150 route de Ferney, P.O. Box 2100 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland

Tel: 41 22 791 6033 Fax: 41 22 791 6506 e-mail: [email protected]

Appeal Coordinating Office

Sri Lanka

Drought Relief and Rehabilitation – ASSL12

Appeal Target: US$ 40,953

Geneva, 08 November 2001

Dear Colleagues,

Certain parts of have not had rain for the past 22 months causing a drought situation threatening the livelihood of 345,000 families, totalling 1,770,000 persons. The worst affected districts are , Monaragala and Puttalam.

ACT member the National Council of Sri Lanka (NCCSL) wishes to continue the support already provided by the churches and is proposing assistance comprising the following: ¨ relief distribution of food ¨ distribution of seeds and fertilizers ¨ tree planting and awareness raising.

Project Completion Date: 30 April 2002

ACT is a worldwide network of church es and related agencies meeting human need through coordinated emergency response. The ACT Coordinating Office is based with the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in Switzerland.

Sri Lanka Drought Relief & Rehab. 2 Appeal No. ASSL12

Summary of Appeal Targets, Pledges/Contributions Received and Balance Requested US$ Total Appeal Target(s) 40,953 Less: Pledges/Contr. Recd. 0 Balance Requested from ACT Network 40,953

Please kindly send your contributions to the following ACT bank account:

Account Number - 102539/0.01.061 (USD) Account Name: ACT - Action by Churches Together Banque Edouard Constant Cours de Rive 11 Case postale 3754 1211 Genève 3 SWITZERLAND

Please also inform the Finance Officer Jessie Kgoroeadira (direct tel. +4122/791.60.38, e-mail address [email protected]) of all pledges/contributions and transfers, including funds sent direct to the implementers, now that the Pledge Form is no longer attached to the Appeal.

We would appreciate being informed of any intent to submit applications for EU, USAID and/or other back donor funding and the subsequent results. We thank you in advance for your kind co-operation.

For further information please contact: ACT Director, Thor-Arne Prois (phone +41 22 791 6033 or mobile phone + 41 79 203 6055) or ACT Appeals Officer, Mieke Weeda (phone +41 22 791 6035 or mobile phone +41 79 285 2916)

ACT Web Site address: http://www.act-intl.org

Ms. Geneviève Jacques Thor-Arne Prois Rev. Rudolf Hinz Director Director, ACT Director WCC/Cluster on Relations LWF/World Service

Sri Lanka Drought Relief & Rehab. 3 Appeal No. ASSL12


§ National Christian Council of Sri Lanka (NCC/SL)


The National Christian Council of Sri Lanka has been in existence for approximately forty five years and promotes joint action in many areas of the life and witness of the churches. The Programmes of Peace & Reconciliation, Relief & Rehabilitation, Christian Education, Communication, etc. are some concerns where the Council generally co-ordinates the activities on behalf of all its members. However, the members are also free to initiate activities on their own. The churches and institutions belonging to the members are spread throughout the island and consist of both Sinhala and Tamil congregations.

Since 1983 the Council has been systematically involved in Relief and Rehabilitation work in all affected areas in the country. The Council has a separate unit to implement such work and has served all communities. It is also recognised by the State and has the approval to work in the “un-cleared” areas.

The membership of the National Christian Council of Sri Lanka consists of the following Churches & Institutions.

MEMBER CHURCHES: Ø Church of Ceylon – Diocese of Ø Church of Ceylon – Diocese of Kurunegala Ø Methodist Church of Sri Lanka Ø Sri Lanka Baptist Sangamaya Ø Church of South India Ø Dutch Reformed Church Ø The Salvation Army Ø The Presbytery of Lanka

MEMBER INSTITUTIONS: Ø Young Men’s Christian Association(YMCA) Ø Young Women’s Christian Association(YWCA) Ø Ceylon Bible Society Ø Christian Literature Society(CLS) Ø Student Christian Movement

The drought relief and rehabilitation will be implemented in the Hambantota district in association with the Church of Ceylon – Diocese of Colombo and the Methodist Church situated in the towns of Tangalle and Hambantota. A Programme Co-ordinator from the National Christian Council of Sri Lanka will ensure that the programmes are carried out efficiently & effectively.

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Background Sri Lanka, a country which continues to suffer due to the ethnic conflict, is occasionally hit by natural disasters too. Certain parts of the country have not had any rain for the past 22 months which has resulted in people losing their livelihood and living in miserable conditions.

People have been unable to cultivate crops for a long time and whatever was grown was destroyed by the drought resulting in loss of a basic income which has in turn increased poverty. The worst affected districts are Hambantota, Monaragala & Puttalam while , & Ratnapura, districts are also affected. According to official statistics, 354,000 families are suffering from the devastating drought that prevails in the country. This totals around 1,770,000 persons about 10% of the total population of Sri Lanka.

