To stop global warming, end eco-extremism Pragmatic solutions provide the best options

Kenneth Green both humanity and the environment. A improvements in vehicle fuel economy; failure of the control systems on dams, national building efficiency standards; Every now and then, the avuncular chemical facilities, and nuclear reactors, subsidies to ; provin- mask falls away from David Suzuki’s for example, would have led to cata- cial efficiency standards for homes, busi- face, and we catch a glimpse of his in- strophic events around the world. nesses, utilities, and industries (with ner revolutionary—and it isn’t a pretty More recently, in a speech to students audits); zoning that would force people sight. In fact, it’s both anti-humanist at McGill University, Suzuki said, “What into high-density living; zoning that and authoritarian. It’s also essentially I would challenge you to do is to put a would intentionally make automobile anti-environmental, since his is the kind lot of effort into trying to see whether use less desirable, including traffic calm- of extreme that has there’s a legal way of throwing our so- ing, fewer driving lanes, and additional bred an anti-environmental movement called leaders into jail because what bicycle lanes; and other changes (David which presumes that claims of environ- they’re doing [to the environment] is a Suzuki Foundation, 2008). Though Su- mental degradation are just zuki has recently come out a green cloak for the pro- in support of the British motion of massive expan- The problem with all this extremism Columbia revenue-neutral sion of governmental con- carbon tax (David Suzuki trol and collectivism. And isn’t simply the degradation of public Foundation, 2008), he is there certainly are reasons discourse; it is also the inevitable not willing to simply price for thinking this way. carbon and let the market An early example of Su- polarization that results whenever one work; in addition to carbon zuki’s extremism occurred group stakes out an extreme position. pricing, he seems to want in 1999, as the world pon- the expansion of govern- dered, with what turned ment to the point where out to be excessive fear, it controls everything that the potential for computer networks to criminal act” (Gunter, 2008). The Su- people do with energy—and that is al- fail with the beginning of the new mil- zuki Foundation tried to pass off this lat- most everything that people do. lennium. In an interview with Reuters, est authoritarian outburst as a rhetorical Of course, Suzuki isn’t alone in stak- Suzuki opined, “I hope there is a major flourish rather than a real suggestion, ing out the extremes of the environ- glitch. It might give Mother Earth a rest.” but as analysts point out, the fact that he mental movement. Various European He also said, “I think it would be won- said virtually the same thing to another eco-leaders have come out with similar derful if things collapsed for a few days,” audience in January 2008 probably indi- extremist statements. George Monbiot, cheerfully admitting that “chaos would cates that he meant it (Gunter, 2008). a columnist for the Guardian newspa- happen... but it would be an amazing And what does Suzuki want Cana- per in London, has suggested that “ev- opportunity for people to really start dian leaders to do, lest they be incarcer- ery time someone dies as a result of thinking about things—and a global ated? Suzuki’s climate action plan calls floods in Bangladesh, an airline execu- collapse would really make people think” for increasing governmental control tive should be dragged out of his office (Eichler, 1999, Dec. 22). However, such over virtually all aspects of Canadian and drowned” (Monbiot, 2006, Dec. 5). a “major glitch” would have actually life. On his list are tighter carbon emis- Several Americans have also chimed in had astonishingly bad consequences for sion standards for industry; mandatory on the “jail them or drown them” theme. Fraser Forum 04/08 11 11 To stop global warming, end eco-extremism

