Patagonian (Zygochlamys patagonica) Deep Ocean Fishery MSC Certification

Certification Body: Organización Internacional Agropecuaria (OIA)

Notification of Proposed Peer Reviewers

Potential Peer Reviewers for reports on the Patagonian Scallop Fishery have been proposed. They have been approached on the basis of their experience of one or more of the following: the fishery under assessment, fishery management, stock assessment issues and relevant ecosystem interactions.

The names and brief details of each reviewer are provided below. All stakeholder (including the applicant fishery) are now given the opportunity to submit written comments and/or objections to the scientists nominated as potential peer reviewers. Any specific objections should be supported with an explanation of the reason for the objection.

Comments should be forwarded, before 14 October 2005, to Dr. Peter Pottinger, Organización Internacional Agropecuaria as follows:

Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Address : Av. Santa Fe 830 – Acassuso – (B1641ABN) – Buenos Aires

Organización Internacional Agropecuaria (OIA) Av. Santa Fé 830 – Acassuso - (B1641ABN) - Buenos Aires - Argentina Tel./Fax: (54-11) 4798-9084 / 4793-4340 E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] – Web:


Departamento de Biología Birthdate: 29 Agosto 1957 Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales (FCEyN) Birthplace: San Antonio Oeste, RN Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (UNMDP) Citizenship: Argentina Postal address: CC 573 Correo Central, B7600WAG, ARGENTINA Tel. 54 0223 4671855/ cel 54 0223 154239837/8; [email protected]; Education: M.Sc. Fisheries (1987-1990) and Ph.D. Fisheries (1990-1994), School of Fisheries, University of Washington, USA. Research interest: Costal community ecology; Marsh/estuarine ecology; Food webs explored with stable isotopes; Ecosystem engineering by ; Ecological theory; Fisheries ecology; He has also being involved in research on the fisheries and ecology of the Tehuelche scallop Chlamys tehuelchus (1982-1988) and the Patagonian Scallop Zygochlamys patagonica (since 1997). Academic activities: 1989 - 1994. R.A., Crustacean Ecology Laboratory, School of Fisheries, University of Washington, USA; 1991. Consulting. United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Chile; 1995-present. Professor. Department of Biology, FCEyN, UNMDP, Argentina; 2002-present. Independent Researcher. National Council of Scientific Research and Technology (CONICET, Argentina); 2003-present. Director of the Graduate School, FCEyN, UNMDP. Board Membership: Scientific Adviser, International Foundation for Science (IFS) Sweden (2000-present); Jury for Fundacion Bunge y Born National Prize, Argentina (1999); Board Member: National Council of Research and Technology (CONICET) Argentina (1998-2000, 2003-2005), Commission of Scientific Research (CIC), Argentina (2000-2003). Estuaries (2001-present, Assistant Editor). Also consultant in coastal ecology to several organizations, agencies and towns in Argentina. Manuscript, book, and proposal reviewer to many journals, government agencies, private foundations, and panel member in various sections of CONICET and ANPCyT (Argentina). Graduate Students and Post Docs (as chair) Doctoral: J. Timi, A. Bortolus, F. Botto, E. Schwindt, G. Palomo, J. Gutierrez, P. Ribeiro; PostDocs: T. Luppi, C. Bas, J.P. Isacch, B. Lomovasky. In progress: Doctoral: P. Martinetto, M. Escapa, R. Mariano, P. Daleo, M. E. Fanjul, J. Alberti, M. Bruschetti, A. Mendez Casariego, D. Galvan, M. Valiñas; Post Docs: J. Gutierrez, P. Ribeiro, A. Canepuccia. Publications in journals More than 80 publication in indexed (ISI) journal such as Ecology, Marine Biology, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, Bulletin of Marine Sciences, Biological Invasions, Canadian Journal of Fish and Aquatic Sciences, Fisheries Research, Marine Ecology Progress Series, Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Sciences, Journal of Sea Research, Journal of Research, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Estuaries, Journal of the Marine Biological Association (UK), Oecologia, Oikos. Book Chapters (directly related to this theme) Orenzans, J.M., A.M. Parma, O. Iribarne. 1990. Dynamics and management of natural populations. In: Scallop Biology and Aquaculture, S.E. Shumway (Ed.). ELSEVIERE Sc. Publ., pp. 625-713 Iribarne, O., M. Lasta, H. Vacas, A. Parma, M.S. Pascual. 1991. Assessment of abundance, gear efficiency and disturbance in a scallop dredge fishery: results of a depletion experiment. In: An International compendium of Scallop Biology and Culture; S. E. Shumway y P.A. Sandifer (Eds.), WORLD AQUACULTURE. 1: 242-248

