under the 1995 Environment Act the secretary of State has to produce a strategy for reviewing and assessing Air Quality. There is therefore a need to review the 7 specific pollutants associated with emissions to atmosphere from transport and transport. This has been undertaken in 3 stages. Stage One results showed that 4 out of 7 pollutants needed to be looked at in more detail in Stage Two. Stage Two results showed that only N02 remained suspect and that only because of the M5 Motorway. Stage Three was carved out in 2000, for N02 only. Concluding that the M5 was not a problem. However monitoring will continue to confirm the findings. This monitoring indicated the likelihood of N02 hotspots and the result of a supplementary report concluded that certain small areas of Henlade and East Reach are likely to exceed the, Government targets for 2005. Ashley said it was the level of nitrogen dioxide that is of concern, caused by the close proximity of properties to the A368 at Henlade and in East Reach. It has a variety of health impacts, it is a respiratory irritant, may exacerbate asthma and possibly increase the susceptibility to infections. They now have twelve months to carry out a further detailed review, which will include monitoring and air quality modelling. A mobile air quality unit has been situated at Henlade PO for the past twelve months, there is also a diffusion tube close to Lilac House. The aim of the team is to bring together all the existing policies and plans that are likely to affect the AQMAs and to consult with all interested parties and ensure that professionals, making decisions on future schemes in these areas take air quality into consideration. Including the proposed Park and Ride at Cambric Farm. 10/03.03 PLANNING APPLICATIONS 40/2003/008 - FORMATION OF VEHICULAR ACCESS TO SERVE NOS. 1 AND 2 DYEHOUSE COTTAGES, THORNFALCON - PC Coun. House declared an interest and left the meeting for this agenda item. This application was approved, subject to the conditions recommended by the Highway Authority. 40/2003/009LB - NEW SITTING ROOM FLOOR, MANOR FARM, THORNFALCON - TD The meeting recommended that permission be given, subject to the approval of the Conservation Officer. 40/2003/010LB - RETROSPECTIVE APPLICATION FOR REBUILDING OF BARN ROOF AND BAKEHOUSE ROOF, MANOR FARM, THORNFALCON - TD The meeting recommended that permission be given, subject to the approval of the Conservation Officer. 14/2003/038 - ERECTION OF 10 INDUSTRIAL UNITS WITH ACCESS WAY AND SERVICES, INCLUDING BIODISC EFFLUENT DISPOSAL; DEMOLITION OF SUBSTANDARD REDUNDANT BUILDINGS WHEN NEW BUILDINGS ARE AVAILABLE; AND RELOCATION OF 2 EXISTING BUILDINGS, CREECH PAPER MILL, MILL LANE, CREECH ST MICHAEL. This application is not in our parish and is for comment only. The meeting pointed out that this site is in the flood plain, and would mean more hard standing. It would also mean more traffic using the junction on to the main road through the village of Creech St Michael. VARIATION OF PLANNING CONDITION FOR A 2 YEAR EXTENSION TO AN EXISTING PLANNING PERMISSION REF:4/14/01/020 FOR THE TEMPORARY STORAGE OF DREDGED SILT ON LAND ADJACENT TO TONE BRIDGE, CREECH ST MICHAEL (GRID:327341 -1 25381) - SCC Again this application is not in our parish and is for comment only The meeting was not against this application but felt strongly that the site should be tidied and the silt spread evenly over the ground, as it is currently an eyesore. The following applications have been approved by Taunton Deane: 31 /2003/023 - Two dwellings at Thornhams 31120031024T - Proposed work on oak tree at Old Primary School, Ruishton. SCC have granted Conditional Permission for 4/40/03/007 - Repositioning of electrical kiosk at Ham Sewerage Works. 31/2001/017 -Replacement dwelling at The Orchard, Henlade. The Chief Planning Officer has informed us that he has no objection to the amended proposal comprising: i) Confirmation that the walls are to be rendered; ii) Alterations to the fenestration; iii) A revised internal layout. 