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Councillor J. Saltmarsh Councillor L. White Chairman Vice Chairman Councillor K. Wilkin (Bicknacre Ward) (Bicknacre Ward) (Bicknacre Ward) 01245 224975 01245 – 321054 01245-223417 [email protected] [email protected] kenwil- [email protected]

Councillor G. Blackshaw Councillor S. Sinclair Councillor A. Mair (Bicknacre Ward) ( Ward) (Bicknacre Ward) 07887 597013 01245 225351 01245 222232 [email protected] [email protected]

Councillor Ray Blanks Cllr. M. Vail (Woodham 01245 632798 Cllr. C. Amos (Bicknacre Ward Ferrers) Raymond Blanks (Woodham Ferrers Ward) If you wish to raise a matter formally to the Council to consider we would ask that you write directly to the Parish Clerk:

Mrs. Karen Kuderovitch, c/o Woodham Ferrers Village Hall, Main Road, Woodham Ferrers, CM3 8RW Phone 01245 328988 (Mon – Weds 9.00am – 3.30pm—by appointment only) e-mail: [email protected] 3 www.wfandbpc.org.uk

Councillor June Saltmarsh

I am very pleased to report that we are now once again a full Council with the addition of two new Councillors:

Cllr. Martin Vail (Woodham Ferrers) and Cllr. Cathy Amos . (Bicknacre). We are looking forward to working with them over the next four years.

I would like to take the opportunity in thanking the existing seven Councillors who have had to deal with the Parish Council business during the past few months.

Updates: St Mary’s proposed closure – awaiting outcome – maintaining contact with Essex Education and local residents.

Essex Police Initiatives—one of our younger residents has applied for the role as a Community Special – awaiting the outcome of the rather protracted recruitment process.

The Parish Council and two involved residents met with a representative from the Community Policing Team regarding Anti-Social Behaviour are increasing their presence within local communities where anti-social behaviour takes place. They can only react to reported incidences of this type of nuisance and we are working with people / groups within the community to ensure that incidents DO get reported via 101 or on-line.

We also raised the problem regarding speeding throughout the Parish. The Parish Council and the Speedwatch Group have spent 2/3 years in discussion with ECC Highways and the Police Safety Partnership to try and curb speeding drivers through the village. As a result, we now have 5 new Village Gateways throughout the Parish.

Friends of Priory Field continue their dedicated management of Priory Fields for the benefit of the residents and other groups who visit the area. In recognition of this they were awarded the Green Flag Award for 8th year running. Our congratulations to them.

We managed to get a ‘Merit’ rating in the recently RCCE Village of the Year Competition. Thanks again to FoPF for their involvement and also special thanks to the Priory School Ambassadors from Year 6 who met with the RCCE Judge on the day of the inspection. Well done.

4 www.wfandbpc.org.uk

Planning is always a significant feature of our monthly meetings and none more so that recently. The PC held an Extra-Ordinary Planning Meeting covering two Plan- ning Applications which needed urgent attention. Timing is critical within the Planning Process. The Parish Council can only submit comments within the CCC Planning dates at a properly convened meeting and this seems to be the very time when some Applications are submitted some Planning Applications. Karen Kuderovitch Parish Clerk

The Parish Council is coming our of summer recess although this year the Coun- cillors & myself were called upon for an Extraordinary Parish Council meeting on 7th August 2019 relating to Planning which was attended by 30 residents who were grateful to the Parish Council for arranging the meeting and ensuing they did not miss the opportunity to share their views. An example of how we go above and beyond our expected duties.

The Parish Council were delighted to receive the news that we had received merit award in the Rural Community Council of Essex, Village of the Year Competition.

Rural council director Nick Shuttleworth said: “Throughout Essex, villages of all sizes provide a range of clubs, events and activities for all sections of the commu- nity.

“Many are working hard to safeguard key services, improve amenities such as vil- lage halls and reduce loneliness and social isolation.

“Essex Village of the Year is all about rewarding and celebrating such community initiative and enterprise.

“It highlights the very best of rural Essex.”

Our thanks to the Friends of Priory Fields who showcased Priory fields to the judge, Priory Primary School whose 2 Uear6 students also engaged with the judge. Further thanks to all those residents and community groups who take an active role in making Bicknacre a better place to live by giving up their free time voluntarily.

