(12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property Organization International Bureau (10) International Publication Number (43) International Publication Date WO 2015/160938 Al 22 October 2015 (22.10.2015) P O P C T

(51) International Patent Classification: AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, B05D 5/12 (2006.01) C09K 11/58 (2006.01) BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, C09D 11/02 (2014.01) H01B 1/22 (2006.01) DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JP, KE, KG, KN, KP, KR, (21) International Application Number: KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, PCT/US2015/025953 MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, (22) International Filing Date: PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA, SC, 15 April 2015 (15.04.2015) SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW. (25) Filing Language: English (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every (26) Publication Language: English kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH, (30) Priority Data: GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SZ, 61/980,863 17 April 2014 (17.04.2014) US TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, 61/980,827 17 April 2014 (17.04.2014) US TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, 61/980,933 17 April 2014 (17.04.2014) US DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, 61/980,870 17 April 2014 (17.04.2014) US LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM, TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, (71) Applicant: ELECTRONINKS INCORPORATED GW, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). [US/US]; 1624 Headway Circle, Austin, TX 78754 (US). Published: (72) Inventor: WALKER, Steven, Brett; 4621 Muskdeer — with international search report (Art. 21(3)) Drive, Austin, TX 78749 (US). — before the expiration of the time limit for amending the (74) Agent: M.; Brinks Gilson & Lione, P. O. HANNA, David, claims and to be republished in the event of receipt of Box 10087, Chicago, IL 606 10 (US). amendments (Rule 48.2(h)) (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,


© (54) Title: CONDUCTIVE INK COMPOSITIONS (57) Abstract: A conductive structure is provided. The conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing a silver carboxylate, at least one dissolving agent that dissolves the silver carboxylate, and a catalyst. The catalyst includes an amine that decarboxylates the silver carboxylate to make the conductive ink composition. The catalyst decarboxylates the silver carboxylate at a temperature of 100 °C or less. An ink composition comprising a metallic salt with a sterically bulky counter ion and a is also provided. An ink composition for making a conductive structure, comprising a reducible metal complex formed by mixing: a re- ducing agent, wherein the reducing agent is dissolved in a dissolving agent; and at least one metal salt or metal complex comprising a Group 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 metal, wherein the reducing agent reduces the metal to form the conductive structure is further provided. CONDUCTIVE INK COMPOSITIONS


[0001] This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application Serial No.

61/980,863, filed April 17, 2014; U.S. Provisional Application Serial No. 61/980,933, filed

April 17, 2014; U.S. Provisional Application Serial No. 61/980,827, filed April 17, 2014; and U.S. Provisional Application Serial No. 61/980,870, filed April 17, 2014, which are herein incorporated by reference.

FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0002] The present disclosure relates generally to novel ink compositions. More particularly, the present disclosure relates to a process for the preparation of novel ink formulations based on metallic compositions.


[0003] The electronics, display, and energy industries rely on the production and use of coatings and patterns of conductive materials to form circuits on organic and inorganic substrates. Printed electronics offer an attractive alternative to conventional technologies by enabling the creation of large-area, flexible devices at low cost. There are a plethora of applications for high-conductivity materials with fine-scale features in modern electronics such as solar cell electrodes, flexible displays, radio frequency identification tags, antennas, and many more. In efforts to make these high-technology devices increasingly affordable, the substrates used typically have relatively little temperature resilience and require low processing temperatures to maintain integrity. [0004] The vast majority of commercially produced conductive inks are specifically designed for inkjet, screen-printing, or roll-to-roll processing methods in order to process large areas with fine-scale features in short time periods. These inks have disparate viscosities and synthesis parameters. Particle-based inks are based on conductive metal particles, which are typically synthesized separately and then incorporated into an ink formulation. The resulting ink is then tuned for specific particle process.

[0005] Typically, precursor-based inks are based on thermally unstable precursor complexes that reduce to a conductive metal upon heating. Prior particle- and precursor-based methods generally rely on high temperatures to form conductive coatings and thus may not be compatible with substrates that require low processing temperatures to maintain integrity. For example, silver compounds with carbamate or other relatively low molecular weight (compared to polymer stabilizers) have been synthesized that decompose at temperatures near 150°C, yielding electrical conductivities approaching that of bulk silver. Unfortunately, even these temperatures render the ink incompatible with many plastic and paper substrates used in flexible electronic and biomedical devices.

[0006] Therefore, it is an object of the present invention to provide improved ink compositions.


[0007] An improved ink composition for forming a conductive from reactive metals and alloys and a method of making a conductive structure are disclosed.

[0008] In one aspect, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing a silver carboxylate; at least one dissolving agent that dissolves the silver carboxylate; and a catalyst, wherein the catalyst comprises an amine that decarboxylates the silver carboxylate to make the conductive ink composition, wherein the catalyst decarboxylates the silver carboxylate at a temperature of 200°C or less.

[0009] In another aspect, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing a silver carboxylate, wherein the silver carboxylate comprises silver; at least one dissolving agent that dissolves the silver carboxylate; and a catalyst that reduces the silver of the silver carboxylate to make the conductive ink composition, wherein the catalyst comprises an amine. The catalyst reduces the silver of the silver carboxylate at a temperature of 200°C or less.

[0010] In another aspect, a method of making a conductive structure includes decarboxylating a silver carboxylate in the presence of an amine to form a silver complex, wherein the silver carboxylate is dissolved in a dissolving agent; applying the silver complex to a substrate; and heating the silver complex on the substrate at a decomposition temperature of about 200°C or less to form the conductive structure.

[0011] In another aspect, an ink composition includes a metallic salt with a sterically bulky counter ion and a ligand.

[0012] In another aspect, a method of making an ink is disclosed. The method comprises a step of adding a metallic salt with a sterically bulky counter ion into a to form a first mixture; and adding a ligand to the first mixture to form an ink composition.

[0013] In another aspect, a method of making a conductive structure comprises adding a metallic salt with a sterically bulky counter ion in a solvent to form a first mixture; adding a ligand to the first mixture to form an ink composition; and heating the ink composition to form a conductive structure.

[0014] In another aspect, an ink composition for making a conductive structure includes a reducible metal complex formed by mixing a reducing agent, wherein the reducing agent is dissolved in a dissolving agent; and at least one metal salt or metal complex comprising a metal, wherein the reducing agent reduces the metal of the metal salt or metal complex to form the conductive structure.

[0015] In another aspect, an ink composition for making a conductive structure includes a reducible metal complex formed by mixing a reducing agent, wherein the reducing agent is dissolved in a dissolving agent; and at least one metal salt or metal complex comprising a Group

4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 metal, wherein the reducing agent reduces the metal to form the conductive structure, wherein the reducing agent reduces the metal of the metal salt or metal complex to form the conductive structure.

[0016] In another aspect, a method of making a conductive structure includes mixing a reducing agent with at least one metal salt or metal complex to form a reducible metal complex, wherein the reducing agent is dissolved in at least one dissolving agent; applying the reducible metal complex to a substrate; and decomposing the reducible metal complex on the substrate to form the conductive structure.


Method of Creating a Conductive Structure from a Silver Precursor

[0017] Compositions and methods of making the compositions to provide a conductive ink structure are disclosed. Ink compositions derived from silver metal precursors have been described in International Application No. PCT/US20 12/07 1034 entitled "Ink Composition for Making a Conductive Silver Structure," which was filed on December 20, 2012, and is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.

[0018] Disclosed are improved ink compositions formed by making silver complexes that do not require high decomposition temperatures. By employing lower decomposition temperatures and reduced tack times to form the conductive structures, the improved ink compositions are compatible with more substrates that do not require high processing temperatures to maintain integrity. Further, the method for making the ink compositions is both simple and high-yielding.

[0019] The ink compositions may possess low viscosity so that it is compatible with a broad range of patterning techniques, including slot die coating, spin coating, roll-to-roll printing, including gravure, flexography, rotary screen printing, screen-printing, aerosol jet printing, inkjet printing, airbrushing, Mayer rod coating, flood coating, 3D printing, and electrohydrodynamic printing. The patterned features may be highly conductive at room temperature and achieve bulk conductivity upon decomposing at mild temperatures (e.g., less than about 100°C). Finally, the ink may remain stable at room temperature for months without particle precipitation.

[0020] Accordingly, a conductive ink composition (also referred to as a "conductive ink" or an "ink") has been created for printing highly conductive features at room temperature. Such inks may be stable, particle-free, and suitable for a wide range of patterning techniques. In one embodiment, a "particle-free" ink is one that does not include any particles at a diameter of greater than about 10 nm. In one embodiment, a "particle-free" ink is one that has less than about 1% particles, preferably less than about 0.1% particles. Silver salt is employed in the ink as a precursor material, which ultimately yields the silver in the conductive silver coatings, lines, or patterns. Any suitable silver precursor may be used.

[0021] In one aspect, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing a silver carboxylate, at least one dissolving agent that dissolves the silver carboxylate, and a catalyst. The catalyst includes an amine that decarboxylates the silver carboxylate to make the conductive ink composition. In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate is soluble in the dissolving agent. , as known to one of ordinary skill, is the property of a substance, such as a silver carboxylate, to dissolve in a solvent, such as a dissolving agent. In one embodiment, the silver complex is first applied to a substrate. In one embodiment, the catalyst decarboxylates the silver carboxylate at a temperature of about 200°C or less. In one embodiment, the catalyst decarboxylates the silver carboxylate at a temperature of about 100°C or less. In some embodiments, the catalyst decarboxylates the silver carboxylate at a temperature of about 220°C, of about 210°C or less, of about 190°C or less, of about 180°C or less, of about

170°C or less, of about 160°C or less, of about 150°C or less, of about 140°C or less, of about

130°C or less, of about 120°C or less, of about 110°C or less, of about 90°C or less, of about

80°C or less, of about 70°C or less, of about 60°C or less, or of about 50°C or less.

[0022] In another aspect, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing a silver carboxylate, at least one dissolving agent that dissolves the silver carboxylate, and a catalyst that reduces the silver of the silver carboxylate. In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate is soluble in the dissolving agent. The catalyst includes an amine. In one embodiment, the silver complex is first applied to a substrate. In one embodiment, the catalyst reduces the silver of the silver carboxylate at a temperature of about 200°C or less. In one embodiment, the catalyst reduces the silver of the silver carboxylate at a temperature of about

100°C or less. In some embodiments, the catalyst reduces the silver of the silver carboxylate at a temperature of about 210°C or less, of about 220°C or less, of about 190°C or less, of about

180°C or less, of about 170°C or less, of about 160°C or less, of about 150°C or less, of about

140°C or less, of about 130°C or less, of about 120°C or less, of about 110°C or less, of about

90°C or less, of about 80°C or less, of about 70°C or less, of about 60°C or less, or of about 50°C or less. Silver Carboxylates

[0023] In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate includes silver salts of aliphatic carboxylic acids. In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate includes silver salts of long-chain aliphatic carboxylic acids. In one embodiment, a silver carboxylate includes a silver salt of a long chain aliphatic carboxylic acid having 10 to 30 atoms. In one embodiment, the catalyst reduces the silver of the silver carboxylate at elevated temperatures.

[0024] In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate is selected from the group consisting of silver propionate, silver butyrate, silver pentanoate, silver hexanoate, silver heptanoate, silver ethylhexanoate, silver behenate, silver oleate, silver octanoate, silver nonanoate, silver decanoate, silver neodecanoate, silver hexafluoroacetylacetonate. In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate is silver neodecanoate. In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate is silver hexafluoroacetylacetonate. In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate is silver propionate. In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate is silver butyrate. In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate is silver pentanoate. In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate is silver hexanoate.

In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate is silver heptanoate. In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate is silver ethylhexanoate. In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate is silver behenate. In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate is silver oleate. In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate is silver nonanoate. In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate is silver decanoate.

[0025] In one embodiment, an amount from about 0.4 grams to about 0.6 grams of silver carboxylate is dissolved in the dissolving agent. In some embodiments, about 0.4 grams, about

0.5 grams, or about 0.6 grams silver carboxylate is dissolved in the dissolving agent. In one embodiment, an amount from about 0.4 grams to about 0.6 grams of silver neodecanoate is dissolved in the dissolving agent. In some embodiments, about 0.4 grams, about 0.5 grams, or about 0.6 grams silver neodecanoate is dissolved in the dissolving agent. In one embodiment, an amount from about 0.4 grams to about 0.6 grams of silver hexafluoroacetylacetonate is dissolved in the dissolving agent. In some embodiments, about 0.4 grams, about 0.5 grams, or about 0.6 grams silver hexafluoroacetylacetonate is dissolved in the dissolving agent.

Dissolving Agents

[0026] As mentioned above, at least one dissolving agent dissolves the disclosed silver carboxylates. The dissolving agent acts as a stabilizer and a solvent for the silver carboxylate.

The dissolving agent is not intended to act as a reducing agent for the silver carboxylate. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent has a boiling point of about 200°C or less. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent has a boiling point of about 100°C or less. In some embodiments, the dissolving agent has a boiling point of about 220°C or less, about 210°C or less, about 190°C or less, about 180°C or less, about 170°C or less, about 160°C or less, about

150°C or less, of about 140°C or less, of about 130°C or less, of about 120°C or less, of about

110°C or less, of about 90°C or less, of about 80°C or less, of about 70°C or less, of about 60°C or less, or of about 50°C or less.

[0027] In one embodiment, the dissolving agent may be selected based on the type of silver carboxylate used to make the ink composition. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent may be selected based on the boiling point/tack time for a specific application. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent may be selected based on the type of substrate the ink composition will be applied to for compatibility and wettability issues. For example, for deposition methods such as inkjet printing or e-jet, greater stability is generally preferred, and thus it may be preferable to use a dissolving agent with a higher boiling point. [0028] In one embodiment, the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of: an organic solvent, a chelating agent, and combinations thereof. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent is at least one organic solvent. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent is at least one nonpolar organic solvent. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent is at least one chelating agent. In one embodiment, the diluting agent is a mixture of one or more dissolving agents and one or more chelating agents.

[0029] In one embodiment, the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of alkane hydrocarbons, carbamates, alkenes, cyclic hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, amines, polyamines, amides, ethers, , alcohols, thiols, thioethers, phosphines, and combinations thereof.

[0030] In one embodiment, the dissolving agent is an organic solvent. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent may include one or more linear or branched alkane hydrocarbons of length

C5-20. For example, the dissolving agent may include pentane, hexane, heptane, octane, nonane, decane, undecane, dodecane, tridecane, tetradecane, pentadecane, hexadecane, octadecane, nonadecane, and icosane.

[0031] In one embodiment, the dissolving agent may include one or more cyclic

hydrocarbons of length C6 -20. For example, the dissolving agent may include cyclohexane, cycloheptane, cyclooctane, cyclononane, cyclodecane, and decalin. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent may include aromatic hydrocarbons. For example, the dissolving agent may include benzene, toluene, xylene, and tetralin. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent is xylene.

[0032] In one embodiment, the dissolving agent may include a linear ether, a branched ether, or a cyclic ether. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent may include a linear or branched ether. For example, the dissolving agent may include dimethyl ether, diethyl ether, dipropyl ether, dibutyl ether, and methyl t-butyl ether. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent may include one or more cyclic ethers. For example, the dissolving agent may include tetrahydrofuran, tetrahydropyran, dihydropyran, and 1,4-dioxane.

[0033] In one embodiment, the dissolving agent is an alcohol. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent is a primary alcohol, a secondary alcohol, or tertiary alcohol. In one embodiment, the alcohol is selected from the group consisting of propanols, butanols, pentanois, hexanols, and octanols combmations thereof. In one embodiment, the alcohol is selected from the group consisting of l-propanol, 2-propanol, l-methoxy-2-propanol, 1-butanol, 2-butanol, 1- pentanol, 2-pentanol, 3-pentanol, 1-hexanol, 2-hexanol, 3-hexanol, 1-octanol, 2-octanol, 3- octanol, tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol, cyclopentanol terpineol, and combinations thereof. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent is terpineol.

[0034] In one embodiment, the dissolving agent is a chelating agent. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of emylenediammetetraacetic acid, iminodiacetic acid, ethylenediamine-di(o-bydroxypbenylacetic acid), nitrilotriacetic acid, dihydroxyethylglycine, trans- 1,2- cyclohexanediammetetraacetic acid, dethylenetriamine-

N,N,N',N",N"~ pentaacetic acid, glycoletherdiamme-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid, dimethyl sulfoxide, diethyienetriamme, tert-octylarnme, tert-butyiamine, 2-ethylhexylamine, and ethylene diamine. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent is tert-octylamine. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent is tert-butylamine. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent is 2- ethylhexylamme.

[0035] In one embodiment, an amount of dissolving agent is added so that the silver carboxylate is substantially dissolved or completely dissolved in the dissolving agent. In one embodiment, "substantially dissolved" means the silver carboxylate has a solubility in the dissolving agent at 25°C of about 400 g/L.

[0036] In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate dissolves in an amount from about 0.5 mL to about 2.0 mL dissolving agent. In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate dissolves in an amount from about 1.0 mL to about 2.0 mL dissolving agent. In some embodiments, the silver carboxylate dissolves in about 0.5 mL, about 1.0 mL, about 1.5 mL, or about 2.0 mL dissolving agent.

[0037] In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate dissolves in an amount from about 0.5 mL to about 2.0 mL xylene. In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate dissolves in an amount from about 1.0 mL to about 2.0 mL xylene. In some embodiments, the silver carboxylate dissolves in about 0.5 mL, about 1.0 mL, about 1.5 mL, or about 2.0 mL xylene.

[0038] In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate dissolves in an amount from about 0.5 mL to about 2.0 mL terpineol. In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate dissolves in an amount from about 1.0 mL to about 2.0 mL terpineol. In some embodiments, the silver carboxylate dissolves in about 0.5 mL, about 1.0 mL, about 1.5 mL, and about 2.0 mL terpineol.

[0039] In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate dissolves in an amount from about 0.5 mL to about 2.0 mL of a mixture of xylene and terpineol. In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate dissolves in an amount from about 1.0 mL to about 2.0 mL of a mixture of xylene and terpineol.

In some embodiments, the silver carboxylate dissolves in about 0.5 mL, about 1.0 mL, about 1.5 mL, or about 2.0 mL of a mixture of xylene and terpineol.

[0040] In one embodiment, the dissolving agent comprises two organic . In one embodiment, the volume ratio of two organic solvents is about 1to about 1 of the first organic solvent to the second organic solvent. In one embodiment, the volume ratio of the two organic solvents is about 2 to about 1 of the first organic solvent to the second organic solvent. In one embodiment, the volume ratio of the two organic solvents is about 3 to about 1 of the first organic solvent to the second organic solvent. In one embodiment, the volume ratio of the two organic solvents is about 4 to about 1 of the first organic solvent to the second organic solvent.