Current Situation Many in the drought stricken areas barely have one meal a day resulting in increased malnutrition rates and illness. Should this situation continue, thousands of people will soon face starvation. Two NCC/SL of our staff members carried out an assessment mission, meeting the drought victims as well as the priests and government agents in the area.

Impact on Human lives Due to the drought, people have insufficient water even for drinking let alone cooking, washing, sanitation facilities, cultivation etc. This situation has lead to transporting drinking water in bowzers and bottled water from other areas. Hardy crops such as coconut plantations, in the Weeraketiya area, have been completely destroyed due to lack of water. Since most agricultural crops have been destroyed, people have lost their basic means of income and employment. People have been unable to cultivate for almost four main cultivating seasons which has caused many difficulties.

The drought has not only severely undermined the livelihood of the people but has brought it now to a stage where it could lead to possible outbreaks of diarrhoea and cholera. Water supplies from outside sources transported in bowsers intensifies this problem as this water is not purified.

The NCCSL, through its churches situated in the Hambantota district, has already embarked on providing dry rations to affected families and facilitated the supply of water from bowsers in some villages. Details see below.

PROJECT AMOUNT (Rs.) IMPLEMENTED THROUGH NATURE OF WORK 41/01 35,000 NCC Staff Welfare Society Drought Relief 44/01 35,000 Methodist Church DSR Drought Relief 45/01 200,000 Bishop of Colombo Drought Relief 46/01 20,000 Methodist Church, Colombo South Drought Relief Circuit

Sri Lanka Drought Relief & Rehab. 5 Appeal No. ASSL12

Locations for the Proposed Response

DISTRICT SECRETARIAT SELECTED Distance Closest Distance DIVISION VILLAGE from town from the Hambantota closest Town (km) town Hambantota Hambantota Katanwewa 20 Hambantota 20 Hambantota Hambantota Bundala 16 Hambantota 16 Hambantota Hambantota Bellagaswewa 06 Hambantota 06 Hambantota Weeraketiya Kemegala 40 Tangalle 20 Hambantota Weeraketiya Wekedawala 45 Tangalle 25 North

Three villages in the Hambantota Secretariat Division and 2 villages in the Weeraketiya Secretariat Division have been selected, all situated in the Hambantota district. They are approximately 10km from each other.

The villages have been selected for the following reasons: Ø Large scale relief assistance has not reached these villages. Ø The villages are situated in remote areas, therefore access is difficult. Ø Since these villages are small in proportion very often they tend to be left out in the overall large scale programmes. Ø The churches have access to these villages through their relationship with the Temple. Ø Since they are small in proportion they are of a handle able size with regards to the resources available in the local churches and the NCCSL.


The overall goal of the programme is to alleviate the suffering caused by the drought in selected villages where relief does not easily flow and to empower the most vulnerable to regain their self sufficiency.

Objectives § Provide Immediate Food Relief. § To empower those affected to re-cultivate their land once the drought ends. § Create awareness on the causes of drought and encourage tree planting in villages.


NCC/SL has earmarked the following villages in the Hambantota District for assistance, covering the total population as all are affected.


Sri Lanka Drought Relief & Rehab. 6 Appeal No. ASSL12

Bellagaswewa 106 648 75 Kemegala 164 680 91 Wekedawala 135 650 48 North TOTAL 651 3173 434

Criteria used for beneficiary selection Almost all of the above families are engaged in farming. They are mainly small-scale farmers cultivating on land given on permit and some who work for daily wage in bigger agricultural lands. These families were selected because they have lost all means of livelihood and overall relief has not reached these areas for reasons mentioned earlier. These villages were identified through the Government Agents, Grama Sevaka (Village Helper), Churches etc.

Number of villages selected for relief assistance = 5 Total Number of families residing in the selected villages = 651 Total Number of beneficiaries = 3173



Distribution of food commodities Essential dry rations such as rice, flour, sugar, dhal, milk powder etc. amounting to Rs.1,000/= will be provided for 651 selected families (the entire family including men, women & children) for three continuous months (from November 2001 to January 2002). The dry rations will be purchased from Hambantota town & parcelled in the churches and distributed thereafter. Each family will receive a parcel containing the following quantity of items for a month:

* Rice 10kgX Rs.26/= 260 * Flour 5kg X Rs.20/= 100 * Dhal 2kg X Rs.55/= 110 * Sugar 3kg X Rs.36/= 108 * Milk Powder 400g pkts X 2X Rs.119/= 238 * Coconuts 10XRs.10/= 100 * Condiments - Curry powder, Chilly powder etc. 84 TOTAL Rs 1,000


Once the rains set in NCC/SL plans to assist the families by providing some implements towards regaining food security and to create awareness on the causes of drought. This part of the programme will start almost simultaneous with the food distributions as the first rains are expected in November/December.