5 www.wfandbpc.org.uk

You will have noticed that the new overflow parking project has been finished at Bicknacre Playing Fields.

This item has been on the Parish Council Agendas since January 2016. At the outset the potential future users were identified as: the Bicknacre Village Hall, Priory School, the Pre-School , Danbury and Bicknacre Football Club and of course Friends of Priory Fields specifically as an overflow Car Park on agreed occasions (i.e. not exclusively to any one group / organisation).

In January 2018 the topic finally reached the time when consultation with potential users was required. During then and now the Parish Council has consulted those who might be involved to gain their views/support.

Based on the favourable responses received, the project was approved by the Parish Council in June 2019 - three years on from the original idea was muted. The wheels were put in motion to get the job done and advise residents accordingly.

Essex County Council (ECC) does not typically make provision for parents/carers to park on school sites for general dropping off and picking up of children. Fortu- nately, the Parish Council does provide this additional parking area which is of great benefit during School Terms and all other users of the Bicknacre Playing Field throughout the year.

It is not the responsibility of the Parish Council to provide additional school parking and we apologise if some residents were under the impression this would be the case.

B1418— representations have been made to Essex County Council regarding the disappointing deterioration of the road at the bottom of the hill towards . This was only resurfaced last year, and we have been ad- vised by ECC an inspection will take place in September.

Plans for a multi-gym in both village are still on the Agenda—I will be looking for funding opportunities for this equipment in the next couple of months.

You will have noticed the new village gateways which took many years of pursu- ing to finally see them in place. We hope to soon see additional signage to try and encourage slower driving.

We have also installed a new bench at Bicknacre Playing Fields and we hope this provides a restful place for residents.

Bicknacre Village Green is looking wonderful thanks to our Gardener and we have received many compliments from residents which is good.

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The Enchanted Cinema originally booked for Friday 6th September sadly had to be cancelled as only a few tickets were sold, which was a big difference to the one in May where over 200 people attended. On reflection ,perhaps the timing was not good so we have luckily not lost our deposit and we will be running one indoor in December and will be a family show so please look out for it soon and book tickets quickly.You are always welcome to come along and speak to us at our meetings, there is always a public session at the beginning. From September 2019—March 2020 we change location to the School Room, Woodham Ferrers.

Car Boot Sale—we are hoping to run one on Saturday 26th October at Bicknacre Car Park & the Priory School Car Park. We are in the process of finalising the details. Please look out for this also on the web/facebook/notice boards of how to book your pitch and have a de-clutter and make some money. If it is successful we can run more.

Anti-social behaviour—in various locations in both Bicknacre & Woodham Ferrers we are receiving reports of issues. Particular problems are at Priory Playing Fields, The Hooe & Lodge Road Playing Fields. We have met with Essex Police and we have to build a case. If anyone witnesses anything please please report it, otherwise we cannot pursue. Easiest way is on line :

www.essex.police.uk/do -it-online/report-a-crime/

Cllr. Blackshaw is currently looking into ways we can communicate our news faster with the possibility of a village app. We hope to have more news on this soon.

You will hopefully soon see a new bus shelter provided by Essex County Council free of charge in Woodham Ferrers.

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Chelmsford City Councillor Richard Poulter

The City Council is proceeding with its programme to adopt the Local Plan. This will be the principal planning document and will guide applications for the period to 2036. The only change made by the incoming Liberal De mocrat administration was to withdraw the John Shennan field in Lodge. This was scheduled for building about 200 homes including 70 affordable homes. It is now to become a local open space. A further consultation is now under way relating solely to changes to the proposed plan as suggested by the Inspector. They have no material impact on our villages and no changes to the green belt or defined settlement boundaries. They do not propose any changes to sites selected for building. They do involve changes or insertions or changes to text that are essential to enable the Plan to be adopted. Adoption of the Plan is now expected at the end of this year. As Cllr Grundy states in his article Government approval has been obtained to develop a railway station at . One of the c conditions on the grant is that completion of the station must be no later than 2024/5. The number of houses to be built under the local plan is not affected by the railway station at this stage but it may be a catalyst for further future development.

Open Reach has selected as one of 36 new locations to get ultra fast broadband. This involves fibre to the premises. The timescale is twelve months. I am seeking information as to the geographical extent of ‘Chelmsford’. I am hoping it includes the whole administration area including our villages and is not just confined to the city centre.