[0041] In one embodiment, the dissolving agent comprises two chelating agents. In one embodiment, the volume ratio of two chelating agents is about 1 to about1 of the first chelating agent to the second chelating agent. In one embodiment, the volume ratio of the two chelating agents is about 2 to about 1 of the first chelating agent to the second chelating agent. In one embodiment, the volume ratio of the two chelating agents is about 3 to about 1 of the first chelating agent to the second chelating agent. In one embodiment, the volume ratio of the two chelating agents is about 4 to about 1 of the first chelating agent to the second chelating agent.

[0042] In one embodiment, the dissolving agent comprises one organic solvent and one chelating agent. In one embodiment, the volume ratio of the organic solvent to the chelating agent is about 1to about 1. In one embodiment, the volume ratio of the organic solvent to the chelating agent is about 2 to about 1. In one embodiment, the volume ratio of the organic solvent to the chelating agent is about 3 to about 1. In one embodiment, the volume ratio of the organic solvent to the chelating agent is about 4 to about 1. In one embodiment, the volume ratio of the organic solvent to the chelating agent is about 1to about 2. In one embodiment, the volume ratio of the organic solvent to the chelating agent is about 1to about 3. In one embodiment, the volume ratio of the organic solvent to the chelating agent is about 1 to about 4.


[0043] As previously discussed, catalysts are disclosed. In one embodiment, the catalyst is a reducing agent. In one embodiment, the catalyst reduces a silver salt to a silver metal. In one embodiment, the catalyst is a decarboxylating agent. In one embodiment, the catalyst decarboxylates the silver carboxylate to make the conductive ink composition. In one embodiment, the catalyst reduces the silver of the silver carboxylate to make the conductive ink composition. In one embodiment, the catalyst is both a decarboxylating agent and a reducing agent. In one embodiment, the catalyst simultaneously decarboxylates the silver carboxylate and reduces the silver of the silver carboxylate to make the conductive ink composition.

[0044] Any suitable silver precursor may be used. In one embodiment, the silver precursor comprises Ag(I) or the + 1 . In one embodiment, the silver precursor comprises

Ag(II) or the +2 oxidation state. In one embodiment, the silver precursor comprises Ag(III) or the +3 oxidation state. In one embodiment, an amount of catalyst is added to completely reduce the silver salt to a silver metal with an oxidation state of 0. In one embodiment, a relatively small amount of catalyst is added. In one embodiment, the amount of catalyst added depends on the desired viscosity of the ink.

[0045] In one embodiment, the catalyst is capable of reducing a silver ion (Ag ) to a silver metal (Ag0). In one embodiment, the catalyst is capable of reducing a silver ion (Ag ) to a silver metal (Ag0). In one embodiment, the catalyst is capable of reducing a silver ion (Ag3+) to a silver metal (Ag°).

[0046] In one aspect, the catalyst is an amine. In one embodiment, the catalyst is a primary amine, a secondary amine, a tertiary amine, or a polyamine. In one embodiment, the catalyst is a primary amine. "Primary amine" refers to amines having two hydrogen atoms bonded to the nitrogen of the amine group. In one embodiment, the catalyst is an alkylamine having carbon numbers of 1 to 18. For example, the catalyst may include methylamine, ethylamine, propylamine, butylamine, pentylamine, hexylamine, heptylamine, octylamine, nonylamine, decylamine, undecylamine, dodecylamine, tridecylamine, tetradecylamine, pentadecylamine, hexadecylamine, heptadecylamine, octadecylamine, and combinations thereof. Other examples of catalysts that may be used include allylamine, n-propylamine, iso-propylamine, n-butylamine, sec-butylamine, tert-butylamine, n-pentylamine, isopentylamine, 2-ethylhexylamine, tert- hexylamine, phenyiamine, cyclopentylamine, tert-octyiamine, tert-deeylamine, tert- dodecylamine, tert-octadecylamme, and combinations thereof. In one embodiment, the catalyst is tert-octylamine. In one embodiment, the catalyst is 2~ethylhexylamine.

[0047] In one embodiment, the catalyst may include a secondary amine. "Secondary amine" refers to amines having one hydrogen atom bonded to the nitrogen of the amine group. For example, the catalyst may include dimethylamme, diethylamine, dipropylamme, dibutylamme, diphenyiamine, dicyclopentylamine, methylbutylamine, and combinations thereof.

[0048] In one embodiment, the catalyst may include a tertiary amine. "Tertiary amine" refers to amines having no hydrogen atoms bonded to the nitrogen of the amine group. For example, the catalyst may include trimethylamine, triethylamine, tripropylamme, triphenylamme and combinations thereof.

[0049] In one embodiment, the catalyst may include a polyamine. For example, the catalyst may include ethylene diamine, ,3-diaminopropane, hexamethylenediamine, and combinations thereof. In one embodiment, the catalyst is ethylene diamme. In one embodiment, the catalyst is

1,3-diaminopropane. In one embodiment, the catalyst is hexamethylenediamine.

[0050] In one embodiment, the silver complex is formed by adding from about 0.1 L to about 1 mL of catalyst. In one embodiment, the silver complex is formed by adding from about

0.1 ml. to about 0.8 mL of catalyst. In one embodiment, the silver complex is formed by adding from about 0.1 mL to about 0.7 ml, of catalyst. In one embodiment, the silver complex is formed by adding from about 0.1 mL to about 0.6 mL of catalyst. In one embodiment, the silver complex is formed by adding from about 0.2 mL to about 0.6 mL of catalyst. In one embodiment, the silver complex is formed by adding from about 0.2 mL to about 0.5 mL of catalyst. In one embodiment, the silver complex is formed by adding from about 0.2 mL to about 0.6 mL of catalyst. In one embodiment, the silver complex is formed by adding from about 0.3 mL to about 0.4 mL of catalyst. In some embodiments, the silver complex is formed by adding about 0.1 mL, about 0.2 mL, about 0 3 mL, about 0.4 mL, about 0.5 mL, about 0.6 mL, about 0.7 mL, about 0.8 mL, about 0.9 mL, or about 1.0 mL catalyst.

[0051] n one embodiment, the silver complex is formed by adding from about 0.1 mL to about 1mL of tert-octylamme. n one embodiment, the silver complex is formed by adding from about 0.1 mL to about 0.8 mL of tert-octylamme. In one embodiment, the silver complex is formed by adding from about 0.1 mL to about 0.7 ml. of tert-octylamine. In one embodiment, the silver complex is formed by adding from about 0.1 mL to about 0.6 mL of tert-octylamine.

In one embodiment, the silver complex is formed by adding from about 0.2 mL to about 0.6 mL of tert-octylamine. In one embodiment, the silver complex is formed by adding from about 0.2

L to about 0.5 ml. of tert-octylamine. In one embodiment, the silver complex is formed by adding from about 0.2 mL to about 0.6 mL of tert-octylamine. In one embodiment, the silver complex is formed by adding from about 0.3 mL to about 0.4 mL of tert-octylamine. In other embodiments, the silver complex is formed by adding tert-octylamine in an amount of about 0.1 mL, about 0.2 mL, about 0.3 mL, about 0.4 mL, about 0.5 mL, about 0.6 mL, about 0.7 mL, about 0.8 mL, about 0.9 mL, or about 1.0 mL.

[0052] In one embodiment, the silver complex is formed by adding from about 0. mL to about I mL of 2-ethylhexyiamine. n one embodiment, the silver complex is formed by adding from about 0.1 mL to about 0 8 L of 2-ethylhexylamine. In one embodiment, the silver complex is formed by adding from about 0.1 mL to about 0.7 mL of 2-ethylhexylamine. In one embodiment, the silver complex is formed by adding from about 0.1 mL to about 0 6 mL of 2- ethylhexylamine. In one embodiment, the silver complex is formed by adding from about 0.2 mL to about 0 6 mL of 2-ethylhexylamine In one embodiment, the silver complex is formed by adding from about 0 2 mL to about 0.5 ml. of 2-ethylhexylamine. In one embodiment, the silver complex is formed by adding from about 0.2 mL to about 0.6 mL of 2-ethylhexylamine. In one embodiment, the silver complex is formed by adding from about 0.3 mL to about 0.4 mL of 2- ethylhexylamine. In other embodiments, the silver complex is formed by adding 2- ethylhexyfamine in the amount of about 0.1 mL, about 0 2 mL, about 0.3 mL, about 0 4, about

0.5 mL, about 0 6 mL, about 0.7 mL, about 0.8 mL, about 0.9 mL, or about 1.0 mL.

[0053] In one aspect, the catalyst is the dissolving agent. In one embodiment, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing a silver carboxylate with a catalyst.

In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate dissolves in the catalyst. The catalyst also serves as a reducing agent. The catalyst includes an amine that reduces the silver carboxylate to make the conductive ink composition. In one embodiment, tert-octylamine dissolves the silver carboxylate and reduces the silver carboxylate. In one embodiment, tert-butylamine dissolves the silver carboxylate and reduces the silver carboxylate. In one embodiment, 2-ethylhexylamine dissolves the silver carboxylate and reduces the silver carboxylate.

Conductive Ink Composition Combinations of Silver Carboxylates, Dissolving Agents, and Catalysts

[0054] In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate is silver neodecanoate. In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate is silver hexafluoroacetylacetonate. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent is xylene. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent comprises xylene and terpineol. In one embodiment, the catalyst is tert-octylamine. In one embodiment, the catalyst is


[0055] In one embodiment, the conductive ink composition has a concentration of about 1 to about 40 wt.% silver of the conductive ink composition. In one embodiment, the conductive ink composition has a concentration of about 1 to about 30 wt.% silver of the conductive ink composition. In one embodiment, the conductive ink composition has a concentration of about 1 to about 20 wt.% silver of the conductive ink composition. In one embodiment, the conductive ink composition has a concentration of about 1to about 10 wt.% silver of the conductive ink composition. In one embodiment, the conductive ink composition has a concentration of about 5 to about 15 wt.% silver of the conductive ink composition. In some embodiments, the conductive ink composition has a concentration of about 1wt.%, about 2 wt.%, about 3 wt.%, about 4 wt .% , about 5 wt.%, about 6 wt.%, about 7 wt.%, about 8 wt.%, about 9 wt.%, about 10 wt .% , about 11 wt .% , about 12 wt.%, about 13 wt.%, about 14 wt.%, about 15 wt.%, about 16 wt .% , about 17 wt .% , about 18 wt.%, about 19 wt.%, about 20 wt.%, about 2 1 wt.%, about 22 wt .% , about 23 wt.%, about 24 wt.%, about 25 wt.%, about 26 wt.%, about 27 wt.%, about 28 wt .% , about 29 wt.%, about 30 wt.%, about 3 1 wt.%, about 32 wt.%, about 33 wt.%, about 34 wt .% , about 35 wt.%, about 36 wt.%, about 37 wt.%, about 38 wt.%, about 39 wt.%, or about 40 wt.% silver of the conductive ink composition.

[0056] In one embodiment, the conductive structure has a low root mean square (RMS) value. In one embodiment, the conductive structure has a RMS value of less than about 20 nm.

In one embodiment, the conductive structure has a RMS value of less than about 10 nm.

[0057] In one embodiment, the electrical conductivity of the conductive structures is measured. In one embodiment, the electrical conductivity of the conductive structures is from about 2x1 0 6 Ohm-cm to about lxl 0 5 Ohm-cm. In one embodiment, the electrical conductivity of the conductive structures is from about 3x1 0 6 Ohm-cm to about 6x1 0 6 Ohm-cm. In some embodiments, the electrical conductivity of the conductive structures is at least about 2x1 0 6

Ohm-cm, about 3x1 0 6 Ohm-cm, about 4x1 0 6 Ohm-cm, about 5x1 0 6 Ohm-cm, about 6x1 0 6

Ohm-cm, about 7x1 0 6 Ohm-cm, about 8x1 0 6 Ohm-cm, or about 9x1 0 6 Ohm-cm. In some embodiments, the electrical conductivity of the conductive structures is at most about lxlO 5

Ohm-cm, about 9x1 0 6 Ohm-cm, about 8x1 0 6 Ohm-cm, about 7x1 0 6 Ohm-cm, about 6x10

Ohm-cm, about 5x1 0 6 Ohm-cm, about 4x1 0 6 Ohm-cm, or about 3x1 0 6 Ohm-cm.

Combinations of Silver Neodecanoate, Xylene, and 2-Ethylhexylamine

[0058] In one embodiment, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing silver neodecanoate dissolved in xylene, with 2-ethylhexylamine. The 2- ethylhexylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of approximately

100°C or less. In another embodiment, the 2-ethylhexylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of approximately 190°C or less.

[0059] In one embodiment, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing about 0.5 grams silver neodecanoate dissolved in about 1 mL xylene, with about 0.2 mL 2-ethyhexylamine. The 2-ethylhexylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of about 100°C or less. In some embodiments, the 2-ethylhexylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of about 95°C or less or of about 105°C or less.

[0060] In one embodiment, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing silver neodecanoate dissolved in xylene, with 2-ethylhexylamine. The 2- ethylhexylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of approximately 100°C or less. In some embodiments, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing about 0.5 grams silver neodecanoate dissolved in about 1 mL xylene, with about 0.4 mL or about 0.6 mL 2-ethyhexylamine. The 2-ethylhexylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of approximately 100°C or less.

[0061] In one embodiment, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing silver neodecanoate dissolved in xylene, with 2-ethylhexylamine. The 2- ethylhexylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of approximately

100°C or less. In one embodiment, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing about 0.4 grams or about 0.6 grams silver neodecanoate dissolved in about 1 mL xylene, with about 0.2 mL 2-ethyhexylamine. The 2-ethylhexylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of approximately 100°C or less.

Combinations of Silver Hexafluoroacetylacetonate, Xylene, and Tert-octylamine [0062] In one embodiment, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing silver hexafluoroacetylacetonate dissolved in xylene, with tert-octylamine. The tert- octylamine decarboxylates the silver hexafluoroacetylacetonate at a temperature of approximately 100°C or less. In another embodiment, the tert-octylamine decarboxylates the silver hexafluoroacetylacetonate at a temperature of approximately 160°C or less

[0063] In one embodiment, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing about 0.4 grams silver hexafluoroacetylacetonate dissolved in about 1 mL xylene, with about 0.2 mL tert-octylamine. The tert-octylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of about 100°C or less. In some embodiments, the tert-octylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of about 95°C or less or at a temperature of about 105°C or less. [0064] In one embodiment, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing silver hexafluoroacetylacetonate dissolved in xylene, with tert-octylamine. The tert- octylamine decarboxylates the silver hexafluoroacetylacetonate at a temperature of approximately 100°C or less. In some embodiments, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing about 0.4 grams silver hexafluoroacetylacetonate dissolved in about 1 mL xylene, with about 0.4 mL or about 0.6 mL tert-octylamine. The tert-octylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of approximately 100°C or less.

[0065] In one embodiment, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing silver hexafluoroacetylacetonate dissolved in xylene, with tert-octylamine. The tert- octylamine decarboxylates the silver hexafluoroacetylacetonate at a temperature of approximately 100°C or less. In some embodiments, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing about 0.3 grams or about 0.5 grams silver hexafluoroacetylacetonate dissolved in about 1 mL xylene, with about 0.2 mL tert-octylamine.

The tert-octylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of approximately

100°C or less.

Combinations of Silver Neodecanoate, Xylene, Terpineol, and Tert-Octylamine

[0066] In one embodiment, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing silver neodecanoate dissolved in xylene and terpineol, with tert-octylamine. The tert- octylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of approximately 100°C or less. In another embodiment, the tert-octylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of approximately 200°C or less.

[0067] In one embodiment, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing about 0.5 grams silver neodecanoate dissolved in a mixture of about 0.5 mL xylene and about 0.5 mL terpineol, with about 0.2 mL tert-octylamine. The tert-octylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of about 100°C or less. In some embodiments, the tert-octylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of about 80°C or less, at a temperature of about 90°C or less, or at a temperature of about 110°C or less.

[0068] In one embodiment, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing silver neodecanoate dissolved in xylene and terpineol, with tert-octylamine. The tert- octylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of approximately 100°C or less. In some embodiments, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing about 0.5 grams silver neodecanoate dissolved in a mixture of about 0.5 mL xylene and about 0.5 mL terpineol, with about 0.4 mL or about 0.6 mL tert-octylamine. The tert-octylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of approximately 100°C or less.

[0069] In one embodiment, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing silver neodecanoate dissolved in xylene and terpineol, with tert-octylamine. The tert- octylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of approximately 100°C or less. In some embodiments, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing about 0.4 grams or about 0.6 grams silver neodecanoate dissolved in a mixture of about

0.5 mL xylene and about 0.5 mL terpineol, with about 0.2 mL tert-octylamine. The tert- octylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of approximately 100°C or less.

[0070] In one embodiment, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing silver neodecanoate dissolved in xylene and terpineol, with tert-octylamine. The tert- octylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of approximately 100°C or less. In one embodiment, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing about 0.5 grams silver neodecanoate dissolved in a mixture of about 0.6 mL xylene and about 0.4 mL terpineol, with about 0.2 mL tert-octylamine. The tert-octylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of approximately 100°C or less.

[0071] In one embodiment, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing silver neodecanoate dissolved in xylene and terpineol, with tert-octylamine. The tert- octylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of approximately 100°C or less. In one embodiment, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing about 0.5 grams silver neodecanoate dissolved in a mixture of about 0.7 mL xylene and about 0.3 mL terpineol, with about 0.2 mL tert-octylamine. The tert-octylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of approximately 100°C or less.

[0072] In one embodiment, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing silver neodecanoate dissolved in xylene and terpineol, with tert-octylamine. The tert- octylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of approximately 100°C or less. In one embodiment, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing about 0.5 grams silver neodecanoate dissolved in a mixture of about 0.8 mL xylene and about 0.2 mL terpineol, with about 0.2 mL tert-octylamine. The tert-octylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of approximately 100°C or less.

[0073] In one embodiment, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing silver neodecanoate dissolved in xylene and terpineol, with tert-octylamine. The tert- octylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of approximately 100°C or less. In one embodiment, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing about 0.5 grams silver neodecanoate dissolved in a mixture of about 0.4 mL xylene and about 0.6 mL terpineol, with about 0.2 mL tert-octylamine. The tert-octylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of approximately 100°C or less.

[0074] In one embodiment, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing silver neodecanoate dissolved in xylene and terpineol, with tert-octylamine. The tert- octylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of approximately 100°C or less. In one embodiment, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing about 0.5 grams silver neodecanoate dissolved in a mixture of about 0.3 mL xylene and about 0.7 mL terpineol, with about 0.2 mL tert-octylamine. The tert-octylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of approximately 100°C or less.