Esteves J.L., Ciocco N.F., Colombo J.C., Freije H., Harris G., Iribarne O., Isla I., Nabel P., Pascual M.S., Penchaszadeh P.E., Rivas A. L., Santinelli N. 2000. The Argentine sea: The southeast south American shelf marine ecosystem. (Chapter 48; pp. 105-127) In: SEAS AT THE MILLENIUM. C. Shepard (ed.). ELSEVIERE Sc. Publ. Some Current Research Grants (as PI) Fundación Antorchas, 2004-2006. Boundary Ecosystems. U$S 350,000; 2004; European Commission (2004-2008). Climate variability and ENSO (Peru and Chile): Implications for natural resources and management, CENSOR. Sixth Framework programme priority (FP6-2002-INCO DEV-1). Project amount € 186.961 (Total amount € 3,000,000)


About 22 years experience in marine fisheries and ecological research, with a main focus on invertebrate resources of South America. His dissertation research during the years 1983-1985 (University of Kiel, Germany) focussed on the ecology and population dynamics of the Peruvian scallop purpuratus under the impact of El Niño. About a decade later, Dr. Wolff wrote his habilitation dissertation (University of Bremen, Germany) summarizing much of the research that he had devoted in Chile thereafter, where he had been in charge of the establishment of a fisheries research section at the Universidad Católica del Norte (Coquimbo, Chile) during the period 1986-1991 (being a DAAD-Long term lecturer send by the German Government). This habilitation was entitled: “Life histories and management of selected invertebrates of the Peruvian Upwelling System” and analysed and generalized his research findings on the scallop (Argopecten purpuratus), the crab (Cancer polyodon), the (Octopus mimus) and the false () in Peru and Chile. In more recent years Dr. Wolff has revisited the Peruvian scallop fishery (1998-2000) in the context of a VW-sponsored research project, entitled: “Modelling the ecological and economic impact of the El Niño phenomenon on the multispecies diving fishery in Southern Peru” aimed at looking at the scallop resource in the context of the ecosystem by the use of the trophic modelling approach. Since last year (2004) he is leading a working package of a EU - sponsored research project called CENSOR (Climate Variability and El Niño Southern Oscillation: implications for natural coastal resources and management) aimed at the data integration and modelling of fisheries resources (of Peru and Chile) under the impact of ENSO. In 1998 Dr. Wolff created an International Masters programme called ISATEC (International Studies in Aquatic Tropical Ecology) at Bremen University, which is interdisciplinary, taught in English, and which is mainly dealing with coastal and resource management. He has published about 50 scientific papers, most of them in peer – reviewed international journals and has edited cruise reports and co-edited a recent book on “Ecological and Socioeconomic bases for the resource management of living resources in the national reserve of Paracas, Peru”. Among his most important recent duties are the direction of this ISATEC programme (including teaching of five courses), the above-mentioned direction of the CENSOR – Working package, the direction of a Research cooperation in marine science between the Centre for tropical marine ecology (ZMT, Bremen) and Cuban research institutions (Instituto de Oceanologia, Universidad de Habana, Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras) and the supervision of 10 PhD-students (at the moment). For further inquiries look at the following web addresses: M. Wolff home page: CENSOR- Project: http/


In the late 1980's Dr. DuPaul began his research experience with sea (P. magellanicus) with a preliminary investigation on the relative selectivity of sea scallop dredges equipped with 3" rings and scallop trawls with 3.5" mesh. These investigations led to a study examining the selectivity of scallop trawls with a variety of mesh sizes tested. Eventually regulations were in place to require 5" mesh on scallop trawls. In 1989-1990, he began looking at the selectivity and catch rates of scallop dredges equipped with rings larger than 3" and eliminating various amounts of chaffing gear.