The main talking point within the village is the mural on the side of the Brewers Arms. The question is whether this requires planning consent. If it is just decoration it does not but if it is classed as an advertisement then consent is required. The planning departments view is that it counts as an advertisement but this could be open to challenge. I am hoping that an amicable settlement can be reached.

My next ward surgeries are in the Pitman room at Bicknacre Village Hall on Saturdays 7th September and 5th October between 10 and 11a.m. All are welcome. No appointment is necessary. I look forward to seeing you. I am also willing to visit local residents and businesses to discuss local issues. Just send me an email or give me a ring to make arrangements.

[email protected] 01245 223743

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Essex County Council Councillor Ian Grundy

There has been a lot of talk about reducing plastic and indeed the Govern- ment launched a " New Resources Waste Strategy " document at the end of last year - all aimed to eliminate waste of all kinds including plastic. ECC is doing its part - we have a specialist team to remove single use plastic from County Hall and we are working closely with Chelmsford City Council to do the same in the Business Improvement District which is home to more than 400 local and national businesses. Once this has been established we will roll out the programme across the county.

Just to add we have also set up a working group to improve Air Quality in the county.

The Army and Navy Flyover is again closed with one of its main structures badly damaged by the recent heat. Engineers are assessing what can be done but meanwhile traffic in the rush hour around that area is challenging to say the least. Negotiations are ongoing with the Ministry of Transport to agree a scheme and find the funding but I fear this will drag on for sometime before a decision is made. On the brighter side we have told that £218m is going to be made available to fund the new railway station at Beaulieu Park and develop the North East Chelmsford By Pass - once these schemes are completed traffic flows in Chelmsford should greatly improve.

Next year the Council will be launching a programme of events to celebrate Essex's history as a home to arts and sciences of all kinds - there will be things for all the family up and down the county, throughout the year, and I look forward to providing more information as we get closer to 2020 itself.

As always if you have an issue please contact me.

Ian Grundy

Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01277 840737

9 www.wfandbpc.org.uk

Well we have got our Green Flag for the 9th successive year! We are still waiting for the results form to see our marks and will put them on our website/Face Book page once re- ceived. We erected a Flagpole 2 work parties ago as we keep winning a Flag and had no- where to put it, I don’t know what we would have put on the pole if we had failed to get the Flag this year?

We keep hearing people say “Where are Priory Fields and where is the Priory Arch?” Sometimes this is from people who have lived in Bicknacre for a year or two? Apparently many people drive into the Memorial Hall car park, see the playing fields and think “This must be Priory Fields?”

Priory Fields starts from the far side of the Football fields, “Look out for the Flag pole”. To assist people in finding the fields and Arch we have now placed signs below the Priory Fields notice board in the car park and at the field’s entrance near the Flagpole. If you visit the fields and have a dog, please clear up after it. 6 bins are provided and please don’t put it in the open litter bins as it’s not pleasant to empty a bin full of Fly mag- gots. Please tie the bag and put it in the dog bins.

The hay has been cut and removed by our friend Alan Sheldrake. It was a little later this year as haymaking is very weather dependent, but this did give the Butterflies a bit more time to take advantage of the crop and gave the many wild flowers a little longer to seed. This time of the year involves a lot of Bramble trimming as they tend to grow across paths or hang from trees. We try very hard to keep as many Blackberries as possible. Lots of watering is being done, especially to the Apple trees in the orchard. As this in- volves an electric water pump, petrol generator and trailer with barrels on, it’s very labour intensive. We have to pump from the deeper spots in the brook, fill the barrels and transport to the watering site then pump the water to the trees. It would be nice to have a water tap nearby but the cost would be prohibitive.