[0075] In one embodiment, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing silver neodecanoate dissolved in xylene and terpineol, with tert-octylamine. The tert- octylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of approximately 100°C or less. In one embodiment, a conductive ink composition includes a silver complex formed by mixing about 0.5 grams silver neodecanoate dissolved in a mixture of about 0.2 mL xylene and about 0.8 mL terpineol, with about 0.2 mL tert-octylamine. The tert-octylamine decarboxylates the silver neodecanoate at a temperature of approximately 100°C or less.

Methods for Making Conductive Ink Compositions

[0076] In one aspect, a method of making a conductive structure is disclosed. In one embodiment, the method includes the step of mixing a silver carboxylate in the presence of a catalyst comprising an amine to form a silver complex. The silver carboxylate is dissolved in at least one dissolving agent. In one embodiment, the method also includes the step of applying the silver complex to a substrate. In some embodiment, the method includes the step of heating the silver complex on the substrate at a decomposition temperature of about 200°C or less to form the conductive structure. In some embodiment, the method includes the step of heating the silver complex on the substrate at a decomposition temperature of about 100°C or less to form the conductive structure. In some embodiments, the method includes the step of heating the silver complex on the substrate at a decomposition temperature of about 210°C or less, of about 220°C or less, of aboutl90°C, of about 180°C or less, of about 170°C or less, of about 160°C, of about

150°C or less, of about 140°C or less, of about 130°C or less, of about 120°C or less, of about

110°C or less, of about 90°C or less, of about 80°C or less, of about 70°C or less, of about 60°C or less, or of about 50°C or less to form the conductive structure. In one embodiment, the silver complex is heated with a heat source. Examples of heat sources include an IR lamp, oven, or a heated substrate.

[0077] In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate is dissolved in the dissolving agent prior to adding the catalyst. In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate is mixed with the catalyst prior to dissolving the silver carboxylate in the dissolving agent. In one embodiment, the silver carboxylate, dissolving agent, and catalyst are added simultaneously.

[0078] In one embodiment, the silver complex has a desired viscosity. In one embodiment, the desired viscosity is obtained using a microVISC viscometer. In one embodiment, the silver complex has a viscosity from about 50 centipoise to about 1000 centipoise. In one embodiment, the silver complex has a viscosity from about 5 centipoise to about 50 centipoise. In one embodiment, the silver complex has a viscosity from about 10 centipoise to about 40 centipoise.

In one embodiment, the silver complex has a viscosity from about 20 centipoise to about 30 centipoise. In one embodiment, the silver complex has a viscosity from about 18 centipoise to about 20 centipoise. In some embodiments, the silver complex has a viscosity of about 18, about

19, or about 20 centipoise. In some embodiments, the silver complex has a viscosity of at least about 5 centipoise, about 10 centipoise, about 20 centipoise, about 30 centipoise, about 40 centipoise, about 50 centipoise, about 60 centipoise, about 70 centipoise, about 80 centipoise, about 90 centipoise, about 100 centipoise, about 200 centipoise, about 300 centipoise, about 400 centipoise, about 500 centipoise, about 600 centipoise, about 700 centipoise, about 800 centipoise, or about 900 centipoise. In some embodiments, the silver complex has a viscosity of at most about 1000 centipoise, about 900 centipoise, about 800 centipoise, about 700 centipoise, about 600 centipoise, about 500 centipoise, about 400 centipoise, about 300 centipoise, about

200 centipoise, about 100 centipoise, about 90 centipoise, about 80 centipoise, about 70 centipoise, about 60 centipoise, about 50 centipoise, about 40 centipoise, about 30 centipoise, about 20 centipoise, or about 10 centipoise.

[0079] In one embodiment, the viscosity of the complex is adjusted based upon the amount of solvent used. In one embodiment, the viscosity of the complex is adjusted based upon the type of solvent used. In one embodiment where the dissolving agent comprises terpineol and xylene, if more terpineol is used and less xylene, the viscosity increases. In one embodiment, the viscosity of silver complex can be tuned from 5 centipoise with a large proportion of xylene to

50 centipoise with a large portion of terpineol.

[0080] Further, the viscosity of the complex is adjusted based upon the amount of catalyst that is added. If more catalyst is used, the viscosity of the silver complex increases. In one embodiment, the viscosity of the silver complex can be increased to well over 1000 centipoise by increasing the amount of catalyst. In one embodiment, the viscosity of the silver complex can be increased to well over 1000 centipoise by increasing the amount of catalyst from about 0.2 mL to about 0.6 mL. In one embodiment, if less catalyst is used, the viscosity of the silver complex decreases. Applications of the Conductive Ink Compositions

[0081] The conductive ink compositions can be used in various printing applications, including slot die coating, spin coating, roll-to-roll printing, including gravure, flexography, rotary screen printing, screen printing, aerosol jet printing, inkjet printing, airbrushing, Mayer rod coating, flood coating, 3D printing, dispenser, and electrohydrodynamic printing.

Furthermore, patterns can be created using photolithography to create a mask to etch silver from certain areas, thereby creating high-fidelity features. Both positive and negative patterning processes may be used to create the patterns.

[0082] In one embodiment, the silver salt of the silver carboxylate is completely dissolved in at least one dissolving agent. The fully dissolved silver salt is compatible with many nonpolar polymer substrates, glasses, and ceramic substrates where polar complexes do not wet particularly well. In one embodiment, the silver complex is applied to a polymer substrate. In one embodiment, the silver complex is applied to a nonpolar polymer substrate. In one embodiment, the silver complex is applied to a glass substrate. In one embodiment, the silver complex is applied to a ceramic substrate.

[0083] Furthermore, elastomers and 3D substrates with specifically non-planar topography can be used in conjunction with the conductive structures. In one embodiment, the silver complex is applied to an elastomer. In one embodiment, the silver complex is applied to a 3D substrate.

[0084] The specular reflectance of the conductive structure is a by-product of the extremely low RMS values of the conductive structure. In one embodiment, the RMS value of the conductive structure is about 10 nanometers or less. In one embodiment, the conductive structure is used on substrates with smooth surfaces. In one embodiment, the conductive structure is used for electrode structures for OLED displays and photovoltaics. The structures are also used as conductive traces and electrodes in displays and touchscreen, as well as printed antenna.

Ink Composition


[0085] When describing the compounds, compositions, methods and processes of this disclosure, the following terms have the following meanings, unless otherwise indicated.

[0086] The term "alkyl" means a hydrocarbon group that may be linear, cyclic, or

branched or a combination thereof having the number of carbon atoms designated (i.e., C1-30 means one to thirty carbon atoms). Examples of alkyl groups include methyl, ethyl, n- propyl, isopropyl, n-butyl, t-butyl, isobutyl, sec-butyl, cyclohexyl, cyclopentyl,

(cyclohexyl)methyl, cyclopropylmethyl, bicyclo[2.2.1]heptane, bicyclo[2.2.2]octane, etc.

Alkyl groups can be substituted or unsubstituted, unless otherwise indicated.

[0087] The term "cycloalkyl" refers to saturated monocyclic, bicyclic, tricyclic, or other polycyclic hydrocarbon groups. Any atom can be substituted, e.g., by one or more substituents. A ring carbon serves as the point of attachment of a cycloalkyl group to another moiety. Cycloalkyl groups can contain fused rings. Fused rings are rings that share a common carbon atom. Cycloalkyl moieties can include, e.g., cyclopropyl, cyclobutyl, cyclopentyl, cyclohexyl, cycloheptyl, adamantyl, and norbornyl (bicycle[2.2.1]heptyl).

[0088] The term "bulky" means that the size of a group can produce steric hindrance. A

"sterically bulky counter ion" is a counter ion that can produce a steric hindrance.

[0089] The term "ligand" refers to a compound that can form one or more bonds to a single metal ion. Examples of ligands are amines, ethers and thioethers. Compositions

[0090] This disclosure also relates generally to an ink composition comprising a metallic salt with a sterically bulky counter ion and a ligand.

[0091] Any suitable metallic salts with a sterically bulky counter ion can be used. In some embodiments, the metallic salt is selected from the group consisting of silver, copper, , gold, platinum, palladium, aluminum, magnesium, zinc, and tin salts. In one embodiment, the salt is a silver salt.

[0092] In some embodiments, the sterically bulky counter ions are selected from the group consisting of carboxylate, cyanide, sulfonate, borate, phosphate, and perchlorate. In some embodiments, the sterically bulky counter ions are long chain or branched carboxylates. In some embodiments, the sterically bulky counter ions are COO . R1 is selected from the group consisting of unsubstituted or substituted alkyl, unsubstituted or substituted cycloalkyl, and unsubstituted or substituted heterocycloalkyl. In some

1 embodiments, R is substituted C C30 alkyl. In some embodiments, the C C30 alkyl can be substituted with at least one of alkyl and keto groups. The substituent selected is preferably sufficiently large to provide the steric hindrance characteristic to the sterically bulky counter ion. In some embodiments, the sterically bulky counter ions are neodecanoate, 2- ethyloctanoate, 2-ethylhexanoate, 2-ethylpentanoate, 2-ethylbutylnoate, 2-ethyl-2- methylbutanoate, 2,2-diethylbutanoate, and combinations thereof. In one embodiment, the sterically bulky counter ion is neodecanoate. In other embodiments, the sterically bulky counter ions are beta ketocarboxylates, for example, 3-oxobutanoate, 3-oxopentanoate, or 3- oxohexanoate. [0093] In other embodiments, the sterically bulky counter ions are tetrafluorob orate

([BF4] ), hexafluorophosphate ([PF6] ), or perchlorate.

[0094] In some embodiments, the metallic salt with a sterically bulky counter ion is silver neodecanoate, silver 2-ethylhexanoate, or silver beta ketocarboxylates. In one embodiment, the salt is silver neodecanoate.

[0095] The ligand can be any suitable ligands. In general, the ligand has a relatively low boiling point (less than 200 °C). When the temperature is increased to higher than 100°C, the ligand starts to evaporate. As a result, the inks have a low annealing temperature while maintaining a high viscosity without the need for particles or polymers to increase the viscosity.

[0096] In some embodiments, the ligand is a bulky ligand. In some embodiments, the ligand is selected from the group consisting of primary amines, secondary amines, tertiary amines, and cyclic amines. In some embodiments, the ligand is selected from the group consisting of tert-butylamine, 2-methylbutan-2-amine, 2-methylpentan-2-amine, 2- ethylhexylamine, 2-ethylheptylamine, N-ethylhexan-1 -amine, N-ethylheptan-1 -amine, and tert-octylamine. In one embodiment, the ligand is tert-octylamine. In some embodiments, the ligand is unsubstituted or substituted pyrrolidine, and unsubstituted or substituted piperidine.

[0097] In some embodiments, the ligand is selected from the group consisting of thioethers, cyclic thioethers, ethers, crown ethers, and combinations thereof. In some embodiments, the ligand is selected from the group consisting of branched thioethers, and branched ethers. For example, the ligand can be of formula R'XR". R' and R" is independently a long chain or branched alkyl. X is S or O. [0098] In some embodiments, the molar ratio of the ligand to the metallic salt is between about 10,000: 1 and about 50: 1. In some embodiments, the molar ratio of the ligand to the metallic salt is larger than about 30: 1. In some embodiments, the molar ratio of the ligand to the metallic salt is larger than about 15:1. In some embodiments, the molar ratio of the ligand to the metallic salt is larger than about 10:1. In some embodiments, the molar ratio of the metal salt to the ligand is about 1.

[0099] The ink composition can further comprise a solvent. In general, the solvent has low boiling points. In some embodiments, the solvent is a polar solvent, such as water and dimethylformamide. In some embodiments, xylene is used as a solvent.


[00100] The present disclosure also provides a method of preparing an ink composition. The method comprises adding a metallic salt with a sterically bulky counter ion in a solvent to form a mixture; and adding a ligand to the mixture to form an ink composition.

[00101] When the metallic salt is dissolved in the solvent, the mixture has a relatively low viscosity and flows freely. Once the metallic salt is added, the viscosity increases rapidly. After addition of ligand, the viscosity reaches about 100 cPs. The viscosity will continue increasing to reach about 10000 cPs when more ligands are added. Without wishing to be bound by theory, the bulky counter ions of the metallic salt create a significant amount of steric hindrance for the metallic ion when it is dissolved in an appropriate solvent.

The association of the hindrance with the bulky ligand creates a fully gelled mixture. The fully gelled mixture has a large viscosity and does not flow freely. In one embodiment, the mixture does not flow even when a container filled with the mixture is turned upside down. [00102] In the present disclosure, the metallic salt is selected from the group consisting of silver, copper, nickel, gold, platinum, palladium, aluminum, magnesium, zinc, and tin salts. In one embodiment, the salt is a silver salt.

[00103] In some embodiments, the sterically bulky counter ions are selected from the group consisting of carboxylate, cyanide, sulfonate, borate, phosphate, and perchlorate. In some embodiments, the sterically bulky counter ions are long chain or branched carboxylates. In some embodiments, the sterically bulky counter ions are COO . R1 is selected from the group consisting of unsubstituted or substituted alkyl, unsubstituted or substituted cycloalkyl, and unsubstituted or substituted heterocycloalkyl. In some

1 embodiments, R is substituted C C30 alkyl. In some embodiments, the C C30 alkyl is substituted with at least one of alkyl and keto groups. The substituent selected is preferably sufficiently large to provide the steric hindrance characteristic to the sterically bulky counter ion.

[00104] In some embodiments, the sterically bulky counter ions are neodecanoate, 2- ethyloctanoate, 2-ethylhexanoate, 2-ethylpentanoate, 2-ethylbutylnoate, 2-ethyl-2- methylbutanoate, 2,2-diethylbutanoate, and combinations thereof. In one embodiment, the sterically bulky counter ion is neodecanoate. In other embodiments, the sterically bulky counter ions are beta ketocarboxylates, for example, 3-oxobutanoate, 3-oxopentanoate, or 3- oxohexanoate.

[00105] In other embodiments, the sterically bulky counter ions are tetrafluorob orate

([BF4] ), hexafluorophosphate ([PF6] ), or perchlorate. [00106] In some embodiments, the metallic salt with a sterically bulky counter ion is silver neodecanoate, silver 2-ethylhexanoate, or silver beta ketocarboxylates. In one embodiment, the salt is silver neodecanoate.

[00107] The ligand can be any suitable ligands. In some embodiments, the ligand is a bulky ligand. In some embodiments, the ligand is selected from the group consisting of primary amines, secondary amines, tertiary amines, and cyclic amines.

[00108] In some embodiments, the ligand is selected from the group consisting of tert- butylamine, 2-methylbutan-2-amine, 2-methylpentan-2-amine, 2-ethylhexylamine, 2- ethylheptylamine, N-ethylhexan-1 -amine, N-ethylheptan-1 -amine, and tert-octylamine. In one embodiment, the ligand is tert-octylamine. In some embodiments, the ligand is unsubstituted or substituted pyrrolidine, and unsubstituted or substituted piperidine.

[00109] In some embodiments, the ligand is selected from the group consisting of thioethers, cyclic thioethers, ethers, crown ethers, and combinations thereof. In some embodiments, the ligand is selected from the group consisting of branched thioethers, and branched ethers. For example, the ligand can be of formula R'XR". R' and R" is independently long chain or branched alkyl. X is S or O.

[00110] In some embodiments, the molar ratio of the ligand to the metallic salt is between about 10,000:1 and about 50:1. In some embodiments, the molar ratio of the ligand to the metallic salt is larger than about 30: 1. In some embodiments, the molar ratio of the ligand to the metallic salt is larger than about 15:1. In some embodiments, the molar ratio of the ligand to the metallic salt is larger than about 10: 1. In some embodiments, the molar ratio of the metal salt to the ligand is about 1:1. [00111] The solvent can be any suitable solvent. In general, the solvent has low boiling points. In some embodiments, the solvent is a polar solvent, such as water and dimethylformamide. In some embodiments, xylene is used as a solvent. In some embodiments, the ligand can act as a solvent.


[00112] A method of making a conductive structure is disclosed. The method comprises adding a metallic salt with a sterically bulky counter ion in a solvent to form a first mixture; adding a ligand to the first mixture to form an ink composition; and heating the ink composition to form a conductive structure. In some embodiments, the method comprises a step of depositing the ink composition onto a substrate. The substrates include glass, cellulose acetate, cellophane, polyimide, and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) film, ITO,


Reactive Metal Complexes and Their Alloys

[00113] Compositions and methods of making the compositions to provide a conductive ink structure are also disclosed. The improved ink compositions are formed by making reducible metal complexes that do not require high decomposition temperatures. By employing lower decomposition temperatures to form the conductive structures, the improved ink compositions are compatible with more substrates that do not require high processing temperatures to maintain integrity. Further, the method for making the ink compositions is both simple and high-yielding.

The ink compositions may possess low viscosity so that it is compatible with a broad range of patterning techniques, including slot die coating, spin coating, roll-to-roll printing, including gravure, flexography, rotary screen printing, screen-printing, aerosol jet printing, inkjet printing, airbrushing, Mayer rod coating, flood coating, 3D printing, and electrohydrodynamic printing. The patterned features may be highly conductive at room temperature and achieve bulk conductivity upon decomposing at mild temperatures (e.g., less than about 100°C). Finally, the ink may remain stable at room temperature for months without particle precipitation.

[00114] Some systems and methods have disclosed reducing agents that reduce metal salts on a substrate to form metallic ink formulations. U.S. Patent No. 8,066,805, hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety, describes printable metal formulations, methods of making the formulations, and methods of coating or printing thin films from metal ink precursors, where the metal formulations include one or more Group 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 metal salts or metal complexes. U.S. Patent Application No. 2005/0006339, hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety, describes methods and systems for depositing metal patterns and reducing metal salts on a substrate.

[00115] Compositions and methods of making the compositions to provide a conductive ink structure are disclosed. An ink composition (also referred to as a "conductive ink" or an

"ink") has been created for printing highly conductive features at room temperature. Such inks may be stable, particle-free, and suitable for a wide range of patterning techniques.

[00116] In one aspect, an ink composition includes a reducible metal complex formed by mixing a reducing agent dissolved in a dissolving agent, with at least one metal salt or metal complex. The reducing agent is soluble in the dissolving agent. Solubility, as known to one of ordinary skill, is the property of a substance, such as a reducing agent, to dissolve in a solvent, such as a dissolving agent. In one embodiment, the reducing agent is a hydride. In some embodiments, the reducing agent is either a formate or a beta ketocarboxylate. In one embodiment, the reducing agent reduces the metal of the metal salt or metal complex to form a conductive structure. In one embodiment, a precipitate forms upon mixing the reducing agent with the at least one metal salt or metal complex. In one embodiment, the precipitate is removed prior to applying the reducible metal complex to a substrate. In one embodiment, the precipitate is removed prior to decomposing the reducible metal complex on the substrate.

[00117] In one aspect, an ink composition for making a conductive structure includes a reducible metal complex formed by mixing a reducing agent dissolved in a dissolving agent, with at least one metal salt or metal complex. The metal of the metal salt or metal complex is a

Group 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 metal. In one embodiment, the reducing agent is a hydride.