In the early 1990's, Dr. DuPaul began two new research projects on the important biological aspects of sea scallops of importance to scallop management. The first involved a long term and intensive study on the relationship of shell height to meat weight and the implications of geographical distribution, depth, season and reproductive state. This work was followed by studies on the reproductive cycle and fecundity of sea scallops in the mid-Atlantic Region of the US.

In 1994 through 2000 he embarked on a long term study on the selectivity and efficiency of scallop dredges with 3.0", 3.25", 3.5" and 4.0" rings. As a result, a series of regulations were developed to change the ring size on scallop dredges. Currently, the ring size is regulated at 4". Most recently, his research on scallop gear has been on the efforts to reduce finfish bycatch and the gear interactions with protected sea turtles.

In 1998, Dr. DuPaul participated in the development of an industry cooperative survey of scallop resources on Georges Bank. This was followed by a survey of scallop resources in the mid-Atlantic closed areas. Currently, he is conducting a survey on Georges Bank and the mid-Atlantic using both a commercial scallop dredge and the survey dredge used by NMFS. It is probably important to note that in the 1990's, he conducted a survey involving the Patagonian scallop in the Rio de La Plata area which stimulated the interest of US scallop interests. He has also participated in the scallop fishery in Alaska, examining issues of gear selectivity and observer training.

Dr. DuPaul currently serves on the New England Fishery Management Council's Scallop Plan Development Team and is a member of the National Marine Fisheries Service Stock Assessment Workshop, Invertebrate Sub-Committee (Scallops).

In summary, his expertise is in the area of fishing gear selectivity and efficiency, fishing vessel operations and resource surveys. He can barely hold his own (mathematically) in the area of population dynamics.


BSc. in Oceanography (Universidade do Rio Grande – 1991); MSc. in Biological Oceanography (Universidade do Rio Grande - 1993); Doctor in Zoology (Universidade Federal do Paraná – 2001), thesis developed on biology, ecology and fisheries of the scallop Euvola ziczac in the southern Brazilian shelf. Affiliated to the Centro de Ciências Tecnológicas da Terra e do Mar - Universidade do Vale do Itajaí – CTTMar/UNIVALI (Itajaí, SC, Brazil) since 1994. Responsible for the disciplines Benthology (undergraduate program in Oceanography) and Fishing Management (graduate program in Environmental Science and Technology). Main research interests: benthic ecology, population dynamics, stock assessment of demersal and benthic resources, fishery management and fishing statistics. Since 2000 has been deeply involved with technical support and scientific advice to the Brazilian Fishing and Management Authority (Department of Fishing and Aquaculture of the Ministry of Agriculture/MAPA – 2000/2002 – and National Secretary of Aquaculture and Fishery/SEAP/PR – 2003/2005). In this context, has coordinated the Industrial Fishing Statistics Program of Santa Catarina state (main Brazilian fishing harbors) and participated of the monitoring and evaluation of new deep-sea resources harvested along the Brazilian EEZ such as monkfish, red and royal crabs (Geryonidae), aristeid shrimps and other demersal fishes. Member of the Scientific Committee under the Management Committee of the Deep–sea Resources of MAPA (2002) and SEAP/PR (2003/2005). Associate Secretary of the Management Committee (2005). Since 1996 has been responsible by the monitoring, stock assessment and scientific advice for the management of the venerid Anomalocardia brasiliana artisanal fishery at the Pirajubaé Marine Protected Area, Florianópolis/SC and, more recently, is involved in the study of the sea bob shrimp (Xiphopenaeus kroyeri) artisanal fishery in Santa Catarina.