We have been advertising the Picnic area for use for children’s parties, its Free and the benches are there for your use! All we ask is that there is no damage, the place left tidy and normal health and safety rules are applied. Contact us on our website:

www.prioryfields.org.uk or ring 01245 222887

The Friends committee welcomes Nick Rosam who has regularly attended our meetings and has made a fine job of repairing our small tractor engine. Now he’s on the committee we’ll find him something else to do! Don’t forget if you would like to help on a work party join us from 9.30am the 2nd Sat/ Sun of every month stay as long as you like. Or if you would like to suggest any changes/ improvements to the fields come to a meeting at the Memorial Hall 7.45pm every 2nd Thurs in the month. You would be welcome at both.

web: prioryfields.org.uk email: [email protected] facebook: Friends of Priory Fields

Secretary: David Oxley Goody, Tel 01245 222887

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Chelmsford Community Transport is your friendly door-to-door affordable and accessible transport throughout Chelmsford. With lifts for wheelchairs or scooters we can help anyone to reach their destination safely and comfortably.

We operate Monday to Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm and do not open on Bank Holi- days. We require at least 48 hours’ notice for bookings. Bookings are subject to available transport so it does help us if you can be flexible with your travel plans.

Annual membership to access our services is £1 per month (£12 paid on joining & each year after). Couples membership is £15 per year. The membership fee covers our office and maintenance costs. Services To register please call or email and we will send you an application form to assess your travel needs. This means we can tailor our transport just for you!

Dial-a-Ride uses one of our five mini-buses throughout Chelmsford for your door-to -door transport needs. From April 2017 everyone with a valid bus pass can travel for free on our Dial-a-Ride buses anywhere in Chelmsford including to Broomfield Hospital. Our drivers are friendly and helpful and will pick you up from your door-step!

Our team of volunteer car drivers can transport you to any Chelmsford Parish for a small fare depending on how far you travel. Bus passes cannot be accepted on car journeys. Our volunteers are the driving force behind our charity and many find it extremely rewarding.

Perhaps you’re a group of friends who’d like to go on a day trip? We take groups to places like Southend-on-Sea or Perrywoods Garden Centre. Let us know if you’d like to hire the mini-bus with one of our friendly drivers. Registration is free and you only pay for the mileage you use (minimum payment £25) - split amongst your friends it wouldn’t work out too costly!

We’re here to make life a little bit easier. Give us a call and book your trip now! If you would like more information or would like to volunteer please contact us on 01245 477789 Community Transport Bookings – 01245 477750 Email – [email protected] www.chelmsfordct.org

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As I’m sure many of you that drive through Bicknacre will now be aware of the refurbishment and closure of the Brewers arms pub. Peter and Karen Brown who had been at the pub for approximately 20 years their family for many more years decided to retire and put the pub on the market. There was a risk that local developers would buy the pub and develop into houses and therefore follow the national trend of yet another village pub being a memory as is happening up and down the country.

Luckily for the villagers of Bicknacre and the surrounding areas Benjamin Davies who was a chef at the Lion inn at Boreham was getting fed up with working for someone else and decided to take on the old Brewers and create a brand new restaurant. This has meant totally refurbishing the pub, create a new beer garden and put the Drunken Dragon/ Brewers arms on the map not only for the enjoyment for the villagers but other people from the surrounding areas.

Ben who is 25 got into the catering industry fairly late in life after trying his hand in building, entertainment, & retailing, Men’s clothes. One day he came home and said to his mum and dad he wanted to get into catering and was quite prepared to start at the bottom as a kitchen porter and then work his way up. He started off as a kitchen porter at Cotes in Chelmsford and then suddenly when the pastry and desert chef did not show one Sunday he was asked to help create deserts and since then has never looked back. After Cotes he then went on to learn how OPENS 13TH to be a chef at Sandbanks in Leigh on sea as an apprentice and then went on to OR 14TH the Lion where he was one of the successful team of this very busy restaurant/ SEPT! hotel. Ben’s parents David & Michelle who work in the entertainment and sports industry were only too happy to assist their son however David has now remarked that at the moment it seems to have taken over their lives.

The mural of the Dragon certainly caused a lot of controversy in and around Bicknacre, however David who has worked for a number of years in public rela- tions with a number of Entertainment & Sports stars said it’s been a great publici- ty stunt with coverage on the BBC main website, interview with the local papers and radio. When Frank Bruno one of David’s client’s joined in the discussion on his social media the story went worldwide. David said “irrespective of liking or disliking the picture of the Dragon we want people to come and visit the pub, experience the food in the restaurant and socialise in the beer garden. We would like to be the hub of activity in the area and we look forward to welcoming any clubs or organisations for either private parties or maybe their Christmas works outing.