In some embodiments, the reducing agent is either a formate or a beta ketocarboxylate. The reducing agent reduces the metal of the metal salt or metal complex to form a conductive structure.

Metals and Metal Complexes

[00118] In one embodiment, the metal salt has a formula MX . In one embodiment, the metal complex has a formula M(L)pX . In one embodiment, M is a Group 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 metal. In one embodiment, X is a halide, pseudohalide, nitrate, sulfate, formate, acetate, cyanate, isocyanate, alkoxide, or a diketonate. In one embodiment, L is selected from the group consisting of NH3, CO, NO, N2, H2S, C2H4, C6H6, CN, NC, PH3. In one embodiment, n is equal to a formal charge of M divided by a formal charge of X. In one embodiment, p is an integer equal to a number of coordination sites on M, minus the coordination sites occupied by X . In one embodiment, M(L)pX comprises nickel tetracarbonyl. In one embodiment, M(L)pX comprises cobalt tetracarbonyl.

[00119] In one embodiment, M is selected from the group consisting of: aluminum, magnesium, titanium, silicon, vanadium, zinc, tin, copper, nickel, palladium, zirconium, iron, niobium, germanium, manganese, chromium, cobalt, tungsten, molybdenum, bismuth, ruthenium, and combinations thereof.

[00120] In one embodiment, the metal complex comprises a silicon alkyl complex. In one embodiment, the metal complex is selected from the group consisting of tetramethylsilane, tetraethylsilane, 1,2-dichlorotetramethylsilane, 1,2-diphenyltetramethylsilane, 1,2- dichlorotetraethyl silane, 1,2-diphenyltetraethylsilane, 1,2,3-trichlorotetramethylsilane, or 1,2,3- tetramethyltriphenylsilane. In one embodiment, the metal complex comprises tetraethylsilane.

[00121] In one embodiment, the ligand L is either an alkene or an alkyne. In one embodiment, the ligand L is selected from the group consisting of cyclooctadiene, norbornadiene, and ethylene. In one embodiment, the metal complex comprises a metal alkene complex. In one embodiment, the metal complex comprises a nickel (0) alkene complex. In one embodiment, the metal complex comprises bis(cyclooctadiene)nickel (0). In one embodiment, the metal complex comprises tris(ethylene)nickel (0). In one embodiment, the metal complex comprises a metal alkyne complex. In one embodiment, the metal complex comprises a platinum (0) alkyne complex.

[00122] In one embodiment, the ink composition has a concentration of about 0.1-40 wt.% metal salt of the ink composition. In one embodiment, the ink composition has a concentration of about 1-30 wt.% metal salt of the ink composition. In one embodiment, the ink composition has a concentration of about 1-20 wt.% metal salt of the ink composition. In one embodiment, the ink composition has a concentration of about 1-10 wt.% metal salt of the ink composition. In one embodiment, the ink composition has a concentration of about 5-15 wt.% metal salt of the ink composition. In some embodiments, the ink composition has a concentration of about 0.1 wt .% , about 0.2 wt .% , about 0.3 wt.%>, about 0.4 wt.%>, about 0.5 wt.%>, about 0.6 wt.%>, about 0.7 wt.%, about 0.8 wt.%, about 0.9 wt.%, about 1 wt.%, about 2 wt.%, about 3 wt.%, about 4 wt .% , about 5 wt .% , about 6 wt.%, about 7 wt.%, about 8 wt.%, about 9 wt.%, about 10 wt.%, about 11 wt .% , about 12 wt.%, about 13 wt.%, about 14 wt.%, about 15 wt.%, about 16 wt.%, about 17 wt .% , about 18 wt.%, about 19 wt.%, or about 20 wt.% metal of the ink composition.

[00123] In some embodiments, the ink composition has a concentration of at least about

0.1 wt.%, about 0.2 wt.%, about 0.3 wt.%, about 0.4 wt.%, about 0.5 wt.%, about 0.6 wt.%, about 0.7 wt.%, about 0.8 wt.%, about 0.9 wt.%, 1 wt.%, about 2 wt.%, about 3 wt.%, about 4 wt .% , about 5 wt .% , about 6 wt.%, about 7 wt.%, about 8 wt.%, about 9 wt.%, about 10 wt.%, about 11 wt .% , about 12 wt.%, about 13 wt.%, about 14 wt.%, about 15 wt.%, about 16 wt.%, about 17 wt .% , about 18 wt.%, about 19 wt.%, or about 20 wt.% metal salt of the ink composition. In some embodiments, the ink composition has a concentration of at most about 40 wt .% , about 39 wt.%, about 38 wt.%, about 37 wt.%, about 36 wt.%, about 35 wt.%, about 34 wt.%, about 33 wt.%, about 32 wt.%, 3 1 wt.%, about 30 wt.%, about 29 wt.%, about 28 wt.%, about 27 wt .% , about 26 wt.%, about 25 wt.%, about 24 wt.%, about 23 wt.%, about 22 wt.%, about 2 1 wt .% , about 20 wt.%, about 19 wt.%, about 18 wt.%, about 17 wt.%, about 16 wt.%, about 15 wt.%, about 14 wt.%, about 13 wt.%, or about 12 wt.% metal salt of the ink composition.

[00124] In one embodiment, the ink composition has a concentration of about 0.1-40 wt.% metal complex of the ink composition. In one embodiment, the ink composition has a concentration of about 1-30 wt.% metal complex of the ink composition. In one embodiment, the ink composition has a concentration of about 1-20 wt.% metal complex of the ink composition. In one embodiment, the ink composition has a concentration of about 1-10 wt.% metal complex of the ink composition. In one embodiment, the ink composition has a concentration of about 5-15 wt.% metal complex of the ink composition. In some embodiments, the ink composition has a concentration of about 0.1 wt.%, about 0.2 wt.%, about 0.3 wt.%, about 0.4 wt.%, about 0.5 wt.%, about 0.6 wt.%, about 0.7 wt.%, about 0.8 wt.%, about 0.9 wt .% , 1 wt .% , about 2 wt.%, about 3 wt.%, about 4 wt.%, about 5 wt.%, about 6 wt.%, about 7 wt .% , about 8 wt .% , about 9 wt.%, about 10 wt.%, about 11 wt.%, about 12 wt.%, about 13 wt .% , about 14 wt .% , about 15 wt.%, about 16 wt.%, about 17 wt.%, about 18 wt.%, about 19 wt.%, or about 20 wt.% metal complex of the ink composition.

[00125] In some embodiments, the ink composition has a concentration of at least about

0.1 wt.%, about 0.2 wt.%, about 0.3 wt.%, about 0.4 wt.%, about 0.5 wt.%, about 0.6 wt.%, about 0.7 wt.%, about 0.8 wt.%, about 0.9 wt.%, 1 wt.%, about 2 wt.%, about 3 wt.%, about 4 wt .% , about 5 wt .% , about 6 wt.%, about 7 wt.%, about 8 wt.%, about 9 wt.%, about 10 wt.%, about 11 wt .% , about 12 wt.%, about 13 wt.%, about 14 wt.%, about 15 wt.%, about 16 wt.%, about 17 wt .% , about 18 wt.%, about 19 wt.%, or about 20 wt.% metal complex of the ink composition. In some embodiments, the ink composition has a concentration of at most about 40 wt .% , about 39 wt.%, about 38 wt.%, about 37 wt.%, about 36 wt.%, about 35 wt.%, about 34 wt.%, about 33 wt.%, about 32 wt.%, 3 1 wt.%, about 30 wt.%, about 29 wt.%, about 28 wt.%, about 27 wt .% , about 26 wt.%, about 25 wt.%, about 24 wt.%, about 23 wt.%, about 22 wt.%, about 2 1 wt .% , about 20 wt.%, about 19 wt.%, about 18 wt.%, about 17 wt.%, about 16 wt.%, about 15 wt.%, about 14 wt.%, about 13 wt.%, or about 12 wt.% metal complex of the ink composition.

Dissolving Agents

[00126] As mentioned above, at least one dissolving agent dissolves the disclosed reducing agents. The dissolving agent acts as a stabilizer and a solvent for the reducing agent. The dissolving agent is not intended to act as a reducing agent for the metal salts of the metal and metal complexes. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent has a boiling point of about 200°C or less. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent may be selected based on the type of reducing agent used to make the ink composition. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent may be selected based on the boiling point for a specific application of the ink composition. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent may be selected based on the type of substrate the ink composition will be applied to. For deposition methods such as inkjet printing or e-jet, greater stability is generally preferred, and thus it may be preferable to use a dissolving agent with a higher boiling point.

[00127] At least one dissolving agent is used to dissolve the reducing agent. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent is at least one organic solvent. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent is at least one nonpolar organic solvent.

[00128] In one embodiment, the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of saturated hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, ethers, alcohols, and combinations thereof. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent may include one or more linear or branched alkane hydrocarbons of length C5-20. For example, the dissolving agent may include pentane, hexane, heptane, octane, nonane, decane, undecane, dodecane, tridecane, tetradecane, pentadecane, hexadecane, octadecane, nonadecane, icosane, and combinations thereof.

[00129] In one embodiment, the dissolving agent may include one or more cyclic

hydrocarbons of length C6 -20. For example, the dissolving agent may include cyclohexane, cycloheptane, cyclooctane, cyclononane, cyclodecane, decalin, and combinations thereof. [00130] In one embodiment, the dissolving agent may include aromatic hydrocarbons.

For example, the dissolving agent may include benzene, toluene, xylene, and tetralin. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent is xylene.

[00131] In one embodiment, the dissolving agent may include a linear ether, a branched ether, or a cyclic ether. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent may include a linear or branched ether. For example, the dissolving agent may include dimethyl ether, diethyl ether, dipropyl ether, dibutyl ether, methyl t-butyl ether, and combinations thereof. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent is diethyl ether. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent may include one or more cyclic ethers. For example, the dissolving agent may include tetrahydrofuran, tetrahydropyran, dihydropyran, and 1,4-dioxane.

[00132] In one embodiment, the dissolving agent is an alcohol. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent is a primary alcohol, a secondary alcohol, or tertiary alcohol. In one embodiment, the alcohol is selected from the group consisting of propanols, butanois, pentanols, hexanols, and octanols combmations thereof. In one embodiment, the alcohol is selected from the group consisting of l-propanol, 2-propanol, l-methoxy-2-propanol, 2-amino-2-methyl-l- propanol, l-butano!, 2-butanol, 1-pentanol, 2-pentanof, 3-pentanol, 1-hexanol, 2-hexanol, 3- hexanoL 1-octanol, 2-octanol, 3-octanol, tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol, cyciopentaiiol, terpineoi, and combmations thereof. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent is 2-ammo-2-methyl-l- propanol.

[00133] In one embodiment, an amount of dissolving agent is added so that the reducing agent is substantially dissolved or completely dissolved in the dissolving agent. In one embodiment, "substantially dissolved" means the reducing agent has a solubility in the dissolving agent at 25°C of about 100-500 g/L. [00134] In one embodiment, the reducing agent dissolves in an amount from about 0.5 mL to about 2.0 mL dissolving agent. In one embodiment, the reducing agent dissolves in an amount from about 1.0 mL to about 2.0 mL dissolving agent. In some embodiments, the reducing agent dissolves in about 0.5 mL, about 1.0 mL, about 1.5 mL, or about 2.0 mL dissolving agent.

[00135] In one embodiment, the reducing agent dissolves in an amount from about 0.5 mL to about 2.0 mL diethyl ether. In one embodiment, the reducing agent dissolves in an amount from about 1.0 mL to about 2.0 mL diethyl ether. In some embodiments, the reducing agent dissolves in about 0.5 mL, about 1.0 mL, about 1.5 mL, or about 2.0 mL diethyl ether.

[00136] In one embodiment, the dissolving agent comprises two organic solvents. In one embodiment, the volume ratio of two organic solvents is about 1 to about 1 of the first organic solvent to the second organic solvent. In one embodiment, the volume ratio of the two organic solvents is about 2 to about 1 of the first organic solvent to the second organic solvent. In one embodiment, the volume ratio of the two organic solvents is about 3 to about 1 of the first organic solvent to the second organic solvent. In one embodiment, the volume ratio of the two organic solvents is about 4 to about 1 of the first organic solvent to the second organic solvent.

Reducing Agents

[00137] As previously discussed, reducing agents are disclosed. In one embodiment, at least one reducing agent is mixed with the at least one metal salt or metal complex. In one embodiment, the reducing agent reduces a metal salt to a metal. In one embodiment, the reducing agent reduces the metal of the metal salt or metal complex to form the conductive structure.

[00138] Any suitable metal precursor may be used. In one embodiment, the metal precursor comprises M(I) or the + 1 oxidation state, where M represents a metal salt. In one embodiment, the metal precursor comprises M(II) or the +2 oxidation state. In one embodiment, the metal precursor comprises M(III) or the +3 oxidation state. In one embodiment, the metal precursor comprises M(III) or the +3 oxidation state. In one embodiment, the metal precursor comprises M(IV) or the +4 oxidation state. In one embodiment, the metal precursor comprises

M(V) or the +5 oxidation state. In one embodiment, the metal precursor comprises M(VI) or the

+6 oxidation state. In one embodiment, the metal precursor comprises M(VII) or the +7 oxidation state. In one embodiment, the metal precursor comprises M(VIII) or the +8 oxidation state. In one embodiment, an amount of reducing agent is used to completely reduce the metal salt to a metal with an oxidation state of 0. In one embodiment, the reducing agent is capable of reducing a metal ion M+, M +, M +, M4+, M5+ , M6+, M +, or M + to a metal M°. In one embodiment, a relatively small amount of reducing agent is used. In one embodiment, the viscosity does not depend on the amount of the reducing agent.

[00139] In one embodiment, the reducing agent is selected from the group consisting of hydrides, a complex hydride of an alkali metal and boron, a complex hydride of an alkali metal and aluminum, formates, beta ketocarboxylates, and combinations thereof.

[00140] In one embodiment, the reducing agent is a metal hydride. For example, the reducing agent may include lithium hydride, sodium hydride, potassium hydride, rubidium hydride, cesium hydride, and combinations thereof. In one embodiment, the reducing agent is lithium hydride.

[00141] In one embodiment, the reducing agent is a complex hydride of an alkali metal and boron. In one embodiment, the reducing agent is selected from the group consisting of lithium borohydride, sodium borohydride, potassium borohydride, and combinations thereof. [00142] In one embodiment, the reducing agent is a complex hydride of an alkali metal and aluminum. In one embodiment, the reducing agent is selected from the group consisting of lithium aluminum hydride, sodium aluminum hydride, potassium aluminum hydride, and combinations thereof. In one embodiment, the reducing agent is lithium aluminum hydride.

[00143] In one embodiment, the reducing agent is a formate. In one embodiment, the reducing agent is selected from the group consisting of sodium formate, potassium formate, ammonium formate, and combinations thereof. In one embodiment, the reducing agent is a beta ketocarboxylate.

[00144] In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is formed by adding from about

0.1 mL to about 1 mL of reducing agent. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is formed by adding from about 0.1 mL to about 0.8 mL of reducing agent. In one embodiment the reducible metal complex is formed by adding from about 0.1 mL to about 0.7 mL of reducing agent. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is formed by adding from about 0.1 mL to about 0.6 mL of reducing agent. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is formed by adding from about 0.2 mL to about 0.6 mL of reducing agent. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is formed by adding from about 0.2 mL to about 0.5 ml. of reducing agent. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is formed by adding from about 0.2 mL to about 0.6 mL of reducing agent. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is formed by adding from about 0.3 mL to about 0.4 mL of reducing agent. In some embodiments the reducible metal complex is formed by adding about 0.1 mL, about 0.2 mL, about 0.3 mL, about

0 4 mL, about 0.5 mL, about 0.6 mL, about 0.7 mL, about 0.8 mL, about 0.9 mL, or about .0 mL reducing agent. [00145] In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is formed by adding from about

0. mL to about 1mL of lithium aluminum hydride. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is formed by adding from about 0. mL to about 0.8 mL of lithium aluminum hydride.

In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is formed by adding from about 0.1 mL to about 0.7 mL of lithium aluminum hydride n one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is formed by adding from about 0. mL to about 0.6 mL of lithium aluminum hydride. In one embodiment the reducible metal complex is formed by adding from about 0.2 mL to about 0.6 mL of lithium aluminum hydride. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is formed by adding from about 0.2 mL to about 0.5 mL of lithium aluminum hydride. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is formed by adding from about 0.2 mL to about 0.6 mL of lithium aluminum hydride. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is formed by adding from about 0.3 mL to about 0.4 mL of lithium aluminum hydride. In other embodiments, the reducible metal complex is formed by adding lithium aluminum hydride in an amount of about

0.1 mL, about 0.2 mL, about 0.3 mL, about 0.4 mL, about 0.5 mL, about 0.6 mL, about 0.7 mL, about 0.8 mL, about 0.9 mL, or about 1.0 mL.

[00146] n one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is formed by adding from about

0.1 mL to about 1 mL of lithium hydride. In one embodiment the reducible metal complex is formed by adding from about 0 . ml. to about 0.8 mL of lithium hydride. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is formed by adding from about 0.1 mL to about 0.7 mL of lithium hydride. In one embodiment, the reducibie metal complex is formed by adding from about 0.1 mL to about 0.6 mL of lithium hydride. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is formed by adding from about 0.2 mL to about 0.6 ml. of lithium hydride. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is formed by adding from about 0.2 mL to about 0.5 mL of lithium hydride. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is formed by adding from about 0.2 ml. to about 0.6 mL of lithium hydride. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is formed by adding from about 0.3 ml, to about 0.4 mL of lithium hydride. In other embodiments, the reducible metal complex is formed by adding lithium hydride in the amount of about 0.1 mL, about 0.2 mL, about 0.3 mL, about 0.4, about 0.5 mL, about 0.6 mL, about 0.7 mL about 0.8 mL, about 0.9 ml,, or about .0 mL.


[00147] In one aspect, the reducible metal complex is decomposed on a substrate to form a conductive structure on the substrate. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is decomposed by heating the reducible metal complex at a temperature of about 270°C or less. In some embodiments, the reducible metal complex is decomposed by heating the reducible metal complex at a temperature of about 260°C or less, about 250°C or less, about 240°C or less, about

230°C or less, about 220°C or less, about 210°C or less, about 200°C or less, about 190°C or less, about 180°C or less, about 170°C or less, about 160°C or less, about 150°C or less, about

140°C or less, about 130°C or less, about 120°C or less, about 110°C or less, about 100°C or less, about 90°C or less, about 80°C or less, or about 70°C or less. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is heated by a heat source. Examples of heat sources include an IR lamp, oven, or a heated substrate.

