Statementto the SouthPacific Stock Exchange CommunicationsFiri ttd (CFMlAnnouncessecond interim dividend TheSouth Pacific's leading radio broadcasting organisation, Communications Fiji Ltd announc€dtoday that it willbe issuing a secondinterim dividend of 6 centsper share Thisbrings dividends paid out sofar for ihe financialyeaf ending Dec€mber 31" 2012 to 12cents per share ( 2011j10 cenis). chairmanMatt Wilsonsaid that the additionalinterim dividend reflected strong resultsfor the yearso far with stronggrowth recofded in PaplaNew Guinea and a muchimproved perforr.ance in the secondhalf of the yearfrom the companiesFiji basedprofit cenires. " once we receivefinal auditedresults in March for the currentfinancial year we wiLL reviewdividends once again with the aimto payout a furtherfinal dividend ln earLy Aprii" CommunicationsFiji Ltd's shares will go ex benefiton January8rh, the r€gistrywill ItoDLEdfrCC closeon lanuary 16'h and dividends wlll be paid out onlanuary 24'n 2013. Communications FijiLimited pa€nl companyoi Fiji:FM96, Legend FM, WilliamP.rkinson JyotiSolanki Na!,ia€ig, RadloSargam, VlTl FM,ToialEv€nt company, CFLCinen'ADs & ManagingDirector CompanySecretary PNG:NauFl'r, Yumi FM SUVA HEAOOFFICE 231Waimaru Rd, Suva, Fii. PivalsMa I Bag,Slva Talephone:(679) 331 4766 Far (679)330 3748 Webite: fjivilage.@m &c{
[email protected] LAUTOKA 1nFloor, 5 TukaniSl@t Above Bank of Barcda, Namoli House Complex,Lauioka Telephone: (679) 666 4966 Fd: (679) 666 4996 LABASA 10Rosawa Sl€et relephon€r(679) 881 2791 lan(679) 8812177 FiJl'sHome on lhe World Wlde Web APPENDIX F A GUIDELINE ON DIVIDEND AIINOIJNCEMENT COMMUNICATIONS FIJI LIMITED DECLARA.TION OF DI!'IDEND CommunicationFiji Limited is pleasedto arnouncea 2nd hrerim Dividend for rhe 9 monrlN €ndltrg 30thS€Dt€nber 2012 Dateof CLosureofResisw I6"' January2013 Date of Ex-Benefit 8'' January2013 Date ofPalned of Divid€nds.