Ben’s style of food will be Mediterranean themed, however he is fully aware that price wise it’s got to be fairly flexible with bar snacks, & a traditional Sunday lunch. Ben wants to try some of his culinary skills with themed nights, taster menus, wine tasting evenings etc. David has put together a wine list which hopefully any sommelier will be proud of with a selection of good quality wines from International wine growers and a few of the old favourites. 14 www.wfandbpc.org.uk

He’s particularly complementary about the red house wine and recently did a blind tasting and it was the favourite of a number of diners. For those people that want to splash out on better quality wines and champagnes there will also be a selection for those discerning drinkers. When asked about where the Drunken Dragon came from Ben replied “there’s hundreds of Brewers Arms in and around the country and I wanted to create a name, something totally different”. “Due to our Welsh heritage my grandad who was a great influence in my life was an ardent proud Welshman, who loved his rugby, his beer and everything Welsh”. So really the name was conjured up in honour of Ben’s Grandad who sadly passed away in 2015 and would be very proud of his grandson with the opening of this venue. The delay in opening has been for a number of reasons.

It’s been very stressful when the electricity company turned up to upgrade the meter they brought the wrong one with them which has delayed everything by about three weeks and it would be fair to say the budget that we have set aside for the refurbishment has been far exceeded but we really hope that the locals will pay us a visit and enjoy the hospitality.

When asked how the pub will run, Ben and David said “we want the restaurant to be really independent from the pub and hopefully diners will also want to have a OPENS 13TH drink before and after their meal in the pub”. The TVs have been removed alt- OR 14TH hough David has said “that for special occasions we have organised the wiring so SEPT! those screens can go back up. Let’s look forward to an v Wales Rugby world Cup final”. We are not intending the venue to be a weekly disco or a karao- ke pub. We are not averse to having some entertainment. Ben particularly likes the idea of a good meal followed by a cabaret or an entertainer. There are still de- cisions to be made about Christmas party nights but the pub will be open for Christmas lunch, boxing day and early decisions are still to be confirmed about a Gala dinner for New year’s eve.

David who spent the first 30 years of his life as an entertainer said that we might be able to have a disco over the Christmas period or maybe New Year’s Eve but really we just want to meet the locals and see if we can gage the sort of interest of people in the area. The Drunken Dragon and Brewers arms have taken on a number of additional staff concentrating on those who lived local in the area as a first choice for a number of the vacancies.

Ben said “In the next few months there are plenty of activities that have been planned but let’s just get the pub and restaurant trading and hopefully we will have good weather in the autumn so people can also experience the beer gar- den”. The Dragon on the side of the pub will this stay or not? David said “We are in consultation at the moment with the planning team at Chelmsford Council. We have called it the Dragon Duncan now and it would be a shame if he has to go; however we want to get along with the locals as well as the planning department, so watch this space”.

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Bicknacre Friendship Club


When I was a child, growing up in the east end of London, neighbours were part of life. They did not ‘ poke their noses in where they were not wanted’, nor did they ‘meddle’ or ‘dream of telling you what you should or should not do’. They were just there...... precious.

Helping if needed, busying in their own life and troubles, but never bothered you with their problems.

Nobody, ‘aired their dirty linen in public’.....nobody talked about their successes – it would have been seen as boasting and frowned upon as others might not be so lucky.

They were just there, looking out for each other. Special, helpful if needed and supporting others around them. Nobody had to struggle to ‘do it on their own’. In times of trouble or need – you could turn to them and know they would help – with- out question or expecting ‘ payback’.

They were the inner strength of your community – as was you – if you were need- ed. The Community family. Where has that gone ? The Internet, facebook, emails will NEVER, never replace that. Are we going to just let that valuable unspoken kindness and spirit disappear ? Vanish / Gone ! Cyber communication is wonderful but can never replace pure human unselfish interaction, kindness and understanding. Are people really becoming so selfish they only care about themselves and their family ? I don’t believe it – people I talk to still care. They care so much they are sad that the wonderful new cyber community seem to be forgetting what it’s like to genuinely, really care and what it should be like to be a neighbour and friend.

That valuable spirit that is worth more than money can buy or technology replace. It’s up to us to fight to make sure those old values do not disappear into cyber space...... or, come to that, good old fashioned manners, consideration for other peoples feelings and support for our own community......