Columnist Ellen Goodman, for example, a wrenching transformation of soci- the American Meteorological Society has written, “Let’s just say that global ety will not be necessary. (1993: 274) for any TV weatherman who is seen to warming deniers are now on a par with express skepticism that human behav- Holocaust deniers” (Goodman, 2007, The former US vice president actu- iour is creating a climate catastrophe.” In Feb. 9). As well, David Roberts, a blog- ally turns up the heat, so to speak, in An mid-November, the retired founder of ger at the environmental website, Grist, Inconvenient Truth, in which he employs The Weather Channel declared global also suggests what we should do with the holocaust-invoking “denier” rhetoric warming to be “the greatest scam in his- such people: “When we’ve finally gotten to tar anyone who disagrees with him. tory,” adding, “I am amazed, appalled serious about global warming, when the In addition to implicitly associating “de- and highly offended by it. Global Warm- impacts are really hitting us and we’re in niers” with the Nazis, Gore compares ing; It is a SCAM. Some dastardly scien- a full worldwide scramble to minimize anyone who is critical of extreme climate tists with environmental and political the damage, we should have war crimes change scenarios to the dreaded “tobac- motives manipulated long term scien- trials for these bastards—some sort of co scientists” of yesteryear (Gore, 2006). tific data to create an illusion of rapid climate Nuremberg" (Roberts, 2006). The problem with all this extremism global warming” (D’Aleo, 2007). And of course, the "big kahuna" of cli- isn’t simply the degradation of public What is really needed now is a prag- mate policy-mongering, Al Gore, pulls discourse; it is also the inevitable polar- matic middle-ground—one that seeks out all the stops in his books, Earth in ization that results whenever one group solutions to environmental problems stakes out an extreme that are compatible with democratic position that would capitalism, a system that provides in- People respond to incentives. Show result in others losing numerable benefits to all North Ameri- them that you intend to stop them out, whether that loss cans. Unfortunately, with extremists like is monetary, loss of David Suzuki regularly politicizing what from doing what they wish to do, social prestige, a loss should really be more of an engineering and they will oppose it every time. of consumer choice, a exercise, it is unlikely that we will see loss of political repre- such improvements any time soon. sentation, or some oth- the Balance and An Inconvenient Truth, er loss. It is almost a law of social motion: References which together constitute an environ- every action generates an equal and op- mental manifesto of governmental ex- posite reaction. Or, as economists would Crichton, Michael (2004). State of Fear. pansion. In Earth in the Balance, Gore argue, people respond to incentives. Harper Collins. wrote that saving the environment is the Show them that you intend to stop them Cullen, Heidi (2006). Junk Controver- “central organizing principle” for civiliza- from doing what they wish to do, and sy, not Junk . Blog. Forecast tion: they will oppose it every time. Instead Earth (December 21). . every law and institution, every treaty tary and other eco-disaster movies such D’Aleo, Joe (2007). Weather Channel Found- and alliance, every tactic and strategy, as Waterworld were followed by rebuttal er: Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in every plan and course of action—to movies such as The Great Global Warm- History.’ Blog. Icecap (November 11). use, in short, every means to halt the ing Swindle (Durkin, 2007) and An . Accessed on March 14, 2008. cal system. Minor shifts in policy, of environmental destruction such as (2005). Fast Facts, marginal adjustments in ongoing The Day After Tomorrow are countered Solutions. . Accessed on March 14, fered in lieu of genuine change— In December 2006, Heidi Cullen 2008. these are all forms of appeasement, of The Weather Channel stated that David Suzuki Foundation (2008). Carbon designed to satisfy the public’s desire the American Meteorological Society Tax Backgrounder – B.C. Budget 2008. to believe that sacrifice, struggle, and should “revoke the Seal of Approval by

12 12Fraser Forum 04/08 12 climate/Briefing_Note_-_BC_Bud- get_2008.pdf>. Accessed on March 14, 2008. A lack of Durkin, Martin (Director) (2007). The Great Global Warming Swindle [DVD]. WAGtv. . Accessed on March 14, 2008. hospitals Eichler, Leah (1999, December 22). Canadian Scientist Hopes Y2K Will Shut Down Planet. Reuters. . Accessed on March 14, Maureen Hazel Feb. 26). The reality is that the Hospital 2008. Report Card used state-of-the-art indi- In late February, the Fraser Institute cators developed by the United States Goodman, Ellen (2007, February 9). No Change in Political Climate. The Bos- released Hospital Report Card: British Agency for Healthcare Research and ton Globe. . Accessed on March 14, indicators of inpatient quality and pa- care inside hospitals, are presently in 2008. tient safety. The availability of detailed use in more than a dozen US states, in- Gore, Al (1993). Earth in the Balance: Ecol- performance metrics for hospitals in cluding several of the more populous ogy and the Human Spirit. Plume Books. might have been a ones: New York, Texas, Florida, and boon for many. It might have helped California (Esmail and Hazel, 2008). Gore, Al (2006). An Inconvenient Truth: The patients decide which hospital to go to. Furthermore, these indicators have Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do about It. Rodale It might have provided comfort to pa- been used in a report published by the Books. tients in need of urgent or emergent care, Manitoba Centre for Health Policy at knowing that the public would be made the University of Manitoba’s Faculty of Gunter, Lorne (2008). Lorne Gunter on the fully aware of the performance of the fa- Medicine, and their use has been sup- Enviro-Inquisition: David de Torque- cility that would be treating them. It also ported in a report published by the Or- mada. Blog. National Post Full Com- ment (February 11). . Accessed on March by employing one very powerful tool that the indicators did not account for 14, 2008. that health data providers in Canada differences in patient populations be- Hayward, Steven F. (2007). An Inconvenient and the province’s Ministry of Health tween hospitals (for example, see Fayer- Truth, or Convenient Fiction? Pacific Re- have given them: the opportunity to man, 2008, Feb. 26) was also unfounded. search Institute. keep hospital specific information In fact, the indicators that made up the anonymous. That is, even though Hos- report card were risk-adjusted using a Monbiot, George (2006, December 5). I’m pital Report Card: British Columbia 2008 process developed by 3M™ which is rec- All for Putting More Vehicles on Our Roads. As Long as They’re Coaches. The provided information on 39 indicators ognized to be a gold-standard system for Guardian. . Accessed on March 14, 2008. name any hospitals. Put simply, the methodology used A key defense of this position, made to provide comparisons of hospital per- Roberts, David (2006). The Denial In- dustry. Blog. Gristmill (Septem- by BC’s Minister of Health, George Ab- formance is of a high quality and does ber 19). . Accessed produce the first Hospital Report Card patient populations across the 95 hospi- on March 14, 2008.  for British Columbia was of poor qual- tals in British Columbia. Fraser Forum 04/08 13 13