FEEFHS Journal Volume 9, 2001 FEEFHS Journal Who, What and Why is FEEFHS? The Federation of East European Family History Societies Editor: Thomas K. Edlund.
[email protected] (FEEFHS) was founded in June 1992 by a small dedicated group of American and Canadian genealogists with diverse ethnic, reli- gious, and national backgrounds. By the end of that year, eleven FEEFHS Executive Council societies had accepted its concept as founding members. Each year 2000-2001 FEEFHS officers: since then FEEFHS has doubled in size. FEEFHS nows represents President: Duncan Gardiner, C.G., A.G. 12961 Lake Ave., nearly two hundred organizations as members from twenty-four Lakewood, OH 44107-1533.
[email protected] states, five Canadian provinces, and fourteen countries. It contin- 1st Vice-president: Laura Hanowski, c/o Saskatchewan Genealogical ues to grow. Society, P.O. Box 1894, Regina, SK, Canada S4P 3E1. About half of these are genealogy societies, others are multi-
[email protected] purpose societies, surname associations, book or periodical pub- 2nd Vice-president: Marsha Gustad, 19415 Tara Drive lishers, archives, libraries, family history centers, on-line services, Brookfield, WI. 53045-4807.
[email protected] institutions, e-mail genealogy list-servers, heraldry societies, and 3rd Vice-president: Kahlile Mehr, 412 South 400 West, Centerville, other ethnic, religious, and national groups. FEEFHS includes or- UT.
[email protected] ganizations representing all East or Central European groups that Treasurer: Marlene Nolte, 24000 Archwood Street, West Hills, CA have existing genealogy societies in North America and a growing 91307-3007.
[email protected] group of worldwide organizations and individual members, from Other members of the FEEFHS Executive Council: novices to professionals.