Bicknacre Friendship Club – your young over 55s community

17 www.wfandbpc.org.uk

Bicknacre Friendship Club

Lunch at The Brewers Arms, BIcknacre at 12.30 on first Monday of each month. Special Meal of the Day £ 5.95. Desert £2.95. Or anything off the menu, at menu price. Ring Brewers to book 01245 224061 Quote Lunch Club

Afternoon Tea at The Chapel School Room Cafe. Woodham Ferrers At 2.00 pm 3rd Wednesday of each month. Cost : You just pay for whatever you want to eat and drink. No other charge. Ring Molly on 01245 225595

Learn to Play Bridge at Bicknacre Village Hall, Every Monday evening at 7.30pm . £2.50 for 3 hours including tea, coffee & re- freshments Ring Martin to reserve your place 01245 225595

Bicknacre Friendship Club - Your young over 55s community

There are no fees to join or annual fees.

For further details about the club ring Sandy 01245 225351 or 07815952064

18 www.wfandbpc.org.uk


Residents may have been wonder- ing why the village hall has been closed.

The reason for this was because we arranged for the hall to be redecorated together with a large amount of replumbing work, some pipework even being original !

Whilst not completely refurbished yet we do hope our hirers will be pleased.

As soon as sufficient funds have been rebuilt we will continue to change and upgrade areas.

Many enquiries have recently been received from potential hirers wishing to use the hall for various activities and clubs, including more children’s parties. Further information is available on the village hall website : www.wfvh.org.uk, which includes our on-line booking service; this service has now been in use for 2 years and has received very favourable comments. You can also telephone our village hall mobile : 07906 587414 and ask for Elaine or Mel. Thank you.



 Any issue on or around a road or pavement, such as potholes, streetlights, traffic lights, over- grown trees

 use a reference number or search a location for status updates on existing issues

 information on major works, blue badges and applications

 Highways Information Map, Roadworks and latest traffic news

 Bus passes, Park and Ride, Timetable information or changes

 Information about grass and vegetation issues

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Christmas—a wide range of flowers & gifts

Bouquets For Birthdays, Anniversaries & Special Occasions

Sympathy & Funeral flowers

Fresh Flowers made to your personal requirements

Eden Florists Eden Florists 2 White Elm Garden Centre Kings Head Centre White Elm road High Street Bicknacre Maldon CM3 4LR CM9 5PN 01245 223362 01621 857074

24 www.wfandbpc.org.uk


Newsagents—daily paper delivery Bill payments (Electricity, Gas, Council Tax) Mobile Phone Top Ups, Mail Order, Dry Cleaning Charging of Electricity & Gas Keys from 6am—8pm Free Cash Withdrawals (most banks) National Lottery Extensive range of grocery items Fresh bread, rolls & sandwiches


25 www.wfandbpc.org.uk

26 www.wfandbpc.org.uk

27 www.wfandbpc.org.uk


We are a professional, local family business carrying out all aspects of tree work to a very high standard.

 Tree reduction, pruning or felling

 Conifer/hedge cutting or shaping

 Stump Grinding

 Site Clearance / Planting

 Fully qualified and insured

 Local Authority approved

Please call for a free estimate: 01245 403 009 or 07811 241 605

Seasoned Logs for sale

Seasoned logs for sale

28 www.wfandbpc.org.uk

29 www.wfandbpc.org.uk

30 www.wfandbpc.org.uk

10 year manufacturer warranties now available on new oil boilers and 15 year manufacturer warranties available on gas boilers

31 www.wfandbpc.org.uk

32 www.wfandbpc.org.uk

The key role of public information Information is the life-blood of many criminal investigations. It is often the process of piecing this together which leads to arrests and convictions.

With limited police resources to cover rural locations, increasing the quantity and quality of information received from the Nottinghamshire public will lead to more arrests, charges and convictions.

Underreporting rural crime means that it can be underestimated, and there- fore not prioritised or sufficiently resourced.

Telephone calls to Crimestoppers are not recorded and phone numbers are not recorded or tracked. The online form is also totally anonymous, with no recording or tracking of internet sources.

So there is no way criminals can find out who has passed on information about them.