[00148] In one aspect, a reducible metal complex is decomposed by mixing a catalyst with the reducible metal complex to form a catalytic reducible metal complex. In one embodiment, the catalytic reducible metal complex is decomposed at a temperature less than the temperature that is required to decompose a reducible metal complex. In one embodiment, the catalytic reducible metal complex is heated to a temperature of about 220°C or less, about 210°C or less, about 200°C or less, about 190°C or less, about 180°C or less, about 170°C or less, about 160°C or less, about 150°C or less, about 140°C or less, about 130°C or less, about 120°C or less, about

110°C or less, about 100°C or less, about 90°C or less, about 80°C or less, or about 70°C or less.

[00149] In one embodiment, the catalyst is a hydride abstractor. In one embodiment, the catalyst is a carbonyl extractor. In one embodiment, the catalyst is selected from the group consisting of a titanium (IV) compound, phenazine methosulfate, phenazine ethosulfate, 1- methoxyphenazine methosulfate, Meldola Blue, and combinations thereof. In one embodiment, the catalyst is a titanium (IV) compound. In one embodiment, the catalyst is selected from the group consisting of titanium (IV) oxide, titanium (IV) sulfide, titanium (IV) nitrate, titanium (IV) alkoxide, and combinations thereof. In one embodiment, the titanium (IV) alkoxide is either titanium (IV) isopropoxide or titanium (IV) 2-ethylhexyloxide. In one embodiment, the catalyst is titanium (IV) ethoxide.

[00150] In one aspect, a reducible metal complex is decomposed by exposing the reducible metal complex to a light source at a wavelength from about 100 nm to about 1500 nm.

In one embodiment, a reducible metal complex is decomposed by exposing the reducible metal complex to a light source such as a Xenon lamp or IR lamp at a wavelength from about 100 nm to about 1000 nm. In one embodiment, a reducible metal complex is decomposed by exposing the reducible metal complex to a light source at a wavelength from about 100 nm to about 700 nm. In one embodiment, a reducible metal complex is decomposed by exposing the reducible metal complex to a light source at a wavelength from about 100 nm to about 500 nm. In one embodiment, a reducible metal complex is decomposed by exposing the reducible metal complex to a light source at a wavelength from about 100 nm to about 300 nm. In some embodiments, a reducible metal complex is decomposed by exposing the reducible metal complex to a light source at a wavelength of about 100 nm, about 200 nm, about 300 nm, about 400 nm, about 500 nm, about 600 nm, about 700 nm, about 800 nm, about 900 nm, or about 1000 nm.

[00151] In one aspect, a reducing agent is not needed to form the ink composition because the metal complex comprises a metal with an oxidation state of zero. In one embodiment, an ink composition for making a conductive structure includes a metal (0) complex comprising a Group

4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 metal, wherein the metal has an oxidation state of zero. The metal

(0) complex is decomposed on a substrate to form a conductive structure. In one embodiment, the metal (0) complex is decomposed by heating the metal (0) complex at a temperature of about

270°C or less. In one embodiment, the metal (0) complex is heated by a heat source. Examples of heat sources include an IR lamp, oven, or a heated substrate. In one embodiment, the metal

(0) complex is decomposed by mixing a catalyst with the metal hydride complex to form a catalytic metal (0) complex, wherein the catalytic metal (0) complex is heated to a temperature of about 220°C or less. In one embodiment, the metal (0) complex is decomposed by exposing the metal (0) complex to a light source at a wavelength from about 100 nm to about 1500 nm. In one embodiment, the light source is a Xenon lamp or an IR lamp.

[00152] In one embodiment, a chemical additive is added to the metal complex to prevent the surface of the ink from oxidizing at elevated temperatures. In one embodiment, the chemical additive prevents the surface of the ink from oxidizing at an elevated temperature of about 25°C.

In one embodiment, the chemical additive prevents the surface of the ink from oxidizing at an elevated temperature of about 30°C. In one embodiment, the chemical additive prevents the surface of the ink from oxidizing at an elevated temperature of about 35°C. In one embodiment, the chemical additive prevents the surface of the ink from oxidizing at an elevated temperature of about 40°C. [00153] In one embodiment, the chemical additive complexes with the surface of the metal. In one embodiment, the chemical additive complexes with copper. In one embodiment, the chemical additive is selected from the group consisting of acid sulfites, sodium thiosulfate, ammonium thiogiycolate, diisopropylammonium nitrite, benzotriazole, pe aerythr ol tetranitrate, and dicyclohexylanimoniurn nitrite. In one embodiment, the chemical additive is benzotriazole.

Ink composition Combinations of Metals and/or Metal Complexes, Dissolving Agents, and Reducing Agents

[00154] In one embodiment, the metal of at least one metal salt or metal complex is selected from the group consisting of selected from the group consisting of aluminum, magnesium, titanium, silicon, vanadium, zinc, tin, copper, nickel, palladium, zirconium, iron, niobium, germanium, manganese, chromium, cobalt, tungsten, molybdenum, bismuth, ruthenium, and combinations thereof. In one embodiment, the reducing agent is lithium aluminum hydride. In one embodiment, the reducing agent is lithium hydride. In one embodiment, the dissolving agent is diethyl ether. In one embodiment, the conductive structure is an elemental metal or a metal alloy.

[00155] The reducing agent and metal salts and complexes are mixed together in different molar ratios. In one embodiment, the molar ratio of the reducing agent that is mixed with the at least one metal salt or metal complex depends upon the oxidation state of the metal of the at least one metal salt or metal complex. In one embodiment, the molar ratio of the reducing agent to the at least one metal salt or metal complex is equal to the oxidation state of the metal of the at least one metal salt or metal complex. For example, if the metal of the metal salt or metal complex has an oxidation state of +2, the molar ratio of the reducing agent to the at least one metal salt or metal complex is 2:1, or 2. [00156] In one embodiment, if the metal has an oxidation state of +1, the reducing agent is added to the at least one metal salt or metal complex in a molar ratio of 1:1 of reducing agent to metal salt or metal complex. In one embodiment, if the metal has an oxidation state of +2, the reducing agent is added to the at least one metal salt or metal complex in a molar ratio of 2 :1 of reducing agent to metal salt or metal complex. In one embodiment, if the metal has an oxidation state of +3, the reducing agent is added to the at least one metal salt or metal complex in a molar ratio of 3:1 of reducing agent to metal salt or metal complex. In one embodiment, if the metal has an oxidation state of +4, the reducing agent is added to the at least one metal salt or metal complex in a molar ratio of 4 :1 of reducing agent to metal salt or metal complex. In one embodiment, if the metal has an oxidation state of +5, the reducing agent is added to the at least one metal salt or metal complex in a molar ratio of 5:1 of reducing agent to metal salt or metal complex. In one embodiment, if the metal has an oxidation state of +6, the reducing agent is added to the at least one metal salt or metal complex in a molar ratio of 6 :1 of reducing agent to metal salt or metal complex. In one embodiment, if the metal has an oxidation state of +7, the reducing agent is added to the at least one metal salt or metal complex in a molar ratio of 7 :1 of reducing agent to metal salt or metal complex.

[00157] Specular reflection, as known to one of ordinary skill, is the mirror-like reflection of light from a surface, in which light from a single incoming direction is reflected into a single outgoing direction. The specular reflectance of the conductive structure is a by-product of the extremely low root mean square (RMS) values of the conductive structure. In some embodiments, the conductive structure has a RMS value of about 15 nanometers or less, about

14 nanometers or less, about 13 nanometers or less, about 12 nanometers or less, about 11 nanometers or less, about 10 nanometers or less, about 9 nanometers or less, about 8 nanometers or less, about 7 nanometers or less, about 6 nanometers or less, or about 5 nanometers or less.

[00158] In one embodiment, the electrical conductivity of the conductive structures is measured. In one embodiment, the electrical conductivity of the conductive structures is about lxl 0 6 Ohm-cm or greater. In one embodiment, the electrical conductivity of the conductive structures is from about lxlO 6 Ohm-cm to about 8x1 0 4 Ohm-cm. In one embodiment, the electrical conductivity of the conductive structures is from about 3x1 0 6 Ohm-cm to about 6x1 0 6

Ohm-cm. In some embodiments, the electrical conductivity of the conductive structures is at least about lxlO 6 Ohm-cm, about 2x1 0 6 Ohm-cm, about 3x1 0 6 Ohm-cm, about 4x1 0 6 Ohm- cm, about 5xl0 6 Ohm-cm, about 6x1 0 6 Ohm-cm, about 7x1 0 6 Ohm-cm, about 8x1 0 6 Ohm-cm, about 9x1 0 6 Ohm-cm, about lxlO 5 Ohm-cm, about 2x1 0 5 Ohm-cm, about 3x1 0 5 Ohm-cm, about 4x1 0 5 Ohm-cm, about 5x1 0 5 Ohm-cm, about 6x1 0 5 Ohm-cm, about 7x1 0 5 Ohm-cm, about 8x1 0 5 Ohm-cm, about 9x1 0 5 Ohm-cm, about lxl 0 4 Ohm-cm, about 2x1 0 4 Ohm-cm, about 3x1 0 4 Ohm-cm, about 4x1 0 4 Ohm-cm, about 5x1 0 4 Ohm-cm, about 6x1 0 4 Ohm-cm, or about 7x1 0 4 Ohm-cm. In one embodiment, the electrical conductivity of the conductive structures is at most about 8x1 0 4 Ohm-cm, 7xlO 4 Ohm-cm, about 6x1 0 4 Ohm-cm, about 5x1 0 4

Ohm-cm, about 4x1 0 4 Ohm-cm, about 3x1 0 4 Ohm-cm, about 2x1 0 4 Ohm-cm, or about lxlO 4

Ohm-cm, about 9x1 0 5 Ohm-cm, about 8x1 0 5 Ohm-cm, about 7x1 0 5 Ohm-cm, about 6x1 0 5

Ohm-cm, about 5x1 0 5 Ohm-cm, about 4x1 0 5 Ohm-cm, about 3x1 0 5 Ohm-cm, about 2x1 0 5

Ohm-cm, about lxl 0 5 Ohm-cm, about 9xl0 6 Ohm-cm, about 8xl0 6 Ohm-cm, about 7x10

Ohm-cm, about 6xl0 6 Ohm-cm, about 5xl0 6 Ohm-cm, about 4x1 0 6 Ohm-cm, about 3x10

Ohm-cm, or about 2xl0 6 Ohm-cm. Magnesium Conductive Structures

[00159] In one embodiment, the conductive structure is magnesium. In one embodiment, the conductive structure is formed by mixing lithium hydride and a magnesium halide to form a magnesium hydride complex.

Zinc Conductive Structures

[00160] In one embodiment, the conductive structure is zinc. In one embodiment the conductive structure is formed by mixing lithium aluminum hydride with a zinc halide to form a zinc hydride complex.

Aluminum Conductive Structures

[00161] In one embodiment, the conductive structure is aluminum. In one embodiment, the conductive structure is formed by mixing lithium aluminum hydride, dissolved in diethyl ether, with anhydrous aluminum chloride under argon gas to form an aluminum hydride complex. In one embodiment, lithium chloride precipitates upon mixing the lithium aluminum hydride with the anhydrous aluminum chloride.

[00162] In one embodiment, the aluminum hydride complex is heated under argon gas at a temperature of 250°C to create a pure aluminum film. In one embodiment, the aluminum hydride complex is catalytically decomposed using a titanium complex, such as a titanium (IV) compound, as a hydride abstractor to create an aluminum film at decomposition temperatures from about 180°C to about 200°C. In one embodiment, broad wavelength light is used to drive the decomposition of the aluminum hydride complex. In one embodiment, the aluminum films have a conductivity of about 30% of the bulk aluminum. In one embodiment, the aluminum films are highly reflective appearing as the bulk metal. Nickel Conductive Structures

[00163] In one embodiment, the conductive structure is nickel. In one embodiment, the conductive structure is formed by mixing nickel tetracarbonyl with a carbonyl extractor to form a nickel (0) complex.

[00164] In one embodiment, the conductive structure is formed by mixing nickel (0) alkene and dissolving the nickel (0) alkene complex to form an ink. In one embodiment, the ink decomposes at a temperature of 80°C to form a nickel conductive structure.

Copper Conductive Structures

[00165] In one embodiment, the conductive structure is copper. In one embodiment, the conductive structure is formed by dissolving copper formate in 2-amino-2-methyl-l-propanol to form a copper complex.

[00166] In one embodiment, the conductive structure is formed by mixing the copper complex with benzotriazole to form an ink. In one embodiment, the ink decomposes at a temperature of 120°C to form a copper conductive structure.

[00167] In one embodiment, the conductive structure is formed by mixing the copper complex with benzotriazole and a catalyst. The ink then decomposes at a temperature of 80°C to form a copper conductive structure. In one embodiment, the catalyst is either a silver complex or a palladium complex.

Titanium Alloy Conductive Structures

[00168] In one embodiment, the conductive structure is a titanium alloy. In one embodiment, the titanium alloy is formed by mixing lithium aluminum hydride, a vanadium complex, and a titanium salt to form a titanium hydride complex. In one embodiment, the vanadium complex is either vanadyl acetylacetonate or vanadium hexacarbonyl. Aluminum Alloy Conductive Structures

[00169] In one embodiment, the conductive structure is an aluminum alloy. In one embodiment, the aluminum alloy is formed by mixing a silicon alkyl complex, an aluminum salt, and a lithium aluminum hydride to form an aluminum hydride complex. In one embodiment, the silicon alkyl complex is tetraethylsilane.

[00170] In one embodiment, the ink composition is about 0.2 wt.% to about 1.0 wt.% alkyl silicon complex of the aluminum alloy. In one embodiment, the ink composition is about

0.4 wt.% to about 0.8 wt.% alkyl silicon complex of the aluminum alloy. In some embodiments, the ink composition is about 0.2 wt.%, about 0.3 wt.%, about 0.4 wt.%, about 0.5 wt.%, about

0.6 wt.%, about 0.7 wt.%, about 0.8 wt.%, about 0.9 wt.%, or about 1.0 wt.% alkyl silicon complex of the aluminum alloy. In one embodiment, the conductive structure is 6061 aluminum.

Copper Alloy Conductive Structures

[00171] In one embodiment, the conductive structure is a copper alloy. In one embodiment, the copper alloy is formed by mixing a silicon alkyl complex, a copper salt, and a beta ketocarboxylate to form a copper beta ketocarboxylate complex. In one embodiment, the silicon alkyl complex is tetraethylsilane.

[00172] In one embodiment, the ink composition is about 0.1 wt.% to about 0.6 wt.% alkyl silicon complex of the copper alloy. In one embodiment, the ink composition is about 0.15 wt.% to about 0.4 wt.% alkyl silicon complex of the copper alloy. In some embodiments, the ink composition is about 0.1 wt.%, about 0.2 wt.%, about 0.3 wt.%, about 0.4 wt.%, about 0.5 wt.%, or about 0.6 wt.% alkyl silicon complex of the copper alloy. Magnesium Alloy Conductive Structures

[00173] In one embodiment, the conductive structure is a magnesium alloy. In one embodiment, the magnesium alloy is formed by mixing a silicon alkyl complex, a magnesium salt, and a lithium hydride to form a magnesium hydride complex. In one embodiment, the silicon alkyl complex is tetraethylsilane.

[00174] In one embodiment, the ink composition is about 0.5 wt.% to about 1.5 wt.% alkyl silicon complex of the magnesium alloy. In one embodiment, the ink composition is about

0.8 wt.% to about 1.2 wt.% alkyl silicon complex of the magnesium alloy. In some embodiments, the ink composition is about 0.5 wt.%>, about 0.6 wt.%>, about 0.7 wt.%>, about 0.8 wt .% , about 0.9 wt .% , about 1.0 wt.%>, about 1.1 wt.%>, about 1.2 wt.%>, about 1.3 wt.%>, about

1.4 wt.%, or about 1.5 wt.% alkyl silicon complex of the magnesium alloy.

Nickel Alloy Conductive Structures

[00175] In one embodiment, the conductive structure is a nickel alloy. In one embodiment, the nickel alloy is formed by mixing a nickel salt and a cyclic alkene to create a nickel (0) complex.

Methods for Making Ink compositions

[00176] In one aspect, a method of making a conductive structure is disclosed. In one embodiment, the method includes the step of mixing reducing agent with a metal of at least one metal salt or metal complex to form a reducible metal complex. In one embodiment, the reducing agent is dissolved in at least one dissolving agent. In one embodiment, the reducing agent is a hydride. In some embodiments, the reducing agent is either a formate or a beta ketocarboxylate. In one embodiment, the method also includes the step of applying the reducible metal complex to a substrate. In one embodiment, the step of mixing a reducing agent with at least one metal salt or metal complex occurs prior to applying the reducible metal complex to the substrate. In one embodiment, the method also includes the step of decomposing the reducible metal complex on the substrate to form the conductive structure. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is formed in the presence of argon gas or nitrogen gas.

[00177] In one embodiment, the method of forming the reducible metal complexes is formed under anhydrous conditions. In one embodiment the use of anhydrous conditions depends on the metal salt or metal complex used to form the reducible metal complex. In one embodiment, anhydrous conditions are used for making inks with reduction potentials of about -

0.15V or lower, of about -0.25V or lower, or of about -0.35V or lower. In one embodiment, anhydrous conditions are used to prevent disproportionation reactions from occurring during the decomposition or annealing of the reducible metal complex. For example, anhydrous conditions are used when making copper hydride complexes.

[00178] In one embodiment, the step of decomposing the reducible metal complex on the substrate to form the conductive structure comprises heating the reducible metal complex at a temperature of about 270°C or less. In some embodiments, the step of decomposing the reducible metal complex on the substrate to form the conductive structure comprises heating the reducible metal complex at a temperature of about 260°C or less, about 250°C or less, about

240°C or less, about 230°C or less, about 220°C or less, about 210°C or less, about 200°C or less about 190°C or less about 180°C or less about 170°C or less, about 160°C or less, about

150°C or less, about 140°C or less, about 130°C or less, about 120°C or less, about 110°C or less, about 100°C or less, about 90°C or less, about 80°C or less, or about 70°C or less. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is heated by a heat source. Examples of heat sources include an IR lamp, oven, or heated substrate. [00179] In one embodiment, the step of decomposing the reducible metal complex on the substrate to form the conductive structure comprises mixing a catalyst with the reducible metal complex to form a catalytic reducible metal complex. In one embodiment, the catalyst is mixed with the reducing agent and the metal salt or metal complex prior to the forming the reducible metal complex. In one embodiment, the catalyst is mixed with the reducible metal complex before the reducible metal complex is applied to the substrate. In one embodiment, the catalyst is mixed with the reducible metal complex after the reducible metal complex is applied to the substrate.

[00180] In one embodiment, the catalytic reducible metal complex is heated to a temperature of about 220°C or less, about 210°C or less, about 200°C or less about 190°C or less about 180°C or less about 170°C or less, about 160°C or less, about 150°C or less, about

140°C or less, about 130°C or less, about 120°C or less, about 110°C or less, about 100°C or less, about 90°C or less, about 80°C or less, or about 70°C or less.

