10 Health Benefits of A Treadmill Desk (+Consumer Reports Video)

Out of the many professions throughout the world, about 80% of them are sedentary or involve little to no physical activity. This means that about 55-69% of working adults are down during most of the day.

There is also a large proportion of society that suffers from diseases and conditions such as , asthma, heart disease and failure, , , arthritis, depression, and more.

Click Here To View Additional Stories And Videos On South Florida Reporter Through hundreds of diverse studies, a link has been established between large amounts of sitting and the development of nearly every health issue. It was also discovered that those who sit down while they work, but have frequent breaks throughout the day had lower health risks .

These breaks consisted of simple yet physical activity such as around the company building or a large room within it. If these minimal acts of exercise could lower health risks, what would happen if you did more?

Everyone has their excuse not to exercise, the most common being is that they don’t have time. This is where the treadmill desk comes in.

The beauty of the treadmill desk is that it disregards the lack-of-time excuse by providing you the opportunity to exercise while working. It can also be used while performing effortless yet tedious tasks such as paying bills, reading, watching television, or talking on the phone.

In addition, as treadmill desks are mainly used inside, the excuse of bad weather would also be used in vain.

These desks are best suited for those working at home or in an office environment where the required duties involve computer operations, telephone interactions, and administrative tasks, all of which have been performed while the employees are sitting down.

The list of benefits of this piece of equipment is an extensive one as it allows workers and other users to be just as productive as they were without it, but now more healthy because of it.

Continue readingContinue reading [Consumer Reports rated treadmill desks in the November 2013 issue. Following is a video report)

By JenReviews, excerpt posted on SouthFloridaReporter.com, May 25, 2017

Video from Consumer Reports originally published November 2013