THURSDAY 3.30PM—7.30PM FRIDAY 3.30—7.30PM



33 www.wfandbpc.org.uk

Priory Primary School Miss R Plunkett 01245 225450

St Mary’s C of E Primary School Ms. L. Pigram 01245 320505

Bicknacre Pre-School Mrs J Haggar 07887 920334

Woodham Ferrers Congregational Eric Fenwick 01702 551950 Church

Friends of Priory Fields Dave Oxley-Goody 01245 222887

Woodham Ferrers Village Hall 07906 587414

Bicknacre Memorial Village Hall Linden Rosam 07999 536751

Brownies Laura

First Responders Gordon Wren 01245 224309

Jesters Kid’s Club Mrs A Doherty 01245 225899

Cub Scouts Chris McCann 07583 144555

Bicknacre Friendship Club Sandy Sinclair 01245 225351

Scout Group Leader Craig Cobb 07942 887200

Scout Leader Amanda Chinery 07581 350789

Guides [email protected]

Beaver Scouts Rebecca Hull 07779 194042

Woodham Ferrers WI Mrs Kay Hull 01621 850056

Village Agent John Peart 07540720611 Doctor Dr Sai Sankar 01245 224253

Church & Hawes Estate Agent 01245 225853

Woodham Ferrers Bridge Club Mr A Brabant 01245 320037

Chelmsford City Council Main Switchboard 01245 606606

Essex County Council Main Switchboard 0845 743 0430

Essex Police (Non-Emergency) 0300 333 4444 Or 101

34 www.wfandbpc.org.uk

Wyncroft Surgery Opening times

Wyncroft Surgery Practice Information Leaflet OUR MOTTO – UNIVERSAL HEALTH A guide to the services provided for patients

3 Priory Road, Bicknacre Essex CM3 4EY Telephone/Fax- 01245 224253 For more information please visit- www.wyncroftsurgery.co.uk

The Practice Staff Doctors Dr N Sai Sankar MBBS, MRCGP, FRCS, DRCOG, DFFP (Male Doctor) Dr PV Rashmi MBBS, MRCGP, DRCOG, DFSRH, DCH (Female Doctor) Practice Support Staff Practice Nurse: Mrs Diane Beaver Practice Manager: Mrs Bharathi Sai Sankar Receptionists: Mrs Beverley Hardcastle Mrs Fiona Young Mrs Julie Taylor Dispensary Staff: Ms Janice Francis Mrs Jan Rothwell Practice Secretary: Mrs Karen Rayner Healthcare Assistant: Mrs Isobel Bengtson

Midwife: Mrs Lina Kerbelyte Home Visits If you are too ill to travel to the surgery, please contact the surgery reception before 10:30am. Repeat Prescriptions Patients on regular treatment can request their medications by sending in the Counterpart (White part) of the prescription to the surgery. Please allow 2

35 www.wfandbpc.org.uk

Please note: ID proof required for Controlled Drug collection. For Prescription fee exemption – ID proof required such as (Pre-Payment Card, Medical Exemption card and Maternity Exemption Card). Dispensary Dispensary services are available during the surgery opening hours. We would appreciate if patients can collect the medications after 9.00 am. Emergencies For Medical emergencies please dial 999. For Medical advice please dial 111.

We hope the services provided are efficient and relevant to your needs. Should you have any suggestions for improvements, we welcome you to share them with us. Please fill out Friends and Family test card which can be obtained from reception or via the surgery website.

The information you provide will be kept strictly confidential in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998).

The Surgery takes all positive and constructive comments, suggestions and Complaints very seriously. Our aim is to provide the highest possible standard of service and we try to deal efficiently with any problems that may occur. If you have any concern - please speak or write to Practice Manager. We will acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days and reply within 10 working days.

Wyncroft Surgery offers following online services –Booking of Appointments, Ordering of Repeat prescription, access to Summary Care Record and access to Medical Record. Please speak to reception staff for further details.

Health Visitor, District Nurse and Community Matron Services are available for the patients. Please contact reception for further information. Wyncroft Surgery Opening times By appointment only Please phone 01245 224253 during opening times. Monday 8:00 to 19:00 Dr P V Rashmi Valsala Tuesday 8:00 to 18:30 Wednesday 8:00 to 18:30 (No routine clinical session in the afternoon) Thursday 8:00 to 19:00 Friday 8:00 to 18.30 Saturday Closed Sunday Closed The surgery is accessible by wheelchair. There is an on-site car park.

