'l o..1$ 3 Government of Karnataka :. (Revenue Department) FFECE OF THD DEPUTY CONIMISSIONER & IDISTRICT ELECTIO1T OFI|ICEIt, BAGALI(OT Kamtkks (District Office Complex, Navanagar) E-mail: deo.bagalkot@gmail'corn Ph:08354-235091 Fax:08354-235095 0110212019 No. BKT/ELN/CR-6/1 8-19 Date:- Subject:- General Election to Lok-Sabha-20l9 Appointment of Sector Officers-reg ORDER In view of the General Election to the Lok-sabha-2019, the SECTOR OFFICERS in respect of the Assembly Constituencies in Bagalkot district are appointed as below. PS No SI Name and Designation of the Mobile Village Name No Accounts Officer Number Shri D 64,65,66,67,68,69,7 0,7 l, H Alur 9448257647 Mudhol 1 AEE, Minor Irrigation, Mudhol 72,73,75,76 8 1,82,83, Shri Raghavendra Kallimani 7 4,77,7 8,7 9,80, 2 99009769s6 Mudhol AE, MI Offrce Mudhol 84, 85, 98,99,100 Ballur 86,87,88,89,90, 91,92,93, Shri.Sunil 9943590000 Mudhol 3 AE, MI Office Mudhol 94,95, 96,97 ,109,1r0 Shri Shrinivas Chikkur 0 1,102, I 03,1 04,1 05,1 06, 4 9035170730 Mudhol 13,17 4 A. H.O, Horticulture, Mudhol 07, I 08, 1 I 1,1 l2,l AlagundiBK 64,165 Budni BK 66 Shri Mahesh Dandannavar Machakanur 79.1 80 5 99029067s0 S.A.D.H Mudhol Budni KD 78 Bidari 67 Antapur 63 Ingalagi 40,141,142 snrir.Jeu3ar Yadahalli 43,144 6 Asst. Executive Engineer.-ZP 9480851 128 Vaiiaramatti 45,146 Mudhol Marikatti 47 Baragi 48,149 Roogi 30,1 3 1 Gulagaliambagi 50,1 5 i Metagudd 52,153,154,r55 R.G.Nagannavar.
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