Distribution of agricultural implements

Sri Lanka Drought Relief & Rehab. 7 Appeal No. ASSL12

Seeds, plants and fertiliser worth Rs 2,000/= will be distributed to each farmer family to re-cultivate their land:

Purchase of seeds/plants 500 Fertiliser 1,500 Total Rs. 2,000

Tree-Planting Project & Awareness Programme To create environmental awareness and engage people in planting trees throughout the village it is planned to provide plants amounting to 200,000 Rs to identified families in the area according to the availability of land. Coconut plants 2,000XRs.75/=each 150,000 Jak plants1,000XRs.50/=each 50,000 Total Rs. 200,000


All Relief and Rehabilitation work will be directly monitored by a committee specially set up for the purpose and based at the NCC/SL office.

All policy decisions will be made by the committee and will be responsible for the overall implementation and monitoring of the project. On the advice of the committee, the General Secretary and the Treasurer of the NCC/SL will be responsible for disbursement of funds, financial control, audit etc. The General Secretary will be assisted by the Administrative cum Programme Assistant of the Relief and Rehabilitation Unit.

The Finance department of the NCC/SL will monitor the disbursement of funds and will be responsible for accounting and audit. The General Secretary will be responsible for the final reporting along with the audit. At the ground level, the church will form a small committee comprising of the Parish Priest, Grama Sevaka, Buddhist Monks in the respective village, a few village heads and the Co-ordinator from NCC, who will manage the programme and ensure the smooth flow of activities.


Crisis phase: November 2001 - January 2002 Post crisis phase: November/December - April 2002


All work done by NCC/SL will be co-ordinated through the divisional secretariat of the Government. The implementing churches are generally members of the NGO consortium in the local town and this enables NCC/SL to co-ordinate and avoid duplication, share resources and co-ordinate among the NGOs.

Sri Lanka Drought Relief & Rehab. 8 Appeal No. ASSL12

At the village level, implementation is done in consultation with the village Grama Sevaka (Village Headman) or the Assistant Government Agent and where possible with the Samurdhi volunteer workers. Discussions to this effect have already been held with the relevant authorities.

See the diagram below.

NCCSL - Government Agent (Head of the District)

Assistant Grama Sevaka(Village headman) Government Agent




Description Type of No. of Unit Budget Budget Unit Units Cost LKR USD

CRISIS PHASE ASSISTANCE Relief Programme for 651 Families Over 3 Months Rice (30 kg per family) Kg 19,530 26 507,780 5,501 Flour (15 kg per family) Kg 9,765 20 195,300 2,116 Dhal (6 kg per family) Kg 3,906 55 214,830 2,328 Sugar (9 kg per family) Kg 5,859 36 210,924 2,285 Milk powder (6 packets per family) Packet 3,906 119 464,814 5,036 Coconuts (30 per family) Number 19,530 10 195,300 2,116 Condiments (curry powder, chili powder) Packet 1,953 84 164,052 1,777 Sub Total 1,953,000 21,159

POST CRISIS ASSISTANCE Food Security and Agricultural Inputs Seeds and plants Family 651 500 325,500 3,527 Fertilizers Family 651 1,500 976,500 10,580 Sub total 1,302,000 14,106

Re-Planting Coconut plants Plant 75 2,000 150,000 1,625 Jak plants Plant 50 1,000 50,000 542 Sub total 200,000 2,167

Total 1,502,000 16,273

Sri Lanka Drought Relief & Rehab. 9 Appeal No. ASSL12

MATERIAL TRANSPORT, STORAGE, WAREHOUSING AND HANDLING Transp. of food inputs: town to villages Village 5 15,000 75,000 813 Transport of fertilizers Village 5 5,000 25,000 271 Transport of plants Trip 10 5,000 50,000 542 Fees for parceling, loading/unloading of food Village 5 6,000 30,000 325 Description Type of No. of Unit Budget Budget Unit Units Cost LKR USD

Fees for parceling, loading/unloading of seeds and fertilizers Village 5 4,000 20,000 217 Sub Total 200,000 2,167

PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATION, OPERATIONS AND SUPPORT COSTS Staff salaries and support Coordinator Month 6 15,000 90,000 975 Staff Travel Local and regional travel Lump sum 25,000 271 Communications Telephone and fax Lump sum 10,000 108 Sub Total 125,000 1,354

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 3,780,000 40,953

BALANCE REQUESTED -3,780,000 -40,953