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Clinics & Services Ante-natal and Maternity Care (in-house Midwife Clinics) Family Planning including the fitting of coil and Implants Cervical Smears Childhood Immunisations Minor Surgery And Joint Injections Travel Vaccinations INR for patients on Warfarin Chronic Disease Management: including Diabetes, Ischaemic Heart Dis- ease, Hypertension, Asthma, COPD and Mental Health. Phlebotomy Services Dispensing of medicines: for patients living more than 1.6 miles from a chemist. Blood and Test Results Please phone reception after 2pm for the above results. If you are asked to provide a specimen please bring these to the surgery before 10.30am.

Clinical Session Times Dr N Sai Sankar


Monday 09:00 – 12:00 16:40 – 19:00

Tuesday – 16:00 – 18:30 Last Tuesday of Month only

Wednesday 09:00 – 12:00 –

Thursday 09:00 – 12:00 16:40 – 19:00

Friday 09:00 – 12:00 16:00 – 18:30

Dr P V Rashmi Valsala


Tuesday 09:00 – 12:00 16:00 – 18:00 Except last Tuesday of the Month

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Practice Nurse Mrs Diane Beaver


Monday 08:30 – 13:00 16:00 – 19:00

Tuesday 08:30 – 13:00 -

Wednesday 08:30 – 13:00 –

Thursday 08:30 – 13:00 16:00 – 19:00 - Friday 08:30 – 13:00

Midwife clinics are on alternate Tuesday PM.

Essex Service Changes September

1st 2019



36/36A/36B - Chelmsford to South Woodham Ferrers - Revised Monday to Friday and Saturday timetables, with improved local connections within South Woodham Ferrers to the local health centre.

The service will operate via Broughton Road throughout the late afternoon / early evening on Monday to Friday. Occasional journeys, numbered as 36A, divert via the western section of Inchbonnie Road.

One early evening journey to Chelmsford omits Baddow Road numbered as 36B.

The Saturday early evening timetable is revised.

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The School Room at The Chapel Main Road Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RN

The Cafe is open every Tuesday and Wednesday from 10:00am. We serve light snacks and yummy cake!

We have lots going on!

Over the next month we will be collecting for Mission Romania Shoe box appeal. This is run by the Salvation Army Wickford and Southend. A small team go out each year to deliver the Shoeboxes to specific families in need. We will be collecting all the usual Shoe box fillers . Sweets, toothbrushes, toothpaste, cuddly toys (small with labels) small toys, flan- nels, hat, scarves and gloves. We have a box in The School Room.

We continue to welcome our Community Police Officers into the cafe for Coffee with a Cop . This months date will be on Facebook.

The School Room Shed - Gardening Project, whilst the weather is good we will be tidying outside area and on wet days we will have inside activi- ties. All very welcome.

Little Lambs Toddler group is on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday.

On 1st Wednesday we have soft play provided by Safari Tots. We continue to hire the equipment in each month so we really appreciate any donations you give towards this.

On 3rd Wednesday we will have craft and various toys for the children to play with alongside their parents/carers. This will run all day . If anyone has any builder trays they no longer need I would be very happy to find a home for them. Both Toddler sessions run from 9am.

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Every Wednesday at 1:30 we have our Well Being Wednesday Walk we walk for around an hour and finish with a cuppa and cake.

Foodbank- There is a Foodbank in South Woodham Ferrers every Wednesday between 10-12pm. If this is something you need to access please message me as I have Foodbank vouchers. If getting there is an issue please let me know and I will see what I can do to help.

We continue to collect for the Foodbank so please pop any donations into us and we will arrange for them to be dropped off.

Cafe Church- 1st Sunday of the month from 3pm. This is for all ages, it’s an informal afternoon as we think about what faith might mean to us. We finish with refreshments. THIS MONTH IS HARVEST

Going Deeper 3rd Sunday at 3pm an afternoon gathering where we share communion together. All are very welcome. We finish with refreshments.

We would love to see you, any questions please message me. I am always in the cafe and I am very happy to chat!!! We have lots going on and we post each week on our Facebook page.

Every Blessing


Community Pastor

[email protected] 07969484153 Facebook The School Room at Woodham Ferrers

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