[00181] In one embodiment, the catalyst is a hydride abstractor. In one embodiment, the catalyst is a carbonyl extractor. In one embodiment, the catalyst is selected from the group consisting of a titanium (IV) compound, phenazine methosulfate, phenazine ethosulfate, 1- methoxyphenazine methosulfate, Meldola Blue, and combinations thereof. In one embodiment, the catalyst is a titanium (IV) compound. In one embodiment, the catalyst is selected from the group consisting of titanium (IV) oxide, titanium (IV) sulfide, titanium (IV) nitrate, titanium (IV) alkoxide, and combinations thereof. In one embodiment, the titanium (IV) alkoxide is either titanium (IV) isopropoxide or titanium (IV) 2-ethylhexyloxide. In one embodiment, the catalyst is titanium (IV) ethoxide. [00182] In one embodiment, the step of decomposing the reducible metal complex on the substrate to form the conductive structure comprises exposing the reducible metal complex to a light source at a wavelength from about 100 nm to about 1500 nm. In one embodiment, the step of decomposing the reducible metal complex on the substrate to form the conductive structure comprises exposing the reducible metal complex to a light source a Xenon lamp or IR lamp at a wavelength from about 100 nm to about 1000 nm. In one embodiment, the step of decomposing the reducible metal complex on the substrate to form the conductive structure comprises exposing the reducible metal complex to a light source at a wavelength from about 100 nm to about 700 nm. In one embodiment, the step of decomposing the reducible metal complex on the substrate to form the conductive structure comprises exposing the reducible metal complex to a light source at a wavelength from about 100 nm to about 500 nm. In one embodiment, the step of decomposing the reducible metal complex on the substrate to form the conductive structure comprises exposing the reducible metal complex to a light source at a wavelength from about

100 nm to about 300 nm. In some embodiments, the step of decomposing the reducible metal complex on the substrate to form the conductive structure comprises exposing the reducible metal complex to a light source at a wavelength of about 100 nm, about 200 nm, about 300 nm, about 400 nm, about 500 nm, about 600 nm, about 700 nm, about 800 nm, about 900 nm, or about 1000 nm.

[00183] In one embodiment, the reducing agent is dissolved in the dissolving agent prior to adding the reducing agent. In one embodiment, the reducing agent is mixed with the reducing agent prior to dissolving the reducing agent in the dissolving agent. In one embodiment, the reducing agent, dissolving agent, and the at least one metal salt or metal complex are added simultaneously. [00184] In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex has a desired viscosity. In one embodiment, the desired viscosity is obtained using a microVISC viscometer. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex has a viscosity from about 50 centipoise to about 1000 centipoise. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex has a viscosity from about 5 centipoise to about 50 centipoise. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex has a viscosity from about 10 centipoise to about 40 centipoise. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex has a viscosity from about 20 centipoise to about 30 centipoise. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex has a viscosity from about 18 centipoise to about 20 centipoise. In some embodiments, the reducible metal complex has a viscosity of about 18, about 19, or about 20 centipoise.

[00185] In one embodiment, the viscosity of the complex is adjusted based upon the amount of dissolving agent used. In one embodiment, the viscosity of the complex is adjusted based upon the type of dissolving agent used. In one embodiment, the viscosity of the complex is adjusted based upon the amount of diethyl ether used. In one embodiment, increasing the amount of diethyl ether increases the viscosity of the reducible metal complex.

[00186] Further, the viscosity of the complex is adjusted based upon the amount of reducing agent that is added. If more reducing agent is used, the viscosity of the reducible metal complex increases. In one embodiment, the viscosity of the reducible metal complex can be increased to well over 1000 centipoise by increasing the amount of reducing agent. In one embodiment, the viscosity of the reducible metal complex can be increased to well over 1000 centipoise by increasing the amount of reducing agent from about 0.2 mL to about 0.6 mL. In one embodiment, if less reducing agent is used, the viscosity of the reducible metal complex decreases. Applications of the Ink compositions

[00187] The ink compositions can be used in various printing applications, including slot die coating, spin coating, roll-to-roll printing, including gravure, flexography, rotary screen printing, screen printing, aerosol jet printing, inkjet printing, airbrushing, Mayer rod coating, flood coating, 3D printing, and electrohydrodynamic painting. Furthermore, patterns can be created using photolithography to create a mask to etch the metal from certain areas, thereby creating high-fidelity features.

[00188] In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is compatible with many nonpolar polymer substrates, glasses, and ceramic substrates where polar complexes do not wet particularly well. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is applied to a polymer substrate. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is applied to a nonpolar polymer substrate. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is applied to a glass substrate. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is applied to a ceramic substrate.

[00189] Furthermore, elastomers and 3D substrates with specifically non-planar topography can be used in conjunction with the conductive structures. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is applied to an elastomer. In one embodiment, the reducible metal complex is applied to a 3D substrate.

[00190] The specular reflectance of the conductive structure is a by-product of the extremely low RMS values of the conductive structure. In one embodiment, the RMS value of the conductive structure is about 10 nanometers or less. In one embodiment, the conductive structure is used on substrates with smooth surfaces. In one embodiment, the conductive structure is used for electrode structures for fine features to prevent electromigration. Another embodiment is used to create structural features from an alloy. EXAMPLES

[00191] Other uses, embodiments and advantages of the conductive structures are further illustrated by the following examples, but the particular materials and amounts cited in these examples, as well as other conditions and details, should not be construed to unduly limit the conductive structures.

Example 1

[00192] In one embodiment, about 0.5 grams silver neodecanoate is dissolved in a mixture of about 0.5 mL xylene and about 0.5 mL terpineol. About 0.2 mL tert-octylamine is added to the silver neodecanoate dissolved in xylene and terpineol. The silver complex has a viscosity from about 18 centipoise to about 20 centipoise. If more terpineol is used and less xylene is used, the viscosity of the complex increases. If more amine is used, the viscosity of the complex increases. The viscosity of this complex can be tuned from about 5 centipoise by using excess xylene to about 50 centipoise by using excess terpineol. The viscosity can be further increased to over 1000 centipoise by increasing the amount of tert-octylamine from about 0.2 mL to about

0.6 mL.

[00193] Upon patterning the silver complex ink, the ink is heated to a temperature from about 180°C to about 200°C. After approximately 5 minutes after patterning the ink, the xylene and terpineol is mostly evaporated and the conductive structure film begins to yellow. After approximately 10 to 15 minutes after patterning, the film begins to turn reddish brown. After approximately 20-30 minutes after patterning the ink, the film begins to turn black and then convert to a metallic silver luster that eventually covers the entire film, thereby denoting the entire complex has decomposed to a metallic, conductive structure. [00194] The conductive structure has an electrical conductivity from about 3xl0 6 Ohm- cm to about 6x1 0 6 Ohm-cm. The specular reflectance of the conductive structure is a byproduct of the extremely low RMS values of the conductive structure. The RMS value of the conductive structure is about 10 nanometers or less.

Example 2

[00195] In one embodiment, about 0.5 grams silver neodecanoate is dissolved in about 1 mL xylene. 0.2 mL 2-ethylhexylamine is added to the silver neodecanoate dissolved in xylene.

The silver complex has a viscosity from about 18 centipoise to about 20 centipoise. If more 2- ethylhexylamine is used, the viscosity of the complex increases. The viscosity can be increased to over 1000 centipoise by increasing the amount of 2-ethylhexylamine from about 0.2 mL to about 0.6 mL.

[00196] Upon patterning the silver complex ink, the ink is heated to a temperature of about 190°C. After approximately 5 minutes after patterning the ink, the xylene is mostly evaporated and the conductive structure film begins to yellow. After approximately 10 to 15 minutes after patterning, the film begins to turn reddish brown. After approximately 20-30 minutes after patterning the ink, the film begins to turn black and then convert to a metallic silver luster that eventually covers the entire film, thereby denoting the entire complex has decomposed to a metallic, conductive structure.

[00197] The conductive structure has an electrical conductivity from about 2x1 0 6 Ohm- cm to about lxlO 5 Ohm-cm. The specular reflectance of the conductive structure is a byproduct of the extremely low RMS values of the conductive structure. The RMS value of the conductive structure is about 10 nanometers or less. Example 3

[00198] In one embodiment, about 0.4 grams silver hexafluoroacetylacetonate is dissolved in about 1 mL xylene. About 0.2 mL tert-octylamine is added to the silver hexafluoroacetylacetonate dissolved in xylene. The silver complex has a viscosity from about 18 centipoise to about 20 centipoise. If more tert-octylamine is used, the viscosity of the complex increases. The viscosity can be increased to over 1000 centipoise by increasing the amount of tert-octylamine from about 0.2 mL to about 0.6 mL.

[00199] Upon patterning the silver complex ink, the ink is heated to a temperature of about 160°C. After approximately 5 minutes after patterning the ink, the xylene is mostly evaporated and the conductive structure film begins to yellow. After approximately 10 to 15 minutes after patterning, the film begins to turn reddish brown. After approximately 20-30 minutes after patterning the ink, the film begins to turn black and then convert to a metallic silver luster that eventually covers the entire film, thereby denoting the entire complex has decomposed to a metallic, conductive structure.

[00200] The conductive structure has an electrical conductivity from about 2x1 0 6 Ohm- cm to about lxlO 5 Ohm-cm. The specular reflectance of the conductive structure is a byproduct of the extremely low RMS values of the conductive structure. The RMS value of the conductive structure is about 10 nanometers or less.

Example 4

[00201] 0.5 grams (0.179 mmol) of silver neodecanoate was dissolved in 2 mL of xylene.

The solution had a viscosity of 6 cPs. Upon the addition of 0.4 mL (2.49 mmol) of tert-octyl amine, the solution's viscosity increased to 100 cPs. Further addition (>0.8 mL) of tert-octyl amine resulted in the complete gellation of the solution and a resulting viscosity of 10000 cPs. Example 5

[00202] Lithium aluminum hydride is mixed with an ethereal solution of aluminum chloride in a molar ratio of 3:1 of lithium aluminum hydride to aluminum chloride. Upon mixing of the lithium aluminum hydride with the aluminum chloride, lithium chloride is precipitated leaving an ethereal solution of aluminum hydride. A small amount of titanium (IV) ethoxide is added to the ethereal solution. The resulting solution is then heated at 140°C to create an aluminum film.

Example 6

[00203] Lithium aluminum hydride is mixed with an ethereal solution of aluminum chloride in a molar ratio of 3:1 of lithium aluminum hydride to aluminum chloride. Upon mixing of the lithium aluminum hydride with the aluminum chloride, lithium chloride is precipitated leaving an ethereal solution of aluminum hydride. This solution is heated to 180-

200°C to create an aluminum film.

Example 7

[00204] Lithium hydride is mixed with an ethereal solution of tetraethylsilane and magnesium hydride in a molar ratio of 4:1 of lithium hydride to the mixture of tetraethylsilane and magnesium hydride. Upon mixing of the lithium hydride with the mixture of tetraethylsilane and magnesium hydride, lithium silicate is precipitated leaving an ethereal solution of magnesium hydride complex. A small amount of titanium (IV) ethoxide is added to the ethereal solution. The resulting solution is then heated at 140°C to create an aluminum alloy.

Example 8 [00205] Lithium hydride is mixed with an ethereal solution of tetraethylsilane and magnesium hydride in a molar ratio of 4:1 of lithium hydride to the mixture of tetraethylsilane and magnesium hydride. Upon mixing of the lithium hydride with the mixture of tetraethylsilane and magnesium hydride, lithium silicate is precipitated leaving an ethereal solution of magnesium hydride complex. The resulting solution is then heated at 180-200°C to create an aluminum alloy.

Example 9 [00206] Lithium aluminum hydride is mixed with an ethereal solution of zinc chloride in a molar ration of 2 :1 of lithium aluminum hydride to zinc chloride. Upon mixing of the lithium aluminum hydride with zinc chloride, lithium chloride is precipitated leaving an ethereal solution of zinc hydride. A small amount of titanium (IV) ethoxide is added to the ethereal solution. The resulting solution is then heated at 140°C to create a zinc film.

Example 10

[00207] Lithium aluminum hydride is mixed with an ethereal solution of zinc chloride in a molar ration of 2 :1 of lithium aluminum hydride to zinc chloride. Upon mixing of the lithium aluminum hydride with zinc chloride, lithium chloride is precipitated leaving an ethereal solution of zinc hydride. The resulting solution is then heated at 140-200°C to create a zinc film.

[00208] Although the invention herein has been described in connection with described embodiments thereof, it will be appreciated by those skilled in the art that additions, modifications, substitutions, and deletions not specifically described may be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as defined in the appended claims. It is therefore intended that the foregoing detailed description be regarded as illustrative rather than limiting, and that it be understood that it is the following claims, including all equivalents, that are intended to define the spirit and scope of this invention. WHAT IS CLAIMED

1. A conductive ink composition, comprising a silver complex formed by mixing:

a silver carboxylate;

at least one dissolving agent that dissolves the silver carboxylate; and

a catalyst, wherein the catalyst comprises an amine that decarboxylates the

silver carboxylate to make the conductive ink composition,

wherein the catalyst decarboxylates the silver carboxylate at a temperature

of 100°C or less,

2. A conductive ink composition, comprising a silver complex formed by mixing:

a silver carboxylate, wherein the silver carboxylate comprises silver;

at least one dissolving agent that dissolves the silver carboxylate; and

a catalyst that reduces the silver of the silver carboxylate to make the

conductive ink composition, wherein the catalyst comprises an amine,

wherein the catalyst reduces the silver of the silver carboxylate at a

temperature of 100°C or less.

3. The composition of any one of claims 1-2, wherein the silver carboxylate is selected from the group consisting of: silver propionate, silver butyrate, silver pentanoate, silver hexanoate, silver heptanoate, silver ethylhexanoate, silver behenate, silver oleate, silver octanoate, silver nonanoate, silver decanoate, silver neodecanoate, silver hexafluoroacetylacetonate.

4. The composition of claim 3, wherein the silver carboxylate is silver neodecanoate. 5. The composition of claim 3, wherein the silver carboxylate is silver hexafluoroacetylacetonate.

6. The composition of any one of claims 1-5, wherein the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of an organic solvent, a chelating agent, and combinations thereof.

7. The composition of claim 6, wherein the dissolving agent is at least one organic solvent.

8. The composition of any one of claims 6-7, wherein the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of: alkane hydrocarbons, alkenes, cyclic hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, carbamates, amines, polyamines, amides, ethers, esters, alcohols, thiols, thioethers, phosphines, and combinations thereof.

9. The composition of any one of claims 6-8, wherein the dissolving agent comprises at least one linear or branched alkane hydrocarbon of length Cs_2o.

10. The composition of claim 9, wherein the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of: pentane, hexane, heptane, octane, nonane, decane, undecane, dodecane, tridecane, tetradecane, pentadecane, hexadecane, octadecane, nonadecane, icosane, and combinations thereof.

11. The composition of any one claims 6-8, wherein the dissolving agent comprises at

least one cyclic hydrocarbon of length C 6 -2o-

12. The composition of claim 11, wherein the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of: cyclohexane, cycloheptane, cyclooctane, cyclononane, cyclodecane, decalin, and combinations thereof. 13. The composition of any one of claims 6-8, wherein the dissolving agent comprises at least one aromatic hydrocarbon.

14. The composition of claim 13, wherein the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of: benzene, toluene, xylene, tetralin, and combinations thereof.

15. The composition of any one of claims 13-14, wherein the dissolving agent is xylene.

16. The composition of any one of claims 6-8, wherein the dissolving agent comprises at least one linear ether, branched ether, or cyclic ether.

17. The composition of claim 16, wherein the dissolving agent comprises at least one linear ether or branched ether.

18. The composition of any one of claims 16-17, wherein the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of: dimethyl ether, diethyl ether, dipropyl ether, dibutyl ether, methyl t-butyl ether, and combinations thereof.

19. The composition of claim 16, wherein the dissolving agent comprises at least one cyclic ether.

20. The composition of claim 19, wherein the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of: tetrahydrofuran, tetrahydropyran, dihydropyran, 1,4-dioxane, and combinations thereof.

2 1. The composition of any one of claims 6-7, wherein the dissolving agent is terpineol.

22. The composition of any one of claims 6-7, wherein the dissolving agent comprises xylene and terpineol. 23. The composition of claim 22, wherein the dissolving agent has a volume ratio of about 1 to about 1 of xylene to terpineol.

24. The composition of claim 6, wherein the dissolving agent comprises at least one chelating agent.

25. The composition of claim 24, wherein the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of: ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, iminodiacetic acid, ethylenediamine-di(o- hydroxyphenylacetic acid), nitrilotriacetic acid, dihydroxyethyiglycine, trans- 1,2- cyclohexanediammetetraacetic acid, demylenetriamme-N,N,N',N'\N"- pentaacetic acid, glycoletherdiamine-N N,N',N'-tetraaceti acid, dimethyl sulfoxide, diethylenetriamme, tert- octylamine, 2-ethy hexy amme, and ethylene diamine.

26. The composition of any one of claims 1-25, wherein the catalyst is selected from the group consisting of: a primary amine, a secondary amine, a tertiary amine, and a polyamine.

27. The composition of claim 26, wherein the catalyst comprises at least one primary amine.

28. The composition of any one of claims 26-27, wherein the catalyst comprises at

least one alkylamine having C1-18 .

29. The composition of any one of claims 26-28, wherein the catalyst is selected from the group consisting of: methylamine, ethylamine, propylamine, butylamine, pentylamine, hexylamine, heptylamine, octylamine, nonylamine, decylamine, undecylamine, dodecylamine, tridecylamine, tetradecylamine, pentadecylamine, hexadecylamine, heptadecylamine, octadecylamine, and combinations thereof.

30. The composition of claim 27, wherein the catalyst is selected from the group consisting of: allylamine, n-propylamine, iso-propylamine, n-butylamine, sec-butylamine, tert- butylamine, n-pentylamine, isopentylamine, 2-ethylhexylamine, tert-hexylamine, phenylamine, cyclopentyiamine, tert-octyl amine, tert-decylamme, tert-dodecylamine, tert-octadecyl amine, and combinations thereof.

31. The composition of claim 30, wherein the catalyst is tert-octylamine.

32. The composition of claim 30, wherein the catalyst is 2-ethylhexylamine.

33. The composition of claim 26, wherein the catalyst comprises at least one secondary amine.

34. The composition of claim 33, wherein the catalyst is selected from the group consisting of: dimethylamine, diethylamine, dipropylamine, dibutylamine, diphenylamine, dicyciopentylamine, methylbutylamine, and combinations thereof.

35. The composition of claim 26, wherein the catalyst comprises at least one tertiary amine.

36. The composition of claim 35, wherein the catalyst is selected from the group consisting of: trimethylamine, triethylamine, xipropylamine, triphenyl amine an combinations thereof.

37. The composition of claim 26, wherein the catalyst comprises at least one polyamine.

38. The composition of claim 37, wherein the catalyst is selected from the group consisting of: ethylene diamine, 1,3-diaminopropane, hexamethylenediamine, and combinations thereof.