10/03.04 CLERK'S REPORT The Clerk emphasised the importance of members reading the `Code of Good Practice' which has been distributed to all members. A list of `Diary Dates' was handed to all members present, additional items are the LAMP presentation on `The River Parrett and Tone Flood Management Strategy' which is tomorrow evening at Othery Village Hall. Also, the `Second Presentation and Workshop regarding the Future of Development of Taunton by Terence O'Rourke. Several highway matters were raised by members, these will be taken up with the Highway Authority by Coun. Bulgin. Winners of the Calor Village of the year competition were Nynehead (Best small village) and Porlock (Best large Village) The report on Ruishton was read to the meeting. The Chairman thanked those who took part in the competition on behalf of the village. SCC have launched a new archaeology website, details on the notice board. Mrs Callen has reported that the grass in the Cemetery was cut on 14 August and again on 19 September. 10/03.05 CHAIRMAN'S REPORT The EA, having completed the raising of the road ramp at Ham Road, are now embarking on another at the Western end of Ham village. This will most likely involve a road closure through Ham and is expected to take place November 2003. It is understood that funds are available by the Police Authority to fund Youth Activities and the idea has been put forward for the hire of a mini bus to transport youths to various entertainment venues. This will go on the next agenda. Local Plan: The Inspector's report will be on Taunton Deane website from tomorrow ( but not as a split document at present. Although the recommendations are not binding, he reported the following: 1) 800 dwellings are deleted from the local plan - 400 at Ford Farm, Norton Fitzwarren and 400 at Longforth Farm, Wellington. 2) Alternative suggestions are: a) Alternative site in Wellington for 200 houses. b) Bringing forward the release of houses in Monkton Heathfield. c) Look at site at Hartnells Farm, Monkton Heathfield (opp. Monkton Elms) d) Small site next to Hydrographic Department. e) Site on outskirts of Bishops Hull. f) Site on one of Taunton School Playing fields 3) All non allocated sites east of the M5 taken out. 4) Confirmed the Henlade Tarmac site should be in Local Plan, also small site in Hyde Lane. The Local Plan will be on the next agenda. `Speed watch' will also be on the next agenda. The Chairman and Coun. Hill have completed the responses regarding `Providing Indemnities to Relevant Authority Officers and Members', copies were handed to those present and they were duly agreed. Copy attached. Coun. Hill has also completed the `Speed Management Survey' on behalf of the Parish Council. Copy attached. 10/03.06 RECREATION FIELD Because Holway football club will not be using the football pitch for the current season in order to `rest' the grass in the goal mouths, there will be no need for the goal posts to be erected. The pitch will however be used by a girls team at a cost of £7.50 per match, they have their own mobile goal posts and play on a smaller area. There is a danger to footing at the entrance to the recreation field which Coun. Bulgin will kindly attend to on our behalf. 10/03.07 PROPOSED DONATION OF BENCH FOR R/FIELD FROM VILLAGE FUN DAY COMMITTEE The Parish Council are pleased to accept an offer from the Village Fun Day Committee to repair the bench in the toddlers area and to provide a second bench alongside the climbing frame from their funds. They are also providing funds for a replacement tree for the Village Hall Committee. 10/03.08 TRAFFIC CALMING It was agreed to wait to hear whether or not we have a grant from SCC before commencing this project. 10/03.09 REPORT ON FLOOD MEETING Coun. Anderdon, Bulgin and Marshall, together with Mrs A. Callen have attended a meeting with Andrew Wilcox (TD), Neil Pincombe (SCC) and John Rowlands(EA) The EA's Feasibility study proposed a £4m scheme for Ruishton, Creech St Michael and Ham which was on target up to now, then DEFRA moved the target for funding. Therefore the scheme is now on the shelf until the target comes down again. The EA did undertake to investigate the possibility of financing from their revenue budget a number of smaller works identified by the Flood wardens that would make a difference in times of heavy rains. These include the raising of the road hump in Cheats Road, which forms part of the current defence, that is now below the level of the village's earth floodbank.