39. The composition of any one of claims 1-38, wherein the silver carboxylate is dissolved in the dissolving agent prior to adding the catalyst. 40. The composition of any one of claims 1-39, wherein the silver carboxylate is mixed with the catalyst prior to dissolving the silver carboxylate in the dissolving agent.

4 1. The composition of any one of claims 1-40, wherein the conductive ink composition has a concentration of about 1-40 wt.% silver of the conductive ink composition.

42. The composition of any one of claims 1-41, wherein the silver complex has a viscosity from about 5 centipoise to about 50 centipoise.

43. The composition of any one of claims 1-41, wherein the silver complex has a viscosity from about 50 centipoise to about 1000 centipoise.

44. The composition of any one of claims 42-43, wherein the viscosity is adjusted based upon the amount of catalyst that is added.

45. The composition of any one of claims 1-2, wherein the silver carboxylate is silver neodecanoate, the dissolving agent is xylene, and the catalyst is 2-ethylhexylamine.

46. The composition of claim 45, wherein the silver carboxylate is about 0.5 grams silver neodecanoate, the dissolving agent is about 1 mL xylene, and the catalyst is about 0.2 mL


47. The composition of any one of claims 1-2, wherein the silver carboxylate is silver hexafluoroacetylacetonate, the dissolving agent is xylene, and the catalyst is tert-octylamine.

48. The composition of claim 47, wherein the silver carboxylate is about 0.4 grams silver hexafluoroacetylacetonate, about 1 mL xylene, and the catalyst is about 0.2 mL tert- octylamine.

49. The composition of any one of claims 1-2, wherein the silver carboxylate is silver neodecanoate, the dissolving agent comprises xylene and terpineol, and the catalyst is tert- octylamine. 50. The composition of claim 49, wherein the silver carboxylate is about 0.5 grams silver neodecanoate, the dissolving agent comprises about 0.5 mL xylene and about 0.5 mL terpineol, and the catalyst is about 0.2 mL tert-octylamine.

51. The composition of any one of claims 1-50, wherein the conductive structure has an electrical conductivity from about 2 x 10 6 Ohm-cm to about 1 x 10 5 Ohm-cm.

52. The composition of any one of claims 1-51, wherein the conductive structure has a RMS value of about 10 nanometers or less.

53. A method of making a conductive structure, comprising:

mixing a silver carboxylate in the presence of a catalyst comprising an amine to

form a silver complex, wherein the silver carboxylate is dissolved in at least one

dissolving agent;

applying the silver complex to a substrate; and

heating the silver complex on the substrate at a decomposition temperature of

about 200°C or less to form the conductive structure.

54. The method of claim 53, wherein the silver carboxylate is selected from the group consisting of: silver propionate, silver butyrate, silver pentanoate, silver hexanoate, silver heptanoate, silver ethylhexanoate, silver behenate, silver oleate, silver octanoate, silver nonanoate, silver decanoate, silver neodecanoate, silver hexafluoroacetylacetonate.

55. The method of claim 54, wherein the silver carboxylate is silver neodecanoate.

56. The method of claim 54, wherein the silver carboxylate is silver hexafluoroacetylacetonate.

57. The method of any one of claims 53-56, wherein the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of: an organic solvent, a chelating agent, and combinations thereof. 58. The method of claim 57, wherein the dissolving agent is at least one organic solvent.

59. The method of any one of claims 57-58, wherein the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of: alkane hydrocarbons, alkenes, cyclic hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, carbamates, amines, polyamines, amides, ethers, esters, alcohols, thiols, thioethers, phosphines, and combinations thereof.

60. The method of any one of claims 57-59, wherein the dissolving agent comprises at least one linear or branched alkane hydrocarbon of length Cs_2o.

6 1. The method of claim 60, wherein the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of: pentane, hexane, heptane, octane, nonane, decane, undecane, dodecane, tridecane, tetradecane, pentadecane, hexadecane, octadecane, nonadecane, icosane, and combinations thereof.

62. The method of any one claims 57-59, wherein the dissolving agent comprises at

least one cyclic hydrocarbon of length C 6 -2o-

63. The method of claim 62, wherein the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of: cyclohexane, cycloheptane, cyclooctane, cyclononane, cyclodecane, decalin, and combinations thereof.

64. The method of any one of claims 57-59, wherein the dissolving agent comprises at least one aromatic hydrocarbon.

65. The method of claim 64, wherein the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of: benzene, toluene, xylene, tetralin, and combinations thereof.

66. The method of any one of claims 64-65, wherein the dissolving agent is xylene. 67. The method of any one of claims 57-59, wherein the dissolving agent comprises at least one linear ether, branched ether, or cyclic ether.

68. The method of claim 67, wherein the dissolving agent comprises at least one linear ether or branched ether.

69. The method of any one of claims 67-68, wherein the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of: dimethyl ether, diethyl ether, dipropyl ether, dibutyl ether, methyl t-butyl ether, and combinations thereof.

70. The method of claim 67, wherein the dissolving agent comprises at least one cyclic ether.

7 1. The method of claim 70, wherein the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of: tetrahydrofuran, tetrahydropyran, dihydropyran, 1,4-dioxane, and combinations thereof.

72. The method of any one of claims 57-58, wherein the dissolving agent is terpineol.

73. The method of any one of claims 57-58, wherein the dissolving agent comprises xylene and terpineol.

74. The method of claim 73, wherein the dissolving agent has a volume ratio of about

1 to about 1 of xylene to terpineol.

75. The method of claim 57, wherein the dissolving agent comprises at least one chelating agent.

76. The method of claim 75, wherein the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of: ethyleiiediaminetetraacetic acid iminodiacetic acid, ethylenediamine-di(o- hydroxyphenylacetic acid), nitriiotriacetic acid, dihydroxyethylglycine, trans- 1,2- cyclohexanediaminetetraacetic acid, dethylenetriamme-N,N,N',N",N"- pentaacetic acid, glycoletherdiamine-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid, dimethyl sulfoxide, diethylenetriamme, tert- octylamine, 2-ethy hexylamme, and ethylene diamine.

77. The method of any one of claims 53-76, wherein the catalyst is selected from the group consisting of: a primary amine, a secondary amine, a tertiary amine, and a polyamine.

78. The method of claim 77, wherein the catalyst comprises at least one primary amine.

79. The method of any one of claims 77-78, wherein the catalyst comprises at least

one alkylamine having C 1-18 .

80. The method of any one of claims 77-79, wherein the catalyst is selected from the group consisting of: methylamine, ethylamine, propylamine, butylamine, pentylamine, hexylamine, heptylamine, octylamine, nonylamine, decylamine, undecylamine, dodecylamine, tridecylamine, tetradecylamine, pentadecylamine, hexadecylamine, heptadecylamine, octadecylamine, and combinations thereof.

81. The method of claim 78, wherein the catalyst is selected from the group consisting of: allylamine, n-propylamine, iso-propylamine, n-butylamine, sec-butylamine, tert- butylamine, n-pentylamine, isopentylamine, 2-ethylhexylamine, tert-hexylamine, phenylamine, cyclopentylamine, tert-octylamine, tert-decyiamiiie, tert-dodecylamine, tert-octadecylamine, and combinations thereof.

82. The method of claim 81, wherein the catalyst is tert-octylamine.

83. The method of claim 81, wherein the catalyst is 2-ethylhexylamine.

84. The method of claim 77, wherein the catalyst comprises at least one secondary amine. 85. The method of claim 84, wherein the catalyst is selected from the group consisting of: dimethylamine, diethylamine, dipropylamine, dibutylamine, diphenylamine, d eye o enty amine, methylbutylamine, and combinations thereof.

86. The method of claim 77, wherein the catalyst comprises at least one tertiary amine.

87. The method of claim 86, wherein the catalyst is selected from the group consisting of: trimethylamine, triethylamine, tripropyiamine, triph y amine and combinations thereof.

88. The method of claim 77, wherein the catalyst comprises at least one polyamine.

89. The method of claim 88, wherein the catalyst is selected from the group consisting of: ethylene diamine, 1,3-diaminopropane, hexamethylenediamine, and combinations thereof.

90. The method of any one of claims 53-89, wherein the silver carboxylate is dissolved in the dissolving agent prior to adding the catalyst.

9 1. The method of any one of claims 53-89, wherein the silver carboxylate is mixed with the catalyst prior to dissolving the silver carboxylate in the dissolving agent.

92. The method of any one of claims 83-91, wherein the conductive ink composition has a concentration of about 1-40 wt.% silver of the conductive ink composition.

93. The method of any one of claims 1-92, wherein the silver complex has a viscosity from about 5 centipoise to about 50 centipoise.

94. The method of any one of claims 1-92, wherein the silver complex has a viscosity from about 50 centipoise to about 1000 centipoise. 95. The method of any one of claims 93-94, wherein the viscosity is adjusted based upon the amount of catalyst that is added.

96. The method of claim 53, wherein the silver carboxylate is silver neodecanoate, the dissolving agent is xylene, and the catalyst is 2-ethylhexylamine.

97. The method of claim 96, wherein the silver carboxylate is about 0.5 grams silver neodecanoate, the dissolving agent is about 1 mL xylene, and the catalyst is about 0.2 mL 2- ethyhexylamine.

98. The method of claim 53, wherein the silver carboxylate is silver hexafluoroacetylacetonate, the dissolving agent is xylene, and the catalyst is tert-octylamine.

99. The method of claim 98, wherein the silver carboxylate is about 0.4 grams silver hexafluoroacetylacetonate, about 1 mL xylene, and the catalyst is about 0.2 mL tert-octylamine.

100. The method of claim 53, wherein the silver carboxylate is silver neodecanoate, the dissolving agent comprises xylene and terpineol, and the catalyst is tert-octylamine.

101. The method of claim 101, wherein the silver carboxylate is about 0.5 grams silver neodecanoate, the dissolving agent comprises about 0.5 mL xylene and about 0.5 mL terpineol, and the catalyst is about 0.2 mL tert-octylamine.

102. The method of any one of claims 53-101, wherein the conductive structure has an electrical conductivity from about 2 x 10 6 Ohm-cm to about 1 x 10 5 Ohm-cm.

103. The method of any one of claims 53-102, wherein the conductive structure has a

RMS value of about 10 nanometers or less.

104. An ink composition comprising:

a metallic salt with a sterically bulky counter ion; and a ligand. 105. The composition of claim 104, wherein the metal is selected from the group consisting of silver, copper, nickel, gold, platinum, palladium, aluminum, magnesium, zinc, and tin.

106. The composition of any one of claims 104-105, wherein the sterically bulky counter ion is selected from the group consisting of carboxylate, cyanide, sulfonate, borate, phosphate, and perchlorate.

107. The composition of any one of claims 104-106, wherein the sterically bulky counter ion is selected from the group consisting of tetrafluoroborate ([BF4] ), hexafluorophosphate ([PF6] ), cyanide, and perchlorate.

108. The composition of any one of claims 104-106, wherein the sterically bulky counter ion is R^COO ; wherein R 1 is selected from the group consisting of substituted alkyl, unsubstituted or substituted cycloalkyl, and unsubstituted or substituted heterocycloalkyl.

109. The composition of claim 108, wherein R 1 is a substituted C1-C30 alkyl.

110. The composition of claim 108, wherein R 1 is C1-C30 alkyl substituted with at least one of alkyl and keto groups.

111. The composition of any one of claims 104-105, wherein the sterically bulky counter ion is selected from the group consisting of neodecanoate, 2-ethyloctanoate, 2- ethylhexanoate, 2-ethylpentanoate, 2-ethylbutylnoate, 2-ethyl-2-methylbutanoate, 2,2- diethylbutanoate, 3-oxobutanoate, 3-oxopentanoate, and 3-oxohexanoate and combinations thereof.

112. The composition of claim 111, wherein the sterically bulky counter ion is neodecanoate. 113. The composition of any one of claims 104-1 12, wherein the metallic salt with a sterically bulky counter ion is selected from the group consisting of silver neodecanoate, silver 2- ethylhexanoate, and silver beta ketocarboxylates.

114. The composition of any one of claims 104-1 13, wherein the metallic salt is silver neodecanoate.

115. The composition of any one of claims 104-1 14, wherein the ligand is a bulky ligand.

116. The composition of any one of claims 104-1 15, wherein the ligand is selected from the group consisting of primary amines, secondary amines, tertiary amines, cyclic amines, thioethers, cyclic thioethers, ethers, branched ethers, crown ethers, and combinations thereof.

117. The composition of any one of claims 104-1 16, wherein the ligand is selected from the group consisting of tert-butylamine, 2-methylbutan-2-amine, 2-methylpentan-2-amine,

2-ethylhexylamine, 2-ethylheptylamine, N-ethylhexan-1 -amine, N-ethylheptan-1 -amine, and tert-octylamine, unsubstituted or substituted pyrrolidine, unsubstituted or substituted piperidine, and combinations thereof.

118. The composition of claim 117, wherein the ligand is tert-octylamine.

119. The composition of any one of claims 104-1 18, wherein the molar ratio of the ligand to the metallic salt is larger than 50:1.

120. The composition of any one of claims 104-1 19, wherein the molar ratio of the ligand to the metallic salt is larger than 30:1.

121 . The composition of any one of claims 104-120, wherein the molar ratio of the ligand to the metallic salt is larger than 15:1. 122. The composition of any one of claims 104-121, wherein the molar ratio of the metallic salt to the ligand is about 1.

123. The composition of any one of claims 104-122, further comprising a solvent.

124. The composition of claim 123, wherein the solvent is a polar solvent.

125. The composition of any one of claims 123-124, wherein the solvent is selected from the group consisting of water, dimethylformamide, and xylene.

126. The composition of any one of claims 123-125, wherein the solvent is xylene.

127. A method of preparing an ink composition, comprising:

adding a metallic salt with a sterically bulky counter ion in a solvent to form a first

mixture; and

adding a ligand to the first mixture to form an ink composition.

128. The method of claim 127, wherein the metallic salt is selected from the group consisting of silver, copper, nickel, gold, platinum, palladium, aluminum, magnesium, zinc, and tin salts.

129. The method of any one of claims 127-128, wherein the sterically bulky counter ion is selected from the group consisting of carboxylate, cyanide, sulfonate, borate, phosphate, and perchlorate.

130. The method of any one of claims 127-128, wherein the sterically bulky counter ion is R^COO ; wherein R 1 is selected from the group consisting of substituted alkyl, unsubstituted or substituted cycloalkyl, and unsubstituted or substituted heterocycloalkyl.

131. An ink composition for making a conductive structure, comprising a reducible metal complex formed by mixing: a reducing agent, wherein the reducing agent is dissolved in a dissolving agent;


at least one metal salt or metal complex comprising a metal, wherein the reducing

agent reduces the metal of the metal salt or metal complex to form the conductive


132. An ink composition for making a conductive structure, comprising a reducible metal complex formed by mixing:

a reducing agent, wherein the reducing agent is dissolved in a dissolving agent;


at least one metal salt or metal complex comprising a Group 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,

11, or 12 metal, wherein the reducing agent reduces the metal to form the conductive


133. The composition of any one of claims 131-1 32, wherein the reducible metal complex is decomposed on a substrate to form the conductive structure.

134. The composition of claim 133, wherein the reducible metal complex is decomposed by heating the reducible metal complex at a temperature of about 270°C or less.

135. The composition of claim 133, wherein the reducible metal complex is decomposed by mixing a catalyst with the reducible metal complex to form a catalytic reducible metal complex, wherein the catalytic reducible metal complex is heated to a temperature of about

220°C or less.

136. The composition of claim 133, wherein the reducible metal complex is decomposed by exposing the reducible metal complex to a light source at a wavelength from about 100 nm to about 1500 nm. 137. The composition of any one of claims 131-136, wherein the reducing agent is selected from the group consisting of: alkali metal hydrides, a complex hydride of an alkali metal and boron, a complex hydride of an alkali metal and aluminum, formates, beta ketocarboxylates, and combinations thereof.

138. The composition of claim 137, wherein the reducing agent is selected from the group consisting of: lithium hydride, sodium hydride, potassium hydride, rubidium hydride, cesium hydride, and combinations thereof.

139. The composition of claim 138, wherein the reducing agent is lithium hydride.

140. The composition of claim 137, wherein the reducing agent is selected from the group consisting of: lithium borohydride, sodium borohydride, potassium borohydride, and combinations thereof.

141 . The composition of claim 137, wherein the reducing agent is selected from the group consisting of: lithium aluminum hydride, sodium aluminum hydride, potassium aluminum hydride, and combinations thereof.

142. The composition of claim 141, wherein the reducing agent is lithium aluminum hydride.

143. The composition of any one of claims 13 1-142, wherein the dissolving agent is an organic solvent.

144. The composition of claim 143, wherein the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of: saturated hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, ethers, and combinations thereof.

145. The composition of claim 144, wherein the dissolving agent is a linear ether, a branched ether, or a cyclic ether. 146. The composition of claim 145, wherein the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of: dimethyl ether, diethyl ether, dipropyl ether, dibutyl ether, methyl t-butyl ether, and combinations thereof.

147. The composition of claim 146, wherein the dissolving agent is diethyl ether.

148. The composition of claim 145, wherein the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of: tetrahydrofuran, tetrahydropyran, dihydropyran, 1,4-dioxane, and combinations thereof.

149. The composition of claim 144, wherein the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of: benzene, toluene, xylene, tetralin and combinations thereof.

150. The composition of claim 144, wherein the dissolving agent is a linear saturated hydrocarbon, a branched saturated hydrocarbon, or a cyclic saturated hydrocarbon.

151. The composition of claim 150, wherein the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of: pentane, hexane, heptane, octane, nonane, decane, undecane, dodecane, tridecane, tetradecane, pentadecane, hexadecane, octadecane, nonadecane, icosane, and combinations thereof.

152. The composition of claim 150, wherein the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of: cyclohexane, cycloheptane, cyclooctane, cyclononane, cyclodecane, decaline, and combinations thereof.

153. The composition of any one of claims 131-1 52, wherein the metal salt or metal complex has a formula MX or M(L)pX , wherein M is a Group 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 metal, X is a halide, pseudohalide, nitrate, sulfate, formate, acetate, cyanate, isocyanate, alkoxide, or a diketonate, and L is selected from the group consisting of NH3, CO, NO, N2, H2S,

C2H4, C6H6, CN, NC, PH3, wherein n is equal to a formal charge of M divided by a formal charge of X, and p is an integer equal to a number of coordination sites on M, minus the coordination sites occupied by

154. The composition of claim 153, wherein M is selected from the group consisting of: aluminum, magnesium, titanium, silicon, vanadium, zinc, tin, copper, nickel, palladium, zirconium, iron, niobium, germanium, manganese, chromium, cobalt, tungsten, molybdenum, bismuth, ruthenium, and combinations thereof.

155. The composition of any one of claims 13 1-154, wherein the conductive structure is an elemental metal or a metal alloy.

156. The composition of any one of claims 13 1-132, wherein the conductive structure comprises magnesium, wherein the conductive structure is formed by mixing lithium hydride and a magnesium halide to form a magnesium hydride complex.

157. The composition of any one of claims 13 1-132, wherein the conductive structure comprises zinc, wherein the conductive structure is formed by mixing lithium aluminum hydride with a zinc halide to form a zinc hydride complex.

158. The composition of any one of claims 13 1-132, wherein the conductive structure comprises aluminum, wherein the conductive structure is formed by mixing lithium aluminum hydride with aluminum chloride to form an aluminum hydride complex.

159. The composition of any one of claims 13 1-132, wherein the conductive structure comprises a titanium alloy, wherein the titanium alloy is formed by mixing lithium aluminum hydride, a vanadium complex, and a titanium salt to form a titanium hydride complex.

160. The composition of claim 159, wherein the vanadium complex is either vanadyl acetylacetonate or vanadium hexacarbonyl. 161. The composition of any one of claims 131-132, wherein the conductive structure comprises an aluminum alloy, wherein the aluminum alloy is formed by mixing a silicon alkyl complex, an aluminum salt, and a lithium aluminum hydride to form an aluminum hydride complex.

162. The composition of any one of claims 13 1-132, wherein the conductive structure comprises nickel, wherein the conductive structure is formed by mixing nickel tetracarbonyl and a carbonyl extractor to form a nickel (0) complex.

163. The composition of any one of claims 13 1-132, wherein the conductive structure comprises a nickel alloy, wherein the nickel alloy is formed by mixing a nickel salt and a cyclic alkene to create a nickel (0) complex.

164. The composition of claim 135, wherein the catalyst is a hydride abstractor.

165. The composition of claim 164, wherein the catalyst is selected from the group consisting of: a titanium (IV) compound, phenazine methosulfate, phenazine ethosulfate, 1- methoxyphenazine methosulfate, Meldola Blue, and combinations thereof.

166. The composition of any one of claims 164-165, wherein the reducing agent is a titanium (IV) compound.

167. The composition of any one of claims 164-166, wherein the reducing agent is selected from the group consisting of: titanium (IV) oxide, titanium (IV) sulfide, titanium (IV) nitrate, titanium (IV) alkoxide, and combinations thereof.

168. The composition of any one of claims 13 1-167, wherein the ink composition has a concentration of about 0.1-40 wt.% metal salt of the ink composition

169. The composition of any one of claims 13 1-167, wherein the ink composition has a concentration of about 0.1-40 wt.% metal complex of the ink composition. 170. A method of making a conductive structure, comprising:

mixing a reducing agent with at least one metal salt or metal complex to form a

reducible metal complex, wherein the reducing agent is dissolved in at least one dissolving


applying the reducible metal complex to a substrate; and

decomposing the reducible metal complex on the substrate to form the conductive


171 . The method of claim 170, wherein decomposing the reducible metal complex comprises heating the reducible metal complex at a temperature of about 270°C or less.

172. The method of claim 170, wherein decomposing the reducible metal complex comprises mixing a catalyst with the reducible metal complex to form a catalytic reducible metal complex, wherein the catalytic reducible metal complex is heated to a temperature of about

220°C or less.

173. The method of claim 170, wherein decomposing the reducible metal complex comprises exposing the reducible metal complex to a light source at a wavelength from about

100 nm to about 1500 nm.

174. The method of any one of claims 170-173, wherein the reducing agent is selected from the group consisting of: alkali metal hydrides, a complex hydride of an alkali metal and boron, a complex hydride of an alkali metal and aluminum, formates, beta ketocarboxylates, and combinations thereof.

175. The method of claim 174, wherein the reducing agent is selected from the group consisting of: lithium hydride, sodium hydride, potassium hydride, rubidium hydride, cesium hydride, and combinations thereof. 176. The method of claim 175, wherein the reducing agent is lithium hydride.

177. The method of claim 174, wherein the reducing agent is selected from the group consisting of: lithium borohydride, sodium borohydride, potassium borohydride, and combinations thereof.

178. The method of claim 174, wherein the reducing agent is selected from the group consisting of: lithium aluminum hydride, sodium aluminum hydride, potassium aluminum hydride, and combinations thereof.

179. The method of claim 178, wherein the reducing agent is lithium aluminum hydride.

180. The method of any one of claims 170-179, wherein the dissolving agent is an organic solvent.

181. The method of claim 180, wherein the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of: saturated hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, ethers, and combinations thereof.

182. The method of claim 181, wherein the dissolving agent is a linear ether, a branched ether, or a cyclic ether.

183. The method of claim 182, wherein the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of: dimethyl ether, diethyl ether, dipropyl ether, dibutyl ether, methyl t-butyl ether, and combinations thereof.

184. The method of claim 183, wherein the dissolving agent is diethyl ether.

185. The method of claim 182, wherein the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of: tetrahydrofuran, tetrahydropyran, dihydropyran, 1,4-dioxane, and combinations thereof. 186. The method of claim 181, wherein the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of: benzene, toluene, xylene, tetralin and combinations thereof.

187. The method of claim 181, wherein the dissolving agent is a linear saturated hydrocarbon, a branched saturated hydrocarbon, or a cyclic saturated hydrocarbon.

188. The method of claim 187, wherein the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of: pentane, hexane, heptane, octane, nonane, decane, undecane, dodecane, tridecane, tetradecane, pentadecane, hexadecane, octadecane, nonadecane, icosane, and combinations thereof.

189. The method of claim 187, wherein the dissolving agent is selected from the group consisting of: cyclohexane, cycloheptane, cyclooctane, cyclononane, cyclodecane, decaline, and combinations thereof.

190. The method of any one of claims 170-189, wherein the metal salt or metal complex has a formula MX or M(L)pX , wherein M is a Group 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 metal, X is a halide, pseudohalide, nitrate, sulfate, formate, acetate, cyanate, isocyanate, alkoxide, or a diketonate, and L is selected from the group consisting of NH3, CO, NO, N2, H2S,

C2H4, C6H6, CN, NC, PH3,

wherein n is equal to a formal charge of M divided by a formal charge of X, and p is an integer equal to a number of coordination sites on M, minus the coordination sites occupied by

191. The composition of claim 190, wherein M is selected from the group consisting of: aluminum, magnesium, titanium, silicon, vanadium, zinc, tin, copper, nickel, palladium, zirconium, iron, niobium, germanium, manganese, chromium, cobalt, tungsten, molybdenum, bismuth, ruthenium, and combinations thereof. 192. The method of any one of claims 170-191, wherein the conductive structure is an elemental metal or a metal alloy.

193. The method of claim 170, wherein the conductive structure comprises magnesium, wherein the conductive structure is formed by mixing lithium hydride and a magnesium halide to form a magnesium hydride complex.

194. The method of claim 170, wherein the conductive structure comprises zinc, wherein the conductive structure is formed by mixing lithium aluminum hydride with a zinc halide to form a zinc hydride complex.

195. The method of claim 170, wherein the conductive structure comprises aluminum, wherein the conductive structure is formed by mixing lithium aluminum hydride with aluminum chloride to form an aluminum hydride complex.

196. The method of claim 170, wherein the conductive structure comprises a titanium alloy, wherein the titanium alloy is formed by mixing lithium aluminum hydride, a vanadium complex, and a titanium salt to form a titanium hydride complex.

197. The method of claim 196, wherein the vanadium complex is either vanadyl acetylacetonate or vanadium hexacarbonyl.

198. The method of claim 170, wherein the conductive structure comprises an aluminum alloy, wherein the aluminum alloy is formed by mixing a silicon alkyl complex, an aluminum salt, and a lithium aluminum hydride to form an aluminum hydride complex.

199. The method of claim 170, wherein the conductive structure comprises nickel, wherein the conductive structure is formed by mixing nickel tetracarbonyl and a carbonyl extractor to form a nickel (0) complex. 200. The method of claim 170, wherein the conductive structure comprises a nickel alloy, wherein the nickel alloy is formed by mixing a nickel salt and a cyclic alkene to create a nickel (0) complex.

201 . The method of claim 172, wherein the catalyst is a hydride abstractor.

202. The method of claim 201, wherein the catalyst is selected from the group consisting of: a titanium (IV) compound, phenazine methosulfate, phenazine ethosulfate, 1- methoxyphenazine methosulfate, Meldola Blue, and combinations thereof.

203. The method of any one of claims 201-202, wherein the reducing agent is a titanium (IV) compound.

204. The method of any one of claims 201-203, wherein the reducing agent is selected from the group consisting of: titanium (IV) oxide, titanium (IV) sulfide, titanium (IV) nitrate, titanium (IV) alkoxide, and combinations thereof.

205. The composition of claim 153, further comprising a chemical additive.

206. The composition of claim 205, wherein the chemical additive is selected from the group consisting of acid sulfites, sodium thiosulfate, ammonium thioglycolate, diisopropylammonium nitrite, benzotriazole, pentaerythritoi tetranitrate, and dicyclohexylammomum nitrite.

207. The composition of any one of claims 205-206, wherein the chemical additive is benzotri azole

208. The composition of any one of claims 205-207, wherein the M is copper and the

X is formate

209. The composition of any one of claims 131-169, wherein the conductive structure has an electrical conductivity of about 2xl0 6 Ohm-cm to about lxlO 5 Ohm-cm. 210. The composition of any one of claims 131-169, wherein the conductive structure has an electrical conductivity of about 3xl0 6 Ohm-cm to about 6xl0 6 Ohm-cm.

2 11. A method comprising applying the composition of any one of claims 209-210 to a substrate by slot die coating, spin coating, roll-to-roll printing, including gravure, flexography, rotary screen printing, screen printing, aerosol jet printing, inkjet printing, airbrushing, Mayer rod coating, flood coating, 3D printing, dispenser, or electrohydrodynamic printing.

212. The method of any one of claims 70-204, wherein the conductive structure has an electrical conductivity of about 2x1 0 6 Ohm-cm to about lxlO 5 Ohm-cm.

213. The method of any one of claims 170-204, wherein the conductive structure has an electrical conductivity of about 3xl0 6 Ohm-cm to about 6xl0 6 Ohm-cm.

214. The method of any one of claims 212-213, wherein applying the reducible metal complex comprises slot die coating, spin coating, roll-to-roll printing, including gravure, flexography, rotary screen printing, screen printing, aerosol jet printing, inkjet printing, airbrushing, Mayer rod coating, flood coating, 3D printing, dispenser, or electrohydrodynamic printing. INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT International application No.

PCT/US 15/25953

A . CLASSIFICATION O F SUBJECT MATTER IPC(8) - B05D 5/12, C09D 11/02, C09K 11/58, H01B 1/22 (2015.01) CPC - B05D 5/12, C09D 11/02, C09D 201/08, C09K 11/58, H01B 1/22 According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC


Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols) IPC(8)- B05D 5/12, C09D 11/02, C09K 11/58, H0 B 1/22 (2015.01) CPC- B05D 5/12, C09D 11/02, C09D 201/08, C09K 11/58, H01B 1/22

Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched USPC- 106/31 .58, 106/31 .92, 252/182.28, 252/514, 252/519.21 , 427/125, 427/469; Patents and NPL (classification, keyword; search terms below)

Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used) Pub West (US EP JP WO), Pat Base (AU BE BR CA C H C N D E DK EP ES Fl FR GB IN JP KR SE T H T W U S WO), Google Patent, Google Scholar, Free Patents Online; search terms: ink, silver, carboxylate, catalyst, decarboxylate, butyrate, pentanoate, hexanoate, heptanoate, ethylhexanoate, behenate, neodecanoate, hexafluoroacetylacetonate...


Category* Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages Relevant to claim No.

US 2003/0164105 A 1 (TASHIRO) 04 September 2003 (04.09.2003), para [0020], [0034], [0035], 1-5, 45-50 [0053], [0081], [0165], [0284], [0290]

US 2009/0209693 A 1 (SUGANUMA et al.) 20 August 2009 (20.08.2009), para [0005], [0013], 1-5, 45-50 [0045], [0056], [0079], [0080], [0097]

US 2010/0166948 A 1 (CHO et al.) 0 1 July 2010 (01 .07.2010), para [0017], [0019], [0027], 4, 5, 45-50 [0038]

US 201 1/0005428 A 1 (HEO et al.) 13 January 201 1 (13.01 .201 1), para [0008]-[0041] 1-5, 45-50

US 2010/0189901 A 1 (CHUNG et al.) 29 July 2010 (29.07.2010), para [0012]-[0125] 1-5, 45-50

Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C . | |

Special categories of cited documents: "V later document published after the international filing date orpriority A " document defining the general state of the art which is not considered date and not in conflict with the application but cited to understand to be of particular relevance the principle or theory underlying the invention E" earlier application or patent but published on or after the international "X" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be filing date considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive L" document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) or which is step when the document is taken alone cited to establish the publication date of another citation or other "Y" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be special reason (as specified) considered to involve an inventive step when the document is O" document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other combined with one or more other such documents, such combination means being obvious to a person skilled in the art

P" document published prior to the international filing date but later than "&" document member of the same patent family

Date of the actual completion of the international search Date o f mailing of the international search report 25 July 2015 (25.07.2015) 1 2 AUG2015

Name and mailing address of the ISA/US Authorized officer: Mail Stop PCT, Attn: ISA/US, Commissioner for Patents Lee W . Young P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450 Facsimile No. 571-273-8300

Form PCT/ISA/2 10 (second sheet) (January 20 5) INTERNATIONALSEARCH REPORT International application No.

PCT/US 15/25953

Box No. II Observations where certain claims were found unsearchable (Continuation of item 2 of first sheet)

This international search report has not been established in respect of certain claims under Article 7(2)(a) for the following reasons:

□ Claims Nos.: because they relate to subject matter not required to be searched by this Authority, namely:

Claims Nos.: because they relate to parts of the international application that do not comply with the prescribed requirements to such extent that no meaningful international search can be carried out, specifically:

3. Claims Nos.. 6-44, 51-52, 59-74, 77-95, 102-103, 107-1 10, 113-126, 137-155, 166-169, 180-192, 204-214 because they are dependent claims and are not drafted in accordance with the second and third sentences o f Rule 6.4(a).

Box No. Ill Observations where unity of invention is lacking (Continuation of item 3 of first sheet)

This International Searching Authority found multiple inventions in this international application, as follows: This application contains the following inventions or groups of inventions which are not so linked as to form a single general inventive concept under PCT Rule 13.1 . In order for all inventions to be examined, the appropriate additional examination fees must be paid.

Group I: Claims 1-5 and 45-50, drawn to a conductive ink composition.

Group II: Claims 53-58, 75-76, 96-101, 170-179, and 193-203, drawn to a method of making a conductive structure.

Group III: Claims 104-106, 111, 112, 127-136, and 156-165, drawn to a n ink composition.

- Please See Extra Sheet -

A s all required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant, this international search report covers all searchable claims.

A s all searchable claims could be searched without effort justifying additional fees, this Authority did not invite payment of additional fees.

As only some of the required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant, this international search report covers only those claims for which fees were paid, specifically claims Nos.:

No required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant. Consequently, this international search report is restricted to the invention first mentioned in the claims; it is covered by claims Nos.:

1-5, 45-50

Remark on Protest The additional search fees were accompanied by the applicant's protest and, where applicable, the payment o f a protest fee. □ The additional search fees were accompanied by the applicant's protest but the applicable protest fee was not paid within the time limit specified in the invitation. □ No protest accompanied the payment o f additional search fees. Form PCT/ISA/2 10 (continuatio n o f first sheet (2)) (January 2015) INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT International application No.

PCT/US 15/25953

Continued from Box No. Ill, Observations where unity of invention is lacking,

Special Technical Features

The inventions listed as Groups I, II, and III do not relate to a single general inventive concept under PCT Rule 13.1 because, under PCT Rule 13.2, they lack the same or corresponding special technical features for the following reasons:

Groups II and III do not require a conductive ink comprising, comprising a silver complex formed by mixing: a silver carboxylate; at least one dissolving agent that dissolves the silver carboxylate; and a catalyst, wherein the catalyst comprises an amine that reduces/decarboxylates the silver carboxylate to make the conductive ink composition, wherein the.catalyst decarboxylates the silver carboxylate at a temperature of 100 degrees Centigrade or less, as required by Group I.

Group I and III do not require a method of making a conductive substrate, comprising: mixing a reducing agent with at least one metal salt or metal complex to form a reducible metal complex, wherein the reducing agent is dissolved in at least one dissolving agent; applying the reducible metal complex to a substrate; and heating the silver complex on the substrate at a decomposition temperature of about 200 degrees Centigrade or less to form the conductive structure, as required by Group II.

Group I and II do not require an ink composition, and method of preparing, comprising: adding a metallic salt with a sterically bulky counter ion in a solvent to form a first mixture; and adding a ligand to the first mixture to form an ink composition; a reducing agent, wherein the reducing agent is dissolved in a dissolving agent; and either at least one metal salt or metal complex comprising a metal, wherein the reducing agent reduces the metal of the metal salt or metal complex to form the conductive structure; or at least one metal salt or metal complex comprising a Group 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 metal, wherein the reducing agent reduces the metal to form the conductive structure, as required by Group III.

Shared Common Features

The only feature shared by Groups I and III that would otherwise unify the groups is an ink composition. However, this shared technical feature does not represent a contribution over prior art, because the shared technical feature is anticipated by WO 2013/096664 A 1 to Walker, et al. (hereinafter Walker ). Walker discloses an ink composition (para [0005]).

The only feature shared by Groups I and II that would otherwise unify the groups is mixing a silver carboxylate in the presence of a catalyst comprising an amine to form a silver complex, wherein the silver carboxylate is dissolved in at least one dissolving agent; applying the metal complex to a substrate; and a reducible metal complex. However, this shared technical feature does not represent a contribution over prior art, because the shared technical feature is anticipated by Walker. Walker discloses mixing a silver carboxylate in the presence of a catalyst comprising an amine to form a silver complex (para [0034]), wherein the silver carboxylate is dissolved in at least one dissolving agent (para [0034]); applying the metal complex to a substrate (para [0044]); and a reducible metal complex (para [0042]).

The only feature shared by Groups II and III that would otherwise unify the groups is mixing a reducing agent with at least one metal salt or metal complex to form a reducible metal complex, wherein the reducing agent is dissolved in at least one dissolving agent. However, this shared technical feature does not represent a contribution over prior art, because the shared technical feature is anticipated by Walker. Walker discloses a mixing a reducing agent with at least one metal salt or metal complex to form a reducible metal complex (para [0042]), wherein the reducing agent is dissolved in at least one dissolving agent (para [0044]).

As the technical features were known in the art at the time of the invention, this cannot be considered a special technical feature that would otherwise unify the groups.

Groups I, II, and III therefore lack unity under PCT Rule 13 because they do not share a.same or corresponding special technical feature.

Form PCT/ISA/210 (extra sheet) (January 20 15)